Nutrition of the Don Sphynx from a kitten to an adult cat. Is it possible to give fish to sphinxes

2. What got into the mouth is gone ... Or - what to feed, how to feed and what not to feed the Canadian Sphynxes.

WITH Today you can often meet, and sometimes become a participant in heated debates about the nutrition of cats. Some - adherents of natural food, others - industrial feed. Someone says that food is harmful, someone about the complexities of natural nutrition. Each pet owner must resolve this dispute independently. Let's go from the opposite and make a list of products that are categorically undesirable for our pets. We will use the recommendations of the Don Sphynx breeder Irina Mukhina

It is forbidden any age
  1. 1. Tubular bones- chicken, rabbit, fish- a kitten or cat can choke, besides, bones damage the esophagus and stomach, clog the intestines.
  2. 2. Pork. Poultry meat(except chicken and turkey): goose, duck. In its raw form, it leads to infection with worms, in some cases to dangerous infectious diseases, which leads to the death of the animal. Such meat is very fatty and poorly absorbed by the cat's body.
  3. 3. Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, incl. sausages and canned food for people. Friede products. Cause upset of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupt metabolism. As a result, the animal looks bad, chronic diseases appear.
  4. 4. Sugar, chocolate, candy, cakes and everything is sweet... Disrupts metabolism, allergies, more often the skin "gets dirty", dental diseases. CHOCOLATE contains theobromine, which is a POISON for cats, causes severe poisoning, death of the animal.
  5. 5. Potato... The starch is not digested by the intestines of the cat, potatoes are absolutely useless for her, and can cause upset.
  6. 6. Legumes(soybeans, peas, beans). Not absorbed by the body, causes bloating and fermentation in the intestines.
  7. 7. Salt, specialand... Food for cats is not salted and spices are not used. it does not bring any benefit to her body, only harm.
  8. 8. Medications, incl. vitamins intended for humans. A cat has its own special balance of substances in the body, vitamins for humans are not suitable for them. In addition, many drugs for people cause severe poisoning in them, kidney failure, which leads to death. For example, a weakened cat can be killed with a no-shpa pill.

N sir, now let's get started! What, in fact, should we feed our ever-hungry treasure ?! Remember the wonderful cartoon "Masha and the Bear". So here's the scene - Masha on a fishing trip, reminds me very much of our situation:

WITH generally, options we have three:
1. natural food;
2. industrial feed feeding;
3. mixed food.

Natural food

TO about all of the above + dry brewer's yeast (contained in all complex supplements, B vitamins); into vegetable and grain mixes + olive or refined sunflower oil - a teaspoon each. Watching the chair + mineral and vitamin supplements (Canine, 8in1, etc.). Dosage by age. Fresh water is always, it is not even discussed! Food should be at room temperature or slightly warm, and certainly not from the refrigerator or hot.

V from, in general, that's all. Oh, yes, I repeat (I, like frame 25) - do not add salt, do not sweeten and do not add seasonings. Do not try to adjust the diet of the animal and feed what you eat yourself - this leads to various diseases.

WITH list of non-physiological products, in principle, is also not very large. And as Alla Borisovna sings in the song - "I'll sing you another encore" - it is forbidden: any dishes from the human table, especially fried, containing spices and salt, excessively fatty, containing starch, butter dough, preservatives, as well as sugar, i.e. everything that an ordinary cat cannot provide for itself under normal natural conditions.

The Pros of Natural Nutrition

Cons of natural food

  1. such food is the most individual, therefore, close to ideal.
  2. when you feed your pet with natural products, you can always say with confidence what, in what quantity and in what form you put in his bowl. And this allows you to meet individual needs and satisfy the individual preferences of your pet.
  3. It is the most physiological - the cat receives the food exactly in the form that corresponds to its nature. - Natural food is the most diverse - the owner's imagination and the cat's gourmand tendencies would be enough.
  1. the main disadvantage of this feeding method is its labor intensity. An adult cat needs to eat 2-3 times a day, and babies even more - 5-6 times. As we have already found out, food from a human table is not suitable for a tail. Therefore, a caring owner will have to cook food at least 3 times a day. separately for the cat, and separately - for your family. Each day! This is a civil feat, I can tell you.
  2. It is extremely difficult to balance natural food in terms of the composition of the necessary nutrients: vitamins and microelements. And this is a separate science.
  3. If we were talking about simple pets, this point could be neglected. But we are talking about sphinxes - an elite breed and often an exhibition breed. For a show cat, show condition is a way of life, as for a top model.
Feeding industrial feed

NS When choosing industrial feed, you should be guided by the same principles as for natural nutrition: they should be quality and physiological.
All industrial feeds, depending on their quality, are divided into economical, premium and super premium class... Naturally, the cat should be fed with super premium food (Nutro Choice, Eagle Pack, Royal Canine, Hill's, Advance, Orijen, Bosch Sanabelle, Eukanuba (Ekanuba), Iams ( Yams)) and some premium feeds (Purina Pro Plan, Acana, Bosch). Good feeds are usually labeled "Premium" or "Superpremium".

TO In addition, there is a number of feeds based on the so-called holistic principle - this is a separate philosophy, very interesting and has a right to exist. Perhaps this is the most balanced and physiological of all industrial feeds (Eagle Pack, Azmira, Felidae). It is believed that a cat can eat such food all its life.

V In general, industrial feeds can be divided into two large groups: dry food and wet(canned food, preserves, etc.). There are nuances in the composition of food for kittens and pregnant cats, for adult animals and for the elderly. Some firms offer lines specialized feed- prophylactic and dietary (for castrates, for sedentary cats, for fastidious in food, etc.), medical (used as prescribed by a veterinarian) and pedigree. In particular, Royal Canine produces food specifically for sphinxes.

V There are also economical and premium class foodstuffs, intended for kittens and for adult cats, prophylactic, dietary and therapeutic. Moreover, they can be divided into complete nutrition and goodies... All wet food is made in the form of pates, or chunks in jelly - whichever is more to your liking.

rules when feeding industrial feed
  1. 1. The feed should be high quality- we have already spoken about this. In the list of its ingredients at the first place should mean meat, necessarily with an indication of the type, there should be no preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, by-products should also be either at the end of the list, or - ideally - absent.
  2. 2. Dry food should be purchased in industrial packaging- this is the only way you can be sure that its expiration date has not yet expired. Packaged from an open package, it is not known in what conditions it was stored.
  3. 3. A pet that eats exclusively dry industrial feed must have free access to must be fresh (or peeled, or spring) water.
  4. 4. It is not recommended to mix ready-made feeds from different manufacturers, since each company develops its own diet, it is a set of products, vitamins, minerals. If the feed is mixed, then there is no need to talk about a balanced diet.
  5. 5. A kitten up to 8-10 months, sometimes up to a year, is fed with special food for kittens, both dry and canned. This is very important for proper development. Then they are transferred to adult food. Also, kitten food is given to pregnant and lactating cats.
  6. 6. When feeding a cat (male) with dry food, especially a castrated one, the packaging should be marked "prevention of urolithiasis" (these feeds have a special formula with a low content of ash, phosphorus and magnesium). For a cat, this is not so important, just high-quality food is enough.
  7. 7. Dry food can be poured in for the whole day, it does not deteriorate.
  8. 8. Canned food is given as much as the animal can eat at one time. The following diet is recommended (based on the daily dose): 75% canned 25% dry food - for exhibition animals, for the rest - 50x50.

Pros of eating industrial feed

Cons of eating industrial feed

The proper balance of nutrients, the presence of vitamins. When you feed your pet commercial food, you can always be sure that your cat is getting exactly what he needs, in sufficient quantity, and his need for vitamins is met.

Industrial feed is very convenient: you do not have to spend time preparing food separately for your pet.

Eating ready-made food can satisfy the taste of the most demanding four-legged gourmet - among the abundance of high-quality food, you can always find what he likes.

Dry food is an excellent way out of a situation when you have to leave your pet alone for the whole day at home - his bowl will be full. And for travel and exhibitions, such food is just perfect.

In a way, dry food serves as a prevention of urolithiasis - as it stimulates the cat to drink more and more often.

Gnawing dry food, the cat cleans off tartar, strengthens the gums and teeth. And this, in turn, prolongs her active life.

Poor quality feed can cause many serious diseases - fortunately, this is easy to avoid.

The biggest problem with dry food is that it is dry. Agree, it’s probably not good to eat bread and water all your life? What if there’s another allergy? Or just the cat is too picky - give him only a paste of nightingale tongues and nothing else! Of course, there is still wet food - the same pate. But this pleasure is too expensive. Although - what can you do for your handsome man?

It is believed that, ideally, a cat should eat one specific selected food for its entire life, which suits him best. But ... all the time next to feeds, even the best and most reliable ones, there are disruptions in sales. What then should a pet do? Train your pet on several different high quality foods. An adequate replacement can always be offered. The main thing is that the qualitative and quantitative composition of all feeds used in nutrition should be as close to each other as possible.

NS I would like to warn against using economy-class food when feeding cats, and especially Sphynx cats. It would seem that cheap food perfectly compensates for the pet's increased appetite, but ...
1. The lower the grade of the feed, the less quality protein sources are used in them. Cheap forages such as Kitty Cat, Katinka, CANNOT be given! The same goes for widely advertised feeds such as Whiskas, Friskas, etc. In cheap feed, the main sources of dietary protein are plant proteins (soybeans, corn, etc.), processed in a special way. Contains too much mineral salts. The percentage of meat components in these feeds is low and presented, mostly, connective tissue components with meat and offal low quality(bones, skins, feathers). Unfortunately, the digestive system of cats is practically unable to assimilate plant proteins, regardless of the degree of their processing.
2. The higher the class of the feed, the less flavor enhancers, flavors, dyes and preservatives in it. We will not touch on the harmfulness of such components in general. But with an increased appetite of Canadian Sphynxes, such additives provoke overeating, and, as a result, indigestion
3. How lower feed class, so more ballast substances in it... These substances cannot be digested by a cat, do not have any beneficial effect on its body, but they sharply increase the volume of stool.

So: Economy-class feeds are eaten in huge quantities, at best - just not absorbed by 80%, at worst - they harm the health of your pets. Their use leads to various diseases and does not satisfy the needs of the cat. There is also a great risk of developing urolithiasis. The negative effect of these foods on Canadian Sphynxes is more critical than on other cats, due to the large amounts of food taken.

A word about water

NS Remember that the cat must have constant access to water. It is completely unacceptable to have a full bowl of dry food and an empty bowl for water: the cat is in danger of dehydration. Do not try to substitute milk or any other liquid for the water. For a pet, milk is food. When feeding with dry food, water consumption increases by about 4 times. It must be clean and fresh. Change the water every day and scald the container in which it is located with boiling water.

Mixed meals

D I think that you will forgive me some bias in judgment: in my opinion, mixed food is the best choice for a cat owner.
Of course, in what proportion natural products will be combined with industrial feeds, in what order they will be on the menu and which of them should be preferred - the personal choice of each owner for each of his pet.
On average, 80% of the diet should be on protein foods, 15% on dairy products and only 5% on vegetables, fruits and cereals.
The younger the kitten, the more natural products in its diet. As they grow older, their share decreases, giving way to a correspondingly selected industrial feed - this is the main scheme of mixed nutrition.

G The main thing is to remember all the basic rules of feeding, clearly distinguish what is useful and necessary, and what is pleasant and acceptable, take into account the individual characteristics of pets and your own daily routine, put the health of your pet at the forefront - and everything else will follow!

O You can determine how suitable your chosen food is for your cat using the following external indicators:

  1. Optimal body condition of the pet (ribs are not visible, but easily palpable);
  2. Good physical condition;
  3. Clean skin;
  4. Small stool volume (approximately 25% of the amount of food eaten);
  5. Maintaining a constant weight of the cat.
  1. Don Sphynx breeder, felinologist Kovalenko Lilia, kennel Korona Atefa
  2. felinologist, Maine Coon breeder, Ph.D. and cattery owner Smalllynx * UA Anna Proskurina
  3. and I am a Canadian sphynx breeder and owner of the Keepers of the Fire cattery Tatiana Boldyreva.

The Sphynx is one of the few cat breeds that people who are allergic to cat hair can afford. However, there are not so many allergy sufferers among lovers and admirers of Sphynx cats ... How to care for a sphinx?

Actually, Sphynx cats- this is not one breed, but even several: Don Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx. But these cats have one thing in common - the complete or almost complete absence of hair on the body. Because of this feature, you need to look after sphinxes differently from other breeds of cats.

Sphynx cats are very sensitive to temperature. It is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius in the room in which the Sphynx cats are (normal room temperature). Drafts and dampness should not be allowed - this can make Sphynx cats sick.

Sphinxes can be "insulated" with clothing - they usually don't mind. Sphinxes are thermophilic, and therefore they often bask in the central heating battery, in the summer in the warm sun. But it is necessary to ensure that the pet does not overheat because of its love for warmth.

Sphynx skin can tan under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, just like human skin. However, the animal should not be allowed to receive such a large dose of ultraviolet radiation, which leads to sunburn.

Sphynx cats sweat and need to be bathed regularly in warm water using a special mild shampoo. By the way, unlike many other breeds of cats, Sphynxes are normal about bathing and even swim in the water with pleasure. It is only necessary to ensure that water and soap do not get into the eyes and ears of the animal.

Ears sphinxes should be carefully cleaned as they become dirty with a cotton swab slightly moistened with water or liquid paraffin.

The claws of Sphynx cats should be carefully trimmed- so that the pet does not scratch itself.

Sphynx cats have a metabolism that is different from other breeds. The body temperature of the sphinxes is 38-38.5 degrees Celsius and to maintain it, Sphynx cats expend a lot of energy. Therefore, you need to feed Sphynx cats abundantly, and on cold days you should increase the calorie content of the Sphynx diet so that they do not freeze.

You can use ready-made food, or you can "put" the sphinx on a "natural" diet. A complete diet of sphinxes should include meat, fish, dairy products. For meat, raw or boiled chicken and lean beef should be preferred. It is better not to give fatty pork to the sphinx. Do not give boiled bones - they clog the intestines of cats.

The diet of the sphinx must contain fiber. Her cat can get from carrots, beets, zucchini, cauliflower. Sphinx vegetables should be taught from childhood, it is better to give them grated.

From dairy products it is better for sphinxes to give cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. Sphynx cats can be given regular milk, but it often causes digestive problems in Sphynx cats.

> Sphynx cats are very sociable, playful, need attention. Therefore, when purchasing a sphinx, you should think in advance: will it be possible to devote enough time to the cat?

Dear cat owners and kitten buyers! It is important:

  1. A kitten up to 2-2.5 months should not leave the mother's house! Buy a kitten from a clean house, with deworming (that is, when the kitten was given an antihelminthic drug), with vaccinations and documents (veterinary passport and metric or pedigree from the club). Only in this case you can be relatively calm about the health of your pet. The normal age for buying a kitten is 2.5 months or more.
  2. Before asking your question, look for a similar question and answer in previous posts.
  3. All questions about the health of your pets -. Remember that it is sometimes very difficult to give an answer about diagnosis and treatment. in absentia.
Experts may not answer your questions:
- about the health of the kitten, if you took him away from his mother ahead of time, not vaccinated and without documents;
- about how to feed a kitten, how much it should weigh and other questions to which answers were given repeatedly.

I have a kitten of the Canadian Sphynx (girl), she is 2 months and five days old, I am worried that she is constantly hungry, she can eat around the clock. Tell me how many times a day to feed a little kitten and whether it is possible to give her: white bread, potatoes, boiled noodles, Whiskas for kittens - she just loves it all very much!

Canadian kids are very voracious, do not limit her food. BUT food should be useful for her - that is, meat, dry food such as Eagle Pak or Royal Canin, "Whiskas" bags (you cannot give dry food from Whiskas). Bread, potatoes and so on cannot be given either - these are products that are unnecessary for the Sphinx, even if she loves them very much.

Do sphinxes mark the territory at home if they are constantly brought with a cat?

Sphinxes are all different, it all depends on the temperament, heredity, your relationship with the cat and a bunch of other moments. The regularity of mating has nothing to do with whether the cat will tag or not.

Why can the Canadian Sphynx get furry?

This can have three reasons: 1. Hormonal changes in the body, such as pregnancy or puberty. 2. Reduced temperature of the content. 3. Feeding (some blood lines may overgrow due to feeding with Royal Canin dry food). And one more thing: all this happens if your cat initially belongs to those blood lines that tend to coat.

How much should an adult cat weigh, and how tall is it at the withers to get prizes? I mean, which cat is considered small, unsuitable for judging?

A cat with a fragile constitution is considered small. Those. there are no restrictions on weight within reason, but if the animal is fragile, thin-boned or looks undernourished, then this will affect the refereeing. The normal weight of an adult cat from 1.5 years old is 3.5 - 8 kg, that is, if your cat weighs about 4-5 kg, this is the optimal weight. I can't say about the height at the withers, I didn't measure it and it's not specified in the standard. Again, the requirements are rather for the harmony of the physique - the cat must be muscular, tightly knit.

Our sphinxenko is 4 months old. Please tell me at what age a kitten can start participating in exhibitions and what is needed for this?

The kitten can be exhibited after you have given him the entire course of antiviral vaccinations and rabies vaccination. You can exhibit from 3 months. To do this, you need to register for any exhibition you are interested in, membership in the club is not required.

How much does an ordinary kitten of this breed cost in Russia and Canada?

What do you mean by "normal"? The range of prices in Russia / Ukraine from 250 USD up to 2500 euros. If the baby is cheaper, then I do not advise you to take it. Prices in Canada from 1500 USD (I can't say more specifically, there are too few statistics on this country).

Is it possible to castrate Canadian Sphynxes and at what age, and if he already had one mating?

You need to feed the Sphynx twice as much as an ordinary cat. The Canadian has less heat exchange than animals with wool. The pet's diet must be formulated correctly. It must contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. If the food is of poor quality, a brown plaque forms on the animal's body, indicating problems with the intestinal microflora.

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    Features of the sphinx

    The Sphynx is a tricky cat and requires unique care and nutrition. The animal's diet should be measured and balanced. The owner of the kitten must initially decide how to feed his pet and what kind of diet will be acceptable for him.

    The Sphynx belongs to a breed that does not have a bad appetite under any circumstances. The cat eats everything that catches his eye or interests him. The breed does not have a sense of proportion and pickiness in nutrition.

    1. 1. The norm of dry food or natural food should always be dosed.
    2. 2. The daily regimen is good for the health of the cat.

    Kitten feeding rules

    It is important for the owner of the kitten to know the basic rules that will help establish the pet's diet. The health of the animal and its life in the future will directly depend on these rules:

    1. 1. Drinking water should always be fresh and in a place accessible to the kitten. It is necessary to change the water twice a day. Bowls for water should be made of ceramic or glass with a volume of two hundred milliliters. The rest of the products are unsuitable for feeding the sphinx, for example, plastic is harmful to the health of the animal.
    2. 2. The food bowl must be separate. It is advisable to purchase a bowl for food in two sections, so that you can put various dishes for the kitten.
    3. 3. New food is introduced to kittens gradually throughout the week. During this time, the gastrointestinal tract will have time to rebuild and absorb nutrients in each new portion.
    4. 4. Compliance with the feeding schedule. It is necessary to teach the Sphinx to discipline from the first day. Therefore, it is always recommended to give food at the same time.
    5. 5. The amount of food should constantly increase to the norm of an adult cat. But the Sphynx should not overeat or malnourish, so it is best to purchase a kitchen scale to measure the portion to the animal. You can find out the dosage of a portion of food for the corresponding age of the animal at the appointment with your veterinarian.
    6. 6. The cat should receive a balanced diet. The owner of the animal needs to be guided by the age of the sphinx, lifestyle, physiological state and health.
    7. 7. Leftover food should be removed regularly, food should not lie in the bowl for more than a day. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate into the feed and along with it into the pet's body. In addition, the fat on the surface of the feed is partially oxidized, which can lead to poisoning.

    It is not recommended to feed your cat with treats bought in a zoo pharmacy without the advice of your doctor. This can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The Sphynx is not one of those breeds that can be motivated by food. When introducing a new feed, the owner must monitor the condition of the animal. You need to pay attention to the cat's appetite, weight change. It is imperative to examine the skin and observe the bowel movements. The satisfactory condition of the animal indicates a positive transfer of the product to it. Veterinarians allow using natural food, dry food or a mixed type of food in feeding the Sphynx.

    Kitten diet

    Kittens show activity, mobility, playfulness, sphinxes are no exception. It is important to understand that energy is needed for an active lifestyle, and the sphinxes need it doubly due to the lack of wool. The owner must understand that up to the age of three months, the sphinx needs to be fed six times a day. One meal should take no more and no less than twenty-five grams of food.

    If the "Canadian" is too active, then he should receive at least eight servings of food per day. For six months, portions of food increase and reach fifty grams. The number of meals a day is halved. At the age of one month, a kitten's diet may consist of a few foods that are necessary for the growth and development of the animal. This can be milk, egg yolk, and semolina.

    After a month, you can add calcined cottage cheese, cheese and meat to this list. It is recommended to grind boiled beef or chicken fillet, but not more than one dessert spoon at one meal. At three months, this diet is replenished with fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits. It is allowed to introduce herbs and vegetable oil.

    A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

    Natural food

    In order for the Canadian Sphynx to fully develop and grow, its diet must contain certain foods:

    1. 1. Every day the cat should receive raw frozen beef. You will need forty grams of meat per serving. The cat's bowl should contain boiled or filtered fresh water.
    2. 2. Four times a week, the cat needs a boiled chicken fillet.
    3. 3. Pet should receive offal three times a week. It can be kidneys, lungs or heart in a boiled or frozen form.
    4. 4. Twice a week, cereals should be present in the diet. It can be oatmeal, rice, buckwheat or wheat groats.
    5. 5. Three times a week should be given raw or boiled vegetables, fruits and always spinach.
    6. 6. Once the cat needs to be given chicken yolk, stirring it with something.
    7. 7. Once a week, the cat needs liver, dairy products and cheese.
    8. 8. It is allowed to give a little boiled sea fish. After all, fish is a source of calcium.
    9. 9. For cleaning teeth, it is allowed to give crackers once a week and boil a chicken neck. And to improve digestion, it is worth adding vegetable oil to food.

    To enrich the body with minerals, yeast must be mixed with food. To improve immunity, you can add food fresh lawn grass. In case of problems with the intestines, breeders recommend transferring the sphinx to fermented milk products. The disorder disappears within three days of the diet.

    Alternative food

    Not every pet owner can afford to prepare a varied menu every day. Therefore, many veterinarians recommend preparing a special natural food. It is ideal for naked pets and is a great alternative to dry. To prepare, you need to do the following:

    • Grind one kilogram of beef or chicken fillet in a meat grinder.
    • Grind one hundred and fifty grams of lean cheese.
    • Take some vegetables and grind. It is recommended to use carrots, seaweed, greens, or whatever your pet likes.
    • Add one yolk of a chicken or quail egg to the mass.
    • Use a rolling pin to grind five chalk tablets into powder and add to the mass.
    • Buy vitamin D and add 20 drops to the feed.
    • Add a tablespoon of brewer's yeast as a substitute for vitamins and minerals.
    • Mix the resulting minced meat well and lay out on plastic wrap. Wrap it up with sausage and freeze. You can roll the balls in portions.

    Your pet will definitely like the ideal alternative natural food.

    Ready-made food for the sphinx

    Veterinarians are allowed to feed the Sphynx and ready-made feed. But it should be understood that this food can only be of the premium or super premium category. Economy class dry food will harm your pet. Breeders who preferred to give dry food to Sphynxes identified only a few brands that are suitable for consumption:

    • Royal Canin can be administered at an early age.
    • Hills.
    • Inova.
    • Gut choise.
    • Akana.
    • Eagle Pak.

    The presented feed brands contain vitamins and microelements. They are suitable as a balanced diet. Dry food is a great option for those owners who are absent from work or do not have time to prepare natural food. The dry option will allow the Sphynx not to go hungry, especially since the food does not spoil during the day.

    The advantages of dry food include the fact that by chewing on the pads, the cat cleans tartar, thereby strengthening the gums and teeth. The disadvantages include the constant thirst for the pet. Therefore, it is recommended to ensure that there is sufficient water in the second bowl.

    Most breeders use dry pet food in their pet food. But before opting for this diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

    1. 1. It is not recommended to give a sphinx cheap food. The economy option contains protein. Thus, instead of dietary protein, the manufacturer uses plant proteins - soy and corn. They are harmful to the sphinx, can cause colossal harm to health and contribute to the development of cancerous tumors.
    2. 2. Cheap feed does not contain meat; instead, they put ground bones and connective tissue components, low quality by-products. Sphinxes have a digestive system that is unable to assimilate such foods, so you need to avoid getting these components into the diet.
    3. 3. The higher the class of the feed, the less flavor enhancers it will contain. The predominance of supplements in the diet will provoke indigestion in the Canadian Sphynx.
    4. 4. Even a small amount of poor quality food will lead to overeating of the cat. In 80% of cases, sphinxes do not digest food.

    Canned food is allowed in the Sphynx's diet. They are, in contrast to the economy class, of high quality. They are convenient to store, but they also have disadvantages. This is the price - it is too high. In addition, the shelf life after the package is opened is no more than a day. It is best to buy such food in small portions and give it to your pet right away.

    Controlling the sphinx is an important task for the owner. Due to the lack of wool, the Canadian representative has an increased heat exchange. This is reflected in the animal's excellent appetite. Pets consume a lot of energy, more than cats of other breeds.

    Another reason for insatiability is playfulness and activity.

    They can eat almost non-stop, so you need to control this process.

Canadian Sphinx you need a lot of energy, and therefore more food than most cats. These cats have excellent appetite - they are ready to eat almost everything and in unlimited quantities, they are not capricious and finicky at all. Are eating Canadian Sphinxes quickly, grabbing pieces of food and swallowing it, almost without chewing. On the one hand, this is good, because feed the Canadian Sphinx not difficult at all, but remember that not all products that your Sphinx are useful to him, and therefore it is you who must choose the most suitable diet for your sphinx, here we will give you some Canadian Sphinx Feeding Tips, but the choice is always yours!
When choosing a feed, you should be guided by the following factors:
physiological state: pregnancy, lactation, castration
health status
Feed the Canadian Sphinxes can be both ready-made feeds (dry and canned), and natural and mixed.

I want to start this topic with the fact that under no pretext it is NOT POSSIBLE not only for the Sphinx, but also for any other cat!

IT IS FORBIDDEN! (any age)
1. Bones of chicken, fish A kitten or cat may choke, besides bones damage the esophagus and stomach, clog the intestines.
2. Pork, lamb. Poultry (except chicken): goose, duck, turkey. In its raw form, it leads to infection with worms, in some cases to dangerous infectious diseases, which leads to the death of the animal. Such meat is very fatty and poorly absorbed by the cat's body.
3. Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, incl. sausages and canned food for people. Fried foods. Cause upset of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupt metabolism. As a result, the animal looks bad, chronic diseases appear.
4. Sugar, chocolate, sweets, cakes and everything sweet. Violates metabolism, weak immunity, dull hair, dental diseases. CHOCOLATE contains theobromine, which is a POISON for cats, causes severe poisoning, death of the animal.
5. Potatoes Starch is not digested by the intestines of a cat, potatoes are absolutely useless for her, can cause upset.
6. Legumes (soybeans, peas, beans) Not absorbed by the body, causes bloating and fermentation in the intestines.
7. Salt (only in small quantities), spices Food for cats is not salted and spices are not used. it does not bring any benefit to her body, only harm.
8. Medicines, incl. vitamins intended for humans. A cat has its own special balance of substances in the body, vitamins for humans are not suitable for them. In addition, many medicines for humans cause severe poisoning, kidneys fail in cats, which leads to death (if there is a need for human drugs, then only those recommended by your veterinarian and under his strict supervision and guidance)!

Dry food:

I want to note right away that feeding with economy class food causes great harm to the health of not only the Sphinx, but also any other pet, since:
1. The lower the grade of the feed, the less quality protein sources are used in them. In cheap feed, the main sources of dietary protein are plant proteins (soybeans, corn, etc.), processed in a special way. The percentage of meat components in such feeds is low and is represented mainly by connective tissue components with low quality meat and by-products. Unfortunately, the digestive system of cats is practically unable to assimilate plant proteins, regardless of the degree of their processing.
2. The higher the class of the feed, the less flavor enhancers, flavors, dyes and preservatives in it (hence the increased interest of the animal with economy class feeds). We will not touch on the harmfulness of such components in general. But with an increased appetite of the Canadian Sphynxes, such additives provoke overeating, and, as a result, indigestion.
3. The lower the class of the feed, the more ballast substances it contains. These substances cannot be digested by a cat, do not have any beneficial effect on its body, but they dramatically increase the volume of stool.

Dry food Premium and Super Premium class:

In quality premium feed from leading manufacturers(namely, these should be given to the cat) all substances are balanced, when feeding with dry food vitamins do not need to be given.
I also note that from all of the above, you must choose exactly the food that is most suitable for your pet and continue feeding only with this food.
When feeding with dry food, be sure to control the amount of water consumed, a cat eating dry food should drink 3 times more water than she ate drying, for example: drying-50 g, water-about 150 ml.
Water should always be boiled, fresh and readily available!
Attention! If your cat is a "low drinker", then dry food is harmful and even dangerous for her - in the sense of overloading the kidneys (ICD may begin) and the formation of constipation, and hence damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Such a cat should be fed either in kind or canned food. Milk does not replace water (and, in principle, it is not necessary to give it when feeding with industrial feed)! If you nevertheless undertake to feed such a cat with dry food, then be sure to add water from a syringe to it yourself!
There are also special dry food for kittens up to 1 year old, but nevertheless, it is better NOT to feed such babies by drying up to 6 months - by this time the work of the digestive tract will stabilize.
Starting from 3-4 weeks of life Sphynx kitten diet it is worth diversifying with food rich in animal and milk proteins (gradually, not in large doses):
1. skipped (finely chopped) lean beef, fish (along with porridge);
2. baby meat food (in jars);
3. low-fat cottage cheese, egg yolk.
(see below " natural food") When giving such food, it is necessary to monitor the kittens' stool - if the stool is liquid, then it is better to dilute the milk with water in order to reduce the amount of lactic acids in the mixture.
If the cat receives dry food, do not supplement them with natural products (no meat, no dairy products, etc.). This is dangerous. The use of food additives in this case is harmful to the cat's health, since a balanced food already contains all the necessary components.
But if you nevertheless decide to feed the cat with mixed food, then be sure to distinguish between the time of the taken dry food with the intake of natural food,
Since their digestion requires different enzymes and even a different acidic environment in the stomach, an imbalance occurs, not to mention the fact that the liver sits down from the double load. The intestine reacts differently to dry and wet food, does not have time to rebuild from one to the other, and this is fraught with gastrointestinal diseases.

Natural food:

Natural food for the Sphinx is by far the best choice, provided it is balanced and meets the animal's needs. But it has obvious drawbacks - cooking takes time and certain knowledge to draw up a diet, a short shelf life of protein products.
What food does a cat need? what does it eat in nature? Mice, birds, lizards, insects. That is, the diet is mainly meat, plus some carbohydrates in the form of stomachs of caught game with semi-digested grass and cereals, plus calcium and other trace elements and minerals from bones, feathers, wool.
An adult cat needs 100-150 grams of protein food per day, 50 grams of carbohydrate food, including ballast substances necessary for digestion, water, vitamins. You should not treat the animal with food from your table - spices, spices, sweets, garlic, onions, canned food, sausages are harmful to a cat.
Protein Sources for Cats:
Lean meat - beef and veal, poultry, offal - liver, heart (pork heart is very useful) and other internal organs. Raw meat is pre-frozen (6-8 days at a temperature of at least -20C), it can be scalded before feeding.
Fish - deboned, preferably sea fish, river must be boiled. Is not the basis of the diet! It is enough to give 1-2 times a week.
Eggs - in addition to protein, are a source of vitamins and minerals. They give boiled yolk, once a week is enough. Quail eggs are much healthier and richer in composition - they can be given more often.
Dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. Many cats do not digest whole cow's milk, since the necessary enzyme for this is not produced, but goat's milk is very useful, especially for feeding kittens.
Sources of Carbohydrates for Cats:
Cereals and cereals - rolled oats, buckwheat, rice, legumes, sprouted grains.
Fruits and vegetables - carrots, cabbage, apples, herbs - whatever your cat agrees to eat. It can be given raw finely grated or boiled with vegetable oil.
Vitamins and minerals for cats:
As a source of vitamins and minerals, offer your cat grass that is easy to grow on its own: for example, oats grow very quickly. We take a box, pour sawdust, moisten them, lay oat grains on the surface. When the sprouts reach a height of 10-12 cm, you can offer them to the cat (about a week after pecking the seeds). Germination can be organized in several boxes with a shift in time - and your cat will always have a fresh vitamin supplement. Yeast is a source of B vitamins, and some cats are allergic to them.
You can use ready-made vitamin and mineral complexes for cats, but the condition of the animal should be monitored - hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than vitamin deficiency.
How often to feed the Sphinx:
up to 3 months - 6 times, 120-150 grams per day;
3-4 months - 5 times;
4-5 months - 4 times, the amount - as for adults (150-250g per day, 30-40g per 1 kg of weight);
5-6 months - 3 times;
then - 2 times.

Sample diet for cats and kittens:

1. Raw frozen beef - (for a kitten at least 30 grams, for an adult cat - 100-120 grams). Every day
2. Boiled chicken without bones 3-4 times a week
3. Chicken or beef offal (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) in raw (frozen) or boiled form. 2-3 times a week. Liver - 1 time per week.
4. Boiled low-fat fish, without bones, preferably sea fish (not often, because fish destroys vitamin B in the cat's body). Raw fish should not be given - it causes a disease with worms. Cats - 1-2 times a week, cats -1 times a week. or less often .. :)
5. Egg yolk (protein cannot be given) raw or boiled in pure form, or you can grind it with milk, kefir, add to porridge. 1-2 times a week
6. Fresh raw or boiled milk (only for kittens under the age of 3 months, because milk in an adult cat is not digested and causes indigestion, and the kitten needs it). You can add a little honey (no sugar). Also given to pregnant and lactating cats. You can switch to fermented milk products every day if you have an upset stomach.
7. Liquid milk porridges (for kittens under the age of 3 months): corn, rice, oatmeal. Without sugar, you can have a little honey. You can do it every day.
8. Fermented milk products: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream - all medium fat, as well as cheese. You can do it every day. Cheese 1 time per week
9. Fresh non-acidic curd - can be mixed with sour cream or raw egg yolk (you can add quite a bit of honey). Kittens - 3-4 times a week. Adult cats - 1-2 times a week.
10. Cereals: oatmeal (steamed), rice, buckwheat, wheat groats (boiled) - mixed in a 1: 2 ratio (cereals: meat) with boiled meat or boiled fish. Few times a week.
11. Raw or boiled vegetables (in the form of mashed potatoes): carrots, cauliflower, green (asparagus) beans, etc. - mixed in a 1: 2 ratio (vegetables: meat) with boiled meat or boiled fish. Several times a week (alternate with cereals)
12. Greens - lettuce, spinach - are crushed and added to food. Better - germinated grains of wheat or grow grass on the windowsill (from wheat or oats). NO grass from the street! Add to food several times a week, if there is grown weed, the cat will eat it herself.
13. Dry brewer's yeast (sold in pharmacies, the dosage should be calculated based on the weight of the kitten / cat) 3-4 times a week.
14. Vegetable oil in the amount of half a teaspoon (a few drops for a kitten) is added to food to improve bowel function. In one day
15. Mineral and vitamin supplements (for example, vitamins from Sanal, Jim Pet, Kitzim, etc.). Every day (with natural feeding), dosage - depending on the age of the kitten.
16. Fresh water purified through a filter or boiled should ALWAYS stand

An approximate diet for kittens from 1 month. up to 6 months:

For a month old kitten:
Liquid semolina porridge.
Crushed egg yolk.
Milk or formula.
For a 2 month old kitten:

Scraped boiled meat (portion 10 15 g).
Liquid porridge.
Crushed egg yolk.
Milk or cream.
Soft cheese.
For a three month old kitten:
Delicate curd (calcined).
Scrapped raw meat.
Porridge of normal consistency.
Egg yolk.
Cream, milk or kefir.
Soft cheese.
Boiled meat cubes.
Grated carrot.
Smashed boiled fish.
For a four month old kitten:
Curd (calcined or baby).
Pieces of raw or cooked meat.
Egg yolk.
Cream, milk, yogurt or kefir.
Soft cheese.
Grated vegetables.

A fish.
For a five month old kitten and older:
Meat or fish in pieces, raw or cooked.
Any fermented milk products.
Grated vegetables.
Pieces of fruit.
Egg yolk.
Chopped herbs with vegetable oil.
A fish.
Pieces of rye bread or croutons.
Banned: spices, pickles, smoked foods, fatty meats, fatty fish, products of dubious origin, concentrates, sugar. Cats need salt, but in a small amount, much less than humans. And sugar is very, very harmful.

Feeding the kitten:
RECIPE for busy people:

For 1 kg of raw rolled beef: 2 medium grated carrots (no nitrates),
200 g of kindergarten cheese (cheap, mild, unsalted),
1 raw chicken yolk (or 3 quail) for a bunch,
a tablespoon of brewer's yeast (this is the entire group of B vitamins from B1 to B12),
calcium gluconate (ordinary chalk) - 6 tablets (put in a tablespoon,
tea third to a powder), vitamin D - 20 drops.
The amount of meat can be increased 2-5 times, respectively, increasing the amount of other products.
Turn the whole mixture into a homogeneous mass with handles. Roll it out with a rolling pin in layers of 0.5 mm and put it in the freezer. (For 5-6 days) A layer of parchment or foil is a layer of the mixture.
Came home from work. Tore off a piece, defrost it quickly, make small meatballs, which increase with the age of the cat.


For normal development, the cat needs vitamins.
Vitamin A
The main ones for a cat are vitamin A, a complex of vitamins B, D, E, H (biotin). Vitamin A is found in most meats and some organ meats, liver and kidneys. A very large amount of vitamin A is contained in the liver, therefore, frequent feeding with this product can lead to hypervitaminosis of vitamin A.
Vitamin B
(B1, B2, B6, B12) promote growth, normal functioning of the eyes and skin. Their lack leads to serious consequences: a disease of the nervous system occurs, an increase and dysfunction of the liver is noted, coordination of movements is impaired, eczema appears on the skin. Vitamins of this group are found in the liver, oatmeal, brewer's yeast, rye bread, sprouted wheat and milk.
Vitamin C
Prevents the development of diseases. This vitamin can be produced in the cat's body. It is also found in the grass that the cat eats to cleanse the stomach.
Vitamin D
Promotes the formation of the skeleton of the animal. Disorders in the formation of the skeletal system can be caused by too large doses of calcium with minimal doses of phosphorus, arising from the one-sided and exclusive feeding of meat or fish. Cats can synthesize it by sitting in the sun and getting it with fish oil, butter and milk. When this vitamin is added to feed in the form of fish oil or vitamin preparations, poisoning is possible, leading to an incorrect distribution of calcium and its deposition in blood vessels, the formation of kidney stones.
Vitamin E
Promotes the development of reproductive functions in males and females and the muscular system, the prevention of infectious diseases, and in obese cats it helps to eliminate fat deposits in the tissues. Due to the lack of this vitamin, for example, when certain fish are exclusively fed with canned food, inflammatory processes on the skin and in the intestines, disruption in the functioning of the nervous system and reproductive functions can occur. This vitamin is found mainly in liver, kidney, yeast, egg yolk and vegetable oil. However, if you give the yolk and protein raw, then it should be borne in mind that with the protein the substance avidin, which blocks vitamin E, enters the body. During the heat treatment, avidin is destroyed.
Glucosamine for cats with vitamins is indispensable for the proper development of cartilage and joints. Contains Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, shark cartilage (a source of mycopolysaccharides, calcium, phosphorus), enriched with vitamins A, E, B12 and manganese ascorbic complex. Give 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening.
Promotes the development and strengthening of bones, is found in fermented milk products, bones.
A cat can get enough calcium by eating one chicken neck per day.