Why doesn't the young man write. Is it possible to write to the guy first: advice from psychologists

Sometimes it happens that a man does not write to the girl first, but at the same time he always answers her. This is very annoying and suggests that in most cases the initiative comes from a woman. In ancient times, a girl, due to her strict upbringing, could not be the first to show interest in the guy she liked. Today, this is not considered something out of the ordinary. However, this does not relieve the man of the need to take the initiative.

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If a guy never writes first, but always answers a girl, he behaves in an original way, but not quite like a man. Psychologists identify many reasons for this behavior.


In relationships, women first of all value the attention of their chosen one and his reliability, the opportunity to lean on him in difficult times. That is why it often becomes difficult for them to understand their man, who is busy with work, friends, or his own affairs.

  • Lack of free time... A man is a workaholic or he is no longer free: he has a family or a mistress. If the work is connected with a computer, a person has neither the time nor the opportunity to constantly correspond. If he is engaged in hard physical work, then the matter is in fatigue after it.
  • A man is busy with his personal affairs... This suggests that the correspondence with a specific woman for him is in the last place on the list of his to-do's.
  • Unexpected situations... The man got sick, went to the clinic and does not want to upset the girl with this. Some of his relatives died and he does not need unnecessary sympathy when his soul is already hard. Perhaps he urgently left the city or went to an area where there is no cellular Internet connection. Despite all the validity of this reason, in the event of a regular refusal of technology, it can be concluded that the matter is in relation to the girl. You can always warn, albeit in a brief form, about the impossibility of keeping in touch for some time.
  • Bad habits... Sometimes this behavior is justified by the fact that the man leads an immoral lifestyle. If he abuses alcohol, he did not write to the woman because he forgot or because his fingers do not obey. Seeing a message or a missed call from her, he sobers up for a moment, tries to concentrate, but is unable to write anything but banal words - and those are just a formality for him.

Most often, the reasons from this list are closely related to the lifestyle itself. They cannot be changed overnight, so a woman should consider whether she needs constant waiting.

Psychological reasons

The reasons for a man's lack of initiative can lie not only in his lifestyle, but also in his perception and character traits. The psychology of men is such that the lack of initiative can be caused by both indifference and the fact that he really likes it.

  • Fear of being uninteresting... Probably the most common male fear, especially in the early stages of dating. Still not really knowing the girl, the guy will be afraid that she might not like certain words, and the new acquaintance will interrupt the conversation without explanation. This also includes the fear of being ridiculed, especially by a woman you like - a serious blow for every man.
  • Live communication. Most men prefer to talk over the phone or face-to-face meetings over the Internet, SMS or phone. In addition, many simply do not know how to quickly type extended messages, in which case he will always be glad to see her on a date.
  • A wait-and-see attitude. The man himself shifts all the initiative to the interlocutor. He does not put an end to the relationship, so a woman has time to show herself from her best side, take advantage of his indecision and take the situation into her own hands.
  • The desire to communicate virtually. Today there are a lot of such men. Usually they do not pretend to be who they really are, and they write various fables about themselves. After a woman becomes interested and demands confirmation of imaginary feats, they suddenly disappear.
  • Modesty. She is only good at the beginning of an acquaintance. Subsequently, this only slows down the development of relations and makes the woman feel that the interlocutor is cold to her.
  • Excessive assertiveness of a woman... Many young people are frightened by the persistence with which the lady actively communicates and maintains correspondence, especially if he has not had a relationship for a long time and he is simply not used to starting a dialogue first. All he can do is to somehow react to messages. In this case, the woman should give him time so that he has the opportunity to take the initiative. If this does not happen even after a long time, you should not continue communication.
  • Tactlessness... The concept of elementary politeness is alien to such a young man and he does not consider it necessary to show his interest to the girl. With his answer, he kind of sharply does her a favor: so be it, I'll answer you, but you don't need to write to me so often.
  • Lack of confidence in a woman's feelings... Men are also afraid of being rejected and heartbroken. He is not sure of a good attitude towards him and only answers when the woman starts the conversation first.
  • Attitude towards a woman

    If the previous reasons do not apply directly to the woman, then the ones below refer to herself, and therefore will cause only rejection in a woman who had the misfortune to become interested in such a guy. She can close her eyes to the individual flaws of her boyfriend, but no one is able to endure an indifferent attitude towards herself for a long time.

    • Reluctance... The most common reason is lack of interest in communication. Any representative of the stronger sex, when meeting a woman he likes, tries to demonstrate his masculine qualities. If the man did not start the correspondence first, this is a demonstration of his secondary importance and passivity. If, after a week of such communication, the interlocutor suddenly disappears and there is no hope for the development of relations, the best thing to do is to be glad that this is over.
    • Politeness. The man is not interested in this woman and answers only in order not to offend. He does not treat her like a woman, and sees no reason to start the dialogue first. Such a young man is well-bred, besides, he has no reason to offend his interlocutor with complete ignorance, because she did nothing wrong to him. If he stopped writing himself, it means that he simply does not see any point in it.
    • The young man is satisfied with the existing relationship. This often means that he sees no reason to do anything for their further development. This behavior is typical of people who love only themselves and their lives, do without explanations and do not want to change anything.

    Loved one does not call? Stop shedding tears into your pillow and getting upset! Read our article!

    Man and woman are halves of the same soul. According to legend, these halves wander around the world and are looking for each other. They cannot be happy apart. That is why there are happy those who have found a match for themselves and unhappy those who have not found it or have lost it. No one knows for sure where and when a miracle will happen and the girl will find her only man. But if this happened - she can fly on wings, move mountains, swim across rivers and seas.

    Why doesn't the guy write and call first: what does it mean - psychology

    This is exactly the upsurge of spiritual strength that lovers feel. But, there are pitfalls in this idyll in which we will try to figure it out.

    People in love differ from others not only in their state of mind, studies have shown that their hormone levels change significantly

    Lovers feel more subtle, take offense at trifles, think a lot about little things that ordinary people simply would not pay attention to.

    It would seem a trifle - who will call first? Are you boyfriend or boyfriend you? If you needed to call a friend, you would not hesitate to make this call. Why are you tormented and tormented by doubts if you need to call your boyfriend? Because this person has taken too much space in your soul and you love him. His opinion is too important to you. His silence is too offensive for you, and a call from him causes a tsunami in your soul. As for the answer to the question: why does he never call first, then you need to know:

    And you need to either accept the person as he is, or try to explain to him that this behavior offends you.

    If you distract from thoughts about the call, you can notice the beauty outside the window.

    What if the guy doesn't write or call first, but always answers?

    Do I need to do something if the only complaint about the guy is that he does not write or call first? If you are dating, if you feel good together, if you make joint plans for the future? Probably not, if everything is fine in your relationship, except for this point. But if this is the tip of the iceberg of mutual misunderstanding, then you need to think about whether it is worth continuing this relationship.

    Should you write to the guy you like first?

    The answer to this question depends on whether the guy who you like likes initiative, fighting girls? It happens that a guy is used to initiating an acquaintance with a girl, and it happens that a guy is shy by nature and cannot be the first to get acquainted with a girl.

    • If you are not aware of these features of the character of your chosen one, try to quietly enter his life. This way you will not scare off guys who are used to taking the initiative into their own hands and giving an indecisive guy a reason to meet.
    • If the only way to start dating a guy is to write to him, then use this chance

    The guy does not write VKontakte, SMS, does not call after the first date, sex: is it worth writing or calling the guy first?

    When a girl starts to worry because the guy didn't call after the first date or after sex you want to clarify how much time has passed after you broke up with him? An hour, a few hours, a day, or a few days.

    • If only a few hours have passed after the date, you should not panic, the guy is just taking a break from the date and sex. Give him time to recover from new experiences.
    • If a day or a few days has passed, you should call at least in order to stop tormenting yourself with doubts

    How and what to write to the guy who likes the first VKontakte?

    There is one great first message to a guy you like. And it sounds very original: “Hello! I like you!" You can, of course, go from afar and write the first message on the topic of weather, nature, school performance, but so there is a high degree of probability that you will simply not be understood. Writing to a man first is not shameful. Suffice it to recall the novel in verse by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Tatiana was not afraid to write to Eugene first and received an answer from him. Such experiences are not always unsuccessful. You need to believe in yourself, your attractiveness and charm, and then those around you will also believe in it. And your chosen one will also be fascinated by you.

    How and what to write to the guy first after the first date, sex on VKontakte?

    • You can write what you could say to this person in person. For example, that you were very happy to meet him, that you experienced an ocean of bliss, that he, that is, your beloved, the best man on this planet
    • You can write words of gratitude for the time spent together. And if you want to continue dating - do not write that you would like to see him again and again. Make your boyfriend feel like a conqueror of your heart. Wait a little and he will be the first to receive an offer to meet
    • This does not mean that there are some rigid rules to offer or not offer a guy a date. It all depends on your temperament and the temperament of your boyfriend.

    How to get a guy to write or call first: conspiracy

    Well, if you do not want to write or call your boyfriend first for any reason, use a conspiracy. Imagine that your chosen one is next to you and say the words out loud or mentally:

    Favorite! I'm so tired of waiting for a call or news from you. I ask you and I conjure - call or write to me. Let the whole Universe hear me and you hear me. Don't deny me and don't hurt me. May the gods help me to reach you, and you hear me.

    If you tune in to the wave of your loved one, your mental message will definitely be heard. If your loved one still did not call you, then he did not want to hear you. And then you have to pick up the phone, call and dot the and. Let you hear a bitter answer, but it will be better than torment, doubts and blaming yourself for wrong behavior. If you have to go through this unpleasant moment - believe that this person accidentally fell into your life and the meeting with the most beloved man is ahead.

    VIDEO: What men should you fight for and what men should you not fight for?

    Anna Basis

    Along with the feeling of falling in love, the girls are visited by feelings of anxiety and doubt. All thoughts are occupied by the chosen one, meetings with him. A girl's heart is vulnerable and sensitive, so she wonders if it is worth writing to the first guy if he remains silent? The stereotypes of society oblige men to take the first step. If there is no reaction on his part, thoughts arise of what to do and what to do.

    Should I write to the guy or not?

    The desire to write to a young man arises when there is no news even for 10-12 hours. The girl in love is gnawed by doubts and insecurity. There is a strong desire to clarify the situation and call the first, but girlish pride and fear of being misunderstood stops and does not allow to take the initiative.

    It is better for a girl to oppress herself with gloomy images than to be misunderstood and ridiculed. On the one hand, this is correct. If you do not feel reciprocal feelings for yourself or are unsure of them, it is better to leave it as it is and not to impose. People are different and there are those who are shy and afraid to look funny.

    If you decide to dial a number, think again: the difference between males is in their strength and confidence, and they should take the first steps.

    Guy doesn't write first: reasons

    Does the young man not write first? Consider whether it is worth suffering and upset because of this? Suddenly the reason lies in a banal answer:

    the guy is overwhelmed with chores at work;
    the young man plunged into his studies.

    He gets tired and wants to devote more time to work in order to finish it sooner. The difference between men is to give preference to business or other activities. He decides important matters, and then thinks about the girl. Especially if you met a day or two ago. Some people generally prefer live communication to correspondence. So they don't write first.

    If this is inappropriate for you, try to calmly convey what you do not like. Tell us how bored and worried you are. Make sure the message is important. Just do not be zealous so that the man does not perceive the attitude towards himself as a celestial.

    If you run towards a man all the time, at first it gives you joy. Gradually, the feeling of novelty goes away, and the charm loses its strength. The man relaxes, as there is nowhere to strive. A woman gives attention and is always the first to meet. Maintain balance, apply charm, cunning and then you will no longer be tormented by the decision whether to write first.

    Think that silence is just a coincidence:

    a piece of paper with a phone number was lost;
    the number was unintentionally removed from contacts.

    Doubting whether you should write to the guy first, you decided to take this step and see that there is no response? Alternatively, he was able to lose his SIM card. You can endlessly imagine justifying situations in your head. But remember the main rule: a man will not lose the number of a girl he liked. Even so, he will find a way out, how to find him again and call or write first.

    Are you waiting for the first step, but it's not there? So you are not that girl, and he is not that man. Do not get hung up on the question whether it is worth writing first or waiting for a reaction from the other side. Live on, and the empty place in the heart will surely be taken by a young man who will write and call first.

    Before you write to the first guy, think, what if this is a banal check? You have known each other for several days, and he decided to find out your character and endurance. Suddenly you are persistent and start sending SMS and calling. Pause, save a moment of intrigue. When guys are the first to look for communication, they wake up interest in the girl and if it is maintained, the relationship will move to a new level.

    Your boyfriend stopped writing

    You have been dating a young man for a long time and are in the mood for a serious relationship, but he stops writing and calling. In such situations, you shouldn't even think about whether to write to the first guy or not. Be sure to find out the reason, because it may surprise you unpleasantly:

    he made a new acquaintance with a girl;
    he was greatly offended;
    he was in a bad situation.

    The logic of a man is different from that of a woman. Girls know how to write common sentences, but it’s easier for guys to say “OK” than to describe their routines in detail. For them, correspondence is an empty pastime. It is better to meet and discuss problems in person than to communicate in the virtual world.

    In any case, you can write to the guy first. Moreover, if you feel guilty and know that you need to ask for forgiveness. A disgruntled or angry man is an explosive mixture from which you can expect everything. In this mood, he rarely dials or writes first. To reject thoughts of cheating or lack of love, take the first step so as not to make matters worse. This will help you maintain rapport and prove that your boyfriend's feelings are important.

    Didn't dare to call? Write an SMS by phone or on a social network. This way you will definitely see that the message has been read. If there is no reaction, stop. Do not escalate the situation, let the young man exhale and be alone with his thoughts. Obsession and interrogation will only repel. Use a woman's cunning, show affection, and your relationship after an offense will become stronger. In a calm atmosphere of love and tenderness, it is easier to find out what the guy was doing this time.

    The initiator starts the relationship. If you decide that you should write to the guy first, you are the one who starts them. The initiative and all responsibility for the further rests on your shoulders. Remember this so that later the man does not relax.

    Let the young man prove himself. If you are interested in him, he will try hard. A man must conquer, and a woman must intrigue. Build relationships at the first stage so that there are no obstacles on the path to happiness. Approach every situation with intelligence. Study it and only then draw conclusions whether it is worth writing to the guy first or giving the initiative into his hands.

    17 February 2014

    A girl who is in love does not notice anything around her. She is completely immersed in her thoughts about the guy she loves. She wants to see and hear him more often. She dreams of his constant presence.

    And if, for example, a guy does not call her for a long time, it worries her, she becomes impressionable and vulnerable. What should she do if a loved one does not call her and does not ask how she is doing and what she is doing?

    Understanding ...

    Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock rings.
    Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

    The girl is waiting, the guy does not call - it's bad ...

    The guy does not call, and the girl is looking forward to his call. And if he did not call during the day, then all sorts of unpleasant thoughts arise in the girl's head: he has a different one or he just stopped loving. Girls in love sometimes have very suspicious thoughts. She does not let go of the phone in the hope that he will still call her.

    Many girls do not dare to call first, pride does not allow. After all, a girl should be restrained, and being proud is characteristic of every woman. She will suffer, torment herself with painful thoughts, but she will not call first and will not impose on the guy. This is how most of the female population is arranged. But often it is female pride that has a detrimental effect on feelings.

    Don't jump to conclusions

    If girls are different, then guys are too. They can also be timid, shy, and indecisive. Perhaps he is just embarrassed to call first.

    If a girl is temperamental and more active than her boyfriend, then he knows about it and he becomes afraid, because you never know what to expect from her. What if he calls at the wrong moment, when the girl succumbs to a change of mood and tells him all sorts of nonsense or just laughs at him. It's better not to bother her in vain, when she is free - she will call herself. This is how an indecisive guy can think and act.

    Why isn't the man calling?

    In the life of every woman, there is such a man, whose call she is looking forward to, but he does not call and does not write.

    How to behave a girl who is waiting for a call from her lover? Should I call first or not, should I overwhelm the guy with tons of text messages?

    Various stories happen in life. It seems that they met a couple of times, everything is fine, but now he disappeared and did not explain the reasons, although at the last meeting everything was, as it seems to the girl, normal.

    Let's take a closer look at why men don't call. In general, there are several reasons why guys don't call. Here are some of them:

    1. He didn't like you

    Situation: you met by chance on the street, at a disco, in a gym, etc. We struck up a conversation, took a walk and in the evening were already in the same bed. The scenario for the development of such events suggests that both of you succumbed to fleeting feelings that captured you, and waking up in the morning, each begins to assess and analyze the situation. The guy understands that the girl is very beautiful and not stupid, but there are some moments that confuse him, the same can happen with the girl.

    In this situation, the guy doesn't call you simply because he doesn't like you.

    According to the men, if they took her phone number from a girl, then if they wanted to, they would find a way to contact her.

    How to behave? You shouldn't dwell on one man. Well, it didn’t work out for you, he didn’t like you. Think about how many guys around you who really like you and who have repeatedly tried to get your attention?

    2. You are too good for him

    Situation: We met at a concert. The man really liked the girl, as he believed she was exactly his ideal, which he was looking for all his life. The next day, and indeed, for the entire week, he did not want to call her. Why? Because she was the best for him, and he did not want to look stupid in front of her.

    According to some men, if a girl realizes that a guy loves her, then she will twist them as she pleases. A week later, he also did not dare to call, as he thought that the girl was already busy.

    Female and male psychology is very different from each other. A woman can never understand masculine logic, and a man - feminine.

    3. He fills himself with a price

    Men are sure that the more rivals a girl has, the more chances she will fight for a man's heart. Guys sometimes specifically tell their girls about the crowds of their fans, about annoying girlfriends who throw dozens of romantic messages at them, etc. In such a situation, the guy has one goal. If she finds out that she has or may have a rival, she will begin to seek me herself. Unwillingness to call on the part of a man is due precisely to the fact that he fills his own worth.

    Do you need a boyfriend who thinks only of himself and his value? Let him seek you, not you.

    4. The man has a wife (or a constant girlfriend)

    Life with a constant girlfriend or wife annoys men with its regularity and routine. A man by nature is a hunter, he longs for new impressions and emotions and nothing can be done about it.

    Many men cheat on their regular partners. Sometimes betrayal is fleeting, after which a man feels like a bastard. Unfortunately, the girls with whom men cheat on their wives and girlfriends do not in any way fit into their future life.

    If a man used you as a mistress, then he will not even think about calling you.

    5. Man's insecurity

    Situation: met in the company of friends on the street. Throughout the evening we talked, smiled, then exchanged phone numbers. Then, when a man wants to call, a thought comes to his clever head - maybe I'm not her type, maybe she liked someone else? In this case, the man will wait for an opportunity and a chance meeting, maybe the second time he will understand that you like him.

    There is nothing strange in this situation, men are characterized by some self-doubt. But in life, such a doubting gentleman will be able to arrange a "fun" life for his beloved.

    6. The man holds the brand

    According to the representatives of the stronger sex, from the moment they confess their feelings to the girl, their relationship changes greatly and not for the better. When a woman finds out about the feelings of a man, she instantly turns into a capricious person who does not allow her to calmly take a step.

    What to do in such a situation? Play along with your man, make it clear to him that he is free, over time you will be able to make of him exactly the man you need.

    7. Time for a breather

    Modern men are very busy, they have work, then friends, then workouts, etc. The man's to-do list is very long.

    Women and men have different attitudes towards sex, we need very different doses of love, tenderness and romance.

    Be prepared for the man to simply add you to his schedule, while he cannot sacrifice either friends or workouts.

    This type of man, after meeting a woman, requires a couple of days to rest, and this must be resigned to.

    8. Fear of change

    If a man is self-sufficient and secured, as a rule, his life proceeds according to a certain schedule. In his schedule, he does not want to change anything, and in every new girlfriend he can see a woman who will try to ring him and put his own order.

    If you have met exactly this type of men, then in order to conquer him, you just need to ignore him. You will have to wait a week or two, but when he realizes that you are not interested in him, he will immediately call you back.

    9. Unforeseen circumstances

    Anything can happen in a man's life. In the morning after your meeting, he may be sent on an urgent business trip, and he will not have time to tell you about it, and then he will just be busy with work. His friends may invite him to hunt or go fishing, which he dreamed of all his life, and he will have to leave instantly and to places where you cannot catch a cellular connection.

    What to do in this case - just be patient.

    There can be many reasons why a man does not call. In any situation, a woman should not torment herself and panic. Let the time pass. Left alone with her thoughts for a couple of weeks, a woman will be able to assess the situation soberly and generally understand whether she needs this particular man.


    What are the reasons for this behavior of a guy who is recently dating a girl?

    The girl has been dating a guy not so long ago, but is very in love with him. He does not call her and does not write, she worries and winds herself up with various thoughts. But there are many reasons for this behavior, which is why there is no need to rush to conclusions.

    Reason # 1. The guy is very busy.

    Indeed, if a guy is studying somewhere, then he can devote most of his time to studying, like a good student. If a guy works, then maybe he has a "blockage" at work and does not even have time to make a call. Any responsible person will not waste their time if they have a lot of things to do at work.

    And this applies to those relationships between a girl and a guy that have recently met. If we talk about long-term relationships of couples in love, which are characterized by constancy, then here it is worth worrying and seeing the most unpredictable reasons. And if a girl suspects her boyfriend of treason or thinks that something terrible has happened to him - both may turn out to be reality. Therefore, such thoughts in this case cannot be called unfounded.

    Reason # 2. He has no obligations yet

    It may also be the reason for such a moment - the guy does not consider himself obligated. Perhaps they have been dating for a long time, but still he is not her husband, but only a boyfriend, which means he is a free man and can do as he sees fit. After all, even those guys who live with their companion in a civil marriage, they are irresponsible. In such a marriage, as a rule, an open relationship. Both the guy and the girl - no one is obliged to anyone. It is such a character trait as irresponsibility that can cause a silent phone.

    Reason number 3. Lack of feeling of love

    The reason may be that the guy does not love his girlfriend enough, especially if they are recently dating. Either he has not yet had time to realize what feelings he has for her, or perhaps she simply did not invent this love for herself and thinks that their feelings are mutual. And this can only be love from one side. And the girl must definitely notice and stop this moment in time. You cannot allow yourself to love someone who does not love you, does not appreciate and ignores.

    Reason number 4. Personal relationships in the background

    How are guys different from girls? They are not as chatty as the fairer sex. While girls can talk on the phone for hours, it’s exhausting for guys. They live by reason, so they always have deeds in the first place, not feelings. Love and personal relationships come second. Of course, girls are offended, but men are so tripled.

    Reason number 5. Missing phone number of the girl

    If a girl recently met a guy, and they barely had time to exchange phones, then he could simply lose her phone number if he wrote it down on a piece of paper. But even if the girl's phone number was entered into the guy's phone, it is quite possible that his phone has broken down and is now being repaired. And it is also possible that the guy just lost his phone. Guys are more likely to lose their phones than girls, especially when drunk, so that could be the reason.

    It is also worth considering where exactly the acquaintance took place and how. If this happened at a noisy disco, then the guy could not hear all the numbers and write her number incorrectly. And these are very real situations that can happen to girls.

    Reason number 6. Patience test

    This is the reason a guy checks his girlfriend. If a guy has known a girl not so long ago, it means that he still knows little about her. And to get to know her better, he creates a test for her. What is this check? The guy's thoughts are this: if the girl does not throw tantrums and expect excuses from him about his loss, then he will continue to communicate with her. But if the girl turns out to be impatient and does not show her calmness, but will bombard him with SMS messages, then he will hasten to part with her as soon as possible. Guys are still fond of smart and wise girls. And while she is only a girl, not a spouse, so that he gives her a full account of his actions.

    Video: What if the guy doesn't call?

    What are the reasons for this behavior of a guy who has been dating his girlfriend for a long time

    If a guy and a girl already have a fairly long relationship, then the reasons are more serious. When everything in the relationship is great and the guy suddenly starts showing a cold attitude - he doesn't call, he doesn't write. More often than not, the reasons are the most unpleasant.

    Reason # 1. The guy has another

    And this is the first thought that comes to a girl's mind. She begins to panic and worry about this and think that he is carried away by another woman. And this may be the real reason.

    If a guy falls in love with another girl, then nothing can be done about it. Now he is attracted by another girl. All his thoughts are only about her and he wants to see and communicate only with her. She became the ideal and the personification of his desires.

    Reason # 2. Something happened to the guy

    Such a thought usually comes second, when the girl looks both at the phone and at the time. She worries that suddenly something serious has happened to him. She understands that today he will not call and write to her, and will not even wish "Good night!" These thoughts make her scared. And she mentally asks God, not for the guy to call her, but for everything to be fine with him, so that he is alive and well.

    People have been very irresponsible and careless lately. Despite strict laws, many drunken men allow themselves to get behind the wheel of a car. And even if it is not a guy from whom the girl is waiting for a call sits behind the wheel, he may turn out to be an ordinary pedestrian who can be hit by a car. And also you can get into an accident even when sober. After all, there may be plenty of reasons: lost control, brakes failed, or something else.

    In some cases, it’s better to step over your pride and call first. It is enough for a girl to just make sure that everything is in order with the guy and that he is not in any danger. If a girl finds out that everything is fine with him, then she will be much calmer.

    Reason number 3. She offended him, but did not see his tears

    Often people offend each other without noticing it. It is possible that the girl simply offended the guy with something and does not even know about it. One careless word can greatly offend or offend a person.

    Even if a girl communicates more with her girlfriends than with a guy, then this may be the reason for his resentment. After all, he thinks if meeting with her friends is dearer to her than him, it means that she does not love him.

    Guys also hate to be compared to someone else, especially ex-boyfriends. Men are very vulnerable, although they do not show it. But it is important for a girl to remember what she is saying so as not to end up in a similar situation.

    What should a girl do if a guy doesn't call

    If a guy recently meets a girl, then he may not only not call during the day, he may not call or write even for more than three days. And there is nothing special here. Relationships have only recently begun to take shape, and they don't have to be instantaneous and permanent. Some time should pass, feelings will strengthen and communication will be regular. If he hasn’t called once during the week, only then is it worth worrying.

    Doesn't call, it means he loves

    Only without panic and interrogation!

    If a girl is very worried, then she herself can call him or write an SMS message to make sure that everything is in order with him. During correspondence or communication, a girl should not pounce on him with her questions. After all, if a guy for good reasons was busy and did not call the girl, then he is unlikely to like such an interrogation. And if he deliberately did not call his girlfriend, then he will not like such an obsession. He may even sharply tell her that he does not have to call her. What kind of girl would be pleased to hear that.

    It doesn't matter what is the main reason for the guy's absence of calls, but if the girl called, then there should be no interrogation, panic and worries. She should cheerfully say hello to him and ask how he is doing. Already in the course of the conversation, she will understand everything by the intonation of her voice: whether he wants to communicate with her, what his mood is and whether she should even continue the conversation with him.

    Find out about him through mutual acquaintances or relatives

    For most girls, calling first seems humiliating. No girl wants to seem that she herself "runs" after the guy and is the first to take the initiative. There is another alternative for these girls. She does not need to call the guy, perhaps the guy and the girl have mutual acquaintances or his relatives through whom you can find out everything. Moreover, you need to find out not directly, but as if by chance. In the first minutes of the conversation, you can talk about a completely extraneous topic: about the increase in prices in stores or about how wonderful the weather is today. If something really serious happened to the guy, then the relatives will certainly tell about it themselves.

    In an empty house, the phone always rings louder.
    Joyce Carol Oates

    If a girl has a long-term relationship with a guy, then she will not be afraid to call first.

    She will tell him that she is very worried about his absence, will ask directly why he does not come and call her. If she can't get through to him, she can send an SMS with all these questions. But the guy should not write any of his conjectures, as he may be offended. Sometimes girls write: “What, did you find another one? Male! " Not every guy will call back and make excuses, he will rather harbor a resentment. And guys still like calm and balanced girls, not hysterics.

    A girl must be cunning and wise

    And if in a conversation on the phone a guy says that he does not like to write SMS messages, and he simply does not have enough time to make calls, then the girl can tell him that she is worried and worried about him, because he is very dear to her ... The girl must say that she is very pleased when she receives a message from him: the mood rises and everything around becomes wonderful. He should know that by his presence in her life, her difficulties become trifles, since he instills in her a sense of confidence.

    Not only girls love with their ears, but guys too. And if the guy knows that he is significant and necessary for the girl, perhaps he will find a little time to call her or write an SMS. The main thing is that the girl does not overdo it with affectionate words, but finds that golden mean that will not allow the guy to behave selfishly.

    The topics of conversation should be pleasant for both. Words should be unobtrusive but gentle. Thus, the girl will gradually teach him to need her. A guy in love is capable of much for the sake of his girlfriend, even giving up his bad habits. Therefore, genes and upbringing do not always take their own, much depends on women, who themselves make their men ideal husbands.

    Should I wait for his call?

    The guy does not call or write, and the girl makes hasty conclusions. Should not be doing that. Guys, unlike girls, are not very talkative and do not always know how to express their feelings. They have a very meager vocabulary, which makes them different from lovely ladies. They also do not like to write messages, for them it is a stupid and useless business. They don't understand how important it is to millions of girls.

    If a girl finds out the reason for the sudden absence of a guy, then everything becomes clear to her. The guy makes it clear to his girlfriend that he loves her and she shouldn't have to worry, she, in turn, convinces him that he never did this again and did not act with her. And let him know that she also loves him very much and values ​​him.

    But if the reason for his absence is completely different and the guy deliberately avoided meeting with her, as he met with another girl, then you should not "fight" for this guy, let him go his own way. There is no need to save those relationships that will sooner or later fall apart anyway. But it is much better if this happens before he becomes a husband. After all, such amorous guys cannot be good husbands, and if he deceived at least once, then he will do it again. And the girl will have much more suffering. Do not let guys humiliate yourself, in which case female pride will be appropriate.

    Probably, every girl is familiar with the feeling of falling in love, when a guy likes it so much that you constantly think about him, you want to meet, you dream. At such moments, the girl forgets about everything, her head is busy with thoughts about the chosen one of her heart, she constantly talks only about him. It is during this period that the fair sex becomes vulnerable, impressionable. They are often visited by doubts: "Do he like me", "why he doesn't call", "why the guy doesn't write." We are all accustomed to the fact that the first step should usually be taken by a man, so if a guy remains silent for too long, it is alarming. How to understand such a situation, what to do, and most importantly, to keep calm and peace of mind?

    Should I write myself or not?

    Often a girl may have the thought: "Should I write to the guy first?" - if he does not call or write for at least one day. Or after the first meeting. Constant doubts and worries that maybe something is wrong gnaw at the girl. And she would be glad to take the initiative herself, but the maiden pride given by nature does not always allow her to do this. She is afraid to be ridiculed, to get into an awkward position. The girl would rather suffer, torment herself with sad thoughts, but she will never impose on a guy if she is not sure that he has a feeling of love for her. Often to a woman's question: "Why don't guys write first?" - there is a very simple answer that all people are different, including the stronger sex. They, too, are afraid of being rejected, they can be ashamed of themselves, worry that they will look funny. In general, guys have the right to experience all the same feelings as girls, but the main difference between them is that guys still have to take the first step.

    Why don't guys write first after they meet?

    There can be a great many reasons, so a girl should not immediately get upset and even more so suffer because of this. The situation can be quite trivial - the guy is busy with his studies or work, gets very tired and does not have time to call the girl. The main difference between guys and girls is that he will not waste time on half-hour conversations. Men often prefer to finish their important affairs first, and then think about the girl, especially if you met recently. He considers himself a free man, so he does not think about the fact that he is obliged to call every few hours a girl with whom he recently went on a date.

    Other reasons

    Another guy may not call, because he lost the phone number of a new acquaintance, especially this could happen if he was written on a piece of paper, and his memory could fail. He could also have lost his SIM card. Quite a life situation.

    An important rule

    Dear girls, remember the main rule, if you charmed a guy, he liked him, he will definitely call you or write, if he loses his number, he will find another way to meet with you. If he never gets in touch with you, then you are not the girl who suits him, he is also a person and has the right to choose. This does not mean at all that you are bad at something, no, just two certain people did not fit each other. And there is nothing terrible in this, you should not dwell on this, and worry - even more so. There will certainly be another young man who will not think about why the guy should write first, but will simply do it.

    Why doesn't the guy write if you've known each other for a long time?

    If you have been talking with a guy for a long time, everything was going to the beginning of a serious relationship, and suddenly he abruptly stopped writing and calling, you should think about it. This can be a wake-up call about upcoming changes in your life. Why don't guys post first? Here are some reasons:

    • he met another girl and she charmed him;
    • something bad happened to him;
    • he is very offended at you for something.

    The last point can even be slightly tweaked. Not offended, but angry or displeased. Agree, with such an attitude, rarely any guys will call themselves. Usually, a girl at this moment begins to suspect her lover of treason, lack of love, which further exacerbates the situation.

    Should I write or not?

    Should I write to the first guy? If you think that you are to blame and must apologize, then be sure to write and call. Thus, you will not only preserve your relationship, but also make it clear to the guy that he is not indifferent to you, and you have tender feelings for him. Don't ask yourself why guys don't post first. Take the first step yourself. Believe me, he is waiting for your apology and loves you as much as you love him. If you don't want to call, write him a message on the social network or SMS. This way you can be sure that he read it. If after this there is no reaction, then it is better not to take the initiative again. You shouldn't pounce on the guy and ask him where he was and what he was doing all this time. This is repulsive. It is better to try to make your relationship stronger and more tender after a quarrel. And then, as if by the way, you will find out what the young man was doing all this time.

    A few more reasons for the guys "silence"

    Sometimes, after meeting a girl, some guys deliberately do not write to her in order to check her in this way. If a girl starts calling or writing too annoyingly, he will not like it, he will definitely not meet with such a person.

    Some young people simply do not like to correspond, they prefer a real meeting to this. Here's the answer to the question of why guys don't post first. If somehow you do not like it, you will have to fight this with your feminine cunning and charm, apply some tricks. You can tell him that you are worried about him, worried and bored, say that his message for you will be a very important event of the day. Should I write to the first guy? Costs!

    Do not be offended by your boyfriend if he writes you in monosyllabic sentences, only to the point. This is how male logic works, it is much easier for them to write “Everything is OK” than to describe how good everything is. This is what makes guys different from girls. Don't be discouraged, write first if you are dating. Many young people tend to think that texting is a waste of time, and it is better to spend it with a girl in real life, rather than chatting virtually.

    Here are the main reasons why guys don't post first. Good luck in your relationship!

    If a guy writes first, what does that mean?

    In short, my friend and I saw a funny guy, well, we decided to look at him, chuckle and all that, well, we thought he wouldn't notice, but alas, then I really wanted to communicate with him, but not because I fell in love, but because he is very cool and funny, but I love to laugh. He wrote to me something like “Leave me alone, why do you need me?” Well, I explained the reason, he seemed to understand, then I still wrote to him in VK but he slowly ignored me. And suddenly! When I already began to forget about him, bam, "Hello" and so probably 4 days in a row and he talks to me very kindly, does not be rude, does not ask me to forget about him, etc. He asks how I am doing, once instead of "Greetings: 3" well, in general, kind, at school he often looks at me with a sweet look, etc. In short, is there a guarantee that he at least likes me?

    Why don't guys post first?

    There are young people whose pride goes off scale, they have politics - I am so cool, let them write to me, call me, etc. And there are those who are embarrassed to take the first steps. Or they think that the girl is superior to them in something - they are probably already notorious.


    If a guy doesn't write first, then he just doesn't like you and he is eager to communicate with you. As a good friend of mine said: "A man doesn't call a girl - just because he doesn't want to call." And if the girl liked the man, he will do everything to win her.

    They write and very often). It's just that not all girls are lucky, and not everyone meets a man / guy who is ready to take the first step. But I assure you that there are such men.

    To be honest, I don’t understand what the problem might be. Why do people share - "you are the first, and then me!" or "why should I write first? Write yourself!" etc.

    If people value relationships and communication, then the first step can and should be taken by the one who especially wants it. I see this issue in this vein. Sometimes it is enough to slightly nudge the other person into action, and a letter (SMS) will help to do this. The role of the trigger will play.

    In general, writing first does not mean showing any weakness, in my opinion. I think that if a person takes the first step, it means that he is bored, he feels bad and he / she lacks him / her, and he is simply more initiative.

    If a man does not write first, because he allegedly checks a woman in this way, then it is better not to communicate with such a man. Because you have your whole life ahead of you, but do you need to spend it on proving something to someone and running after someone?


    put yourself in that guy's shoes if you would call someone you don't like. Unlikely. Therefore, the guy does not want to call the girl, whom he does not like at all. Girls fantasize for themselves at night under the covers, and then wait for the fantasy to come true in daylight, come up with a bunch of excuses for the guy, although there is only one answer. The girl is so indifferent to the guy that he either forgot about her existence or did not even know that there was such a girl. And in this case it is definitely not necessary to call the first one. You can create a situation in which you collide head-on and then pass by without speaking, but doing everything so that his jaw falls off from admiration at the sight of you and then 80 percent that he will call you.

    Anastasia value

    Guys don't write first, not always.

    In my life I meet a lot of guys who write first.

    And do not write first in certain cases.

    Or when they want but do not know what to start a conversation about.

    Or when offended by something.

    It happens that the interlocutor is tired, if you communicate very often, then the guy also does not want to write first.

    He can also wait on purpose, whether you pay attention to him and when you write first. Or if you don't write, he will think that he is indifferent.

    And also if he was often ignored he will think that again will also happen and does not write.

    Even he may not want to appear intrusive.

    Therefore, there are a lot of reasons, it all depends on the individual case.


    Why is this? guys write first when they love and have interest. But there are those who do not like and do not understand why to write at all, if there is nothing. A guy who loves, he will step over his pride and shyness, but he will write. What if he doesn't write to you, then you have to find out the reason or think hard: do you need such a guy?


    1. Guys can be spoiled by female attention, accessibility and openness of girls, when they themselves call them, write, take the initiative into their own hands. Then the guys relax and think that all girls are like that.
    2. Guys are shy, afraid of something (that they will be sent, sent off, that the girl already has a boyfriend).
    3. They don't know where to start, how to express their thoughts.


    I think most are elementarily shy. And this is quite normal. They are embarrassed not just to write (this is not the main thing). There is a fear of being too intrusive. Naturally, in most cases this will not be the case. But, nevertheless, you constantly think about it.

    Well, and in more rare cases, the problem is the guy's pride.


    He does not consider it necessary, apparently, is not particularly interested in writing, maybe he has in mind a girl who is more interested in him. Or maybe he is afraid that the girl will answer him something harsh, and his pride will be hurt, and he will get a "turn from the gate"

    Love in my heart

    A guy may not call when he is busy with his studies or work, is very tired and does not have time to call a girl, he may just accidentally lost (deleted) his phone number, or simply do not fit together.

    Why is the guy texting me every day?

    Does this necessarily mean that he is IN LOVE WITH ME ???
    he writes to me constantly, tells stories, throws songs / videos / films
    Asks which movie to watch, etc.
    If it was once a week, it would be fine. But he writes to me every day)
    In fact, he knows what I like. But we have a story such that he said when he, they say, wants to meet with me, but I refused. And then I wanted to, but he said that he did not need a relationship. We stopped communicating for two weeks, but one day he wrote that he was bored. And now he communicates with me like I wrote at the beginning.

    Simple millionaire

    let him write. the more he writes, the more he falls in love.
    but you, too, must be active and maintain a relationship.
    what do you mean loves ?! a person decides who he falls in love with. and then the more he invests in another, the more he falls in love. because it’s a pity to waste resources.

    Rossa rossa

    He has an interest, it is possible that he is in love, try to get him out of the virtual, that is, write to someone who has pierced an event that he will definitely want to go to and that you are going and maybe he will offer to go together

    If a guy does not write VKontakte first, and when I write we communicate well ... and then suddenly disappears abruptly. what does it mean?

    Well, the guy I mean is the boy we met VK. he can comment on the photo, like it, etc. but to write first, well, no way (although the norms communicated. (yes, I fell in love with the campaign ..)) .. he wrote that he was not indifferent. what do you think he doesn't care about me?
    or how to subtly hint to him that I do not like to write first?


    Hot topic) Write to him if it is not enough. Ask directly. At least simply: "Where have you disappeared? Why don't you write." Well, he will not kill you for this and, I think, will not send you rudely) Good luck;)
    P.S. I took a chance and do not regret anything)

    So he is too lazy to write to the first, he does not feel any vivid feelings and interest in you. And if you are the first to write, then why not chat, he thinks. It often happens, only guys usually write to girls)
    If you just want to be friends, write the 1st next. If something more, then it is not worth wasting time on it means.

    Why doesn't the man write first? but he answers himself ...

    Tell me, if I write to a man, he always answers, answers in great detail, nicely, the first correspondence does not end, that is, his SMS is always the last. The same is by e-mail - he always answers, the first one does not finish either ...
    But .. the first one never writes. Never ever. If he offers to meet, then in the course of our correspondence, and not that he himself was the first to write about it.
    Despite the cute answers, he diligently ignores all my "miss" and flirting.
    And I’m thinking, after all, all the facts are on the face, that I don’t give a damn to him, but then I cannot understand - why does he answer me? and even normal, with questions and detailed answers, so cute ... He sends photos from business trips ...
    When meeting rare people, he is also cute, we went with him several times to restaurants-cafes. He's cute, he seems to like him, but he never even took my hand ...
    So I can't understand at all ... Well, if he doesn't like me, then why a cafe and letters? And if you like me, why doesn't he write first? Doesn't try to somehow translate the relationship into a romantic relationship ..
    And, oh yeah, he's already in his 30s ... Big boy. Not married, if that ...

    ~ Within temptation ~

    Do not rush, at this age they look at girls differently !!! They are already looking for a wife. and not a girl with whom you just need to walk! It's good that he has such an attitude .... wait and don't write about that you miss, etc. !!! These words are perceived by them differently!

    maybe there is no time ... but what behaves decently is a plus ...
    I also do not write to anyone first ... and I ignore all attempts at obsessive flirting. ... but if this is not necessary all, and there is no reason to send it either. ...

    Eliseikin ™

    Don't worry .. I'm the same. It's hard to explain ... but you can. He's just very modest and afraid to take the first steps on his own. Advice! Take the initiative ... let him know that everything is already possible. He will understand and it will be easier in the future.

    Ghost and shadow

    Maybe he loves his wife, but she doesn't show interest in his work and life. I found a listener in your face. But only. And yet, it can be impotent. Well, he likes the girl. But he knows that he will have nothing with her. Why would she hang noodles. So he shows such gentlemanly politeness. I'll answer you and go to a cafe, but you will soon get tired of it.

    Saule kiyatbekovna ispanova

    but I love writing, my soul. On a business trip in another city for 3 or 3 years, I wrote to him "yes you are a bachelor" he writes - yes !!! Then I wrote to him - D
    and you probably had girlfriends for 3 years? offended and does not write to me anymore. I can't understand - could it really offend him so much ????