Unusual gifts for guests at a wedding. Gifts for guests at a wedding from newlyweds: interesting ideas and tips. There are also universal gifts for guests.

Saying "Thank you" is good and right. It is especially pleasant when the newlyweds say thank you at the wedding to their guests through cute gifts and bonbonnieres.

So, 46 ​​options and ideas for presenting your guests. For convenience, I have divided the gifts into several groups.

Edible gifts for guests

1. Bonbonnieres (from the French bonbon) in boxes / bags / sachets / packages ...

2. Chocolates, branded with your wedding date / photo / inscriptions or simply in a color palette or wedding theme.

3. Homemade marshmallows / meringues / cookies from grandma / mom / bride / bridesmaids.

4. Painted gingerbread, made especially for your wedding, or marmalade / marshmallow in a certain shape.

6. Gingerbread from your beloved city, candy from a shop checked by the bride, national sweets with a long freshness from the homeland of the spouses.

7. Small bottles of wine / champagne / spirits or vice versa non-alcoholic with a sign "In the morning".

8. Packing of good olives / a small bottle of olive oil / sun-dried tomatoes / original seasonings / spices with handwritten notes "We are waiting for an invitation to pasta" or "For the Goncharov family for a romantic dinner for two."

9. Berries in funny envelopes, bags or sachets, but only laid out a few minutes before serving to guests for the freshest look and taste.

10. Fruit with themed stickers or wishes.

11. According to one of the traditions, a young wife can cut a wedding loaf and distribute a piece to everyone present (stock up on individual packaging in advance).

12. A jar of mom's branded jam or honey tested over the years from a certain apiary.

Useful and just lovely gifts

13. A pack of beautiful napkins (both paper and fabric).

14. Indoor flowers in a small pot (check that the pots are not dirty).

16. Balloons with your names / wedding date / picture / your photos or simply custom-printed words "Thank you from a young family ...".

17. A small bottle of your favorite aroma oil or a pack of incense sticks for different occasions.

18. Sachet with natural dried flowers and herbs.

19. Mini-bouquets of one / three flowers in beautiful packaging for ladies and mini-boutonnieres for gentlemen (imagine what a stunning overall photo you get at the end of the evening - flowers in the hall decoration, flowers for the bride, flowers for every lady, flowers on the lapel of a jacket at every man, ah, a dream!).

20. Bow ties for guests, decorative textile brooch for guests.

21. Maps or guides to the favorite cities of the newlyweds or their native settlements, to the cities of dreams, where the young family dreams of visiting.

22. Books, booklets, brochures, notebooks "for happy moments" ... They should be suitable either on the topic, or very clearly indicated why these particular prints are donated.

23. Firecrackers, paper firecrackers, sparklers, any elements of the holiday, so that the bright sensations from your wedding will last for the guests as long as possible.

24. Bulbs of the bride's favorite flowers, herb seeds for the kitchen ... The seed is the beginning of life, let your day be the beginning of something new for your guests.

25. Photo frame in the style of your celebration.

Click on the photo and read the captions in the gallery.

Intangible anddigital signs of attention

26. Disc with favorite films / TV series of the newlyweds.

27. A selection of good kind films on a wedding theme.

28. A musical selection of songs that sounded at your evening (you will probably discuss the approximate style and playlist in advance).

29. A pre-recorded video message to your guests with warm words of gratitude (you can create a group of contacts for mailing and the message itself, and send it solemnly at the moment of your words. Then everyone's phones will be snapped up ... a great surprise will come out).

30. A song sung by a duet by the newlyweds, on the theme of friendship, gratitude, love (soberly assess your musical talents).

31. An invented poem to order (if you still rhyme the names of all those present, get ready to sign autographs).

32. Slideshow on discs with photographs of all the guests with the main characters of the evening (photos from childhood, adolescence, youth ... at the same time, finally introduce all friends and relatives from both sides).

33. A specially taken photo. During a test photo shoot or a popular love story shoot, take a beautiful photo with a sign or the following words "thank you for being with us."

Click on the photo and read the captions in the gallery.

Seasonal gifts

35. Christmas decorations / balls / decorations for the Christmas tree.

36. Small Christmas wreaths.

37. Tulips in craft paper to every beautiful representative of humanity (if the wedding is closer to March 8).

38. Souvenir Easter eggs / small cakes / decorative Easter bunnies (if the wedding is closer to Easter).

39. Bouquets of wildflowers in summer.

40. Roasted chestnuts in the fall.

Click on the photo and read the captions in the gallery.

Instant gifts made during the wedding

41. If there is a photo booth in entertainment, then focus the attention of guests on it, all instantly printed photos - as a gift.

42. If a mini-lesson or a master class is planned, then any of its results are also taken away by the guests as a souvenir (flower wreaths and accessories, painted gingerbread, chalk boards with popular lettering, it is also popular to izon ...).

43. If you invite a cartoonist, then the painted pictures, of course, are taken by the guests.

44. If the selected photographer can immediately print the photos at the end of the evening, use this service.

45. While waiting for the newlyweds, guests can learn the basics of social pair dances (hustle, bachata). An easy and relaxed master class from professional dancers will accelerate the tedious wait and become a spectacular surprise.

46. ​​In the case when there are few guests, and the wedding decor implies small compositions or bouquets, present them to the ladies. It is very pleasant to leave someone else's holiday with a small gift. And you will not need to puzzle over how to take away all the beauty from the hall.

A few more catch-up points:

  • Be sure to ask your host / presenter to highlight the gifts for guests. The beautiful text and meaning of the presentation that you want to convey should be effectively and transparently conveyed to your loved ones.
  • Gifts should not be bought at the last moment. They are either thought out, then they are valuable, or there is no need to start them at all.
  • When choosing tokens, focus on your budget. It dictates the scale of what is happening, but even for a symbolic amount of money or no investment at all, you can give your loved ones quivering emotions and signs of attention!

Read other relevant and useful Catherine's wedding articles from the links below:

In the hustle and bustle of the pre-holiday organization, do not forget to prepare small surprises for loved ones and friends. So, presenting gifts at the wedding to the guests, the newlyweds say thank you for participating in such an important day for the couple.

Souvenirs from newlyweds to guests

Present from newlyweds are called bonbonnieres. Small gifts are given to each guest at the time of donation, put on personal plates or presented at the end of the evening as a token of gratitude for being present at the festive evening.

What the newlyweds can give guests at the wedding:

As you can see, gifts for guests at a wedding can be very diverse, and where to stop depends only on the taste (and desire to surprise) the newlyweds, the festive budget and the style of celebration.

If it is still difficult to make a choice, then, when coming up with wedding gifts, we advise you to start from the time of the year. For example, beautifully designed jars of jam are just right for autumn; for winter (especially on the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays) - Christmas decorations or toys-symbols of the coming year; in spring, pamper your loved ones with beautiful bulbs or bouquets of snowdrops or lilies of the valley, but summer is the ideal time for wicker mini baskets with strawberries or for handmade soap based on natural ingredients.

Special attention should be paid to presentations that guests will receive after the competitions... Gifts can be either standard or completely original. If we talk about more familiar things, then it is worth mentioning: washcloths, soap bubbles, bath bombs, calendars, potholders, soap dishes, ashtrays, tape measure and even toilet pills and light bulbs! Try to choose inexpensive but useful items.

But if we talk about unusual surprises, then pay attention to "Gift certificates" to winners... But what they apply to, decide for yourself. As an idea, we can offer: a dinner with the newlyweds at any time, a guaranteed invitation to each anniversary, a meeting of the next New Year with a couple, a dance with the groom / bride, etc.

Many wedding gifts for guests can be easily made by hand. The main thing is to have free time and desire. Otherwise, needlewomen will always come to the rescue, who are engaged in making compliments for guests at weddings at a professional level.

Special gifts for guests

Increasingly, lovers at their holiday want to highlight the "special" guests, presenting an original and unexpected gift. Here we are talking about parents, closest friends or about those who had a significant event on the eve of the wedding (birthday, child birth, engagement). In this case, wedding gifts for guests cannot be chosen at random, they must be meaningful both for the couple and for the guests who are intended for the gifts.

Original wedding gifts for especially important guests:

  1. embroidery (metric at the birth of a baby, portrait or painting);
  2. knitted things (shawls for mothers, blankets, mittens);
  3. a set for needlework;
  4. personal notebooks or notebooks;
  5. a picture of chocolate;
  6. medallions and medals (for "best parents", etc.);
  7. gifts for hobbies (fish hooks, soccer ball, recipe book).

Who, no matter how you know, what will truly touch your loved ones to the depths of your soul? The main thing is that the gift will tell an important person about your love and care, and no matter how much money you invest to buy it.

The best way to make the invited guests remember the celebration for a long time is to present them with gifts. It can be a nice little thing that comes in handy in everyday life, a decorative decoration on the wall or for a coffee table, jewelry, a commemorative disc with a record of the celebration of an event. Depending on the theme of the wedding, you can please guests with sweet gifts in beautifully designed packages or miniature bottles of champagne with commemorative inscriptions and decor. The article describes in detail what gifts can be for guests at a wedding.

Interesting gift ideas for guests


The simplest and most unpretentious option for gifts for guests at a wedding is chocolate, chocolates or figurines. Chocolate bars in a package that matches the decor and colors used for the wedding. Figures can be made to order in a pastry shop in the form of:

  • bride and groom
  • wedding symbols, pigeons,
  • hearts, flowers.

Beautiful packaging, ribbons and an inscription on the box - a stylish bonbonniere is ready. These gifts can be made by hand.


A gift can be like that. A miniature bottle of champagne, wine or cognac, with the names of the invitees and the date inscribed. Plus the decor with flowers and ribbons.

Unconventional approach

And if you want something original? An interesting idea with a gift disk. How to make a recording? There is no point in recording the entire wedding, it's boring. For such work, you will need a pro. Record the highlights of the wedding. Registration, kiss of newly minted husband and wife, their dance, the most interesting toasts. An even more interesting solution for writing to disk. You will need a "wedding journalist" who will interview the guests. Guests should be invited to tell an interesting story about the bride and groom, or wishes to the newlyweds, on their own choice. Although, guests can receive such a gift only after the wedding. The task can be simplified. Make a gift in advance. Create a recording, a short film about the preparation for the wedding, consisting of photos and videos. This will be interesting too.

Wedding favors

Souvenirs that reflect wedding symbols. Figurines of cupids, bride and groom, two swans or doves.

No. 5 Gifts in the form of hygiene products, bath accessories, perfumes or cosmetics, namely: - handmade aromatic soap in gift wrapping,

  • aroma candles,
  • essential oils,
  • bath salt or foam,
  • mini perfume.

Towels or handkerchiefs with embroidery in the form of the names of the invitees will also be a good memento.

Natural flowers

An original gift - fresh flowers in bright colored small pots.


Bonbonnieres with fruits, fresh or overseas.

And sweets again ...

The symbol of the sweet life is a jar of honey or jam with a postcard from the newlyweds.

Useful gifts

Pleasant benefits for guests:

  • glasses, mugs, plates with a dedication from the young,
  • kitchen utensils, dish holders, potholders or cloth napkins sets, decorative bottles with colored cereals,
  • t-shirts,
  • photo frames,
  • small format photo albums,
  • office supplies such as notepads, pens, notebooks, key rings.

№9 Hand-made gifts. When arranging a thematic wedding, make soft toys, fabric or wicker dolls (for a Ukrainian-style wedding). Handmade napkins.

Seasonal gifts

Depending on the time of the year when the wedding is held, choose appropriate gifts and colors for decoration.

For winter - baked goods, sweets, Christmas tree decorations, if the time is right. Colors - white, blue, silver, before the new year - red and white.

In spring - the color of young greenery, blue, lilac, pink. As a gift, you can choose blooming violets in pots.

In the summer, you can make gifts in the marine theme, gifts in the form of souvenirs-magnets on the fridge. Sets of fruits in mini-baskets decorated with fresh flowers are also suitable.

Gifts in the fall - decor in orange, red and gold. Jars of jam, honey or preserves. Fruit liqueurs in curly bottles. Amulets and talismans for the home, using ears of wheat or rye. Thatched rugs for the hallway or for kitchen furniture.

Gift decoration

These can be boxes:

  • rectangular,
  • round,
  • in the form of boxes.

Paper envelopes of various shapes, original paper bags, wicker baskets. Gifts packed in the form of sweets. Fabric bags with ribbons. For decor, use satin or organza ribbons, beads, decorative paper or fabric flowers, colored feathers. Silver or gold webbing, cords, packaging multi-colored colored tape, canvas bags and twine, lace.

How to donate

Give gifts during contests. But not all guests will participate in the contests, and gifts should be given to everyone. Therefore, the rest of the guests will receive gifts at the end of the event.

Decorate a showcase or gift artificial tree for gifts. If the gifts are small, in bonbonnieres, arrange them on the seats.

Gifts for guests don't have to be expensive. Attention is important. By showing a little imagination, guests can be pleasantly surprised, diversified and left a memory of the past event.

- a new, but managed to gain popularity trend. But, despite this, this wedding tradition is often supplanted by other troubles, and undeservedly put on the list of expenses at the very last place. And when it comes time to choose surprises for the invitees, there is a sorely lack of either time or finances.

There are times when you really have to save on everything, and you can't really overclock when choosing guest surprises. Do not give up the wonderful idea to thank your friends, acquaintances, relatives for sharing such an important day with you. Take advantage of our ideas for budget, but no less interesting and original gifts for guests at a wedding from newlyweds.

Almost no investment: ideas for free gifts for guests from newlyweds

An option with practically no material costs will be notes with wishes and words of gratitude.

They are made in the form of miniature scrolls tied with twine or ribbon. The scroll itself is made of thick paper, which can be decorated with appliques, lace, prints.

Write words of gratitude on such a message and hang small gifts for guests at the wedding on the wish tree or place them near the guests' plates.

An inexpensive option would be fruits or gifts made from natural materials. It is enough to attach a leaf with a wish to an apple or a pear and a practically free gift for guests is ready. This option is especially interesting if such fruits are grown in their own garden.

Cones can be used as natural ingredients.

They are given an original look by spraying with gold, bronze or silver paint.

You can attach a pointer to such a bump with a toothpick, which will also serve as a means to indicate the seating places for guests, and will make it possible to write brief words of gratitude.

If you are a herbalist, you can worry about getting some aromatic plants in advance.

Original fees can be made from them. All that remains is to sew the sachet bags.

Inexpensive gifts for guests at a wedding

Get regular wedding cards. Write individual messages for guests on them and deliver such messages at the moment when the guest congratulates the young.

You can order fridge magnets. A thematic photo and the date of the celebration are applied to the magnets as a gift for the wedding guests. Such a present usually costs no more than 150 rubles, but it will enable guests to forever remember the date of your wedding and congratulate you on your anniversary in time.

Guests are ambivalent about the option with a photo of young people on magnets.

Personalized matches. This option is quite simple to implement. You can order ready-made boxes with original inscriptions, or you can purchase ordinary matches and prepare thematic stickers for each box yourself.

In addition, such a present is considered quite symbolic, as it is associated with a family hearth.

Personalized chocolate. Sweet hearts, mini tiles, dragees do not cost fabulous money. Remove the wrapping from such sweets and replace with a new thematic one.

And you don't have to rush to the printer to print professional packaging. It will be enough to do a little design work and use a good color printer.

Lollipops. Such sweets are presented in a large assortment of pastry shops.

Decorated with ribbons, hearts, wedding lettering, large lollipops look great on the wedding table. Instead of lollipops, you can use multi-colored lactric sticks.

Traditional wedding gifts are a little more expensive: original and inexpensive for guests

Bonbonnieres are common options for wedding compliments. They put sweets and pastries in them.

Here you will have to spend money on the packaging itself and, of course, the contents. You can buy ready-made cookies or gingerbread cookies, muffins or muffins, chocolate covered nuts or marmalade, just candy or any other sweets.

If you wish, you can prepare pastries yourself or order them from a professional pastry chef.

The recipes attached to such baked goods also look original.

Consider a photo frame option.

They can be used as signs when seating guests, and after the ceremony, invitees can take them as a souvenir.

Cups are also suitable, but not ordinary tea cups, but with a portrait of the young or original inscriptions, the date of the wedding.

You can also order chameleon cups, on which the pattern will appear after the dishes are heated.

Instant photo. A very unusual and touching gift for guests. Of course, a professional photographer will not be able to entrust such an occupation.

But younger brothers, sisters can easily be charged with the responsibility of "catching" the original moments at the wedding.

Take care of a good printer so that such surprises can be printed out and handed to the guest right away. The impressions of such moments will be unforgettable. Since the main photos will be made in a more strict style and worked out by a professional to the smallest detail.

Candles are a beautiful and affordable gift option for guests. These can be miniature tea candles, which are carried out in a common vessel when the lights are off. Or candles in the form of figures of the bride and groom, other characters. You can even make your own candles by adding scented essential oils to the wax.

Touching bells. These miniature bells will be a great reminder of your wedding if you apply unusual designs or engravings to them.

In the same way, you can decorate souvenir horseshoes, which are also suitable as a guest compliment.

Look for bookmarks for books with hearts, or try to make one with your own hands.

Wedding souvenirs for guests: non-standard ideas

A cheap gift does not mean an ordinary one. Turn on your imagination and surprise your guests with originality.

Small sketches drawn directly by the bride and groom look very original. Such mini-pictures - small gifts for wedding guests can be arranged in a frame or on a small stand in the form of an easel.

Standard mini bottles can be filled with olive oil instead of alcohol. Sprigs of herbs, miniature peppercorns placed directly in oil will help to give originality to such a surprise.

Stationery is also suitable, but only necessarily with themed prints or designs. A notebook with a photo of young people on the cover will become your favorite notebook. Pens, pencils with original inscriptions and engravings will also come in handy.

Pick up miniature jars and personalize them. Such named containers will appeal to the male part of the guests. And for the ladies, you can present nail polish, which will be the color of your wedding. There is never too much makeup. Compact mirrors also look original.

You can make a paper flower for each guest and place it directly on a plate. After the ceremony, the guest will be able to take such a present with him. Decorative hearts look unusual. It can be slate, wood, ceramics.

If you place a photo or an inscription with the date of the wedding on such a heart, you can use it not only as a decor, but also as an unusual gift for guests.

Order antique keys for guests, but use the names of your friends instead of the tongue.

If this option seems too intricate, order a personalized engraving for ordinary antique souvenir keys.

Useful gifts for guests at a wedding can also be budgetary.

The ideal option would be an individual gift for each guest. But young people can agree to such feats if the invitees are limited only to the closest ones and the total number of guests does not exceed 15–20 people.

For a large wedding, working out individual useful gifts is quite problematic and expensive. Therefore, it is best to use standard useful gift ideas.

Present guests with bakeware. Silicone molds are not expensive, they look original and are always needed on the farm. Kitchen stuff. There is room for choice here. These can be tea strainers, bottle openers, and wine bottle stoppers.

They give guests miniature spice jars, cup coasters, and just teaspoons. If you add thematic packaging to such a present, no one will focus on its price.

Household items will do as well. These can be ice cube trays or ice cream cube trays.

You can donate a set of measuring cups or measuring spoons, a lint roller or an unusual soap dish.

A flip paper calendar will be a useful and original gift. Use thematic photos to decorate it. In such a calendar, you can immediately mark not only the date of the wedding, but also other important dates, such as birthdays of invitees or calendar holidays dedicated to the family: Mother's Day, Father's Day.

Try to keep gifts for guests either of the same type, or from the same price category. It will be ugly if someone gets a useful or expensive thing, and someone gets a useless trinket.

Therefore, for personalized gifts at the wedding, they try to acquire all the presents the same. They can differ only by individual inscriptions or engraving.

Video: desk calendar master class

Learn how to DIY an inexpensive gift for your guests. The video presents a step-by-step lesson in making a desk calendar using the scrapbooking technique:

The tradition of giving souvenirs to those invited to a wedding appeared in our country not so long ago, although in Europe it has been flourishing since the 16th century. Bonbonnieres are very common (from the French word "bon-bon" - candy). Good wishes were placed in boxes or bags.

It will be great if you don’t just put “compliments” from the newlyweds next to the guests' plates, but turn this ceremony into a fun game. You can do this after presenting gifts to the newlyweds, hang bonbonnieres with personalized cards on the wedding tree.

At the same time, bonbonnieres can function as cards for guests, they will also look favorably on the candy bar and announce to the invitees that they can pick up their gift at any time.

Decorating gifts for guests in the style of the seasons

Guests can present their presentations according to the theme and season in which the celebration takes place. A similar principle is used to select the "filling" for the bonbonnieres. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Winter. Decorate gifts in blue, white, silver, light blue, New Year's themes are also welcome. You can put fruits, Christmas decorations, cookies, pastries, symbolic decorations like snowflakes or Christmas trees, stylish magnets and much more in the bonbonnieres.

Autumn. Your shades are gold, red, orange, yellow, swamp. Freshly made jam, honey, candles, fruits, gingerbread, cute handmade souvenirs and much more are suitable as a gift.

Spring. Blue, green, white, yellow are the springiest colors. Gifts should also create the right mood: small fresh flowers in pots, scented candles, bath salts, handmade soap with a pleasant scent are an excellent choice.

Summer. Summer should be bright and colorful, so you are not limited in the choice of colors: red, yellow, lilac, blue, green and other shades are perfect. Gifts can be associated with a marine theme: all kinds of shells, bottles with boats, fragrant oils, sachets with herbs, handmade soap is perfect. You can give berries, fruits, jams and other sweets.

What gifts to give guests from newlyweds

Delicious gifts

  • Overseas sweets - nuts, kozinaki, dried fruits, sorbet, Turkish delight and others
  • Chocolates, medals or handmade candies - you need to put at least 5 of them. You can decorate them with outlandish patterns, the initials of the newlyweds, wishes and so on;
  • Jam, jam, confiture, candied fruits, berries, honey, coffee, spices, etc.
  • A bottle of customization, juice, good wine with a postcard and a reminder of this day, tea, coffee.

Gifts with humor

  • Funny newspapers with humorous articles about newlyweds and guests;
  • Processed photos and collages with humorous captions
  • Caricatures and cartoons (if you have an artist friend - ask him to draw his portraits of guests during a buffet table or wedding banquet);
  • Funny medallions, engravings, magnets and other souvenirs.

For the long memory

Sweets are quickly eaten, but memorable talismans and souvenirs will remain. It can be:

  • Mugs, T-shirts with photos and inscriptions;
  • Dishes, magnets, soft toys, key rings;
  • Photo frames and photo albums;
  • Figurines, stands, candlesticks and more.

Useful gifts and souvenirs

  • Cosmetics, bath salts, handmade soap, foam, washcloths;
  • Scented candles of various sizes and shapes, sachets with dried herbs, oils;
  • Needlework kits;
  • Kitchen utensils - towels, potholders, napkins, plates, etc.
  • Stationery - personalized pens, notepads, pencil sets, notebooks, etc.

Hand-made from the newlyweds

  • Cloth dolls;
  • Origami;
  • Jewelry, interior items, embroidery, bead braids, knitted items;
  • Panels, napkins, scarves.

The price of the product is completely unimportant: the main thing is that the present is chosen with warmth and love, then the guests will also be pleased to receive a present, albeit small, but so dear to their hearts!