The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages 2. The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages from one week of delay

Many women are convinced: while there is no delay in menstruation, there is no point in talking about pregnancy. However, there are symptoms even earlier than the delay, which make it possible to say with a high degree of certainty about the onset of pregnancy.

There are changes, sometimes slightly noticeable, which, combined with intuition, enable a woman to know that she will soon become a mother.

The first sign of early pregnancy is drowsiness and weakness

You feel sleepy even if you've been sound asleep all night. The fact is that a pregnant woman's metabolism is instantly accelerated. This is necessary to support the body - yours and your future baby, but at the same time it causes fatigue. Sleep as much as you like! And more often try to lie down to rest.

The second sign of pregnancy is Nausea

In some women, morning sickness can appear literally from the first days of pregnancy. This is due to the sharp drop in blood sugar. Nausea (toxicosis) most often accompanies the expectant mother only during the first trimester. However, some suffer from nausea for nine months.

Try to eat as regularly as possible, include only natural foods in your diet.

The third sign of early pregnancy is breast enlargement

Literally in the first days after conception, you may feel discomfort from wearing a bra. The breasts noticeably swell and increase, and after a while the nipples darken.

The fourth sign of early pregnancy is a change in taste and smell

Everyone knows about the passion of pregnant women for pickles. But this is just one of the possible options for changing the taste. You can start eating foods that you couldn't look at before. Most often, expectant mothers are "drawn" to sour or salty. But your favorite foods can be disgusting. It happens. That an unpleasant metallic taste appears in the mouth, poisoning the pleasure of eating.

The sense of smell also starts to cause problems: you suddenly realize that you cannot, for example, fry potatoes, because you are sick of the smell of oil. In a clean and ventilated apartment, the smell of tobacco smoke suddenly begins to appear ...

The fifth sign of early pregnancy - Forgetfulness and lack of collection

The purpose of the body is now one - to successfully carry the child, and everything else is now "superfluous", optional. Therefore, expectant mothers are often in an absent-minded state - they forget keys and money, are unable to solve a simple crossword puzzle, they remember for a long time why they left the house ...

The sixth sign of early pregnancy - Changes in basal temperature

This happens even before the delay. Basal temperature rises sharply. If ovulation has occurred, the temperature remains at 37-37.2 degrees for several weeks. If conception has not occurred, the next day the basal temperature returns to normal.

Seventh Sign of Early Pregnancy - Discharge

Already on the 6th day after conception, you can find small spotting. They say that an embryo implantation has occurred. But such discharge does not always appear and not for everyone - this is also normal.

Eighth Sign of Early Pregnancy - Frequent Urination

If a week has passed after conception, frequent urge to urinate may appear. This is because the blood supply to the pelvic area increases, and the bladder sends a signal of fullness, even if very little urine has accumulated. Urinary frequency usually returns to normal by the fourth month of pregnancy.

The ninth sign of early pregnancy - Emotional imbalance

A woman in early pregnancy may suddenly cry or be offended for no reason, and after a minute laugh happily or feel extraordinary happiness. The irritability of expectant mothers is the reason for numerous stories and even anecdotes.

The tenth symptom of early pregnancy - Deterioration of well-being

An embryo is introduced into the woman's body, half of the chromosomes of which are alien, since they were received from the child's father. To prevent rejection, immunity decreases somewhat, that is, the body's defenses are not working at full strength. Therefore, a pregnant woman is more likely than others to be prone to colds and ailments.

The main thing is not to take potent drugs without consulting a doctor! They can seriously harm the baby.

The eleventh sign of pregnancy is Bloating

With the onset of pregnancy, the intestines become more "lazy", gas production increases, constipation can torment, the volume of the abdomen increases. There are many safe, gentle remedies for this trouble.

All these signs of pregnancy can occur long before the delay, signaling that a pregnancy has come, and you need to treat your body especially carefully.

Olga Moiseeva for the Women's magazine "Prelest"

For many women, pregnancy is a long-awaited happiness. That is why, when planning this event, a woman listens to her own feelings in order to understand that pregnancy has finally come. If a woman has not been pregnant before, then it can be quite difficult to understand the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage.

Conception process

Any pregnancy begins with conception. In order for this happened, the egg must be fertilized by the sperm. During ovulation, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves along the fallopian tube to the uterus, if at this time it meets a sperm, conception occurs.

The fertilized egg must attach to the wall uterus in order to be able to develop further.

After which the egg begins to divide rapidly. So quickly that by about the 8th week of embryo development, vital organs are laid.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

In the early stages, it can be difficult to determine pregnancy without the use of special tests. However, if you listen to your body, you can find out the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. They are due to the changes that have begun in the body and the hormonal surge:

In addition to these first signs of pregnancy, swelling of the extremities may appear in the early stages, especially in the evening, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

Unfortunately, attempts to get pregnant do not always end in success. Sometimes, instead of a normal pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. This means that the ovum is fixed outside the uterus - in the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity. Signs of early pregnancy with the development of the ovum outside the uterus are as follows:

  1. Bloody discharge of an uncharacteristic color - brown, brown.
  2. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which increases with a change in body position.
  3. Weakness in the body, chills, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process.
  4. Lowering blood pressure, which may be accompanied by fainting, general malaise.

In this case, it is important to go to the hospital in a timely manner for surgery.

How to determine pregnancy

You can determine the "interesting position" by the early signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation:

These early signs of pregnancy in the first week are not entirely accurate, so when they appear, you should purchase a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or resort to other methods of determining the "interesting position".

Toxicosis during pregnancy

One of the early signs of pregnancy after a delay is toxicosis. This is due to the fact that the body is not ready to accept the fetus and reacts to it as a foreign body. Toxicosis most often manifests itself in women who have a tendency to hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure. Toxicosis can manifest itself as follows:

It is not at all necessary that all pregnant women should experience toxicosis; in some cases, a woman does not feel the slightest discomfort throughout the entire period. If the toxicosis is too severe, it is recommended to seek qualified medical help, otherwise there may be a threat of miscarriage. Normally, with a moderate manifestation of toxicosis, its symptoms disappear by the 14-16th week of pregnancy, when the woman's body gets used to the fetus inside.

When the belly starts to grow

After realizing the fact of the onset of pregnancy, any woman begins to be interested in the changes that will occur with her body. First of all, the expectant mother begins to be interested in what sensations during pregnancy and when the belly begins to grow.

Normally, a noticeable growth of the tummy begins at the 14-15th week of pregnancy. However, many women notice signs and sensations of pregnancy as early as 5-10 weeks. They also include the beginning of the growth of the tummy. Experts note that at such a short period of pregnancy, the abdomen can begin to increase not only from the rapid growth of the fetus in the uterus, but also due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines, which is inevitable for a woman.

At the same time, a rounded belly becomes noticeable to others at the 20th week. At about the same time, a woman needs to update wardrobe, in order to fit the growing tummy there.

The growth rate is very important, since the doctor can use it to determine possible pathologies - polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios, fetal growth retardation and others.

HCG analysis

One of the early signs of pregnancy in the first week is an increase in the level of hCG in the body - a hormone that is secreted by the placenta during gestation. An analysis for hCG can be taken already 10 days after conception, it is at this time that it will show the presence of pregnancy.

In addition, the delivery of an analysis for hCG makes it possible to track the intrauterine development of the child until the time when the time allows for an ultrasound scan. This test is not expensive and can be done in any hospital or laboratory. In order to obtain the most reliable results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. On the day before the test, it is necessary to do without significant physical work or sports.
  2. Blood for analysis must be taken on an empty stomach, that is, at least 4 hours after the last meal.
  3. When taking hormonal medications, you should discuss the test with healthcare providers and inform them, as some medications can affect the test results.

A small amount of the hormone secreted by the placenta is in the urine, according to this principle, pharmacy pregnancy tests work.

Definition of pregnancy using ultrasound

Noticing the first signs pregnancy, after a week of delay, you can contact an ultrasound specialist to diagnose pregnancy. In this case, it should be remembered that the embryo is about 4 mm in size, so it is rather difficult to consider it. For this, the doctor must have extensive experience, and the medical device must be in perfect condition.

A gynecologist, when examined with an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, notes the following changes in a woman's organs:

  1. The uterus is an elastic organ, which softens and becomes more pliable with the onset of pregnancy, in addition, after a while, its growth is noticeable.
  2. The vagina also changes. It becomes a different shade, its density also changes.

The method of ultrasound diagnostics is the most informative for determining pregnancy, since it not only confirms or refutes its fact, but also gives a detailed picture of the state of the internal genital organs or the development of the fetus.

Use of iodine

Many women wonder how to determine pregnancy before delay without a test. This can be done using ordinary iodine, which is found in any home medicine cabinet. There are two ways to help determine if you are pregnant:

  1. It is necessary to moisten a paper towel in the morning urine, and then drop a little iodine on it. If the stain becomes purple, then we can confidently talk about the onset of pregnancy.
  2. The first morning urine must be collected in a container. After that, a little iodine must be dropped into the liquid. If the drop dissolves quickly in the urine, then the test result is most likely negative. In the presence of pregnancy, the drop will linger on the surface of the urine for some time.

Despite the fact that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of an accurate determination of pregnancy, many women continue to use it successfully.

Soda test

The signs and sensations of a first pregnancy can be confusing for a woman who has never experienced similar symptoms. Having discovered unusual manifestations of an "interesting state", a woman will undoubtedly want to confirm her suspicions. You can do this with regular baking soda.

To do this, it is necessary to collect a portion of the first morning urine in a clean container. Then you need to put a teaspoon of baking soda there. If a reaction occurs and the liquid begins to fizzle and foam, then the woman is not pregnant. If the soda falls to the bottom of the container, then we are talking about a successful conception.

This method, like the method using iodine, cannot be called 100% accurate, however, women who have tested it, in most cases, confirm its effectiveness.

Grandma's methods

How was pregnancy previously defined without tests? There are many alternative methods, the effectiveness of which has been tested for centuries of use before the advent of pharmacy pregnancy tests. The most common methods for determining pregnancy at home are:

  1. It is necessary to take clean dishes and dissolve a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns pink. After that, you need to add a little of the first urine to the water. If she dissolves in water, there is no pregnancy, but if a precipitate in the form of flakes has fallen, then, most likely, the woman is preparing to become a mother.
  2. The first morning urine must be mixed with red wine in a 1: 1 ratio. If the color has not changed, then conception has not occurred, if the liquid has become cloudy and a precipitate has appeared, then pregnancy takes place. When using this method, it should be remembered that the wine must be completely natural, otherwise the accuracy of the method is minimized, it is advisable to use homemade grape wine.
  3. The first morning urine is placed in an iron container and boiled. If a woman is pregnant, then a precipitate in the form of flakes will fall out. However, this method should be treated with caution. For example, if a woman has kidney disease, large amounts of protein in the urine may clot and be mistaken for sediment.
  4. It used to be said that during pregnancy a woman may dream of fresh fish. This method has no scientific justification, however, many young mothers note that in the early stages of pregnancy, fresh fish can really be dreamed of.
  5. You need to touch your stomach with your fingers 7-8 cm below the navel. At the same time, you can hear a barely noticeable pulsation, this will indicate pregnancy.
  6. Dandelion leaves should be poured with a fresh portion of morning urine. If they soon lost their color and became covered with bubbles, then we are talking about a successful conception.
  7. A small amount of urine must be mixed with toothpaste. If the test result is positive, then mixing should result in a blue liquid. You can also use chlorine bleach instead of toothpaste, the result will be the same.
  8. Fortune telling on onions. To do this, you need to plant two onions in cups and guess which one means pregnancy and which does not. Which of them grows faster to a size of 4 cm, that result is positive.

It is worth remembering that traditional methods of determining pregnancy do not give 100% of the result, therefore, in order to obtain reliable information, it is recommended to use pharmacy pregnancy tests or use the services of medical institutions.


Undoubtedly, pregnancy is an unusual condition for any woman. That is why the expectant mother is interested in what are the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, in order to determine the "point of interest" as quickly as possible. There are many manifestations and symptoms, but this does not mean at all that a woman will feel them all on herself. It often happens that the expectant mother notices changes in her body on an intuitive level or does not even know about conception until the time of delay in menstruation.

In any case, from the moment pregnancy is determined, a woman should contact an antenatal clinic for registration. This is necessary so that doctors have the opportunity to monitor the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

The emergence of a new life is a universal mechanism that is perfectly regulated by the female body. Unfortunately, a woman's reproductive system is not able to convey the very first signs of pregnancy immediately after conception. This condition can be recognized only by the characteristic symptoms that form at different stages of bearing a child. Some women show early signs of pregnancy, while others do not notice changes in their health.

The sooner a woman detects pregnancy, the more time she will receive to undergo a specialized examination. It should be borne in mind that in the first days after conception, there can be no obvious signs of pregnancy.

The first symptoms that indicate pregnancy can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Lack of menstruation. Every woman knows about this symptom, it is considered the very first sign of pregnancy. When the egg is fertilized, the menstrual cycle is delayed, since the previously rejected endometrium is necessary for the fetus for full development. However, the first day of the delay cannot be considered as a reliable sign, since the absence of menstruation is often caused by pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, stress, and hormonal disorders.
  2. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. Women's breasts are very sensitive to hormonal changes in the body. With the onset of pregnancy, there is a slight increase in breast volume, an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples, as well as their soreness. Often in the area of ​​the halo, there is an increase in specific tubercles, which were previously barely felt.
  3. Frequent urination. One of the early signs of pregnancy is an increase in the frequency of the urge to urinate. This symptom is formed against the background of increased production of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). The urge to urinate can be disturbing even if the bladder is not full. This is observed mainly at night. Additionally, there is a delay in menstruation.
  4. Change in taste preferences. The increasing level of hormones causes a change in taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman can taste metal in her mouth.
  5. Fatigue and sleepiness. These signs most often occur during the first bearing of the fetus. Strengthening the intensity of metabolic processes in the body, provokes a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and a desire to rest. The hormone progesterone produced has a relaxing, calming effect. The feeling of fatigue haunts women throughout the day.
  6. Nausea. The appearance of this symptom is typical for 1.5 months of pregnancy. Sometimes the symptom occurs on the twentieth day after conception. Some women feel nauseous earlier. This symptom cannot be called one of the reliable ones, since the feeling of nausea is characteristic of diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and central nervous system. Only in combination with other signs, nausea indicates the development of pregnancy.

When can you expect the first manifestations

In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the body of each woman. Early pregnancy symptoms can be observed as early as 8-10 days after fertilization of the egg. This period can vary, depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes.

In medical practice, there have been cases when women recognized fertilization as early as day 5.

In this context, we are talking about women who carefully listen to their body and feel the slightest fluctuations in their state. On the 20th day of the cycle, signs of pregnancy take on a characteristic appearance.

Minor signs

Less likely signs of pregnancy include many symptoms that can be observed already in the early days:

  • Increased basal temperature. When a woman regularly monitors her menstrual cycle, she may experience an increase in basal temperature indicators up to 37 ° C. The change in this indicator is facilitated by a high level of progesterone.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. In the case of conception, changes occur in the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Against this background, a woman may feel a feeling of heaviness and squeezing.
  • Insomnia. The feeling of fatigue is often replaced by increased nervous irritability and insomnia.
  • Lower abdominal pain. This symptom can occur with the formation of an ectopic implantation or miscarriage. If the onset of pregnancy is spontaneously interrupted, then, in combination with, bleeding from the vagina appears.
  • Back pain. With the onset of conception, a pulling can be felt. In addition, this symptom may indicate kidney disease.
  • Headache. The change in hormonal levels is accompanied by neurological symptoms. A woman in a position may have a spontaneous headache.
  • Increased appetite. Acceleration of metabolic processes against the background of pregnancy becomes the cause of increased appetite.
  • Enhanced sense of smell and taste. If earlier a woman did not pay attention to some smells, then from the moment of pregnancy she may be disgusted with them. The same goes for the flavor profile of some foods.
  • Irritability, mood swings. Many pregnant women complain of emotional lability and mood swings.
  • Implantation bleeding. One of the signs of pregnancy at 1 week, which indicates the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall.
  • Digestive disorders. As minor signs of pregnancy, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, belching may appear.
  • Weight change. When the pregnant body seeks to provide the developing fetus with the necessary nutrients, the woman may notice an increase in body weight.
  • Restless sleep. Hormonal changes affect the emotional background of a woman. Expectant mothers may have difficulty falling asleep.
  • Tingling sensation in the uterus. This symptom occurs quite rarely, since not every woman can recognize it. Local changes in the uterine cavity can provoke a tingling sensation.
  • Feeling hot and chilly. This symptom has nothing to do with a violation of the body's thermoregulation. Such reactions occur against the background of hormonal imbalance.
  • Discomfort while sitting. This symptom is due to increased blood supply in the small pelvis.
  • Swelling of the face, arms and legs. Pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body.
  • Acne. If a woman has not previously experienced skin problems, then during pregnancy, acne may appear in the face area. This happens due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • Bloating. The increase in hormone levels helps to relax the intestinal muscles. The result is flatulence.
  • Strengthening the venous pattern on the chest. From the moment the egg is fertilized, the female body begins to prepare for feeding the baby. The characteristic venous pattern indicates the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.
  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples. Another symptom of preparation for lactation.
  • Redness of the skin of the face. The change in hormonal levels affects the tone of the capillaries, which become prone to expansion.
  • Change in pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. In pregnant women, there is a characteristic pigment “pathway” that runs from the navel to the upper edge of the pubic bone.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If a woman suffered before pregnancy, then with its onset, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
  • Calf muscle cramps. Another minor sign indicating a change in metabolism.
  • Low or high blood pressure. Most often, expectant mothers are prone to high blood pressure, however, a decrease in this parameter may also indicate pregnancy.
  • Reduced immunity. In order for the pregnancy to proceed without features, the suppression of immunity occurs in the female body. Frequent cases of colds and SARS can also serve as pregnancy symptoms.
  • Thrush. Such a fungal disease occurs with a decrease in local immunity.

Early pregnancy diagnosis

Specialized diagnostic methods will reliably determine the signs of pregnancy on the 5th day of gestation.

Pregnancy test

Rapid tests do not always detect pregnancy immediately after conception. This is due to the fact that the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases gradually and remains normal in the early stages. A reliable pregnancy test result can only be obtained from the 14th day after conception.

Gynecological examination

As a result of a gynecological examination, you can determine the likely signs of pregnancy. These include:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus and a change in its consistency;
  • discoloration of the external genital organs;
  • softening of the isthmus of the uterus;
  • increased uterine mobility;
  • displacement of the uterus.

These five landmarks indicate egg implantation.

Increased hCG levels

In order to determine this indicator, a laboratory blood test is carried out. The maximum information content of the analysis is observed from 13-14 days of gestation. An increase in the hormone also occurs in diseases of the reproductive system and ectopic egg implantation.


An informative way to detect early pregnancy is ultrasound. Fertilization can be confirmed in the first weeks after conception. The study is carried out using an abdominal or transvaginal probe.

Carrying a baby is a big responsibility that the expectant mother takes on. In order for the baby to develop healthy, a woman needs to give up any bad habits, pay attention to her diet and lifestyle.

Useful video about the first symptoms of pregnancy

Do you know the first symptoms of pregnancy?
The following will outline twenty-five symptoms. pregnancy... According to the degree of reliability, all symptoms are divided into three groups: possible (finding these symptoms indicates the likelihood of pregnancy), likely e ( which indicate a high likelihood of pregnancy), and accurate (the presence of these symptoms makes it impossible to doubt).

Possible pregnancy symptoms

Not the onset of menstruation
In case of delayed menstruation, the first reason is always pregnancy. The concept " delay»Can be used when, in a usually constant cycle, bleeding does not occur within the usual period of time.
But such a symptom can speak not only of pregnancy. A delay in menstruation can occur due to:
  • Stressful state
  • Physical overvoltage ( preparation for sports competitions)
  • Ailments
  • A sharp violation of the schedule of life ( change of work schedule from day to shift)
  • The use of certain types of drugs ( primarily steroid)
  • Depletion
  • Calculation errors
  • Age suitable for menopause
Abnormal menstruation
Any change in the normal menstrual cycle falls under this definition: too short, too long, bleeding came too late, or vice versa, as well as a change in the nature of bleeding: more abundant or more scarce.
It must be said that such violations are typical for a number of diseases of the reproductive system, in this regard, the appearance of such symptoms is a reason for consulting a gynecologist.

Unusual sensations
In the early days of pregnancy, many women experience mild pain or uterine cramps. These pains are similar to those during menstruation.

Vomiting and nausea
These signs are very common during pregnancy. True, such signs are usually found starting from the sixth week of gestation. But sometimes they appear earlier. In such cases, they speak of early gestosis.
The same symptoms can appear with other ailments, for example, diseases of the digestive tract ( enterocolitis, stomach or intestinal ulcer, gastritis, enteritis). But with such ailments, vomiting and nausea are usually combined with other signs of digestive disorders that are not observed during pregnancy.

Change in sex drive
Sex drive changes due to the fact that a variety of processes take place in the body during pregnancy. Libido can either disappear altogether or become more pronounced. Changes in the physical plane include an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands, which sometimes even causes disgust when touching the nipples ( and sometimes vice versa), urge to vomit, increased blood circulation in the genital area. The processes of change affect both the psyche and the work of the nervous system of a woman, they are influenced by pregnancy hormones.

Breast tenderness
The gestation period is preparatory for breastfeeding. Therefore, a number of processes take place in the mammary glands:

  • Increased sensitivity to the point of soreness
  • Discoloration and swelling of nipples and areola
  • Breast growth
  • When you click on the areola, a drop of colostrum appears.
Similar processes are typical for ailments of the endocrine system ( increased production of the hormone prolactin)

Breast growth
Despite the fact that this symptom is not considered indispensable, it is observed in most women. If pregnancy has come, then the mammary glands enlarge in exactly the same way.
If only one gland increases, or some part of it swells, this indicates the presence of diseases.

Frequent urge to urinate
This symptom often pesters women from the smallest terms of gestation. At the same time, very little urine is released. A similar symptom develops because the uterus increases in volume, and the bladder has less and less space, so less urine can collect in it.
A similar symptom is typical for ailments of the urinary system, such as urethritis or cystitis ( with these diseases, the desire to urinate is usually combined with an increase in body temperature, a burning sensation during urination, and pain in the groin). Also, a similar symptom can be observed with ailments of the endocrine system ( diabetes mellitus, in which the patient is thirsty all the time and excretes a lot of urine).

Perversions of taste
The overwhelming majority of people believe that during the period of gestation, all women without exception eat pickles and ice cream. In fact, changes in taste can affect completely different food groups. According to scientists, sixty-five percent of women during gestation experience rather strange taste changes. Some even crave chalk, raw meat, earth, or green fruits.
Usually, such perversions of taste do not pose a threat to health, but sometimes women suffer from a craving for completely inedible objects and substances, such as starch or lime.
Taste perversions can be observed with a lack of any trace elements in the body, for example, iron. In such a case, this violation is combined with fragility of the nail plates, hair, dizziness, weakness, pallor of the face.

In the body of a pregnant woman, a lot of serious processes are carried out, which at first may not manifest themselves at all. In this regard, the body needs new energy resources. Therefore, during gestation, women quickly get tired and sleep a lot.
This phenomenon cannot be used to determine pregnancy, because lethargy or a decrease in endurance is observed with a huge number of ailments, as well as caused by non-observance of hygiene at work and rest.

Montgomery tubercles
Montgomery tubercles- these are medium-sized growths ( type of small warts) formed on the areola. Such growths are completely safe for a woman's body, while they often talk about the onset of pregnancy.

Skin changes
Due to the fact that a large number of different processes take place in the body, the skin also undergoes changes. So it may appear:

  • Chloasma or mask pregnant - the appearance of age spots on the forehead, cheeks and nose. Do not be alarmed, because after the birth of the baby, all the spots will eventually disappear by themselves.
  • Dark strip from the navel to the pubis ... This streak may become visible after the twelfth week of gestation.
  • Acne . This feature is not typical for everyone. There are women whose skin, on the contrary, becomes clean and well-groomed during the period of gestation. But sometimes, due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, acne is formed.
  • Vascular spiders are formed on the legs, neck, arms, chest, cheeks. They are formed as a result of an increase in the amount of female sex hormones in the body. They look like small spiders and are dark red or bluish in color.
  • Stretch marks- are most often observed starting from the twenty-second week of gestation. The intensity of their formation depends on the amount of gained kilograms, genetic predisposition, nutritional system.
  • The appearance of red spots on the palms - erythema. It is caused by all the same estrogens.
  • Other types of changes: increased growth of nails or hair, changes in their quality, increased work of sweat glands.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks are the result of destruction of the connective tissue of the skin. These are completely painless phenomena that only in rare cases cause a slight burning sensation. During the period of gestation, as well as after the birth of a baby, stretch marks are observed in sixty to ninety percent of women. Their usual place of formation is the lower abdomen and thighs, but they are sometimes observed on the chest as well as on the upper arms.
The number and intensity of stretch marks depend on parameters such as:
  • Genetic predisposition - in the event that most women in the family have stretch marks, then there is practically no chance of avoiding them.
  • The pace and intensity of weight gain ... If you put on too many pounds or in too short a period, then the likelihood of stretch marks increases.
  • Pregnancy with twins or triplets are also a predisposing factor to the formation of stretch marks.
  • Nutrition specifics ... If the menu is balanced enough, there is a lot of fluid in it, then the skin will be more elastic, which means there will be less stretch marks and they will be less intense.
Growth in the volume of the uterus
Over time, the fetus increases, which entails an increase in the volume of the uterus, and, consequently, the size of the abdomen.

An increase in the size of the uterus and abdomen is also characteristic of uterine neoplasms.
There are also such diseases that only entail an increase in the volume of the abdomen, while the uterus remains of the usual size. This is ascites obesity or hyperplasia of internal organs.

During the first pregnancy, movements are detected at about the twentieth week of gestation. And mothers with experience feel the movements already at the sixteenth - eighteenth week.
It must be said that, as a sign of pregnancy, movements are detected earlier than movements of the anterior abdominal wall, which is considered one of the accurate signs.

Colostrum appearance
Colostrum is a newborn baby's first meal. Colostrum contains all the nutrients a baby needs. Most often, in the last weeks of gestation, a clear liquid appears from the mammary glands, this is the secretion of colostrum.

Likely pregnancy symptoms

Growth in the size of the abdomen
The expectant mother, who already has experience in childbirth, discovers an increase in the size of the abdomen already at the ninth week. But usually this sign appears after the twelfth or even the sixteenth week of gestation and later. From the twelfth week onwards, the uterus can be found on palpation.

The uterus changes
The shape of the uterus also changes. But a similar symptom is found exclusively at the consultation of an obstetrician or during an ultrasound examination.

Braxton Hicks contractions or training contractions
Braxton-Hicks contractions are short-term and pain-free, occurring at intervals of ten to twenty minutes and in some cases occurring after the first three months of gestation. Such phenomena are also called training fights. Not all expectant mothers have such manifestations, and it is believed that they are more pronounced during the second and further pregnancies. In a number of women, such contractions are manifested in the form of tension in the lower abdomen. These contractions are much weaker, shorter than labor contractions, and the intervals between them are not the same. When the woman takes a horizontal position, the contractions stop. In the event that, with a period not reaching thirty-seven weeks, such phenomena are often, their repetitions every ten minutes, this indicates the need to visit a doctor, as it may indicate early birth.
The table details how labor contractions differ from Braxton-Hicks contractions.

If you find one of the above symptoms or several, you should urgently go to the doctor so that the doctor can identify the cause of their occurrence.
The definition of pregnancy should be carried out as soon as possible - this must be done to prevent complications of pregnancy.

Rapid pregnancy test results
A rapid test, which can be bought at any pharmacy, gives objective results five or more days after the first day of the expected menstruation. However, such tests often give erroneous readings ( more often erroneous negative readings). This happens due to the fact that the test reacts to the amount of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the woman's urine. The level of this hormone increases slowly in the first months as pregnancy progresses. In the case when you need to know about the offensive ( or not getting pregnant) earlier than five days of delay, you can do a test in a laboratory, it has more objective results.
An increase in the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine also occurs with certain neoplasms of the uterus.

Accurate pregnancy symptoms

Fetal palpation
When palpating the abdomen at a later date, you can feel the developing baby. Doctors thus check how the fetus is located before giving birth.

Fetal heartbeat detection
From the twentieth week of pregnancy, with a special stethoscope, you can listen through the anterior abdominal wall of the fetal heartbeat. And an electronic stethoscope makes it possible to detect heartbeats as early as the tenth week. Indicators from one hundred twenty to one hundred and sixty cuts per minute are considered normal.

Diagnosis of pregnancy using ultrasound
It is desirable to carry out a similar study from the seventh to the twelfth week. But this method can show the presence of pregnancy from the second week.

Pregnancy detection using X-ray
X-rays are never used to diagnose pregnancy because the mother and the developing embryo receive a dose of harmful radiation. But sometimes pregnancy is detected with an x-ray of internal organs. Then the picture shows the skeleton of the fetus.

Early pregnancy signs

It is inexpensive, and you can now buy it even at the checkout of the mass market.

It can be used any day after the delay, it is recommended to do the test in the morning.

The most common types of tests are - test strip... A thin white stripe with a blue (maybe another color) inclusion and arrows. To the mark, it must be lowered for a few seconds into a container with fresh urine, and after 2-5 minutes the result can be observed.

Two stripes- pregnancy is confirmed. Moreover, the intensity of the staining of the second strip is not important, if it, in principle, has not remained light, empty, and even if it is light, but still purple, there is a pregnancy.

Usually women do one or more control tests.

If the second strip is not sufficiently saturated, it is likely that the period of the special situation is still short. Try doing the test three more days later, and then three more days. The strip should darken.

You can go to the clinic for an analysis of the hCG level. - a special human hormone that is produced during pregnancy.

6-10 days after conception hCG indicators will be informative, it turns out that pregnancy can be determined already at such an early stage.

The hCG level will rise rapidly until a certain period of pregnancy.

An analysis for hCG can also be prescribed by a doctor, this is done in cases where:

  • dynamic monitoring of pregnancy is required;
  • there is a threat or;
  • an assessment of the completeness of artificial termination of pregnancy is required.

There are a few more cases not related to pregnancy.

Analysis for hCG paid, not all polyclinics carry out it, so check in advance with the information desk of your medical institution if there is such a service.

10 main signs of pregnancy

And although each story of bearing a child is individual, there are the most typical signs of pregnancy. The main ones are ten.

Delay- the most reliable prediagnostic sign. This means that before the test and examination by the doctor, the most important sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation.

, vomit. This is how it manifests itself - the specific reaction of the organism to the emergence of a new life.

There is still no consensus on the nature of toxicosis and its role. Some women do not even have the slightest hint of this condition; there is also a category of those who suffer from excruciating nausea for all nine months.

On average, by the end, it passes safely.

Swelling of the breast. The breast increases in size, becomes sensitive, sometimes even painful. This can happen during the premenstrual period, but during pregnancy this phenomenon is more pronounced.

Sensitive to odors. There is a feeling that the strength of the smells has increased by several orders of magnitude. It is not necessary that some previously favorite scent will become hated, just the olfactory reflex will be stronger.

Psychological imbalance. The mood jumps: it drops sharply, appears from every little thing, then there are sudden outbursts of joy, a surge of strength. This is a game of hormones, from a physiological point of view, it is quite normal.

. The uterus has not yet grown so much that the frequent urge to use the toilet was natural, but the body is already preparing for this course of events.

The volume of blood in the body increases, and this invariably leads to excess fluid in the bladder.

Feeling of bloating. There is a feeling of discomfort, you want to unfasten the buttons on your jeans or sit down more comfortably. This is also due to hormonal changes.

Abundant spotting... This does not happen to everyone, but it does happen often. For several days, the pregnant woman observes small vaginal discharge from light brown to dark brown.

This can be explained by implantation bleeding associated with such a reaction of the body to the process of attachment to the wall of the uterus of the ovum.

Sometimes the discharge falls on days when menstruation should have begun. They go away on their own after a few days, but if the doctor advises you to go to the hospital, then there is a threat of pregnancy, and it is better to do so.

Promotion. If you constantly measure basal temperature (temperature in the rectum), then you should know that on ordinary days it is below 37 degrees.

It rises during the period, and falls again by the onset of menstruation. If the basal temperature has risen, has not decreased for several days, there is no monthly period - there is a high probability that the conception was successful.

Increased salivation. Precedes toxicosis. Most often observed in the morning. There is a feeling that a lot of saliva accumulates in the mouth in the morning, and may be accompanied by a sharp feeling of hunger.

These are. They may not exist, but you need to be ready for them, they all fit into the physiological norm.

Threat in early pregnancy

Most often, the threat of termination of pregnancy occurs in the early stages. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the reasons for this phenomenon. Every fifth pregnancy ends in an early miscarriage.

It is interesting that in the West they often do not even try to maintain pregnancy in the first weeks, if there is a threat. It is believed that the body itself is able to decide whether the fetus will be viable.

Domestic medicine is not so categorical: any threat of miscarriage means sending a woman to hospitalization.

The most common reasons for the threat of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Hormonal Disorders... Progesterone deficiency can interfere with the successful development of pregnancy. If the corpus luteum does not adequately cope with its function, hormonal disruption occurs. To the female body lack of a hormone that supports pregnancy... This can happen due to endocrine problems, elevated levels of male hormones, and certain medications.
  2. Pathology of the structure of the reproductive organs... For example, a horn-shaped or saddle-shaped uterus. The improper structure of organs is not a hindrance to pregnancy, but increased medical supervision will not be superfluous.
  3. Genetic abnormalities... Serious chromosomal mutations lead to spontaneous miscarriage, nature rejects an unviable fetus.
  4. ... Serious and common pathology. For some reason, the cervix loses its ability to be a protective point for the intrauterine life of the baby and begins to open. If this is not prevented, a miscarriage will occur.
  5. Trauma... Falls, physical exertion, wounds can cause miscarriage.
  6. Reception of the unlawful... In the first trimester, any medications are prohibited: they can be prescribed by a doctor, and he does this only when urgently needed.

The threat can be identified by the following criteria:

  • strong or incessant;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • a sharply deteriorated state of health;
  • violent, exhausting vomiting.

(blood clotting test).

  • A smear on the flora of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal.
  • STI smear.
  • It is worth mentioning the rules for taking tests. Blood is donated in the morning, on an empty stomach, you can drink plain water - this does not affect the result.

    Analysis take both from a vein and from a finger. The latter procedure is unpleasant for many women; in most large clinics and consultations, inexpensive special devices for painless fingertip blood sampling can be purchased.

    It is better to collect urine at home. Also in the morning, and also on an empty stomach. A regular glass jar from baby puree is suitable as a container. It needs to be thoroughly rinsed and sterilized. Before emptying the bladder, you need to wash the genitals under the shower.

    A smear is taken by a gynecologist, no preliminary preparation is needed.

    You can and should talk with your gynecologist about all the features of the first trimester, precautions, changes in lifestyle, nutrition.

    If for some reason the doctor does not talk to you about this, does not explain the most important points, you have the right to ask questions and demand attention yourself(in reasonable measures, of course).

    Do not forget about the psychological mood, whose share in the successful bearing of the baby is more than great.

    Happy pregnancy!