Crafts from pumpkin (84 photos) for kindergarten and school, a family bunch. Pumpkins are a great material for all kinds of crafts.

Autumn is a great time to harvest. Someone is spinning cucumbers and tomatoes that have been growing in the garden all summer. And creative people consider each vegetable as a future decorative element for the interior. Crafts from decorative pumpkin look especially original. Famous designers have long used this garden product to create interesting ideas. Do not think that such crafts are relevant only during the Halloween period.

Fall handicrafts made from decorative pumpkin look attractive and appropriate in any kitchen. If you want to transform the space, then take a closer look at the pumpkin. and interesting stuff. Even children can work with him. At the same time, interior items turn out to be unique. The main thing is that everyone can grow a pumpkin in their own garden. You just have to choose an element of decor and a method of processing natural material.

Ornamental pumpkin varieties

Pumpkin lanterns

Today, a wide variety of crafts are made from decorative pumpkins. Photos of such products are fascinating and delightful. Everyone tries to show all their imagination. Now you don't have to wait for the holiday to decorate your house with pumpkins. Now decorative pumpkins are actively used in the interior. Flashlights remain the simplest option.

To do this, you need to take a dried pumpkin and cut out any picture. You can make patterns yourself. The easiest way is to take a stencil. It is applied to the wall of the vegetable and cut along the contour. Such products are hung around the yard and indoors. Candles are placed inside, which flicker mysteriously in the dark.

Garden stories

There is a very simple decorative pumpkin craft. Mushrooms made from vegetable halves look fun and interesting. You can decorate your garden or green area with such products. It is not necessary to dry the vegetable. You can use fresh. This is a temporary decoration that can be done every year.

It looks beautiful if you place garden gnomes between the mushrooms. Zucchini is used as legs. Build a whole mushroom clearing, if desired. Children will love this process.

Original candlesticks

Throughout life, a huge amount of candle residues accumulates. They can be given a second life. Such decorative pumpkin crafts will be a great gift. The wax must be melted in a steam bath. Take the "iris" thread for the wick. Cover the small pumpkin with shiny paint. We expect complete drying. We put a thread inside, it is better to make it longer. Gently fill the space with wax. Freezing will occur during the day. These candles are good for dark winter evenings.

Drawings and colorful crafts

Autumn pumpkin crafts are very diverse. Special craftsmen manage to carve houses and whole castles. It's easy to create a cute hut. You need to cut out the windows and come up with interesting decorative elements. And you can make a whole family of kittens.

Such crafts from small decorative pumpkins look very cute. A large pumpkin is taken as a basis. But the faces of animals are made from small vegetables. A makeshift basket can be decorated with ribbons attached to hot glue. Your child will undoubtedly love such a family on the windowsill.

Instead of tapes, you can use paint that is applied by the spot method. This pumpkin looks vintage and neat. Ordinary patterns and abstractions will add charm and originality to the orange vegetable.

Simple pumpkin lantern

Let's take a closer look at how to make a pumpkin craft. You will need the vegetable itself, a drill with a special attachment, and a large candle. You can use a dry blank, but if there is no such vegetable, then pick a fresh pumpkin. We clean it from the internal content and outline the location of future holes. Using a drill, we drill holes of the desired diameter. It will be difficult to cut even circles with a knife.

Place the candles inside and light them. Now you can install the flashlight anywhere. It will delight you with its light for a long time. You will need to ensure that the product does not deteriorate.

Everyone can do these simple crafts. With these products, you will decorate your room and transform a boring design. Experiment and create your own real masterpieces.

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Thousands of years ago, pumpkins were used to create all kinds of household items. Today they are just as popular, but now, instead of dishes, they are used to make various decorations and crafts.


Usually, pumpkins are used to make crafts for Halloween, but on other days, you can make ordinary crafts for school or kindergarten, home or to the country.

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Pumpkins come in different shapes, sizes and colors, which means they are an excellent material for all kinds of crafts.

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Pumpkin vase




You will need:

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Plastic or glass beaker

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1. Cut out the crown of the pumpkin and remove the contents. It is advisable that the hole from the cut off crown is slightly larger than the glass.

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2. If possible, cut a small recess for the cup.


3. Insert a plastic or glass cup into the pumpkin and pour water into it.


* Make sure the glass is firmly in the pumpkin. If necessary, make a slightly deeper hole in the bottom of the pumpkin so that the glass fits well into it.

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Here is another version of such a vase, only of a larger size:

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Pumpkin candlestick


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You will need:

8:1105 8:1120 8:1131

Thick tall candle


Felt-tip pen

8:1199 8:1212

Autumn leaves (artificial and / or real)


Twigs with berries (rowan, for example)


Little bumps.

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1. Remove the pumpkin tail. Place the Candle on top and circle it with a felt-tip pen - this way you will know how much to cut from the top of the head.


2. Cut off the top of the pumpkin so that the candle fits snugly inside the pumpkin. The insides can be removed if desired.


* You may need to use glue to better attach the candle.


3. Using glue, attach the decorations to your candlestick (autumn leaves, twigs with berries, small cones, etc.).


* The candle should be high enough to rise a few centimeters above the jewelry so that it does not catch on fire.

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Funny pumpkin people


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You will need:


Pumpkins of different sizes (preferably white)

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PVA glue (better superglue) or hot glue gun


Various accessories (glasses, hats, wigs)


Artificial flowers and other decorations (optional).

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1. From felt, cut out bows, mustaches and other details that your little men may need.

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3. You can use old glasses or make glasses out of felt or cardboard and glue them as well.


4. Add a hat, flowers and other accessories.

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Pumpkin owl


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You will need:

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Super glue or hot glue.

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1. Cut out the necessary parts from felt (eyes, feathers, beak, ears and wings).


2.Using glue, carefully glue all the cut out parts. Start with different colored "feathers": glue the first row at the bottom of the pumpkin, then the second row (in a checkerboard pattern), and so on, until you cover the desired part of the pumpkin.


* It is not necessary to glue the whole pumpkin, it is enough to only partially glue the feathers.


3. Glue the owl's eyes, ears and wings over the feathers.

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Decorating pumpkin with wax crayons


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You will need:


White or orange pumpkin


Wax crayons


Scissors or knife


PVA glue (thick)

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1. Take out the crayons and cut them in half.


2.Using glue, glue the crayons (about 16 pieces of different colors) to the top of the pumpkin.

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3. When the glue is dry, use a hair dryer to melt the crayons so that the top of the pumpkin is covered with different bright colors. Do not turn on the hair dryer at full power, it is better to slowly and gently melt the crayons.



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Pumpkin emoticons


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You will need:


Several small pumpkins


Acrylic paints

19:1192 19:1203

Black marker


A simple pencil.

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1. Cut off the top of each pumpkin and remove the insides.


2. Using a felt-tip pen or pencil, draw a circle on one side of the pumpkin for the head of the smiley face. You don't have to make the circle perfect.


3. Within the circle, draw any facial expression to create a funny smiley face.


4. Think about what parts you will cut. Some emojis can have their eyes cut out, some have mouths, and some have both.


5. When you have cut out the parts you want, paint the entire circle yellow. You will need to paint in several layers to make the color more saturated.

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Leave the paint to dry. If you want a faster drying process, use a hair dryer.


6. You can add other colors, depending on the emoticon. You can draw a red heart, pink tongue and / or white eyes.

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7. When the paint is dry, circle all the lines with black marker.

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Autumn pumpkin craft


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You will need:


Wide pumpkin


Autumn leaves (artificial or natural)

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Floral sponge (flower oasis)


Wire (preferably floristic) or tape


Floristic sticks or skewers.


1. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the entrails.


2. Cut the floral sponge so that it fits into the pumpkin.


3.Use wire or tape to bind a few leaves together to create a lush twig.

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4. Insert the branch into the sponge.

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5. Make a few more branches and insert them into the sponge to create a lush bouquet of leaves.


* If desired, you can attach cones, berries, twigs and other decorations.

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Pumpkin carriage


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You will need:


Wide pumpkin


Small pumpkins (for wheels) or wire or cardboard

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Marker or pen


Thick wire


Thin wire.

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1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the insides with a tablespoon and cut out the windows and the door of the future carriage. Previously, you can draw with a marker the places where the doors and windows will be.

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If you wish, you can draw an ornament on the carriage and cut it out.

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2. Several materials can be used to make carriage wheels:

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Draw 4 equal-sized circles on a piece of thick cardboard and cut them out. You can draw knitting needles with a marker. You can also paint cardboard wheels.

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Small pumpkins


In addition to pumpkins, you can use other hard vegetables and fruits.


These wheels look nice, but quickly deteriorate.

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Making wire wheels is more difficult, but they are durable and will last a long time. After you've braided the wheels from the wire, you can wrap the wire in foil for beauty.

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3. Use thick wire, skewers or straight branches to connect all 4 wheels. Make one hole in the center of each wheel and thread a skewer through it. Outside, you can fix the stick with plasticine, clay, or put on a bead or nut so that the wheel does not fly off.


4. It's time to put the carriage on wheels.

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There are several ways to do this:


A) Pierce the bottom of the carriage with skewers, and then insert the wheels.


B) Two pairs of wheels can be fastened with skewers or thick wire crosswise.


You will get the basis on which you can put the carriage.



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C) As a base for the carriage, you can use a base with a similar design from an old toy.


* If you want the pumpkin to last long and not dry out from the inside, you can fill it with crumpled newspaper or paper towels.


A pumpkin stuffed with newspaper can be dried at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.


* A pumpkin that has already dried up can be painted and decorated with beads, rhinestones or other elements.


* You can insert a small doll inside the carriage, which will play the role of a princess. Instead of a doll, you can put a small candle and light it - the carriage will glow beautifully in the dark.

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Friends, I greet you! Autumn handicrafts from pumpkin for the exhibition in school and kindergarten. Autumn is golden, leaves are falling from heaven ... But, besides this, there are a lot of vegetables in the garden that require disposal. Adults make blanks out of them for the winter, but I suggest you make crafts from pumpkin. Moreover, from one rather large orange fruit, which we also bought or.

In school or kindergarten, teachers always ask something like that, but come up with something, because there are fairs and exhibitions ahead. To which students and preschoolers always carry their unusually beautiful and interesting pumpkin crafts.

What you will learn from this material:

Autumn crafts from pumpkin for an exhibition in school and kindergarten

What the youth have not come up with on this topic is the royal carriages, and Jack's head on Halloween, which we all see in the month of November, and many other characters and even flowerpots and figurines. As they say, who is good for what.

Of course, you can build something simple or, if you are older and like tinkering, then more difficult. In any case, ingenuity and imagination will definitely come in handy. For kindergarten and elementary school children, I propose to make different kinds of pictures from pumpkin seeds. I saw one of these works on one site, but there, among other things, there are still a lot of new and original ideas.

  • Handicrafts from pumpkin for an exhibition to school
  • Toys and figures from decorative pumpkins for the holiday
  • Autumn crafts from pumpkin in kindergarten
  • Beautiful ideas and novelties of crafts on the theme of Autumn using pumpkin
  • Master class Pumpkin seed tree for children
  • Pumpkin souvenirs Autumn gifts: fast and very beautiful

Handicrafts from pumpkin for an exhibition to school

But without which no exhibition takes place at all, it is, of course, without a carriage or a crew. You can also put a prince or princess there. Or maybe you are in love with Cinderella, then make a gift for her.

We will need:

  • pumpkin
  • barbecue sticks, wooden
  • paints
  • plasticine
  • white tape
  • wire


1. So, from the wire create wheels. Which make a round shape, and in the middle use a circle of plasticine to secure the knitting needles.

2. Then make a plasticine edging to make the wheels more powerful.

3. And then wrap the four wheels with white tape. Now take your paints and a brush and apply the desired color.

You could use electrical tape, and then you would not have to paint, because it is of different colors, for example, blue or black is perfect for this purpose.

4. Wooden sticks, or whatever you have, also wrap with tape or tape.

5. Now the most time-consuming process, and of course the creative one. Remove the pulp from the orange fruit. To do this, remove the top with the stalk. And on each side, make an entrance and windows.

6. After that, it remains to pierce the bottom with a stick and insert the wheels, the car of your dreams is ready for work and defense).

You can go the other way, using another method and make a craft using the carving technique.

For very young creators, you can easily and quickly recreate any cartoon character. For example, the Carousel channel often shows the cartoon "Thomas and Friends". Take this idea as a basis.

We will need:

  • pumpkin, decorative - 1 pc.
  • acrylic paints - blue
  • brush, glue
  • eyes
  • black colored paper
  • scissors
  • toilet paper sleeve


1. Prepare the pumpkin first, wash it and dry it dry. Then use a brush to paint it blue. This should be done in two stages, as the first layer dries, apply acrylic paints again, let dry completely.

2. Cut out the face for the main character with scissors, in the form of two circles. One should come out black, the other white with different diameters. And take the eyes, glue the face to the white circle, you can draw the nose and eyebrows, or you can use colored paper and use it to do this work.

4. In general, you will get a chimney, in which you put pieces of cotton wool. This is how it will look.

I also really liked the idea with the snail, bravo to the author! True, there was also a zucchini involved.

Everyone will definitely remember this option if you make a do-it-yourself flashlight from a pumpkin. Take a look at these stages of work, they will help you create this little thing.

The truth looks cool, and stylish, you can call it a candlestick. Inside, by the way, an ordinary paraffin candle.

Or such interesting toys, on which you can simply apply acrylic paint in the form of a face.

Toys and figures from decorative pumpkins for the holiday

I propose to go straight to business and make the most beautiful gift or souvenir that will remind everyone of a candlestick. It will decorate any interior in the school, and even at home it will stand for a single year.

With this master class, you will definitely want to repeat it. Instructions for making a pumpkin are given in detail. Follow all the steps and step by step you will come to success.

We will need:

  • small pumpkin
  • rhinestones
  • glue moment or glue gun
  • round candle
  • alcohol


1. Start by degreasing the surface, wash the pumpkin, dry it and then wipe the surface with rubbing alcohol with a cotton pad. Remove the stalk with a knife and make a small indentation on both sides. From one you will remove pulp and seeds, and from the other a light will shine.

2. The hole diameter will be the same as your candle, or slightly larger. Paint the fruit with any acrylic paint, which is more for your soul. You can also draw various kinds of patterns and designs. Since the holiday is timed to fall, then you can draw leaves and twigs.

2. Pour glue into the hole and stick a candle in, let it dry completely. Then decorate with rhinestones or you can take sequins. Light up and admire your creation.

Also, from any decorative small pumpkins, you can easily make interesting compositions from all sorts of funny faces. Cut out the invented eyes, nose and mouth with scissors and this is what you can get.

Well, you can also make horror stories or scarecrows in the form of spiders or some other insects. Usually these are brought on Halloween.

And of course, autumn is characterized by foliage and flowers. So why not take advantage of this and create some bouquets. And by the way, last time I showed you in more detail a way to keep fresh flowers for a long time in a pumpkin, who have not read come here and see.

And this is what can happen.

How fun and bright that pleases the eye. I don't even know how to call them such baskets or vases, and such wonderful compositions can be obtained from them.

Crafts from pumpkin photos

Here's another solar job.

In addition to all this, you can also make a wreath along the contour of the pumpkin, see how great it looks.

A wreath on the doors will look stylish. This idea belongs to the Americans.

It is also not necessary to decorate with greens and flowers, you can use berries or cones, for example.

Well, the most creative work can probably be called painting with acrylics.

I also saw works in the style of carving, but in my opinion it is difficult to do it, only masters can do it. Pear-shaped or bottle-shaped gourds work well for this purpose.

But, nevertheless, if you set yourself a goal, then such a thing may turn out. After all, the main thing is desire and persistence. And to make it easier for you to master this technique, I picked up a video from the YouTube channel. So, go for it! What gorgeous roses came out from the author.

Autumn crafts from pumpkin in kindergarten

For our most radiant kids, I found such a job on the Internet, in the form of a house and ghosts. Let the older children make Jack's head, but kids don't need these horror stories. May they be kind.

We will need:


1. Fold a regular leaf four times, as shown in this photo. Ask your child to portray a human or something that looks like a ghost or ghost. It should look like this.

2. Cut out the details carefully with scissors. And then draw the eyes.

3. Dry the collected multi-colored leaves of different trees and paint with acrylic paint, which you take in an aerosol can. Let them dry.

Advice! If the leaves are no longer there and there is nowhere to take them, then you can cut them out of colored cardboard or paper.

5. Glue all prepared products on the pumpkin house. But how to do that? And it's easy and simple, take a piece of plasticine and roll it into a small ball, it is on it and glue windows, doors and ghosts. Good luck!

I can also offer another such option, put a pumpkin in a hat and make a nose out of carrots. Nothing special, but the kids will like it and will cause great delight.

We will need:

  • small pumpkins
  • carrots or parsnips
  • toothpicks
  • black paper
  • glasses old
  • hat
  • cutting board
  • black felt-tip pen


1. So, take a parsnip or carrot, and wash the vegetable, wipe it with a towel. If you are making several heroes at once, then take two or three vegetables at once. Now cut off the tip of the carrot with a knife, but so that it is not short, but about 5-6 cm. Then stick it into the middle with a toothpick.

2. And combine the parsnips with the pumpkin so that you get a nose. Draw the eyes and mouth with a marker.

3. Now it remains to dress up the handsome men. Put on a hat, glasses and, in principle, you can tie bows or tie a handkerchief. Here are your grandparents, or who else?

There are even simpler options. For example, you can create such a Kopatych from the cartoon Smeshariki together with a child.

A bunny bunny and a funny fox will amuse and delight your baby.

Or such a funny and mischievous hedgehog, putting plasticine on the back and sticking toothpicks or wooden sticks into it.

Here is such a funny mushroom, made not only from pumpkin, but also from zucchini.

Here, in general, the hero is completely made of dough for modeling, only a pumpkin is taken as a basis, well, or take the same plasticine. Put on a cap or hat and your character is ready.

If you find suitable components for the body, then, for example, you can make such a kitten or puppy.

Beautiful ideas and novelties of crafts on the theme of Autumn using pumpkin

The direction of decoration has become quite popular now and as they say in fashion or trend. Remember how you dyed eggs for Easter with ordinary paper napkins, here is about the same. In general, here are some ideas in video format, take note of.

Draw ornaments, lace and create your own images, do not be like everyone else. Make your work unique.

One work, I want to show in more detail along with a description. I took it from one site.

We will need:

  • aerosol white paint
  • PVA glue
  • napkins
  • pumpkin


1. Well, wash the pumpkins and wipe dry with a towel. Then paint over them with an aerosol so that they turn white, if you leave them orange, then the napkin, which later adheres to the product, can pass this bright color.

2. These are the little white workpieces, let them dry completely. Can be painted twice.

3. Cut strips from paper towels. Ideally, they should be long enough to wrap around the vegetables.

4. Start gluing, apply glue to the surface of the pumpkin and attach a strip, and so on, until the product turns into a bright souvenir.

5. Decorate after with any satin ribbons or other decor.

6. Decorate the second pumpkin differently, take other napkins with a different pattern.

In the same way, you can decorate small pumpkin crafts that look like pears.

Wash the vegetable in running water, dry and degrease with alcohol or acetone.

Then paint over the entire surface of the pumpkin with white paint. In the meantime, while the vegetable dries up, you can cut out all sorts of pictures from different napkins, it can be any animals, insects, birds and flowers, etc.

Well, and then glue it with ordinary PVA using a brush.

After all your efforts, an excellent result awaits you. You can also make the background solid by gluing the napkin you need. Decorate with an artificial twig with leaves.

Master class Pumpkin seed tree for children

Well, now let's talk about the most elementary. In schools and kindergartens, in principle, at any time of the year, there is always a place for classes that are directly related to natural materials. So, in the pumpkin you know everything, except for the pulp there are also seeds. So why not make something original out of them?

It can be in the form of a picture, or it can be straight in the form of a real tree, which is now fashionable to be called a topiary.

Let's start with the first option. You will need a whole bunch of well-dried pumpkin seeds, which you should paint and dry with paints of different colors in advance. You can even if you want to fry the seeds in a pan.

For this purpose, take gel food colors (or paint with regular paints). And then drop a couple of drops of paint into a cellophane bag and lay the seeds, shake the bag. So shake until they are completely colored all over.

Then put on a plate and let the blanks dry. In the meantime, you can draw the outline of a tree on a piece of paper.

Then paint it with felt-tip pens or paints, and you can also cut such an image out of colored paper and glue it.

It now remains for ordinary PVA to glue the foliage from the seeds. Here is such a beauty came out.

Or here's an option that might interest you.

Or perhaps such a pattern, as you can see here, the trunk is also lined with natural material.

And here is an idea for a note, in the form of a cock). Suddenly who needs it.

Well, as I promised, we are moving on to the next work option. This is a topiary. By the way, such a gift can be made to a teacher, educator on Teacher's Day.

Take a piece of paper and roll it into a ball. Take any sheet size, you can take two or three, depending on what size the finished product will be. Using ordinary white or as it is also called masking tape, glue the bun. Insert a wooden stick, it can be a twig or, as an option, a barbecue stick, a felt-tip pen case.

After that, apply PVA glue with a good layer on the adhesive tape. And immediately place the seeds, and so that they lie tightly to each other.

Wrap a wooden stick with a satin ribbon and tie a bow. You can also decorate the ball itself with beads. For an aesthetic and shiny look, varnish the item.

But glue the jar in which the tree will stand with ordinary twine, just wrap it in a circle. In advance, applying PVA. And in the inside of the container, pour gypsum or building mixture, insert the creation and let the mass completely solidify. Place cotton or dry herb on top to hide the actual material. Here is such a charming flower came out.

Pumpkin crafts souvenirs Autumn gifts: fast and very beautiful

Well, in conclusion, I would like to give a lot of ideas. Which you can embody and conquer your friends and classmates with them when the autumn-themed events take place. We usually had fairs. And you?

Of course, I took the photo from the network, I share my findings. Take vegetables and fruits, leaves, twigs, dried flowers and get creative! Let your imagination fly.

Well, that's all, on this I say goodbye to you. I hope you liked these ideas and you will certainly create something yourself at home, and then show it to everyone.

Crafts from pumpkin for an exhibition to school and for kindergarten 80 of the most beautiful autumn ideas

Autumn has come, brought gifts. And what, so many vegetables and fruits in the garden and in the trees. I propose to do pumpkin crafts today. After all, this is the queen of the fields, whom everyone loves and respects. There are a lot of beautiful ideas on the web about what can be created from it.

After all, there will soon be exhibitions and holidays, to which students and preschoolers will bring a variety of souvenirs from natural materials, and of course from pumpkins. Today I want to demonstrate and show you some of the ideas and ideas that I dug up on the Internet.

By the way, in November, there is also such a holiday, Halloween, you know about this? So everyone always does work on him in the form of a terrible Jack's head, as well as flashlights, etc. In general, take these creations for yourself.

The article contains options for work from simple to complex, but if you have any thoughts on this topic, then be sure to write a comment at the bottom of the article, we will discuss it together.

  • Beautiful crafts from pumpkin for an exhibition to school
  • We make souvenirs and figurines from decorative pumpkins - only new items
  • Craft Pumpkin seed flower for kids
  • Crafts from pumpkins to kindergarten on the theme of Autumn: quickly and beautifully
  • Spider-making workshop for an autumn holiday

Beautiful crafts from pumpkin for an exhibition to school

Well, well, friends are beginning to consider and choose. After all, unambiguously fairs and autumn events in schools are already on the doorstep, or maybe they are already in full swing. I represent the very first option, which is quite simple to manufacture, this is a spider.

As you can see, its limbs are made of wire, and the eyes are made of cardboard. It looks cool and wonderful! The smile itself suggests itself.

Everyone's favorite flowers and baskets, pumpkin vases also deserve your attention, take a look and appreciate from the outside.

You will need to remove the pulp and seeds from the pumpkin (by the way, you can extract something from the pumpkin, but I'll tell you about this a little later). Then take some fresh flowers and stick them into the hole. To make them last longer, you can put a glass of water there or take foam rubber and moisten it with water.

To better understand what I am writing about, see this master class, it shows all the stages of work and gives a photo.

Or like this:

Americans have the opportunity to decorate even their own interior around the house with such souvenirs.

And you can not even steam and not sit and not remove the pulp, but take and make small cuts or holes along the diameter of the pumpkin, and then insert flowers or dry twigs, leaves into them.

You can make an alarm clock in the same way. And tie a bow to it. See what an original work, for Teacher's Day it can become an excellent decor in the classroom.

You can make a funny weirdo, maybe he will remind someone of a devil. See how funny he came out, sits and winks at you.

Creative work will captivate everyone too. Take a look at this cancer. The face is painted with acrylics.

It is possible, if completely tight with imagination, to put small decorative pumpkins in a wicker basket, and you will also get a magnificent masterpiece. Decorate with rowan berries and something else, such as pine cones.

Well, if the exhibition is timed to coincide with Halloween, then take such masterpieces as a basis. All that remains is to sit and painstakingly chic with a knife.

Subsequently, such lamps and lanterns come out that everyone loves unambiguously.

First make blanks, stencils and create. You can even use a screwdriver or drill, but only in the presence of adults.

We make souvenirs and figurines from decorative pumpkins - only new items

In fact, here too you only need your imagination and acrylic paints and brushes.

After all, with the help of them you can make very diverse and beautiful gizmos, for example, cartoon characters of Minions. Before proceeding, you need to wash well in water, then dry. And treat with acetone or alcohol, that is, degrease the surface.

And here, look, it came out like a ball.

And if you add more sparkles, then in general it will turn out super.

The creation in the Faberge style also looks pretty. Use canned liquid paints.

A product made of colored tape looks charming.

Or just such a mischievous snail. For work, you need to take a knife and remove the pulp, and then, as shown, perform the following work in sequence.

The candlestick looks indescribably beautiful. Remove the center with something sharp, make a hole and place a round candle in it. And decorate the surface of the pumpkin as desired.

And that's what happened.

I have even seen a product that resembles a clock or an alarm clock. It's also a great idea, isn't it? Of course you have to work hard.

But, on the other hand, the result will please you.

You can create a glamorous piece of beads. To do this, degrease the pumpkin with alcohol and then apply PVA glue on it, and begin to glue the beads along the diameter.

Carving work can become a fascinating product. But, of course, skill is needed here.

To help, if someone wants to master this skill, watch the video. Here is the author's rose.

Pumpkin crafts video

Maybe it will be easier for someone to master if he looks at these pictures. A pear-shaped bottle gourd is used.

And still few people guess, but it is absolutely easy, even with the children of the kindergarten, to do work or a souvenir in the style of decoupage. From ordinary paper napkins. Let's figure it out.

Take napkins and cut them into rectangular pieces.

Then degrease the surface of the pumpkin with acetone, let dry. Next, apply a powerful layer of PVA glue to the surface of the strip.

Once this is done, apply the glue all over the front side and let stand and dry.

There are many ideas on how to dress up a vegetable in this way. It all depends on the drawings and characters on your paper napkin. After all, you can come up with ornaments.

Generally cheap and very beautiful! You can first paint the pumpkin with a spray can with white paint.

Or do something as cute as these birds.

It looks like a picture.

The main thing is that such a miracle looks awesome. Make a splash with your friends.

Well, for the craftsmen of woodwork, I can offer to make a photo portrait. Of course, not everyone will be able to fulfill such a creation.

Craft Pumpkin seed flower for kids

Of course, I liked these too, and I decided to look for instructions on how this can be done in just a couple of minutes. It turned out that such a craft would not take much time. See it all for yourself. In the middle, you can glue black peppercorns.

Well, in fact, the stalk itself, which you can make using wire, wrapping it with a ribbon and attaching a leaf.

Indeed, how charming it looks if you put it in a vase.

If you are interested in the flower in the middle, then the seeds were glued there on a skein of thread, and the threads were clamped with scissors. Crumple the threads into a ball and then wrap them with toilet paper or masking tape. And then stick on the PVA.

In addition, such souvenirs can be used to decorate a home or classroom.

You can also arrange it in the form of a picture, making the products flat. And instead of leaves, use lavrushka. A cool panel turned out!

Well, by the way, you can make a topiary.

To do this, you need to roll a ball out of paper and wrap it with masking tape. Then stick the stick into the inside of the kolobok and fix it. And then glue the seeds along the surface of the ball.

To build a vase, take either a ready-made or an ordinary glass jar. Apply glue to it and glue the ribbon or twine.

In order for a tree with a flower to stand steadily, it is necessary to pour gypsum into a jar and stick a stalk, let it freeze. And then admire the souvenir.

Crafts from pumpkins to kindergarten on the theme of Autumn: quickly and beautifully

Since the pumpkin harvest is harvested during the golden period of time, exhibitions are always held at this time of the year. Children really like to create and shape with their parents all kinds of figurines and souvenirs.

After all, there is nothing easier than taking any fruit, dried grass, berries, gifts of autumn and laying out something unusual and new. That no one has ever done.
I want to show you this video of a pumpkin craft, perhaps you will choose something suitable for yourself from it.

Well, as well as these compositions, please choose and master. Let's start with a firebird or a peacock.

Or such a puppy.

Often ask homework, complete and bring an owl.

Or for example insects, animals and birds. The pumpkin is malleable, any hero will turn out from it.

And here is the bouncing bunny and the beautiful fox.

And if you love a family of cats, then you are welcome ideas.

And here are the heroes from Lalalupsia.

In kindergarten, you can make a composition of a fairy tale based on Repka. You can make grandparents.

A funny fungus, and a leg of zucchini.

These are such wonderful bouquets, they look fucking pretty.

Such a fruit basket, which can then be emptied with friends.

In general, take a look and choose.

Do not forget about the carriage for Cinderella, which is also popular.

Or a bear with a barrel of honey.

Spider-making workshop for an autumn holiday

Well, in conclusion, I want to please you with spiders). All the same, I do not know why, but they are for the most part done by absolutely everyone.

1. Take this story as a basis. You will need pumpkins and thread.

2. Make fasteners on the vegetable in the form of buttons or studs, and through them apply, wind the pattern with a woolen thread. And plant the toy spiders. The desired composition is ready.

If you don't like this idea, take these. Here the spider is made from berries and sticks.

And here the legs are made of chenille wire.

That's all friends, I hope you liked all the options for handicrafts from pumpkin. And you are certainly planning to do something special. Good luck! Goodbye to everyone.

Good luck, creative success! Goodbye!

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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Good afternoon, today I will show you which baby handicrafts of their pumpkins can be made by hand for a competition or exhibition at school or kindergarten. There will be crafts here, accessible for the smallest children, and work that a schoolchild can handle and pumpkin compositions that require adult help. I have selected the pumpkin ideas that are most suitable for children. Here is the most full selection autumn handicrafts from a pumpkin vegetable for both girls and boys. Here's what you will find in our article ...

  • Painting pumpkin markers.
  • Pumpkin decoration using decoupage technique.
  • Autumn crafts from pumpkin with curly carving.
  • Cartoon heroes from pumpkin.
  • Robots and techno men from pumpkin.
  • Fairy houses from pumpkin.
  • Owls and peacocks like pumpkin crafts.
  • Cupcakes and Donuts made from pumpkin.

There will be many interesting things. Plus, I will tell you the TECHNICAL POINTS creating such crafts with your own hands. So that you can create such masterpieces at home, without much straining of mental activity, easily and with pleasure.

We take a pumpkin and spray it with a spray of white paint (auto paint for a dollar and a half). Dry. And then we transfer to the pumpkin a picture from a dining napkin ( in decoupage technique)

Decoupage is when the pumpkin is smeared with PVA glue and on the glue we put a thin layer of a napkin - the one on which the picture is, and on top we again apply PVA glue and dry it. This is a very simple craft for kids. The technique does not cause difficulties even for first graders. And if you are making a craft for the garden, then help your gardening kid to place a thin tissue of paper napkin without wrinkles on the surface of the pumpkin, which is wet and sticky with glue.

The drawing looks beautiful and stylish with a black indelible marker - it is sold in the same department where CDs are a marker for signing discs. It doesn't wash off, dries instantly and doesn't get your hands dirty.

Such a drawing of an owl is very simple to create. And you don't need to be an artist to make this pumpkin craft - thanks to small elements and a colorful pattern, all the irregularities and crookedness of a novice artist are not visible.

You CAN first apply a drawing with an ordinary thin felt-tip pen (as if exercising, and erasing unsuccessful lines along the way), and then instruct the children to trace these lines indelible black marker for signing CD discs... The patterns consist of simple elements - sticks, arcs, hooks and simple curls, which are repeated many times. And the poet is such an autumn children's handicraft according to the strength of your child.

These funny owls made of pumpkin and vegetables can be made for the exhibition for the school "Autumn crafts with parents." Owl eyes are made of paper molds for mini cupcakes... Or from paper candy coasters in a box. And if there are no such molds, you can use plastic cups - cut from a low from the bottom and glue on the glue-moment.

Can decorate the eyes of a pumpkin owl with seeds... We just glue them on plasticine. Or hot glue.

You can cut out the eyes of such an owl craft from cardboard - in the form of a multilayer frame (as in the left photo below).

Or, as an eye on the pumpkin craft, you can attach small patisones (pin them onto a wooden skewer and stick them into the pumpkin). And as a beak, you can use small unripe zucchini.

Let your child choose an owl model for their children's garden craft.

And some more elements of an owl can be cut with a knife. It is more convenient to work with a knife with a short sharp blade.

An owl can also be made from two pumpkins at once - one for the body, the other for the head. For plumage, you can use cutting strips of cardboard, or you can use various vegetables in the craft (peels from oranges, green skins of hard thick-skinned cucumbers, nut shells, dried dried apricots, cinnamon rolls, etc.).

Here everything is even simpler: from cardboard (or thick felt) we cut out the elements of the head, beak, eyes, beard, paws. You can cut out the tail, or you can collect beautiful autumn leaves in the park and arrange it like this deciduous plumage the tail of our pumpkin bird.

You can glue the pumpkin with feathers. You can cut these paper feathers if there are no ready-made ones.

And you can also make a very elegant blue peacock, with shiny plumage and even with real peacock feathers (you can order them on the Ali-Express website for $ 1 and get a whole package, though you need to place an order in advance - the delivery time can be 2 weeks). Such a craft will be the winner of the kindergarten competition.

And here are the cutest animals most beloved by children. You can make a monkey out of a pumpkin. Ears are made of cardboard, or from two halves of an apple, potato or small pumpkin.

With the help of white and black paint, you can turn a pumpkin into a panda or a purebred cat. This is the simplest pumpkin craft that can be completely entrusted to a child - just mark all the lines with a marker in advance - and let the child decorate. Simple and quick-to-implement children's autumn craft.

Or you can buy a can of pink paint and make a funny Piggy pig. Piglet nose is made of potatoes - and pricked on the pumpkin nose. You can also duplicate the fastening with wooden skewers (chop them on the potatoes and drive them into the pumpkin).

But such a bear cub can be made if you have a lot of small pumpkin fruits at your dacha. If the pumpkins are of different colors, it doesn't matter - you can then paint the whole bear cub in one color. And you can also make a barrel of honey for him, also in the form of a pumpkin craft.

Insects you can also make their pumpkins with your own hands - a ladybug. Butterfly, bee, bugs, caterpillar can be made from a chain of small pumpkins. Craft available for the smallest visitors of the kindergarten group.

The wings can be cut from thin file folders - they are just rigid and transparent. Cut and paste into the slot on the pumpkin - and it will be inexpensive.

And this cat and mouse theme can be made from pumpkin in a variety of ways. We make a cat from a large pumpkin. And from small pumpkins, mice with tails and mustaches. Here are some suggestions on how to make a pumpkin cat.

And here is an interesting idea for an autumn pumpkin craft in the form of a box with kittens. Ears can be crocheted out of pieces of cloth or cardboard.

And here's another great and simple pumpkin craft idea - CHEESE AND MOUSE. Just cut round holes in the pumpkin barrel. And we put toy mice in it. To make the hole round, you can cut it out not by hand, but hollow it out with a hammer (we put a metal cup or tube on the pumpkin - and knock on the other end with a hammer - the tube cuts into the pumpkin and knocks out a round hole).

And mice for such a pumpkin cheese-crafts can be crocheted - or sewn from rags. Or sculpt from plasticine.

You can also make a mouse house from a pumpkin. To such a pumpkin craft, you can attach a cross-shaped lattice on the windows, made of twigs-sticks. And make a gate with your own hands (put two sticks HORIZONTALLY - spread them with glue-moment - and quickly put on these two sticks vertical vertical sticks-boards.

And we make a ladder step according to the same principle as a wicket-door.

And since we have already reached the topic of houses, then here are a couple more housing ideas for handicrafts from pumpkin.

If the pumpkin is elongated in height, then you can make a two-story mansion. With suspended balconies. Decorated with flowers. We cut out the balconies from quarters of apples, or quarters of small garbuziki-squash. Decorate the pumpkin house with flowers and sprigs of decorative dry plants.

But generally gorgeous idea for an autumn pumpkin house with brick and stone cladding (photo below)... We will make such gray bricks ourselves - from ordinary square BREAD DRIEDS.

You can buy croutons ready-made in the store, or cut the bread into cubes and dry in the oven. After complete hardening, we are these paint the croutons in WHITE AND GRAY paint... In two bowls we dilute paint (gray and white) - - it is better to use acrylic paint, but gouache is also possible. In the paint is necessary stir in a little flour, to make it a mixture thick dough like pancakes.

Quickly dip in sticky paint in a crouton and set aside. While the croutons are not wet and sticky yet, lay out our PIPE from them on a smooth board…. DOOR PORTAL FURNACE and cladding. And leave it to dry completely. We fasten the dried elements with glue-moment to the pumpkin barrel (you can cut openings in the pumpkin so that our lining goes into them like into grooves).

Flour should hold the parts of the building together - but if it detaches somewhere, then we fasten it with ordinary glue-moment (or hot glue from a gun). And melted caramel glues perfectly (pour a little water (1 mm) on the bottom of the saucepan, put candy candies and melt them over low heat - an excellent glue is obtained.

We make doors from small twigs and chips - we connect with glue, or we put them on a PLATE FROM PLATE.

You can create your own model of a FAIRY HOUSE made of pumpkin. Be creative. Let your pumpkin craft be the embodiment of the creative power of your brain.

Can be made from pumpkin TECHNO-MAN. Dig into the tool cabinet, rummage around in a box on the balcony, ask your grandfather what of his stocks it’s not a pity to spend on creating an autumn craft for school. And based on the inventory received, create your own fantasy pumpkin face.

And if you buy a spray of auto paint in a noble bronze shade, you can get a gorgeous robot pumpkin.

And you can make just such a funny pumpkin craft in the form of workers who are engaged in carving and crushing pumpkin breed.

In continuation of the topic on HUMANIZATION of pumpkin heads, I offer several more options worthy of attention. You can think of a pumpkin tail as a NOSE. And then you can put glasses on this nose, and pick up other parts of the pumpkin image: an old lampshade, a bathing cap, an old wig from a children's party, hanging from a chandelier, buttons and other knickknacks from table drawers.

You can make cute old women with a difficult character out of a pumpkin, or you can make a charismatic bespectacled man with a broken nose.

The main thing is not to allow the character to resemble the headmaster of the school, the head of the kindergarten, or with another respected person in the country.

Or you can try to recreate the resemblance to the mussel character - as with Elvis Presley in the right photo below.

Or pirates with a moderate degree of bloodlust. A pumpkin pirate is a craft that boys will love. They will proudly carry this formidable head to the autumn crafts exhibition at school. And such a character is simply obliged to take prizes in a school-wide competition.

Cartoon heroes are those media personalities that are recognizable by all children. We may not know such a bug. But any child can tell you a lot of interesting facts from his multi-adventures.

Try to look at your pumpkin more attentively and see in its forms the BODY OF A FUTURE MULTEGERO.

Here's a cute fly made from an oval pumpkin - thanks to the inspiration taken from the baby book.

Or the character of your favorite book about OLIVIA PIG ... a book with wonderful illustrations.

But everyone's favorite minions - and also in the form of a pumpkin craft. Need white and blue paints and black marker

You can make a family of Angri Birds from a pumpkin. And green pumpkin pigs can be made too.

Or an orange fish from the cartoon about Captain Nemo.

But two green cartoons - one is called AM-NYAM (a fact obtained from my daughter) ... and the second ONE-EYED we cannot remember ... like from the Academy of Monsters.

And here are the characters from the cartoon about SPONGEBOB. You can cut off all the skin from the pumpkin and cut holes with a round spoon - create the effect of a porous sponge.

And to create PATRIKA (starfish, friend of SpongeBob), you need to put additional material on the top of the pumpkin. It can be plasticine (but then you need a lot of it), you can make a sticky mass from wet newspaper and PVA glue. Dry and paint.

And this is JUNK-DUMP, which was sitting on the wall and fell in a dream ... A simple and easy children's craft for the garden. We make the wall from an ordinary cardboard box - glue it over with colored paper and draw bricks on it with a marker. We make cylinders from cardboard, hands too. The pumpkin ninja turtle is also a craft for boys.

Here's another cartoon character that seems painfully familiar to me - but I can't remember how I know this funny face ... It reminds me of the stylistics of the cartoon characters "Koloboks lead the investigation" ... and also a clown.

And by the way, here is the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a funny clown from a pumpkin head with a hat and a bow.

You can make the Mad Hatter from a pumpkin, and the Queen of Hearts, and a pumpkin Cheshire Cat with a big smile - excellent artwork from pumpkins for the fall exhibition at school.

And here is an iron lumberjack with a loving heart. For this pumpkin craft, you need to buy a spray of silver spray paint.

Girls will love the cute and delicate pumpkin characters. For example, cute Kitty.

Or girls from the country of LALALUPSIA. Hairstyles can be made from yarn for knitting, or cut into bangs from strips of cardboard.

And here are the characters from the cartoon COLD HEART.

The snowman OLAF can be made even with a torn off head, it regularly came off from him throughout the cartoon. Craft for school in the spirit of "head off".

And here is the princess herself from the cartoon - also made of pumpkins - in a homemade wig and dress.

And you can also make a children's CRAFT from a pumpkin in an EDIBLE THEME. It can be a delicious muffin covered with chocolate glaze (it can be made from flour, water, salt, PVA glue and brown paint - proportions by eye to make it thick, then roll it out with a rolling pin, put it on the pumpkin and figure out the edges, with the effect of leaking chocolate).

Or you can make donuts from flat, squashed pumpkins.

You can also create a three-tiered ice cream from several pumpkins.

You can make an apple from a pumpkin - bulk, or nibbled.

Here are children's crafts in the subject of PUMPKIN-SUFFERER ... a baby pumpkin is swallowed by a lizard ... or a pumpkin caught a rotavirus infection. Of course, for an autumn craft at school, this option is doubtful. But if you are bold and daring and are accustomed to shock teachers with a non-standard approach to the studied material, then at the exhibition you need to correspond.

And here is a pumpkin craft with false eyes. Eyes can be bought at a store with weird little things (search online). Or you can make your own eyes from table tennis balls. Such cute vegetables are obtained. You can put on them wigs made of tangled threads, You can make cute hats with flowers out of cardboard. That is, to make them as friendly as possible.

You can insert a plastic toy jaw into the pumpkin man. You can take other vegetables and give them a similar facial expression. Let's get a family of saber-toothed vegetables.

And here is a UFO flying saucer with aliens - made from patison.

And here is a flying saucer made of a ROUND pumpkin - the rims are cut out of cardboard and inserted into a horizontal slot on the equatorial circle of the pumpkin. Aliens can be made not from pumpkins, but from completely different vegetables. You can take small cucumbers, stick eyes on them. make antenna horns from studs and place them vertically on six legs made of matches.

You can show your imagination and make other mobile modules from pumpkins and zucchini. Any large vegetables can become trailers and wagons on your train.

Such children's autumn crafts from a convenient and large pumpkin vegetable are very simple. First, draw a drawing on paper. Then we press the paper to the pumpkin barrel. And with nail scissors (they are sharper and smaller) we pierce the dot-holes right through the paper. Thus, the DOT LINE of the future drawing is transferred to the pumpkin. Further, with a knife at these points, we make cuts-outlines of the picture. And then remove the crust from the pumpkin INSIDE THE BORDER OF THE PICTURE.

You can make a floral autumn handicraft from pumpkin with flowers. Just drill holes and insert flower stalks into them.

These are the ideas for beautiful handicrafts made from pumpkin and vegetables that can be made with children's hands for a school or kindergarten competition.

Useful Tips

Today they are just as popular, but instead of dishes, they are used to make various decorations and crafts.

Usually, pumpkins are used to make crafts for Halloween, but on other days, you can make ordinary crafts for school or kindergarten, home or to the country.

Pumpkins come in different shapes, sizes and colors, which means they are an excellent material for all kinds of crafts.

Kids Pumpkin Crafts: Halloween Head

You will need:

Pumpkin of any size

Felt-tip pen

Acrylic paints

Spoon (if necessary).

1. Cut off the bottom of the pumpkin if the pumpkin is wide or the top if it is elongated, and use a spoon to remove the entrails from it.

2. With a felt-tip pen, draw a face, which you will further cut out of the pumpkin. It's better to draw something simple to make it easier to cut.

3. Take a thin kitchen knife and start carefully carving out the face. You may need both a large and a small knife to more clearly carve some of the pumpkin details, such as teeth and eyes. You can also print the muzzle on paper in advance, attach it to the pumpkin and make the necessary marks.

Cutting is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have patience.

* When the muzzle is cut, you can insert a candle into the pumpkin, and you will have one festive detail.

Children's hand-made pumpkin craft: pumpkin with sparkles

You don't need to cut anything out of such a pumpkin. You can make a beautiful craft using only glitter and simple acrylic paints.

You will need:

White pumpkin

PVA glue



Sponges (sponges)

1. Take a brush and apply PVA glue to some areas of the pumpkin.

2. Sponge the glitter onto the glue using a sponge.

* Experiment with patterns - apply glue so that you get different lines and shapes, then just sprinkle glitter on the places where the glue was applied.

* Instead of glue and glitter, you can simply paint the white pumpkin with acrylics, drawing different patterns and shapes.

Autumn Pumpkin Crafts: Pumpkin Vase

You will need:

Plastic or glass beaker

1. Cut out the crown of the pumpkin and remove its contents. It is advisable that the hole from the cut off crown is slightly larger than the glass.

2. If possible, cut out a small indentation for the cup.

3. Insert a plastic or glass cup into the pumpkin and pour water into it.

* Make sure the glass is firmly in the pumpkin. If necessary, make a slightly deeper hole in the bottom of the pumpkin so that the glass fits well into it.

Here is another version of such a vase, only of a larger size:

How to make a pumpkin craft: candlestick

You will need:

Thick tall candle

Felt-tip pen

Autumn leaves (artificial and / or real)

Twigs with berries (rowan, for example)

Little bumps.

1. Remove the pumpkin tail. Place the Candle on top and circle it with a felt-tip pen - this way you will know how much to cut from the top of the head.

2. Cut off the top of the pumpkin so that the candle fits snugly inside the pumpkin. The insides can be removed if desired.

* You may need to use glue to better attach the candle.

3. Use glue to attach decorations to your candlestick (autumn leaves, twigs with berries, small cones, etc.).

* The candle should be high enough to rise a few centimeters above the jewelry so that it does not catch on fire.

Crafts from pumpkins to the garden: funny little people

You will need:

Pumpkins of different sizes (preferably white)


PVA glue (better superglue) or hot glue gun

Various accessories (glasses, hats, wigs)

Artificial flowers and other decorations (optional).

1. From felt, cut out bows, mustaches and other details that your little men may need.

3. You can use old glasses or make glasses out of felt or cardboard and glue them as well.

4. Add a hat, flowers and other accessories.

Crafts from pumpkin in kindergarten: owl

You will need:


Super glue or hot glue.

1. Cut out the necessary details from felt (eyes, feathers, beak, ears and wings).

2. Using glue, carefully glue all the cut out parts. Start with different colored "feathers": glue the first row at the bottom of the pumpkin, then the second row (in a checkerboard pattern), and so on, until you cover the desired part of the pumpkin.

* It is not necessary to glue the whole pumpkin, it is enough to only partially glue the feathers.

3. Glue the owl's eyes, ears and wings over the feathers.

Crafts from pumpkin (master class): decorating pumpkin with wax crayons

You will need:

White or orange pumpkin

Wax crayons

Scissors or knife

PVA glue (thick)

1. Take out the crayons and cut them in half.

2. Use glue to glue the crayons (about 16 pieces of different colors) to the top of the pumpkin.

3. When the glue is dry, use a hair dryer to melt the crayons and so that the top of the pumpkin is covered with different bright colors. Do not turn on the hair dryer at full power, it is better to slowly and gently melt the crayons.

Pumpkin Crafts for School: Emoticons

You will need:

Several small pumpkins

Acrylic paints

Black marker

A simple pencil.

1. Slice off the top of each pumpkin and remove the insides.

2. Using a felt-tip pen or pencil, draw a circle on one side of the pumpkin for the head of the emoticon. You don't have to make the circle perfect.

3. Draw any facial expression inside the circle to create a funny emoji.

4. Think about which parts you will cut. Some emojis can have their eyes cut out, some have mouths, and some have both.

5. When you have cut out the parts you want, paint the entire circle yellow. You will need to paint in several layers to make the color more saturated.

Leave the paint to dry. If you want a faster drying process, use a hair dryer.

6. You can add other colors depending on the emoticon. You can draw a red heart, pink tongue and / or white eyes.

7. When the paint is dry, circle all the lines with a black marker.

Video instruction:

Autumn pumpkin craft

You will need:

Wide pumpkin

Autumn leaves (artificial or natural)

Floral sponge (flower oasis)

Wire (preferably floristic) or tape

Floristic sticks or skewers.

1. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the entrails.

2. Cut the floristic sponge so that it fits into the pumpkin.

3. Use wire or tape to bind a few leaves together to create a lush twig.

4. Insert the branch into the sponge.

5. Make a few more branches and insert them into the sponge to create a lush bouquet of leaves.

* If desired, you can attach cones, berries, twigs and other decorations.

Autumn craft "Pumpkin carriage"

You will need:

Wide pumpkin

Small pumpkins (for wheels) or wire or cardboard

Marker or pen

Thick wire

Thin wire.

1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the insides with a tablespoon and cut out the windows and door of the future carriage. Previously, you can draw with a marker the places where the doors and windows will be.

* If you wish, you can draw an ornament on the carriage and cut it out.

2. Several materials can be used to make carriage wheels:


Draw 4 equal-sized circles on a piece of thick cardboard and cut them out. You can draw knitting needles with a marker. You can also paint cardboard wheels.

Small pumpkins

In addition to pumpkins, you can use other hard vegetables and fruits. These wheels look nice, but quickly deteriorate.


Making wire wheels is more difficult, but they are durable and will last a long time. After you have weaved made of wheel wire, you can wrap it in foil for beauty.