After shaving strong irritation. How to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate zone, legs and armpits. What cosmetics to use after shaving

Shave is the most affordable and easy way to remove excess hair from hand, face or other skin areas. Shaving machine can be bought in any supermarket. To learn them to use no more than 5 minutes. Yes, and the procedure itself lasts a slight longer. The only drawback is irritating the skin, which often occurs after hair removal.

Causes of occurrence

To solve the problem you need to look at her root. What is skin irritation? When and why does a person feel it?

Under the skin of a person are receptors that serve a signal in the brain in any external influences. Irritation is one of the types of signals. If irritation occurs after shaving, then:

  • Damaged leather. Nervous endings are taken and sharply react to any impact.
  • Cropped hairs grows not in the direction or can not break through the outer layer of the skin.

The reasons for the occurrence of these two problems are a huge set. And with each of them you can easily figure out.

How to prevent irritation

Skin irritation causes a variety of factors. In order to simplify, we divide them into three groups:

  • To shave.
  • During shave.
  • After shaving.

To shave

Dry skin in front of shave is a sure way to get skin irritation. Before the procedure, it is desirable to soften the skin with warm water - wet the towel and attach it to the area, which is going to shave at least 5 minutes.

Good habit - shave after the shower (bathroom), especially hot. Under the influence of hot water, the skin and hair soften, the pores are expanding. After the shower, the impact of shaving funds is improved and a smooth surface is created, which contributes to a good slide of the blade.

During shave

Most often, skin irritation occurs due to low shaving. On quality influence:

  • Means for shaving.It is impossible to shave on dry skin. Even a high-quality and well-sharpened razor will scratch, as well as cling and pulling the hairs before cutting them. This causes irritation. Therefore, the shaving tool must always be used.
  • Quality shaving agent. The usual soap is not suitable as a replacement. First, soap foam will not be able to provide the necessary conditions for a good gliding razor. Secondly, soap dries greatly.
  • Special composition. Some people are suitable for any shaving foam. Another need to carefully read the composition of each tube. Seating all buying products for sensitive skin.
  • Purpose of funds. To shave the intimate zone you will need a special tool, as the skin is most sensitive there. The same applies to other zones. Most male shaving agents are not suitable for women's goals.
  • Razor. A very important role is played by shaving machine. Most people prefer to enjoy one machine for all purposes. In this case, it is best to give preference to a male reusable machine, as it is most safe and works well in hard-to-reach places. It can be used without risk for shaving intimate zones. For shaving female, special female machines are best suited, since they have the most sharp blades. Disposable machines are desirable not to use many times.
  • Electric Shaver. Unlike the machine, the electric shaver does not injure the skin and does not need any means before and after shaving. However, it does not clean the pores, leads to skin contamination and acne appearance. The disadvantage is that the hair must necessarily be tough so that the razor can work with them.
  • Shaving technique. Learn to shave correctly - one more important step towards getting rid of irritation. If the hair cut into the direction of their growth, the shave procedure will slightly delay, but the skin irritation will not appear. It is advisable to make short and soft movements of the machine. Thus, not only the risk is reduced to damage the skin, but also extended the life of the blade.
  • Reusable machines You need to thoroughly flush and wipe. After all, who needs a rusty blade? It is advisable to process the razor with alcohol to prevent the reproduction of microbes.

The use of a high-quality razor for destination will prevent skin damage. But it is worth remembering that over time, any razor loses its positive qualities and its (or blade) should be replaced. Otherwise, the razor will pull the hair while shaving and cause severe itching and irritation.

After shaving

If you follow all the above instructions, it will be possible to avoid skin damage. However, it will not hurt to consolidate success with the following measures:

  • Rinse the skin with cold water and blot dry towel. Cold water closes the pores and soothes the skin. In no case do not try the towel. So you will call even greater irritation.
  • Moisten the skin of the after shaving lotion or any other means of this kind. Dryness is one of the main causes of irritation after shaving. In addition, so you calm the skin and protect it from microbes, harmful bacteria and other infection.
  • It does not hurt peeling for skin softening.
  • Do not touch the shaved area once again. It is strictly forbidden to scratch the skin, since that you damage it and can affect infection.
  • You can apply cream or ointment with hydrocothyzin. This will soften the skin and remove irritation. But use it this ointment too often. If you use it regularly, addictive occurs, and it loses the effect.

How to make irritation

How to get rid of irritation after shaving? The skin after the procedure becomes particularly sensitive and sharply reacts to many external factors:

  • Hygiene products: shampoos, shower gels, soap.
  • Remains of washing powder on clothes.
  • Synthetics.
  • Deodorants, colognes, perfume.

After shaving, all these factors should be excluded.

If irritation remains, you can use ointment, creams, folk remedies, etc.

In the bikini zone

The bikini zone is the most sensitive area on the body. The slightest awkward movement causes skin irritation. What to do if irritation appeared in the bikini zone? Eliminate it in the following ways:

  • Bactericidal with cortisone. Cortizonta is a completely safe painkillers, which is widely used in medicine.
  • Own analgesic. Thread two tablets aspirin into powder and mix with the same amount of glycerol.
  • Various ointments and lotions with calendula and aloe in the composition.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Compress from a murutor-chamomile beam. Mint and chamomile cook on a quiet fire to a boil, and then insist 2 hours. On every glass of water on a tablespoon of daisies and mint.
  • Children's cream (Panthenol, etc.).

On the face of men

Men are suitable for the above methods, as well as the following means:

  • A solution of alcohol with water in proportion 1 to 1 well relieves irritation and disinfects the skin.
  • Ointment or cream with 2.5-5 percent benzoyl peroxide quickly reduces redness and removes irritation.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Special shaving lotions. It is desirable that Aloe Extract.

On legs and hands

How to remove irritation after shaving legs and hands? Help:

  • Antiseptic ointment: Chlorhexidine, Akthegin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or 70 percent alcohol solution. Disinfects the skin, the faster removes irritation, but heavily dried.
  • Baby powder.
  • Banchochka from the decoction of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, cleanliness, a series and others).
  • Homemade oil balsam. Ingredients: tea tree oil and any other vegetable oil in proportion 1 to 4.
  • Infusion of birch leaves. Birch leaves in the amount of 1 teaspoon pour 70 milliliters boiling water. Insist from one and a half to two hours, then cool and strain through the gauze. Clean hypoalgenic cloth is wetted in the resulting liquid and apply to the place of irritation.


The skin under the mouse is almost as sensitive as in the bikini zone. Therefore, the same means will come.

A few more advice:

  • If you tried everything, but nothing helps, try it for some time not at all. Perhaps your skin is too damaged and she needs time to restore.
  • If you have suspicions regarding the emergence of involving hair, use antibacterial cream.
  • Do not remove the involving hair without consulting the doctor. Even a sterilized needle can be disselected to infection.
  • If irritation does not pass during the week, it is worth contacting a dermatologist. Perhaps there is an infection.
  • Various creams and ointments that are well eliminating irritation are usually contained as part of salicyl and glycolic acid, aloe and gamammelis.

Currently, there are many ways to help get rid of hair in unwanted places efficiently and safely: Wax depilation, laser, electric and photoepilation. Nevertheless, shave remains the easiest and most affordable. As for skin irritation, which often occurs after shaving, it can be easily prevented. But even if it fails, there are many means that will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

From the next video, you can find out a few more tips to prevent irritation:

Some men believe that the beard gives courage, credibility, audacity. According to polls, bearded men are more sexy, thereby attracting the attention of the opposite sex. However, modern society does not always endorse the presence of vegetation on the face. Employees of serious organizations must comply with the conditions of the dress code, which include the full smoothness of the skin of the face. Daily shave delivers a certain inconvenience, takes valuable morning time, besides, often ends with irritation. Some men constantly suffer from inflammatory processes on the face, which significantly spoils their appearance, worsens a psychological state.

After shaving skin irritation is accompanied by a strong itching, burning, redness, small rash. With constant combing, the risk of infection in open microtraums increases.

Each man chooses his shaving method, and it depends on the individual preferences, the type of skin and other

In this case, ordinary irritation can end with purulent angry rashes. How to remove at home is the topic of our article.

Methods of prevention

Any illness is always better to warn than treated. It also concerns the irritation of the skin after shaving. To reduce the risk of unwanted consequences after hair removal, it is important to comply with some rules of safe shave:

  • before the procedure, steal the face, hairy hot water;
  • use only a sharp machine with a new nozzle;
  • immediately before use, process the blade by any antiseptic, the pin drops a small amount on the head head;

To reduce the risk of unwanted consequences after hair removal, it is important to comply with some rules of safe shave
  • first, they take a razor along the growth of hair, after which they change the direction;
  • do not handle the same zone several times;
  • do not press the skin. So you can damage its top layer;
  • always use gel or shaving foam;
  • after completing the procedure, apply cream or after shaving lotion. Better if he is on alcohol. The skin is a bit "pogrit", but it is well disinfected;
  • gently wipe the shaved zone with a soft towel. Excessive friction of tight terry cloth can cause irritation.

How to get rid of the existing irritation

After shaving - a direct indication for immediate first aid at home. Timely processing of the damaged place will stop the progression of inflammation, accelerate the healing process.

After shaving irritation occurs both in women and men, it can be stupid blades, dry or sensitive skin.

How to remove irritation on the skin? Medical and folk remedies are very popular, which are used on their own at home. They will remove itching after shaving faces, prevent the appearance of acne.

After shaving skin irritation, such funds will be eliminated:

  • creams, ointments containing medicinal components. Well helps "Bepanten Cream", "Traumel", ointment with hydrocortisone. When using the hydrocortisone strictly follow the instructions. Long-term use of hormone is dangerous to health;
  • immediately after shaving, handle the chin by an antiseptic. Chlorhexidine, unlike alcohol, does not cause burnback, is well tolerated by all types of epidermis;
  • aspirin will help among folk remedies. Distribute two tablets, connect with glycerol, apply on chin. Keep 15 minutes, wash off warm water;

  • by ampoule vitamin A, e, mix with peach oil of cold pressed. Apply to the inflamed area, leave for 20 minutes;
  • wash the heavers of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, oak bark). A tablespoon of raw materials are poured with boiling water, insist on a water bath for 30 minutes. Rinse the face several times a day;
  • the decoction of the greenery of parsley is prepared in the same way. Rinse is replaced with warm compresses of cotton fabric moistened in the brave;
  • the compress from oatmeal will quickly remove inflammation. Weld up porridge on the water, cool down to room temperature, wrap it in gauze, attach for 30 minutes.

After shaving skin irritation is a direct testimony for immediate first aid at home.

If the listed treatments do not help or ineffective, we advise you to consult a dermatologist. Perhaps the cause of skin irritation is not at all shaving, but a serious disease of the epidermis.

The burning sensation on the skin, an unpleasant sweep and redness on the face - most men after shaving are faced with these sensations. It would seem that we have safe razors with the 5th blades, which cut in which is extremely difficult. A bunch of shave tools that allegedly contribute to painless shave and guarantee the lack of permanent after. But there is still an unpleasant feeling. Today we will learn how to quickly shave and discern more than 10 tips, how to get rid of irritation after shaving a man.

Do you know how to shave?

How well do you know how to shave? The question is very strange, since in the opinion of most people, it is enough to buy a razor in a supermarket and some kind of shaving foam for 100 rubles. But do you know what movements and in what direction should you shave? What is the difference in a safe classic razor, a razor with 3 blades and a dangerous razor? What water temperature contributes to a more comfortable shave? What creams or lotions help in the shave process? Today we will give answers today, so that you do not have "white spots" in knowledge of the culture of a male shaving.

Why the after shaving irritation appears

To begin with, we will deal with what problem we will fight when we shave. After shaving irritation is tiny cuts that appear from the razor blades and cause the appearance of itching, acne on the skin and in some cases clogging of the skin. Not uncommon when after shaving irritation can continue for several days. Surprisingly, when shaving is cut to 2 layers of the skin! It's not as scary, as it sounds. The old layers of the skin are somehow exfoliated, but shaving helps to do this and contribute to the renewal of the skin. But, having no knowledge and small experience, men are guarding themselves to unpleasant feelings. So, we will analyze 11 tips, how to remove irritation after shaving.

The hair on the face and the beard is very tough, but they can be softened under the action of warm water. Hair absorb moisture and swell. Nobuch hair follicles are quite weak and it is much easier to cut.

The easiest way to moisten the hair on the face and beard is to take hot shower for a few minutes. There is an alternative way to moisturize hair, and is often used in Barbershops - a compress with a warm towel on face. It is enough to rinse the face with warm water, then wrap the wet warm towel around and hold a few minutes. It is worth noting that water should not drip off the towels, so diligently pick up a towel. Heat causes swelling of blood vessels on the face, which contributes to a smoother and comfortable shave.

Never suffer with cold water and do not use the shaving toiled tools. Similar practice is the main reason for the skin irritation after shaving.

Before shaving procedure, use shaving butter that softens the skin and hair. The oil will make it easy and easy to shave the hair and avoid cuts on the skin of the face due to oil film, which is not washed off with water. Comfort is provided throughout the shave process!

The pre-lubricated skin surface reduces the friction from the razor, which causes the feeling of burning skin. It is worth noting that 3-5 drops are quite enough for one procedure. All remaining oil is easily flushed and leaves no fat traces.

High-quality shaving oil can be a replacement cream, soap or shaving foam. However, the use of cream or soap for shaving increases the comfort of the process.

Shaving creams with a high content of moisturizing means and lubricating components hold moisture on your face, lifting hair in a vertical position. The best shaving creams create a thick foam, which consists of the smallest, barely noticeable bubbles. Such a foam provides the best lubricant between the skin and the razor, allowing the blade to slide on the skin is not wounded.

What if you use the finished shaving foam and not spend time on cooking foam, you ask. My answer is unequivocal - finished foam worse than any cream or soap for shaving. Often, finished shaving foam is a terrifying cocktail of chemical components of dubious quality. Judge yourself, can a high-quality agent cost 100-150 rubles.? Of course not. And do not pay attention to the beautiful advertising that speaks about the opposite. We lose marketers that produce shaving foam for 3 or 5 day bristles, in parallel with the usual shaving foam. I wonder what is the difference? Hence the Council - do not use brands that are promoted everywhere. Good products in advertising do not need, they will learn about recommendations or good barbershops / specialized stores.

Use high-quality shaving loss for shaving from a natural pile, it is most effectively preparing the skin before shave. Poms from the pile of a badger - the best that can be purchased today in stores. If you have sensitive skin, try to refrain from the fibers from the synthetic fibers.

Shaving loss are useful in some cases. First, loving helps to raise the hair, allowing you to shave them as short. Secondly, the losant is the most convenient to beat high-quality foam from soap for shaving or shaving cream. Thirdly, massaging the skin of the face with a fool, you thereby exfoliate dead skin slices, which reduces the likelihood of irritation after shaving.

Apply a whipped shaving foam with a circular movement, while trying to carry out loss against hair growth, while raising the bristle up and to the sides.

In pursuit of savings, some of us rarely change blades or cassettes for razor machines. Blutted blades are one of the factors of irritation from shaving and the appearance of burning. You can compare the cutting of the tomato with a blunt knife. In fact, the tomato will be crushed, not cut. The same thing happens when you shave a stupid blade that does not swipe, and breaks the hair from the face. After a time by turning the blade over one section of the skin, trying to shave the hair, you rub the skin of the face, causing irritation. The board is simple - use only sharp blades and do not ground blurred.

There is still a slight observation of people who use machines with 3 or 5 blades. If your hair is clogged between the blades, try moving onto the machine with a double-edged blade. According to the observations of men, in most cases, the problem with burning and irritation after shaving can be solved in this way.

Use a secure razor with a double-edged blade - economically appropriate in the long run. Yes, the machine itself is more expensive than machines with cassettes on 3 or 5 blades, but the double-edged blades themselves are an order of magnitude cheaper cassettes (yes, yes ... 10 times)!

It is worth noting that you have to be retracted to shave, as shaving a safe razor with a double-edged blade requires other techniques.

Learn how to shave with the machine to avoid irritation after shaving. Most of us did not pass courses, how to shave, but simply took the machine, a means for shaving, and somehow drove the blade in the face. Insert the course on the shaving technique, we, of course, do not, but list some of the correct habits are obliged.

The key to a high-quality shave is a few actions: less pressure, less resistance, fewer chaotic movements.

  1. Shave in the direction of hair growth is the basis of shaving. It is more convenient to start shaving in the cheek area, then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Usov and complete the procedure on the chin. It should be noted that the chin grow the toughest hair and they should have time to be met as much as possible, prepared by shaving foam. Swinging hair on the chin in the last turn, we highlight extra time for moisturizing. Hair, on the face of every person, have their own direction of growth. If you are not sure about the direction of hair growth on your face, let them grow within a few days, and you will see a picture.
  2. Using a secure razor, apply minimal pressure and use short sharing movements. Safe razors are heavier razors with cassettes, and often the weight of the razor itself is enough to suffer a bristle.
  3. Rinse the razor in hot water after 2-3 shaving smears. It allows you to wash off the remnants of the cream from the razor and wash off the accumulated scattered hairs. Hot water heats the razor blade, and they become comfortable to shave. It is worth noting that hot water does not kill bacteria on it, so it is still worth the disinfection of the machine and the razor.

Teach yourself to shave the plots only once and not to hold the machine twice, without re-applying foam for shaving. Very often, hairs remain after we spent a razor stack on the bristle. It is not necessary to spend again along the same place, because now the shaving foam remains on this site. Skip this place and strive further.

After you get all the smeared parts of the face, wash the foam residues and re-apply an azzle to the places where non-swift hairs remained. Thus, you get rid of the risk to get irritation after shaving from the blade.

By the way, professional barber usually shave for the first time on the growth of the hair, and re-shave a little at an angle. This method allows you to most clean the face.

After the shave procedure, rinse the face with cold water. This will prevent the appearance of ingrown hair.

When you wash in cold water, the blood vessels on the skin of the face are narrowed, swelling and bleeding decreases, if any. Please note that you need to wipe the towel with "missing" movements, and not "wiper". After shaving you, your skin will be very sensitive and any friction towel will cause skin irritation.

An excellent habit will be the use of Balzam after shaving, which removes irritation, moisturizes the skin and gives a pleasant fragrance for the whole day.

As we have already written, the shaving procedure can remove up to 2 layers of the skin. It is very important to use a high-quality tool that moisturizes the skin and calm her after shaving. In addition, many manufacturers produce a whole series of after shaving funds, which produces different options with the addition of certain vitamins that feed ingredients and extracts.

It is worth noting that balms are both female and men. For a male shaving, it is better to use special male tools after shaving, as the manufacturer diligently selects fragrances and extracts for the male consumer.

Classic tools after shaving on alcohol basis or lotions, you can still find on sale in authoritative manufacturers. There is an opinion that these funds - the relic of the past and shaving lotions on an alcohol basis are dried by the skin. But, various oils and vitamins, which are no worse than balms feed and moisturize the skin are added to the alcohol base.

To give preference to balm or after shaving lotion is a matter of taste. Each of the means has its own feeling after use, so recommending something certain difficult.

After shaving irritation appears including due to bacteria entering the skin and opening. After shaving on a razor and razor blades, an infinite set of bacteria accumulates and there are 2 effective ways to deal with this problem: replace the blade for a new one with each new shave or clean the blade with alcohol. It is worth noting that changing cassettes with 3 or 5 blades - expensive pleasure, so there will be another reason to go to shave a safe razor with a double-edged blade.

Hot water does not help kill bacteria, only cleans the razor and the blade from the scattered hair and the remnants of the cream. However, it is possible to boil the water and carry out the disinfection of the machine and the blades in boiling water. This is a long procedure and not all machines will survive boiling in hot water, so this method is not recommended.

The easiest and most effective way to clean the blade and the machine from bacteria are a treatment with alcohol or any other antiseptic. Clean before and after shaving with an alcohol napkin, alcohol raster in a spray bottle or without a spray.


Today we reviewed several options, how to get rid of irritation after shaving the skin man. There is no need to apply all the tips at once, it is enough to try some of the listed and understand what is better for you. Try not to part with shave and limit the 3 or 4 shave procedures per week. In the interval between shave, your skin will have time to heal and irritate.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. Waiting for your comments!

Jumps, red, itching and burning - unpleasant symptoms of skin irritation. It may appear on any plot, but the problem is particularly unpleasant in a delicate place. When moving underwear rubs, the body sweats, the situation is aggravated. Shaving in the intimate zone requires compliance with all rules, and irritation - competent treatment. There are many ways to eliminate it, but they all require one - immediate application. If you leave everything as it is, then scars will appear on the skin, the color of the cover will change.


Causes of irritation

Irritation in the intimate zone after shaving can appear for several reasons, but sometimes it simply does not fit the selected way of removing hair. The skin in this place is very gentle, maybe even suspicious, while hairs in 99% of cases are hard, thick, thick, grow quickly. With a frequent shave, microscopic wounds and damage appear on the cover, which simply do not have time to heal.

Other reasons:

  • low quality machine;
  • disregard for gels, foam, dry shave;
  • incorrect shave direction;
  • zone is not carried out;
  • inadequate skin care after the procedure;
  • wearing close or synthetic linen.

You can get rid of excess hair on the body in different ways. To do this, there are epilation procedures, depilation, which can be carried out in any cosmetic salon. But the frequent visit to the cabin is quite expensive, so many women prefer to get rid of unwanted hairs with an old, proven way - with the help of a razor machine.

Most women do not experience any discomfort when shaving. However, the owner of gentle, sensitive skin is often suffering from irritation after the procedure. Especially often it is observed in the field of armpits, bikini. Although after shaving the feet can also occur redness, burning, itching, rash.

Especially often suffer from this woman who shame extra hairs almost daily. If new hairs grow quickly, they have to steal them. It is necessary that the skin is always smooth, tender, looked well-kept. But the skin does not have time to relax from the previous procedure and the risk of its irritation increases significantly. How to prevent after shaving irritation in women, how to quickly calm the skin if it still happened? Let's talk about it in more detail:

Irritation in the bikini zone

This area of \u200b\u200bthe body most often suffers after shaving in women. To avoid irritation, you should prepare for the procedure. First of all, take a warm shower, warm up, spark the skin. This will prepare a bikini zone to shave, abundantly smearing the skin with high-quality shaving cream. It is very important to use pure, preferably a new razor machine. If every time the skin is strongly inflamed, go to the use of the electric shaver.

After the procedure, flow the body with a towel. Now you need to disinfect the skin with alcohol-containing lotion. After that, lubricate the calming cream. It is very good to use compresses from warm medicinal herbs: a turn, calendula, chamomile or cleanliness. Effectively prevents and treats irritation gel with aloe vera or fresh juice of the leaves of this plant.

After shaving irritation

In order for the skin with armpits is always healthy, wash them daily with warm water with a soft cleansing agent. It is best to do it every evening to do not use a deodorant after the procedure. Give the skin to fit, because any deodorant is largely or less litters pores.

As the hairs are growing, throw them out with an acute razor. After that, spend disinfection by lubricating the skin with alcohol lotion, tonic. When will dry, let off the children's supper. Instead, you can apply a children's cream containing calendula extract, or a turn. If the irritation still appeared, wipe the skin with diluted with water with 6% apple vinegar or lemon juice.

Irritation on the legs

Feet shaves most women. With the help of the machine you can quickly, effectively and painlessly get rid of unnecessary hairs, return the skin smoothness, beauty. In addition, irritation after shaving on the legs is infrequent. But still happens. Although the skin on the legs is not so sensitive as armpits or bikini, it also requires a special relationship during the procedure.

Before holding it, take a bath or shower so that the skin will warm up, softened. It will make it easier to shave, reduce the probability of irritation. Be sure to use an acute razor. High-quality cream to shave evenly apply to the surface of the legs. Soap strongly dries the skin, making it more sensitive, so it is better not to use it. After the procedure, carefully dry your legs. Apply a soothing cream.

It is best to steal hairs on your feet in the evening to give the skin at night to relax. In addition, it will not be necessary to pull the caprochy tights, go out into the street. It will almost certainly lead to the appearance of irritation. If it still appeared, use 1% hydrocortic ointment.

Several useful tips

In order to reduce the risk of skin irritation after shaving to a minimum, always break the skin before the procedure - take a bath or shower.

After applying a shaving cream, do not rush to immediately take the machine. Wait a few minutes, let the cream work. Only then proceed to shave. Do it carefully, without sharp movements, so as not to damage, do not scratch.

If you are the owner of gentle, sensitive skin, always break the hairs only towards their growth. Otherwise, irritation inevitably. In addition to him, the likelihood of rustling of hair is increasing. With this painful problem, it is much more difficult to cope.

After the procedure, be sure to rinse the treated zone with cool water, dry the towel dry. After that apply soothing cream. Effectively use special creams, foams, preventing skin irritation after shaving.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if irritation appeared, which does not pass for a long time, but becomes more pronounced, it causes painful sensations, it is probably a symptom of infection penetration. If so, consult a doctor. Perhaps there is a need for special treatment with the use of steroid creams or antibiotics.