A very strong conspiracy to reconcile with her husband. Effective plots of reconciliation

Married life is sometimes very difficult, and in order to maintain a marriage, sometimes it takes more than a simple desire. It's not a secret for anyone that everyday life often leads to quarrels and squabbles with each other, without trying them on, you can forever lose your intimate connection in a couple. If your marriage is in crisis or nearing a sad ending, it’s time to think about using a reconciliation conspiracy. Depending on the severity of the problem, you can choose the conspiracy that suits you best.

Remember that no matter how serious the problem may seem to you, it can be solved with the help of magic and your sincere desire. Prayers and conspiracies for reconciliation are in great demand due to their proven effectiveness. The only thing that you must remember before starting the ritual: there is never only one person to blame for a quarrel. So, if the desire still remains strong, and separation from your beloved man or beloved wife is unbearable, it is time to start practical action.

Conspiracies that reconcile wife and husband

  • being all alone before the ritual;
  • keeping all your actions secret;
  • the presence of a great desire and belief in efficacy;
  • having a good mood and maintaining peace of mind;
  • bringing the house or apartment in order, carrying out wet cleaning.

There is no consensus on the question of when to read the conspiracy, because the most important thing is desire and belief in a positive outcome. However, folk magicians and sorcerers recommend choosing the period of the waning moon and choosing the day, according to the gender of the reading person. So, in order to return a husband, son or father of the family, choose women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. It is better to read conspiracies for reconciliation with a girl, mother, wife, daughter on Monday, Tuesday, Palm Sunday.

A conspiracy of reconciliation is a powerful and powerful means of reopening a damaged relationship. Which one is right for you?

Cemetery option

The graveyard conspiracy is considered the most powerful. The described method is considered one of the most difficult, due to the complexity of the implementation, but all the efforts spent always return in full. To read the conspiracy for reconciliation, you will need to go to the nearest cemetery in order to find the grave there where a person was buried with the same name as your wife or spouse. After a suitable place has been found, you need to collect a little earth from the grave into a container, and then sprinkle it on the trail of a loved one.

Only after the steps taken can you start reading the conspiracy:

“I sit in a sleigh with moles, hedgehogs, brave beavers and various other forest animals. As they are polite and kind to me, so you, the servant of God (name), will always be merciful and honest with me, polite and submissive. With fragrant poppy seeds, I disperse all our quarrels, I again attract your love to me. I only need you alone, without you there is no meaning in life. I understand my guilt, I despise myself for it. Let our relations improve, and no more quarrels will get into them. My word, like flint, will be as I decided. Amen".

An important detail is the ransom for the buried. Before you take the land of the deceased, you must leave some sweets or any other food there.

Rite of passage with a photo

To perform the ritual of reconciliation, you must find a photograph of your beloved or beloved and a dark green canvas, which you will need to cover the table. After the table is wrapped, light a candle and take it in your right hand. Put the photo on the table and start driving the fire around it in a clockwise direction. At this time, you can start reading the conspiracy:

“As I light a photo with fire, I send joy to your soul (name). I cleanse my body and mind with joy, enlighten my heart, save you from unnecessary quarrels, save you from vain resentment forever. My love illuminates your life, provides tenderness and friendship. Amen".

Read the plot 9 times, making circles over the photo. When the reading is finished, take the photo in your hands, put out the candle and say loudly, looking into the eyes of your beloved:

“You are what I need most. You are the most important to me. Forgive my sinful soul, and give me your most tender love. I want to be with you again, just bring you good news. I ask you to forget about all the insults, I ask you to love me as before. I revive our connection with fire, I call you to me, my dear husband. "

Place the picture in a green cloth, roll it up and hide it in the most intimate and hidden place from the eyes.

Making peace with my husband

A conspiracy to reconcile with her husband is not a fantasy. This method is suitable not only for the spouses, but also will be salvation for the crumbling couple. You must wait until midnight, sit by the window and read the following words in a whisper:

“My beloved, my innermost, servant of God (name), be again my clear sun, a beautiful star, a hidden dream. I can't stand being at a distance any longer, I can't stand it without you. As the sun shines bright every day on our paths, so you will be with me constantly, beloved. "

Read the prayer for a week in a row, keeping only pure and good thoughts in your heart.

An omelet conspiracy will help not only find a solution in a serious quarrel with a loved one, but also reconcile relatives and friends who are in the same house. For the ritual, you need to prepare a special omelet from the previously charmed eggs. Take the food in your left hand and read Our Father above it. As soon as you fill your eggs with energy, start kneading the omelet, grating cheese or sausage over it, saying:

“As salt enters the testicle, so the enmity between us disappears. I knead delicious food, I reject all quarrels. "

The cooked omelet must be served before cooling, so that the dish does not lose its magical abilities.

Prayer to Martyr Irina

“Oh, great and holy martyr Irina, I ask you to reward my family with mercy and bliss, to deliver from the wicked grief, to reward with peace and prosperity. Let the husband only notice love, and completely forget all doubts. "

Conspiracies for reconciliation between relatives

Below we will consider options for conspiracies and prayers that will help get rid of problems not only in a married couple, but also to reconcile parents, to improve relations with relatives. Remember that you can read them only after the emotions have been weakened, and the fierce anger is no longer there.

  1. A strong rite of passage for the waning moon. This is a real conspiracy for family reconciliation. To implement it, wait until dawn and mix water and honey in a glass. Make sure that no one is watching your actions, try not to wake up anyone close to you. Water with honey should be spoken with the following words: “I have gathered all the quarrels, all the abuse, I warn our family against them. I lock them under the lock, with an eternal key, I only attract good luck and peace to our house. My words are strong as stone, my faith is like flint. From my prayer all problems are solved, and my relatives do not toil from resentment from now on. " Pour water to all family members involved in the quarrel, and make sure that each of them drains their glass to the end. The ritual can be repeated only after one month.
  2. Paper conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one. Despite the fact that the conspiracy carries a focus on the reconciliation of lovers, it can be useful for those who are desperate to look for a method to resume their former warm relationship with a brother, friend or sister. To perform the ritual, you must take a brown sheet of paper and tear it into 3 equal parts. Having done this, you need to sign each piece. The first - with your name, the second - with the name of the chosen person, the third piece should contain all your sincere feelings. Place the third piece between the first two and speak them: “Someone called the wicked witch into our union, forced a black cat to run between us, filled the relationship with evil. I don’t know how to live on, because without you, I don’t understand myself. I want to sever evil forever, sever vicious enmity. Resentment is forever forgotten, friendship and light appear between us. " Leave the shreds in a secluded place, repeat the ritual three more times on other days.

How to do everything as quickly as possible?

A conspiracy for an early reconciliation with the family is a dream for many, and it is achievable. To bring harmony and tranquility back to your home, the following ritual for quick reconciliation will be appropriate. To carry it out, you will need to find a photo in which only family members who are in a quarrel will be depicted. If there is no way to find such a picture, then separate single photographs of each person will do.

Collect the pictures in a cloth bag, wait until midnight, and sit by an open window. Looking at the moon, begin to sentence:

“I gathered everyone in one bag, I took away your sadness, melancholy. I no longer want to quarrel forever, I take the discord out of the house. Whoever harbors resentment, let him calm down, be filled with happiness and light. As the bag is full of love and tenderness, so our house is overflowing with lightness. "

  1. A conspiracy for the well-being of relatives. It will help to correct the mother's resentment against the father, the wife against the spouse, daughter or son against the parents. For the ritual, you need to wait for the new moon and knead the dough to make bread. Having put it in the oven, you need to stand near it, lift your skirt up and say in a whisper: “The bread rises up, holy magic brings goodness into the house. Amen". Wait until it is cooked and eat all the bread whole without giving it to strangers.
  2. To achieve agreement and peace with an ex, friend, girlfriend. If your family suffers from constant animosity with each other, the following new moon rite will help. Mix water with honey, saying at the same time: “The servant of God (name) is locked with all locks, his anger and hatred runs out. Disputes are under family locks, peace and love are found in the house. " Let your husband or other offended person drink this water to the bottom.
  3. A conspiracy that quenches the fierce enmity between spouses, girlfriend, child, mother, close friends. Before reading it, you need to stand near an open window and prepare to read it three times. After each time, spit over your left shoulder: “Holy Lord, hear my words. I ask you to save my family from enmity. I call on archangels, righteous men and saints for help. There is no urge to watch how anger destroys all of us, breaks bright feelings. There is no more urine to swear with each other, return love to our secret dinner. Let my word be heard, and it will be fulfilled as soon as possible. "
  4. Strong conspiracy to achieve peace in the family. To read the conspiracy, you need to wait for the first star to appear in the sky. Then read the following words three times: “As the stars began to count in the sky, so it can no longer be stopped. As I call love to my home, so it can no longer be destroyed. The word strong enmity heals, heals wounds, soothes pain. The family (surname) does not know any more quarrels, does not remember hatred ”.

Any of the conspiracies is strong and effective if read in accordance with all the rules and recommendations. Remember that family peace depends on all of its members. Do not allow the slightest breakdown in the relationship, so as not to lead to even more serious problems.

Reconciliation plots are a great way to forget about resentment and turmoil. They will also help to destroy other people's negativity and re-create love and peace both in the family and between friends and partners.

In the article:

Prayer for a quarrel for 3 candles

Quarrels between friends, loved ones or relatives have always been and will always be. Despite the fact that these are the closest people, mismatches in characters or just a bad mood can cause a scandal and darken your life. These conspiracies are perfect for you, especially if you suspect that the reason for this quarrel lies in the magical plane, that is, someone sent you negative energy.

So, first of all, you need to go to church and purchase three consecrated candles. You also need to take consecrated water, icons of Jesus and the Holy Mother of God. At night, light the candles, forming a triangle out of them, and place in the middle a photo of you with the person with whom you would like to restore a good relationship. Read this conspiracy three times:

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Come down to us asking, and let go of all sinful deeds. Have mercy and defeat the enmity between your servants (name in turn the names of those whom you want to reconcile). Cleanse their souls from defilement and the power of the devil, protect them from evil people and envious eyes. As a quarrel for an evil act, return it to the wicked supporters. Thy will be done, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Following this, burn the photograph on the fire of a candle, while simultaneously imagining how the fire destroys your enmity. Blow the ashes out of the window. Now drink holy water and spray your home. It is advisable to do the same in the premises of the person with whom you want to renew the relationship. You do not need to extinguish the candles, let them burn to the end on their own.

Love and happiness in the family

So, if your relatives do not get along with each other, they quarrel all the time and take offense at each other, then this slander will perfectly contribute to smoothing out sharp corners and the appearance of understanding and mutual respect.

This ceremony must be performed on the waning moon. First you need to get up at dawn and mix the water and honey. Chop it up well. Now it is necessary to secretly add it to the drink for all family members so that they do not notice it. It is important that at this meal all household members are at the same table. Over this water with honey, say:

I collect all squabbles around the house,
All the bad thoughts, all the blasphemy
All the courts, gossip,
All bad talk, arguments and quarrels,
I will collect all the bad, I will put it under lock and key,
I will lock with seventy locks,
I'll twist it in seventy chains
Seventy-seven turns.
The one who is smarter than me,
Who wants to destroy this conspiracy,
Quarrels and scandals to return to my house,
Then it will do,
When he can drink all the water from the seas-oceans.
My words are key.
My speeches are under lock and key.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen!

When pronouncing this conspiracy, you need to invest all your experiences, visualize as vividly and in detail as possible how this will happen, how peace and happiness will reign in the circle of your relatives. This action can be repeated in a month.

Reconciliation conspiracy with thread

This ritual can be used both for reconciliation with friends and loved ones. So, take the new, recently purchased black thread and cut about 40 cm. After that, place a small blue candle on the table and light it. Place a photo of the person with whom you want to renew the relationship next. Slowly wind the thread around your hand and say:

“You go, heartache, from (name) and (your name) to Peter, from Peter to Nikitka, and from Nikita to this thread. You will be there, and (your name) and (name), live in peace. Word. Key. Language. Lock."

Set the thread aside for a while. Then pick up the candle and circle clockwise over the photo without burning it. Say at the same time:

“May joy cleanse you, may love illuminate your soul, may sunlight illuminate your mind. Quarrels and evil will turn into light, and life will illuminate a sacred vow! "

Then start driving the candle in the opposite direction and say the following:

“Love has penetrated into your heart, the happiness of love has illuminated your life. You have forgiven me, from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart! Let your soul sing with happiness, radiate love and live in the world! "

A piece of paper for those who are in the trash

If you quarreled with your friend or loved one and now do not know how to get everything back, perform this ritual to get rid of the resentment.

First, take a piece of brown paper. Tear it into three pieces. Now you will need to write on them your name, the name of the person with whom you want to find a common language, and leave the third piece of paper, which means your quarrel with him, empty on the colored side. Write on the back how you and your friend feel. After that, place this "quarrel" part between the scraps of paper with names and whisper this conspiracy:

“The wicked witch passed between us, the black cat ran, the evil turned us against each other, friendship turned into hostility, it prevents us from understanding each other, does not allow each other to hug. Now I tear apart that evil, destroy that enmity, forget that insult forever. Peace and friendship will return to us again, our eyes will turn to each other. "

Now tear the quarrel paper into small pieces and throw them out the window. Put the remaining pieces of paper together and hide in a secret place.


Take a large apple to perform this ritual. First you need to cut it into 2 pieces, being careful not to damage the seed pod. Then take a small piece of paper and write your name and the name of a friend or loved one there. Now cut this sheet into 2 small pieces so that each has a name on it. Then place the leaves between the two halves of the apple. At the same time, imagine how everything will turn out well for you. Now connect the apple with two needles and say:

“Lord, bless. From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates, an angel walked. The Mother of God and Michael the Archangel are at the gate. The Mother of God is holding a sword and saber.
He kills anger with a sword, cuts a quarrel with a saber. Put, Lord, the world in its place in the hearts of God's servants (names). Strengthen the peace, peace, lock the gates tightly, and throw the key, Lord, into the swamp. Ae, Esm, Alzhe, An, Abu, Ali! Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ, command, lead in the world to live and the world to be. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Then place the apple where it will dry and not rot.

Conspiracy to reconcile with her husband

This rite must be performed. In the morning you need to go to the temple and buy 2 consecrated candles. One of them must be put for the health of the person with whom you want to renew the relationship, and another must be brought home. In the evening, light it up and lift some sweetness to your lips. Speak to her:

“With the permission of the Lord, with faith in God and the Holy Trinity, I burn a candle, I want to make peace with the servant of God (the name of the one with whom you want to be reconciled)! What burned, then burned out, became pregnant, flooded with church wax! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Present this treat to that person the next morning.

Reconciliation with a loved one and 2 glasses

To begin this ceremony, place a new white tablecloth on the table. Place a china plate next to you. Place 2 crystal glasses on the sides of it. Place the apple on a saucer and cut it in half. Sit down in a chair and fill one of the glasses with apple juice. Now you need to light a burgundy candle. Make the sign of the cross three times and eat your apple slice while speaking.

Consider in detail a safe conspiracy to make peace with your husband at a distance - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Sometimes, in the heat of passion, terrible words are spoken to the closest person and it seems that it is impossible to achieve reconciliation. What to do when people are offended and are waiting for the first step from another? And what to do when the opposite side sincerely considers himself to be the culprit of the quarrel? Reconciliation ceremonies and conspiracies will help to correct the situation and return peace. A few magic words will bring peace and love back to a relationship.

Features of carrying out magical actions

  • The light should be soft, dim. The flickering of a small candle will suffice.
  • It is better to read the text of the conspiracy before bedtime. Conversations and communication with anyone is completely excluded.
  • You cannot tell anyone about the perfect ritual.
  • During the magical process, you need to be in a calm, balanced state. All thoughts should be only about who the plot is being read to.

Strong words for family reconciliation

It is advisable to memorize the text of any conspiracy. This will allow you to focus as much as possible on the process. The magic words of the conspiracy will help to establish peace, even after a major quarrel.

“Do the sun and the moon quarrel because they are different? Is it because they stand in the sky at different times? No. Do trees quarrel with stones because they are different? Because some are lying on the ground, while others are standing on it? No. Do earthly and heavenly spirits quarrel because they live in different spheres and control different phenomena? No. So why should a person quarrel with a person? Why is (name) fighting with (name)? It is better to live in peace and harmony. "

How to make peace with your husband

At times, in any family, the world can be shaken. A conspiracy to reconcile with your husband will help remove strong negative emotions and resentment. It is impossible to carry out magical actions to return the world while in a bad mood. Contemplation of a burning candle will help to quickly relieve tension and calm down. The best way to get rid of negativity is to imagine how the resentment burns up in a bright flame, and then read the conspiracy.

Conspiracy to reconcile with your beloved husband:

“I am not walking according to the sun, I am not walking according to the moon, I am walking on the damp mother earth. A star and a star do not scold, do not swear, the moon and the sun do not snarl. So, no one in my family would swear or swear, no one would snap back at any word. Be you, my words, strong, molding, stronger damask, harder to lay. My business, converge, dazzle now, forever and forever. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to restore peace with a girlfriend or boyfriend

Friends are important people in every person's life. Quarrels and disagreements not only make the peace of the family worse. Losing a close and trusted friend also brings pain and frustration. A conspiracy to reconcile with a friend will help restore the old peace and friendship.

“Lord, You preach love and forgiveness. May, with your God's blessing, the servant of God (name) come to me. And his evil and resentment will forever pass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

What to do when there is no hope of reconciliation?

A major quarrel can completely destroy the peace in the family. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to forgive what is said. The ghostly hope of reconciliation is dying out. There is no need to despair. A strong conspiracy of reconciliation will bring joy and peace back to a relationship.

Magic words should be read in the morning and evening, with 12 candles lit. They should be in candlesticks. The ritual takes place in front of a pair of icons. The text is read in a half-whisper 12 times, 12 days in a row. After the completion of the ceremony, the flame of the candle is extinguished with the fingers. Twelve days after the completion of the reading, the cinders are collected. They are placed behind the icon of the Mother of God.

“Lord, bless. From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates, an angel walked. The Mother of God and Michael the Archangel are at the gate. The Mother of God is holding a sword and saber. He kills anger with a sword, cuts a quarrel with a saber. Put, Lord, the world in its place in the hearts of God's servants (names). Strengthen the peace, peace, lock the gates tightly, and throw the key, Lord, into the swamp. Ae, Esm, Alzhe, An, Abu, Ali! Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ, command, lead in the world to live and the world to be. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

The powers of magic in a conspiracy help to get help in the most difficult situations in the family. Faith and knowledge of the peculiarities of the rituals will return peace and harmony to family and friendships.

Reconciliation conspiracy or how to avoid quarrels

No relationship is complete without conflict. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to quickly and easily put up. Sometimes a small disagreement develops into a long mutual discontent, painful silence, a difficult perception of reality.

To ease the way out of the stalemate, a reconciliation conspiracy can be used. In this case, simple magic actions and words will help you find common ground, establish harmonious relationships.

Ice magic

How does ice help?

If there is a disagreement and it is not possible to improve relations in any way, you can use a simple ritual for reconciliation. To carry it out, ice is needed, both man-made ice from the freezer and natural ice (ordinary icicle) are suitable. A piece of ice is placed on a plate and visualization begins.

Ritual on a green tablecloth and a photograph

To carry out the ritual, you need to cover the table with a tablecloth that has a dark green color, if there is none, you can take any fabric of that color. A photo of a person with whom an urgent need to make peace is placed on the table. With your right hand you need to hold a lighted candle, you need to make circular movements with it in the direction of the clock hand and read the conspiracy for reconciliation:

“May joy illuminate your face (name of the goal), may it purify your bright soul (name of the goal), may your sharp mind enlighten. Let all unnecessary quarrels turn into light, evil dashing, but stupid insults. My will will illuminate your life, I give you faithful, continuous friendship. May it be so".

Words are spoken 9 times. During this time, the hand with the candle should make 3 circles above the picture.

After completing these actions, you need to take the picture in your hands and say this:

“Love and warmth in your zealous heart penetrates, your happiness illuminates your life, my path to your heart illuminates. The servant of God (the name of the goal) will forgive me, with all his bright soul, from his clear eyes, from his heart zealously. His soul will sing with joy, his heart will burn with happiness. Friendship will bind us tightly, not for today or tomorrow, but forever. The bitter resentment will sink into oblivion, the bitter parting will go away, the trouble will evaporate in the wind. As if we are small children, we will be inseparable, as if summer birds, as if sea whales. As it is said, it will be so. Amen".

Scrambled eggs for reconciliation

To make peace with your husband, you can turn to the conspiracy of reconciliation, which is read over scrambled eggs. Such a dish is prepared in a special way. They take a couple of eggs in their left hand and read "Our Father" three times.

Then the eggs are broken into a hot pan so that they are at a distance from each other and the yolk does not mix with the protein. Then a little salt is poured onto the egg that you plan to give to the man, while a conspiracy is pronounced:

“The salt is in the egg, and I am in the heart of (the name of the beloved). Amen".

Then you need to eat together, just be careful not to confuse the egg for your husband and the egg for you. You can salt your egg both in a frying pan and on a plate.

With frequent quarrels

If your family has come to the conclusion that conflicts and mutual reproaches have become the main thing in your family world, you can turn to the strong reconciliation conspiracy below. To attract harmony and tranquility, you need to prepare a charmed honey. For this, the magic words are read 3 times over the container with honey:

“Sweet honey! Calm the anger, calm the resentment! Give us peace and grace! "

The charmed honey is added to the teapot when brewing, they do it secretly, none of the family members should see the actions being taken. This tea should be drunk by all family members who often come into conflict. Thus, the usual family tea drinking becomes a ritual that brings harmony and peace.

Features of conspiracies that promote reconciliation

To make peace with a loved one, conspiracies are not always needed. Most often, there is enough mutual love, friendly feelings, a desire to bring pleasant emotions to your partner. If you have to use magical means, you must follow certain rules.

Rituals aimed at recreating harmony are performed during the waxing moon. If a woman turns to the ritual, then you need to choose Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. If a man reads the plot, then Tuesday, Thursday and Monday are suitable. On Sundays and on church holidays, you should not contact them.

Correct actions to prevent quarrels

And why do conflicts arise?

If there is no time for conspiracies for reconciliation, you can simply follow certain rules on a regular basis that will help eliminate all differences and maintain a calm atmosphere at all times. Among such signs, one can single out those that are time-tested:

    • a thing worn inside out is a herald of a quarrel;
    • a dropped glove or a fallen fur coat is an omen of conflict;
    • you cannot spill salt, and if you need to serve salt to someone, you must definitely smile so as not to quarrel with this person;
    • according to signs, you should not play with a knife and you should not knock on dishes with a spoon;
    • dishes broken by guests should be taken out of the house immediately after they leave; this is a sure way to help avoid conflicts.

Peace conspiracy in relationships

Unfortunately, there are situations in life when even between, an ideal couple, there are quarrels and disagreements that can provoke separation. It can take a long time to find out who is to blame, most often, both are guilty to one degree or another. Over time, misunderstandings, suspicions, and minor resentments accumulate in your family. You become irritable towards each other, realizing this yourself, attempts to smooth relations and make concessions do not always end successfully, because the energy between you is already broken. If for any reason you are again in a quarrel, the old folk method of witchcraft - conspiracy can help you.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one - a rite of white magic

A conspiracy to eliminate separation and reconciliation

A conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one is a rite of white magic; anyone who wants to reconcile with a loved one can perform it. You can carry it out yourself if you really want to achieve a positive result and follow the rules for it exactly.

To read the conspiracy, the following rules must be observed:

  • you must be alone in the room;
  • turn off the light in the room;
  • it is necessary to light a candle, preferably a church one;
  • it is desirable that nothing bother you, no constant noise;
  • even the closest people should not be told about reading the conspiracy;
  • you must be completely balanced, do not start the ceremony if you feel anger, focus on the desire to reconcile with your husband and avoid separation.

It is recommended to carry out such a conspiracy during the waxing moon. But you can speak on other days, the earlier, the better. Traditionally wednesday, friday and saturday are considered women's days for magic... Sunday, according to most professionals in the field of magic and healing, is not at all suitable for the performance of rituals.

The conspiracy must be read, having felt the whole text, having understood it, it is necessary to put love in the words. The longer the disagreement continues, the more difficult it is to carry out the ceremony, therefore it is better to speak up immediately after the quarrel, and in case of a negative result, do not despair, show persistence and repeat the reconciliation conspiracy several times.

When reading a conspiracy, you must put all the love in words.

Cautions and Potential Consequences

The energy of the ceremony is extremely positive. The conspiracy of reconciliation is designed to restore good human relations. Its goal is to preserve the family, achieve peace and understanding in it. The rite refers to pure, White magic, no negativity that could subsequently harm the person who performed it, or those to whom its action is directly directed.

Reconciliation conspiracies

Conspiracies for the reconciliation of women, as the keepers of the hearth, have been used from time immemorial. After all, even people who are really created for each other can quite unexpectedly quarrel because of the evil eye or the wishes of envious people. The conspiracies given are read to:

  • make up after a quarrel;
  • stop constant petty disagreements;
  • reunite with a person if separation has occurred due to a quarrel;
  • if you feel that unkind people are trying to embroil you.

Church prayer for reconciliation

Rituals that use church candles always work great. It is the candle that is used as the main component when a conspiracy is made to reconcile a strong quarrel. You need three candles, put an icon of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Light the candles before and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then read the "Prayer for Reconciliation with a Beloved" three times (its text is in most prayer books).

Having said the text three times, it is better to sit in solitude for a while, think about your loved one and your family. This prayer has helped many women over the past few centuries to keep their families together.

Church candle rituals always work great

Simple conspiracy

Not too strong a conspiracy for reconciliation, but it helps to calm you down and directs energy to preserve the home. You should read the text of the conspiracy before going to bed, it is better not to talk to anyone after that, and not to transfer anything to someone from hand to hand. It is good to carry out with a lit candle. The text is read three times. You can find different versions of the text, but it is necessary that it clearly contains the names of the quarreling, and contains a request for reconciliation.

Salt conspiracy

Salt and pepper are the main ingredients of a quarrel and separation ritual. But, at the same time, a strong popular conspiracy on salt is one of the best ways to resolve a quarrel, to prevent misunderstanding and separation in the family. A conspiracy is carried out on salt, then this salt is left for consumption as usual. If your relationship is badly damaged, salt can be poured under the rug at the house of the person with whom you want to be reconciled.

Scrambled eggs conspiracy

The best way to reconcile with your husband is to feed him breakfast. A conspiracy of reconciliation can be read while cooking a special scrambled eggs. It must be carried out before sunset. It is necessary to take two eggs in your left hand, bring them to your mouth and read "Our Father". After breaking the eggs into the pan, immediately add salt, saying:

You need to eat such scrambled eggs together, always hot.

The best way to reconcile with your husband is to feed him breakfast.

Tablecloth plot

For reconciliation with your husband, you can use a special charmed tablecloth. It is worth getting such a tablecloth in advance, it is an excellent tool for neutralizing separation rituals. Buy a new tablecloth at a time when peace and understanding reign in your family, set the table beautifully and arrange a family dinner. Then remove all the dishes, and before removing the tablecloth, read a prayer and ask the tablecloth to keep your love and happiness. In moments of contention, take out the tablecloth again, cover dinner for two and, setting the table, read a prayer and a request for reconciliation. Such a ritual helps to relieve irritation, extinguish resentment and anger.

Conspiracy on a photograph

You can do a conspiracy for reconciliation yourself. This ritual will help eliminate forced separation, relieve anger, remove negativity, and stop a quarrel. You need to have a photograph of the person you are going to put up with and a church candle. There should be one person in the photo, it is desirable that the age of the photo be no more than six months, it is necessary that the person's eyes are visible in the photo. You need to move the candle in a circle in front of the photo in a clockwise direction. You need to read the text of the conspiracy slowly (you can find different options) 9 times, for each reading you need to make three circles with a candle. After reading, put out the candle and take the photo in your right hand.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one or another person

Any relationship - friendly, love, family, business - is not immune from quarrels. Moreover, quarrels can sometimes be such, after which all hope of reconciliation is lost. When traditional ways to achieve mutual understanding and peace are powerless, a magical conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one can come to the rescue.

Varieties of conspiracies for reconciliation

A conspiracy for reconciliation is a special witchcraft ritual aimed at suppressing quarrels, enmity and hostility between the conflicting parties, directing relations on a peaceful track and returning them to their former level. Most of these types of rituals relate to the field of light magic and are safe to use, since they imply the achievement of a good goal.

Depending on the connections in which the parties to the conflict are among themselves, there are several main types of conspiracies for reconciliation:

  • universal conspiracy;
  • conspiracy to reconcile with a lover or beloved;
  • ritual for reconciliation with a husband or wife;
  • conspiracy to reconcile relatives;
  • rite of passage to reconcile friends;
  • conspiracy to reconcile colleagues, business partners, neighbors, etc.

Reconciliation plots are a useful and sometimes just necessary ritual. Timely and competent use of it will help resolve any domestic disagreements, will not allow the conflict to flare up to a destructive level and will not allow the situation to reach a complete collapse and a final break in relations.

Features of the use of conspiracies for reconciliation in everyday life

A white conspiracy for reconciliation can be carried out by any person who wants to settle relations with people in his close environment. The main thing that is required of the performer is a focus on results, perseverance and a sincere desire to smooth out all the rough edges and make peace. In addition, several conditions common to this type of ritual must be observed:

  • the right time for the ritual is the growth phase of the moon;
  • the conspiracy is best read at dusk, unless otherwise specified in the instructions for the ceremony;
  • for better concentration and creating the right energy and emotional background, it is advisable to light a candle;
  • in the room where the conspiracy for reconciliation is pronounced, there should be absolute silence, there should be no strangers, as well as animals;
  • the performer should be calm, restrained and calm during the ceremony;
  • during the ceremony, you should think about the person with whom you need to make peace, and not shy away from your desire;
  • keep the performance of the ritual a secret.

Before applying the conspiracy to reconciliation, the performer must completely let go of his grievances towards the person with whom there was a quarrel, forgive him and tune in towards him as good as possible. Any negative emotions create a negative energy message, which interferes with the positive outcome of magical effects.

Reconciliation conspiracy: rituals for specific cases

The universal conspiracy of reconciliation

Attributes: a photo with whom you need to make peace, a piece of dark green cloth, a candle .

Ritual: lay the canvas on the table, put a photograph on it, pick up a candle, light it and drive it around the photo with the words:

“May joy illuminate your face, (the name of the person), may it whitewash your bright soul, may it open your deep mind. May all disagreements and quarrels turn into light. May my will illuminate your life and give you a long and faithful friendship. So be it! Amen".

The conspiracy is pronounced 9 times. During the last reading, you should make 3 circles over the photo and extinguish the candle.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one

If a quarrel happened between you and your beloved, read on women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), retiring, this conspiracy:

“As the clear sun returns to heaven every morning, so you, my beloved, the servant of God (the name of the beloved), will return to me, the servant of God (your name), you will not look at others, you will not turn around. I close this lock with the key, I throw the key into the ocean - nobody can find it, open it and guess. Amen (3 times)! ”

Conspiracy to reconcile with her husband - for scrambled eggs

Make 2 eggs for scrambled eggs. Decide in advance which of the eggs will be intended for your husband. When frying, salt this egg with the words:

“Salt is in the egg, and I, God's servant (my name), is in the heart of my spouse, God's servant (husband's name). Amen".

Scrambled eggs should be eaten hot (each has its own egg). Besides her, there should be other dishes on the table.

A conspiracy to reconcile members of the same family

A conspiracy will help out if relatives in the family do not get along with each other, constantly quarrel and conflict even over trifles. In a separate room, in solitude and silence, honey is spoken with the help of the following words:

“Sweet honey, you have been given natural strength. Soften the anger in the souls of my family members, calm their resentment against each other, reconcile them. Give us peace in the family and grace again. Amen!"

After you have read the conspiracy, you need to invite all members of your family to a joint tea party, to each tea add a little slanderous delicacy (including yourself). Peace and harmony in the family will be resumed soon after the ritual.

Conspiracy to reconcile friends

A conspiracy that will help return friendship with a friend or girlfriend after a quarrel. Initially, a little preparation is required, during which the performer should:

  • think about the feelings that were before the conflict;
  • introduce your boyfriend (girlfriend) happy and joyful;
  • discard all the negative in relation to a friend (girlfriend), forgive insults.

Then the following conspiracy is read:

“Blessed Virgin, wave your white wing and reconcile us. We were always like a key and a lock, like stars and the moon, we ate bread and salt together. Whoever sowed confusion between us, let the Lord be his judge. Our quarrel is due to someone's malicious envy. I, God's servant (God's servant) (my name), do not hold anger at my friend (my girlfriend) (the name of a friend or girlfriend) and I wish that he (she) did not have anger at me. Illuminate our road with rays of light, turn away the quarrelsomers and envious ones! ”

When pronouncing a conspiracy, in your imagination you need to imagine your friend (girlfriend), mentally send him (her) positive, gratitude and your love.

Another conspiracy to reconcile

The text can be used to reconcile colleagues, business partners, neighbors, friends, etc. Accompanied by a simple ritual.

You need to prepare 3 pieces of paper:

  • on the first one write your name;
  • on the second - the name of the person with whom you want to make peace;
  • on the third, write down a few words that come to mind when you think about the conflict that has occurred (“quarrel”, “dislike”, “enmity”, “resentment”, etc.)

The third piece of paper is placed between the first two and a conspiracy for reconciliation is pronounced:

“The wicked witch passed between us, the black cat ran. Evil has turned us against each other, friendship has turned us into hostility - it prevents us from understanding each other, does not allow us to hug each other. I am now tearing apart the word, destroying that enmity, forever forgetting that offense. Peace and friendship will return to us again, our eyes will turn to each other ”.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, the sheet with the “conflict” is torn into small pieces - they need to be thrown into the wind. Papers with names are stacked on top of each other - they should be hidden in a secluded corner.

Also see a selection of reconciliation conspiracies in the attached video:

Strong and fruitful relations between the parties, which can be achieved with the help of a conspiracy of reconciliation, are based on harmony and mutual understanding, and quarrels, omissions and discontent with each other lead to unnecessary hassle in our, already saturated with all sorts of stress, life, poison everyday existence ...

a safe conspiracy to make up with a husband at a distance

To make up, you need to read the conspiracy of reconciliation... Reconciliation with a loved one after a strong quarrel by reading a conspiracy will make him the first to ask for forgiveness and make peace, becoming the initiator of peace after a quarrel and any even the most powerful scandal. A good way to reconcile with magic is to read the peace conspiracy after an argument. So, if you had a big fight with someone, and there is almost no hope for reconciliation, you can read a special conspiracy to restore relations after a quarrel, which forces a person to go to reconciliation and forget about all the insults. To read the conspiracy quickly, you need to make up for twelve burning church candles in the morning and in the evening for three days without interruption, even if you have already made up - just the action of the conspiracy came earlier. Light all the candles and read conspiracy words that make a person reconcile :

Conspiracy to reconcile spouses

After a quarrel with your beloved spouse - husband or wife, a conspiracy to reconcile the spouses will help to reconcile, which must be read immediately after the scandal and despite any circumstances, the spouses will quickly reconcile. Both the wife and the husband, as well as their parents who are worried about the happiness of their children, can read a conspiracy that will help persuade a person to reconciliation. This is a white conspiracy prayer to St. Irina that will help reconcile the spouses and preserve peace and love in the family after a severe scandal. The words of the conspiracy must be read in front of the icon of St. Irene:

Reconciliation conspiracy after a quarrel

In order to improve relations and make peace with a loved one after a quarrel (husband, wife, relatives, friend or girlfriend.) In the old days, they read this strong conspiracy for reconciliation. Very often, after reading this conspiracy, the person on whom the magical influence was directed is the first to realize his guilt and is looking for an excuse to quickly make peace. To do this, as it gets dark in the evening, you need to go outside and, moving away from the bright light, look at the sky. You need to wait for the first star to appear and look at it three times in a row read a conspiracy that makes a person be the first to go to reconciliation after a quarrel :

A conspiracy to quickly make up

This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him that were before the quarrel. You need to read the conspiracy for reconciliation in the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the ceremony, you will reconcile and will no longer quarrel over all sorts of trifles, constantly finding compromises that suit you. Put a candle to her and bowing, read the white conspiracy - a prayer to make peace with the person you need:

Conspiracy to make peace with a friend

In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for a quarrel, you need to read the reconciliation conspiracy looking after him. In fact, right after the reading, the friend will strongly want to return my friendship and begin to feel guilty about the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is this:

A conspiracy to return a loved one. Returning your husband home read a strong conspiracy to return love and relationships at home

A strong conspiracy to return love and relationships will help to return your husband home after a quarrel or divorce, which you need to read at home - at home where you lived with your husband. Look for a working and quick way to get rid of a rival and return your beloved man to a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of separation). A conspiracy to return the one who left you is read in the afternoon, also in order to return a man by conspiracy the lunar cycle is not important, any day is suitable except Sunday and major church holidays. Before as read a conspiracy that can quickly return a husband, beloved man or ex-husband, place yeast dough. When the dough starts to come up seven times in a row, read over it and over your wedding ring (hold it over the dough after removing it from your finger) conspiracy :

Conspiracy to make peace with her husband. Conspiracy to reconcile husband and wife after a quarrel

A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make the beloved husband himself apologize and even forgive the offense against his wife. The magic of reconciliation a very common magic rite with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This old conspiracy on her husband after a quarrel the wife should read herself and not tell anyone about the a ceremony of reconciliation with a loved one... Only on this condition, even if you quarreled strongly,

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Sometimes, in the heat of passion, terrible words are spoken to the closest person and it seems that it is impossible to achieve reconciliation. What to do when people are offended and are waiting for the first step from another? And what to do when the opposite side sincerely considers himself to be the culprit of the quarrel? Reconciliation ceremonies and conspiracies will help to correct the situation and return peace. A few magic words will bring peace and love back to a relationship.

Features of carrying out magical actions:

Anyone can turn to the powers of magic. You can read the conspiracy for reconciliation yourself. The most important conditions for this are maximum attention and concentration. During the ceremony, the following conditions must be created:

* The light should be soft, dim. The flickering of a small candle will suffice.

* You cannot tell anyone about the perfect ritual.

* During the magical process, you need to be in a calm, balanced state. All thoughts should be only about who the plot is being read to.

Strong words for family reconciliation:

It is advisable to memorize the text of any conspiracy. This will allow you to focus as much as possible on the process. The magic words of the conspiracy will help to establish peace, even after a major quarrel.

“Do the sun and the moon quarrel because they are different? Is it because they stand in the sky at different times? No. Do trees quarrel with stones because they are different? Because some are lying on the ground, while others are standing on it? No. Do earthly and heavenly spirits quarrel because they live in different spheres and control different phenomena? No. So why should a person quarrel with a person? Why is (name) fighting with (name)? It is better to live in peace and harmony. "

How to make peace with your husband:

At times, in any family, the world can be shaken. A conspiracy to reconcile with your husband will help remove strong negative emotions and resentment.

It is impossible to carry out magical actions to return the world while in a bad mood.

Contemplation of a burning candle will help to quickly relieve tension and calm down. The best way to get rid of negativity is to imagine how the resentment burns up in a bright flame, and then read the conspiracy:

“I am not walking according to the sun, I am not walking according to the moon, I am walking on the damp mother earth. A star and a star do not scold, do not swear, the moon and the sun do not snarl. So, no one in my family would swear or swear, no one would snap back at any word. Be you, my words, strong, molding, stronger damask, harder to lay. My business, converge, dazzle now, forever and forever. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Food conspiracy:

This ceremony is perfect for couples. If people live together, it will not be difficult to treat the soulmate with a piece of a charmed treat or drink. An important condition is that the offered products must be cold or at room temperature. Hot dishes are not suitable for a conspiracy.

The text for the ceremony:

“Let all quarrels leave, let enmity and evil disappear, let only love and understanding be in the soul, and let kindness become the main helper in all matters! Let the light of reason (the name of the one with whom you need to make peace) illuminate. Let him make peace with me. And let no more disagreements arise between us! "

The above text should be repeated three times. After that, treat the person with whom you want to make peace with charmed delicacies.

Branch conspiracy:

This conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one will have to be performed on the street. You need to find a tree or bush. Approach him. Tie two branches side by side with a ribbon.

It is very important: no strangers should be present nearby. The ceremony should be carried out only in complete solitude.

“As I tied you, so may the servant of God (the name of the beloved) with me, the servant of God (his name), be tied before the cross, anointed with oil. As the sun looks in the water, and the tree is reflected, so let the husband and wife look at each other - they will not stop looking at each other and will not see enough from now on and finish. Amen".

Candle conspiracy:

For this ceremony, you need to stock up on a photograph of the one with whom there was a quarrel or a conflict. Only the subject of the conspiracy should be captured in the picture. The image of strangers or animals must be carefully cropped. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the ritual can be significantly reduced.

Before the session, you will need to prepare the site for the ceremony. It is necessary to lay a textile tablecloth on the table. Ideally, use a green material. Place a photo on top. In your right hand you need to take a candle brought from the church. Light it up. Drive a candle near the photo strictly opposite the direction in which the clock hands are moving.


“Let joy be your companion, let love settle in your heart, let your soul be filled with light. May your mind be clean from evil. Let all quarrels turn to dust. Let them blow away with the wind. "

After that, you need to change the direction of movement of the candle to the opposite. Say the following text nine times in a row:

“Love has entered your heart, happiness has entered your life. You have forgiven me, with all your heart and with all your soul. Now let your soul sing with happiness. Let love radiate into the world and live forever. "

The final chord is to place a candle near the photo. Let it burn completely. It is prohibited to artificially extinguish the flame. Put the cinder and the photograph in a green handkerchief. Wrap and hide where no one looks. Nobody should find the package. Otherwise, a conspiracy to reconcile with your husband may not work.

How to restore peace with a girlfriend or boyfriend:

Friends are important people in every person's life. Quarrels and disagreements not only make the peace of the family worse. Losing a close and trusted friend also brings pain and frustration. A conspiracy to reconcile with a friend will help restore the old peace and friendship.

Conspiracy Words:

“Lord, You preach love and forgiveness. May, with your God's blessing, the servant of God (name) come to me. And his evil and resentment will forever pass. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

What to do when there is no hope of reconciliation?

A major quarrel can completely destroy the peace in the family. Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to forgive what is said. The ghostly hope of reconciliation is dying out. There is no need to despair. A strong conspiracy of reconciliation will bring joy and peace back to a relationship.

They should be in candlesticks.

The ritual takes place in front of a pair of icons. The text is read in a half-whisper 12 times, 12 days in a row. After the completion of the ceremony, the flame of the candle is extinguished with the fingers. Twelve days after the completion of the reading, the cinders are collected. They are placed behind the icon of the Mother of God.

“Lord, bless. From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates, an angel walked. The Mother of God and Michael the Archangel are at the gate. The Mother of God is holding a sword and saber. He kills anger with a sword, cuts a quarrel with a saber. Put, Lord, the world in its place in the hearts of God's servants (names). Strengthen the peace, peace, lock the gates tightly, and throw the key, Lord, into the swamp. Ae, Esm, Alzhe, An, Abu, Ali! Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ, command, lead in the world to live and the world to be. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

The key to the effectiveness of all these rituals is a strong desire to find mutual understanding with a person. If you sincerely want to make up, the ritual will certainly work. Otherwise, even the most powerful conspiracies will end up completely powerless.

The powers of magic in a conspiracy help to get help in the most difficult situations in the family.

Faith and knowledge of the peculiarities of the rituals will return peace and harmony to family and friendships.

Please help with advice! Thanks!!! Thank you in advance!!! The story is as follows. One beautiful blonde woman with short white hair (Larisa, I do not know exactly age, but I think that somewhere in her 50s, Sagittarius, December 5), on her own initiative, met me (Konstantin, Libra, born September 25, 1972) on dancing. the last time ... On October 1 we were organized by mutual friends in the park so that we could finally get together, but I did not forgive her in my heart that 5 months (the whole summer) were gone. But he was silent. Then she strongly advised me to change the haircut, which I really liked, and not only me (and which I did not change). And suddenly, after many months, she did not like it. I considered it an insult, and harbored a second offense. she behaved cheekily, stealthily climbed into my pants in front of everyone ... And ... three times we still met with her ... it came to intimacy.

And my resentment grew .... She left me early in the morning on a weekend to walk the dogs, but it hurt me. She was going to come to me again .... And continue the relationship. We talked over the Internet. But ... she let slip that I was old-fashioned, the haircut was not the same ... I, remembering the grievances, deleted her from "Friends".

She wrote in response: "You were so offended that you even deleted me from the list of" Friends. " I wrote in response: "And they say about you that you are a woman walking in every sense"! She began to write obscene language in response, mate .. I put her on the "black list". On Sunday, she complained to common acquaintances at the dances that like "Kostya sent me. Everything started well, but everything ended
I regret the quarrel, and I am attached to the situation (how well it could have developed if ... only ..). because Larissa told me a lot of compliments: "Many would like to be with you, many women love you", "You are elegant." kissed me. looked after me ...

Questions: 1. Is it worth putting up, even if she first wants to do it? The situation is that I regret the quarrel, but at the same time I feel that even if we make up, the insults will corrode me from the inside, I cannot forgive her! How to force yourself to forgive and forget her bad words? 2. How to understand that the whole summer we had no relationship if she liked me? 3. How to understand that she got to the bottom of the haircut, if she complimented me and got to know me herself? 4. Why is her friend Tatiana still smiling at me and not saying a word to me about Larisa? Why did I dream about Tatiana at a familiar stop and what is her role? 5. How to understand this situation symbolically and in community terms? Do you forget all this or do something about it? 6. Do you know if Larisa regrets the quarrel, her words, and expects something from me now? Does he want to put up? Help with advice, please! Why am I given this confusing situation?