An original proposal for seating at the wedding table. How to seat guests at a wedding. Ready-made design templates

In order for the wedding to be peaceful and fun, you should worry about the seating plan for the guests in advance. In the Russian tradition, when preparing for an event, it is customary to pay more attention to the choice of dishes and drinks on the table. Practice shows that this approach is not bad, but far from perfect. The event will be much more fun if you take advantage of new trends and foreign experience in organizing holidays.

Why you need a seating plan

Very often, the imaginary picture of the newlyweds' festive feast is much brighter and more interesting than reality. Most often, the problem is not a meager table, not a lack of good alcohol, and not a festive decoration. Banal silence and boredom at the table can turn a chicly decorated banquet hall into a dull sight. To avoid such a situation, it is worth considering in advance and drawing up a plan-template for seating guests at a wedding.

How to seat guests at a wedding

A wedding is a celebration in which two families, in fact, become one. This is not about the newlyweds, but about their relatives and close friends. So that the guests do not "clump" with the usual companies and do not sit in silence, it is worth planting representatives of both sides interspersed. So friends of the bride and groom can get to know each other. Break your family into small groups, perhaps married couples or adult siblings, and bring similar couples from both sides around the same table.

When planning, keep in mind the age and personal preferences of the guests. It is a very bad idea to put an avid hunter and a lover of our smaller brothers with an active lifestyle at the same table. But to place an artist and a musician close to each other is a good move. Also, do not raise the problems of fathers and children at the holiday, try to take into account the age of the guests when determining places. Proper seating of guests is a guarantee of a lively conversation at the table.

Examples and templates for the design of the seating plan for guests at a wedding

It is not enough just to draw up a seating plan on a piece of paper. Guests must be familiarized with the arrangement of tables and their place. Otherwise, the crowd of invitees will simply rush around the hall in search of cards with their names.

To solve the problem, it is worth drawing up a large-format seating plan for guests at the entrance to the entrance. The design of the stand should be consistent with the general style of the wedding.

The wedding seating template is very simple. Sheets of paper on the stand are arranged according to the arrangement of tables in the celebration hall. In the title of each sheet, you must indicate the number of the table, then list the names and surnames of the guests located behind it. You can order such a plan in any baguette shop.

DIY wedding seating templates

It is no secret that sometimes even the bride and groom are not able to name all the guests at the wedding. Relatives on both sides sometimes have no idea who they are talking to, as a result, unpleasant situations and incidents may arise.

Abroad, at celebrations, a fun game called Find your face, find your place is very popular. Literally, this phrase can be translated as "I found my face - I found my place." The essence of the idea is to hang small photographs along with the names in the seating plan of the guests. This will give guests the opportunity to know in advance with whom they will sit at the same table, and avoid embarrassing moments.

You can entrust the implementation of such a stand to professionals, but in order to avoid mistakes, make it better with your own hands. In fact, it is no more difficult than drawing a poster for a school wall newspaper - it does not require special talents.

Why do we need guest name cards

A beautiful seating plan for guests is great, but again not enough. Duplicate the seating with name cards on the tables.

The cards will help the host of the event to determine the location of the main characters of the entertainment program of the holiday, and the waiters will be able to quickly find guests and fulfill their requests. And again, nameplates will help guests get to know each other and remember each other's names. Wedding seating templates and cards should be made in the same style.

Name Card Design Options

For seating depends on the overall theme of the wedding design. For example, if the main motive is autumn, then the cards can be made on gold or orange paper, and the table numbers can be indicated in the form of falling leaves. Cards carry important information, so do not overload them with excessive design.

It is better to make signs in a minimalist style: a small neat pattern and a name. This is a win-win option that always looks elegant. Sometimes you can deviate from the golden rule. If the program of the event is full of events and personal instructions and explanations are required for the guests, then it is possible to make plates instead of name cards.

Such plates can contain all the information necessary for guests and be used as props during competitions. This design option can be implemented only if it is really necessary. Signs take up a lot of space and will interfere with guests more than clarify what is happening.

Ready-made design templates

Cards do not have to be ordered from a professional designer in the printing industry. You can use ready-made free templates for seating arrangements for guests at a wedding. All you need is a computer, printer, paper and scissors.

You need to print the required number of sheets. Then cut out the cards along the lines, enter the name by hand and bend in the center. If you have a color printer at your disposal, then the task is greatly simplified. It will be possible not to be limited to black and white design, but to boldly choose bright prints and patterns.

The above templates have a common style of performance, so even different cards will look harmonious on the same table. Instead of multi-colored patterns, you can get by with colored paper. One way to emphasize that guests belong to the side of the bride or groom is to print cards in two colors, for example, yellow for the guests of the bride, and brown for the guests of the groom.

DIY name cards

Even in the absence of a printer and a computer, you can make exclusive pointers with your own hands, and quickly. This will require a lot of cardboard, glue, glitter and a fountain pen. An example of execution can be seen in the photo below.

First you need to decide on the shape of the cards, in the example in the image the bottom edge is cut out in the form of waves. You can buy a special hole punch in the needlework store and greatly simplify your task. Curly knives of the device will help you quickly and easily make stars, hearts, leaves and other shapes around the edges.

Next, you need to apply glue to the edge of the paper and dip it in sparkles. Then, excess dusting is carefully removed from the card. beautifully enter the name of the guest. Writing with ink is not easy, you need to either practice on a separate sheet or use more familiar and convenient writing tools. The highlight will be a short personal wish for guests on each card.

Figured hole punchers can cut not only waves, but also various animals and patterns. The device can be used to make another design option for name cards for guests.

These cards are made from simple craft cardboard and round napkins made with a figured hole punch. In the center of the napkins, you need to write the name by hand and stick it to the support cardboard.

It is not difficult to make when their number does not exceed 50 pieces. For large celebrations with a long list of guests, it is better to seek help from professionals in their field. The organization of celebrations is rarely complete without the services of interior designers. The cost of cards and a seating stand will simply be lost in the total costs. Personal participation is required at the stage of compiling the list of guests and their seating plan in the hall.

Proper seating at the wedding is one of the keys to a fun celebration! In order for everyone to have fun and be comfortable surrounded by, most often, unfamiliar people, the seating of guests at a wedding should be carefully thought out as soon as you decide who will come to your celebration and where the festive banquet will be held.

You have put in a lot of effort and thought of every detail. Both transport and a walk with a photo session after the solemn part correctly calculated alcohol and approved the menu. The wedding host arranges new interactive activities and fun contests. Artists perform an incendiary show program. The music is top notch! But the guests still sit sad, frowning and not happy! Friends are not visible at all. Grandparents complain about the volume. Agree, these are not the emotions that you would like to remember after your wedding! Where did you make a mistake?

There are several universal recommendations on how to properly seat guests at a wedding. Close relatives are planted closer to the newlyweds. They also need to be seated according to the degree of relationship and age - parents with parents, grandparents next to grandparents. If you have witnesses, then they can be seated both next to you and at the table with the guests, since this has long been common at modern weddings. If there are high-ranking guests, it is also necessary to show respect for them by seating them closer to the bride and groom. However, surrounded only by relatives, they may feel uncomfortable, so they will be better off in the company of your close friends.

If among friends there is a couple who used to be together and are now divorced, then it is advisable to warn them that they will both be at the wedding, and just in case, seat them in different companies so that they feel comfortable. Friends and work colleagues are better off sitting next to each other. They always have something to talk about, so you can not separate them. But there is a downside - they can become isolated in their company, and to prevent this from happening, plant them mixed with another small company!

Previously unfamiliar people, it is desirable to introduce each other in advance. Ideally, if they meet a couple of days before the wedding, at some kind of joint dinner or a bachelorette and bachelor party. All people have a different temperament, someone is the ringleader - a laughter, and someone is not very sociable. If you plant such diverse characters nearby, they will quickly find a common language. It's great if you manage to seat the guests in such a way that their interests coincide at least a little. If someone came without a couple, then surrounded by cooing couples they will be very uncomfortable - in this case, it is better to plant singles with the same singles.

If there are many children, make a separate table for them. They will find something to do on their own. And you can also hire a children's animator who will spend interesting time with them, and parents can relax. Do not forget that according to etiquette, men and women should alternate, while men should sit to the left of women. Remember to seat older people away from audio equipment. Still, it is not so easy for them to withstand the high decibels of the modern stage.

As you already understood, seating at a wedding is very important. But no less attention should be paid to the layout of the tables. After all, everyone wants to sit facing the young. There are many schemes for arranging tables in the banquet hall. Let's see what advantages one or another has.

Russian options for how to properly seat guests at a wedding

Classic seating arrangement:

The easiest and most traditional way of seating. Usually used when there are a small number of guests at the wedding. The newlyweds can sit either at the head of the table or in the middle of one of the long sides. The guests are seated in a circle. Closest to the young sit down their parents.

Seating of guests with the letter "T"

If 20 to 30 people are expected to be invited, then this arrangement will be one of the optimal. Please keep in mind the seating arrangements above.

Seating of guests with the letter "P"

A convenient way if there will be from 25 to 60 people at the wedding.

Seating of guests with the letter "Sh"

If you are expecting a big noisy wedding with more than 60 guests, this seating method is what you need.

European options for how to properly seat guests at a wedding

Seating arrangements in English style:

Very good use of round tables. You can combine different companies of interest, or vice versa, friends from the groom's work can be planted next to the bridesmaids.

Seating arrangements for cabaret guests:

Variation of the English style. The only difference is that no one will sit with their backs to the young. Remember our recommendations?

Italian-style seating arrangements:

In Italy, tables for four people are used at banquets. As in the two previous cases, it is better to put the young table on a slight elevation.

Seating arrangement of guests "herringbone":

A good option if you need space in the middle for host competitions, dance floor, etc. All guests face the newlyweds, good companies of interest are formed, and communication between tables also takes place.

Seating arrangement of guests "wrong Christmas tree":

An alternative, but do not forget that everyone wants to see the bride and groom, and in this case, half of the guests will turn their backs on the young.

American seating arrangements:

In America, it is customary to hold dinner in the form of a buffet table at celebrations. In this case, tables with dishes are placed around the perimeter of the hall, and guests themselves freely choose treats to their liking. By the way, in this case, you can save a little on waiters.

And your last task, after the table layout and seating arrangements have already been determined, will be a visual design of who and where is sitting. For this, seating cards or other decorative elements with the names of each guest are most often used. Such pointers are located at the devices, on a plate or on a glass. Together with such personalized accessories, they make a seating plan, which is located at the entrance to the restaurant and helps to orient each guest at which table he sits. Do not forget that there are no trifles when preparing, pay your attention to every detail, and then not only you, but all the guests will remember your wedding with a smile!

Pros: you can form different companies of guests; ease of movement around the room.
Number of guests: from 18 people.
Note: so that everyone can see the newlyweds, seat the guests not around the entire perimeter of the table, but taking up only ¾ of the space.

European seating is one of the most popular options. It involves the arrangement of several small tables for 6-9 people around the table of the newlyweds. The number of people at one table depends on its size and the expected number of guests.

The main advantage of this seating arrangement is that you can seat representatives of the same family, a group of friends, colleagues or just people of the same age at one table. That is, such a seating arrangement allows you to form categories of guests. And you can be sure that the guests will not get bored and will always find something to talk about.

You can make European seating even more comfortable by seating guests not around the entire perimeter of the table, but by occupying only ¾ of the space. So no one will sit with their backs to the newlyweds, and it will be convenient for your family and friends to follow the progress of the celebration.

Large round table

Pros: maintains the atmosphere of coziness of a family evening.
Number of guests: up to 20 people.
Note: This seating option is suitable for a small company of the closest people.

Seating at a large round table suggests equality, unity and creates a friendly atmosphere. A large round table is the best way to emphasize the atmosphere of a quiet family dinner. The oval shape of the table has the same advantages, but is more suitable for rectangular rooms.

This seating arrangement will be good for a small wedding, a quiet family celebration with up to 20 guests. This option is also good because it does not require the design of several tables, which means that one central composition per table will be enough for you.

Separate rectangular tables

Pros: convenient arrangement of tables relative to the table of the newlyweds; opportunity to form companies.
Number of guests: from 16 to infinity
Note: provide enough space between tables so that guests can freely stand up and move around the room.

This type of seating is a middle option between the European seating and the Russian alphabetical system. Such a seating arrangement involves several separate rectangular tables, but not set perpendicular to the table of the newlyweds, but at an angle and symmetrically to each other.

This creates a better view, allows you to seat guests according to the principle of belonging to the side of the bride or the side of the groom. In the center there is a place for dancing. Tables are placed not close to the presidium, so there is room for a free approach to the table of the newlyweds. The combination of rectangular and round tables looks interesting.

Shared long table

Pros: creating a cozy family atmosphere
Number of guests: from 10 to 40
Note: usually this type of seating is organized outdoors, since not all halls are able to provide such areas.

This type of seating is becoming more and more popular for cozy chamber celebrations. Guests are seated opposite each other, while everyone feels like a part of something whole, friendly and big. Such a seating arrangement is very unifying, but makes it impossible to form large companies (as, for example, in the European version).

In fact, the maximum number of people who can communicate at the same time is 6-8 people, you can’t shout further. But, if your wedding takes place in the open air, then this option does not exclude communication, but, on the contrary, will encourage guests to move around the site and “visit” each other.

The letters "P" and "T"

Pros: By saving space, these options allow you to seat the maximum number of guests.
Number of guests: from 16 to infinity
Note: consider the possible difficulty of moving between tables and the poor visibility of the newlyweds from some places.

These options have always been very popular at Russian weddings. They save space and allow you to seat the maximum number of guests in small rooms. In the center of the long table is usually the bride and groom, on the left hand of the groom - his witnesses and parents, on the right hand of the bride - hers. Adjoining their table are several long tables with guests, which are placed perpendicularly.

Depending on the number of guests, they put 1 table (letter "T"), 2 tables (letter "P") and 3 tables (letter "Sh"). The disadvantage of this option is that not all guests see each other and may turn their backs on the heroes of the occasion. With a large number of tables, movement between them can be difficult.

The atmosphere of the evening largely depends on how correctly you seat the guests at the wedding. “Where I had time - I sat there” - this strategy is not suitable for a holiday, so it’s better to spend a little time and make a plan for seating guests, arranging tables and preparing the necessary accessories.

How to arrange tables for a wedding?

When choosing a scheme, you need to take into account many factors: the type of tables, the shape and size of the banquet hall, the number of guests, floor height differences, the presence of columns, ledges and other obstacles.

Traditional wedding seating arrangements

Rectangle. The most typical scheme, which is suitable for limited space and a small number of guests. The invitees are seated at a long table, the newlyweds are located in the center, next to them are witnesses, parents.

T-shaped. The scheme is designed for 20-25 people who need to be placed in a small banquet hall. The newlyweds sit at the head of the table, on either side of them are witnesses, parents and other guests, depending on their proximity to the young, age, status.

U-shaped. Allows you to accommodate a larger number of guests - from 30 to 50 people.

Ш-shaped. Suitable for seating 60 or more guests in a limited area.

European wedding seating charts

Now these options are very popular. Guests are seated in small groups of 4-7 people, you have a great opportunity to divide them according to interests, age category, temperament and other criteria. The so-called "herringbone" is very popular.

You can place tables in a semicircle, triangle, polygon, the main thing is that a good view of the table of the newlyweds opens from all points. I don’t know about you, but the author would definitely be offended if he was put in the farthest corner, from where you can see only the bald spot in front of the person sitting.

Here are some handy wedding seating templates:

All schemes are made using a free service.

Buffet and buffet

Recently, a buffet table is a very current trend, long tables need to be placed around the perimeter of the hall, the aisles should be wide enough so that guests can take their time to choose everything they need. They will be free to choose food and will need a minimum of attendants.

Another question: self-service may not approve of the older generation - for grandparents it is still better to prepare classic tables with serving.

What you need to know when seating guests at a wedding?

The information that we want to introduce you to is really important: you must admit that it is unlikely that a 20-year-old girl who will have to listen to grandmothers' stories about diseases and gardens or a teenage brother surrounded by adults will hardly enjoy the holiday.

  • It is best to alternate men and women: according to etiquette, a man should sit on the left hand of a lady;
  • Close relatives are seated as close as possible to the young, other relatives are seated according to age;
  • A separate table can accommodate dignitaries;
  • Lonely guests are best placed next to the same free people, but obviously not in the company of couples;
  • If you know that some invitees do not get along well with each other, they should also be placed at different ends of the hall. Unless, of course, you want a scandal with all the ensuing consequences;
  • If all the people sitting at the table do not know each other, they need to be introduced;
  • Try to alternate quiet and wind up, otherwise one table will turn out to be too violent, and the other, on the contrary, dull and boring;
  • Colleagues and large friendly companies will have to be separated, otherwise the wedding in the first case will turn into another planning meeting, and in the second - into a discussion of adventures;
  • It is recommended to "mix" relatives so that they have the opportunity to get to know each other;
  • Make sure that there are a couple of free chairs in the hall for "unexpected guests".

Children at the wedding

Let's make a reservation right away: they need to be planted away from the sound equipment and at the other end of the hall from the newlyweds. Children are children, with their noise they can prevent the couple from enjoying the holiday. Very young children should be seated with their parents (if they are very small, make sure there are child seats). Younger students are placed at a separate table, but closer to adults, as they may need help. Children over 10 years old can be seated at a common or separate table - they will cope with all the difficulties on their own.

wedding seating plan

Important! Make not one, but at least 2-3 diagrams and hang them in the hall. Imagine what kind of queue will crowd near the plan to look at it.

It is even better to entrust the transfer of the invited to a special organizer: he will manage the list and, accordingly, escort the guests to their places.

The list of guests in alphabetical order will also be convenient: it is somewhat reminiscent of statements about applicants: I found a surname, saw a table number, went to my place.

Now about the design: it can be a mini-plan of the hall, that is, the guests, having seen it, will already have an idea of ​​​​how the tables are arranged.

You can approach the issue more artistically: make a stand in a beautiful frame, play with shapes, color palette and textures.

It will be great if the design matches the theme of the wedding: for example, for a French-style wedding, use original names instead of table numbers. For example, the table "Paris", the table "Breton", the table "Provence" and so on. Varieties of flowers, gems, dances, countries, shades, bands, wines, and so on can be used as table names.

Name cards for guests

Guest cards have become a tradition for a long time: they facilitate the process of finding a “place in the sun”. You can place them on a napkin, a chair, or even tie them to the stem of a glass and a bonbonniere. The design of the cards depends on the style of your wedding.

Here are some interesting ideas

As you can see, even seating cards can at least roughly guess the theme of the wedding. Entrust the layout to the organizer or one of the relatives who knows most of the invitees well. The font size and type should be readable, and order a few blank cards in reserve (just in case, as they say). It is very convenient to attach copies of the cards to the invitation (but this is if you know exactly where and how your guests will sit).

Wedding table decor

What does decor have to do with seating arrangements? - direct. The fact is that if you overdo it with the design, bring a lot of discomfort to the invitees. Someone will be disturbed by a too high vase, and someone will burn their hand on an awkwardly placed candle.

It is accepted that on a small table there should be one central decoration: for example, a bouquet in a jar, as well as several small ones - beautiful napkins, bonbonnieres, a couple of cute low figurines, candles and other paraphernalia.

Do not be lazy and test the design of at least one table: make sure that objects do not block the view of guests and do not interfere with eating. Remember that every little thing is important: an undelivered card or a duplicated place can significantly spoil the guest's mood.

To make your own seating plan quickly and easily, use our free service. Everything is convenient and simple.

Publication date: 03.10.2017 11:28

Seating guests at a wedding is no easy task. Many newlyweds do not even think about its importance. After all, this is not just a list of names with table numbers. This is the main secret of a fun holiday. None of the guests will rejoice in the fact that they will have to feast at the same table with an unpleasant person. Therefore, you should make a plan in advance where and with whom the invited guests will sit, so that everyone is comfortable at the holiday. We hurry to help you!

Why is a seating plan necessary?

1. Any guest can not worry about his place if he is a little late and comes after the start of the celebration. His place will not be taken, and you will not have to run around the hall in the middle of the banquet in search of a free chair.

2. With the right seating, best friends or families will definitely sit at the same table. This means they will feel comfortable.

3. The seating of guests will help to avoid uncomfortable situations. It is unlikely that any of the guests will want to sit at a table with strangers. And young people are not eager to sit in the company of older couples.

4. For restaurant waiters, guest lists with table numbers are very important. Among the guests may be, for example, allergy sufferers. Thanks to a detailed list, waiters will not confuse plates with dishes, and everyone will receive the treat that is prepared especially for him, taking into account tastes and needs.

5. Knowing who is sitting at which table, guests will be able to quickly take their places in the hall. So, seating will help to avoid unnecessary fuss in the banquet hall.

Who is doing the planning?

Seating planning at a banquet is a direct responsibility of both the groom and the bride. This responsibility cannot be shifted to the wedding organizer. After all, only newlyweds know the interests, needs and characters of their guests. The newlyweds can plan the seating separately, that is, only from their side. But it's better to do the planning together. If distant relatives are invited to the celebration, then parents can also be involved in the process.
When planning, you can be interested in the opinion of guests. But this fact is best used only for the closest people, for example, for a family (parents, grandparents), for best friends. If you take into account the wishes of each guest, you can easily get confused. Then there will be more dissatisfied people at the wedding than we would like.

When to start planning?

Since the seating of guests is determined by the number of invited people, the plan must be drawn up at the very end. First you need to send out invitations and wait for affirmative answers. Before that, it is worth clarifying the number of tables and their exact location, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe banquet hall.

It is best to start planning a few weeks before the ceremony. To avoid problems, you can warn all invitees so that they give an answer as soon as possible. If some guests do not respond for a long time, then you can proceed to the plan without their consent. It is worth remembering that a large number of guests requires more time for reflection.

You should also think about spare empty seats. It happens that a guest changes his plans right before the wedding, and decides to attend the celebration and congratulate the newlyweds. Then you can be sure that everyone will get a seat at the table.

If the tables are rectangular, then it is better not to plant anyone at the end (narrow edge of the table). Let decor take over.

The most common seating methods

When planning seating, young couples often encounter difficulties, so they have to change the plan several times, playing all possible configurations. You can make a layout of the hall and signs with the names of guests. This will allow you to clearly see the situation and not get confused.

First you need to choose the type of seating arrangement:

1. Most celebrations are decorated in European style. That is, they cover large round tables, at which usually up to 10 people sit. In this case, the main thing is to arrange the tables correctly so that each guest is facing the newlyweds, and not sitting with his back to them.

2. A good option would be the arrangement of tables in the form of the letter "P".

3. You can also arrange several long rectangular tables. But the guests of the bride and groom should not be seated separately. This will divide the hall into two "camps". It is better to seat them so that they can freely communicate and share their impressions.

Sometimes a young couple decides to have a modest wedding, inviting only close relatives. Then one common table should be laid. Thanks to this solution, an atmosphere of a quiet family dinner will be created. Here it is important to determine the places for the newlyweds.

Seating for important guests

Having decided on the places for the newlyweds, it is worthwhile to carefully consider the seating of the parents. The best option is to put them at the same table. This way they can get to know each other better. The wedding of two young people is not only the union of two lovers and the creation of a new family. It is also the union of two large families.
Best friends should be seated at the same table with the bride and groom. Sometimes they are given one common table, where they can easily get to know each other and chat. And this is a very important point. After all, after the wedding, the newlyweds have friends in common.
Don't forget about grandparents. A bad option would be their seating next to the aisle. Then they will have to get up often to let the guest through. And at their age it will become a problem. It is best to plant them with relatives, then they will feel cozy and comfortable among loved ones, and they will have something to talk about.

We put a clearly visible number on each table so that guests can easily find theirs. And so that the invitees sit correctly not only within the table, but each in their own predetermined place - take care of personalized banquet cards.

Free seating

Shouldn't the guests decide where to sit? By the way, we are all adults! However, statistical studies show that 84% of guests invited to a wedding prefer an organized, well-thought-out seating plan.

Loose seating sounds nice, but unfortunately it rarely works in practice, and here's why:

  • there can be a fuss about finding the "best" places
  • placing guests at the tables will take much longer. They can still walk around the hall when the treat is already served.
  • the beautiful decoration of the hall and tables can be spoiled by the sight of jackets and jackets left by guests on chairs in order to “take a seat”
  • it will end up with the last few guests wandering between tables looking like outcasts looking for a seat at the banquet table
  • couples may be separated
  • older relatives may end up in places where they can’t hear and see well enough
  • if uninvited people drop in to your celebration, they can take the places intended for your invited guests

Basic seating arrangements

  • Central location for honeymooners. The bride sits to the right of the groom.
  • The main condition for an ideal seating arrangement is comfort. Invited people should be comfortable at the table, where they can calmly communicate. Therefore, it is worth considering their interests, age and preferences.
  • Seat close relatives and best friends closer to the table of the newlyweds. This will be pleasant for them, and will also facilitate your communication with them at the holiday.
  • Keep in mind that wherever the guest sits, he must see the newlyweds.
  • It is better to sit next to already familiar people, so they will have something to chat about.
  • Introduce strangers to each other to avoid embarrassment.
  • Consider the sympathies of your guests. Guests who have a dislike for each other should sit at different tables.
  • Particularly active ringleaders and merry fellows plant at a distance from each other so that they amuse every part of the table.
  • It is better not to plant people without a couple among spouses, perhaps he or she will not be able to join the company of "married people".
  • If you have many guests, prepare a seating plan and seating cards in advance so that no one gets confused.
  • The interests of those sitting next to each other should at least slightly coincide so that they have something to discuss.
  • Guests with children should not be seated too close to the sound equipment, it should also be convenient for them to leave the table if necessary.
  • Do not group guests by gender. Try to seat men and women through one.
  • For children, you can organize a separate table, and if there are not many of them, then next to their parents.