Several effective ways - how to increase the lactation. Methods of alternative medicine. Delicious and useful cocktail

In the first days, every mother worries the question of how to increase the lactation of nursing mom. In my personal experience, I will tell you how to quickly increase the amount of breast milk with breastfeeding without entering the lore, because everyone knows that in the first months of the baby's life, breast milk is the perfect food for the baby.

Tips on how to raise lactation of nursing mom

The first rule.

Psychological attitude to successful feeding in the process of pregnancy

Wearing a baby, tune in that you will breastfeed your treasure for a long time and successfully breastfeed, drive all fears away. Know firmly that the size of the chest is not interrelated with the number of milk produced. This I authoritatively declare you like mom 3 kids. Now the youngest princess year and 9, and I continue to breastfeeding, although I obviously do not have 5 breast size. I personally knew the girls with zero, but very "dairy". Feed the chest milk even seven. My Anya was born 8 month old, but it does not change anything. Already on the last trimester if you carefully press the nipple from it a drop of fluid is the future of milk.

Here is the second important step towards how to increase the amount of milk with breastfeeding after childbirth in the rhodtle.

Second rule

Applying to mother breast immediately after birth

Excellent that now immediately after birth, in the motherhouse, mommy can make the first applying of a newborn to his chest. This action seems to launch a complex weight mechanism to increase milk generation directly from this second. The first colosure (this is what is referred to as the first drops of milk obtained by a cloth from the mother) is a sensible immunomodulator and the concentrate of all necessary newborn antibodies and enzymes for the absorption and processing of food in the form of a milk from mom. Very often the first received dose of colostly baby grabs for 6-9 hours. It is with this that the fact that when the nursing mother is already in the ward, he is trying to feed the Karapuza independently, he just sleeps. For the first day, this is normal, because some time ago he fed through the umbilical cord, and some reserves remained in his tiny caller. This is already 2 points from my personal list of advice on how to raise the lactation of a nursing mother.

I gave birth to the first baby in those days when the kids after childbirth were taken from moms and brought exclusively every 3 hours. At the same time, everyone was forced to grind milk in the case that if the Krochi interval would not stand it at 3 o'clock could not be done to the mixtures, but with your milk (we froze into signed banks). It is no secret that she fed those kids with this milk, whose moms had little milk.

Third Rule

To increase the lactation of nursing mom is the feeding of a newborn on demand

Do not attempt to work out some kind of feeding schedule by the clock (although it was accepted before), look at your karapuz, he will install an individual applied to the chest. Some children are born weak and in the first month eaten little by little, but every half hour. Other buds eat so much in schedule, as if they had alarm clock inside every 3 hours. If the crumb often requires the breast, do not deny it, it means that it is still weak, so that for one feeding to eat sufficient number. Such a situation I had 2 month. It seemed to me that milk was absolutely no, and I was looking for a way to strengthen the lactation. The daughter in the literal sense hung on me on SISE by day and behaved extremely restless. As a result, we went to weighing a little earlier, it turned out that she scored for 3 weeks as many as 2 kg. This allows us to conclude that if you do not know how to increase the amount of milk with breastfeeding, it is not only the first applying, but frequent and stirring. The more you send, the more comes.

The fourth rule to increase the amount of milk with breastfeeding is not to enter any feeding

The main secret how to increase the lactation of a nursing mom is not to hurry with a bait. I think that I dedicate this whole separate article, where I will explain in detail why nursing moms should come exclusively so, of course, if you want to increase the production of milk. Our body has evolved hundreds of years, and it knows you much better how to make a baby (your continuation of the kind) was full. In the first months, Kroch does not need water, all this is already in your milk. There is anterior and rear milk. So, the front can be compared with water, and the rear calorie food. Kid himself regulates the number of milk of your breast. If he is very hungry, then sucks and sucks until it gets to the rear, more raw milk, and if it just torments thirst, he is content with a few minutes of drinking. Before all the kids began to wear diapers, there was a method of checking whether the newborn milk is enough. For this, nursing mothers were considered the number of peeled diapers. For the boy, this number was 10, and for the girl 12. Weighing seems to me a more reliable method.

Night feedings contribute to raising lactation of nursing mom

Increase the lactation of a nursing mother helps feeding a newborn on demand.

This is important especially in the first months. Breastfeeding specialists scientifically proved that night feedings contribute to the production of prolactin, responsible for the production of milk by the body. The greatest concentration in the body comes closer to 3 o'clock in the morning. Applying to the chest of the kid at this time you stimulate the production of milk even more intense. I also want to advise nursing moms, so as not to get up at night to the baby, there is nothing terrible in the very first 3 months to sleep with you. Some of the birth laid to sleep in a playpen, but shift to themselves only closer to the morning. Personally, I was easier and more convenient to get up at night, but to give the chest to the first person, so you will be tired less and more fully satisfying (of course, if the bed is wide enough).

The sixth rule to enhance lactation calls on moms to monitor the pioneer when feeding a newborn

It should be comfortable both to you and the karapuzu so that the pleasure of what is happened has received two. If a nursing mom is not convenient, it is difficult to enjoy, enjoying every moment, every smile of crumbs. Karapuz should be pressed to mom's belly, but so that he could turn his head freely if he wishes, and he did not have to reach her nipple. In my opinion the most convenient and common caustal posture is lying. Pay attention to how the newborn is capturing the nipple. You should not be painful under any circumstances. Certificate of proper seizure when a large pigmented part of the halo is in the crumbs in the mouth, followed by very gentle skin of the chest. In such a posture, the newborn concerns the nursing mothers by the spout and chin. In the hospital you have to show how to properly apply to your chest, it is important in order for no cracks of the nipples and other "surprises".

Increased lactation is impossible without correct breast alternation with nursing mom

Often inexperienced moms in one feed offer 2 chest at once. Typically, the kid was a little bit, tired, and his mother begins to seem like a little milk in his chest and offers the Karapuza's other breasts at once. So do not do if you want the newborn to gain a good mass. Do not offer newborn second breasts until the first one will not be emptied completely (it will not become very soft). So your treasure will receive both "front" milk containing minerals, water, lactose, and then "rear", in which there are fit for the baby fats (such as omega-3, 6 and 9) and enzymes, etc.

A separate point is to plunge, but not so with him everything is simple. While write:

  • The more the milk you constraint, the greater the amount of it comes
  • Do not let you take the top
  • Rest and Joint Sleep
  • feeding on demand
  • Full (in the diet should certainly be) and a variety of nutrition of a nursing mother (add to the diet)
  • Do not skip
  • The absence of all sorts of bottles and nipples are important not less than all of the above items.

I want to believe that my experience in how to increase the lactation of a nursing mother will help you and you calmly, without unnecessary unrest, to establish GW.

Hundreds of moms of newborn children sooner or later think about how to increase the lactation. After all, it's no secret that breast milk to feed babies is suitable for the best, especially in the first months of life. Most of the conscious mammies seek to feed their sicks as long as possible, but, in spite of everything, the day comes when milk is gradually decreasing, and the baby, accustomed or needing breastfeeding, becomes restless and capricious.

From this article you will learn:

For a start, it is necessary to calm down, and not to fall into a panic, urgently transferring the child to the adapted mixtures, which in stores a huge selection, because the risk of raving breast milk will only increase at times. And, despite the wide range of adapted mixtures, not one of them for its benefits does not compare with breast milk, not to mention allergic reactions that adapted mixtures can often call. Only female breast milk contains substances, so vital for the full development of the growth of the baby, for the development of the brain, for the formation of the nervous system. And it is maternal milk who creates a solid foundation for immunity of a baby.

To the note: from 6 months in the field of view, dad falls and the connection with mom starts to weaken, and somewhere from 12 months the child begins to let her grandparents.

Why fall lactation of breast milk?

In the female body for a number of reasons due to hormonal disorders, hygoglactium occurs - this is when the mammary glands reduce the production of milk and it is extremely rare, most often for the decrease in lactation, other reasons for elimination are affected.

The first is the psychological readiness of baby feeding with breasts, in other words, a woman for a number of reasons itself refuses to feed the baby with breasts.

The second is rare baby feeding with breasts, when a nursing mother is distinguished by little milk and doctors advise the child to regret. Most often, this leads to the fact that artificial feeding completely displaces breastfeeding.

The third is a non-rational diet, both in the period of baking the baby and in the period of breastfeeding.

The fourth is the formation of the routine of the day. Some doctors insist on feeding a child strictly by the clock, and not on demand. And during breastfeeding, the landmark still should be on the needs of the newborn.

Fifth is an unfavorable psychological situation for a new mammia. Permanent insensitives, stress, quarrels, the need for an early employment - all this negatively affects breastfeeding, hence the decrease in lactation.

Sixth - Earlier Introduction of Dust.

On the third and sixth week, 3 months, 4 months, 7 months and 8 months of breastfeeding of the baby can occur a decrease in milk produced. In this case, it is not worth worrying, since this phenomenon is temporary. During this period, the so-called lactation crisis occurs. The lactation crisis is caused by an increase in the toddler's appetite. The growing organism requires more milk, and the maternal organism does not have time to navigate, because the time it takes time from here and the decrease in lactation. And here the errors begin with powerlessness and anxiety. Concerned moms begin to introduce early lures, discounts or completely translated dyatko on artificial nutrition.

And only units are thinking about whether or what is the true reason for the reduction of lactation. In the meantime, the risk of breast milk increases at times.

Here the main thing is to understand that the less often put the baby to the chest, the less milk will be.

The hardest for moms is to overcome the first crisis. Having coped with the first lactation crisis, the next time it will be much easier and calmer, since the realization that you can cope with it. On how to overcome the crisis of the "first year" in the child I wrote in.

How to increase lactation, feeding right?

Many mothers during breastfeeding have repeatedly heard that they need to eat for two, but it is not entirely true. The main thing is that the diet fully satisfy the need for food nursing mom. Also used food should be fully balanced, it should include: proteins, vitamins needed to growing organism. Be sure to include: Cottage cheese at least 150 grams, kefir or milk at least 250 grams, protein products (fish, bird breast, veal) at least 200 grams and, of course, cheese from solid varieties of at least 30 grams per day .

Drinking mode in increasing lactation is no less important. On a day it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of fluid.

If desired, the diet of a nursing mother can be replenished with special teas, mixtures designed to increase lactation. Before feeding, you can drink a mirke of warm tea with the addition of milk.

We increase lactation with drinks

There are many plants that allow enlarge lactation: Carrots, licorice, dandelion, leaf salad, radish, dill, nettle, rosehip, Melis, Tmin, millennian, Anis Fennel, Mint, oregano. These plants can be taken both in the form of teas and in the form of decoctions, juices and tinctures.

How to cook carrot juice to increase lactation

Take carrots peeled from the peel and soda on a shallow grater. After that, squeeze the juice, turn it into a glass and take half a glass twice a day. To taste is not so nasty, you can add a small amount of honey or milk into juice.

Cooking carrot cocktail with milk

Carrots, spend on a shallow grater, then take three tablespoons of carrots and put in a glass. In the same glass, pour warm milk by filling it to the edges. If you wish, you can add a teaspoon of honey. But do not abuse honey - honey is an allergen. Carrot cocktail take 1 cup twice a day.

How to cook a decoction of dill seeds

You will need one tablespoon of dill seeds and one glass of boiling water. Take the seeds of dill and pour them with boiling water, let's last one hour, straighten the decoction and take on the floor of the glass twice a day.

Cooking a cocktail from walnuts with milk

Grind 14 walnut nuclear kernels of walnuts and fill their 500 ml of boiling milk, mix and leave it for two hours. Take 70 grams before feeding.

How to increase and support lactation

The first is the stimulation of lactation by means of frequent feeding.

The productive and frequent sucking of the breast infant contributes to an increase in the prolactin hormone responsible for the production of breast milk. Therefore, as soon as the lactation decreased, start as often as possible to apply the child to the chest and, as practice shows, the results will not make themselves waiting.

The best promotes increasing lactation Night feedings from 3.00 to 8.00 am, so precisely at this time the prolactin hormone is more productively produced.

Making a massage to increase breast milk

Lubricate your palms with massage oil. Put the right palm on the chest, and the left palm from the bottom bite the chest. Circular movements smoothly massage the chest. Massage is made strictly clockwise. For the Massage effect, you need to do within 3 minutes. After massage, breasts need to be thoroughly wash, special attention should be paid to the nipples and halo.

Contrast shower or improving lactation

Elastic jets of water direct circular movements on the chest, gradually changing the water temperature, ranging from warm temperatures and going down to lower temperatures, but not cold. In complete, substitute the back jets of the water back - the spine.

A nursing mother must come to a full-fledged rest, so in such a difficult period for it it is especially important that close and native people are nearby. If the night was restless, and the child did not give to bed, then it is necessary to allocate time on day sleep. The outdoor walk will benefit, both a child and a nursing mom.

If you have noticed a decrease in the lactation of breast milk, then you should not be afraid, leaving a panic and closing in yourself, ask the advice from the craftsmen or consult a pediatrician doctor, he will surely tell you what to do.

Be healthy love yourself and your loved ones!

A familiar situation for many women: the amount of milk, which was enough for the first month after childbirth, suddenly decreased noticeably, and the baby is not enough. Sometimes there is no visible reasons for this - the mother eats well, does not suffer, the baby willingly takes her chest, and the milk is still small. How to deal with this problem and increase the lactation with breastfeeding?

If there are few breast milk, the reasons may be the following:

  • fatigue or experiences;
  • poor nutrition;
  • low fluid consumption;
  • changes in hormonal background;
  • laziness or toddler weakness;
  • wrong seizure baby chest.

These are the most common reasons for the reduction of lactation, although there may be others. If possible, try to avoid excitement, communicating with unpleasant, scandalous people, more walk with the child and wear it in your hands. When the baby sleeps, Mom should also rest, and not strive to remake all homework. You need to pay great attention to your diet, because all that you eat, determines the quality of milk.

With a change in the hormonal background, the lactation decreases usually about 7-10 days, after which the milk volume gradually increases. During this period, it is recommended to feed the child more often, and give him both breasts for one reception. The same come when the baby is lazy, long and slightly sucks, begins to fall asleep when feeding. As soon as sucking will weaken, you need to press the chest towards the nipple, so that the milk run a little stronger. If the child falls asleep, try it slightly for the cheek, wake him to eat longer.

The volume of milk production largely depends on the diet of a woman. After childbirth, the body is exhausted, so the day you need to take on 700-1100 kokilorius more than before. In the daily diet, the mother should be there a non-fat meat (200 g) or fish in the same amount, fresh cottage cheese (100 g), vegetables (500 g) and various types of fruits (200 g). Be sure to drink a day around the liter of kefira or milk, eat a piece of solid cheese. Fats should be no more than 30 g per day, and it is desirable that it was butter or sunflower.

The recommended fluid volume per day is approximately 2 l, including milk, juices, tea, broth or soup. It should not be much higher to exceed this rate, even if milk becomes larger, because at the same time the number of vitamins and the necessary proteins decreases. But mushrooms, smoked, sharp snacks, citrus and chocolate stands for a long time to exclude from their diet, since their use can cause allergies to the baby. In addition, the taste of milk is changing from products with a sharp smell, and the child does not want to eat.

Nursing Mom's Diary

Proper attachment

Milk generation depends on two hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Both are connected with the sucking activity of the child, so if the kid misses the chest incorrectly, this activity is noticeably reduced. Especially often the wrong grip is observed in children who give dumps and milk from the bottle. With proper applying, the child deeply captures the nipples and the arole, evenly "gripping" the milk from all over his chest. With a shallow seizure, the kid sucks only a minor part of milk located at the Areola.

Unfortunately, according to the description and even in the photo learn how to properly apply it is difficult, especially if pain is present. Usually, it is taught to breastfeeding consultants in the hospital itself or precinct pediatricians. You can also search another nursing woman, who already has such experience and there are no problems with the nipples. Many, with a change in the capture of the baby, the breast appear painful sensations, because of which the desire arises to leave everything as it is. But note that the correct applying will ensure stable lactation, and the pain will disappear over time.

There are only 3% of lactation problems with lactation, in other cases, the lack of milk is only the temporary effects of incorrect feeding. It often happens that the child is enough milk milk, but the woman herself considers his number insufficient. Much depends on the quality of milk, the appetite and the characteristics of the child's body.

So, if you notice the decline in lactation, first make sure that the baby is properly applied to the chest. Insufficient stimulation of the mammary glands will definitely reduce the amount of milk. In addition, feeding must be frequent and regular; Children who give raids require breasts less often, which also negatively affects lactation.

Many mothers give infantry to breasts, as well as tea from the brightness of the tummy, various mixtures, preventing dysbacteriosis. The volume of such additives reaches 150 ml per day, which means that the amount of milk consumed decreases to the same. If you exclude such supplements from the baby's nutrition, the amount of milk will restrict very quickly. As a rule, in the first 4 months, a child of one milk is enough, because in it all the so necessary trace elements are located. It is important to estimate the increase in the weight of the baby in the week: just divide the monthly increase by the number of weeks. The smallest rate from 14 days is 125 g, the optimal - within 300 g. It is necessary to contact a specialist if the baby, feeding by one milk and getting it on demand, is gaining less than 500 per month.

There is another good way to determine whether the child gets milk enough. It follows for 1-2 days to count the amount of urination. To do this, the baby must be without diapers and do not get bait and additional liquids. If the milk is enough, the child will write more than 6 times, usually it is 8-12 times. If less than 6, milk is clearly not enough.

Increase the production of milk in the body is not so difficult, the main thing is not to be afraid and not resort to the doctors.

To begin with, remove the pacifier, stop giving both tea and water. Organize hourly feeding from 4 am to 12 nights, even if the kid himself does not ask for the chest. In the morning clock, 2-3 applying is mandatory, because at this time the largest concentration of prolactin is formed in the body. And, of course, enter into the ration of drinks from natural lactation stimulants - carrots, dandelion leaves, fennel, cumin seeds, anise and salad.

Lactation Drinks

Mom's nutrition. Products affecting lactation

Products positively affecting lactationLactation reduction products
Warm tea (green with honey or black with milk)Canned products
Cumin and black bread with Tmina, as well as a drink from a teaspoon of cumin and a glass of boiling milk to insist 2 hours, drink half a glass to feeding for half an hour)Smoked
Welding or compote from dried apples, drain and small pearsSeasoning and sharp spices
Cedar nuts, walnuts. Almond nuts (underestimated and not salted) improve lactation. A couple of pieces can be eaten every other day, but it must be remembered that almond causes gas formation in a child and can cause the strongest constipationSage
Dropy tea (1 table. Spoon of dill seeds pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos 2 hours. Drinking this tea is needed by half a cup of 2 times a day. Instead of dill seeds, you can take a cumin or anise).
However, it is necessary to remember that the anise and dill can cause allergies.
Among the juices that improve lactation, currant juice, carrot, juice from a frank berry. But it is important that the juices were fresh, without preservatives, diluted with water
Radish with honey.
Radish juice with honey, diluted 1 to 1 cooled boiled water (per 100 g of radish - 100 g of water and 1 tbsp. Honey spoon) - excellent product to improve lactation
Watermelons (buy only high-quality, ripe)
Hercules and buckwheat, barley decoction
Brynza and Adygei Cheese
Broths and meat soups (not fat)

To lactation remains stable all the feeding period, it is necessary to constantly maintain it. It is quite easy to do this, because the main condition here is comfort and mom, and a child.

So, to maintain lactation you will need:

  • observe the mode, use to sleep as much time as possible, allocate for walks at least 2 hours;
  • daily drink about 2 liters of liquid - compote from dried fruits, herbal teas, milk;
  • be sure to feed the baby at night, because night feedings provide better and long-term lactation due to the enhanced production of prolactin;
  • if possible, grind the milk after feeding, and then massage the chest 5-10 minutes, pouring hot water. Every day it is recommended to perform procedures twice for each breast;
  • about half an hour before feeding drinking warm tea with milk;
  • take multivitamins. The Vitamin complex is specifically designed for a nursing woman, so his reception is beneficial at the same time and mom and baby. But only the doctor should be assigned vitamins;
  • take the baby at night in my bed. Firstly, the child sleeps better when Mamino is warm, secondly, the touch of the baby contributes to the best production of milk, but thirdly, it's more convenient because you don't need to get up from bed at night.

Lactation is very helpful, so if there is an opportunity, feed the child right in the water. If there is no such possibility, try replacing the bath with a hot water with hot water: it is necessary to sit comfortably, take the baby on your arms, legs to omit in hot water and wrap on top of the blanket. After that, you can drink warm tea or milk with cookies. After 5 minutes, you will feel pleasant warmth in the body and a strong tide of milk.

Video - How to increase breastfeeding lactation

What could be more wonderful to your baby's satisfied? When he feels perfectly and fed, it is comfortable next to my mother, feel the warmth of her body. But sometimes all this idyll is violated by a very negative point when a young parent lacks in the right amount. From this mother flows into panic, which further exacerbates the situation. But you should not be so upset, you just need to know some little secrets how to raise lactation.

First of all, of course, you should try to rest. Because when you are nervous, it adversely affects the lactation, and is reflected in the child, since the kid is very sensitive to any changes to his mother. You also need to add some milk in your diet. Do not forget about special exercises for the chest, because they are also stimulants.
Well, about everything in order! The state of calm is useful to all people, but nursing mommies is particularly important. It is worth the maximum to protect it from various problems, of course, if possible. Remember, the sedatives can be consumed in this period categorically impossible.

Let's look at using proper nutrition. Do not be surprised, but the right nutrition is very promoted by the satisfactory working of breast milk. Also necessary for this process. During the day, it is necessary to use at least two liters of fluid, including soups. Warm tea with milk, drunk before feeding, positively affects the influx of breast milk. It is possible as a tea to drink a collection for which is sold in pharmacies.

So, what products increase lactation? The erroneous view is quite common that the nursing mother must eat several times more than before. This is not the case, the amount of food should be used as desired, but preferably use kefir daily, milk, cottage cheese. It is impossible to exclude products from the diet, which contain valuable protein. This is a bird, fish, veal, various, but not too fat broths.

You also need to know how to raise lactation with the help of massage and some exercises. It follows about two or three minutes, pre-pinping a few drops of castor oil on the palm. Movements should be done clockwise: one palm is under the breast, and the other - above it. Massage should not bring discomfort and especially pain.

Exercises for stimulating the influx of breast milk are very simple. To do this, you just need to stand straight arrangements to the sides, then cross in front of you and again. So you need to do ten - fifteen times. There is still another exercise. You need to connect the palms at the chest level, bending your hands in the elbows. Press one palm to another one-two. On three or four relax muscles. About ten repetitions will be quite enough.

Knowing the entire list of methods of how to raise lactation, you will undoubtedly be able to cope with this situation. Do not forget that the frequent attachment of the baby to the chest also contributes to good lactation.

There is a lot about the benefits of breastfeeding, and all women who nine months carry the baby, not only doctors, but also relatives speak tirelessly about it. Therefore, when the time comes to feed the newborn with maternal milk, and the woman has problems with lactation, then she starts panic! Panic - harm for all common and useful! There are plenty of money, how to increase the lactation of a nursing mom, so you need to calm down and get for work! Increased lactation in nursing mothers is the work, a large and time-consuming, requiring many patience from the part, both moms and her relatives.

The active generation of the hormone of oxytocin is the signal to the beginning of the generic activity in a woman, stimulating the production of the prolactin hormone responsible for lactation. If for any reason the woman of this hormone produces a little, then the lactation is minimal.

The period of lactation of lactation can be delayed in women who have been made by the cesarean operation. But it can only be 3-4 days! Already from the fifth seventh day, a woman should start arriving milk!

How to increase lactation in a nursing mother?

First you need to consult with your doctor and find out the true cause of the reduction in lactation. A total of about 5% of women suffer from a violation of lactation due to violation of the hormonal background. In the remaining cases, the absence of breast milk may be due to:

  • With a difficult course of generic activity
  • With severe stress during childbirth and immediately after them
  • With the psychological attitude of a woman on the reluctance to feed the baby with breasts. Some young women are overly concerned about the fact that breastfeeding will be able to harm their figure, chest, etc. If the mother is not configured in advance to breastfeed, then milk may not arrive!
  • With the need for urgent cessation of breastfeeding, due to different family circumstances!
  • Rare applying a newborn to the chest. Today, it has already been proven that, the more often the mother applies the baby to the chest, literally "on demand", the more milk is produced in her milk glaces. Outdated idea that the newborn needs to feed on the regime, damages lactation
  • Incorrect stacing. After each feeding, the residue of milk Mom must write all to the last drop!
  • Early child's lore can lead to the fact that he will stop taking the breast and "work", preferring a lightweight supplement from the bottle! Very often, women are faced with such a problem that for some reason could not immediately feed their own kid. Even if they jumped him, and the baby received maternal milk from the bottle, there is a risk that he will refuse then from the chest. It is important to return to breastfeeding, as it is precisely sucking baby mother breast stimulates the production of a prolactin hormone, important for staying the milk!
  • Disruption of drinking mode! If the mammy drinks too little, then it can lead to a decrease in her milk!
  • With strong fatigue, which all young mothers experience in the postpartum period. Fatigue negatively affects the production of milk!
  • Excessive physical activity. Often, young moms, striving to quickly regain their former physical shape, begin to play sports too early, extinguishing their body exercises. This can lead to a decrease in her hormone in the body of prolactin, and hence - and the milk!
  • Diet nutrition. If a woman literally moor himself hunger, following the desire to quickly lose the extra kilograms accumulated for pregnancy, the lack of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates can lead not only to the fact that its milk will be degreased, but in general it is possible to lose the opportunity to feed Newborn mother milk! Drinking products for lactation of a nursing mother is required, they are of great importance!

Do I need to wash your breasts in front of each feeding of a newborn baby

How to increase breast milk nursing mom?

In order to establish the process of making milk at the mother of the newborn, it is necessary:

  • To establish the right day of the day. A woman must rest on the day and get enough sleep at night. This should help her relatives!
  • To establish feeding mode - give the baby's chest to the first requirement!
  • Thoroughly push the residues of milk after each feeding! If my mother does not know how to make it right, the nurse still in the hospital should teach it! You can use breastsos!
  • Remove stressful situations from your life and fully enjoy the joy of motherhood!
  • To establish the right rational food. Use products that increase the lactation of a nursing mother milk. In addition to the fact that women always did a lot of things suitable from grandmother's methods - more saw warm milk, herbs brands, etc., today in pharmacies there are a lot of suggestions for biologically active mixtures to improve lactation. These dry mixes include vitamin complexes, and some and taurine are the most important serum protein, which is part of the maternal milk.

Nutrition nursing mom to increase milk

If a woman wants to increase the amount of milk, then it must definitely change its diet. The following products must be included in its menu:

  • Milk and lactic acid products in a volume of at least half-liter - natural yogurts cooked at home (Zakvaska for them sold in all pharmacies or in the dairy departments of supermarkets)
  • Purified Water, Natural Fresh, Herbs, Buckle of Rosehip, Cranberry Mors, etc. in a volume of at least two liters!
  • Dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and fish. It is worth cooking them for a couple, boil or bake!
  • Natural oil of plant origin - olive, linen, sunflower
  • Butter
  • Quail eggs, but you can and chicken!
  • Natural medical
  • Local grieving vegetables and fruits.

Products for increasing lactation of a nursing mother must be fresh and do not contain any additives and preservatives. They can cause allergic reactions and in mommy, and in a newborn.

How to increase milk in a nursing mother?

Assist and folk remedies, for example, such:

  • Broth of a mixture of souls, seeds of Tmin and Fennel
  • Carrot drink, which is prepared as follows - rubbed three or four tablespoons of fresh carrots and poured hot milk. Drink immediately! On the day to drink three glasses.
  • Carrot juice with the addition of cream, milk. Carrot Fresh is done and a tablespoon of natural cream or milk is added to the glass of juice. Drink immediately after cooking. Drink three times a day!
  • Tea with adding Melissa. Perfectly soothes and returns the amount of milk to the previous level, if a stressful situation has occurred!
  • Dill normally normalizes digestion, and the decoction from its seed will affect the amount of milk!

How to increase lactation of nursing mothers - methods are quite a lot! The main thing is the desire of moms to poison your baby with their milk, as long as possible!