Congratulations on the holiday of private security in prose. Congratulations on the day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Congratulations on the day of the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, poems and prose for the professional holiday for employees of the private security of the Russian Federation, which is celebrated in October. Congratulations in verse on the day of private security, with beautiful wishes for all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyme for the holiday. Congratulations in prose on the day of private security, with sincere wishes of all the best in the service, will be an excellent speech spoken in your own words on a professional holiday. A wonderful celebratory toast in honor of private security officers, uttered from the bottom of our hearts, will be a sincere warm wish for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on his professional holiday.

Risking life often

How much will it takes for such a difficult service
Often risking your life, you need to protect the object.
And you just don't have the right to be distracted,
It was not in vain that you became a breast for a cause for the right.

And on this holiday, we sincerely congratulate
We wish you only the very best.
For us to be a support and protection
To forget about crime.

Private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Private security, I wish you a holiday
To have faithful, reliable friends nearby.
From a bullet to take care of a friend's back,
So that you can always have a drink together.

I wish you more health and love
The whole family is proud of you,
We must respect the dangerous work of the police,
So that she could protect us from troubles, misfortunes.

Keeps us calm night and day

Brave guys, those who are in the country
Keeps us calm night and day.
We want to wish you doubly health,
We believe that you are a real hero.

We wish you to serve properly,
Let the trust of citizens grow every day!
And protection at a dangerous moment
We know it won't let you down!

We heartily congratulate you

Dear Private Security Officer,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy big day!
Health, good luck,
Fight successfully with crooks.

We wish you a lift in your career,
Presentation of new shoulder straps,
Love and harmony - at home,
And let the law prevail!

Happy private security day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You reliably protect objects and property of organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, property of citizens from criminal encroachments, solve the tasks of strengthening the anti-terrorist stability of protected facilities and the residential sector, participate in crime prevention, and ensure the protection of public order. Your prompt response to alarms and the reliability of protecting protected facilities inspire citizens' confidence in the service. Thank you for your high professionalism and experience. We wish you success in your hard and noble work, good health, family happiness and prosperity, all the best.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You work in a unique police structure, well organized, mobile and technically equipped. Your profession requires maximum attention and vigilance. On duty, you have taken upon yourself the responsibility of protecting the peace of citizens, their property, and you are ready at any moment to join the fight against offenders, to instantly take all measures to detain the criminal. Thank you for your excellent service and professionalism. I wish you further success, courage, endurance, respect from your colleagues, health, love, happiness, and all the best.

You are able to provide reliable protection!

I cordially congratulate you on the day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Your service is designed to ensure a high level of security for the property of citizens, enterprises and organizations. In the context of the continuing aggressiveness of the criminal environment, not only the rich, who are afraid of robberies, resort to the services of your service, but also ordinary ordinary Russians who just want to feel calm, not to be afraid that a thief can get into the apartment during their absence. You are really capable of providing reliable protection to the protected object. I would like to thank you for your professionalism, wish you success in your service, health, personal and family happiness, home comfort, all the best. Good luck!

Postcards for the Holiday
private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Postcards with the day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - colorful greeting cards for the professional holiday of the day of workers of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Animated postcards with the day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in gif animation. Postcards with congratulations on the day of the worker of the Russian private security.

Employees of private security have such qualities as courage, courage, dedication and high professionalism. However, unlike colleagues from other departments, they have a huge responsibility and constant risk. To please these brave people on their professional holiday - the day of private security, you, their friends and relatives are trying to find the best and most beautiful words for congratulations, strive to please your dear people and distract them from everyday work. Especially for today's celebration, we have collected on our website the most relevant wishes that will surprise with their diversity, delight with colorful epithets and interesting wishes and give unforgettable moments of joy and fun.

Congratulations on the Day of private security in verse

Gardens, whether schools or hospitals,
Apartments, cottages, everything will fit,
To protect, warn
To save property!
And on the day of protection we wish you
So that the guard is respected,
To be effective as well
To serve gloriously in the organs! ©

non-departmental institutions,
Important, there are already solutions for that,
To protect from manifestations,
When the laws are suspended!
And it's easier to say
You must serve the people!
So that all property in the country,
What is under protection everywhere!
We wish you on your day, and on the day,
So that your work would be respected,
So that without misfires in it always,
So that your service is on "Hurray"! ©

Congratulations on the Day of private security to colleagues in verse

I know you can rely
On those who are nearby here in the ranks,
They won't let you down, I'm sure
For that, I especially appreciate it!
After all, you don’t often meet colleagues like that,
Always true to principles
That guard day and night
And the whole brotherhood is afraid of them!
So with the holiday, with the coming,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
And let it be easier for you,
On your life path! ©

Cool congratulations on the Day of private security

Wake-up call, wake-up call
There are still moments to leave,
And we rush in anticipation
Oh, what will be there? Everyone is excited!
The siren yells, scattered,
And you think the bullets are flying
But no, it's all right here,
And the silence here is unchanging.
The only reason for this was
The usual false only signal!
And we sigh calmly
That didn't hurt at all
That the holiday is still on the nose,
We celebrate what is meant to be!
Protection day today is now,
Let in the future and in sight,
There will be no reason for us
What have we experienced now?
Happy holiday to you all,
May success accompany you! ©

Apartments, cottages, garages,
Keep cool know you
Rush immediately on alarm,
The villains will not take their feet!
Tie up all those involved,
And their labor will be so vain,
Save us everything and everyone
Special thanks for that!
We are on the day that we congratulate you,
We wish the strangers
So that all the service goes without problems,
So that all things can be done! ©

Congratulations on the Day of private security in prose

On this festive day, we are happy to congratulate those courageous and courageous people whose meaning of work is to serve in the protection of our and state property. I would like to recall with gratitude those who had the bright mind to create the private security. Your work is very dangerous and immensely important. Daily duty, sleepless nights, constant risk to life - all these difficulties will scare away any candidate, but not your brave hearts. We wish you a calm watch, reliable colleagues, so that the guardian angel constantly protects you and your health, and your relatives support and understand the justified risk of your hard work! ©

In one large commercial firm, it has long been customary to celebrate the New Year holiday with the whole team, and the team there was not small. And besides, the authorities looked indifferently at drunkenness after hours, and some of the management even encouraged: "Joint drinking brings together" ...
The problem was this: after the holiday, the drivers of rented minibuses did not know where to deliver dead drunk people.
And just before the next New Year, one of the employees suggested the following: for each participant in the booze, print cards with his home address, laminate and distribute to everyone at the entrance to the banquet hall ...
Everything worked out for the best. After the "meeting" of the New Year, the security gathered on the floors
unconscious bodies, took out cards from the breast pockets of men's jackets and women's handbags and attached them to clothes with special clothespins. Then everyone was loaded
in bundles on cars and taken home without any problems ... The next New Year, the management decided to use the same system, especially since the team of this company had grown a lot and many did not even know each other by name. The holiday itself was a lot of fun. The people, knowing from experience that they would be delivered home in any condition, drank heavily on alcohol, and closer to the morning the floors of the luxurious building resembled a massacre. Everywhere, in the corridors, toilets, on the stairs and even in the underground garage, drunk people were lying around. The guards, as before, gathered everyone in the hall and put them in a row on the floor, covered especially for this with a clean tarpaulin (so as not to spoil expensive clothes).
But every system has a flaw. When one of the guards was ordered to get cards out of his pockets and hang them on the clothes of dead drunk individuals lying on the floor, he entrusted this matter to one of the guests, who, although he was drunk, still kept on his feet, and brunette... Our guest, who was entrusted with this business, turned out to be an American, and, unfortunately, he understands a little Russian. He understood only one thing: you need to collect some cards and hang them on people, and since the Americans were bred on earth only about two hundred years ago, he did everything a little wrong.
Having collected the cards from the cards lying on the floor, he shuffled them thoughtfully ("Why do they need this?") and quickly hung them up, going in order from left to right. It all ended with the fact that other people's wives were brought to other people's husbands, or even worse, a man to another man's husband ... I myself also suffered when, instead of my wife, who was already pretty fed up with me, they brought her colleague - a beautiful long-legged blonde who was personal secretary of the boss, and who, to my great joy, confused me with him. In a word, the night was a fairy tale for me, although this is already another
history... And as for the system that failed - now the programmers of this office on the eve of Christmas scan all the photos of the invitees to put them on the cards...

Congratulations on the Day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. May the activity be successful and successful, without incidents and mistakes, may the forces be strong and good health. I wish you energy, vivacity, dexterity, courage and courage, personal happiness and prosperity.

Congratulations to courageous people with strong character and steel nerves. People who have devoted themselves to a very important profession - the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish you success in life and prosperous service. I wish you joyful moments and good mood. Let your favorite work bring only pleasure and prosperity, and not pose any dangers.

Congratulations on the Day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and I want to wish you to work perfectly without unnecessary fuss and any reports, to confidently guard the order and safety of objects, to be one of the best in your activities, and always meet a happy dawn in your life.

Congratulations on the professional holiday to the employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. No matter how difficult it may be for you, know that the safety and tranquility of citizens depends on you. May your service be successful and raise a sense of pride in your soul.

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! This day emphasizes the importance of state policy for the protection of individual rights, security and public order! We wish you confidence in the future!

Congratulations on the Day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish you strength, courage, courage, endurance and determination. May work be a glorious and worthy deed, may life always hold the bar of good luck, success and happiness high. May the angel keep you, and you keep the love and dreams of your heart.

Congratulations on the Day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish that large stars fall directly from the sky on your shoulder straps, so that your service is both safe and easy. Patience and courage, good luck and all the best in your personal life, faithful and brave guard!

Congratulations to those who stand guard over the order where they are rarely noticed. Happy Day of Workers of the Private Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! May your service always be one that you tell your friends, acquaintances and family about with joy and pride. Happy professional holiday and all the blessings that you only need in this life.