Pleasant words beloved: piggy bank of the best ideas! Original words of gratitude to her husband in prose. Love sms beloved husband in prose

These words like birds will fly to the one who needs them. They are for the one who is worthy to be called! Tell him these words beautifully ...

Beautiful, affectionate words beloved man

  1. Cute, dear, beloved .... You are the best man on the Earth! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest. Tell me that we are a beautiful couple? The best and most happy. We can change the "roles": I will make you the happiest, and you are the best. I love you so much that it is difficult to say about it, because there are no suitable words. Feel my love, all your best heart. (Prose).
  2. Today I, again and again, re-read all your messages stored in a mobile phone. I am sure that I will never delete them, as they are for me roads. Each word written in "ESEMES" opens the inspiration "Second Breathing" in me. I know all your phone letters, practically by heart. Which one do I like more? Each! And each - in its own way. In them - particles of you and the rays of your energy. I will be pleased if you write me more and yet. And I will answer them so that you love me stronger.
  3. Beautiful expressions beloved man in prose. - Everything, as in a dream .... Your eyes, your lips, your features, your hair, your body ... I can not believe that these all treasures are yours. And you gave me yourself. Thank you so much for such a gift! I will not say that I am not afraid of such a gift, because I am sure that you will dismiss me. I will say this: we are deserved each other. And we will always cost each other - always! I promise it to you and will not cease to promise.

Words about love with a loved one

  1. Do you know why I believe in miracles? Because, a miracle is you! Favorite, plunge into my eyes, fill out, look, niche emptiness .... I will not be tired of repeating "love". I will not be tired of repeating "sorry." I live your love in the life of this rarely you are sad ...
  2. I so often asked for my forgiveness .... I ask him, you, and this time. For what? For the fact that the sun in the sky is warmer me. But I do not need it warm: you are my only sun, with whom I never have to experience a feeling of cold. Thank you for your sunshine, love!
  3. I love chocolates like you cars. But I am ready to give up sweet if you ask. I do not ask to do the same because, thanks to your car, you come to me faster, without spending, no longer time, on trolley buses and buses. Let's run into your beautiful and comfortable car, and be cleaned on the edge of the world, where we will be together only and you .... I, next to you, nothing to fear. A, the edges of the world - all the more. Well, what drove, or fly there on the wings of insane love?
  4. You are my big secret, which is lighted in my heart. But I will open ready for its whole world! I am ready to shout about the fact that you are my favorite. I am ready to whisper, infinitely that you are the best and wonderful. But, my whisper and my screams, you can only hear one alone, because you feel me. And you love, so much that the clouds seem completely low ... Love you!
  5. In the view of yours - the reflection of mine. I know that forever we will be together. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream .... I dream that you were always there. All feelings for you carry through the year .... (Beautiful words about life and love in prose).
  6. Do you like when I call you a bunny or sun, loved or relatives. I will call you the way you want. Only, I ask you: do not disappear as sincere dawn. Do not survive your disappearance! Be around, I ask you very much. You are all that I need in the earthly life.
  7. I love, respect, appreciate, I love .... What else to tell you so that you are near each share of seconds? Ready to say everything! And do, ready to all say. I am obsessed with you, I can not without you and the day .... I miss, I love, I always promise.
  8. Your eyes are the bottomlessness of the turquoise sky. I want to plunge into it, swim, and not to emerge. If drowned - do not save: I dreamed, all my life, sinking in your eyes. They are the most beautiful thing that is in the world of white ....

Prose of beautiful words

  1. Prose. - When I say "love", you give up your eyes. Feel free to answer reciprocity? Do not be shy! I am waiting for your reciprocity living in words and in the heart. I am really looking forward to your "love." This is a word, for me, a big and long-awaited holiday.
  2. When I see all your body, I get a very small baby who is familiar only one word: "I want." I want you…. Love ... I think about you and at night, and in the afternoon, and in the morning. When more often - I do not know, but I am sure that I love what I miss, and that I will not give anyone.
  3. Beloved man. You are sweet, you are bitter, you are salty, you are sour. You have all the taste. That is why, I can not eat, being a start looking at you. You are my ice cream and my favorite cake. Do not take offense at me for the fact that I call you so much? Thank you for allowing me and it. You're the best man!
  4. Your body is impeccable, face - amazingly, the physique is perfect, the voice is wonderful .... I just can't without you and I don't want to be without you. Do not let me be one: you are my life! I (without you) absolute nothing.
  5. You are more expensive mom and dad. You are more expensive than all the most expensive people in the world. Do not be surprised: my love is the power of the whole universe. Even even! And you will feel it when I figure you with billions of my kisses.
  6. There are no such anymore. You're the one. And so unique that I am even surprised. I did not suspect that these are in the world. You are one. And you are mine. Thank you, huge, for that. I'm so glad that with you I am, and not the other ....
  7. I am a girl - the wind. But you can turn me into a girl - Sunny, if you say that you love me. After all, you are gentle all the tenderness, gentle all caress .... Turn me to the one you enjoy more and stronger. I agree to any transformation.

P growing beautiful

The husband is very simple, life, but, at the same time, a significant, capacious concept! With this person, you will be waiting for a long and happy life, along with him you will fall asleep and wake up, worry happy and sad moments. Beautiful poems with her husband - a great way to once again confess to love to your spouse, emphasize its importance and indispensability, express their gratitude and respect. Be sure the most native and close person will appreciate the poems in his honor performed by a loving woman!

You need a lot to tell your spouse, but it's hard to find the necessary words? Do you feel awkward, speaking of your feelings? Do not be upset about this! Poems beloved husband will allow you, leaving the days of the day and household problems for a while, tell your chosen as he is dear to you and is close, how much means this mental attachment for you.

We are happy only when others do happy! Original poems from this section will help you best express our thoughts and tell about feelings!

Psychology of relationship

Family psychologists constantly emphasize the importance of maintaining fire between loving male and a woman. Unfortunately, many couples forget about it, which leads to the collapse of family life. About the reasons for parting in such cases they say - "life of the house". Remember those moments when you first met, felt a continuous attraction to each other, decided never to part and gave an oath of loyalty - was it really all in vain?

No, you just need to add a little romance to the weekly life. An excellent idea for surprise will be poems to her beloved husband in which you will tell him about your feelings. Give your spouse as much bright, memorable moments, surround it with understanding, tenderness and caress! To see, he will answer you the same, will support, protects, will help cope with all the difficulties arising from life path.

At all times, it was always a woman who was always assigned the role of the keeper of a homely focus. So do not give out the fire of love, which broke out of a little sparkle in your hearts!

How to survive separation with your beloved?

The life of a modern man is full of all sorts of affairs and worries. We constantly hurry somewhere, strive to succeed, chasing the material benefits. Even if you, for any reason for the reasons for a long time to be at a distance of each other, do not forget about feelings. It is important for a man to know what he is loved by you, you need, guard you, even if you, for some reason you are not sitting next to him as often as I would like. In the separation of the revenue will come a beautiful verse with her husband. Regularly receiving such spiritual messages, the spouse is definitely not doubtful in your sincerity and loyalty to the data ever promises!

Where to find suitable poems?

Unfortunately, to detect poetic giving away from everyone. Once, resourceful girls and young people, to emphasize the depths of their feelings, quoted the classics of love lyrics. Of course, in the Tomika poems of any author there is a couple of lines of love, but so I want to make your recognition in unique and individual, and not thousands of times heard and regularly quoted by millions of people.

On our site you will find poems with your husband, which are ideal for expressing your feelings and desires! In this section, you are waiting for poetic revelations for every taste: funny and sad, romantic, discreet, emotional, passionate, calm, gentle.

Our site contains real, sincere, cling to the soul of the poem. Many variations on an eternal topic will not leave indifferent your heart and will be appreciated by the spouse. The best authors tried to put the whole soul in the poems of her husband about love that would help you express our infinite sympathy for a near person. It is worth only to find the right moment and take advantage of the unique opportunity to surprise and please the spouse with sensual and penetrating rows.

On our site there will be passionate love confessions and cool poems, erotic fantasy poems and entertaining SMS, which can be sent to your beloved at least every day. There are in our archive and poems with her husband for special reasons, memorable dates.

Show your husband your attachment and gratitude, throw out feelings overwhelming you in a beautiful poetic form, give the spouse to the unforgettable moments of the souls of souls, let me feel unsubstituted and welcome again!

My beloved, the only one, native,
What happiness - fall asleep and wake up
In your arms, next to you.
And from bliss quietly smile.

What happiness that fate itself
Invisible thread us knitted us
To each other, we pointed the road
And I gave me my beloved, you.

The only one, my beloved, native,
And let not everyone with you happens to you smoothly,
But this is happiness - to be your wife,
Love the whole soul giving up without a residue.

My dear, my husband is love!
You are the most delicate, the most cute.
I sincerely love you
Thank you for everything.

With you nothing is scary.
And only always to be very important -
In the separation not to live and day.
My dear, I love you!

I love your cheek unshaven,
A cup of coffee in the morning is a bad
You are a sleepy in the morning,
Evenings in the kitchen talk to you.
And then understand, smiling in a dream,
What the best man got me.

When we met with you,
You became a support, became a wall.
From trouble I was closed with my back,
He said you want to be with me.

With you, together we are a family,
You are for me the second "I",
And I repeat year after year:
"How much I love you!"

When you call me from work,
I am glad, as for the first time.
It would seem, family, care,
But something cares about us?

And makes smiling,
Cook dinner, wait, meet
And worry very much
It is worth only late.

Wines everything - love and passion,
You will not allow you to steal!
I love, appreciate, idol.
And these feelings are saved.

I love to wake up with you
I love to fall asleep in the hug
And all the strongest in love with you,
And about the love big whisper!

I like to give you care,
Life to paint in bright colors!
Let them fly past the years
I will always be next!

Favorite husband, my ideal,
Thank you for giving happiness.
You are the best and native,
Weling, gentle, golden!

Let feelings make us closer
We will rise with you above,
We will come to welcome purposes.
Let it be a full bowl of the house!

You are the best husband in the world,
Thoughtful, reliable.
Always you proud of
Otherwise it is impossible.

In your love I need,
As in the air, as in the light.
And life does not think without you,
I will give everything for it.

Never sorry nor a little bit brought.
That was married, which suddenly fell in love.
I did not listen to different opinions, arguments, woven.
I listened to the heart that one you are in the world.

I was not mistaken at all, but I believe it happens.
So I was lucky, and fate does not play.
I probably understand this year in ninety,
Brings us in bed tea, jam and toasts.

In the meantime, I look like you eat, I will die.
And ask for additives, praise, I know.
We are accustomed to you to be, but not tired.
You are my husband and stronghold, my fortress made of steel.

I will give everything for a minute with you to live nearby.
I am proud that catching admiring glances.
Every hour and day, and under the month
I love you deeper, I called Top Topics.

You are on the bowl of everything alone, my native,
And in love, we are not afraid of a stress.
The spirit is powerful and strong, for the limit of the dream,
And you can solve all the difficulties in life.

And did not see her husband cooler than me.
I probably got sacrificed? Maybe yes, God judge.
But but I laugh all the strongest in this in the world!
Previously, the world did not seem more and wider.

It is impossible to compare ... Yes, I will not compare with anyone!
You can praise forever. How cool to fall in love!
In her husband, yes! Daily. This is not new.
But your soul, cute, I am ready to give everything.

Behind the conversation with you I will find out something else,
You mock like an artist, I rest with you.
To men, what is near, there is no business at all.
You are alone. I am true to you with your heart and body.

My husband is loved, the most expensive,
I so want you to know today
That I always breathe you
The fact that you, my native, ideal!

I want to do you feel so sad
And in silence your breath to drag,
To enjoy the moments to enjoy
And with each moment everyone is stronger to love!

Sometimes, rushing into a daily routine and solving problems, you can forget about the most important thing - love for a close person.

Not only men, women should also express his feelings, women should also periodically remind a man about their sincere love. Speak often the words of love with my husband and you will see that he will answer you the same. And this will help you overcome the barriers to joint efforts.

I'm given you forever
I am happy and you are the reason
My closest man
And my only man!

How much I love you!
How glad I, that you with me.
Thank you for everything.
My dear, I'm always with you!

Joy, smiles and happiness,
Life all with you split ...
My heart is in your power.
My happiness is to be near.
Next to you, favorite,
I want to dream more often.
You showed me, my dear,
How can people fly

Everything is filled with you -
My days and nights,
I confess my beloved,
You are very good to me.

About you my dreams
About you all thoughts
Luch leaf is you
In a crazy life.

Not every man will like to listen or read long speeches, even if they are devoted to him.

Yes, and not every woman in the soul reading or writing such poems.

In this case, you can express what you feel in a shorter poetic form.

You are beautiful, my beloved,
I admire you
And every day, living with you -
More and more I fall in love.

I feel about feelings
I wanted to tell.
I miss you
And soul and body

You are the meaning of my life with my whole.
My air, sleep, my dreams ...
How happy I be yours!
I was happy happy!

Getting congratulations from friends and close on birthday is always nice. But the words that your loved one will tell you is an important attribute of a successful holiday. Take your favorite such pleasure.

Today is your birthday
I want my happiness to wish!
You are my dear man!
And you have to know about it.

I wish you love
You on birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and lucky,
Light roads
Returns happy
My most welcome
And the most beautiful!

My beloved husband!
This evening
I want to tell you:
For our union, for our meeting
So I am grateful to fate!
For every look, touch,
For every moment, for each year,
For the fact that on this birthday
Spring in my soul sings.

If you see with your loved one, seeing less than you like, then boredom will periodically roll on you.

In such a situation, do not hesitate to talk with your beloved about your sadness. Pove it in verses - it will be more mysterious and unusual.

Favorite and the most native
Come quarrel. I miss!
So you are alone, you are a hero.
And I'm dying without you.

My beloved, I miss you,
I go like a shadow, people do not notice
In a dream and in reality your appearance see
And parting our hate.

I'm not waiting for wealth, honors are not necessary,
I, like in paradise, from your only look
And from smile, lips touch,
I'm looking forward to you with you looking forward.

Without you everywhere so empty,
Even breathing with difficulty.
So miss, cute. Sad
The sun fade outside the window.
I'll repeat you again:
I love each cell!

If you want to tell your man about what you feel, but do not like to give thoughts with verses, then use words in prose.

So, you can more accurately and frankly say what you want, because you will not be limited to rhyme.

Where in you so much tenderness? If it was measured in numbers, I would just get away from the account. Favorite, you drive me crazy! I promise that I pay you the same ....

I never thought that a person could be the meaning of the life of another person! I never understood how you can give a man all myself, forgetting about pride. But having met you, so close and sharply realized this ... And now for me the most huge happiness to be with you, to believe in one dreams, breathe in one air, give your love infinitely and just know what you are!

What happiness, what next to me - you! I even terribly imagine that we could never meet each other, but just pass by, without even looking. After all, it is so passing by us every day thousands of people. Without you, there would be nothing expensive, what I appreciate what I dream about and what I hope for. Without you there would be nothing.

Words of love beloved man in his own words

The most sincere and open recognitions will be spoken in their words.

There can be no example of such words, because each pair is individual.

IMPORTANT: Just think, for which you fell in love with a person, for what you love now, that you feel in his absence, whatever you do without having His.

When you truly think about these questions with all my heart, the words themselves are transformed into beautiful offers.

And your favorite man, having heard them, will understand that these words are exclusively for him and only.

Poems for congratulations you can find above. But for those who do not like poems, the prose is perfect.

My dear, a loved one. I am grateful to the fate for the fact that she brought us with you, and for what we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you a positive attitude, permanent expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life. Let in all your matters you are accompanied by mistress luck, let you have everything with ease and joy. In order for your life to be filled with harmony, and so that you always achieve your goals. And I will give you reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, native!

Cute, congratulations on your birthday! I want to say "Thank you" to your parents that they gave this world of such a charming person! You are the best man on the Earth! I wish you all the best, the execution of the conceived and green light everywhere! Be the same worthy, decent and reliable man always!

Favorite, today you have a holiday. As they say, in a person's life, the two most important day - the first, this is when he was born, and the second, when I understood why. The day when you were born, had come! Therefore, I want to wish you as soon as possible to find the meaning of life, to do your favorite thing and appreciate what you have!

It is not necessary to write or memorize poetry to convey beautiful words to your man. It is quite possible to state thoughts in prose.

Favorite, just next to you I feel like a real woman - a beautiful, desired, weak, capricious. All because you are a real man! Your power and masculinity is a wonderful frame for the main jewel - your soul.

Native, from the moment you are near, I completely ceased to pay attention to the troubles, and all the problems that arise seem only to the bustle. You brought calm, confidence and feeling of security in my world and became a reliable guarantor of my mental balance. You are my true hero and I admire you.

No matter, married you are 1 year or 15 years old. It is necessary to confess in love. It will keep romance in your relationship.

At first I thought you fell in love with you. Then it seemed to me that love could not be so strong and I simply slowly go crazy. Then I realized that I love you so much that it was not against being crazy, just to be with you.

You are so wonderful…. Why did I get such joy like you? What did I deserve it? Probably the fact that I love you insanely. Let my madness of love be and remain your amulet and guarded

Do you admit to love in verses or in prose? It all depends exclusively on your tastes and preferences.

I want to be loved to be
What do you like me like me.
Not just to be your wife -
Being another devotees.

I love when you sleep sweetly,
I love to look in your eyes
And see how I reflect.
I love when you say
Silent il joking, Ile grumble,
I love when your laughter sounds,
He is infectious for everyone.
I love when you are gloomy, Grozen,
When you merry Il are serious.
I have every gesture of your very roads
I love you so much, kitten!

You are my favorite for me
And without you I can not,
I miss if you're not around
You in the heart of you.
I am proud of me, my husband is loved,
And never change.
You are cute, you are unique,
For that, I love you!

Recognition in your own words - it is on naughty words. Words should concern exactly your husband, it is your relationship with him.

Speak what heart dictates you. Even if it is a little incompass - do not worry. Your husband will understand that you did not memorize someone's thoughts, but what you say to him what tells you the heart.

And what no sincere recognition can raise the mood and remind each other about romance and great love.

How to find suitable words, read in the section above "Words of Love to your beloved man in your own words."

Finding SMS confession to your taste in your article

Feel free and do not forget to talk beautiful words to your beloved man. After all, you loved him for something. So, he is worthy of hearing pleasant and sincere words from you.

Video on the topic: affectionate words beloved man

I cordially congratulate you on your great day,
My husband, cute, the most caring, kind and expensive!
You are hot and gently love me forever.
I wish the health of strong to you, harmony in the soul, my native!

Wish it left
So that the husband was happiness drunk,
So he did not know trouble
So that with evil he did not play,

Let the years you only bring a bright joy.
True, in life, sometimes it is so necessary and important.
Acts Your respect and repetitions are asked
Let any misfortune bypass you.

Gifts give -
They had long dreamed about them.
I confess that I love,
You have become more expensive!

Let your dream
Early come true!
Be happy, cute, you.
Let's have fun!

Let your birthday, my husband, Favorite,
It will be a huge holiday for our family.
Happiness and joy to you, my dear,
Successes in everything, I wish from the soul.

Good and longevity health
Good luck in everything and everywhere.
Earthly beauties, their magnificence.
Let the Hymn's heart sings in spring.

Desires of your cherished performance
Optimism, hopes, faith and love.
Excellent, festive mood,
Let all difficulties remain far behind.

Music you are my native
My life is dear.
Happy Birthday,
The best you, without a doubt!

For you, spouse's favorite,
As behind a stone wall,
I am with you, my most cute,
Not terrible neither snow nor angry!

I wish the life of sweet,
So that all the dreams come true,
So you lived with me
And gave always flowers!

Hummy, love!
Happy Birthday
I want to say with all my heart
Better than you are on white light

I already, probably not to find
You are my second half.
Best! Well, what else to hide?
I want only happiness today,
Joy, love, health wish.

The best day in the world,
And congratulate you, you are not too lazy.
After all, her husband's birthday,
And it will not spoil him, even the sizzle!

So that the seven shore is holy,
So that the chamber was,
So that eyes shone with light,
So that winter seemed in the summer,

Dear my husband,
I hurry you soon
With a pleasant anticipation.

To cheerful caps
Rank quickly along the tracks,
So that my wife loves always
So that the water has flowed!

For the fact that the husband is always with me,
Though in the summer and winter.
For happiness gave
And I awarded love!

The success of huge in everything, frequent luck,
Well-being of lasting, solid faith, love.
Excellent, festive mood.
Let only good waiting to be ahead.

Celebrate will be your birthday,
Compose for you congratulations
To be with feeling, with soul,
So that you smile at your native

Let the words are beautiful,
And your eyes shining your eyes,
I am the happiest wife,
You are the best husband with me!

I love you, my husband is dear!
Today I celebrate your birthday.
I wish you health
So, calm me!

Successes in any start!
I have a very desperate
For that, I love you!
All records for you to beat!

I will be a clever and ambulance in the kitchen
And comfort in the apartment will create!
And I know: nothing will collapse,
Because you are supporting us!

You, today are all words,
I so worked my head!
From my love to you,
I will say thank you for fate!

To me with you, so warm
And of course lucky.
So my husband is wonderful,
And the man is interesting!

Thank you for your experience, your protection against life storms, your reliability and beautiful, cheerful temper. For love, kindness, generosity, care and affection - some thanks. I promise that I will try to help you, protect our family hearth, love, and delight.

But most importantly, thank you for love, dear. I am happy and proud that such a wonderful person gives his love to me.

Dear! I bless my destiny daily for giving me you. I love you, respect and infinitely thank you for:

But the most important thing is why I want to tell you thanks, this is for the fact that you are a loving father. I did not regret any day that my children were born from you and never cease to enjoy the fact that they are a lot of you. It is for me - the biggest fade, pride and happiness. Thank you!

My good! I do not get tired of envying myself that I have so wonderful second half. You are so high-quality husband that it is better impossible to imagine and accommodate. Thank you that you are my companion on life and your love is also - thanks.

Of course, I often have a very capricious, ungrateful, spoiled creature and not to thank you but today - a special day and a special occasion. I want to thank my wonderful spouse for what he truly decorates my life.

But most importantly, thank you, dear, for your constant desire to please me, paint my world with bright colors, give me joy and positive. I sincerely grate to you that you have a man under any circumstances and never stay in your aspirations halfway.

I promise, I will take an example from you and be sure to become an ideal wife, as you have become an ideal husband for me.

Thank you for everything and especially for the fact that the fruits of your vast work you give us exactly what you are happy with us all the good and peel together with us when something does not work. We will always try to help you. Be happy!

Thank you, a precious spouse that you are a stunning father. For the fact that you are so much attention, warmth, care and love give our son (daughter). Thanks to you, he grows as kind, light, capable and creatively developed man. I am glad that you were the father of my child.

But most importantly, for which I love you and appreciate, this is your love, I feel it daily. She wakes me, gives hope, helps in a difficult moment, comforts, soothes, does not let go from the path to the goal. Adore you!

My husband - how much is this word
Indicates for me.
Favorite, I did not regret
What married you for you.

And on this day a wonderful holiday
I will meet my dear, with you.
You, loved, adore!
And happy birthday, dear!

Life is short, but the watch of her debts. Let there be long happy hours of our livelihood! And I want to tell you that I am happy that fate brought me with you. Let us still our future will be only common, and the black cloud will never come to our relationship.

I want to say on the whole universe about my unearthly love for you, my husband! I live for you, I breathe you, you take all my life, because without you for me the world becomes faceless and dull. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one.

Today is your birthday,
Examined husband and super dad.
You congratulate you all your family
We are very pleased with all my heart.

Do you want we wish
Health, joy, wealth.
All success to achieve
So that life was simple and smooth!

I wish you from the heart
I always appreciate your family
You congratulate you today
Do not forget my wife to love!

And yet seriously, cute,
I sincerely wish me
You are energy and strength,
Let only friends survive!

In marriage, I realized that my husband is the most best! On this, cute, I, how to my beloved spouse, I want to wish to stay always as healthy, forever young and always cheerful! Happy Birthday!

I want to cuddle to your shoulder,
Breathe your fragrance carelessly
Oh my God! Love you
I can't say probably

I just do not pick up
Like a husband gently adore.
Favorite, Happy holiday to you!
I'm from yours only to Tasy.

Our dad, husband, you all stronger,
We love you very much
All on the shoulder always you
And comp, and hammer

You build a house and this house
We will be joyed,
We will try to in it
You were happy with full!

We wish we in the birthday day
Come soon from work,
All-all have time and not to hurt
Be at home on Saturdays!

It is said that husband and his wife,
If many years live
Part of the whole thing
Before everyone appears!

So there is really!
Happy Birthday, dear!
Let all you wanted
Will be with us!

You are one of my light in the window,
The best and native,
Let the tracks lead you
Only home!

Happy Birthday sweetheart,
Be healthy, my dear,
Hug you like Iva
Over current water!

True man
I wish from the heart:
Not sad for no reason
Loves the whole family you!

Let it be lucky in everything in the world,
Rainbow dreams are shot,
You accept, favorite, these
Congratulations from my wife!

Beloved my native spouse
We survived a lot,
We were not afraid of darkness and blizzard -
We have always loved each other!

I wish you this day
Always stay alone
Today I'm not too lazy
In love, the spouse confess!

Today, in a solemn day, on the day of birth, your loved one, I wish you and live, not old, more than you joys, less sadness, and troubles, to you, never knew. Be healthy always, do not be sad, and with such a mood to live up to a hundred!

I want to congratulate her husband
Today's own!
You, native, wish
Today is one:

For me, you are the most expensive and close man. I am glad that you have me and that you are always next to me. Together we are not afraid of any difficulties of obstacles. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband! I want you to always be happy, and everything you dream about, I have definitely come true!

Happy anniversary, husband's husband,
Full of young youth,
Would be angel storage
Just laughed, not sad!

You mind and article is impressed
I wish my native
To just be happy
Happy holiday, desired by my!

Father and husband - a lot this
We are the best person in the world
In the fathers got into the husbands,
Undoubtedly, I know.

We want to wish happiness,
You are ready to help
Always willfully provide rear,
So that you are satisfied with us!

When I went out for you, I already knew that you were the most wonderful man on earth! I wish you on this beautiful day of all the very best in the world, although you already have me, I wish you more smiles and pleasant people in surroundings! Love!

Favorite! Everyone was covered without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn
And even the sun shines me sadly,
When you do not have with me near.

So let you accompany only happiness
Good luck will sill you with the wing
And let my love, hope and fate
They protect and keep our house.

My spouse is my pride and joy,
Let your plans come true!
You give me you and affection, and sweetness,
So, let's wishes my:

Let your career succeed
And luck goes on the heels,
Let you not have grieving,
Provide more often with dreams!

My husband, my glorious gentle angel!
I congratulate you happy birthday to you!
And let all trouble run away in Dali,
Let life give tenderness, heat!

Let the wind blowing in the sails pass through
Let happiness go for you on the heels!
Let our house are still comfortable for you
Life road let - without bumps and no holes!

Life flew unnoticed, because when you are happy, and love years do not need to be considered. Thank you for your loyalty and negascia of any trouble and love love. Be so faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, clear mind and a funny character.

Dear, beloved and reliable my spouse! Happy Birthday to you! You are my kindest, cute and gentle husband on earth! Let our joint life turn into a fairy tale, and love will become even stronger. I wish you a heroic health, be fun and courageous!

Who is the kindest in the world
The wisest thing is the strongest?
Well, of course, who is today -
Our favorite birthday boy!

We are you, our husband and dad,
Congratulations to SMS -
Together we scored her
Every one sincerely, from the heart!

Here is a man that he lived the attitude, and on the way, I confess to me with him. What is the root in the whole world and the light I am the family and my beloved.

Ghostly everything in this world is raging. There is only love - for it and hold on. This is the bridge between the past and the future, this is a real life.