Wishes to children from parents for the last call. Ideas for writing a beautiful speech for the last call from parents. Examples of good parting words for primary school graduates from parents

Script of congratulations to graduates from parents

based on the project "ONCE IN A FILM"

Description: This is not the first time that parents have addressed me: "to put a number for our children on the holiday of presenting certificates." And I am happy to get down to business. The material will be useful to class teachers, parents and teachers of additional education.

Target: Congratulations to the graduates.
Task: Provide an opportunity for parents to creatively congratulate their children.
Characters: 3 fathers, 7-10 mothers.
The conductor comes out in front of the stage, bows to the audience, turns to the stage
The music "On the French side" sounds, parents (mothers) come on stage.
Line up like on a physics teacher's room () and sing
Moms: On the French side on an alien planet
You have to study at the university!
How long we are - not to say in words!
Cry dear friends with bitter tears.
Goodbye, we shake hands with each other!
and the martyr of science will leave the school house ...
Music changes to another from the movie "The Three Musketeers"
Vyacheslav and Alexander appear on the stage in hats and raincoats

Dads: Time to go, let's rejoice: the exams are over!
We do not know how we passed everything, but universities are ahead!
Bye-bye-swinging the feathers on the hats!
We whisper to fate more than once: merci sideways!
Dad1: And what are we, my friends, all about France, yes in French ?! What have we forgotten in this Europe?
Dad2: Really! Russia needs to be raised! Take care of the Russian land!
Guitar busting sounds, the dads take off their hats and raincoats, give them to their mothers, they themselves remain in chain mail (or Russian embroidered shirts), sit down on chairs
Dad 1: Oh you goy-esi, good fellows!
Dad 2: Good fellows and red girls!
Dad 3: Listen to our commandment ...
Dad 1:... Very wise ...
Dad 2: ... yes, very long!
Dad 3: For a long way, yes with instructions ...
Dad 2: ... we see off our little ones!
Dad 1: Mothers cry at the window ... (behind the scenes moms can be heard crying)
Dad 2: Father wipes away little tears ...
Dad 3: As we think that we have grown up ...
Dad 1: Our falcons have risen on the wing!
Dad 2:... yes falconies! (everyone sighs)
Dad 3: Oh, these studies are overseas! I all see evil professors ... Yes, sleepless
night for the textbook!
Dad 1: ... well, if only with a textbook! A
I have heard about the Bessovskie clubs! About festivities and tails not delivered!
Dad 2: But we will believe in good! You are studying our beauties!
Dad 3: Our good fellows and girls are red!
Dad 1: Glorify your school with your grades ...
TOGETHER: Yes land, yes Russian!
Mom comes on stage, the music stops
Mama (resting his hand on his side): Look at these storytellers! (dads put their hands on their hips) As if you weren't young yourself! (dads fold their arms over their chests) Girls weren't looked after (dads turn away), but we didn’t run around discos in jeans (dads indignantly slap themselves on the knees and get up)!
Dads leave, chairs take with them
Couples of girls begin to walk around the stage

Voice-over: Daughter, come on home!
Mama: Well maaaaam, I'll walk a little more!
Music sounds, mothers come on stage and light up to disco music (each piece is no more than 30-50 seconds - we took the simplest movements):
* "As on ours for two ...",
* "Music has tied us...",
* "UUUUUUUUUU" (Barbra Streisand).
Then the dads come out and together with their mothers they sing the final song
Life flew by before my eyes.
We ourselves did not recognize you today
The children have grown up and the heart overflows with happiness!
We are sure you will succeed!
We'll have to suffer a little, of course.
The guardian angel protects you from troubles and hardships!
You are the most precious in the world!
We have covered a long way!
Today is your graduation party!
We are great happiness
We wish our children graduation day!
We wish children health, good luck,
Mutual love - how could it be otherwise ?!
We will support you, we will help you in everything:
With money and advice ..
In a word: how can we!
Our relatives, know we are always there!
Your success is our reward!
Final song idea (at the request of the parents) we took from here:

The last bell is an extraordinary holiday leading both joy and sadness at the same time. In the midst of the event, the soul becomes sad because the graduates of the 9th and 11th grades forever say goodbye to school and never return. And it's fun - because the native "alma mater" has released another smart and reliable generation, ready for an independent adult life. But in the process of teaching, upbringing and the formation of the personality of students, not only teachers took part, but also parents, head teachers, class teachers, school organizers and even the director of an educational institution. And the speech on the last call should sound from the lips of everyone who has invested his soul, strength and time in the children who have become graduates on this important day.

Solemn speech on the last call from the headmaster

For thousands of graduates, the solemn speech of the school director at the line in honor of the last bell is considered a traditional element of the accepted etiquette, which does not promise anything new and unusual. The reason for this is the speakers themselves: pronouncing the same banal words from year to year, they set the teeth on edge, they become the cause of the next ridicule. Meanwhile, the personality of the headmaster is authoritative even for the most hooligan and cocky students. And it is much wiser, while pronouncing the solemn speech of the director, to further strengthen your authority and talk with graduates about things that are really important for each of them.

Texts for the solemn speech of the school director on the last bell

For graduates, the last bell is a grand event. After all, a small 10-year life is left behind, filled with important events, valuable discoveries, funny moments and small sorrows. Therefore, a solemn speech on the last call from the headmaster, filled with banal phrases: "How little you were - How grown up you have become" will be completely inappropriate. Such tearful remarks are relevant when performed by your beloved grandmother or annoying aunt. The director, on the other hand, should talk about more essential things: about the patience and obedience of students, about the colossal work of teachers, about the difficulties of choosing a future profession, about the responsibility of adolescents for their own lives.

Dear Guys! Today is a very solemn day in your life, because all roads are opening up in front of you. From this day on, you are considered adults, and this is very responsible. You will have to make decisions on your own, and your future life will depend only on you. You are the young generation that is coming to replace us, and the life of the whole society will depend on how you build your life. From now on, you are responsible for the future. We want to wish you a smooth life road, good friends, good luck and the easiest trials! Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Good luck again and be happy!

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, spreading their wings, and rush into free flight. We, parents and teachers, watch with delight and sadness how you rush out of the doors of your native school, and with it, partly, out of your parental home. From now on you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And what your life will be like depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think everything over clearly and carefully, do not follow the lead of other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will certainly be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it awaits you outside the school door!

So that bright hour has come, for which you have put a lot of effort and work. Now you are on the verge of a new life and even greater achievements. Primers, satchels, bows, the first letters written with your own hand and the first word you read on your own - all this is in the past. Now you are already quite mature and mature individuals who have chosen their own path in life.
Today everyone cordially congratulates you: teachers who have led for many years to this significant day; parents who supported in any endeavors and aspirations; schoolchildren who are looking at you now with great respect! We wish to achieve everything that we have outlined, easily go through the chosen paths and successfully pass the first serious exam in life - the Unified State Exam. Mutual understanding to you, happiness and good luck! We believe: everything will work out in your life!

Official speech from the administration on the last call

The last months of study take an important place in the life of every young person. This is a crucial stage in parting with childhood, beloved friends, kind teachers and home walls of cozy classrooms. At the final school stage, there is a brief summing up of everything that has been the meaning of life over the past 10 years. And the farewell speech of the school administration at the solemn assembly, of course, should become the final lesson in morality, gratitude and kindness. Alas, not always even the most responsible manager is able to find time to prepare touching and heartbreaking speeches. Therefore, we have prepared in advance the best texts for the official speech from the administration on the last call.

Examples of beautiful speech of the school administration for the last call

Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! The day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. You have already taken the first step towards future achievements and successes - and now you are on the verge of serious responsible decisions about choosing your future professional and life path. Great prospects are open before you. School years gave you a lot of new and interesting things - joy, comprehension of different sciences, loyalty of friends, first love and first disappointments. But the teachers studied with you, your parents gained experience and wisdom. And may only the brightest and warmest memories of school remain in your memory, and may today be the start to a new adult and interesting life filled with events.

Dear Guys! Your last call is ringing today. Everything will remain in its melodic overflows: the joy of the first victories, and hard work on oneself, and the sleepless nights of your parents, and the sincere love of your teachers. Let each of his trills remind you of the bright days you spent in the forever young temple of sciences, whose name is school. She, too, will not forget you, for over the years she has become accustomed to you, and her present day is full of inescapable sadness ... Well, nothing in this world is permanent. New achievements and new successes await you, and your favorite school - new students. We wish you the best of luck and bless you for your glorious deeds. Good luck, graduates!

When the Last Bell rings, one usually recalls all the best that was experienced during the years of schooling.
Ahead - like the border separating childhood from adult life - is a difficult, but no less magical summer:
June is a month of examination tests and verification of not only knowledge, but also endurance, ingenuity, responsibility.
July is the month of making the first independent decisions.
August is the month of lucky starfalls.
I wish you, graduates, not only to have time to make your cherished wishes, but also to catch your star and hold it in your hands!
Remember: that exciting moment comes when your whole life is in your hands. Let the kind light of the star of your youth illuminate it!

Parting speech of the class teacher on the last bell

Over the centuries-old history of the formation of primary and secondary education in schools, there has been a steady tendency to hang labels on different categories of students. It's no secret that high-performing students are considered more worthy, while C-graders and good-graders feel ashamed and ridiculed. The parting speech of the class teacher at the last bell should put all the real and imaginary values ​​of the graduates into place. After all, both an excellent student and a poor student can be successful and happy in adulthood. The main thing is to learn to set goals and successfully follow them halfway.

Homeroom teacher touching speech text for final call

When addressing the parting speech to the graduates on the last bell, the class teacher can mention that each of the students is a unique and inimitable person, worthy of love and respect. It is important to say that loved ones do not love for the numbers in the report card, sporting achievements and exemplary behavior, but just like that. This is how this feeling works! And in order to gain understanding, friendship and approval of others, simple kind and honest human deeds are enough.

Congratulations on your graduation from school. Today the school bell has rung for you for the last time. You were eager to become adults as soon as possible and say goodbye to school desks, you tried to quickly escape from school.
And today the school says goodbye to you. Parting for you will become a new stage in your life, a facet of change and a responsible choice. The very first independent choice in your young destinies.
Both your schoolteachers and your greatest allies in learning - your parents want the very best for you that you can wish for their children, happiness. Happiness such that there is enough for everyone and still remains for the world around you. May this world be kind to you, may only kind, sincere people meet on your roads. And, if you need advice or help, then you always know who to turn to. Good luck, dear graduates!

The last call comes only once in a lifetime. And how quickly it will ring out, how quickly you will plunge into the whirlpool of adult life, where there are so many new, interesting, but a lot of hassle and obstacles! Our dear children, our yesterday's students! We have tried our best to invest in you everything that the school and family can give. You grew up, matured, developed and, of course, also tried, even more than we did, to adequately approach the threshold of the last call. We are very pleased with the result, happy with you, and we want you to continue to give us only joy, only pride for you, and you have already been given full gifts by life itself and luck itself. Let it work out with education, with work, with a career, with families. Let adult life be happy, youth long, and old age recede before your enthusiasm and enthusiasm!

Excitingly, loudly, alarmingly, the school bell sounded. He for you, our dear, so imperceptibly matured children, will become a signal, an appeal to boldly go towards a new, interesting, full of joy and success in life! Quite recently, just like that, with tears of joy in our eyes, we stood worried, handing you into the safe hands of the first teacher. And today you are worried with us, realizing that childhood is behind us - and funny changes, perky sports, joint excursions, trips, will remain only in memories and school albums. But there are still unconquered peaks, new discoveries ahead of you, and we believe that your life will be rich and interesting! May everything turn out well!

Response speech from graduates to the last call in grade 9

The last bell is an exciting event for every student. But it evokes the most acute, unusual and ambiguous feelings among graduates. The pre-holiday bustle, armfuls of flowers, symbolic bells, ribbons and other important trifles are replaced by slight sadness and bitterness of farewell to everything that was so dear in recent years. And at the most crucial moment, when it is the turn of the 9th and 11th grade graduates to go on stage with an answer to the last bell, the feeling of inevitable parting with the school “home” is intensified a hundredfold. In such emotional moments, sentimental phrases and words of gratitude generate tears in the eyes of not only graduates, but also teachers, parents, and the class teacher.

Response speech of 11th grade graduates on the last call

The response speech from graduates to the last call in the 9th and 11th grade is always touching and heartwarming. In their address, the guys remember the brightest moments, thank their parents and teachers for their patience and everyday work, wish their followers to remain themselves and stubbornly follow their dreams. It is not easy to compose the ideal text of the response speech of graduates on your own, so you can use standard templates and supplement them with personal emotions and experiences.

We congratulate you, our dear teachers, who have endured and loved us for so many years, with the Last Call. We are sincerely grateful to you for the knowledge and work you put into us. And although we sometimes upset and sometimes offended you, we want to say that we appreciate and remember every word you uttered! Thank you for your love, support and important tips that we will remember for a lifetime! A new, bright future awaits us, but we will never forget you, our dear teachers! Thank you for telling us everything you knew yourself, putting a special meaning in each word, we really appreciate it! It was you who directed each of us in the right direction and thanks to you we now know which road we will go! With the Last Call you, our beloved teachers!

Dear teachers and dear friends - classmates. Today we, the graduates, have to take one of the most important steps in our life, parting with the school. The best years are behind - carefree childhood, youth, and further studies and work are ahead. I think that the best gratitude for the teachers from our side will be the fruits of knowledge and life wisdom, which we have grown from the seeds that they have sown in our hearts. One Latin proverb says that we do not study for school, but for life. These words are deeply engraved in our memory. And today we are parting with the building to which we owe so much, with the teachers who, with the same selflessness, devoted all their efforts to our education and upbringing. Therefore, on behalf of all today's graduates, I say: thank you, school, thank you, dear teachers.

Today we are graduates, no longer children, but not adults either. Tomorrow we will take a step into an independent life. There will be both sorrows and joys. Sometimes we will meet good and sympathetic people, and sometimes - quarrelsome and evil. But we must remember that parents and teachers raised us as kind, decent and cultured guys and girls. I would like to thank all my relatives and, of course, those who have taught us over the years. Thank you, teachers, for your help in difficult times, for the good advice and knowledge that you have shared with us.

Touching speech on the last call from parents 11 grade

It is the parents who have to end the long school journey the most difficult: it is not easy to realize that your child has already grown up and will very soon rush into free flight. What to talk about at such a responsible and exciting moment? At first glance, everything seems to be clear. Suffice it to mention the important role of the school in the life of children, their rapidly approaching adulthood and future difficulties and obstacles that now and then arise at every step. But, as practice shows, such words cause nothing but boredom. Therefore, you will have to work a little over the preparation of a really touching speech for the last call from the parents of 11-graders ... Or use our texts!

Examples of texts for the speech of parents of 11-graders on the last call

Our dear!

You are now quite an adult and will soon fly out of the nest. From now on, you will go on your own path in life. Life will make you wise and strong, failures will temper you, and successes will push you to new achievements. But today we want to give you advice to always remain a little children!

All children are visionaries and dreamers. Don't stop building castles in the air and dreaming about what seems impossible today! He who does not dream of the impossible will not achieve even a little.

All children are curious. Stay that way: strive to learn and grasp as much as possible. Be greedy for knowledge! After all, knowledge is the power that will help you become successful.

All children are fidgets. Parents and teachers sometimes have a hard time! But restlessness develops. Be fidgety - move, travel, play sports, dance, indulge in hobbies and hobbies. Live interesting!

A child, faced with difficulties and troubles, always turns to elders for help and consolation. We hope you keep this habit. You, of course, need to learn to be independent, but you should not refuse the participation of your elders! Parents will always understand everything and will try to help, no matter what difficult situation you find yourself in.

Our relatives! Your teachers, parents and grandparents tried to fill you with reasonable, kind and eternal. Remain a little childish, do not lose everything that is beautiful and pure, with which your young hearts and souls are full. Look at life with a smile - and it will smile back at you!

Dear Guys! It seems that only yesterday we brought you to first grade, and today the last bell rings for you. Time flew by quickly, but the path was not easy: it was filled with successes and failures, joys and sorrows. You did it and we are proud of you!

But the path continues - you have new heights and achievements ahead of you. Let faith, hope and love be your constant companions!

Self-confidence is the key to success. Confidence in a bright future is an optimist's credo. Faith will help you achieve your goals and not deviate from your plans, and optimism will not allow you to limp if something does not work out.

Don't let go of hope. It inspires and gives strength. By walking hand in hand with hope, you can overcome any challenge.

Cherish the love. It is in each of you. Don't let her light go out. Keep your love for teachers, for knowledge, for your small homeland. Love relatives, loved ones, friends, nature, music. Look at life with love, and it will reciprocate you!

Believe it! Hope! Love! And you will succeed!

Dear Guys! Today the last bell rings for you, as a signal of the beginning of a new life stage. Together with the teachers, we accompany you into adulthood. The road will not be easy, but we are sure that you can handle it and will definitely become successful.

But what does it mean to be successful? Money and a career are not everything!

A successful person does what he loves. We wish you to choose for yourself a profession that will bring you joy.

Successful is the one who has time-tested friends. Your class is a close-knit, friendly team. Appreciate and keep it!

Successful people always care about their health. Lead a sensible lifestyle and take care of yourself.

Successful people are not afraid to make difficult decisions. Be decisive - the courage of the city takes!

A successful person knows how to say “No!” If asked about something that is at odds with his principles. Learn this!

Successful people are grateful to those who helped them on the way to the goal. Don't forget your educators. Keep in yourself the good that they taught you.

And the last thing: a successful person is one who always and everywhere succeeds. So be punctual and remember to set your alarm.

Good luck, our grown children!

Speech from parents to grade 9 graduates on the last call

Somehow unexpectedly quickly this day came. The day when our children ascend to a new stage in their lives. The stage where there will be no all-encompassing eyes of parents and teachers; a stage where you will have to solve most of life's problems and tasks on your own. But you took this step for a short 9 years, learning new and unknown things, getting to know all sorts of aspects of life, learning to communicate with adults and peers. And all these 9 years your teachers tirelessly walked hand in hand with you. Together with you, they rejoiced at your ups and downs, were upset and worried about you in difficult times. Just imagine how much strength, health, patience and love it took for them to bring up such wonderful graduates from foolish six-year-olds, proudly and confidently looking into the future.
Dear teachers! Let me express to you sincere words of gratitude for your attention, care, for your work. Today we say from the bottom of our hearts: "Thank you for our children!"
And now I appeal to you, our beloved children. Go ahead boldly, with pure thoughts. Set reasonable goals for yourself and follow your path. Learn to rejoice and appreciate every moment, every hour, every day. Good luck on the next step in your life. Always remember: there are people in the world who love you very much and are always worried - these are us, your parents. Good luck!

So the last bell rang, the last exams have been passed. And the prom night came. You are finishing 9th grade. Some of you will stay at school, for them the main graduation is yet to come. Well, for those who wanted to get a profession in another institution, this evening will be a farewell party with school, with friends - classmates. And classmates.

I cordially congratulate all ninth-graders on their graduation from school. This event is one of the most significant for every person. The day of graduation will forever remain in your memory. It is exciting for you, your educators and your parents. You are entering adulthood. Behind are childhood, school years, filled not only with educational concerns and problems, but also with the joy of knowing the world, making friends. Ahead is the choice of a further path, the adoption of important and responsible decisions. Never lose your valiant ardor, do not allow yourself to stop before difficulties and under no circumstances stop learning - replenish your baggage with new achievements.

Remember: only solid knowledge will help you to adequately meet the challenges of our demanding time. The independent life that you are entering today will teach you in its own way, but after closing the doors of the school, take the wisdom of your teachers, the shoulder of your classmates and that optimism into your life. I would like to advise the graduates, leaving the walls of the school, not to stop improving, not to rest on what has been achieved, Not to do without luck in life. May you be lucky to have smart worthy colleagues and true friends !. I would like to wish that always, wherever and whatever you do, you are confident in yourself and your knowledge. I wish you success, congratulations once again on the end of the school year. Good luck to you! Be happy!

Dear teachers! You are strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led our graduates through the years of childhood and adolescence, put knowledge, a particle of your heart into each of them, gave them your human warmth, your love. That is why they are all so kind, responsive and open. Thank you so much for our guys. And a low bow to you.

The speech on the last call from the director, administration, class teacher and parents should be not only touching, but also unusual, non-trivial, unconventional. Only in this way the wishes and parting words will remain in the memory and in the hearts of the graduates of the 9th and 11th grades forever.

Such an exciting and sad day
Our children matured so quickly.
Children were recently brought to the first grade,
Today the door has been opened for adult life!

Thanks to school and teachers
For wise, hard work.
You instilled good in your disciples
And they did not discourage the hunt for knowledge!

So let happiness smile at everyone:
And to us, and to the children, and to our beloved school.
Let us bless our children now
And let us release them into the open spaces of life!

How quickly the children grew up
And, seeing off a serious one,
We, your mothers and fathers,
We want to tell you through tears:

A difficult choice lies ahead
Only the roads are opening.
Where, and how, and with whom to go
This is where you decide for years.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Go through all the storms and bad weather,
And let all of you all the way
Happiness always accompanies!

These ten years have passed. How many were both sad and funny in them. And for some reason it seems to me that in fact only one day has passed. So intense and stormy, but only one. Yesterday, you, our children, very little, with bows, ties and briefcases went to your first lesson. And today you are almost adults, so serious and a little sad. I would like to appeal to you, dear teachers. Low bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being their wise mentors. We wish you to release more than one generation of such wonderful guys as you made ours. And let the road of life be easy for our children. And may warm memories of these wonderful school years always live in the hearts of our children!

Thank you for your help and support.
For the fact that, despite and through stress,
Of little boys and girls
You raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and care,
For wisdom, for skills, love,
For restraint, patience and manners.
For the fact that everyone understands and without words.

I want to say a word from my parents
About our kind and dear teachers.
Thank you so much sincerely,
We have tears in our eyes from sadness!

May you work for a long time and calmly,
May the students love you very much,
And they pay you how you deserve it,
After all, for children you are like beacons!

We wish you good luck and patience.
We love you, and we are grateful to everyone,
And we consider you the best of the best,
At least we part with you for good!

Our dear children,
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you the stars were brighter
On your path in life.

So that you do not doubt your strength,
To try to achieve goals,
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you do not meet troubles at all.

We also wish, dear, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw you away regret
And believe in your bright dreams!

We want to say "Thank you" from the parents,
Director, teachers, all staff.
You helped us raise our children,
Reveal hidden potential.

We wish you good health,
Patience, success and talented students.
Congratulations on the last call,
Parents, teachers, graduates!

Thank you teachers
What helped our children
What for all the time of training
You have already become a family to them.

After all, with your help, they
They will now enter into big life,
So the way is always teachers
Important work will be held in high esteem.

May it never subside
At breaks, children's laughter
And in all school beginnings
Let recognition and success await!

The last bell rang.
School, children, time to say goodbye.
How childhood passed unnoticed,
It's time for you to knock on the adult world.

Confidence, courage to dare!
After all, how wonderful is your upcoming stage.
Go guys! Never fold!
The difficult road can be mastered only by walking.

We are grateful to all teachers
Director - for your tireless work.
We hope graduates will glorify you
His talent, bright, multifaceted.

For you the last bell rang,
And there is no more need to learn lessons -
The wreath of thorns can now be removed,
For knowledge, for a broad outlook
Thank all teachers
Beloved school, which has become a second home,
You've gotten older and older here,
But they came a little taller than the dwarfs!
You have invested both time and effort,
And nerves and finances oh, a lot!
But we just want to ask:
Delight us in life with the highest score
In study, hobbies, work,
Make friends, rest and fall in love
Youth is in demand everywhere
Dare and do not doubt yourself!

Our dear children,
The bell rang for you
And now invites you
Life for an adult lesson.

We wish you good luck
Strength to go forward
So that good and justice
You met along the way.

May hope live in hearts
And it never goes out.
Well, we will always support
We will always be there for you!

The last bell is becoming a traditional end of the school year for schoolchildren and students. So, in the last days of May, every school in our country is preparing to say goodbye to students in grades 9 and 11. Having tied bright ribbons over their shoulders, elegant graduates and graduates listen with bated breath to sincere congratulations on the Last Call - from their beloved parents, the class teacher. In turn, yesterday's schoolchildren devote touching poems and lines of prose, funny reworked songs to well-known motives to the class “mother” and subject teachers. In our festive selection you will find the most beautiful congratulations in poetry and prose with videos for graduates, teachers and parents - having learned such texts for the upcoming Last Call, you will add a touch of touching sincerity and warmth to the solemn atmosphere of the holiday.

Beautiful congratulations for the Last Bell 2017 from parents in prose - to graduates and teachers

It is difficult for many parents of graduates to hold back their emotions at the solemn assembly in honor of the Last Bell, because very soon their grown-up sons and daughters will begin a new independent life. Looking at the cheerful and open faces of yesterday's schoolchildren, I would like to wish them a bright path and good luck in all their endeavors - with the help of beautiful congratulations and wishes in poetry and prose. Traditionally, on the last bell, parents say congratulations to the graduates, as well as to all the teachers who have been around for many years. We have prepared several beautiful texts in prose with congratulations for graduates and teachers, which will move to tears and will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at the Last Call.

The texts of beautiful congratulations to the Last Call for graduates and teachers - prose texts from parents:

Dear teachers, dear graduates! Today is a solemn and exciting day - today is the day when the last school bell will ring for you. And you will never sit down at familiar desks, open your notebooks and textbooks, and write down your homework in your diary. For us, parents, this is also a solemn and exciting moment, because all these years we have studied with you. All these years we have helped you as best we could so that you can study in peace and finish school. And then came this joyful moment. Today you will not just graduate from school - today you will move on to the next stage of your life, where everything is different and in an adult way. You yourself have to make important decisions that can change your life. Now only you are the masters of your life, and only you can decide who you will become and what you will achieve. We wish you that your plans and dreams come true, that all doors open in front of you, and you can find yourself in this difficult life.

I just can't believe that our children are leaving school today. It seems that recently we brought them to the first grade. It seems like yesterday we helped them do their first lessons, helped them write the first words and read the first sentences. And today they stand with flowers and are ready to step over the fictional thread that separates them from adulthood. We are very proud of all of you, you have withstood all the tests, all the problems and all the difficulties of school life. The exam, which lasted eleven years, is left behind, and there are new exams ahead, on which your future will depend. It is these exams that will determine your destiny - where you will go and who you will study for. We wish you to pass them excellently and with honor.

Dear and respected teachers! We from all parents congratulate you on the last call. And we want to say thank you for all these years teaching our children, helping them find themselves in life. We are grateful to you for your not easy, but necessary work, work that is not deservedly underestimated. How much did you have to go through with our children? You spent a lot of time and nerves to raise school graduates out of foolish first graders. Big bow to you for that. We, in turn, promise you that we will make every effort so that our, and already yours too, children become worthy of their teachers.

Touching congratulations to subject teachers on the Last bell in poetry and prose - from students of grades 9 and 11

With the onset of spring warmth, a "hot" time comes for many students in grades 9 and 11 - very soon final exams and important life changes are coming. However, before that, the Last Bell will be held in all schools of the country, at which touching congratulations will be heard to class teachers, subject teachers, and parents of graduates. For such a significant event, we offer examples of touching congratulations in poetry and prose - students in grades 9 and 11 can learn words and pronounce them to their favorite subject teachers. Let every teacher feel sincere gratitude and appreciation for invaluable knowledge, friendly support, wise instructions - from you, your beloved students.

Examples of touching congratulations for subject teachers on the Last Bell - poetry and prose from graduates of grades 9 and 11:

Teachers, teachers!

The earth rests on you!

For the work "thank you" let's say in unison!

You were there if needed!

Taught us to be kinder

We will never forget you!

We want to confess our love to you!

Thank you for everything, for everything!

You will stay in our heart!

You picked up the key to the door,

Could understand us, love us,

For us to be a support in life!

Today, all of us, yesterday's schoolchildren, boldly enter adulthood and we must admit that our future success is largely due to the sensitive attention of our teachers, because every day of the school year, both in the sun and in the rain, they cordially greeted us in the classroom and generously shared their knowledge! I want to wish you, dear teachers, long years, happiness, good luck and fulfillment of all your desires!

Thanks a lot

We turn to you!

Low bow to you for everything

We say goodbye to you!

In the distance the road calls us,

Adventures await us!

If we offended you,

We ask all forgiveness!

Congratulations to graduates from the class teacher on the Last Bell - in prose

The Holiday of the Last Bell is an excellent occasion to express words of parting words and congratulations to graduates from the class teacher. Indeed, during the long journey to the “graduation finish”, the class teacher was always next to his students as a wise mentor and senior friend. And then the day of farewell came - the students became completely adults and forever leave the school walls that have become native. On the day of the Last Call, the class teacher can only congratulate the graduates on graduating from school and wish them a bright path, the fulfillment of plans and dreams. Let these cute congratulations in prose become a parting word to graduates - from their favorite class teacher.

A selection of congratulations for graduates on the Day of the Last Call - solemn prose from the class teacher:

My guys, I can’t believe that you are such adults already. It seemed to me that there is still enough time before your last call, but it turned out that this is not at all the case. I am sad to part with you, because you have all become close and dear to me, but I know that each of you has your own achievements ahead of you, your own life awaits, so I don’t want to keep you in one place. The most important thing that I would like to wish you is that you do not lose the connection that now exists between you. It is worth confessing that I have never seen such a friendly team. Dear ones, may it always be so. I know that sometimes you came to school just to talk to each other. This also happens, and this is quite normal. So do not lose this friendship that has been pursued for so long. Happy holiday, my dear graduates!

Most recently, you crossed the threshold of the school. And I can’t believe that today you are leaving its walls forever. Over the years of study, I have become very accustomed to each of you. You are like my own children, my daughters and sons to me. I hope you will not forget me and will come to visit. And now I want to wish you a bright road that lies ahead. Lay out your path in life bit by bit so that the path is strong and durable. Let all your ideas, dreams come true. And the school will forever remain in memory as a wonderful time filled with interesting events.

First of all, I want to thank you for the emotions, experiences, excitement and joys that you gave me every day. For me, you are like my own children, each has something to say and give individual recommendations. Today we have a holiday, about which I want to shout to the whole world. You, my literate students, worthy of praise and honors, are receiving a diploma of high school graduation. Let not from tomorrow, but right from today your life be filled with new emotions, fulfillment of expectations, ideas. A new step in life will be easily conquered, because you are the best of the best. I congratulate you, my beloved, worthy and most beautiful class.

A cool reworked song for the teacher's congratulations on the Last bell 2017 - lyrics

School-themed songs-alterations are extremely popular as a teacher's congratulations on the last bell. We offer several cool reworked songs based on well-known motives, the texts of which are easy to remember - prepare an original musical congratulation for the teacher for the upcoming Last Call.

The lyrics of the song-alteration "If there were no winter" (m-film "Winter in Prostokvashino") to congratulate the teachers on the last call:

The bell rang again

Only we are calm

After all, the call is for the last time

How happy we are.

We are friends,

How beautiful the phrase is

But, there is no time to waste

I would like to enroll right away.

School is our home,

Seems over the years

There was a golden time

We went hiking.

A horse kicked on the gym,

Blots were drawn

But tried again and again

We are not parasites.

So the years passed

We were able to rally

And today they gathered,

Bow low.

For patience, for kindness,

The main thing is for knowledge

You fought to get it

Thanks for your efforts.

Song-alteration to congratulate the teacher on the Day of the Last Bell - "Where does childhood go" (c-film "Fantasies of Vesnukhin"):

Where does the school go?

Do you know a graduate?

Teach someone again

Our teacher is used to it.

And you don't need to by September,

We buy forms,

We are grown guys

We don't go to school anymore

It even became sad

When we sing a song to you.

The guys will run

Kids want to teach

What once was,

Received (only) five.

We'll all do it right

We will go to couples

But to school, as if on purpose,

Let's go in for five minutes.

Let's see in the offices

Guys as always,

In the dining room for a cutlet

We don't go to school anymore

It even became sad

When we sing a song to you.

The guys will run

Kids want to teach

What once was,

Received (only) five.

To a dear teacher,

I want to say so

What are very grateful

That there is grace in the school.

And even on a dark night

Suddenly a lesson will dream

And I myself am so humble,

I still could answer!

The words of the reworked song-congratulations to the teacher for the Last Bell - "Goodbye!" (Zemfira):

The years go by - it happens

Graduated from school.

And they let us go

Certificates are awarded

And a cool photo.

And everyone understands:

Not long left

We study at school.

And from the first class

It seemed so many -

Eleven whole years!

Goodbye school, goodbye!

We have already got into your chronicles (oo-oo-oo-oo!)

Expectations, tears and goodbyes

And memories of the years gone by (ooh-ooh!)!

Then institutions, other concerns -

And after work and only about school

We will remember more often.

From first grade to graduation -

Let's not forget anything.

And we'll meet again

Later in our life

Eleven whole years!

Original congratulations from parents for the last call in grade 11, video

The last call for the parents of graduates is a joyful and a bit sad holiday. As a congratulation, parents can prepare poems, a song, or even make a video clip. We are sure that such an original congratulation will please the graduates and all school teachers.

What congratulations to choose for the Last Call? On our pages, the best poems and prose are presented to congratulate the graduates of the 9th and 11th grade on the holiday of the Last Call - from the parents and the class teacher. Here you will find the most beautiful congratulations to subject teachers on video, as well as songs remade from famous hits and works. Congratulations on the Last Call!

On behalf of the parents, on behalf of us
We sincerely congratulate
Your wonderful wonderful class,
We wish you joyful blessings.

Let summer be wonderful
No lesson disturbs.
Let everything be very cool
After all, the last bell rang.

The school bell rang for you
The last one, loud, loud,
The last lesson is left behind
Let it be remembered for a long time.
We wish you health, joy, strength,
So that every day brings success.

It's time, guys, to rest,
The last bell rings
Take you from moms and dads
A huge heap of congratulations.

We wish you a great rest
And you gain more strength,
So that with diligence and passion
You will take up your mind again in September.

Disciples, congratulations
In honor of the Day of the last call!
We are a blessing to you as a parental helmet,
After all, it's time for the institute ahead of you.

We wish you great success
We wish to move mountains on our way.
May there be more joy and laughter around
After all, you deserve the best, whatever one may say.

With the last call
Children, congratulations,
We are a school year together
We finished with you.

We are just like you
Holidays are happy
Lessons now
We don't need to check.

We wish you for the summer
Gain strength for you
To new victories
Everyone was ready.

Sincerely, guys, we congratulate you,
The last bell will ring soon.
We are very happy and worried about you,
After all, he will complete his lessons at school.

And we are proud of you without a doubt
All paths are now open for you.
One of the most important is the achievement,
After all, you almost finished school.

And there are only exams ahead,
And say goodbye to the diary forever.
We wish you to achieve everything in life,
Congratulations on your last call!

For the last time today
The bell rings for you.
May everything work out in life
Let the sense come out of you.

Great prospects
Each of you.
We are proud of you children,
You are the best with us!

The academic year is over,
We will summarize:
Our children have worked hard
You've learned a lot!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
You guys are great!
Now you rest,
Have fun and play!

The last bell rang for you guys
May everything in your life turn out beautifully!
We wish this wonderful date
I gave you all the rays of positive!

Let everything be as you dreamed for a long time,
We wish you smiles, success, goodness,
And so that you pass the exams for "five",
After all, it's time for you to strive for institutes!

Our dear children, we congratulate you on the end of this school year, on the Last Call. May your school work days be replaced by bright sunny days of summer, may you not be bored and tired, may every day give you something interesting, exciting and wonderful. We wish you, and at the same time all of us, to gain new strength, patience and inspiration for the next academic year, in order to turn it into a bright, easy path to success.