Pyrope is a red "Bohemian ruby." Pyrope stone: properties and distinctive features

The gemstone pyrope is one of the many varieties of garnet. It acquired its name because of its bright red color and in translation from Greek means "like fire". It was his color that caused all kinds of associations among peoples and gave him a characteristic name.

Characteristics and history of the mineral

The stone has become widely known since antiquity. If you believe the legends, then in those days it was considered the stone of the god Mars and the legionnaires of the Roman Empire wore it as an amulet. According to another legend, pyrope illuminated Noah's path to his Ark.

The stone acquired its modern name in 1803, thanks to the German geologist A. Werner, who described its properties from specimens brought from Bohemia. He coined the term "pyrope" which is still used today.

It is found in the form of individual rounded grains, clearly formed or regular polyhedrons, up to 10 millimeters in size, in erupting rocks. The most common are the rich red colors of the stone. There is also another variety with a pink tint, which is called rhodolite - translated from the Greek "Rodon" - rose, the color of a rose. Uncommon, but minerals with the visual effect of a cat's eye are found.

Transparent stones with a bright ruby-red hue and the absence of cracks and various inclusions are called noble garnets.

Pyropes of saturated shades are especially similar to rubies, so they tried to pass them off, since the cost of pomegranates is somewhat lower. This is where the false names, unregistered in mineralogy, came from: Colorado, Californian, Arizona rubies.

All naturally occurring pomegranates are divided into two types:

  • iron-manganese-magnesian pyralspites. These include: pyrope terezi, pyrope almandine, spessartine;
  • calcium ugrandites, which include: grossular, uvarovite, andradite.

Most often, it is not difficult to distinguish this mineral from others. Most of all pyrope resembles spinel, ruby, tourmaline. Minerals embedded in diamonds are not uncommon. Pyropes are formed in the same lavas and explosion tubes where diamonds are present. Therefore, the stone can be said to be a reliable indicator of the presence of diamonds.

A method has been developed to search for them by the found pyropes. Due to their very striking color, they are more easily distinguishable in the sand than diamonds, it is this property of pyropes that helped to open the first Yakut deposit. The Soviet geologist from Leningrad L. Popugaeva, paving a route along the pyrope trail, in 1954 went to the diamond pipes and discovered Siberian diamonds.

The mineral pyrope is resistant to weathering and, as a result, is concentrated in placers: in rivers and coastal marine sediments.

Stone properties

The mineral is defined as magnesian garnet with the chemical formula: Mg3Al23. Its hardness is determined by the Mohs scale and is equal to 7-7.5. By transparency, minerals are distinguished into translucent and completely transparent types.

Pyrope has a greasy and glassy sheen. If we compare the density of pyrope garnet with other types, then it is characterized by the lowest density, equal in the range from 3.65-3.84 g / cm 3. For example, almandine, which is often encountered and similar in color to pyrope, is determined by a large amount of impurities and other mineral inclusions, while in pyrope their presence is practically not detected.

The color of the stone is influenced by the main components in its composition - impurities of iron and chromium. The predominance of iron impurities in it, and the minimal presence of chrome add to the stone a color with a crimson-orange range.

If it were not for the presence of all kinds of impurities in it, then the mineral has become simply colorless. Their presence gives the mineral a red-violet, crimson, cherry, purple color.

Some of them have an inherent alexandrite effect, that is, the ability to change shade in accordance with the lighting. In natural light, the stones have a blue, blue tint. Artificial lighting gives pyropes a violet-red color.

Place of Birth

In Russia, industrial production of pyropes is not carried out, since large-scale accumulations of this type of garnet have not been found.

Along the way, he is taken out with diamonds:

  • Sakha - Yakutia (Mir, Udachnaya);
  • Buryatia (Dzhida region);
  • Irkutsk region (Vitim plateau).

Minerals are found in rivers: Anabar, Irelyakh, Olenek. Large volumes of jewelry rhodolite are supplied to the Sri Lanka market. The stones mined there contain inclusions of rutile, which, after processing, acquire the effect of a star. The same minerals are found in the southern part of India and in Myanmar, in the northeastern part. Development is also underway in Mongolia, North China, Italy (Piedmont).

Crimea is famous for its "trout stone". In the area of ​​Alushta, a green shade of granodiorite with pyrope inclusions is found.

There are deposits in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Kenya. Brazil, Madagascar also have deposits of "grape pyrope", similar in shade to grape juice, and blue pyrope is also found here - it contains a large proportion of chromium. In Australia, deposits are located in Queensland and South Wales. In the United States, mining is carried out in several states: Colorado, Arizona, Utah.

The most famous pyrope stone deposits are located in the Czech Republic. Here he is considered the national pride of the country. He is used to decorate folk costumes and a museum was opened in Trzebnica in his honor. In the 13th and 15th centuries, peasants collected pyropes in the fields in baskets for sale.

They were predominantly in the form of grains without the presence of the parent rock. Today, about 20 pipes and placers are known, in which mining has been carried out since the 13th century. Now the stone is practically not mined due to the discovery of new deposits in other countries and, as a result, the resulting drop in prices for Czech pyropes.

Methods of extraction and use of stone

The method of extracting pyrope is directly related to their origin. Most often, the method is quite simple and does not require the use of special techniques. The only exception is diamonds. The latest technologies and professional equipment are used to develop their deposits.

The easiest way to extract stones is if they are on the surface. At the same time, simple tools are used in the work: hammers, crowbars, chippers, picks, explosives. Stones are chipped off and dug out of other rocks. In order to highlight precious stones, quarries or underground mine workings are used. Placer deposits are mined manually using flushing or dredging.

Most of all pyropes were used in jewelry. For a long time, jewelry with him met in Egypt and Greece. Since the 15th century, pyropes have been used to decorate jewelry in Bohemia. It is originally combined with gold, silver. When cut, on one side, the stone is made flat, and on the other, it is given a convex shape to show the play of the stone and the richness of the color palette.

Minerals that do not have artistic value are used in industry as an abrasive material in the manufacture of grinding wheels and powders.

In electronics it is used as a ferromagnet, in instrument making it is used for the production of optical systems.

Healing properties and magical properties

Like all red stones, pyrope is used to heal diseases of the heart and blood. Ancient warriors applied it to bleeding wounds for quick healing.

During the Middle Ages, doctors were credited with putting pyrope in their mouth to reduce heat, a stone rubbed into sand was used for heartburn, throat diseases, migraines.

Today lithotherapists recommend it for the treatment of:

  • varicose veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • stabilizing blood pressure;
  • nervous disorders.

For healthy people, it is advisable to have pyrope with you as a preventive measure against various diseases.

It is believed that pyrope endows its owner with courage and strength. In the old days, witches often insisted water on this mineral to instill fearlessness in a person.

There is an opinion that a stone with a red color has a normal energy balance. When the energy balance is disturbed, the pyrope becomes dull, which indicates a malfunction in the physical and mental state of the owner. Wearing it in these cases is not desirable.

For success in love affairs, winning the favor of the chosen one, it is advised to wear it to women on the left hand, and to the stronger sex on the right.

If the stone had a previous owner with a difficult, difficult fate, then gradually the pyrope takes over all the negative energy and subsequently shares it with the new owner and, like a magnet, attracts new problems to him.

For those who need a talisman, you can wear jewelry with a stone for at least two hours a day and then it will become a protector from adverse influences and witchcraft magic. A strong stone will not give this to people who want peace and tranquility. Therefore, it is undesirable for them to wear it.

Almost all red minerals are compatible with the signs of the fire element. For Lions - leaders and excellent leaders, he is most suitable. Pyrope will increase their confidence and energy.

For Sagittarius, the mineral will replenish the spent strength and give endurance, help to achieve the intended goals. They, thanks to the help of the stone, will discover new talents in themselves. For Water signs, its power will not help and they can wear pyrope as a beautiful decoration.

Nature has endowed pyrope with the most noble qualities, so it does not accept dirty deeds.

Pyrope is a type of pomegranate with a thick dark red color; one of the most popular gemstones, known since ancient times. In Russia, gems of a similar color were called differently: bechet, garnet, worm, yagut. The old Latin name is carbuncle (carbunculus - smoldering ember). In ancient times, it was considered the stone of Mars: according to legend, blood-red grenades were worn by the legionaries of Ancient Rome.

The modern name is also associated with color (Greek "piropos" - like a flame). The term "pyrope" was introduced in 1803 by the German geologist A. G. Werner (Abraham Gottlob Werner), who described the mineral based on samples from Bohemia (Czech Republic).

Composition: magnesium-aluminum orthosilicate - Mg3Al23. Often contains iron impurities (up to 10%). It is included in the subgroup of aluminum garnets, which are also called pyralspites (PIRop, ferrous ALmandin, manganese-containing SPessartin). These minerals are characterized by mutual isomorphic substitutions, i.e. divalent Mg, Fe, Mn in their composition freely replace each other.

Pyrope color: from pinkish-red and blood-red to brownish-black. Fe-containing jewelry variety of deep violet-pink color, which is a mixture of almandine and pyrope, is called rhodolite. The brownish red Mn containing spessartine pyrope is known as garnet vermeil. The color of garnets in this subgroup also depends on the impurities of chromium and vanadium. After processing with cabochon, one can often observe the optical effects of a star (asterism) or a cat's eye.

Transparent pyrope, which has a rich ruby-red color and at the same time contains a minimum number of cracks and inclusions, is called a noble garnet. Pyrope crystals are regular polyhedrons (rhombododecahedron, icositetrahedron) or more complex combinations of isometric shapes. Also found in small, rounded grains and aggregates. Translucent to translucent. Glassy to greasy luster. Cleavage is absent. Hardness: 7-7.5. Average density: 3.8 g / cm3. The line is white.

The origin is magmatic or metamorphic. Usually found in peridotite, serpentinite, eclogite, kimberlite and other ultrabasic rocks. Often forms a mixture with and. Pyropes are constant companions in which this garnet often forms inclusions.

It was the method of "pyrope survey" that helped the Soviet geologist L. A. Popugaeva to discover the first ones. Other accompanying minerals:,. Like other garnets, pyrope is resistant to weathering, therefore it can accumulate in placers: in river beds or coastal marine sediments.

In Russia, gem-quality pyrope is simultaneously extracted during the extraction of diamonds from the kimberlite pipes of Sakha-Yakutia (Mir, Udachnaya). Crystals up to 3 cm in size are found in placers near the Irelyakh River (near the Mirny mountains). Finds are known in the basins of other Yakut rivers (Anabar, Olenek), as well as in Khakassia (Tergesh), Buryatia (Dzhidinsky district), Irkutsk region (Vitim plateau). But industrial accumulations of noble garnet on the territory of Russia have not yet been found.

Deposits are known in Mongolia (Khangai Highlands), in the north of China (Gansu province). Large crystals are found in Italy (Piedmont). In Crimea (near Alushta), a greenish-gray ornamental granodiorite interspersed with almandine and pyrope is known - the so-called "trout stone".

Jewelry rhodolite comes in significant quantities from the island of Sri Lanka. Crystals from placers in the Ratnapura region often contain inclusions of rutile fibers, therefore, after processing with a cabochon, they often exhibit the effects of a four-pointed star and a cat's eye. Similar stones are mined in the south of India (near Chennai) and in the northeast of Myanmar (Shan).

A number of significant deposits of aluminum garnets are being developed on the African continent: in Nigeria, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Congo (formerly Zaire). Crystals with alexandrite effect (malaya garnet) are found in Tanzania (Umba River basin) and in the south of Madagascar (near Bekili). In, as in Yakutia, pyrope is extracted along the way along with diamonds.

In the USA, it is mined in many states (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Utah). From crystals found in North Carolina, it was possible to get cut stones up to 13 carats. In Australia, he is known in the states of New South Wales and Queensland.

Well, the best pyrope deposits are located in the Czech Republic (Bohemia), where this gem is considered a national treasure. More than twenty large placers and pipes are known here; some of them have been developed since the 13th century. Nowadays, grains larger than 0.5 cm are rarely found in these places; and before they found magnificent transparent crystals weighing up to 500 and more carats. Read more about the most famous pyropes - beautiful Czech (Bohemian) garnets on.

Like other grenades, pyrope lends itself well to processing. In its crystals, there are no optical effects associated with orientation. As a rule, stones of more than 3-5 carats are not cut from material with a very rich color, since they look almost black. Pyrope can be used in the manufacture of abrasive materials of medium hardness, which are used to process wood, soft metals, rubber, glass.

With the exception of green, they are relatively inexpensive, so they are rarely counterfeited. Rhinestones made of red glass can be used to imitate pyrope. It can be distinguished from similar minerals by the isometric crystal shape, lack of cleavage, and relatively high specific gravity. From ruby ​​- for lower hardness, as well as for single refraction.

Pyrope, like, for example, a diamond or spinel, crystallizes in a cubic system, so light passes through it in one ray, and passing through gems with a different crystal structure, for example, through a ruby, the ray will be divided into two segments (double refraction) ... Such gems absorb each light beam in different ways, so if you rotate such a stone in your hand, it seems differently colored. This unusual effect is called dichroism or pleochroism.

It should be noted that non-crystalline transparent substances (for example, glass), as well as cubic minerals, have a single refraction.

Brightly colored pyropes are similar to, for which they are often tried to be passed off. Hence the numerous trade names for pyrope, in which an adjective is added to the word "ruby" (usually on a geographical basis): Cape ruby, ~ Bohemian, ~ Arizona, ~ Montana, ~ South African, etc.

Almost any popular, but relatively inexpensive gem has many similar trade synonyms. Of course, such a descriptive prefix may well indicate the origin of this particular gem, but sellers often add it only to mislead a potential buyer. Therefore, it is advisable to treat any word near the main name of a gem (especially a very expensive one) with a certain distrust.

Pyrope is a stone of vitality and love, blood and passion.

It is considered a good talisman for people with an active lifestyle, for example, for travelers. According to lithotherapists, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and improves memory. According to astrologers, this stone will primarily bring good luck to Taurus, Leo and Sagittarius.

Pyrope is a transparent fossil mineral of a fiery red color, which is widely used by jewelers to make expensive exclusive jewelry: pendants, earrings, bracelets, and tiaras. Gemologists greatly appreciate this gem, which is the pride of the high-end jewelry collection.

In jewelry of artistic quality, passed down by inheritance in noble families, the use of a noble wine-colored gem was very popular. Jewelry pyrope, supporting the mythical aesthetics of mystery, was encrusted in clasps - clasps made of precious stones.

History and origins

The term "pyrope" in translation from the ancient Greek language into Russian means "fire-like" and the patronage of the god of war Mars was attributed to him. In modern international classifiers, this precious mineral is called "Pirope".

In the Mongolian epic, pyropes are "magnified" by frozen fragments of volcanic fire and frozen drops of dragon's blood. Fire garnet jewelry crystals are perfect as blanks for cutting and making decorative inserts in jewelry.

In 1038, the great scientist Biruni, who lived in Khorezm, wrote a book on mineralogy, which described a fire pomegranate and the significance of this mineral for humans. In romantic images, the author compares pyrope with a candle flame, a pomegranate seed, a drop of wine, praising its delicious color.

The silky sheen of crystalline pyrope is misleading, since in ancient times this crystal was confused with the noble Tourmaline - precious minerals of a similar shade.

For a long time, all transparent fossil red crystals were called by the general term "lal", which corresponded to the name of the Pamir deposit, where a red nugget was first mined. The stone looks - lal very solemnly, ceremonially - representative. In Indian folklore, pyrope is poetically called "grape pomegranate" for its thick purple color.

Place of Birth

Natural gem belongs to the group that are mined in kimberlite pipes - channels of volcanic origin, filled with rock with a high concentration of various minerals.

Natural crystals of the mineral are mined in deposits located on the territory of the mountainous region of the Czech Republic, in the Russian Yakutia, the Ukrainian Azov region. On the African continent, kimberlite pipes are found in Lesotho and Tanzania.

Pyropes are found in Brazil, USA, Australia, as well as in the bowels of Norwegian mines in the form of phenocrysts of the main abrasive rock. Fossil wine pomegranates are rather small - no more than ten millimeters in length, and often “grow together” with diamonds, their natural companions.

Physical properties

Red garnet has a rich fiery color, the "density" of which depends on the quality of mountain impurities present in the mass of the crystal. The red color of a natural stone is given by chromium molecules, therefore, the higher the percentage of this element, the darker the color of the nugget.

The druses, mined in the pomegranate mines, are mixed mineral aggregates, have an almost black hue with inclusions of "accreted" and pomegranates. Fossil garnet gems in nature look like a handful of embers extracted from a hearth.

Mineral - chameleon

Pyrope crystals with alexandrite effect (reverse) have an exclusive value, as they have the rare property of creating an optical illusion. The reverse is a change in the color of the stone, depending on the method of illumination:

  • daylight evokes the stone's pale emerald hue;
  • electric lighting changes the color of the crystal from green to pink;
  • the light of a candle flame "colors" the precious mineral with a mysterious purple.

The unique alexandrite effect of a pyrope, a gem - a chameleon has a high value in jewelry. Faceted red garnets are encrusted in original products of experienced craftsmen, which have a high commercial price and opportunistic popularity.

Pyrope contains a small amount of iron molecules - in contrast to almandine and rhodolite, which have a high percentage of metal.

Medicinal properties

In ancient Indian treatises, pyrope is described as a healing stone that normalizes the functions of blood circulation, improves blood formula, and regulates blood pressure. The dual biofield of a pyrope with a two-faced reverse corresponds to two types of blood circulation: arterial and venous.

It can be assumed that the morning sun's rays reflected in the "bloody" pomegranate stimulate arterial blood circulation, and the refracted electric light flux supports the venous circulation of the body.

Pyrope feeds the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system of the body, strengthens the immune system and the general condition of the patient. It is not recommended for a healthy person to constantly wear jewelry with a stone, since a stone with an active field can cause energy oversaturation and excessive excitability.

Female assistant

In the folklore of Eastern countries, bright pyrope is sung as a protective mineral for expectant mothers. Red pomegranate is given to pregnant women for regular wear (three hours a day) in order to facilitate childbirth, as well as the birth of a healthy baby.

Sorcerers are lithotherapists with intimate knowledge, recommend that pregnant women wear a pomegranate amulet in the abdomen.

Magical properties

Czech pyrope has ruby ​​red hues and is considered a symbol of passion for love. Numerous tourists visiting Bohemia actively purchase souvenirs with inlaid pomegranate seeds for gifts to loved ones.

The Czech national women's costume suggests garnet beads as an element of decoration and enhancement of attractiveness. The myths of folklore endow the fiery red garnet with properties that kindle the feeling of love and the creation of a happy family.

In magical practice, it is believed that the main quality of pyrope is strengthening the mental and physical body, increasing sexual attractiveness and male potency. These magical powers are attributed to all magical pyrope stones, which have the old name "lal":

  • Pyrope;

To create a happy family, a girl must wear a ring with a Bohemian ruby ​​on her left hand. A young gentleman can become a happy groom by periodically putting on a ring with a stone on his right hand. Jewelry is given to their beloved ones to create individual magical protection from the effects of negative energies.

The grape pomegranate supplies its owner with additional energy, adjusts the subtle structures of the bio-field for combat or romantic achievements.

Jewelry with mineral

Jewelry of historical value is kept in Czech museums, in those regions where Bohemian garnets are mined. It is known that the German poet Goethe gave his beloved a romantic gift - a garnet set consisting of a necklace, earrings, a garnet bracelet, a ring and a brooch.

Pyrope is often confused with ruby, since it is impossible to visually distinguish these crystals.

Price tags of garnet jewelry

Jewelry of modern design, with inserts from small cabochons, mined in pomegranate mines, have a low cost price. The average price of a garnet jewelry depends on the design, as well as the number of cut pyrope inserts: approximately, one carat of a jewelry garnet costs 1,500-2,000 rubles. The commercial price tag of a popular piece of jewelry can range from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Pyrope is a fairly inexpensive stone, so it is rarely forged. But Bohemian garnets - pyropes, which are sold in tourist places in the Czech Republic, are mostly synthetic, since the deposits of this region are depleted, so natural gem-quality gems have become a rarity.

In many cases, decorative inserts are made of banal colored glass, so you can buy these decorations at a budget cost.

Natural gems are mined in smaller quantities, as some deposits are gradually depleted, so the investment attractiveness of jewelry increases.

When purchasing products with natural stones, you need to take care of the presence of a certificate, or a sales receipt with a detailed description of the crystal insert.


Pyropes, which are of gem value, are distinguished by their transparency (translucency), as well as rich “tasty” fruit color, therefore they are often called wine or grape rubies.

How to distinguish a fake?

Unique single crystals undergo a gemological examination and receive a final certificate, which indicates the quality characteristics, the history of the origin of the stones. Such documentary support guarantees the authenticity of the purchased stone.

Natural pyropes are placers of small pomegranate "grains" included in the rock, so they are not large.

Commercial offers of large crystals should cause a healthy distrust of the need for verification of the presented certificate, or laboratory examination.

A fossil crystal can be easily distinguished from a fake with a lens. Glass fakes have the same color over the entire area of ​​the stone mass, and natural crystals are not uniformly colored. This is the main feature of any fossil gem.

The origin of pyrope cannot be determined using scales and a magnet, since this method is used to determine the authenticity of crystals that have iron inclusions in their mass. Grape pomegranate does not have iron in its composition, therefore it does not react to magnetic attraction.

Care of stone products

Jewelry with garnet inlays should be periodically cleaned with a flannel napkin. Within six months, the product must be washed twice in warm soapy water and saline.

Accuracy and caution in the use of pyrope is of great importance, since after prolonged use, the crystal may crack.

Compatible with names and signs of the zodiac

Fire garnet belongs to the group of "red" gems - lals, which are under the auspices of the warlike planet Mars, Venus and the constellation Orion. The astrological properties of pyrope contribute to a psychological increase in self-esteem, performance, concentration and organizational skills of its owner.

Table accessories, decorated with pomegranate inlays, set up a businessman to run a successful business and achieve high financial results.

The precious gem favors the following signs of the zodiac:

  • Leo.
  • Scorpio.
  • Aquarius.
  • Capricorn.

Star Patron - a fire pomegranate supplies his wards with energy, sex appeal, passion, confidence, victorious vibrations. These signs of the zodiac, for whom this jewel is suitable, can actively use the fertile Bohemian ruby.

Pomegranate minerals work well with other natural crystals belonging to the friendly elements of fire and air.

Pomegranate decor for lovely names

Bright, flaming pyrope, aka grape pomegranate, has the perfect mineral compatibility with the following names:

  • Maria.
  • Lyudmila.
  • Anton.

Pyrope or Bohemian ruby ​​- a stone for a happy family

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The pomegranate stone has been known to people for a long time. This gem was attributed to mystical and medicinal properties, and, of course, it was widely used in jewelry. It is one of the twenty most expensive stones in the world and is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful minerals.

The history of the origin of the stone

The garnet stone received its modern name in 1270. It was then that the famous alchemist Albert Magnus, describing this rare red mineral, gave it the name “pomegranate”. This word is related to the term "granules" and literally translated from Latin means "grainy".

Indeed, natural pomegranate occurs naturally in the form of small rounded granules. Moreover, the size of the raw mineral does not exceed the grains of the tropical fruit of the same name.

In ancient times, each people gave this gem its own name:

  1. "Schervets" or "lal" - in Russia.
  2. "Bijazi" - in the Arab East (in Russia, this word was gradually transformed "bechet" and quickly took root among the people).
  3. The Greeks in ancient times called this precious stone "anthrax" - a burning coal.
  4. And the ancient Roman name, also translated as "coal" - "carbuncle" - was used until the 19th century.

Description of pomegranate

Pomegranate is one of the most worthy contenders. They are similar both in appearance and in their physical properties (although ruby ​​is a harder mineral). Outwardly, garnet looks like a transparent or translucent stone with a glassy shiny, very smooth surface.

Pomegranate patronizes travelers, warriors, lovers, women expecting a child, and people in difficult life situations.

Colors and varieties

Most often, speaking of garnet, we mean the classic dark red or, in extreme cases, pink color of this mineral. However, these are far from the only varieties. The color of the pomegranate stone can vary from scarlet to yellow, green and even transparent.


The most common red garnet. Its name comes from the Greek word "pyropos" - like fire. Magnesium and aluminum salts give the stone a peculiar shade.


A mineral rich in potassium and magnesium. Depending on their concentration, the color can vary from deep red to brown, purple and pink. It is to this variety that the "Bohemian" or "Czech" garnet belongs - a very expensive, almost transparent gem of a light pink hue.

In Russia, almandine, brought from the Arab East, was called "Syrian pomegranate".


Alumocalcium silicate, the color of which is imparted by the salts of iron ore. The very name of this stone comes from the Latin name for gooseberry, which speaks better than any words about the appearance of the grossular: small rounded stones shine with all shades of green and yellow.

Grossular can be:

  • light herbaceous;
  • orange-yellow;
  • dark brown;
  • transparent;
  • and even the extremely rare aqua color (it bears the name of hydrogrossular in mineralogy);


An extremely rare emerald green garnet, found in only a few deposits in the world. It was first discovered in the Urals, in the Saranovsky mine, in 1832 and named after the Russian academician and minister of education, Sergei Uvarov. This stone is often called the "Ural emerald".

This mineral got its name in honor of its discoverer - Jose d'Andrada. In nature, this type of pomegranate has different shades - from yellow and greenish-marsh, to brown and even red. The most popular varieties of andradite are:


An incredibly rare black garnet with an opaque, matte texture. In fact, this color is a dull dark red, but due to the lack of brilliance, the stone absorbs almost the entire spectrum of the solar color, which is why it looks like a coal-dark.


Another type of black garnet, rich in iron salts, due to which the edges of the stone shine with a bright shine with a metallic tint.


The rarest transparent gem, distinguished by its light green color. Its name means, literally, "like a diamond", although outwardly it looks more like an emerald. This mineral is often found in the decoration of Russian palaces of the 18th - 19th centuries.


For the first time, this stone began to be mined in the town of Spessarti, in Germany - it was from here that the official name of this sort of pomegranate came. The main colors are yellow, brown, and pink, although there are also examples of a red hue.


Or in other words "essonite", "cinnamon stone" - garnet of all shades of brown. The most common shades of yellow, honey, orange, and purple are found in nature. Occasionally, cinnamon-colored hessonites are found. It is one of the hardest types of pomegranate. Actually, the very word "hesson" means "weak", "less" in Latin.


Some mineralogists distinguish it as a separate group, but in fact it is a hybrid of almandine and pyrope. The high content of iron also determines the colors found in this mineral: red and pink in all shades.


This is the general name for all minerals in this group, which are distinguished by their transparent color.

Chemical composition and physical properties

Pomegranates are silicates with a high content of magnesium, calcium and iron. Depending on the chemical composition, their individual types are classified as both precious and semi-precious, ornamental, stones. The general formula of all these minerals looks like this: Mg + Fe + Mn + + Ca + 3Al23.

At the same time, each pomegranate subspecies has its own chemical composition. It is on the concentration of certain elements that the shades of pomegranate, density and shine depend.

Despite how many varieties the stone has, its properties for all "varieties" remain approximately the same.

Pomegranate molecules have a cubic lattice and form either rhombododecahedrons (closed compounds of 12 faces) or tetraoptrioctahedrons (24 faces).

Scientists divide all grenades into two main subspecies:

  1. Pyralspites, which are dominated by iron, magnesium and manganese; form a 12-sided crystal lattice; this is the structure of pyrope, spessarin, and almadine.
  2. Ugrandites, with a high calcium content (as, for example, in grossular and andradite). The molecules of these gems are formed into tetraoptrioctahedrons.

The hardness of these gemstones ranges on the ten-point Mohs scale from 6.5 points (like Hessonite) to 7.5 points (like Almandine). Garnet is easy to grind with a diamond, but if you run it over the glass, it leaves a shallow scratch.

At the same time, it is quite fragile and easily shatters when hit hard. So processing it is not such a simple matter.

The density of this mineral is low: on average from 3700 to 3930 kg per cubic meter.

The surface of the pomegranate is smooth to the touch, glassy. But the edges of the break, on the contrary, are uneven and rough.

In nature, this gem is found in medium-sized druses. These stones are not large. The largest garnet, a fire pyrope the size of a pigeon's egg, was discovered in Germany and weighed 633 carats.

Place of Birth

Pomegranates are mined all over the world. Their deposits are found on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. Pomegranates are found in Russia, USA, Germany, Mexico, Australia, Zambia, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka and some other countries.

In Russia, the largest deposits are located in Yakutia (very rare fire-red pyropes are mined there), on the Kola Peninsula, Chukotka and the Urals. It is the Ural mines that supply jewelers with a significant part of green uvarovites.

In the United States, on the border of the states of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona, one of the most amazing species of this gem is mined: "Ant", or "Arizona", pomegranate. These tiny, no more than one and a half carats, stones are carried to the surface by ants during the construction of their "palaces". Surprisingly, with all the efforts, it was not possible to detect these bright red granules using the mine method.

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac?

Despite the fact that the magical properties of this stone in many ways are universal, astrologers advise people, before buying jewelry with garnet, to check whether their patron constellation is combined with the magical properties of the "fire" stone.

For those who decide to purchase a garnet stone, the zodiac sign is very important:

  1. Aquarius: people born during this period are categorically contraindicated in pyropes and other varieties of red pomegranates. But hessonite, grossular and uvarovite will give its owner success in matters of the heart, help to remain faithful in separation and strengthen the sense of trust in his “soulmate”.
  2. For Pisces this stone is an excellent remedy for normalizing blood pressure and avoiding infections. However, they are also not allowed to carry red grenades.
  3. Aries: pomegranate is useful for them, as a means to cope with hot temper, to avoid quarrels. It also helps in the fight against various phobias.
  4. Taurus do not buy garnet jewelry.
  5. Gemini you need to be careful with this stone: it not only gives self-confidence, but also generates passions, which are not easy for the ardent nature of Gemini to fight.
  6. Cancer. For them, grenades are contraindicated, exceptions can only be green varieties.
  7. For Lviv pomegranate products are useless, although not dangerous.
  8. Virgo this gem will help you find harmony, find your way in life.
  9. Scales: they sometimes need a pomegranate as a way to calm their nerves, to subdue their impulses.
  10. Scorpions this gem will help to moderate your ambitions, achieve peace of mind, help to reach agreement in friendship. At the same time, the pomegranate will help this sign develop their leadership skills.
  11. Sagittarius they will feel a surge of strength from this gem - both mental and physical.
  12. Capricorns: pomegranate will help them gain confidence in themselves, give strength and insight to make the right decision.

Who is suitable by name?

It is extremely important to determine in advance when buying a pomegranate stone, who suits and who does not, such a decoration. The element of pomegranates is fire (especially for pyropes and almandines), as well as earth and water. This stone also has patron planets: the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and the Sun.

Pomegranate is a great life talisman for people with names:

  • Alexandra (only for women - for men-Alexandra, this mineral will be useless);
  • Alla;
  • Anton;
  • Valeria;
  • Basil
  • Galina;
  • Lyudmila;
  • Maria;
  • Nikita;
  • and Tamara;

Magical properties

Few stones have as many mystical secrets as the "pomegranate" stone - magical properties have been attributed to it since ancient times, and even now many psychics use this mineral in their practices.

The pomegranate has long been considered a symbol of a strong spirit, pure heart and high spiritual qualities. Therefore, gemologists advise people with a weak character to carry pomegranate with them, so that this mineral will help them develop a stable inner core.

Since ancient times, this mineral has personified love and other heartfelt feelings.

According to the medieval "language of stones", giving a pomegranate product as a gift meant passionate (perhaps even unrequited) love. It was considered undesirable to wear garnet jewelry in the presence of children or adolescents, since this gem is capable of awakening passions in a person.

At the same time, he was revered as a symbol of marital fidelity. It was believed that the pomegranate bestows success in love and helps keep feelings of separation. It was often given to newlyweds for weddings, and for families whose marriage is threatened with destruction, this stone is very useful.

The benefits of green varieties are especially great. Their energy helps to strengthen family ties, and for a woman, in addition, serves as an assistant in "women's concerns."

The magic of these stones is also associated with the gift of clairvoyance. It is believed that if a pomegranate dreams at night, then soon this person will face the resolution of a serious problem or the adoption of a difficult choice.

Medicinal properties

The beneficial properties of pomegranate have been known since ancient times by healers.

In lithotherapy, this mineral is used for many diseases:

  • inflammation;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergies;
  • metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases;
  • and many other problems.

Legend has it that a pomegranate set in gold can even relieve migraines (which modern medicine still cannot cope with).

The pomegranate stone is extremely useful for a woman "in position": it is believed that it makes the course of pregnancy calmer and guarantees easy childbirth. In ancient times, jewelry was often made from this gem especially for pregnant women.

Talismans and charms

Since ancient times, people have used amulets made from this gem. For example, any traveler tried to take a ring or pendant made of a pomegranate on the road.

The pomegranate is considered an amulet capable of both preserving and winning the love of another person. The Scandinavian legend says that the miniature Ogren, having fallen in love with Freya, the goddess of love, forged a beautiful necklace to win her favor.

For men, another property attributed to the grenade is especially important. It symbolizes masculinity, fortitude, courage.

Many warriors wore jewelry made from this mineral, since it was considered a strong talisman that protects against injury and death in battle. They were inlaid with weapons, armor, helmets. And during the period of the Crusades, almost every knight had a ring with a pomegranate, designed to keep him in battle.

Pomegranate products have a very strong energy, because of this, you should not wear it continuously, you should take it off from time to time and let it "rest".


Garnet is a stone, jewelry from which has always been very popular. In the Middle Ages, beads, earrings or a pendant made of this mineral were sure to be in the casket of any woman from the noble class.

Usually this gem is set in gold. However, it looks good with silver too, especially often this combination is used for low quality garnets. Indeed, according to jewelry traditions, it is not customary to insert a semi-precious stone into gold jewelry.

Other uses of stone

Pomegranates were often present in the ceremonial attire of courtiers, in the attire of noble people, and even in the decoration of palaces. For example, the Faceted Chamber in the Kremlin is entirely inlaid with this particular mineral. The famous Faberge jeweler was very fond of this mineral: many of his caskets and precious toys were made using garnet fragments.

These gemstones are widely used in various industries. So, garnet is an excellent ferromagnet, thanks to which it is used in electronics. They also add it to some building mixtures. From this mineral (as well as from ruby), parts of optical systems and lasers can be made.


Pomegranate, despite its beauty, is not a very expensive stone.

For garnet stones, the price depends on the quality and size and, of course, on the rarity of the color:

  1. Amaldine can be bought for 1900 rubles per 1 carat.
  2. Rhodolite - 1,700 rubles.
  3. The cost of a pyrope starts at 1170 rubles.
  4. One of the most expensive pomegranates is spessartine. For example, a copy weighing 4.7 carats is estimated at 35 thousand rubles.

But the price of a technical quality "garnet" stone starts from a few dollars per carat - for example, Nigerian stones for industry can be bought at 150-600 rubles per carat.

On many sites of jewelry and hand-made, summary tables are presented, where the price (in rubles and dollars) for different types of garnet is indicated. So, earrings with a pomegranate stone in a gold setting can be bought from 7,000 rubles.


Pomegranates are capricious minerals. Store them in a dark, cool enough (but not cold!) Place. Each stone must be laid separately or wrapped in a piece of cloth. Separate jewelry boxes are required for jewelry made from these gems.

You can clean the garnet jewel with a soft brush. To do this, pour water over the stones for a while, and then gently rinse them with soapy water.

What stones is it combined with?

Rarely does anyone have jewelry sets made of the same material. Much more often, people choose jewelry for their outfit and hairstyle from different items. Pomegranate in this regard is quite whimsical.

It goes well with stones such as:

  • Emerald;
  • agate.

But diamond, pearls, lapis lazuli, turquoise, moon pearls, and it is better to keep away from garnets.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Like other gemstones, garnet has many features to distinguish it from counterfeit or artificial substitutes.

There are several ways to identify a real pomegranate:

  1. Take the stone to a jewelry store and ask for expert advice.
  2. You can distinguish a pomegranate from a fake by rubbing it with a woolen cloth. Natural stone quickly becomes electrified - you can check this by carrying it past fluffs or your own hair.
  3. Garnet is slightly magnetic. You can check this with fine metal shavings.
  4. Another way to check the authenticity is to swipe over the glass. There should be a thin scratch on the glass from the natural stone.

Artificial pomegranate

Natural garnet is not such a rare mineral. Nevertheless, modern scientists are making many attempts to "grow" these stones in artificial conditions. This is how synthetic silicate was created -. It was raised in the USSR in 1968 for the needs of nuclear power.

Cubic zirconia

This gem is distinguished by a variety of colors, which natural garnets cannot boast: for example, cubic zirconia of an incredible lavender hue is known - and in fact, in nature, blue is impossible for these minerals.

  1. Red garnets - pyrope - are mentioned in Kuprin's story “garnet bracelet”, where this jewelry symbolizes unrequited, but sincere and pure love.
  2. According to legend, a fire grenade was installed on the nose of Noah's Ark, illuminating the way for the saved people.


Characteristics of the mineral.

Pyrope is a type of garnet, a frequent companion of diamond. The purest, brightest and fiery color of magnesia-aluminum garnet is pyrope. The name of the mineral alludes to the dark red color of the stone. All the magic of pomegranates is in their color. It is a lovely bright red color. Translated from the ancient Greek pyropos - similar to fire (Greek pyros - fire). The Mongols call pyropes galyn chulluu - a fire stone. In the old days, they believed that these were particles of frozen fire erupted by a volcano, capable of glowing in the night. Other legends tell that pyropes are frozen drops of dragon's blood, which gives people extraordinary strength and fearlessness. Before the battle, the warriors of Tamerlane drank pomegranate juice from a bowl made of this fiery stone for courage. The best pyropes have been mined in the Czech Republic for centuries; the development of local deposits began in the Middle Ages. Another source of gem-quality pyropes is southern Africa.

Pyrope is a magnesian garnet with the formula, however, it usually contains minals of other garnets (almandine, spessartine, uvarovite, etc.). Pure pyrope should be colorless, however, due to the presence of impurities in it, it has a red, pink, reddish-violet, orange-red, violet, raspberry, cherry color, sometimes pyropes with alexandrite effect are found. The main impurity that determines the color of pyrope is chromium ions. The admixture of iron in garnets with a low chromium content determines the reddish-orange color. In pyropes from the Yakut kimberlite pipes, which are distinguished by a high content of the uvarovite mineral, an alexandrite effect is observed (green in daylight and red in artificial light).

Pyrope is usually found in the form of rounded grains, less often in the form of regular, well-formed crystals ranging in size from fractions to 10 mm. Larger crystals are extremely rare. For a long time, the pyropes of the Central Bohemian Mountains had no competitors on the world market. The output of jewelry raw materials in placers is up to 40%. South African pyropes are distinguished by their beautiful color and considerable size. Pyropes are also known in Tanzania. Beautiful pyropes have also been found in the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, and Norway. Jewelry pyropes were also found in some kimberlite (diamond) pipes of Yakutia. Their associated extraction during diamond mining is of interest. Diagnosis of pyrope is usually straightforward. It is most difficult to distinguish it from red spinel. Pyrope can be confused with ruby, tourmaline, synthetic materials.

Pyropes are the only garnets rarely found in the form of polyhedrons (only in parent rocks). They often form phenocrysts. Therefore, they do not have a cut and in their natural form are matte, medium-sized, black-red grains in placers. Pyropes arise in lavas of basic composition and in explosion tubes, as diamonds. They are found in kimberlites, in volcanic breccias - lava-cemented volcanic detrital rocks. Ever since it was noticed in African diamond pipes that pyrope is a faithful companion of diamond, scientists have searched for volcanic olivine-bearing rocks. And among the Yakut pyropes, intergrowths with diamonds, even intergrowths of garnets in diamonds were found. Pyropes, like raisins in the dough, are rarely found in meteorites, which means that they can be found in other planets.

In the homeland of pyrope in North Bohemia in the town of Trebnits (Czech Republic), a personal museum was built for it. It contains the world's largest pyrope, the size of a pigeon's egg. This is a unique 468.5 carat. The most crushing competitor at one time for the best Czech pyrope was Czech garnet glass.

The magical properties of stones.

According to yogic concepts, pyrope is filled with a rich blood-red color with a normal energy balance and dims when it is violated. Indian yogis believe that wearing pyropes is useful for energetic and domineering people who are in constant tension. Pyrope helps them maintain their energy potential. This stone is considered a symbol of heartfelt feelings, it brings good luck in love and friendship, it is also called the stone of honesty. Pyrope is a talisman of lovers; it is presented as a sign of friendship, memory and love. It must be remembered that pyrope cannot be worn all the time. This stone is not recommended for people who are nervous and passionate, since pyrope can only enhance these sides of their nature.


Characteristics of the mineral.

Translated from Greek, rhodolite is a pink stone. This mineral is a deep pink variety of pyrope. Pyros is ancient Greek for fire. It is no coincidence that pyropes belong to a large group of garnets; earlier they were otherwise called Cape rubies. Faceted rhodolites and pyropes can be easily confused by a layman, for example, with a noble spinel. Outwardly, these stones are similar. Sometimes there are pyropes that are green, lilac, blue in daylight, and lilac, crimson, violet under artificial light. Large rhodoliths are found extremely rarely, they are very expensive. The largest rhodolite weighed 43.3 carats. Usually, the color of gemstones is determined by eye, based on their comparison with reference spectral shades. In color, rhodolites are similar to such varieties of garnet as pyrope or almandine.

In composition, rhodolite is the middle member of the isomorphic pyrope-almandine series. Its beautiful pink, reddish-pink color is associated with the presence of Fe2 + (ferrous) ions in it. It occurs in the form of well-formed crystals up to 2 cm in size. There are isolated findings of larger crystals. Deposits of rhodolite are associated with metamorphic hypersthene gneisses, in which it occurs in the form of phenocrysts (characteristic rhodoliths in the rock in the photo on the right). Such are the deposits in the United States (pieces of North Carolina), which in the XIX century. mostly have already been worked out. Jewelry rhodolite was mined along the way with abrasive garnets. Rhodolite is found in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Madagascar. However, the available deposits do not fully meet the demand for this beautiful gemstone. In this connection, there is an increase in prices for rhodolite (it is more expensive than jewelry pyrope and almandine).

The magical properties of stones.

According to some beliefs, faceted rhodolites give the owner vitality and excite passion in him. Rhodolites are advised to wear powerful people who are constantly in an active state.