Exacerbation of pancreatitis during pregnancy how to treat. Treatment of acute pancreatitis during pregnancy. The need for treatment for pancreatitis during pregnancy, or Something about the threat to the baby

Pancreatitis during pregnancy can cause the development of various complications of its course and lead to a threat of miscarriage. Despite the rather low prevalence of this disease among expectant mothers (only 1-2 cases per 7-10 thousand pregnant women), it needs timely diagnosis and adequate treatment.

What is the disease

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process localized in the pancreas and characterized by damage to its tissues due to the effect of digestive enzymes on them. The development of the disease during pregnancy can be triggered by the pressure exerted on the excretory duct of the gland by the enlarged uterus, as well as by a number of other factors.

The enzymes secreted by the pancreas are quite aggressive and, under certain conditions, can cause the breakdown of its tissues. In addition, the organ is involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism through the secretion of insulin. Therefore, a long-term current disease, as well as exacerbation of pancreatitis during pregnancy can cause the development of dysfunction of the entire digestive system.

Types of pancreatitis

Experts distinguish two forms of the disease:

  1. 1. Acute inflammation of the pancreas, consisting in the destruction of its tissues and the subsequent development of their death. Acute pancreatitis also includes abscess and necrosis.
  2. 2. A chronic inflammatory process can lead to the replacement of glandular tissue with fibrous tissue and the formation of areas of calcification.

The reasons for the development of the disease in pregnant women

The main reasons for the development of acute or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy are:

  • compression of the duct of the gland, which can develop due to the high standing of the fundus of the uterus, diseases of the digestive system (intestines, liver, gallbladder), chronic constipation;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • low tone of the digestive system as a whole;
  • defeat of the gland by a viral or bacterial infection;
  • uncontrolled and unjustified intake of medicines, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

Acute or chronic pancreatitis in pregnant women can also develop against the background of other diseases: mumps (mumps), viral hepatitis of various types, helminthic invasions and even chronic stress. In some cases, the disease can be caused by trauma to the gland.

Symptoms of pancreatitis

  • Clinical manifestations of acute pancreatitis

The disease always begins acutely, most often with the appearance of girdle pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, retching, sometimes there may be an increase in body temperature.

In rare cases, enzymes released from the destroyed cells of the pancreas are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a sharp drop in blood pressure, dizziness, loss of consciousness and the development of convulsive syndrome. With this course, there is no pain syndrome, the clinical picture resembles attacks of eclampsia and the percentage of deaths is very high (up to 80%).

  • Clinical manifestations of chronic pancreatitis

Chronic inflammation of the pancreas during pregnancy can proceed in three types, differing in their manifestations:

  1. 1. Dyspeptic type is manifested by impaired functioning of the digestive system, nausea, urge to vomit, flatulence, diarrhea (and the stool may be mixed with undigested food particles), lack of appetite, loss of body weight).
  2. 2. With the painful type of the course of the disease, the presence of pains in the upper abdomen prevails, which are of a shingles nature.
  3. 3. The asymptomatic type is characterized by the absence of clinical manifestations, which significantly complicates the diagnosis and timely treatment of the disease.

A combination of dyspeptic and painful forms of chronic pancreatitis in pregnant women is possible.

Dysfunction of the digestive tract, which develops as a result of inflammation of the pancreas, can lead to the following health problems:

  • dysbiosis;
  • food allergy;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • vaginal candidiasis.

What is the danger of pancreatitis for a pregnant woman and a fetus?

Pancreatitis during pregnancy(especially in an acute form) is a rather dangerous disease, which with a high probability (in 35-38 cases out of a hundred) can lead to the development of a miscarriage or premature birth. This is due to the complexity of diagnosis, rapid development and severity of the pathology. With a severe course of acute pancreatitis, there is also a high probability of death for the expectant mother herself.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

In order to determine pancreatitis during pregnancy, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • general blood analysis;
  • determination of the level of amylase and lipase in blood serum;
  • determination of the level of amylase in the urine;
  • determination of blood glucose levels (if acute pancreatitis is suspected);
  • stool analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the pancreas.

Features of the treatment of pancreatitis in pregnant women

The most important aspect in the treatment of pancreatitis is diet to be developed by the doctor. It must be remembered that a woman suffering from pancreatitis during pregnancy should not eat spicy, smoked, pickled, sour, salty, fatty foods. It is better to cook compote or jelly from fruits (juices are not recommended). You can safely eat bananas and boiled vegetables.

Drug therapy

Treatment of inflammation of the pancreas should be comprehensive and include:

  • pain relievers;
  • antispasmodics;
  • in severe cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed (drugs of the penicillin series).


Surgical treatment of pancreatitis is used for acute purulent form of the disease, abscess and cellulitis of the pancreas.

Choice of term and method of delivery

This issue is resolved individually, depending on the duration of pregnancy and the severity of the course of the disease. In the first trimester, an interruption is recommended, in the third (after 35 weeks), early delivery is usually insisted. If surgical treatment is necessary, a caesarean section is performed first.

Pregnancy with chronic pancreatitis requires careful examination and strict adherence to the diet prescribed by the doctor. If you suspect inflammation of the pancreas, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Acute pancreatitis in pregnant women can be edematous or destructive. Edematous pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas, which takes place with its pronounced edema. Destructive pancreatitis is the death of pancreatic tissue. It, in turn, is also classified into two types: fatty and hemorrhagic. In addition, acute pancreatitis can be large-focal, small-focal, subtotal and total. With small-focal pancreatitis, foci of pancreatic tissue death reach small sizes, with large-focal pancreatitis, large ones, with subtotal pancreatitis, a significant part of the pancreas dies, and with total pancreatic tissue - the entire organ completely.

Acute pancreatitis proceeds in several stages, each of which lasts a certain part of the time. In particular:

  • the enzymatic stage lasts from 3 to 5 days;
  • the reactive stage lasts from 6 to 14 days;
  • the sequestration stage begins from the third week of the course of the disease;
  • the stage of the outcome can last from six months or more, that is, throughout the entire life of the pathology.

The main reasons for the development of acute pancreatitis during pregnancy include the following:

  • the presence of bad habits;
  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • various pathologies of the bile ducts, as well as the liver, due to which the outflow of bile is disturbed;
  • unhealthy diet, the presence in the diet of fatty or fried foods in large quantities;
  • taking certain medications;
  • surgical interventions on the digestive tract.


The clinical signs of acute pancreatitis are always pronounced. These include:

  • excessive pain in the upper abdomen. The pains are very strong, bursting in nature. Sometimes they become unbearable and force the expectant mother to take that position in which the pain subsides for a while;
  • indomitable vomiting that does not bring relief, nausea;
  • stool disorders, in particular, diarrhea. At the same time, fragments of undigested food can be observed in the stool;
  • general weakness of the body, trembling in the limbs, dizziness;
  • high temperature, which can reach 38 degrees.

Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in a pregnant woman

Pancreatitis in expectant mothers is diagnosed based on the analysis of clinical signs and anamnesis of the disease. The doctor finds out what worries the pregnant woman, analyzes the information received, asks her about her lifestyle, about how she eats. In addition, the patient is prescribed a number of laboratory tests, in particular, biochemical and general blood tests. Analyzes are carried out in order to determine the presence of pancreatic enzymes in the body of a pregnant woman. She also undergoes an ultrasound scan of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder, which helps to determine pathological changes in the structures of organs, as well as various pathologies. If necessary, the expectant mother can be assigned an MRI, which is rarely used to detect pancreatitis. Only usually in cases where there is a suspicion of tumor processes. Then, after consulting a gynecologist and gastroenterologist, the pregnant woman receives adequate treatment.


If acute pancreatitis begins early in pregnancy, it may be confused with toxicosis. This is very dangerous, since pancreatic enzymes can enter the bloodstream, and then, through the placenta, to the fetus. This will cause irreparable harm to the child. That is why, with an attack of pancreatitis, a pregnant woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Other complications of the disease include:

  • overflow of acute pancreatitis into the chronic stage;
  • the formation of abscesses, fistulas and peritonitis;
  • bleeding from autolysis;
  • diabetes.

Also, acute pancreatitis can lead to sudden weight loss and complete exhaustion.


What can you do

If a pregnant woman has all the signs of acute pancreatitis, she should either immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. In no case should you try to relieve seizures on your own: uncontrolled medication can harm the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. The task of the expectant mother is to use medical help as soon as possible.

What the doctor does

Acute pancreatitis is a rather serious pathology. Usually, her treatment is carried out in a stationary setting under constant medical supervision.

Before prescribing treatment for acute pancreatitis for an expectant mother, the doctor consults with a gynecologist. In general, pancreatitis therapy is always prescribed with the pancreas at rest. An important role in this is played by a fasting diet, which lasts for a day. Also, the expectant mother needs bed rest, and to reduce painful sensations - an ice pack on the abdomen.

Therapy for acute pancreatitis is carried out in a complex manner. A pregnant woman can be prescribed:

  • treatment with droppers with blood substitutes to remove toxins from the body;
  • antispasmodics, as well as drugs that reduce the secretion of enzymes;
  • antioxidants, as well as vitamins that reduce possible damage to organ tissue.

The decision on the need to take certain medications is made by the doctor, focusing on the timing and individual characteristics of the patient's pregnancy.


In order to prevent acute pancreatitis during pregnancy, a number of different measures are used. Among them:

  • adherence to proper nutrition. Fatty and fried foods, spicy and smoked foods should be completely excluded from the diet of the expectant mother. The food of a pregnant woman should be enriched with vitamins and useful microelements;
  • moderate physical activity, which is useful for all expectant mothers;
  • good rest and sleep;
  • timely access to a doctor if symptoms of gallstone disease or other pathologies of the biliary tract are detected;
  • pregnancy planning, which includes the treatment of all chronic pathologies;
  • timely registration at the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist according to the period of bearing the baby. The first trimester is once a month, the second trimester is once every two weeks, and the third trimester is once a week.

The pancreas during pregnancy is an organ responsible for digestion processes and an integral part of the endocrine system. Let's look at what dangers a woman can face during pregnancy with diseases of the pancreas and how to treat this organ.

The pancreas performs externally and intrasecretory functions, the organ is responsible for the production of hormones and the digestion process. It is the pancreas that produces glucagon, insulin and lipocoin. During pregnancy, many women develop pancreatitis, that is, inflammation of the pancreas. This disease is accompanied by severe pain, which is very dangerous for the expectant mother and her baby.

Diseases of the pancreas during pregnancy can cause serious exacerbations and complications during childbirth. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination and cure diseases of the pancreas and other organs, as they can worsen during the period of gestation.

With diseases of the pancreas, there are sharp pains that surround the whole body, but most of all it hurts under the navel. The pain appears after eating and lasts a long time. If painful sensations appear while eating, then the first thing to do is to stop eating. It is necessary to remove the load from the pancreas. To do this, it is best to lie on your back and apply a cold compress to the sore spot.

Pain in the pancreas during pregnancy

Pain in the pancreas during pregnancy is a dangerous and alarming symptom that cannot be ignored and medical diagnosis. As soon as a pregnant woman begins to experience severe girdle pain during or after eating, seek immediate medical attention. Since this is the first sign that a woman has pancreatitis - a disease of the pancreas.

The most common cause of pain is overeating or not following the prescribed diet. In this case, in order to eliminate the pain, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics and other medications that will relieve the woman of painful sensations. Antibiotics for the treatment of the pancreas during pregnancy are not prescribed, as they pose a danger to the body of the mother and child. An excellent solution for pain in the pancreas will be the intake of enzyme preparations, which will reduce the load on the organ and relieve discomfort.

Inflammation of the pancreas during pregnancy

Inflammation of the pancreas during pregnancy is pancreatitis. The danger of this disease for pregnant women is that it is difficult to diagnose. If the disease appeared in the first months of pregnancy, then most often it is confused with toxicosis, which, like pancreatitis, is accompanied by pain, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. But if a woman had problems with the pancreas before pregnancy, then the pain that appeared is a sign of inflammation, which must be treated without fail, as it can cause serious complications.

Inflammation is diagnosed with a biochemical blood test and urinalysis. Urinalysis will reveal diastasis, and blood will detect amylase enzymes. In addition to medical diagnostics, special attention is paid to the symptoms of the disease. The symptoms of pancreatic inflammation depend on the form of the inflammation. There are two types of inflammatory diseases of the pancreas - asymptomatic inflammation and dyspeptic.

  • With a dyspeptic form of the disease, a woman has digestive disorders, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, weight loss, and so on. Such symptoms provoke the growth of bacteria in the intestines and cause dysbiosis. Inflammation of the pancreas and dysbiosis cause vaginal candidiasis, food allergies and hypovitaminosis. As a result, there are serious complications for pregnancy.
  • If a woman has an asymptomatic form of the disease, then the main symptom is pain during or after eating. This form of pancreatitis is very difficult to diagnose. There is also a painful form of the disease in which the pregnant woman feels pain in the upper abdomen.

At the first symptoms of pancreatic inflammation, that is, pain, you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe the tests and prescribe the most effective and safe treatment that will not have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

Pancreas treatment during pregnancy

Treatment of the pancreas during pregnancy is complex and requires qualified medical care. For treatment, there are methods and certain recommendations, let's look at them.

  • First of all, it is necessary to reduce or completely abandon the medicines and synthetic vitamin preparations used. Since they give an additional load to the inflamed pancreas.
  • During treatment, special attention is paid to the nutrition of the pregnant woman. It is necessary to completely remove foods that irritate the pancreas from the diet. And these are spices and herbs, sweets, smoked, fatty and fried foods, coffee. You need to eat in small portions five to seven times a day, and the basis of the diet should be fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish.
  • Many women are prescribed medications to treat the pancreas during pregnancy. The most popular are Mezim and Pancreatin. Also, drugs are prescribed that reduce the acidity of the stomach and accelerate the process of excretion of bile.
  • For the treatment of dysbiosis, which appeared due to inflammation of the pancreas during pregnancy, a woman is prescribed prebiotics and probiotics.

The pancreas during pregnancy requires special attention, since with inflammation, this organ becomes the cause of severe pain, ailments and causes a lot of complications. It is possible to treat the pancreas during pregnancy, but only a doctor should do this. It is strictly forbidden to take any medications on your own, as this is a direct threat to the life of the mother and the unborn baby.

It is known that bearing a child is a serious burden for the female body. All organs and systems work with a double load, therefore, at the stage of carrying a baby, many expectant mothers are faced with various problems and diseases. So quite often nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant phenomena of this kind do not go away after the twelfth week of pregnancy, which gives the doctor a reason to suspect the development of pancreatitis. Diagnosis and treatment of this unpleasant disease in expectant mothers is carried out on a slightly different principle than in the standard approach.

Pancreatitis during pregnancy - symptoms

Most often, the disease makes itself felt by certain disorders of the digestive processes. This can be expressed in some nausea and decreased appetite. Sometimes the ailment causes vomiting and noticeable weight loss. All of these manifestations cause intestinal dysbiosis. This form of pancreatitis is considered to be dyspeptic.

However, the painful form of this ailment is no less common. In this case, pain localized in the upper abdomen becomes a characteristic symptom of the pathological processes occurring in. Painful sensations with pancreatitis are girdle, they start from the upper abdomen and move towards the back.

There is also a completely asymptomatic form of pancreatitis. It practically does not make itself felt in any way, which significantly complicates the diagnosis.

Pancreatitis during pregnancy - treatment

The specialist listens to the patient's complaints and prescribes certain examinations for her to help distinguish pancreatitis from. To do this, it is necessary to donate blood (biochemistry and KLA), fecal analyzes, and also to do an ultrasound of the pancreas. It should be borne in mind that women in the position should not undergo X-ray and CT examinations.

Therapy for pancreatitis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that expectant mothers cannot take most of the medications, as they can harm a developing child. The use of certain medications should be discussed with the attending physician.

When treating pancreatitis during pregnancy, a specialist usually adheres to the following treatment regimen:

Correction of the diet, drawing up a special dietary program;
- the use of buffer anacids, allowing to lower the acidity of digestive juices;
- replacement therapy with digestive enzymes, for example, or;
- stimulation of the normal activity of the digestive tract and correction of dysbiosis (for this purpose, special preparations containing bifidobacteria, for example, are selected);
- restoration of the normal activity of the biliary tract, as well as the liver.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, experts strongly advise against using traditional methods of treating pancreatitis. This recommendation is based on the fact that even seemingly harmless medicinal herbs can have various pathological effects on the fetus, and this is fraught with the development of serious pathologies and complications.

Pancreatitis in Pregnancy - Diet

Proper nutrition with a diagnosis such as pancreatitis plays an especially important role, because with the help of dietary nutrition, exacerbations of the disease can be prevented.

In the first two days of the development of the disease, therapeutic fasting is necessary. In this case, the patient should drink a small amount of alkaline water (for example), weak tea, or. Then a strict low-calorie diet should be established for a week. In this case, it is worth completely abandoning broths, fried and smoked products. It is also not allowed to eat raw vegetables and fruits. You need to eat often in small portions, while the dishes should be grated.

If pancreatitis is in remission, food should be complete and sufficient in calories, because such a diet will have to be adhered to throughout your life. The diet should contain a lot of animal proteins (for example, meat, fish or cottage cheese) - up to one hundred and twenty grams. In this case, the patient should not consume more than eighty grams of fat. They also reduce the amount of carbohydrates - up to three hundred and fifty grams per day.

Doctors advise against consuming foods high in digestible carbohydrates, such as candy. In addition, it is not recommended to eat dishes that increase the synthesis of digestive juice, as well as irritating mucous membranes of the digestive tract. All products need to be baked, boiled, or. Food is served on the table grated, and as the condition improves, in small pieces. You need to eat at intervals of three to four hours, while the food should be warm.

Inflammation of the pancreas, which is called pancreatitis, can be described as one of the most formidable diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of the disease is complex and lengthy. It consists in taking medications and the strictest diet, sometimes there is a need for surgical intervention. Pancreatitis can greatly complicate the course of pregnancy in the first trimester, and if a woman is diagnosed with an acute form, the process of carrying a baby may be interrupted altogether. What threatens the diagnosis of "pancreatitis" for a woman in a special situation, is it possible to treat pancreatitis during pregnancy with traditional drugs, what complications can there be?

Let's start with what pancreatitis is. From a medical point of view, the term "pancreatitis" means a group of disorders and symptoms that develop against the background of dysfunction of the pancreas of an inflammatory nature.

The mechanism of organ damage is as follows: the pancreas constantly synthesizes a huge amount of digestive enzymes, which are normally sent to the duodenum and are responsible for the digestion of food. If the organ malfunctions, the enzymes, instead of performing their functions, remain in the gland and begin to destroy it (the organ digests itself).

However, in addition to the destruction of the pancreas, the whole body is poisoned with toxins, which are formed in the process of improper activity of enzymes. As a result, the digestion process is completely disrupted, systemic poisoning of the brain, liver, lungs and kidneys occurs. Therefore, it is obvious that pancreatitis in the early stages of gestation is an extremely undesirable and dangerous process that can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Also, inflammation of the pancreas can be called the development of a deficiency of nutrients in a woman and a baby as a result of inadequate absorption of food and vomiting. This leads to a slowdown in intrauterine development, and in the worst case - to intrauterine fetal death.

Forms of pancreatitis in pregnant women

Special attention should be paid to the form of pancreatitis. If the disease is acute, the risks associated with pancreatitis are much higher. As a rule, acute inflammation of the pancreas is incompatible with the first weeks of pregnancy. As for chronic pancreatitis, the prognosis is more favorable, since pancreatitis does not have a significant negative effect on the baby.

Acute pancreatitis during pregnancy

Acute inflammation of the pancreas is rare during the gestational period. But at the same time, this condition is extremely dangerous and can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy.

The acute form of the disease consists in a violation of the patency of the organ duct, followed by rupture of the walls of the duct and the rapid destruction of organ cells. Against the background of such processes, there is a complete violation of digestion and dysfunction of most body systems.

The leading reason for this condition in a pregnant woman is the pathology of the gallbladder. The situation is aggravated by a sharp deterioration in the well-being of the woman and the fetus (as a result of pancreatitis, the supply of nutrients to the fetus worsens).

An acute attack of pancreatitis during pregnancy is characterized by rapid development, so there are no difficulties with diagnosis. A woman suddenly develops a severe pain syndrome localized in the left hypochondrium. The pain can spread throughout the abdomen and back. In addition, a woman's body temperature rises and dyspeptic symptoms occur - vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.

However, the nonspecificity of symptoms can be misleading, so it is not uncommon to treat intestinal infections and other digestive disorders instead of pancreatitis. For this reason, nausea and abdominal pain should prompt a woman to seek medical attention. Doctors, based on biochemical tests, will be able to accurately diagnose and prevent complications.

Important! Treatment of acute pancreatitis in early pregnancy is carried out only in a surgical hospital. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of pancreatitis and can range from 7 days to three weeks.

Chronic pancreatitis and pregnancy

There are frequent cases when acute pancreatitis was not fully cured and turned into a chronic form. Sometimes patients do not even know about it.

If a woman has latent chronic pancreatitis at the time of pregnancy, many factors can cause its exacerbation. As a rule, exacerbation of pancreatitis during pregnancy manifests itself in the first trimester, but the symptoms of pathology are often perceived as signs of pregnancy. This is morning sickness, aversion to food, abdominal discomfort. Often there may be no symptoms at all.

Meanwhile, pancreatitis causes problems with the absorption of vitamins, proteins and fats. In a woman, at first, the stool is disturbed, weight decreases, and vomiting becomes more frequent. Further, dysbiosis, hypovitaminosis, food allergies develop. There may be dull pains of the surrounding localization.

Pregnancy is especially difficult with pancreatitis and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). If the condition is also burdened by the presence of gallstones, the woman's condition is constantly deteriorating. If the bile duct is blocked, emergency surgery may be required. Without treatment and correction of the diet, a woman weakens, her hemoglobin decreases, drowsiness and apathy appear. Pancreatitis also negatively affects the baby: in conditions of a deficiency of nutrients, the baby begins to lag behind in development and growth.

Why does pancreatitis develop during pregnancy?

Pancreatitis manifests itself always in an acute form. Many factors can provoke such a pathological process, namely:

  • cholecystitis (main cause);
  • intestinal infection;
  • drug intoxication;
  • long-term alcohol consumption;
  • history of surgical intervention on internal organs.

Fortunately, acute pancreatitis is rare in pregnancy. Chronic pancreatitis, which is prone to exacerbation, is much more common. Cause of worsening of the condition of the pancreas with chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy can be:

  • non-observance of a balanced diet (a lot of fatty foods on the menu, overeating or prolonged hunger strikes);
  • lack of protein foods;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bacterial and viral diseases:
  • metabolic problems.

Important! The exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis during pregnancy is facilitated by the pressure of the uterus with the fetus on the internal organs and subsequent indigestion.

Pancreatitis during pregnancy - symptoms

Pancreatitis has certain symptoms during pregnancy:

  • Increasing attacks of nausea and vomiting, which are often mistaken for manifestations of toxicosis.
  • Unreasonable temperature rise to 37.5⁰С.
  • Severity in the upper abdomen and left hypochondrium. The aching pain gradually becomes sharp and throbbing.
  • Increased bowel movements, stools are often liquid and shiny due to the large amount of undigested fats.
  • There is a constant rumbling and gurgling in the stomach.
  • Aversion to food is present.
  • Sleep problems are common.

Methods for the diagnosis of pancreatitis in pregnant women

The diagnosis of pancreatitis in pregnant women is carried out by a gastroenterologist. During the initial examination, palpation of the internal organs is carried out, and then the doctor makes a list of necessary laboratory tests. These can be the following analyzes:

  • Blood biochemistry.
  • UAC, OAM.
  • Scatological research.

An auxiliary diagnostic method is ultrasound. The specialist visually assesses the condition of the tissues of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver. The study is carried out on an empty stomach.

Pancreatitis during pregnancy - treatment

Acute or chronic pancreatitis in the acute stage is treated in a hospital. For the first three days, the woman is shown hunger. Further, in severe cases, when a woman cannot take food on her own, parenteral nutrition is performed. After stabilizing the condition and improving appetite, the woman is transferred to dietary oral nutrition. In the future, treatment tactics are built taking into account the severity of the process.

Treatment of pancreatitis with tablets during pregnancy depends on the form of pancreatitis and associated pathologies.

Drug therapy:

  • antispasmodics - Drotaverin, Novocain; Papaverine;
  • proton pump inhibitors - Omez, Rabimak;
  • antiferme drugs - Gordox, Pantripine.
  • enzymes (prescribed without exacerbation) - Mezim, Pancreatin.

Important! The dosage regimen and the duration of taking any drugs from pancreatin are selected only by a doctor.

When cysts form in the pancreas, they are surgically removed. During pregnancy, the operation is not performed and the intervention is postponed until the postpartum period.

There are no special indications for a cesarean section with pancreatitis in pregnant women. The satisfactory condition of the future woman in labor allows the baby to be born naturally.

Pancreatitis in pregnant women: diet

The diet is expanded gradually, adding light meals with a predominance of proteins and carbohydrates. During pregnancy, a diet for pancreatitis involves:

  • Six meals a day in small portions.
  • Refusal of fatty and spicy foods.
  • Increase in foods with a high protein content.
  • Additional intake of multivitamins.
  • Limiting sweet foods.
  • Eating food and liquids only when warm.
  • Gentle cooking of food (boiling, baking, stewing).

Nutrition for pancreatitis is according to diet number 5.

List of Approved Products:

Pancreatitis during pregnancy - complications

Untreated pancreatitis can cause irreversible changes in the pancreas and negatively affect a woman's overall health.

Potential complications include:

  • Constipation followed by diarrhea.
  • Aversion to food.
  • Splenic vein thrombosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hepatosis.
  • Cystic neoplasms in the organ.
  • Pancreatic abscess.
  • Aggravation of toxicosis.
  • Rapid weight loss up to 7 kg per month.

On a note! In the second trimester, pancreatitis has no effect on the development of the baby, therefore it is not as dangerous as in the 1st trimester.

Pancreatitis during pregnancy - reviews

Anna:“I had pancreatitis even before pregnancy as a result of a stone in the gallbladder. The doctor immediately adjusted to strict adherence to the diet during pregnancy. At first, I was annoyed by severe nausea, but maybe it was the pregnancy itself that caused it. If she did not break the diet, there was no pain and vomiting. True, a couple of times I could not resist and ate fried potatoes, the doctor scolded for a long time. In general, there were no particular complications, she gave birth to a completely healthy baby. In vain I read only horror stories on the Internet and experienced the entire pregnancy. "

Natalia:“Around the 14th week of pregnancy, I was admitted to the hospital with food poisoning, but in the end I was diagnosed with pancreatitis. I was terribly nauseous and my stomach hurt badly, I almost fainted. Two weeks of IVs and a strict diet. Now I feel good, my appetite has recovered. You have to drink enzymes and follow your diet. The disease, of course, is unpleasant and darkens pregnancy, but you can live. Now I drink vitamins and try not to break my diet. "

Video: Pancreatitis during pregnancy: what to do?