Congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary are beautiful. Congratulations on a pearl wedding in beautiful verses

For weddings anniversary pearl
It's so nice to congratulate your friends!
And you don't need to wish much -
So that you live peacefully and okay,
So that your happiness lasts a long time
So that all your dreams come true
And from conjugal debt
You have never shied away!

Friends congratulate today
Family well-coordinated duet,
A pearl wedding is called
You've been together for thirty years!
And you will certainly keep
Warmth of hearts and caress of words,
After all, that priceless union is strong
When love reigns in him!

Pearls, everyone knows that
Grows out of a grain of sand.
To be a wonderful family
Must become two halves
One indivisible whole
To unite two destinies
To the joys and misfortunes
Honestly divide in half.
You did it,
After all, your family is strong,
Oh, to be, happiness has not broken ...
We are glad for you, friends!
We wish you health,
And joint long years,
Days filled with love
After all, its light is beautiful!

Thirty years is a long enough period,
Already your children have grown up.
And your relationship is perfect
They do not tolerate any kind of clarification.
And on the day of your pearl wedding,
We will give pearls to friends twice,
One for the bride, the second for the groom.
Like two tears in the wind.

Exactly thirty years ago
You have made your own marriage!
Everyone congratulated you then
With the fact that you have become a family!
And now you need to congratulate
You, friends, with a pearl wedding!
I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you great happiness!

Friend, dear, with a pearl wedding!
Peace in the house and goodness!
For 30 years you have been together -
Very friendly family!
I sincerely wish you
Prosperity, all the best!
Happiness, peace and quiet!
Money, joy, awards!

Congratulations from friends on the 30th wedding anniversary

Happy Pearl Wedding, friends!
The family is exactly 30, and this is no joke.
May life consist of all success,
And every minute is filled with laughter!
Let the light of your eyes always guide
To dreams and successes, victories, heights,
And lady love let anyone melt the ice
To happily lead all the twists and turns of fate!

Friend, my dear!
I congratulate you with all my heart!
More happiness and goodness for you
I wish you pearl on your wedding day!
May the sky be blue and peaceful
Adversity is empty bypassing!
And may your whole family be friendly,
Happy, and of course great!

Pearl wedding mother of pearl
We are happy, friends,
You have been together for 30 long years,
Great family.

Let wrinkles near the eyes
But there is no pair in the world
Nowhere is happier than you.
Let in a necklace of pearls
Years are added to you,
May your feelings be pure
And they do not lose their shine.

Long thread of pearl twists
Ever since you and your husband got married!
This wedding is called Pearl,
30 years have passed year after year!
Dear friend, today
I want to wish you longevity
To breathe more freely together
So that all the children are nearby,
So that the grandchildren make noise, laugh,
So that fun reigns in the house!
And pearls so that they don't end
A necklace in your friendly family!

With a pearl wedding, thirty years old,
Friends, you are already together. Congratulations!
I have not seen a better pair this light,
We always wish to be like that.
You are worthy of admiration, praise,
Worthy, of course, respect.
Your supply of love is by no means small,
Let it have no completion.

At your holiday I was not just a guest,
And I was called a wedding witness!
Rice, a handful of coins were thrown under your feet ...
So 30 years ago the family was born!
Now it's time to celebrate the Pearl Jubilee,
I wish you a lot of happiness, friends!
With all my heart I want to congratulate you today,
And I envy you with white envy!

Congratulations on a pearl wedding to friends

You, sister, are so beautiful today
Dressed up in a dress, in pearls!
30 years have not lived in vain
With her husband together near the hearth -
That family hearth is warm, hot,
You, sister, keep him all your life!
And gifts on the Pearl anniversary
With poetry, take it from me!

Two halves of the heart are indivisible
For so long - as much as thirty years!
Parting is unbearable for you, friends,
There are no spouses like you in the world!
Two doves, two swans, two eyes,
Two palms, two stars in the sky!
You don't need gold or diamonds,
Today is your holiday in pearls!
Patience, happiness, wisdom, good luck,
You will not lose love to the grave!
Pearl wedding day, which means
It's time to celebrate it on a grand scale!

Pearl wedding mother of pearl
We are happy, friends,
You have been together for 30 long years,
Great family.
Let the pearl shine on the temples
Let wrinkles near the eyes
But there is no pair in the world
Nowhere is happier than you.
Let in a necklace of pearls
Years are added to you,
May your feelings be pure
And they do not lose their shine.

I wish you prosperity, friends,
I sincerely wish!
Let the wedding procession
It will be young, it will be fresh!
30 years is a long time
But the path lies far for you
From Pearl Anniversary
Up to half a century!

Happy 30th birthday, friends!
You are a very strong family!
We have been watching for many years
How you emit light
Love, comfort and kindness.
All the kids have grown up,
What did you grow like flowers.
We cherished dreams of them.
We wish you a strong marriage
The enemy will not overcome boredom.
So that you find the threads,
Friends to amaze them.
And grandchildren to be raised in love.

Gray hair is not a reason for sadness
She glows with mother-of-pearl!
You, friends, have seen a lot ...
How good a wife is today!
And the husband, dressed like a needle,
Receives dear guests -
The look of everyone's relatives, warmed by tenderness,
Congratulations to grandchildren and children! ..
You have been together for three decades
That wedding is called Pearl!
Do not let you sit still,
There will be happiness and comfort in the house!

I congratulate you, friends, today
You have been together for 30 long years!
Love each other - I know
So let the whole world know
What a friendly family
But this street lives on!
May happiness be endless
And let you be lucky in everything!

We do not know a more beautiful couple
Among the people we know!
Congratulations to you today!
30 years - a wonderful wedding anniversary!
This wedding is taken by the pearl
According to the tradition of the folk name!
We wish you to live happily and amicably
Another half century, and you will not be aware of the alarms!

Having lived together in marriage for 30 years, spouses have every reason to celebrate their wedding anniversary properly. After all, this date confirms that their life together for such a long time became possible thanks to the true love of two people for each other. But many do not know how to celebrate this event, and what kind of wedding should be organized for the spouses for 30 years.

Children and grandchildren, as well as the heroes of the occasion themselves, can celebrate this anniversary properly by organizing a grand themed holiday for the whole family. But for this you need to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the tradition of such events so that the holiday itself and the gifts for the spouses become meaningful and memorable for a long time.

In a long line of wedding-themed celebrations, 30 wedding years are commonly referred to as the pearl jubilee, which takes pride of place between the silver and gold anniversaries of married life. Such a significant event is necessarily held in the circle of relatives and friends and requires adherence to certain established traditions.

The organizers of the holiday must take into account the wedding rituals, which should symbolize the further prosperity of the existing marital union, which must survive until its golden wedding.

Ancient and modern pearl wedding traditions

Natural pearls have always been highly prized. It forms over the years in the shell after a grain of sand has entered it. The longer the pearl is in the shell, the larger and more expensive it becomes. The ancient tradition of many peoples considers this stone a symbol of love and fidelity.

So 30 years of marriage between a man and a woman demonstrate the strengthening of love and fidelity with each year lived together. Such an anniversary of family life symbolizes the strengthening of love and harmony, beauty and inviolability of the family union.

According to the Russian traditional ritual of weddings, on this day in the morning the spouses should come to the reservoir in the morning and throw a pearl there. According to this custom, as long as they lie at the bottom of the pearl, the couple will be together.

On this day, the husband and wife must confess their love to each other in front of the mirror, holding tightly to the hands. It is believed that this allows not only to strengthen the family union, but also gives new strength to each of the spouses.

During a wedding banquet, according to tradition, it is supposed to put one pearl in the glasses of the young, after which they have to drink and kiss, while the other participants in the feast count to 30. After that, you need to break empty glasses for good luck.

Gifts for the 30th Wedding Anniversary

On this significant day, the heroes of the occasion should be presented with gifts bearing the image of pearls. It doesn't have to be jewelry made from this stone. The present does not have to be expensive, it should express the most sincere feelings and wishes for happiness. When looking at such a thing, the owner should have nostalgic memories of a wonderful holiday and of the joyful moments lived.

Gifts for such a wedding are presented by people with different degrees of kinship, so their value and the gifts themselves may differ from each other.

From children

A gift from a son and daughter must definitely stand out against the background of other offerings and symbolize the deep gratitude and love of children to their parents, who gave them life and brought them out into the world. The theme of the gift must necessarily be related to family life and childhood. It can be joint trips, holidays, or just funny occasions that will be pleasant to remember all together and have fun laughing again.

Children can prepare a cuts of slides with shared photos, make an amateur film from old videos dedicated to significant family events, or make a thematic photo collage dedicated to 30 years of marriage.

Together with such gifts, you can present high-quality household appliances that will make the life of parents more comfortable, a general trip abroad, or something else that parents have long dreamed of.

From wife to husband

On this day, the husband and wife must also congratulate each other and thank each other for love, loyalty, patience and understanding throughout their life together. A spouse can give her beloved man a spectacular men's accessory with pearl inserts. This can be cufflinks, a tie clip, a cigarette case, or a respectable office accessory.

From husband to wife

Without fail, the spouse must also please his beloved woman with a spectacular bouquet of flowers and jewelry with pearls. You can also write poems with a declaration of love and read them during the wedding banquet. This will become a memorable and emotionally bright moment of the organized holiday. Beloved wife will be pleased to hear once again a declaration of love made in the presence of a large number of people.

From guests

Guests invited to the banquet should present an original themed gift. It can be a home decor item in the form of a picture, mirror, casket or figurine. You can present a beautiful dinner service or vase, wall clock, candlesticks or bed linen. Even a spectacular box of expensive chocolates will be appropriate if it has an image of pearls on it.

Congratulations to the spouses

People who have devotedly and tenderly loved each other for thirty years deserve the most sincere words coming from their hearts. Close relatives, friends and acquaintances should prepare original congratulations for both spouses, taking into account the degree of their closeness and the nature of the people to whom toasts are dedicated.

The more personalized and personal the congratulation is, the more pleasant it will be for the heroes of the occasion themselves and for everyone present at this holiday. Words of love and respect can be harmoniously combined with a good joke and wishes for long and happy years in the future.

From children

For their parents, children can prepare congratulations related to their childhood memories and various occasions from family life, when the parents did something special for them. By building a congratulation on the basis of a common funny or personal memory from a common life, they will be able to express in the best way the feelings of love for their father and mother that overwhelm them, and demonstrate their immense respect for them.

To husband

To her dear spouse, with whom she lived together for 30 years, the wife can publicly express her love and gratitude for the years lived together, recalling an incident from a wedding or that time when both of them were still very young. Her speech may be short, but it must necessarily reflect a deep feeling of love and devotion to this person.


For his wife, the husband can prepare lyrical congratulations in verses that he himself wrote or borrowed from great poets. A declaration of love in verse is always pleasant for a woman, especially after so many years of marriage.

From guests

Guests can prepare personalized greetings depending on the degree of kinship and intimacy with the spouses who have lived together for 30 years. Congratulations can be made in prose or in verse by choosing the most suitable options on specialized resources. Here is one example of such congratulations from guests:

30 years of family life have flown by
But today we are not sad about this,
I wish you love
Health, success, luck
We really want everything today.
Be as bright, cheerful and happy
do not worry about trifles,
Always stay loved
And warm yourself with the warmth of your souls!

The invitees can also compose their own solemn speech, relying on cases from the life of the heroes of the day and their personal character traits. The more original congratulatory toasts at such a banquet, the more pleasant it will be for the spouses themselves and for everyone present.

How to decorate a festive room?

To solemnly celebrate such an anniversary of life together, you should think over the design of the room. To do this, you can use the marine theme, since the pearl is born at the depth of the sea.

It is necessary to highlight a special corner of newlyweds who have lived together for 30 years, posting there their photos of different periods of life and an album for wishes. White, turquoise, light blue, pink, blue, yellow, gray and even black can be used as the main colors for decorating the hall.

Indoors, you can hang balls and arrange figures made from them, place arches with hearts, hang large plastic pearl beads as garlands, install vases with flowers of suitable shades, choose a suitable colored drapery for walls and tables as decoration.

How to arrange a festive table?

Table setting is carried out in accordance with the theme of the event. It should have napkins and tablecloths laid out in harmony with the overall design of the banquet hall.

Sink-shaped plates can be used as serving utensils. Small bouquets on the tables will make the banquet more significant and solemn. You should take care of the wedding cake, which should be decorated with pearls or images of the newlyweds with the numbers 30.

When organizing such an event, the wishes of the heroes of the occasion themselves should be taken into account. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on such an anniversary; with the right approach to organizing the celebration of such a date, you can hold a family holiday at the highest level, even with a small budget.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

A wedding is a necessary thing
Especially pearl:
I congratulate you on her,
I wish you joy!

Let happiness come
Comfort leads to the house,
Will give tenderness
Will fill up with money.

With him - luck will come,
Will remove doubts
Let it live together:
With a pearl wedding!

Three dozen glorious years
Together you are in the same team
Many roads have been covered,
It was sweet, it was hard.

With a pearl wedding, gentlemen. Here, at the mark of your life together, 30 years, and I wish you, as in epics or legends, up to 300. Weak? Break the record and become not just long-livers, but immortal, lucky people in love. Seriously guys, I wish you health, harmony, love and joy. And may your eyes shine like pearls, may troubles pass you by, may there be many more victories and successes in your life together!

My husband still, I hope, remembers
What day has come today?
Have you forgotten this date?
Has he bought pearls?
Has your wife not forgotten?
(You never know? Although hardly.)
So congratulations to both of you
This holiday is worth a lot
30 years - and flew by.
Kiss, really!

Thirty years shoulder to shoulder
You are as beautiful as in the picture!
I want to wish you happiness
And moments by grain
Collect like pearls
And always live very amicably
Because love is so precious
And you need to appreciate it!

In your necklace tonight
Pearls sparkle brightly.
And these glorious 30 years
You have become a gift from fate.

We wish the passions to burn
The dishes were beating, the thunder was thundering,
Socks around the house to get lost
And on the stove, so that the soup boils.

So that you understand each other
Only by raising an eyebrow in the bend.
Well, so that passion for you, dear ones,
As before, the blood agitated.

Thirty years have passed so
Like birds flew by!
May the marriage be happy
So that hearts burn with fire!

I wish you many grandchildren
And beautiful, clear days
Forces, the health of steel
And only good news!

Delicious breakfast and lunch.
There is a warm blanket by the fireplace.
What? So they raced like this
Your friendly 30 years?

Well, it’s not true, it seemed to you -
The dawn had just risen.
Only yesterday they confessed their love
He gave you a bouquet.

Thirty years is your anniversary
You've been together a lot!
I wish you only colorful days
So that the song of happiness sounded in your soul!

May tenderness always inspire you,
And love lives forever in hearts!
May the sun shine brightly for you
So that you swim in warm rays!

Eh, it would only be my will,
I would have collected all the pearls from the bottom of the seas.
And I would spread the field in front of you,
Right now and here.

You with a pearl wedding
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Stay a friendly couple,
Together you are very good.

Ha! These are pearls!
For thirty years you raised them,
They kept it in their shell.
And now they have opened for us
An incomparable world of beauty.
Mother-of-pearl lives only there.
Well, who hears well -
And so will sing a song,
How did you sweep with a broom,
And all the evil spirits were driven away.
That sometimes broke
Not from the outside, so from the inside.
But you managed to survive
Together, we found happiness.

The article will tell you how to properly celebrate a pearl wedding and will help you choose a beautiful owl to congratulate loved ones.

After 30 years of marriage, the couple celebrate a pearl wedding anniversary. Undoubtedly, this date is very important for the family and spouses in particular. This date says a lot, and most importantly, that the husband and wife have already been able to prove their feelings not only to society, but to each other. A man and a woman, celebrating a pearl wedding, have already learned to trust each other, "overgrown" with love, happiness, understanding, each other's body, like a pearl in a shell.

By this time, the "pearl" of marriage has become larger, has become a real value. That is why celebrating the 30th anniversary should be mandatory. The date calls for a big event in a rented cafe or restaurant. It is worth noting that the date is also significant because this anniversary has several important traditions. Compliance with traditions and their implementation will allow spouses to strengthen relationships and protect themselves from all negativity.

The most interesting and main tradition invites the spouse to go to any body of water early in the morning on the day of the anniversary. They should be dipped into the water over a pearl (of course, it may not be natural pearls, but only an imitation in the form of a bead). This action is very symbolic, because it is believed that pearls form and live in water for about 50 years. Thus, the couple hopes to live together "in perfect harmony" for at least 50 more years (right before the "golden" wedding anniversary).

INTERESTING: You can dip a bead of any shade into a pond, because each color is symbolic and has its own specific meaning. If you don't want to put pearls in the water, you can replace them with a coin while making a wish at the same time.

After the spouses return home after dipping the pearl into the water, they should stand in front of the mirror. Here they read each other vows of love and fidelity. This is done because the mirror is considered a special magical symbol that does not allow a person to lie and always reflects the truth.

Many couples choose to go to church on their pearl wedding anniversary to light three candles. One of them is put to the Mother of God, who must protect and take care of the health of his “second half”. The second candle is also put to the Mother of God, but with a request to keep the family. Another candle is necessarily placed at the Crucifixion of Christ, and this is done so that the marriage grows stronger and is protected by good spirits.

INTERESTING: Some couples, who are connected only by an official marriage, decide to get married in order to be with each other forever, even in heaven.

What is a Pearl Anniversary and how should you celebrate it?

What to give for a pearl wedding 30 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

You should definitely come to the celebration of the 30th wedding anniversary with a gift and your present should be special. It should be emphasized by value, significance, or importance. This can, of course, be money, which is always necessary in the household of a family. On the other hand, if you want to please and delight your spouses, you should choose a truly relevant gift.

What can you give your friends for a pearl wedding:

  • Interior items. Of course, these can be items of a pearlescent hue, which is very important for a pearl anniversary, but this is far from necessary. The main thing is to choose a high-quality, important, beautiful and necessary gift: wall paintings and panels, mirrors and photo collages, decorative masks and figures, tabletop figures, books and albums, clocks on the table and on the wall, stands.
  • Glassware and glass. These gifts will never lose their relevance and will always come in handy, especially if you pick up expensive sets that will become the value of the family. What you can choose: glasses, sets of crystal glasses, holiday dishes and salad bowls, tea and dinner sets, vases and candy bowls, fruit bowls and accessories for a festive table setting.
  • High quality expensive home textiles. When choosing such a gift, in no case should it be cheaper and products should be purchased from natural materials: cotton, linen, silk, and so on. Try to find things whose shade can remind you of pearl mother-of-pearl: linen sets, blankets and bedspreads, curtains and tulles, curtains, tablecloths and napkins, towels and much more.
  • Home furniture. Here you should definitely ask about what exactly the heroes of the occasion lack and what they have always limited themselves to buying. Perhaps for a long time they cannot replace the old wardrobe with a wardrobe or a bedside dressing table.
  • Gifts for body and soul. Here we are talking about tickets, vouchers and subscriptions to health resorts, resorts or centers. Not everyone can afford such pleasure, and therefore it is very pleasant to receive them as a gift. What you can buy: a subscription to the SPA zone for a month or a year, tickets to a popular concert or exhibition, a trip to a sanatorium or abroad.
  • Icons. In this case, we are talking about high-quality and expensive products that can become a talisman for spouses. These items should be purchased and blessed in the church. Some icons can be made of expensive materials.

How to congratulate friends on the pearl wedding anniversary?

What to give for a pearl wedding 30 years old beloved wife: gift ideas

Every husband should please his beloved with a valuable and pleasant gift in honor of the pearl wedding anniversary. If finances allow you, then something really expensive should be purchased, but if you don't have much money, then even an affordable gift can express all your love and become a loyal token of attention.

Gift ideas for wife:

  • Ring with pearls. A very symbolic gift that is associated with the offer of "hand and heart", as well as the marriage ceremony, when the husband puts the ring on his beloved finger. You can choose a ring on your own (knowing the size of your finger) or together. Do not be afraid of pearls, as many people think that pearls "bring tears". These are the costs of old beliefs and it is unlikely that such a saying "works" on the day of the pearl anniversary.
  • Earrings with pearls. It is much easier to choose such a gift than a ring, because there is no need to guess with the size. Depending on your taste and finances, you can purchase modest small or large solemn "chandelier" earrings that your spouse can wear to events.
  • Pendant or chain with a pendant. Of course, she must contain one or more pearls, preferably natural. This piece can be worn every day or worn for the occasion. A pendant with a pearl always looks very beautiful and modest on the neck, emphasizing its grace and sophistication.
  • Brooch or pin with pearls. A woman can proudly wear this accessory, pinning it on a dress, jacket or scarf. This jewelry has become quite popular and fashionable recently, in addition, it always emphasizes the status and luxury of a woman.
  • Pearl clutch. The thing, of course, is extraordinary, but very beautiful. Such an accessory is embroidered and decorated with imitation of pearls, but this does not make it any less beautiful. A woman will be happy to take this handbag with her to important events or occasions.
  • Pearl bracelet. Not every woman has such an accessory and jewelry, but everyone would like to have it. Pearls very subtly emphasize the beauty of a woman's wrist and always speak of "good taste."
  • Pearl watches. A symbolic and very relevant gift. Such watches can be made with both natural and imitation pearls. The watch looks very gentle and beautiful.
  • Pearl beads. This is a classic piece of jewelry (both natural and bijouterie), which must be in the arsenal of any woman. It perfectly complements classic dresses and suits, refines the neckline and draws attention to the neck.

What to give your beloved wife on the pearl wedding anniversary?

What to give for a pearl wedding 30 years to a dear husband: gift ideas

Giving your husband something really meaningful for a pearl wedding is much more difficult, because men do not wear pearls - a symbol of the anniversary. Therefore, it is important to choose a gift of no less importance for him.

Gift options:

  • Engraved watch - a classic gift that always turns out to be "winning" and is sure to please men. When choosing, it is important to focus on the preferences and style of your husband: discreet, trendy, sporty, classic. Another advantage of this gift is a large assortment of choice, now in stores you can buy analog watches, digital watches, with two types of watches, fitness bracelets, smart watches and much more.
  • Cigarette case (engraved) - the gift is relevant for those men who smoke. A cigar box will also work. It can be wooden or metal; it is easy to engrave on a metal box. A wooden product can be purchased or asked to be made to order by attaching one or more symbolic pearls.
  • Jewelry box (engraved) - this item can be used to store money, personal belongings, or writing utensils. It can be made to order according to your design or you can purchase a ready-made product.
  • Flask (engraved) - any man will like this accessory. If desired, it can be either a compact flask or a large hunting flask, it can also be decorated with engraving.
  • Wallet or purse - it is important to purchase a quality product made of genuine leather, which will not only please your man, but will also be attractive and "status".
  • Leather briefcase (bag) - only from natural materials. A man will definitely like such a product, he will use or go to work with this object with pleasure, he will be able to raise his status in the eyes of others.
  • A bracelet - Such jewelry is not to every man's taste, but, nevertheless, you can pick up a gold or silver item, decorated with stones, patterns, carvings or even engraving.
  • Ring - if your husband wears jewelry, a signet or a modest engraved or pebble ring, he will definitely like it.
  • Cufflinks (with pearls) - they will come in handy for the man who often wears suits and shirts. To order, you can ask to make cufflinks from silver, gold or jewelry alloy, decorating them with a pebble or black pearl.
  • Mother of pearl tie - a simple but symbolic gift in honor of the wedding anniversary.

What gift can you give your husband in honor of your 30th wedding anniversary?

What to give for a pearl wedding 30 years to parents: gift ideas

Children should take care of the health of their parents and give something useful, necessary and important in everyday life, use, and treatment for their 30th wedding anniversary. As a rule, spouses celebrating an anniversary are about 50-55 years old and therefore they often have problems with the musculoskeletal system, back, and legs.

Gift ideas:

  • New bed- this thing is very necessary for healthy sleep and wellness, but a good quality bed is very expensive and often older people save on buying this item, trying to sleep on old mattresses and springs. The new bed will allow parents not only to relax without suffering from back pain, but also to feel the comfort and care of their children.
  • Orthopedic mattress - This is a quality product that adjusts to the back of a person, allowing him to sleep comfortably and without harm to health. This mattress will be an alternative to the new bed.
  • New furniture - the choice of this gift depends on what exactly is missing in the house and what has fallen into disrepair: a kitchen, a wardrobe, a dining table, and so on.
  • Kitchen and household appliances - modern devices not only allow you to cook delicious food, but also simplify a person's life, saving his energy and time: blenders, electric meat grinders, food combines, televisions, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and so on.
  • A trip to the resort - a gift that will give your parents pleasant emotions and impressions, especially when they have not been at sea for a long time or have never traveled abroad.
  • A trip to the sanatorium - will allow your parents not only to relax, but also to improve their health.

Interesting options for gifts for a pearl wedding for parents

Beautiful congratulations on a pearl wedding 30 years for friends in poetry and prose

Our dear! Today, crossing the threshold of the 30th wedding anniversary , we want to commend you for the perseverance and courage with which you have been able to survive each year. We wish you great success in achieving your desired goals and may God protect your family!

Dear heroes of the occasion! You gathered us on this lush , a bright and significant holiday and we are grateful to you for that. Thank you that your love inspires us and gives us hope for a happy future. I would like to wish you good health, which will prolong your lives for long and ardent love!

A beautiful light of a pearl wedding
It is impossible to compare it with something.
Lived peacefully for all 30 years
The spouses are fine and careful.

Many guests and flowers today
And everyone wants to congratulate the couple
For that divine love
What inspiration gives, joy.

You have a very important day in your life today,
Close and dear people gathered,
Nothing will cast a shadow on your mood,
Everyone will congratulate you on your anniversary!

Today is the main symbol of the anniversary
The pearls poured by the sun are light and beautiful.
May he protect your union from various troubles
And every day gives you a gentle light!

To be honest, you are great fellows,
Not everyone is given such happiness.
Let your pearls drown in love,
May your every day not be in vain.

Mother of pearl of this anniversary
Everyone shines, the eye is happy!
Still as beautiful
You stayed as you did many years ago!

No, nothing beats beautiful
Shining pearls of your love
Take care of it not in vain,
You could become an excellent example!

Thirty years of daily happiness
You were able to master today,
Three dozen did not live in vain,
You gave each other dreams.

Love is not measured in years
Love is not measured in bags
It can only be measured by children.
And the grandchildren that the children gave you.

Going between you today
Only magic that is associated with dreams.
You have already achieved everything
And they became the happiest in the world!

Clinking glasses you hear loud,
It sounds in your good honor.
The table is set, it is huge today!
Wonderful wishes are countless!

Let your happiness fly like a bird
Through the years, bad weather and fear.
May your path be safe
Everything you want will be in your hands!

Like a pearl from the bottom of the ocean
Your feeling has been kept for years
And over time it became
A strong marriage that is between you!

There is no other similar value
How, friends, a pearl -
Anniversary of your loyalty
For my wife and husband!

You keep this symbol
Carefully and affectionately
So that in a year I can be beautiful
Life becomes your fairy tale!

They carefully kept in the shell
You have been married for exactly 30 years,
They loved each other affectionately
They gave tenderness only in return!

You inspired us with love
And they showed how easy
There is a great feeling strong
What raises high!

Let your children, your grandchildren, inspire you
Warms you family, friends warmly,
I want you not to know parting,
So that everything is good for you!

Your anniversary is very important.
No, not leather, not paper.
You have reached the "pearl" today,
Showing your feeling and courage.

Beautiful and sincere congratulations on a pearl wedding

Touching congratulations on a pearl wedding 30 years for the wife in verse and prose

Darling, after 30 years of our sweet and strong marriage, I can say with complete confidence that I am proud of you! You are a real example of thrift, tenderness and sensuality. Thank you, wife, for the beautiful children who gave me such wonderful grandchildren. Thank you for the warm home that you warm with your love and for not betraying this feeling for 30 years!

Thirty years of marriage, you're still the same pearl
That one day I needed it.
May our sunny marriage be the same
We are only happy for years in a row!

Compare my wife to a pearl,
She is gentle, beautiful, dear!
She is more faithful to any friend's heart,
I can't go anywhere without her!

How lucky to have such a friend -
A beautiful and faithful wife.
Thank you for being with me for 30 years
You keep your wedding vow!

For 30 years of love, my treasure, thank you!
You managed to make my life bright and beautiful,
Children gave me comfort,
May the angels take care of you, dear!

I want to notice, my dear,
That you haven't changed a bit ...
No, you have become better! You are transformed
Ever since she took the faithful oath!

Your eyes are treasures, pearls.
They shine for me, they beckon me.
You swore a marriage vow 30 years ago,
Since then, your kind look has become my family.

You are sweet, you are kind, beautiful,
I love you with a terrible wild force,
For 30 years we have lived with you so much,
That we cannot live without each other!

I will give you pearls beads
You don’t cry, what to wear, they say, there is nowhere ...
This is a symbol of our courageous love,
That can live forever!

Today pearls are a symbol of our love,
He is so similar to all my feelings,
May your life be easy, beautiful
Let the whim and peace fill her!

Pearl shimmers with glare,
And you, my wife,
Like the sun is many-sided
You shine in the sky all around!

Thank you my sunny,
That you have been happy for 30 years
That you shine through my window
Delight to my soul!

Beautiful congratulations to a woman at a pearl wedding

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a pearl wedding 30 years for her husband in poetry and prose

Dear husband! You served as my strong support for exactly 30 years and today I want to tell you that you are very important to me. Without you, I do not exist. May God grant you great health so that you can please me with your presence for a very long time!

Such support and a strong back
Probably you will not find it in the world.
Today is the pearl anniversary
I will thank my man.

Today is the birthday of the family,
That only together with you we have created.
We built a house from stones of love
We read dreams to the stars every day.

All 30 years have passed, like 30 days, everyone has rushed by.
Everything became quiet, so measured, calm.
All 30 years my heart burned with love on fire,
With you, my soul is happy and free!

Today it's a sin not to raise me to a sweet glass,
He is the embodiment of dreams, patience and strength,
He is what I was looking for in my youth,
He is the one who made my life beautiful!

I can say boldly "Envy!"
I have the best man!
We lived with him affectionately for thirty years
And today is our anniversary!

Today I'm not wearing a dress or a veil
There is no that beautiful, young beauty
But I still tremblingly worry
When I am with you, dear husband, I kiss!

You gave self-confidence
Made the happiest on earth
I love you with my soul for 30 years
And I am ready to be with you for 30 years!

The anniversary is the merit of a man
He solemnly holds a glass,
He managed to save "half",
He did not stop loving her!

Let's congratulate everyone
My wife
I managed to leave in my soul
He is a trace of his heart!

Your love is like a light in the dark
She warms my blood in my veins,
She gives me faith
She brings me to the sky!

Congratulations for a man on a pearl wedding anniversary

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a pearl wedding 30 years for parents in poetry and prose

Dear Parents! Thirty years is a big date. She allows everyone think about how great and noble human feelings are. Thank you parents for raising us in love and we will stick to your example forever!

Thank you parents
What could you
To inspire us, albeit not for the great,
But, feats of love!

From now on we all know
How to live in love
And we wish to achieve
Dreams that there is a family!

A love like yours
You are our parents,
We haven't met before
Now they know about her!

We want to match you
And a feeling to be inspired
To live in a happy marriage
From the very first wedding!

We wish you not to know troubles and partings,
So that the heart never becomes discouraged from sorrow,
So that not only children, but also your grandchildren,
You were allowed to warm up with your senses.

You gave us all life once,
For this, parents, thank you,
We are the continuation of your beautiful love,
Let it grow with great strength!

Today is your wedding anniversary,
They called the guests and laid the table beautifully,
Today there is a reason to sing and cry from happiness,
After all, 30 years of the happiest marriage!

Everyone today strives
Congratulate the "newlyweds"
Drink a glass of sparkling wine
And shout out loud "bitter" to you!

And we are your children with grandchildren
We sit, enjoying you,
After all, you are 30 years old spouses
Loved and stayed!

Thanks a lot to parents
For the fact that they loved ardently.
Your union, delightful
Left a trace in our hearts!

Congratulations from children for a pearl wedding

Funny congratulations for spouses on their wedding day 30 years

The wife is a beauty
Like a pearl bead
For all 30 years she appreciated
And, of course, she inspired her husband!

Let's praise together
Spouses for this hard work.
It's hard for us to imagine you and without each other,
Let the Gods protect you from parting!

Like a juicy little wifey berry,
Like a warrior in armor a husband,
May the sun shine on you tenderly
Let your marriage know no parting!

Here is a beautiful woman
A happy man is with her.
This is a pearl wedding -
Best Anniversary!

Drink once and drink two
So that your head is spinning!
For 30 sweet years,
So that love does not extinguish your light!

Your love is like a color movie
You protect her, already, for a long time,
May this film not end
Your loved ones need it!

How good it is to love and be loved
How good it is to share with others all the strong feelings.
You spouses are happy and glorious,
Happy pearl anniversary, you lovely ones!

You, wife, do not be angry
That your husband is drunk today.
He's the thirtieth time groom
He drank to our delight!

May everything work out for you,
We wish you not to suffer
Let all the clouds go away in a moment, Pearl wedding script 30 years for toastmaster

What parts should the script consist of:

  • Greetings(in this part, the toastmaster selects the most beautiful poems and songs about the 30th wedding anniversary in order to lure guests and pleasantly meet the spouses).
  • Banquet invitation(with a beautiful speech, the toastmaster invites everyone present to take their places in the banquet hall).
  • Introductory(the toastmaster fluently reports a list of entertainment events for the day and suggests watching a video clip about spouses, listening to poems about spouses or viewing their photos, "dating history", for example).
  • Solemn (congratulatory)(in this part of the holiday, the toastmaster gives the floor to each guest present to express their wishes to the spouses and give gifts).
  • Thankful(the spouse or the toastmaster thanks those present for coming).
  • Entertaining(in this part of the holiday the toastmaster holds various entertainment events: contests, cartoons, scenes).
  • Dance(this can be ordinary or entertaining dances with competitions).
  • Farewell(the toastmaster sums up the results of the holiday and sees off the guests).

Video: "30 years - a pearl wedding"

The 30th anniversary of family life is called a pearl wedding. A very large percentage of families are celebrating such an important anniversary. Usually, all relatives and close friends gather at home with happy spouses, give mementos, beautiful congratulations and wishes sound. And if everything is more or less clear with the gift, usually these are some kind of pearl products, then you will have to work hard with congratulations, especially if your parents have such a wedding anniversary, you cannot do with a simple congratulation, you need a sincere, sensual, original 30 years. Or maybe you go to visit your close friends? But even here it is worth picking up an original congratulation, after all, this is not a banal anniversary, but a celebration of 30 years of marriage.
In this section, we are pleased to offer you high-quality congratulations on a pearl wedding.

Today, mother-in-law, father-in-law
Congratulations son-in-law:
You have been together for thirty years!
... Where can I get the words,
Be so pearl
Affectionate, alive?
Happy and friendly
You live again!
It was not as if
Drum in flight of days ...
Goodness, comfort to you,
Nobody - relatives !!!

For so many years, grandfather needs a grandmother
Every year, every day
every hour
Thirty years!
Means, pearl wedding,
Dear, today you have!
I thank a couple
only known for good,
I write a verse to you as I sing a song:
You live as a groom, as a bride
And admire your family!
And I wish you - grandmother, grandfather - me
Happiness, peace and great strength.
Following your sublime life,
I will live with an open mind !!!

Thirty years is quite a solid period,
To know each other by heart
Along and across, obliquely:
Every gesture is clear, a sigh, a hint.
Different lives are intertwined with one destiny.
Over the years, the world has become a foreign one.
To live alone for thirty years under a roof
Equally share everything among themselves -
There are no more mysteries, no secrets!
But even though thirty years have passed,
And the same light flickers in my eyes
Warm greetings from the sea.
And as a gift - pearls of the seas
On your pearly glorious anniversary
Will be especially dear to you
Its symbolic fragility.
So the family is soft-looking, fragile,
But it is strong with pearl hardness.
Like pearls raised from the bottom
She pleases us with her tenderness.

The eyelashes quivered sadly:
Thirty is still thirty.
But what to be sad about, relatives,
If feelings are so bright?
And love lives and warms
And the fruits ripen as before,
And on a glorious anniversary
Are the tables just crashing?
Never be discouraged
Continue in the same spirit,
To a new anniversary
Was even brighter for you!

Let the years rush by.
Not chilled
Your feelings are dear great.
And today for the pearl wedding
All came with a dear soul.
30 years flew by a rocket
There is something to remember
Saddened sometimes.
The necklace worn on the neck -
A sign of love, cares, and work.
And let it never end
The dream does not say goodbye to you.
And the buds, laughing, bloom,
And kindness reigns every moment.

Like pearls, marriage is beautiful and strong
Your connection can no longer be broken!
And today we are very glad to see you
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

Thirty years is a solid experience for a family,
Many different days behind us:
The good and the bad. But you can immediately see
That you only became stronger in love!

On your holiday, wonderful spouses,
We sincerely want to wish you
Live long and please each other,
And continue to love as before!

Pearls, everyone knows that
Grows out of a grain of sand.
To be a wonderful family
Must become two halves
One indivisible whole
To unite two destinies
To the joys and misfortunes
Honestly divide in half.
You did it,
After all, your family is strong,
Oh, to be, happiness has not broken ...
We are glad for you, friends!
We wish you health,
And joint long years,
Days filled with love
After all, its light is beautiful! --- Mom and Dad, I'm glad, very happy
Congratulations on your anniversary now.
Your marriage is stable, it is strong and durable,
I will try and take an example from you.
You are 30 years old, dear, married,
And, I know, it's good for you two,
So be happy, be rich
Let your house be full of joy!

I am today, dad and mom,
I will give flowers a bouquet
To you, as a strong couple!
There is no better you in the world!
Lived together for thirty years
You have experienced a lot
There were many wonderful days
And the difficulties, alas ...
On your wedding anniversary
I wish you all the best
Let the house be a full cup
And the hearth does not go out in it!
May health be strong
So that doctors do not know
May dear people always
Give tenderness and love!

Pearl marriage - 30 years
The date is round like the sun
Let the champagne spill
Glasses are clinking on the table!
You are each other for 30 years
Respected and loved
Your feelings are warm
And you are doubly happy:
After all, over these 30 years
You managed to raise children,
To create a house and comfort in it.
For the pearl jubilee
Let everyone not get tired of drinking!

You have been together for 30 years, like doves,
May your happiness be endless
My beloved parents,
You give each other happiness forever!

So that you are always happy
May you have a lot of health,
Luck for many years
And so that you always have enough!

I can't believe that 30 years have passed
Since we got married!
With you, happiness entered my door,
Your voice, your tender, cheerful laugh.

Sometimes you look like an angel
Sometimes you fly on a broomstick
And I give flowers, beloved,
On a wonderful day, special to you!

Sometimes brick houses
Can't stand that long
Like a marriage that is worth
Much more expensive than pearls!

The family was built on conscience,
And it's warm, comfortable to live in it!
We are now ready to argue:
You have something to cherish in life!

So that one pearl is born into the world
The sink has been working for many, many years!
You have been together for 30 years - happy anniversary of you!
We congratulate you on the pearl wedding now!

We wish you happiness, long life!
Health and success, good luck and victories!
May all your dreams come true in a moment!
We wish you joy, laughter, kindness!