Proper development of serious relationship with a girl. How to develop a relationship with a girl

So, you liked the girl. It is suitable in all respects: charming and charming. In short, Ideal. Naturally, with such a girl I want not only to communicate and flirt, but have more close relationships. How to tie and develop relationships with a dream girl? Consider more.

There are several stages of development of relations. First people get acquainted. Then, in the good case, they have sympathy (sometimes not immediately). The next stage is the first dates and the beginning of the relationship. It follows the stage of a serious relationship, just to whom should strive. And then it all depends on young people and their desire to preserve relationships. If they do not apply enough effort - the cooling stage comes by parting. But it's not at all what we need.

How to start a relationship?

Here are two ways to develop events. Consider the situation when you are not familiar with your passion, or familiar in absentia. In this situation, it is incredibly important when meeting the right and good impression.

  • You can arrange a romantic acquaintance (as if "accidentally" to meet in a place where it often happens).
  • If you have common acquaintances, do not hesitate to ask them to introduce you to each other. The girl will confidence in you, because familiar would not be acquainted with whom fell.
  • In the end, you can use social networks and write a girl. This option may seem not the most successful. But then the main thing is the correctly selected strategy. Do not be banal, but it's not worth the stick to exercise. It is not relevant to use the guru pickup techniques.

In this situation, it is important to be confident, open and sincere. Do not be afraid to get acquainted. The task of this stage is to interest the object of sympathy.

If you are already familiar, then everything is simple. Need to "try the soil." Ask familiar to ask her what she thinks about you. But it is better to be bolder and talk to her himself. Then, looking at its reaction, you can go to the next step.

Start of relationship

To develop relationships with a girl, you should invite it for a date. The main thing is to immediately designate that you invite it for a date. Not just a friendly babble in a movie or a walk to the park. You invite her as a girl.

Important rules for the first date:

  • Choose a place. Be sure to ask wherever she wanted to go. If she gives you the right to choose, then visit your favorite places.
  • On the date, be the most natural as possible. You do not need to adapt to the greatest to the girl.
  • Do not hurry close to closeness. If you plan a long relationship, then believe me, without sex will not cost.
  • Recognize the seriousness of intentions. But do not press, it can scare the girl. It is impossible to talk about the wedding, children and construction of a country house in the first date.

Speak about interests, try to find common features from each other. If you know how to joke! The sense of humor is always appreciated by the girls.

How to develop a relationship with a girl?

  1. Cut a lot of time together. This is not necessary to be hiking in movies, theaters or museums. Romantic time can be held at home: prepare tasty food together, look at an interesting movie or a series.
  2. Believe respect and take care of it. All women appreciate care.
  3. Make compliments, pay attention to small changes. It feeds the relationship. A girl must need to feel special.
  4. Pay attention to what she says. These words often contain many valuable information.
  5. Do not compete with a girl. Do not prove that you are better, smarter, etc.

By performing these tips, you can achieve a serious relationship over time, which everyone is so dreaming about. It should be noted that it is important not to dissolve in the relationship completely and not lose yourself as a separate person. Remember that the relationship is the work that you need to do daily. And everything depends on the efforts of both partners. Therefore, men do not need to think that all responsibility lies on them and if they are "painks", then everything will turn out. If the girl does not want to develop a relationship, then alas, no matter how hard you try, they will not be achieved successfully.

The male population would have died out in a matter of days, do not be in the light of the female. Therefore, the question of the relevance of the development of relations with a girl for representatives of a strong sex is no doubt. What is the secret of successful love?

Regardless of temperament, social status and experience of past connections, most people strive for strong relationships, which over time have the opportunity to grow into durable family bonds. Only at the present time the change turned over the heads on the head, and the usual stereotype of courtesies and the secret meetings irrevocably wounded in the fly.

Where to begin?

If earlier a man had always had to be the first to show the initiative, that is, actively care for and seek the object of the rehabilitation, now this approach may be inappropriate. This is due to the fact that women at the moment became bolder and more independent in judgments, which gives them the opportunity to conquer anyone and anything. But to the greatest joy of guys it is worth noting that any young lady loves ears, so when you meet the psychology of communication with a girl.

Do not wait for a miracle - it will not happen! Act! Just do not think that when you have a conversation with you like, it immediately melts and saves. Most likely it will happen that her sharp tongue will be able to masterfully tear so sophisticated that you will remain in bewilder for a long time, and young ledgear will only laugh at this situation. The worldwide feminization movement of women walks on the planet, time dictates its conditions, and love, warmth and caress I want all guys without exception. Chief Council - Learn to communicate correctly and interesting. No girl will miss a smart and self-sufficient person.

"A good acquaintance with a girl is almost 90% of the probability of a positive outcome of relationships in the future, because if you have to interest her, then the case, as they say, in a hat. About the further development of relationships with a girl think later." In the morning - money, in the evening "Chairs or in the evening - money, and the next day in the morning - chairs." And in our case, you must first start the successful acquaintance. "

The presence of common acquaintances is an excellent option for the fruitful union of loved hearts. Everyone will do for you - lead, we will be satisfied, will meet if you want to go away (the joke, although some for relaxation it is necessary to increase the degrees).

Directly from the man here it takes quite a bit - this is the maximum of openness, friendliness, a warm look and a sincere smile. Do not forget about the sense of humor! After all, for modern girls, it plays a far from the last role. They implement when a young man is shared and confident. Only this does not mean that you should be gone to vulgar, bearded jokes, otherwise your interlocutor will not appreciate such a sparkling humor, and you will live with an object of ignoring.

If you have decided on an attempt to dating yourself and without any assistance, it is already quite another matter, since it is much more difficult to carry out here ... But the result itself is important! Did you constantly come across your eyes? And you, first see her, understand that they disappeared completely and irrevocable? Of course, an ideal-romantic option would be such a development of events, when your friends attack the girl in the dark door, but here you also appeal to the martial techniques of Sambo spread them as tin soldiers. The hooligans are thrown by the swarming, and the desired prey falls by a ripe peach into the hands of the Savior. Now open your eyes and stop dreaming. From this method for the vest pulls the crime. In our plans, there is a item to get acquainted with the ladies tactfully and unobtrusively. In this case, the psychology of communication with the girl will come to the rescue. Play a detective (also a kind of crime, but rather harmless), watch your victim, try to learn about the maximum information about it:

  • where is studying;
  • works;
  • resting;
  • what boutiques is visiting;
  • what transport uses.

Are you interested in Indian culture? You will find a lot of interesting information!

And then without fear and reproach, you can accidentally encounter her in the store or at the bus stop. You can ask the charming person who is an hour, to ask a long time ago was the last minibus. There is a good option to offer your help in choosing products, and followed (as if by chance) to help convey the bags to the destination. Be confident in your abilities, friendly. Girls love to feel behind men as a stone wall. So try not to hit the face and make a positive impression.

Romance in acquaintance

If it seems to you that life is boring, and the heart sings and demands romance along with the adventures, then you just need to experience an extreme type of dating with the girl you saw for the first time and fell in love with first sight. For these purposes, public transport is perfect. The crowd, stuffiness, everyone pumms to each other, but here you are - a gallant cavalier - and the place to give up ready, and gently for the lobster to support with a sharp stop, and even pay the pick-up you like a lady.

Then go out with her at one stop, without drops of false and the narrowers, surprised by the "coincidence", at the same time rejoicing that you were on the way. Well, the rest is all already purely at your discretion. It would be nice to invite a girl in a cafe or restaurant. You can first learn from her contact number and arrange a meeting. The main thing is not to worry, women do not like man's unsure. But it is not necessary to be too attractive-obsessive to the lady not yet thought that you are a maniac.

With the currently crazy rhythm of life (when there is no time to be left for dating in reality) comes to the rescue of the Almighty and omnipresent Internet. The choice of sources for communication is great and diverse. These are all sorts of dating sites, interest forums, well-known social networks. The main advantage of virtual communication is that it is not necessary to invent a reason to speak. At any time you can leave the chat / forum or block the disagreeable person. And if seriously, communication on the network is a great opportunity to reveal for shy and modest people, without fear of being ridiculous or incomprehensible.

And finally, I want to say the following. After the start of the relationship with the girl in no case forget to reinforce your words. It is true that women love ears, but in the end they still look at the actions, but only they paint a real man. The ability to observe the balance between business and conversations is the key to success on the love field and a successful family creation in the future.

Video: The main rule of development of relations

If a man and woman want to truly close, natural and lungs, open and strong, trusting relationships are very important to talk to each other, listen and hear a partner! Do not stop on the way of recognizing a person close to you. And you and a person near you are changing every day, open in yourself and in the surrounding world, something new.

How to develop relationships

If you think about from time to time, how to develop relationships with your second half. The majority of majority comes down to the fact that the development itself is reduced to an increase in the degree of satisfaction with each other against the background of a general decrease in the number of conflicts in a pair. Forming a relationship, it is important to have internal confidence, in the fact that they must certainly bring joy to both parties. Harmonious relationships give a feeling of inner peace, confidence in tomorrow. People in a pair must be happy! If the meetings do not bring you joy, the state of discomfort does not decrease, you should not force yourself, it is better to think hard to continue them?

For harmonious, full-fledged pair development, you must develop and vote with each other all aspects of your relationship:

  • joint rest,
  • joint pastime
  • joint plans
  • mutual interests
  • intimate relationships. It is necessary to be interested in what you like or do not like the partner. Maybe there is some point that requires a more attentive relationship, or something I would like to change, improve;
  • your life, if there is a joint life;
  • your relationship with relatives and friends.

For the development of relations, it is especially important to delicately discuss, the moments when misunderstanding and discomfort arose.

How to develop relationships with a girl

Some representatives of strong gender tend to break the process of developing relationships with girls into several stages. To form long-term and trusting relationships, these stages will go in the following order.

The first stage is acquaintance, and the formation of a general presentation of each other.

The second stage is accompanied by kisses, gentle embracing, romantic attitude and experience in love.

The third stage - includes intimate relationships.

If all stages are completed successfully forced and strictly in the specified order, then the fourth stage of the relationship occurs after that, implies true: physical and emotional. It is now that you want to share each other in the most intimate, trust, feel peace of mind, build joint plans and incarnate them.

How to develop relationships with a man

  • Women who have experienced long and happy relationships agree that it should not be dissolved in a man and in their homework. No matter how much you met or live together, it is important to remember that you are two separate individuals, each of you has the right to your habits, your own desires, your own dreams, individual needs, their classes.
  • But if you are two separate, while one-piece personality, then you must have a small, part of only your life, time for yourself. We are not talking about secrets or treasures. Exclude the possibility of "merging" the lives of your and your partner. Remember, about the need to have its own interests, meetings with friends, time to privacy.
  • Respect yourself. Especially planning how to develop relations with a guy at the very beginning of relationships, the girl is important to be attentive to the balance of signs of attention, manifestation of the initiative, calls to each other. If you only recognize a person, analyze which of you more is the initiative? Remember the cruel, but just comment: if a man wants to see or hear a woman - he will do it. Well, if the guy does not call at all - it means, just that he does not want to call! Balancing on a thin face not to show excessive obsession, the woman needs to be able to understand her man that he is interested that she is glad to communicate with him. Here it is necessary to leave him the very space for the manifestation of the initiative. It is extremely important to give him the opportunity to feel like a hunter, the conqueror, a man, in the end, if you need a man in a relationship, and not a calf on the rope.

So, you liked the girl. It is suitable in all respects: charming and charming. In short, Ideal. Naturally, with such a girl I want not only to communicate and flirt, but have more close relationships. How to tie and develop relationships with a dream girl? Consider more.

There are several stages of development of relations. First people get acquainted. Then, in the good case, they have sympathy (sometimes not immediately). The next stage is the first dates and the beginning of the relationship. It follows the stage of a serious relationship, just to whom should strive. And then it all depends on young people and their desire to preserve relationships. If they do not apply enough effort - the cooling stage comes by parting. But it's not at all what we need.

How to start a relationship?

Here are two ways to develop events. Consider the situation when you are not familiar with your passion, or familiar in absentia. In this situation, it is incredibly important when meeting the right and good impression.

  • You can arrange a romantic acquaintance (as if "accidentally" to meet in a place where it often happens).
  • If you have common acquaintances, do not hesitate to ask them to introduce you to each other. The girl will confidence in you, because familiar would not be acquainted with whom fell.
  • In the end, you can use social networks and write a girl. This option may seem not the most successful. But then the main thing is the correctly selected strategy. Do not be banal, but it's not worth the stick to exercise. It is not relevant to use the guru pickup techniques.

In this situation, it is important to be confident, open and sincere. Do not be afraid to get acquainted. The task of this stage is to interest the object of sympathy.

If you are already familiar, then everything is simple. Need to "try the soil." Ask familiar to ask her what she thinks about you. But it is better to be bolder and talk to her himself. Then, looking at its reaction, you can go to the next step.

Start of relationship

To develop relationships with a girl, you should invite it for a date. The main thing is to immediately designate that you invite it for a date. Not just a friendly babble in a movie or a walk to the park. You invite her as a girl.

Important rules for the first date:

  • Choose a place. Be sure to ask wherever she wanted to go. If she gives you the right to choose, then visit your favorite places.
  • On the date, be the most natural as possible. You do not need to adapt to the greatest to the girl.
  • Do not hurry close to closeness. If you plan a long relationship, then believe me, without sex will not cost.
  • Recognize the seriousness of intentions. But do not press, it can scare the girl. It is impossible to talk about the wedding, children and construction of a country house in the first date.

Speak about interests, try to find common features from each other. If you know how to joke! The sense of humor is always appreciated by the girls.

How to develop a relationship with a girl?

  1. Cut a lot of time together. This is not necessary to be hiking in movies, theaters or museums. Romantic time can be held at home: prepare tasty food together, look at an interesting movie or a series.
  2. Believe respect and take care of it. All women appreciate care.
  3. Make compliments, pay attention to small changes. It feeds the relationship. A girl must need to feel special.
  4. Pay attention to what she says. These words often contain many valuable information.
  5. Do not compete with a girl. Do not prove that you are better, smarter, etc.

By performing these tips, you can achieve a serious relationship over time, which everyone is so dreaming about. It should be noted that it is important not to dissolve in the relationship completely and not lose yourself as a separate person. Remember that the relationship is the work that you need to do daily. And everything depends on the efforts of both partners. Therefore, men do not need to think that all responsibility lies on them and if they are "painks", then everything will turn out. If the girl does not want to develop a relationship, then alas, no matter how hard you try, they will not be achieved successfully.

Many women and girls ask a question how to develop relationships with a guy or with a man. What exactly can I do to influence the guy, a man, as I can arrange it to the transition to the next stage of development of relations. Indeed, most men should push the desired result for you. But, it happens that the guy himself does everything right and how it is necessary. But it's still rather an exception. So, in this article, I want to help all girls who have a young man and whom you need to push and send.

What a woman can make, on each of the stages of development of relations, from dating, first date, and so on. How to place a man to yourself? Which depends solely from you, and what about it. What methods and techniques can be used. What are the secrets using which, you can conquer a man, and send your relationship with him, in the direction you need. Let us consider in detail this question. Step-by-step and gradually.

How to develop relationships with a guy, a man, when meeting him.

The very first stage of the development of relationships is acquainted with a guy, a man. What you can take, already at this stage. So, first, in the first very first - decide for yourself - what do you want from relationships at all? And only answering this question, choose the best tactics and a strategy to conquer a man. If you do not want a serious relationship in general, for example. Then, in this case, you should all be exactly how to behave and what strategy to use. After all, if you are interested in free relationship, or a short novel, or only entertainment at once. Then, you can especially and do not try, any man so will be yours. After all, they are all a dub on available girls who are not interested in serious relationships. And any man will already be at your feet, I will clarify anything is not a decent man.

It is quite another thing if you are a serious girl, and dream of a serious relationship with a guy. In this case, you already have an acquaintance with a guy, should show him what exactly you want, and what we agree exactly. To cut off immediately not worthy candidates.

How to behave when meeting a guy? If you want a serious relationship in the future.

Do not look even on various men who are not interested in the prospects of serious relationships. Those who want only to have fun, and this is immediately visible on them, or not immediately, but a little later. With such, you should not count on anything serious in the future. How would they try to convince you in the opposite. If you feel that a man is not worthy, do not see his tricks. After all, you know exactly what you want, a serious relationship. And if you feel that nothing shines with a specific candidate, then you do not waste your time. How to behave when meeting a worthy guy?

Your main task, if he is a worthy candidate - to prove to him that you are also a worthy candidate for him. If you like it, or just cute, and you getting acquainted with him, feel and understand - damn, I want to try with him to go further. Not in the sense of physical intimacy, but in terms of relationships. After all, it happens when I got acquainted only with a guy, and you already feel that he is special. What you can be very good together in the future. So you need to act. How exactly? Let him understand that you are a decent girl in order to invite you to the first date, where you can charm him for a long time.

If he is a worthy man, then he is acquainted with you, will consider you, it is from the point of view of the possibility of a serious relationship with you, or inability. If it seems it that you are an easily accessible, windy, stupid dummy. Then he will not be invited for sure even on the first date. After all, if he meets you, and in general, with all women, counting on a serious relationship in the future, and you will show him a pacifier or easily accessible. It is natural that he will not make sense to get closer to you. Therefore, you must interest it, he must want to know you closer as a person.

If it is really interested in a serious relationship, and you can prove when meeting him that they are interested too. That he will surely invite you to the first date, go somewhere and know each other better. So the first round you have already won.

How to develop relationships with a guy on the first date.

Your main task on the first date with a guy who is interesting to you and is pretty, and with whom you plan to develop the relationship further. You must prove that the first impression of you is not erroneous. What do you really don't want to just have fun and send it to more. You must give to see him that you look in one direction in the future, go to the one expensive. What are you on the way. Communicate with him, tell about yourself, recognize it, spend fun and with interest your first date. And if at the end of the meeting, he will also be interesting to you, and most importantly you too, it means you need to decide something about the second date. If the guy is interested in a serious relationship, then the questions he will ask you appropriate.

He will check you for compatibility with it. And most importantly, the guy if with serious intentions, it will also be checked for the seriousness of your intentions. If we are talking about an adult man, they are not at all ceremony. If they liked the girl, they can even immediately offer to live together. Well, the maximum on the second fourth date. Because adult men who know what they want from dating girls, namely seriousness and not the entertainment of the next. And if they see that the woman and the woman wants, it is clear that the woman is already thinking or even dreams of a wedding and the kids. Then they immediately take the bull for the horns.

Well, if we are talking about a young man, then everything develops much slower. Develop relations with a guy, much more difficult than with a man. After all, an adult person already knows what he wants what to strive for. A young man is very not determined in life a character. And very carefully related to the development of relationship with the girl. Especially on the first dates. So you will have to try to make it very much. Suppose the first joint meeting was successful. He invited you to the second date. Suggested that you go along with him somewhere. It's good. So you managed to interest it. After all, when you get acquainted only the first impression of a person. But already on the first date, a concrete opinion about a person is formed. And whether you want to continue to communicate and recognize this person better and closer, or not.

How to develop relationships with a guy, tips.

And if you managed to interest him, then you did everything right. So you liked him. By the way, do not let in any way pay for yourself on the first date. So that the guy did not think that you just took advantage of his proposal to go to the meeting, because it was boring. No, most women do not refuse to go somewhere with a man, only because there is nothing more to do, it's dull for example. And so, I'm walking, also not at my expense, cool. And believe the men know such a split. When they are stupidly use. If you want to show the guy that you are tuned seriously towards him, I will definitely pay for yourself. Thus, it will show the guy the following moments.

1. You went on a date with him, because you were interested in exactly what the person you want to learn closer. And not just to eat on free. He will definitely appreciate it. I personally know many women who are exactly what they go to meetings, just for the sake of freebies.

3. Pay for yourself, you show the guy's seriousness of your intentions. And he will have to think - if you treat him seriously, how does he treat you? It can greatly push the development of relationships between you. And if you also have not one of which, with which it does the soil, it will force him to choose.

4. Another important advice. Regarding physical proximity. Not in any cases on the first dates, even on the third! Otherwise, you can hardly keep this guy or man for a long time. Most likely he will be disappointed in you, and will lose interest in you as a serious woman. And it will begin to perceive you as a windy and naive pacifier. And this can not be allowed.

5. You can limit yourself to hugs and kisses. So he will understand what you are interested in it, but at the same time you do not know him on the neck. It will also show him that you need to seek that you won't take you with bare hands. And men always love it. And the fact that you have principles, it is always good. The guy himself will want to develop relationships, with a decent girl. It will assume that he caught not an ordinary hatcher, but really something valuable. This will intrigues him, and makes act more decisive. If it is certainly interested in a serious relationship, and not he just wanted you. Sporting interest he woke up see if! Learn to distinguish decent from not worthy. In order not to confuse interest to you, from the side of the man, as a person when he trite wants to know what. See do not come.

How to develop relationships with a guy. From the initial stage of relations to serious relationships.

If you are already on such a step with your man when you meet, already for a long timeBut everything somehow froze and stopped. Every day resembles the previous one. And it feels what you need to push it to move and develop further. Develop relations with you. How and what exactly can you do? To begin with, try to understand for yourself, in your personal opinion, what your relationship with a guy is moving. What exactly he wants from you? Maybe it slows down not because it is a brake, but because it is simply not interested in a serious relationship. If suddenly it turns out that so that you are generally caught with him. Do not waste time.

You can carefully ask him what he wants in the future, as he sees your collaborative future. It is not necessary to put it hard on it or strain it too, no, but still begging. But neatly so, from the side, from the barrel, come to these issues. If you are still at the initial stage of relationship, it is better not to raise such serious questions. After all, at the initial stage, people only look after each other. And they do not like when they put too early on them. You should not seem like a desperate woman. Which so much wants to make a family, a husband and a child that everyone is ready for every guy and a man, to consider as a serious candidate for the role of the future husband and father of children. Such an alignment in general, very much frightened men. Who are not more confident, whether they have matured for such a serious relationship or not yet.

What can you do so that he himself wants to go to a new level of relationship? He must be wondering with you, he must understand, as a result, he wants to spend all his life with you. As soon as he understands that he does not want to miss you, as soon as I think about myself - damn, I like it, she is so cool. I feel so good with her, comfortable, and I do not want to lose it. He will begin to develop relationships with you up to the wedding itself. No need to bother him questions, you should not strain it. Just do everything you need and all that can in order to conquer it. But you should not try to try where no one appreciates this! Remember it! If the guy is interested in you, if you are really cute. And he wants to live with you all his life, he will definitely try to develop relationships with you.

It's a shame very much for those girls and women who are climbing out of the skin to make a man or a guy with their own way. Hoping that they will appreciate it, notice. And they eventually say, we need to part! So it is not worth spending time backside with sofa and vegetable men. Which never be decided for a serious step in the development of your relationship with him. You must notice on him how much he appreciates you, hurt you. Does he have plans to your account. Do not play one gate, and pull all the development of relationships with a guy on yourself. If he does not try to develop relationships with you, it means that he is not worthy of you.