What are short nails talking about? General information about a person. Square nail shape and character

Palmists and even psychologists are convinced that ladies' hands will tell more about a woman than she herself will be able to say at the first meeting. The secrets of our character and addictions hide not only the lines on the palm, but also the shape of the nails, as well as what color of varnish you most often prefer. So, NameWoman will try to unravel women's secrets in a new way ...

Nail shape and character of a woman: 4 main criteria

1 ... First of all, it is worth considering the length of the nail plate - this is a keratinized area, a layer of cells tightly adjacent to the nail bed. The nail plate is considered to be of medium length if it occupies half of the last phalanx of the finger, short - if less, long - if more.

In the case of an elongated nail plate, the woman is usually very reserved and has an amazing peace of mind. She belongs to creative natures, running from routine. However, if the nail plate is greatly elongated, then mistrust and excessive closeness from other people are added to the above qualities.

A shortened nail plate refers to those characteristics of the shape that indicate a highly developed analytical side of the personality. The tendency to analyze and criticize those around them turns into grumbling and intractability in such people. Strengths - resourcefulness, sense of humor, intellectuality.

2 ... People whose nail shape is characterized by an excess of width in relation to the length of the nail plate are extremely restless and fussy, in addition, they are often quite unceremonious and like to show excessive curiosity.

3 ... Very hard and slightly bent up nails betray such a person's trait as greed and intolerance for the shortcomings of other people. On the other hand, those with soft nails are very compliant, but their softness also reflects weak willpower.

4 ... Owners of oval-shaped nails are romantic natures who require special attention and care, they themselves are very kind, become good wives and mothers. Most often they do French manicure, which testifies to good taste and love for classics. It looks neat on nails during a formal celebration, an important reception, a party, a wedding, and is applicable on a weekday. With a short free tip of the nail, it always remains at the height of fashion, as it is easy to work with and care for.

Owners of a manicure with rectangular marigolds are inquisitive, distinguished by determination and a clear knowledge of what they want. The nature of these women allows them to be good leaders. However, in personal relationships, since the owner of rectangular or square-shaped nails is disappointed, most likely she will not give the man a second chance.

Almond-shaped nails give out creative and fun natures. It is never boring with the one who prefers such a manicure.

Sharp claw nails are preferred by female predators. They will not expect the first steps from a man. These women are proactive and decisive. Unfortunately, the main qualities of their character include jealousy, sometimes for absolutely no reason.

Character by the color of the nails. What is your favorite nail polish talking about?

- White lacquer ... Displays a harmonious state. If you often choose this trendy polish as an option for a nude manicure or for coloring the tip of a nail in a French manicure, then most likely you do not need any changes, but only work to improve what you already have.

- Red varnish ... Simultaneously symbolizes sexuality and a certain kind of aggression, possibly irritability. Craving for red varnish suggests that a woman really needs love.

- Raspberry varnish ... A girl with such marigolds is extremely demanding of herself and of others, an idealist.

- Pink varnish ... If this color is your favorite, is the leader in the wardrobe and in the interior around you, then most likely by nature you are still a sentimental and romantic girl. A person who chooses pink nail polish is looking for a protective man who will take care of her and ... will resolve all material issues.

- Yellow varnish ... Like green and orange, this color in a manicure reflects the boldness of a woman's character. If you love experimenting with such varnishes, then the last thing that worries you is the opinion of others. Yellow varnish is chosen by girls who are cheerful, easy-going, but prone to irrational actions and are very afraid of loneliness.

- Gold lacquer ... Reflects self-confidence, authority, the desire to control others.

- Green varnish ... The character of the color of the nails in this case turns out to be extremely positive and balanced. Green varnish speaks of a well-developed intuition, a woman's striving for harmony, a positive outlook on the world.

- Blue varnish ... Women who choose this color are as logical as possible, very smart and rational, they often strive to suppress their own passion, they are characterized by selectivity in terms of communication with people. In general, girls who are admirers of blue varnish are "better less, but better."

- Purple varnish ... On the one hand, this color speaks of very high demands, and on the other hand, it reflects a woman's ability to sacrifice herself, the ability to help others, to give, to support.

- Brown lacquer ... The character of a woman who prefers this color in a manicure is very extravagant. A lover of brown nail polish is very susceptible to various passions and desperately needs attention and admiration. It is very important for her to be loved, male sympathy for her is the strongest source of inspiration.

- Gray lacquer ... A woman who uses this color in manicure most often is logical and very cold-blooded. At the same time, a strong character is not displayed, the lover of gray nail polish avoids unnecessary attention, which many perceive as a sign of shyness or shyness.

- Black lacquer ... Usually a woman who constantly chooses the color of the night for a manicure has a whole bunch of complexes, unresolved problems and internal contradictions. Those around her may not even be aware of the constant struggle inside her, seeing in front of them a selfish, uncompromising and oppressive nature. The reason for the latter lies in the fact that black varnish reflects the desire of a woman with the inability or unwillingness to give anything in return.

Try to use the information above about the color of the varnish in order to get the necessary changes in your life and in your character ...

We are all different. There are distinctive features that are immediately noticeable. For example, the color of hair, eyes, skin. And there are little things to look at later. These are faces, nails. But all these features are united by one common genetics. And they are all given to each specific person for a reason. For example, you can determine the character by the shape of the nails. Some are skeptical about this, but folk wisdom and knowledge is not a joke, but the truth based on specific facts.

Scientific point of view

If you read somewhere that scientists have confirmed this information, do not believe it. and a person's character are undoubtedly interconnected. But this is confirmed by popular observations, not science. It's not about how true the data is. This can be easily traced. The truth is in the sources. And in this case, science is not an indicator.

Before figuring out the nature of the shape of the nails, you need to determine what kind of plate is. Usually, only five main types are distinguished (and sometimes only four at all). But we will expand this list so as not to deprive anyone. First, let's tell you what the oval shape of the nails means. We will also analyze the round, square and rectangular versions of the plate. This characteristic is suitable for people in whom one of the species is clearly expressed.

Oval nails

Oval nails are found in people with long, aristocratic toes. Both that, and another testifies to the romanticism of personalities. Their ideal world is difficult to shatter with brutal reality. They will stand up for their values ​​to the end, constantly putting justice exclusively in the first place. In addition, such individuals are often nervous, thoughtful, depressed. Sometimes they are weak in spirit, have an unstable psyche.


In this case, the shape of the nails is determined very accurately. Being a strict geometric figure, the square endows the same qualities of character and its owner. Usually, such nails can be seen on the fingers of people who are determined, calm, purposeful and judicious. An image of a practical person is immediately drawn. He stands firmly on the ground and knows what he wants. Such an individual rarely shows emotions and feelings, however, this does not mean at all that he does not have them. Fiery passion often appears under the mask of composure. People with square nails are leaders and protectors.


Such plates on the phalanges determine character no worse than others. By the shape of the nails, you can name the main features inherent in humans. And in this case, it is innovation that manifests itself literally in everything. Curiosity is also added to it, from which follows the thirst for travel, sociability, responsiveness and kindness. Maximalism is also inherent in them: in work, in relation to people. Because of him, they sometimes suffer. After all, giving a lot, you do not always get the same amount in return.

Round nail shape

These people are energetic and positive. Their plates resemble a round sun. Individuals with a similar nail shape are the same. They are creative people. But not melancholy-sublime, as in the case of the oval, but subversive, tireless and creative. Such people can be safely called stubborn adventurers. Thanks to this "nuclear" combination, such individuals achieve whatever they can think of. And, believe me, even a tank will not stop them on the way.


Sometimes the nails, having sharp corners, taper upward, forming a kind of trapezoid. People who have this form are very proud, and sometimes even arrogant. But this does not overshadow their pure mind. On the contrary, they always look at things from a rational point of view, they are able to draw correct and logical conclusions. They are great connoisseurs of art, although they themselves are rarely its creators. But they can often become inventors. Their dream is to serve science.

"Fan" or "scapula"

We move away from the usual geometry and figure out how to determine the character by the shape of the nails, if they do not fit into the canons. "Spatula" or "fan" are called nails, which, in contrast to the previous type, on the contrary, taper downward. Those who have them just like that, take good care of family values, keep the comfort of home, dearly love their loved ones. These are people with emotional, impressionable, and sometimes very vulnerable. Philosophy is not alien to them. Such persons like to think at night about the meaning of life more than others.

Nail length

Long nail plates are considered beautiful from time immemorial. They seem more graceful, beautiful and therefore aesthetic. But in fact, it turns out that the shape of the nails and the character of a person are interrelated. It turns out that people with short nails are kinder, kind-hearted and responsive than "aristocrats" with their long and well-groomed plates.

Fancy nails

Girls worry much more about their manicure than men. Therefore, unusual nails can become their shame. At least that's what the young ladies themselves think. But analyzing the nature of the shape of the nails in women, in this case we also come to the conclusion that such girls are very extraordinary personalities. After all, an unusual shape, which is even difficult to describe with any figure, means that the person who got it is just as non-standard, bright, unique. He avoids everything ordinary, and even more so banal. You can expect anything from him!

Triangular nails are also rare. At least not more often than oval or rectangular familiar to many. Their owners are full of courage and determination, not afraid of hard work. Their costs often pay off and are repaid a hundredfold. such individuals achieve all their goals. These are strong-willed people who know what they want from life.

Extra wide and flat

Some people have very short nails - true rectangles. They can be bent in some wrong direction. Such wide and flat plates are more common in men than in women. People with such nails are well versed in human psychology. Advice is rarely given, but if they say something, it is better to listen to them, because you can only pray for their intuition. Although, perhaps, this is not a premonition at all - just correct conclusions, a clear mind and the ability to look at the situation from the outside, to correctly assess the situation. By wanting to make the most of everything, people with wide, flat nails are often able to tackle difficult tasks that others might not.

The master's business

Genetics gives us a natural nail shape. But many girls and women change it, trying to lengthen it. Sometimes they cut the plates to their liking, growing them. The choices they make can also tell something about their character. So, powerful people who love luxury strive for. They are very offended if someone is better than them in anything. Moreover, they make themselves passionate, and the rounded ones are romantic natures, dreamers. Girls who are cheerful, energetic, who do not like to sit in one place, cut their nails briefly.

Other features

It is worth mentioning some other features:

  • beware of people with pale nails - they are cunning;
  • underdeveloped nails - the difference between single people in life;
  • small - are observed in sensitive, easily injured individuals;
  • thickened nails - inherent in people who are easily hurt.

Every woman has her own ideas about the ideal man with whom they would be ready to start a family and, as they say, die on the same day. In this small excursion, women can get a hint how to choose their ideal out of many men and distinguish who is who by the shape of the nails. Here will be presented the main 4 types of forms and nails and the corresponding 4 types of character of men. To make it easier to understand, we will present them in the form of a picture.

Noble knight (fig. 1)

As soon as such a man begins to court, the woman begins to feel like a queen no less. Confident in himself, he will give you the same confidence in life. He will be that strong shoulder that you can lean on. He clearly knows what he wants, including from you. He will not delay and announce all his initiatives to you without delay. The only negative, from time to time selfishness and self-love will manifest. There is one more point, if in the future you will not suit him, he will honestly announce this to you without regrets. So it's up to you whether you are ready to have an honest man in a relationship.

Comedian (fig. 2)

A joker, the soul of the company, a lifelong optimist who will not let you get bored, sad, a holiday person. With humor in life, he wins the love of others and of course yours. He knows what to say to his beloved woman so that her heart, with every appearance of him, beats more and more often. S Conqueror of women, self-confidence in all manifestations of this man hides a vulnerable soul under him that must be supported. And of course, in gratitude, such a man will again make life play with different colors just for you. If you are ready to live almost always on holidays, then this man is for you.

High-flying bird (fig. 3)

Charm, charisma, unpredictability, confidence in his masculine charm make such a man arrogant and a player with his own rules of the game. Such an intellectual skeptic who makes fun of everyone and everything around him. He is a winner who will not tolerate any rivals on his way, he will try to destroy them morally with his caustic tongue. He is a high-flying bird. He always believes and will believe that he is smarter and more talented than others. Women have to try hard to meet their requirements. But if he chose you, he will not tolerate someone else next to him. By choosing you, he made you chosen by his majesty for life. And together you will go through life to conquer the peaks of Olympus.

Shy Prince (fig. 4)

Oh, these noble and modest men, they would use their beauty, but no, they, like that red maiden, are waiting for their beloved, who herself will take the initiative and win his heart. They will, like that victim, watch from the sidelines when the fair sex will fight for this beautiful trophy. For all its attractiveness, the owner of this form of nails has self-doubt and never dares to take the first step towards acquaintance. If you decide to connect fate with such a man, you must be ready to constantly instill in his merits in order to increase his self-esteem and push him to action. That is, to educate him throughout his life.

If the eyes are called the mirror of the soul, then the nails are the mirror of our health. There are a huge number of both traditional and non-traditional methods and methods for diagnosing the state of human health. Among such methods is diagnostics based on the condition of our nails. For example, healers in China have been using this method for many centuries in a row. But at the same time, modern medicine today does not recognize the method of determining health by the state of the nails, as an independent one and uses it as an additional method to confirm or recognize any pathologies.

In humans, they are completely renewed in about six months. Therefore, they can tell about the state of human health during this period. According to individual signs of the condition of the nails, one can say about genetic predispositions to any diseases and about chronic diseases. For example, if nails begin to grow more slowly than usual, this may be one of the signs of endocrine system diseases, and in young women, a sign of pregnancy.

Health and condition of nails and heredity

Experienced diagnosticians, looking at a person's nails, can even tell about his parents. For example, children of chronic alcoholics have a special shape of nails - concave. People with chronic diabetes also have a distinctive nail shape, and the exact same nail shape will be inherited by their children (elongated nail). But do not worry that the disease itself will be transmitted along with the shape of the nail. But this may be a sign that a person is predisposed to one or another disease and it is necessary to take preventive methods to prevent the onset of the disease.

Changes in the shape and color of nails during illness

As a rule, a change in the structure of nails, their shape and relief, speaks of chronic diseases and health problems of the nail. At the initial stages of the disease, as a rule, only the color of the nails changes. For example, with heart defects, chronic diseases of the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract, they take the form of drumsticks, this is painless, usually manifested on the legs and arms, thickening on the terminal phalanges of the fingers of soft tissues, but the bone tissue does not change.

Nail shape can also tell about the presence of very serious diseases in a person.

The condition of the nails, or rather their shape, for example, convex, may indicate that a person is suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. With hepatitis, the nails become shiny and thin. High tubular nails become the harbingers of the onset of oncological diseases. With bronchial asthma, the nails become curved and flat. If any kidney pathology develops, then on the ring fingers the nails take the shape of a semicircle. In the presence of problems associated with, the nails become triangular.

But as mentioned above, not only the shape of the nails can tell about the health of their owner, the color of the nails is also such an indicator. Everyone knows that pink nails are a sign of good health, but the bluish-purple color of the nails suggests that a person is seriously suffering from pulmonary diseases or has problems with the cardiovascular system. If a person's nails are dark red, this is a sign of circulatory disorders, and with purple nails, people experience general weakness. Yellowish nails indicate liver or gallbladder problems. With prolonged fever, the nails turn dark brown. Yellowish-greenish nails are a sign of congenital malformations, severe heart failure, or purulent processes in the body. Milky white nails are a sign of liver cirrhosis, and pale nails indicate anemia.

What does the surface of the nails say?

Not only the shape and color of nails can tell about the state of human health, their surface is also an important factor. White spots may appear, which indicates serious disorders of the nervous system, and if the spots are yellow, it means that the work of the brain is disrupted. When vertical lines appear on your nails, you need to pay attention to how the food you consume is absorbed. If the grooves on the nails are horizontal, this indicates that the person has recently suffered some serious illness. Also, according to the condition of the surface of the nail, one can judge whether or not there are fungal diseases.

Every girl dreams of meeting an ideal man who would become a soul mate, with whom you can create a strong family. However, men, in principle, like girls, have certain character traits that define them as a person. According to the shape of the nails, men can be divided into four types. Thanks to this distribution of character traits, it will be easier for the fair sex to understand what kind of man is in front of her.

Modest prince (Nails. Photo №1)

Men who are of this type are shy. They cannot take the first step and be the first to meet a girl. Even if such representatives of the stronger sex have a beautiful appearance, their shyness prevents them from feeling that they are worthy, to be loved. Because of this, they become even more isolated and do not dare to prove themselves. In turn, a girl who wants to meet such a man must take all the initiative into her own hands. This, of course, does not mean that the lady should be imposed in communication, rather, she should show the young man that he is interesting to her. Also, after meeting, it is worth considering that in the future such a man should always be tuned in to a certain action and increase his self-esteem. If you are ready for this, your humble prince will appreciate your initiative. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Confident knight(Nails. Photo # 2)

Such a man will make the girl feel like a real princess. His intentions and feelings will always be clear. His self-esteem is not underestimated, he feels harmonious with himself, he is who he is and the girl will have to accept it. However, you will always be aware of his plans for the future.

If the relationship with the girl does not suit him, he will not be shy, but will say everything as it is. On the one hand, you will really feel the support of a strong man nearby, on the other hand, you may face his selfishness and excessive self-love. A real knight will be able to win the heart of a princess, whether to accept such courtship or not, it all depends on you.

High flying bird(Nails. Photo # 3)

An amazing and unpredictable man with charisma. He knows what girls like, he is confident in himself. However, his arrogance can and repel, because he plays only by his own rules. Such a man believes that he has no equal rivals, which means he is a winner. The belittling of someone's abilities, love of criticism, the use of pressure in dealing with other people is a clear drawback of men of this type. This happens for the reason that they consider themselves superior and smarter. Do you like the type of such a man, are you sure that you can win his heart? Perhaps it will be so, because if such a man chose his beloved woman, then she is the best. Another woman just can't be with him. If you feel like you are ready to fly that high, then your bird is perfect for you. Forward to victories and conquest of heights!

Favorite clown (Nails. Photo # 4)

A man of this type will not let you get bored, because he is the soul of the company, the holiday will not do without him. And his friends love him for his amazing sense of humor. Such a man attracts the attention of many women, because he will always find an approach to the heart of a beautiful lady. Love to have fun and joke, then this man is perfect for you. However, do not forget that sometimes a very vulnerable person is hiding under the mask of a clown, who can sometimes become sad. If you are ready to support your “beloved clown” in difficult times, you are in luck, because such a man will appreciate your attention and will give you many more smiles.