Open questions for communication with a girl. What to ask a girl in correspondence

Do you want to seduce a girl with words? Then use these 20 dirty and funny questions to ask a girl and make her blush. Don't know what to ask a girl to embarrass a lady?

Beautiful girls flirt discreetly and are very difficult to get into the widely spaced male networks.
If the girl is worthwhile and you think that she is worth your efforts, then you should know that it is easier to establish communication and excite a girl than to make a date with her.

After all, when it comes to a date, she instinctively feels that she is being filmed, that the hunt is already open for her.

But smart guys carefully inflame women's curiosity and desire for intimacy not by going ahead, but by communicating with her with the help of cool questions, as if showing interest in her, but in fact gradually seducing her.

However, be careful! These questions can make a girl fall in love with you. Don't just break a tender woman's heart.

These 20 questions can be asked to a girl both directly, tete-a-tete, and through flirting SMS messages.

Cool questions for a girl - dirty SMS flirting to seduce

It is best to ask a girl something important while sitting next to her. But if she doesn't feel very comfortable doing this, or gets tense because you're too pushy or in a hurry, you might be wasting your chance to seduce her. And it is unlikely that you will be able to correct the situation later.

On the other hand, if you ask questions to a girl in the form of SMS, then although you don’t see her immediate reaction, you can always turn everything into a joke if she doesn’t reciprocate, say that, they say, are you serious - I was kidding !

So SMS questions are a simple, safe and reliable way to pick up a girl from a distance.

Thus, with the help of the following questions, a guy can seduce a girl - go through the first stage of the relationship in order to make the ice flow and catch fire.

The right questions for girls to seduce - if you don't know what to ask!

So, just by asking these questions to the girl, listening carefully to her answers and answering her questions, you can get closer to the cherished goal. But we must be careful and as sincere as possible.

You will achieve the greatest effect if you ask these questions of a girl who is in love with you.

What to ask a girl via SMS

No. 1. Are you alone?
This question will help you understand if the girl is bored, if she is home alone and ready for adventure. After all, you must admit, it is impossible to flirt normally with a girl when her girlfriends or parents are nearby.

Say something reassuring like, “I wish I could be there by your side…” if she confirms that she is bored at home alone.

No. 2. What are you doing right now?

This additional question will help you to make sure that she is single and bored enough to be interested in your person and fall into your spider-man webs.

#3 Do you like to cuddle when you're in bed?

Warm her up with a flirtatious conversation on hot topics without crossing the red line. Let her talk about whether she likes to cuddle with someone at all - not with you. All the same, this conversation will direct her thoughts and feelings in the right direction.

No. 4. What do you go to bed in?

What do you wear when you go to bed?

What's on you now?

This is a cool question for a girl that is best asked if she is already in bed. It's personal, but not overly intimate. However, it will most likely catch fire.

Give a lady a compliment - raise her female self-esteem with admiration: “I can only imagine how cool you look now ...”

If you are talking with your girlfriend, your girlfriend, you can ask her not only about underwear, but also ask about what color it is. This will be a good prelude, which will definitely have a continuation.

No. 5. What do you think you look most beautiful in?

What clothes suit you the most? Why?

#6 Have you ever spied on someone making love by accident or on purpose?

This question will create the appropriate mood for the girl. But direct it to third parties, ask without clarification, impersonally - to avoid uncomfortable situations.

#7 Have you ever been touched by a guy in a public place? Can you hug, kiss in public? Does it turn you on?

Girls love not only with their ears, but also with their skin. They love touch. Thanks to this question, you will stir, whether your girlfriend is touchy or a real wild cat.

#8 Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?

This will help to find out how impulsive she is.

No. 9. If you had all-seeing glasses, what part of the male body would you explore through clothing first?

It's time to unleash a cheeky naughty girl. Let the girl answer the question - let her also have fun or joke, if she can, let her also get involved in this game.

No. 10. Do you prefer swimming trunks or boxers on a man?

Most likely she will say that she likes boxers. The secret of this question to a girl is to make her think about you, so that she thinks about what you are wearing and preferably transfers the conversation to this plane.

No. 11. And in what way can you drive a guy crazy?

Let her tell you how good she is at seducing males, let her prove to herself and to you that she is able to seduce a man like you.

Let him fantasize.

№ 12. Do you have such a point, a place on the body, touching which, you can get excited with half a turn?

Well, with this very cool question, you'll get straight to the point. If she answers it honestly, then you have every chance of being in the same bed with her.

#13 Massage turns you on?

And this question will help to seduce a girl - after all, what woman does not like massage and gentle touches to her body?

You can cheat and timidly tell your interlocutor, they say: “You know, I signed up for massage courses here and attended the first few lessons. Already massaged both my mother and sister. I don't know where else to practice. Can I give you a massage? Don't worry, I'll do my best to give you maximum pleasure - because I already know all your secret points ... "

What else to ask a girl to inflame her imagination and fantasies about intimacy with you even more?

No. 14. And if I accidentally kissed you on the lips, what would you think?

Let her imagine this kiss. And he wants it. This is the perfect question of the exemplary pick-up - sneaky, but right.

No. 15. Do you like to kiss or when they kiss you?

Oh, it looks like it's getting hot! It doesn't matter what she answers - you can always adjust! If she says that she loves to kiss - answer that you love to be kissed from head to toe ... toes. And, on the contrary, if a girl loves when a guy kisses her, say that she will simply melt from your tender kisses ...

#16 Do you think my body is more attractive when completely shaved or natural?

And, whatever one may say, this cool question to a girl will make her imagine you naked! And this is already something!

#17 What does a guy have to do to seduce you?

Hear the answer. And now, do not wonder what to ask the girl, but go back to question number 12 and repeat it again!

Hang on to her favorite spots... She'll be pleased.

№ 18. And if I quietly whispered all these questions to you right in your ear, would you give yourself to me?

Provocation, in a word. If you got to this point with her, then she was definitely wet and probably lost her head.

#19 If you didn't have a boyfriend, what could we do with each other right now?

If I were suddenly next to you now, do you think we would kiss?

This question is the original invitation of himself to her bed.

Most recently, I wrote an article called "Themes for communicating with a girl at all times". I hope it was useful to many and you learned what topics you can and should talk about with girls on dates. It doesn't matter where you are, in a cafe, in a park or somewhere else. Often in communication with a girl there are awkward pauses. At this moment, the guy and the girl begin to feel not very comfortable. To avoid such awkward moments on the first and subsequent dates, I decided to answer the question today: What questions can you ask a girl?. It is you who, being a man, should fill this gap in your conversation. Of course, it's good if you come across a girl who loves to chat and sits in your ear, but such persons have their drawbacks. And in all other cases, it is you who should leave this awkward silence. Today's article will help you. I will give list of questions you can ask a girl to develop this topic further and continue communication without unnecessary pauses.

So, what questions to ask a girl?

- Do you like to receive gifts and what kind?

Do you believe in horoscope? What is your sign?

- Do you believe in love? Why yes or why no?

- What kind of sport do you like? What are you doing?

How would you rate your attractiveness on a scale of 10?

What do you miss the most in life?

How do you feel about sunbathing topless?

- What is your biggest dream?

Are you a confident girl?

- Which country do you want to visit?

Would you choose love or money?

- How do you feel about change?

Will you choose girlfriends or boyfriend?

- Do you like your job?

“Were you worried before meeting me today?”

- After a quarrel with a loved one, can you call him first?

- What should be a real man in your opinion?

What are your favorite places in our city?

- What are your favorite flowers?

How do you feel about kissing on a first date?

Do you believe in destiny or do you create it yourself?

- How often do you sit Vkontakte?

— How do you spend your free time? What are you doing?

- What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Do you like to hear compliments addressed to you?

Would you choose family or career?

If you won millions in the lottery, what would you spend it on?

- Do you like pets?

- If you had such an opportunity, what 3 wishes would you make?

- What does your name mean?

Who would you like more: a daughter or a son?

Are you a loving person?

There are a lot of questions that you can ask a girl. Try to ask questions that you really want to hear the answer to.. Many of her answers will allow you to get to know her better. You will know what flowers to give her, where to invite her on a date, etc.

After each answer, say your point of view. The girl will be very interested to hear her and see your reaction to her answers.

Now you know, What questions can you ask a girl. Just do not pour these questions on her non-stop. Ask her what interests you, tell her your opinion and start developing this topic. So you will become a very interesting conversationalist, with whom the girl will always feel comfortable and cozy.

P.S. Download the book and learn how to surround yourself with beautiful girls, here is the link

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Hello friends! When going on a first date, guys most often think about where to take the girl or her to impress and charm. However, they do not pay due attention to the conversation, do not think about what to ask their passion, what questions to ask the girl. But in vain. Thanks to interesting and original questions, you can not only get to know her character, worldview, habits better, but also make the girl like you. Representatives of the weaker sex love it when men ask smart and unbanal questions and listen carefully, without interrupting, to the answers to them. So guys, take advantage of this effective secret to seduce girls. And do not say that you have no imagination - here are some tips on what questions you can ask a girl interesting, tricky, and possibly provocative in order to get to know her better.

Interesting questions to ask a girl on a date

  • What do you like to do in your free time from school or work? Do you have a hobby?
  • What is your happiest childhood memory?
  • Do you like to travel? What cities or countries have you already visited? What impressed you the most?
  • Does true friendship exist? Do you have a best friend?
  • What flowers do you prefer?
  • What qualities do you like the most in a man?
  • Would you like to go down with a parachute?
  • Are your parents happily married?
  • Do you like read? What is your favorite book?
  • What would you spend a million dollars on?
  • How do you feel about smoking?
  • Do you believe in ghosts, aliens or magic?
  • Do you have a tattoo?
  • What do you prefer to eat for breakfast?
  • What are your memories of school?
  • Do you have a purpose in life?
  • What is more important - money or love?
  • How much time do you spend on social networks?
  • If you could give birth in any country, which one would you choose?
  • Do you prefer outdoor activities or spending your free time at home?
  • What three wishes would you make if you knew for sure that they would come true?
  • Have you ever been featured in a newspaper?
  • Do you like visiting circuses and zoos?
  • Do you often go to the library?
  • What was your favorite toy as a child?
  • Would you like to live forever?
  • Would you like to fly into space?
  • Do you have brothers or sisters? Do you enjoy spending time with them?
  • What three things would you take with you to a deserted island?
  • What is your favorite dish?
  • What did you want to be when you were little?
  • What was your most reckless act?
  • What would you like to change in your life?
  • What housework do you dislike doing the most?
  • Would you like to travel around the world?
  • Has something magical ever happened to you?
  • Feelings or reason - what will you choose?
  • What do you do best?
  • What are you completely unable to do?
  • Can you swim? Where do you like to swim more, in the lake or in the river?
  • Did you have a nickname as a child?
  • Would you like to know what will happen to you in 10 years?
  • What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology?
  • Would you like to be popular?
  • What concerts did you attend?
  • What could you never forgive?
  • Which is better - cruel truth or sweet lie?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • How do you feel about people with non-traditional sexual orientation?
  • What number brings you luck?
  • Do you have a talisman?
  • Are you afraid of heights?
  • What does it take to be successful in life?
  • Do you like your name? What name would you like to change it to?
  • What is your life motto?
  • Do you have an idol?
  • Do you trust your intuition?
  • Have you ever taken an autograph from a celebrity?
  • Do you keep a diary?
  • What is your favorite poet?
  • Do you do any sports? What sport do you like the most?
  • What is most important to you in life?
  • Would you like to act in films?
  • What was the most unexpected surprise in your life?
  • Do you like to do morning exercises?
  • What makes you happy?
  • Cats or dogs?
  • Tea or coffee?
  • Who should be older in a couple - a man or a woman?
  • Skirts or trousers?
  • Have you ever been arrested?
  • Do you love amusement parks?
  • What celebrity would you like to meet?
  • Do you like to ride a bike?
  • Do you love holidays? What about preparing for them?
  • Do you like giving gifts to people?
  • What was your first disappointment in life?
  • Are you ready for a serious relationship with a guy?
  • Do you follow fashion trends?
  • Do you believe in omens? What signs most often come true in your life?
  • Have you ever had to save a person's life?
  • How do you usually celebrate your birthday? How would you like to celebrate?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • Do you like to look at the starry sky?
  • You're a sweet tooth?

Questions to a girl during correspondence, which you can ask while communicating with her on the Internet

By asking these questions for a girl, communicating online during correspondence and getting answers to them, you can not only decide where it is better to meet a girl during a first date, what flowers to give her, and what small present to give, but also understand a little about her character and preference.

  • What flowers do you like?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What do you like to do on the weekends?
  • What is your favorite place in the city?
  • Do you like walking with your friends?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Where do you study / work?
  • What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
  • Do you have favorite actors?
  • Do you like going to the cinema?
  • Do you love being in nature?
  • What do you prefer - mountains or sea?
  • Do you like to go to the theatre?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • How often do you watch TV? What are your favorite TV shows?
  • Do you collect anything?
  • Can you skate? Do you often go to the skating rink?
  • Are you a conservative or do you like something new, unusual, interesting?
  • Do you love to dance?
  • Do you like visiting museums?
  • Do you often meet on social media? networks?
  • Do you like extreme entertainment?
  • Do you like soft toys?
  • Where would you like to meet me?

Don't forget to listen carefully and read the answers to the girls' questions. In the future, you will be able to form an objective opinion about the girl, about her views, character traits, past, and decide whether you want a serious relationship with her or just remain acquaintances or friends on the Internet.

I wish you good luck and only pleasant dates!

Meetings and communication with a girl are not complete without asking questions. It is natural to talk about something. But sometimes there are awkward situations, pauses. If it happens later long time relationships, it's okay to be quiet sometimes. However, during the dating phase, such pauses can be awkward and evoke negative thoughts. What questions can you ask a girl? So that you always have something to talk about, we will give a list of 100 interesting questions for girls on the website that you can safely ask.

Before proceeding to the direct enumeration of questions, we will discuss some points. Communication with a girl should be easy. It's okay not to know what to talk about next. If this situation arises, it is better to laugh, saying out loud that you are so nervous that you cannot concentrate on your conversation.

It's okay to be embarrassed, nervous, and lost, especially if you enjoy it. If you say this with a smile on your face, then this will cause understanding in the girl.

At the same time, do not forget that the girl should also ask you questions and suggest topics for conversation. If only you ask questions, it will be like an interrogation or an interview. Try to be interested in everything that comes to your mind, while maintaining the topics that the girl offers you.

Do not communicate with the girl on the principle of "question - answer." Stick to a different tactic "question - answer - expressing your opinion or finding interesting examples from life that confirm or refute the statement." Try to keep the topic on topic and not jump from question to question. Let communication be also based on statements, the announcement of one's opinion, notification of one's interests, etc.

The next tip is to keep the question simple. The girl should immediately understand what you are asking her about. This will be facilitated by the simplicity of the theme. Forget abstruse questions - they are not for meeting girls. Communicate on simple and vital topics that are understandable to everyone.

You should not bombard the girl with numerous questions. If the topic for discussion is exhausted, then you can continue the conversation with the statement. Don't always start a conversation with a question. Sometimes it’s enough just to talk about something yourself so that the girl can pick up the conversation.

Ask questions so that the girl can answer them in detail. They should not require yes or no answers. The girl has to tell you something. At the same time, you can ask clarifying and additional questions to help the girl answer the most important question in more detail.

At the same time, do not forget that you are talking with a girl. She should be interested in talking, answering questions. Here it is recommended to ask questions that the girl can answer, she will do it with interest. And the girls have a lot of interests, so you can also find topics for discussion.

Finally, I would like to say that you show interest in the girl and are interested in communicating with her. Frequent pauses occur in those couples who are not interested in spending time together. If a girl is interesting to you and you want to get to know her better, then you naturally have some questions. The same thing happens on her part: if she is interested in you, then she finds questions that she will ask in order to get to know you better and understand your nature.

Remember that you get to know each other, get to know each other. For now, this can be done by asking questions that will help you get to know the person you are talking to. What is the purpose of meeting a girl? What would you like to know about her? What qualities are you interested in? All this can be found out if you ask her questions that interest you personally.

There are no templates. You can only give a list that will help in a situation of a pause. But the best option would be communication based on sincere interest and desire to get to know a new person.

What question to ask a girl to get to know her better?

Here is a list of over 100 questions you can ask to get to know her better. It is not necessary to quote it all, since not all questions are suitable in a given situation:

  1. How would you like to see your life in 5 years?
  2. Are you afraid to speak in public?
  3. Have you ever had an unrequited love? What did you do then, how did you behave?
  4. What games do you prefer to play?
  5. What time of day do you like to make love?
  6. When do you get more energetic?
  7. What clothes do you like to sleep in when it's hot outside?
  8. What position do you usually sleep in?
  9. In which country would you like to live?
  10. Where do you feel most comfortable?
  11. What country would you go to if you had the opportunity?
  12. What time do you usually go to bed?
  13. What would you like to be famous for?
  14. What are you unable to deny yourself?
  15. What do you think are the main differences between men and women?
  16. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?
  17. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  18. Do you believe that people live several lives (in reincarnation)?
  19. Do you speak foreign languages?
  20. At what age would you like to get married?
  21. How old were you when you first slept with a guy?
  22. Choosing between friends and loved one, who would you choose?
  23. Where would you like to have sex?
  24. Where was your childhood? What did you do when you were little?
  25. Where do you prefer to walk? What places in the city do you like?
  26. Where did you travel? Where did you like it?
  27. If there was a time machine, what time would you like to travel to?
  28. If you could act in a movie, what role would you choose?
  29. If you got a million, what would you spend it on?
  30. If you see an attractive guy, do you look him straight in the eye?
  31. Do you have enemies? Would you like to make peace with them?
  32. Do you have secrets from your parents?
  33. How would you like to relax?
  34. How does your day usually start?
  35. How early do you wake up?
  36. How do you choose men? What is important to you - appearance or character?
  37. How do you like to spend your free time?
  38. How do you feel about girls who do nothing?
  39. How do you prefer to relax in your free time?
  40. How do you imagine the ideal family?
  41. How do you behave when you drink?
  42. How often do you sit in social networks? How often do you meet new people there?
  43. What was your favorite toy?
  44. What alcoholic drinks do you like to drink?
  45. What sports are you interested in? Do you do any sports?\
  46. What nationalities are in your family?
  47. What were your nicknames? Which ones do you like?
  48. What plans and dreams do you have for the future?
  49. What habits do you have that you would like to eliminate?
  50. What is your relationship with your parents?
  51. What is your relationship with your sister/brother?
  52. What films do you prefer to watch? What is your favorite movie?
  53. What colors do you like in clothes?
  54. What flowers do you love?
  55. What animal would you like to be?
  56. What wish would you make if you caught a goldfish?
  57. What time of the year is your favorite?
  58. What would you call your quality that distinguishes you from other girls?
  59. What item do you value?
  60. What day would you call the best in your life? What then happened?
  61. What experience would you like to have?
  62. What gift would you like to receive?
  63. What nightmare do you remember the most?
  64. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
  65. What did you want to be as a child?
  66. When did you first fall in love? How old were you then?
  67. When did you first kiss? How it was?
  68. Who among your friends is more - boys or girls?
  69. Who is your idol?
  70. Could you marry a man of a different nationality?
  71. What do you pay attention to first of all when you see a stranger?
  72. Do you like guys with beards?
  73. With whom do you like to communicate - with girls or guys?
  74. With whom do you like to relax more - with friends or a guy?
  75. Family or money - which is more important to you?
  76. How many children would you like to have?
  77. How many real friends do you have? How do you choose friends?
  78. Have you ever been declared in love?
  79. Do you like piercings or tattoos? How would you like to decorate your body?
  80. Do you like the profession you have chosen?
  81. Do you like the work you are doing? Who would you like to work?
  82. Do you like it when guys follow you with their eyes?
  83. Would you marry a man younger or older than you by many years?
  84. Would you like to skydive?
  85. Would you forgive betrayal?
  86. Would you like to live alone or with your parents?
  87. Do you keep a diary where you write down your thoughts?
  88. Do you believe in fate or that a person creates his own life?
  89. Have you ever met a guy first?
  90. Do you meet guys on the street? How do you react to such an acquaintance?
  91. Have you ever fought with another girl? Did you fight for a guy with another girl?
  92. Have you ever grieved for a guy?
  93. Have you ever loved?
  94. Have you ever made up first? Did you call your boyfriend first after a fight?
  95. Have you ever broken up with a guy?
  96. Have you ever encountered supernatural phenomena?
  97. Have you ever kissed on the first date?
  98. Do you like cooking? What is your best dish to cook?
  99. Do you like to risk?
  100. Do you like going to clubs?
  101. Are you nervous when you go on a first date?
  102. Have you ever confessed your love first?
  103. You can swim?
  104. Do you read books? What are your favorite works?
  105. Would you like to go abroad permanently?
  106. Do you want to have children? Do you love children? What would you name your children?
  107. Do you often receive compliments?
  108. What would you like to change in your life? Are you satisfied with everything?
  109. What would you like to change about yourself?
  110. What has changed in you compared to you as a child?
  111. What helps you relax and relieve stress?
  112. What do you dislike about other people?
  113. What drives you crazy?
  114. What makes you proud of yourself or another person?
  115. What do you understand by “happiness”, “beautiful life” (other terms)?
  116. What do you value most in men?

There are a lot of questions. The most important thing is that they should be born in your head and look natural as you communicate with the girl. It's good when a girl herself asks you something, while simultaneously answering your questions. After hearing the answer, be sure to tell something about yourself on this topic or a funny incident from your life. Dilute the conversation so that it is interesting for both you and her.


It seems that it is very difficult to communicate with girls. In fact, the guys simply have no interest in those young ladies with whom they meet. Questions are born by themselves when a girl outwardly attracts and charms with her habits. Then the guy not only communicates with her, but also admires her, is fascinated, immersed in her. The result of mutual interest is a pleasant pastime and even the possibility of building relationships.

Many novice pick-up artists, due to their inexperience, sometimes don’t know what to talk about with a girl, what to ask her, awkward pauses come when you don’t know what to say on a date and this stresses them and the girl.
Here are a few examples of what questions girls are asked to be neither banal nor boring.

1. Is there a mole somewhere else on your body that I have not seen yet?
2. Are you by any chance the criminal who recently robbed that jewelry store over there?
3. Do you have a pet? In general, what is your favorite animal? Would you like to be one in your next life?
4. You must be very fond of new shoes? How many pairs do you buy per season?
5. Is there anything that annoys you more than anything in the world? What's this?
6. Do you like to watch horror movies? How much can they impress you?
7. Do you like to paint? Does it give you pleasure, or are you happy with the result?
8. Do you have a hobby? What do you like to do most in your free time?
9. What do you usually take with you when you go out? With the contents of your purse, can you also live a month at the North Pole?
10. How many languages ​​do you know? Do you feel when you speak with an accent on them?
11. At what age did you first fall in love with a guy? Was it mutual love?
12. Do you like doing household chores? What do you dislike doing the most?
13. How often do you tell lies?
14. What character trait do you dislike the most in a person?
15. What traits of your character do you like the most?
16. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
17. What do you not know how to do and what would you like to do very well and would love to learn?
18. Do you often go abroad?
19. Do you like children? How many children would you like to have?
20. Does it ever happen to you that nothing can force you to do something?
21. Do you like cats? Why?
22. Do you imagine your life at the North Pole / in the village / in the mountains? What do you think you would do there? 23. What do you think? Are you a lucky person? What are you usually lucky in?
24. Do you like to be photographed? Do you have favorite photos?
25. Are you registered in social networks? How do you feel about communication and dating on the Internet?
26. Do you like what you do?
27. What would you like to be if you had another chance to choose a profession?
28. What do you think, whoever you become for nothing in the world?
29. Are you more of an open or closed person to society?
30. What interests you more, career or family? What can be an obstacle in each case?
31. What could you be proud of all your life? How do you feel about your possible failures?
32. Do you have something for which you would be ready to give your life?
33. Can you remember whether any of what you thought of on New Year's Eve came true?
34. Have there been any situations in your life that contributed to a change in your thinking at the root?
35. Do you have an idol? Who would you like to be like?
36. In what company of people do you spend most of your time?
37. What do you think you would do with a huge amount of money that would be given to you just like that?
38. Where do you dream of going to relax?
39. Would you like to be a movie star or a famous singer? If yes, why?
40. Would you like to return to your childhood? What are the happiest moments from your childhood you can remember?
41. Were you a calm child or did you always bring trouble to your parents?
42. Can you imagine what you would be like if you were a boy?
43. How would you like your boyfriend to be?
44. If you were given two vouchers only one way to another distant country, who would you take with you?
45. Do you think you have more friends or enemies?
46. ​​Are you a romantic or more of a realist by nature?
47. If you were given the opportunity to choose where you were born, which country would you choose?
48. What do you think is the difference between a man and a woman?
49. What can make you happy? And what can lead to a frantic delight?
50. Do you have any shortcomings, and which ones hinder you the most?
51. What is your specialty that distinguishes you from the rest?
52. Are you satisfied with everything in your appearance, if not, what would you like to change?
53. What do you think? God exists?
54. Do you have enemies?
55. Do you believe in karma and that if you do something bad to someone, it will come back to you like a boomerang?
56. Played computer games, which ones?
57. Did you kiss the guy first?

However, try not to use