There's no better hairstyle than a fresh cut or everything you wanted to know about trimming your hair but were afraid to ask! My experience, reflections and photos. Types of haircuts for medium hair. Photo of fashionable women's haircuts, front view, back view of straight, curly hair.

You can cut your hair beautifully evenly not only with an experienced hairdresser, but also on your own. Having mastered a few simple tricks, you can get rid of split ends, trim the length or make yourself a “cascade” with your own hands.

The first step is to organize the most bright workplace.

Hairdressing experts recommend using a large wall mirror or dressing table when shortening the tips yourself.

You need to prepare the following tools:

  • professional scissors;
  • thin scallop;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • clamps;
  • iron;
  • mirror;
  • thinning scissors.

Hair preparation

  • With regular straightening of curls, experts advise performing a similar procedure with them before cutting.
  • Before trimming the cut ends, you should not apply styling products to the strands, as it will be problematic to evaluate the result.

Ways to cut the ends of your hair yourself


It is difficult to shorten your own ends in the classic way:

  • A thin layer from below is separated from wet, combed strands with a horizontal parting. The remaining free hair at the crown is fixed with a hairpin.
  • With a thin comb with frequent teeth, carefully cut the required length with scissors. Release fixed curls.
  • Similarly separate the next thin layer. The rest of the hair is collected together.
  • Focusing on the lower layer, the subsequent strands are cut to the crown.

Separate the rest of the hair with a parting, comb it, trim it with scissors, focusing on the already cut ones. Accuracy will add styling by cutting the strands from the sides at a slight angle.

low ponytail

Haircut in a low tail refers to an unusual technique for getting rid of unwanted tips at home:

Head down

The technique of shortening the ends in a low ponytail is suitable for girls with sparse and straight curls.

Cutting your hair evenly is easy, following the step-by-step instructions:

  • The head is tilted down and the strands are carefully combed.
  • Cut off the ends in stages. In no case should you try to cut everything at once in one fell swoop.
  • After making sure that the result is satisfactory, do the usual styling.

high tail

A simple way to easily cut your hair evenly is a high ponytail:

2 low tails

The double ponytail method is a quick do-it-yourself haircut option:

6 ponytails

Cutting your hair exactly using the 6 ponytail method without training, as well as without elementary skills, will not work.

  • It is worth dividing the curls into six equal parts, collect them in ponytails with rubber bands. It must be borne in mind that there should be two identical tails: on the right, on the left, in the middle. Divided horizontally equally.
  • Each ponytail is cut in turn, after slightly wetting with water from a spray bottle.
  • Get rid of rubber bands.

With a special level

The haircut technique with a special level is in demand for independent use at home.

1st method:

2nd method:

  • You should lean forward, put the device on your hair, measure the desired length. The level must be kept at the same time and cut off the split ends.

How to cut bangs yourself?

An important element of the hairstyle of the fair sex is bangs, which can radically change the appearance in one direction or another. Cutting your own bangs is easy. It is worth adhering to specific rules so that the risk of emphasizing the flaws in appearance is minimized.

Straight bangs

Air bangs

Thinning scissors will help to make it airy, thanks to which a lightweight version of the bangs is created.

  • Free the area around the face from excessive curls.
  • The bangs should be divided into several strands, alternately twisting into loose bundles. Make cuts approximately in the middle of the strands or 2-3 cm. from the ends.

Long bangs to the side

  • The area of ​​​​the bangs is selected, the remaining curls are fixed with a hairpin.

An important rule is to cut bangs on dry hair.

  • It is necessary to pull the future bangs in the direction where the length will be the smallest, and perform a haircut.

How to cut split ends?

You can get rid of split ends at home on your own, without visiting an expensive salon.

Technique "Flagella"


Haircut braided hair is a suitable option for owners of curly curls.

  • You should carefully comb your hair, making sure that there are no strands tangled together.
  • Divide the curls into parts with a thickness of 2 - 2.5 cm., Weave from each pigtail. Fasten with rubber band.

The number of braids depends on the thickness of the hair.

  • It is necessary to cut each pigtail by 0.5 - 1 cm. from the edge of the hair with sharp scissors straight, not at an angle.
  • Loose curls.

In case of minor flaws, it is worth correcting them with scissors, bringing the haircut to the ideal.

Clamp 3 fingers

It is very convenient to cut your hair evenly, as well as split ends using a 3-finger clip on your own. The method is aimed at saving the length, scrupulous study of unwanted ends of the hair.

The 3-finger clip is a godsend for those who are not ready to part with extra inches of hair. Double fixation with fingers provides the ability to carefully release, cut off the tips.

How to cut your curly hair?

You need to work separately with each curl, use special techniques, cutting your own curls so that they do not curl even more:

  • Wet hair should be combed with a wide-toothed comb.
  • A conditioner is applied to dry curls, which is not washed off, and a haircut is started.

Possible haircut options:

  • Bob in two sections.
    • Tie a low ponytail at the back of the head. The elastic should be lowered by 3-5cm. down.
    • Cut the curls right under the elastic.
    • The curls are loosened, a high ponytail is tied. Cut off the top by 5cm. above the ends.
    • Release hair.
  • "Find and destroy"- technique using a magnifying mirror. The goal is to get rid of damaged tips.
  • twist method. Small curls are wound around the finger until split hairs are found.
  • Fingers. The main thing is to feel the damaged tips with the help of tactile sensations and cut them off.

How to cut your own cascade?

Cascade haircut is easy to use on its own. You can cope at home without spending a lot of effort.

Instructions in pictures on how to cut your hair in the style of a cascade evenly

This requires the following tools:

  • sharpened scissors;
  • elastic;
  • several combs;
  • mirror.
  • The hair is combed carefully and fixed high on the crown of the tail.
  • Cut hair parallel to the floor.
  • If desired, the strands at the end of the tail are milled with special scissors.

We cut the ladder ourselves

Cutting your own ladder is not difficult, following the instructions:

How to cut your hair to your shoulders?

By itself, you can cut your hair to the shoulders at home:

  • Comb your hair by spraying with water from a spray bottle. It is necessary to outline the desired length of hair and divide vertically in half.
  • The control strand is separated in front, along which they are guided during the further shearing process.
  • Clamp between two fingers (index and middle), fixing in advance, cut off the desired length.
  • You should check the haircut for unevenness.

How to cut your hair short?

Following the step-by-step instructions, you can master the technique of a short haircut yourself:

  • Having made a tight tail and loosening the elastic band a little, they make a parting.
  • Move the elastic a few centimeters along the tail, cut off the hair with scissors.
  • They loosen their hair. As a result, the haircut will resemble a square "on the leg".
  • At the end, combed hair is leveled, focusing on the top layer, and get rid of the “legs” with a razor.

How to cut your bob?

The neatness of the hairstyle will be added by cutting the hair with a machine in the neck area.

How to cut your hair in a semicircle?

  • Two mirrors are positioned so that what is happening behind is visible.
  • Gather hair in a ponytail and tie with elastic bands every 2 cm. The last fixation is 1 cm. to the cut line.
  • Cut off the desired centimeter parallel to the floor.
  • They dissolve and separate the curls with a parting from the forehead to the back of the head into two parts.
  • Focusing on shortened curls, you need to cut the rest so that two strands near the face come out the same length.

How to cut your hair straight back?

How to cut your hair straight back is an extremely difficult dilemma.

After training, you can make a similar haircut for yourself at home:

  • The hair is combed, collected in a ponytail, tied with elastic bands in several places every 2-3 cm. The last gum is fixed at a level of 1 cm. from the end of the hair where the cut line will be.
  • Trim the ends a centimeter parallel to the floor.
  • You should dissolve the curls, separate the upper part, fixing it with a clip. A thin strip of strands at the back of the head is left free, divided in two.
  • They take the resulting two strands in the occipital region, shift to the shoulders. The rest of the hair on both sides is equal to them.
  • The trimmed strands are folded forward on the shoulders, the ends of the remaining curls are cut with scissors.

How to cut your hair with a machine?

With the help of a typewriter, you can make yourself a haircut on your own no worse than in a hairdresser:

Cutting your hair straight is the dream of the fair sex. How to do without professionals in hairdressing so as not to spoil your hair.

Some tips and warnings will help:

  • If there is no self-confidence, hairdressers do not recommend taking on such a haircut on their own. It is worth taking the help of a loved one.
  • Stylists advise an exercise that helps you quickly gain skills in using scissors and symmetry techniques. To do this, you need a blank sheet of paper, which is cut into several strips of equal width and length. The result will not be long in coming.
  • Numerous video tutorials on the Internet on this topic describe in detail the procedure for self-cutting.

Haircut check

When all the difficulties are already behind, it remains to check the haircut. At this stage, carefully comb the hair with a comb with thick teeth. In this way, small cut hairs are removed and strands of unequal length are detected. Missed hairs are cut pointwise with scissors in the process of control combing.

It will not be possible to completely exclude trips to hairdressers and beauty salons due to the fact that it is impossible to cut your hair perfectly evenly on your own. Both numerous trainings and experience give only a small opportunity to refresh the ends of the hair.

To have an attractive and well-groomed appearance, hairdressing experts recommend refreshing your hair every 2 to 3 months. And getting rid of unwanted split ends is the best way.

Video on the topic: how to cut your own hair

How to cut your own hair. How to fix the tips at home:

Haircut at home thick hair. 2 ways to cut your own hair:

Cutting the ends of the hair is a necessary care procedure. Trimming the ends every month when you grow them out is not necessary - once every 2-3 months will be enough to ensure comfortable hair growth. Be sure to cut the split ends of damaged hair. If coloring and nutritional deficiencies have led to a section, such hair should be cut every month until the problem disappears completely.

You can cut the ends of your hair yourself - for this you need to know the types of hair trimming.

Cutting the ends of the hair is safe and has no contraindications. There is a saying that pregnant women should not cut their hair. However, the decision here depends only on the degree of suspiciousness of the expectant mother. Cutting the ends, like other hairdressing procedures, does not cause any harm to the fetus, and often women not only cut their hair calmly, but also color it.

You can trim the ends of your hair at home if the hair was originally in good shape and was cut by a professional master. You just have to cut off the overgrown part of the length without changing the shape of the haircut.

Consider how to properly cut the ends of your own hair. First you need to purchase special professional scissors (you can buy at the link) and subsequently make sure that the blades are sharp. It is advisable to cut dark hair on a light background, and light hair on a dark one - this way you can control the cutting process and notice irregularities.

When cutting, each tip is trimmed to the same length. For example, if you want to shorten your hair by half a centimeter, in the process of cutting, you cut each strand by 5 mm. If , you need to cut off the damage completely and even slightly above the beginning of the section.

You can cut the ends of your hair yourself if you strictly follow the cutting technique. Let's go over the main steps.

Basic steps for cutting your own hair

  • Training. Wash your hair with shampoo and hair conditioner. Comb your hair thoroughly with a small, wide-toothed comb. You need to cut your hair wet or wet, but often they dry out, so in the process they need to be sprayed with water.
  • A haircut. Hair is divided into strands. Each strand is held with fingers above the head. The fingers are located above the place of the future cut. Trim the end carefully. Next, strand by strand, repeat the procedure.
  • Completion. Check how symmetrical your haircut is. To make everything work out smoothly, try to stick to the chosen length or cut your hair one by one: first a strand on one side, then on the other.

Fluff method

With this method, the hair is twisted into a tourniquet and all protruding hairs are cut off. Hair needs to be pulled tight enough. At the end of the procedure, the strands are twisted in the opposite direction and the quality of the haircut is checked.

If you are afraid to cut your own hair, ask a friend to help. Haircut technology will not change. However, the presence of an assistant is good because from the side it is easier to divide the hair into zones, pull out strands and wield scissors at different angles.

Hairdressers recommend an exercise that will help you better master scissors and symmetry techniques. Take a blank sheet of paper and cut it into even, identical strips vertically and horizontally. With regular performance of the task, you will quickly notice the result.

Mastering the methods of self-cutting hair and being able to evenly cut the ends of long hair without resorting to the help of a hairdresser is the dream of many girls. This is not surprising, because many have encountered a situation in hairdressing salons when, wanting only to remove the tips, they lost a decent length of hair. Therefore, home haircuts have become relevant again. There is currently a lot of information and videos on the web on this topic. Pay special attention to learning how to cut curly hair.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely refuse trips to the stylist: it is impossible to radically change the shape of the haircut, perfectly evenly cut the ends of the hair on your own. Nevertheless, constant practice and a little training will give you the opportunity at home to refresh your haircut a little and cut the ends of your hair beautifully.

When choosing a haircut, it is very important to pay attention not only to how it looks from the front and side, but you need to find out what it looks like from behind. After all, knowing how the back of the head will look, many would change their haircut, or ask the master to make the back of the head differently. In fact, there are so many different options for decorating the back of the haircut, and choosing the back of the head that you like is not difficult.

Short haircuts can be both very feminine, delicate, and defiantly rebellious, for example, a high tuft and shaved temples. At the same time, the lower part of the back of the head can be cut short, or even removed under the machine. The highlight can be a beautiful pattern on the back of the head or a tattoo. One of the trends among short haircuts is always a fashionable bob. Stylists offer to move away from the classics, and opt for a graduated or asymmetrical short bob, a bob with elongations is also popular. Before you go to get a haircut, look at the photos of the haircuts, especially what the back of the head looks like, and already decide with the master which option will be yours.

How the back of the head looks with different haircuts

  • Garcon and pixies

For brave and determined girls, short garcon and pixie haircuts are suitable. They are popular because of the quick and easy styling, with a rejuvenating effect, make the look pretty, and at the same time a little daring. Behind they are similar, the difference is only in the length of the strands at the back of the head.

  • Cascade

A great version of the cascade with the presence of torn strands at the back of the head, and if they are slightly curled, the hair at the back will look chic. The haircut will perfectly fall on both dark and blond hair. Due to the layering and slightly disheveled look, even thin hair will get volume. Do not forget to monitor the condition of the hair, because the split ends at the back can spoil the look of the hairstyle.

  • Graduated haircuts

In a graduated haircut, how the hair will lie at the back depends on the cutting technique, either it will be straight strands, or a gentle ladder, or a falling cascade. With thin hair, a good master, based on a graduated ladder or cascade, can make a beautiful voluminous nape.

  • Ladder

The uniqueness of the ladder is its beautiful appearance on different types of hair, and the ability to correct the oval of the face, with various types of styling. The ladder at the back is quite simple, but different nuances are taken into account. There are three ways to cut the back of the head, when only the contour of the face is outlined with the help of a ladder, when the haircut captures the entire width and length of the hair, or when it starts from the middle of the strands. The best option that suits you, you will choose with the help of a good hairdresser.

  • Beanie

One haircut has many options. It can be long in front to the very eyebrows, or barely reach the middle of the forehead. There may be even strands running around the head, a variant of long hair at the back passing into short hair to the level of the forehead. And a short version of the haircut at the back, when there is a leg that "holds" your haircut. You can use asymmetry, both in front and behind.

On the example of several of the most fashionable and sought-after haircuts, you saw how haircuts from the back of the head can look and how many different options they have.

We can conclude that a very important component of a beautiful hairstyle is a neat, beautifully designed nape.

The tips of the hairs are the elders on our head, so they are dull, delaminate, break off and this spoils the look of the curls. So, we will learn how to restore their beauty and stylish shape with our own hands.

We cut the ends to give them a fashionable shape or surprise with outrageous asymmetry. We will comb the wayward curls well, using a spray or water, so that they become obedient, and after the session, we will definitely wash our hair and refresh it with a balm.

Trimming the ends of your hair

How much does it cost to cut the ends of your hair? It depends on the salon, but we are also sorry for our time. Of course, it is difficult to trim a professional multi-level haircut with a ladder, but we will be able to evenly cut the dangling and split ends of the strands in order to get a decent base for future fashionable hairstyles.

  • We can cut the ends in a straight line. This form is especially advantageous on perfectly smooth straight hair.
  • On wavy lush curls, we will create a semicircle shape. At the same time, a loosely woven braid or a magnificent tail looks great.
  • We cut the strands perpendicularly, then the cut diameter of the hair is minimal, which means that it is less injured than when cut obliquely.
  • Dark curls are more visible to cut on a light background, while light curls are the other way around.

Advice! The instruction of stylists guarantees an excellent result from good scissors - steel, very sharp. After all, blunt scissors break off and tear out hairs, damage their structure and cause delamination.

Haircut set

The developers pleased us with the Creaclip hairdressing clip, which tightly fixes the strand, which allows you to cut at an angle.

This innovation is very convenient for short haircuts.

  • We apply a high-quality spray to the strands, then we comb them well.
  • Separate the front strands, comb and secure with a clip.
  • With scissors we will cut off as much as we planned, and then we will move the clamp higher to profile the haircut at an angle.
  • Next, carefully profile the tips.
  • Let's remove this device and comb the trimmed curls.

Trim uneven ends

  • We carefully comb the strands, untangling all their knots.
  • Let's collect in front of us - for this you just need to tilt your head.
  • Next, pull the strands so that you can see the tips.
  • We hold, pulling the strand with our hands, or fix the ends with a thin elastic band exactly at the place of the intended cut and start cutting.
  • Now, with sharp scissors, in one motion, cut off its edge in front of our fingers.
  • Subsequent thinning will give the new shape a more natural look.

Milling hair

Hair thinning is a peculiar and moderate thinning of the ends of curls to form a beautiful natural shape. It is not used with a thin texture of hairs, as they will lose volume, and curls can be cut.

The craftsmen do thinning with special scissors, a razor or hot scissors, and ordinary steel scissors will also help us out at home.

  • Before thinning, moisten the edges with a spray to clearly see their length.
  • The flat retainer will make them immovable and accessible when trimming.
  • Flatten the strand with your fingers to make it thinner.
  • Next, we mill it with scissors at a right angle, and let the comb be parallel to the scissors.
  • If we cut it with an oblique cut, then we will create a new spectacular shape.

Give it a triangular shape

If we want to cut the bottom of the hair in a triangle, we will take good scissors and a comb with thick teeth.

  • Comb hair smoothly, and straighten wavy hair with an iron. We separate them with a parting from one temple to another, then pin everything on top. Divide the remaining strands in half and throw them forward.
  • Let's start on the left. We comb the first strand with a thick comb, stretching and straightening it. In this case, the comb is in the right hand and perpendicular to the strand, and with the left two fingers we hold the combed ends.
  • We fix with our fingers the length that we want to leave, or where the broken split ends of the strand end. We take the scissors in the right hand and cut them, moving the scissors, as if on a cloth.
  • We straighten the trimmed hairs and align individual places.
  • Now let's repeat the action with the right side and compare the length on the left and right, bringing them together at the chin. Trim the side that is longer.
  • Divide the hair of the crown in two, throw it forward.
  • Having combed their right half, we can easily navigate along the length of the already trimmed ends.. We cut new strands in the same way.
  • Let's do the same on the left.

Thermal cutting of split ends

We will spend 1-3 hours on this process: the more stratified hairs and the thicker the hairline, the longer the session. The procedure is convenient and safe, as the hot blades are covered with a heat-resistant coating on the outside.

Thermal cutting features

  • If we leave the length the same, and we want to process only the ends, then we cut them dry.
  • We heat the electric scissors to a certain temperature depending on the thickness of the hairs.
  • First, we cut to the desired shape, after which we twist thin bundles alternately and seal their edges with scissors heated to 180 degrees.
  • After the procedure, we can’t correct anywhere with ordinary scissors.
  • We will repeat the thermal haircut in a month.


  • A timely thermal haircut improves the hair structure, preventing the scales from opening up and causing brittle hairs.
  • The hair becomes much thicker, more magnificent, because the soldered hairs are strengthened - now they are no longer threatened with loss and destruction from external factors.


  • The high cost of the thermal procedure is significant due to the duration of the process itself. Its price is about 2000 rubles, also based on the prestige of the salon.
  • Subsequent proper care is also very costly, as we use expensive medical cosmetics from the separation of hairs.
  • We must continue to protect the hair from any harmful mechanical effects.
  • Experts are still arguing about whether the sealed tip can release organic substances to the outside.

Trimming split ends

Preliminary steps:

  • on the washed curls we will apply a conditioner that does not require mandatory washing;
  • comb them with a rare comb to evenly divide into strands.

Shearing method

  • We stretch the first strand and firmly clamp its tip with 2 fingers exactly above the place where we will cut it.
  • We cut off the split ends half a centimeter above the damaged area so that the hair shaft is absolutely healthy.
  • So we shorten the strand by strand, while making sure that the hair is combed well, and their ends have not shifted.

Advice! It is more convenient to keep separately trimmed and untrimmed curls, while each cut the same way, then you don’t have to equalize.

Fluff method

  • We twist the strand with a flagellum, then its ends will stick out, and we will immediately notice the split ends and cut them.
  • We hold the flattened bundle between the index and middle fingers, and support it with the ring finger.
  • Then slowly slide your fingers down the strand and see the ragged edges popping up that need to be cut off.
  • Test haircut: now we twist the same strand in the opposite direction and shorten the previously broken edges that have slipped away.


Permanently split ends for medicinal purposes are soldered with a thermal haircut after their usual shortening. This procedure is also effective after perms, coloring and keratin straightening.

It is easy to trim long strands, because we will give them that universal shape that will become the basis of beautiful and different hairstyles. And the video in this article clearly demonstrates all the stages of the process.

4 types of semicircular bangs: note to beauties

Bangs are a universal part of a haircut, which in one form or another is almost always present. Long-haired women can afford to cut bangs of various lengths and shapes (with short haircuts, the variety is not so wide). Depending on the shape of the face, this or that type of bangs is suitable.

Bangs are part of the hairstyle and should be irresistible.

The appearance of a haircut with bangs: who will suit the hairstyle

A semicircular shape looks good only if it is thick and heavy enough. Its base should start from the crown. If you have not too thick hair, then the selection of such a massive strand can adversely affect the hairstyle. In this case, it is better to refuse a haircut.

To cut your bangs in a semicircle, do the following yourself:

  • Wash your hair and dry your hair. Do not cut wet strands, as they will become much shorter after drying, and you will not be able to predict the result you will get;
  • Make a parting from the crown to the forehead in the form of a triangle. That is, select the strand that will be cut. Follow the strict symmetry of the parting (unless the opposite is thought out);
  • Comb the selected strand on the forehead, and collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail so that it does not interfere with the haircut and the face is completely open;
  • Trim the bangs right at the level of the eyebrows or at the desired level. If the shape is planned oblique, then cut at an angle;
  • Divide the resulting bangs into two flat strands and cut each in a semicircle in the direction from the temple to the center of the face. Watch out for symmetry.

It is not easy to cut bangs in a semicircle on your own. Without the right skills, this may not be possible.

Therefore, if earlier you had problems even with an independent haircut of a straight bang, a semicircular one should be entrusted to professionals. There are different types of such bangs, some of them are more difficult to cut, others are easier. The simplest form is a straight semicircular.

Haircuts in terms of complexity of execution are different as well as bangs

Types of semicircular bangs

Masters of hairdressing have developed several types of such bangs. The most common simple arcuate edge line. It is a simple and symmetrical straight bang cut in an arc. Graphic and has a clear edge. In addition to it, the following types are distinguished;
  1. Ragged;
  2. oblique;
  3. On the side.

It is worth choosing a shape based on the quality of the hair, the original haircut and the type of face. So, it is better for owners of a plump face to avoid such bangs at all and certainly not to make it short. But oblique varieties are suitable for a triangular type of face, although a straight line would be appropriate. It is best to perform such bangs on straight and heavy hair, mostly dark.


Easy to cut. Draws attention to the eyes. Depending on the type of haircut, different lengths are performed. A long arched strand suits a triangular face with long and heavy straight hair. Can help when a straight line looks too heavy.

A component of classic and creative haircuts. With short hairstyles, it is performed short. In this case, it becomes not so thick and heavy. However, the array is still dense, with minimal or no gaps. This is done so that the form is clearly “read” and the effect of an unevenly cut straight line does not appear.

The arched shape should be combined with the hairstyle as much as possible

"Ragged" strands on a bob, bob and cascade

Difficult haircut. Here we are talking about a symmetrical arched bang, as in the previous version, but there is no straight graphic edge. It turns out due to the strong thinning of the arched bangs. If you do it yourself, there is a chance that it will turn out unsuccessfully, the hairstyle will look sloppy. To make the semicircular shape clearly visible, make an even circle, you can “bend” the arc a little more than in the previous version.

No matter how torn ends look defiant and very attractive

Should be thick, but not as thick as arched. Decorates short and creative haircuts, rarely performed long. Suitable for long wavy hairstyles.

Side with a short semicircular bangs: a haircut for a semicircular face

At its core, this is not a haircut, but a styling. It is performed on an arched bang. When drying, the strands are pulled towards the left or right ear. At the same time, the closer the strand is to the temple, the more it stretches. Sometimes styling can also be done on “torn” strands, but in any case, such a semicircular bang should be of sufficient length, below the eyebrows.

Helps to lengthen a round face. Not suitable for owners of an elongated or narrow face, sunken cheeks. Also not suitable for those who have a massive lower jaw and chin, malocclusion. One of the most problematic types of haircuts.

Not suitable for everyone, but only for some

Oblique long semicircular bangs

This shape looks best on short haircuts. May be milled or give a clear line. Ideal for creative haircuts, but difficult to create. It's almost impossible to do it on your own. However, this is the only type of round shape that does not require perfect smoothness, accuracy and precision. Such a modification may be slightly disheveled.

Not suitable for owners of an elongated face, as well as a round or triangular shape. Looks good on an oval, rectangular or square face.

Be healthy beautiful and original!

Features of bangs in a semicircle

Bangs have been in fashion for a very long time and continue to be in trend to this day. This is not surprising, since they not only suit many women, but also allow you to emphasize the most attractive facial features and help hide imperfections. There is far more than one design option. For example, bangs in a semicircle are a great alternative to the classic flat one. Let's talk about this form in more detail.

Appearance and technique

You can imagine what such a bang looks like based on the name.

Its main feature is that it should frame the face, and the contour in this case goes just above the eyebrow line, approximately in the lower forehead area. Bang parameters such as the degree of "depth" of the semicircle, its length and width are adjusted as desired.

In the photo of girls with semicircular bangs, you can see that, just due to the various variations of these parameters, the hairstyle and face as a whole can look completely different.

Also, if you choose the right height or “depth” value, you can correct facial features, for example, visually increase the shape, focus on the cut of the eyes, cover a large forehead or hide wrinkles on it.

A semicircular bang is cut as follows:

  1. To get started, decide on degree of density your bangs. It is important to remember that such a design will look beautiful only if you do not spare the strands and make the bangs quite thick. Otherwise, an arcuate cut may not work at all.
  2. Do triangle shaped hole and with a peak in the region of the crown. The hair is clean and pre-dried.
  3. Collect the part of the hair that is not needed in the work, in a ponytail or bun. Level your workspace first. to the level of the eyebrow line.
  4. Divide the shortened strands into two equal parts and cut each separately. They should be aligned in the form semicircle heading from forehead to temporal parts.

Make sure that the strands are cut symmetrically, and if necessary, periodically trim them additionally.


There are several design options for arched bangs.

With proper implementation, they can make the face younger and balance facial features. When executing this option, it is important to be very careful file off the tips, make them symmetrical on both sides, since any rough movement can ruin the whole idea, and the hairstyle will look untidy. An example of such a design is shown in the following photos.

Looks original, gives an image of femininity and elegance, helps to make facial features softer, great as a complement for short hair(for example, as in the photo below). This variation is also good because it does not require a lot of time when laying.

However, you should avoid this design if you have curly hair, as the side cut may simply not be visible.

Oblique semicircular bangs

This option will delight lovers of asymmetry. With its help, you can add expression and courage to your image. This species will be able to reach its full potential on short hair. Such bangs with highlighting or coloring in a dark color will look especially attractive, as, for example, in the photo.

Like any other type of bangs, this one is not for every girl.

  1. For owners square shaped face, since the soft arched design will create a catchy contrast between the angular chin and the rounded ends at the forehead. Therefore, it is better to choose the option that will help soften the large features of the lower part of the face.
  2. If you have full face. Since the semicircle covers the forehead, the attention of others will be attracted by the lower part, that is, the problematic chin and cheeks.

But if you still have a great desire to experiment and try on this option, then in this case, you should not make the arc too steep, but rather almost straight and slightly rounded.

Also, you should pay attention to the strands framing the face. They need to be designed so that they cover the cheeks and make them visually narrower, so this area is best done as best as possible. thicker.

But there are a number of girls on whom such a bang design will look good.

Bangs will go:

  1. Owners of faces oval shape. In general, almost any haircut and bangs go with this face shape. The arched design will make an additional emphasis on the correct features.
  2. If you have a face round shape, but without pronounced puffiness. She is visually able to make the face narrower due to the curved arc and strands on the sides. Also, you can cover your forehead and focus on the beautiful shape of the eyebrows or evening eye makeup, as, for example, in the photo, and soften the excessive graphic haircut.

It is important to keep your hair in a well-groomed condition and not be lazy to style it. This is easily done with any styling product, round brush and blow dryer.

Are you growing long hair? Shaking for every centimeter? But you need to shave!

How many times have I heard and read the opinions of girls about terrible hairdressers who literally sleep and see in order to cut off the extra 5-10-20 cm for them. But let's be objective ... we ourselves are to blame! You need to firmly and clearly say how many cm you need to cut off, what cut to make, discuss thinning and other points. The hairdresser is not a psychic!

About my hair:

  • Long;
  • Straight by nature (well, I don’t use irons and other bells and whistles!);
  • Thin, but quite thick;
  • They grow very quickly, about 25 cm per year;
  • I take care actively, from which they grow even faster

I'm cutting my hair once every half a year (about 10-15cm), but for my hair this is enough, I try to maintain their condition and cut my hair with flagella at home myself.

Instructions for those who are always cut off more than necessary (consider the case of trimming the tips):

  • As soon as you sit in the chair, immediately tell me how long you want to cut.
  • Show how exactly you see these 5-10-20 cm, everyone's eye is different. Or carry a ruler with you.
  • Choose to either wash your hair or spray it, so it will be trimmed more neatly. A couple of times they wanted to cut my hair with dry hair. So be vigilant.
  • Specify the cut: straight, semicircle, triangular ... or whatever you decide. I always cut my hair in a light semicircle.
  • thinning. It's up to you, I prefer without it, so the hair looks healthier and more vibrant. Do not overdo it, otherwise the hair will look thin.
  • If you still have doubts about the haircut, ask to look through the mirror.
  • After the haircut, carefully look at yourself in the mirror, if something does not suit you, do not be afraid to ask to finish or redo it.

Yes, I'm Captain Obvious. But many girls sit and are silent, while they remove much more centimeters. Talk to the master, ask what he is doing, ask to see the work in progress. Yes, be boring and intrusive, but your hair is dear to you! Don't let things go by themselves! I, at a very young age, came to get a haircut with waist-length hair, and came out with a shoulder-length hairstyle, simply because the aunt said that all the damaged hair should be removed, and I was ashamed to object to her, and I didn’t think that they would cut off all length!

Well, it's best to find your master and go only to him. I am in eternal search and every time I get a haircut in different salons and with different masters.

I recently cut off my ends (20cm), which I am extremely happy about. It has become easier to care for, easier to comb, easier to wash, not so hard to wear.

So I advise you to cut split ends at least once every six months. If more often, then even better, but look at the condition of the hair.

About prices:

Trimming the tips is not such a difficult process, so I can’t say that the result will be much different in an expensive salon and in a regular hairdresser. It all depends on the degree of curvature of the master. The price range in my city is 200-1000 rubles.

What gives us this procedure:

  1. Hair looks healthier and well-groomed;
  2. Split ends are trimmed;
  3. Combing hair is facilitated;
  4. Washing and drying are made easier;
  5. Visually, the hair looks thicker;

I think that it is better to let the hair be shorter, but it will look healthy. I show hair growth in dynamics.

Short haircuts for wavy hair photo Cascading haircut for medium length hair

In 2019, it has become a must-have element of the most stylish looks.

Hairdressers consider it unique. The short flight of stairs looks great on any type of hair, allows you to perfectly model the oval of the face, and in addition - to vary the styling to your own taste.

Stepped haircut ladder 2019: back photo

Cascading layered hairstyles most closely match the main trend of today's fashion. Complex and highly individual images are created thanks to their beautiful and non-trivial contours.

The style of the 70s, namely from that era the ladder came into today's fashion, today is at the very peak of its popularity. But this hairstyle cannot be called frankly vintage, it fits surprisingly subtly into many other styles - from modern classic to sophisticated romantic.

The technique of cutting a short flight of stairs or a cascade is quite simple, the hair, from the crown to the tips, is cut in steps of different lengths and depths. Nevertheless, this hairstyle belongs to the category of highly professional, and only an experienced and proven master can be entrusted with its execution.

The pattern of the haircut and the nature of the kennel in each individual case can only be selected by an experienced hairdresser. Best of all, such a hairstyle will look on straight or slightly wavy hair, and their density in this case is not critical. A cascading, layered hairstyle can add extra volume to thin hair. And at the same time - to pacify and give the desired shape to thick and naughty hair.

The choice of a new one always begins with an assessment of the type and shape of one's own face. But in the case of the ladder, stylists do not put forward any restrictions, it goes well with a variety of face shapes. It is only important to choose the right length of the control strands - on the crown zone. The most beautiful for any type of face look long - up to the chin - curls that gracefully frame the face.

Pay attention to the photo, the haircut of the ladder at the back is individual in each case:

The hairstyle owes its name to the technique of its execution. Regardless of the length, the hair from the control strand is cut in steps. Their tips must be profiled - this will not only create an elegant volume, but also allow you to make simple and stylish styling.

The hairstyle has many options and is performed both on very long hair and on short hair. In this case, the neck is left open, and a beautiful complex volume of hair is created at the crown and temples.

Cascading medium length hair is the best option for those who love simple and dramatic hairstyles. By the way, one of its advantages is that it does not require frequent correction, one trip to the salon once every three months will be enough to maintain its shape.

But the hairstyle looks especially luxurious on long hair, in this case, the haircut of the ladder at the back is made out with multi-level strands that look great if you cut it with “feathers”.

Regardless of the length, a stepped ladder haircut is perfectly combined with all fashionable styles. Even if you have never worn bangs, in combination with such a hairstyle it is worth a try.

The most fashionable, and most importantly, two options for bangs are universal. First, long - up to the eyebrows - thick and straight, they perfectly contrast with the multi-layered contour of the hairstyle and at the same time perfectly correct the oval of the face. Such bangs will look great on the owners of narrow and elongated faces to the chin. She perfectly balances their proportions and makes facial features more elegant.

See how spectacular in these photos, haircut with a ladder in combination with bangs:

Thinned bangs of complex shape look no less stylish - arched or oblique and asymmetrical, they perfectly model rounded and “square” faces. And, in addition, they emphasize a single, complexly built line of the silhouette of the hairstyle.

Women's haircut ladder cascade and her photo

Hairstyle is great for any type of face and hair, but quite demanding on their color. Stylists recommend doing it only on freshly dyed hair. The expressive embossed pattern of the haircut will only exacerbate the impression of overgrown roots or faded color.

This year's trends are natural and noble hair colors, which this hairstyle shows especially luxuriously. Choose a shade closest to your natural color, and to enhance its depth and add nuances to the image, light coloring two or three tones lighter will allow.

You can shade the strands both on the crown zone and along the entire contour. This technique works especially well on thin hair, giving the hairstyle extra volume and clarity of the silhouette.