Calculate the weight of a pregnant woman for weeks table. Weight set during pregnancy: rates of increases for weeks, pathological values, recommendations of the future mother. What is dangerous insufficient or overweight during pregnancy

And I read how your baby develops every week, then you probably became interested in another question - how do you grow up.

Our weight gain calculator during pregnancy calculates the rate of addition for each week.

Grease body weight during pregnancy - the process is very individual. All women have weight during pregnancy increases unequal. It depends on the complex of the future mother and its inclination to completeness, from the size of the fetus and from a number of physiological features. However, the process must exist a certain framework. And they are! Russian obstetrician gynecologists adhere to the following reference values: the total set of weight for the pregnancy should be 10-12 kg, gain in the first half of pregnancy - 300-400 grams per week, an increase in the second half of pregnancy - 250-300 grams per week. Moreover, such an increase is characteristic only for women with a normal body weight.

Not everyone grow equally

For women with excess or insufficient body weight, the number is completely different. With insufficient body weight, weight during pregnancy should increase by 12-15 kg, (and again, it is important to know what a lack of body weight was in a woman before the occurrence of pregnancy). With overweight body - up to 8-10 kg for the entire pregnancy. All these numbers, as practice shows, completely approximate and, as already mentioned, individual, but to navigate them. Otherwise, you can dial too much, and then you will be hard not only to give birth, but also get rid of extra kilograms after pregnancy, or to dial too little, and then the child can slow down its intrauterine development from lack of nutrition.

Compare with the "right" values, control the weight during pregnancy is better for weeks, so you can notice a hazardous tendency in changing body weight. Our "Weight Calculator for Pregnancy" will help. If your gynecologist gives recommendations that are highly different from the results of the calculation, write to us.

Questions to the article

Pregnancy did not score in weight, analyzes are all good, worth it ...

And now my weight is 66.7 kg. This is normal?...

My weight is 60.800. This is a bust? Eat a little weight extra, then how it is ...

At 9 weeks, the weight was 59.100, yesterday was the doctor's weight 59.700, is that normal? ...

Weeks? Dobanen weight 59-60 kg (depending on the time of year), in ...

Although there are no edema and I have always been a waterfront, and the tests are normal, and ...

This is normal? The doctor said nothing terrible. But I worry ...

Weeks, weight was 59,300 with a height of 153. Now the weight is 67,800. Before pregnancy ...

Grow 150cm. Now I am 21 weeks. Weight like scored. But interesting...

Pregnancy week my weight is 79,600. Initially, when I got up on ...

Total 8.9 kg. I discovered with horror that instead of the last 68.9kg ....

Pregnancy and weight 75 kg. Is it a significant increase? ...

They want to put into the hospital for weight loss, while the belly in clothes ...

Week we have approximately 56 kg. This is normal or desirable for me ...

May 11, when it got to the account weighed 55.3, and now I went to the 22nd ...

Pregnancy weight 68.3 kg. this is normal?...

Pregnancy. At the time when I got up for registration (9 weeks) I ...

Pregnancy weight was 56 kg, height 168, was engaged in power ...

Weighing 62.3 kg scored 4.5 kg in 4 weeks. Tell me how not to recruit so ...

70.6 kg with growth 168 cm. Smashed this much I scored? And what to do ...

Weight 92 kg. On account rose with weight 83 kg. Height 165cm. I don't know what ...

Lost almost 5 kg (strong toxicosis) is not dangerous for a child? ...

According to your program, 25 weeks and I must weigh 60-60.3 kg maximum. And I...

Now it goes 16 weeks up on scales and weight already 68.3. Tell me, it's ...

57.8 ... is it quite a lot? The doctor is silent .... I eat 4 times a day, before pregnancy ...

Pregnancy was 54 kg, now the term of pregnancy is 12 weeks, for this ...

Now 28 weeks and I weigh 74.4 kg. Doctor says it's a lot. I...

Week weigh 63 kg. Work is not sitting, I eat no more than 2000 calories and weight ...

I add in weight, though it is not all that I want. At 21 weeks weigh 67, though ...

140. Sea is pregnant for 14 weeks weigh 62.10. I never know Narrolol kg for 14 ...

For account, weighed 53.5kg, today was at the reception, weight 63.5kg. Doctor...

Obstetric. 70 kg Weighed pregnancy (+ -300 - 500 grams). During...

Today is 64.1 kg, but I weigh 65.9 - as far as it is bad and how I feel ...

I went to the doctor, I was weighed in clothes, recently had a sought and weight was ...

61.5 kg. Doctors scold for excessive increase in weight. "Fat" see ...

Weight 66 kg 800 gr. Over the past two weeks, she scored 1 kg of 600 gr. The doctor is very ...

Strong toxicosis began .. there could not be anything at all .. and ...

I scored 2 kg, now I have 23-24 weeks weakened 54,2 this is a lot for me? ...

The term of 17 Dennel, the approximate all should now be 55.6 kg, but at ...

Himself excellent. In the first trimester lost 2 kg. The weight was about 53.9 ....

(I roar) Weight 57 kg, tell me what, all fat? Please tell me ...

Thin. Now I have a 16th week of pregnancy and my weight is ...

Sports, now 19 full week my weight is 63.500 ...

And on ultrasound. Attributed treatment. I am very worried that it will not hurt ...

Ferrum lec drink and folic, but so far the effect is not significant. Coolars ...

Showed such numbers 11.3 Tell me very low and worth it ...

It's a lot. I began to limit specially during pregnancy ...

The moment added 8.7 kg, now the weight is 52.9 doctor said ...

Was recruited 9 kg, but the problem is that I have already gained 12kg that ...

174. Is it worth dumping weight? He added evenly, and for ...

Because of the toxicosis at 13 weeks I became the news of 66.5. Now 18 weeks and mine ...

Calculator weight should be 60.9kg. I have it. But the gynecologist ...

PROIZOSHEL KAKOY TO SBOY I V 22 NEDELI BILO UJE 68 KG (Dumau Chto Organizm Prosto Kompensiroval Poteryannie KG))) ....

This is normal?...

83,200. this is normal? All tests are good, no swelling, pressure in ...

Now 24ned. and weight 56kg. The doctor believes that the advantage. Forms not ...

Approximately 64-65 kg, now we have 66,200. Height 162. According to your calculator, I ...

Was 50-52 kg. Tell me, can I throw a weight or limit ...

Not all future mothers understand how important it is to comply with the boundaries of reasonable in the issue of nutrition. Someone worries because of the figure, which will be difficult to put in order after childbirth, and begins to limit himself in everything, and someone believes that it is now necessary to eat literally "for two" and plunges hard on your favorite products.

In fact, any deviations from the norm equally can bear the danger to the health of the woman itself and her baby. What you need to know about changes in body weight during pregnancy, and how to correctly calculate the optimal weight gain?

What is dangerous insufficient or overweight during pregnancy?

The average weight gain during pregnancy is from 9 to 14 kg. Of course, this value cannot be applied to each specific case, since the exact figure depends on the set of factors, but a sharp deviation from it in one or another should alert future mom.

  • Insufficiency is often in pregnant women in the first months, that is, at that time, when they suffer from toxicosis. If the loss is not accompanied by a strong vomiting (after each food intake), the baby is most likely out of danger.

The greatest risk is low weight in the second-third trimestersWhen the fruit intensively needs nutrients and their disadvantage can lead to a shortage of a body mass of a newborn, a variety of pathologies in development and psychological problems. In this case, the woman may fall as the level of important hormones, which is fraught with miscarriage or premature births.

  • Excess weight is also not only aesthetic problem for pregnancy, since all the load falls on the health of the mother. Often it provokes the development of gestosis - a hazardous state, which is called late toxicosis. Gestosis bears a direct threat to the health of the child, as it can cause other troubles. Read more about Guest I read

An excess weight is even more dangerous when it does not arise as a result of overeating, but because of swelling - Usually in such cases the increase occurs in a short period of time (more kilogram per week). This may be the first symptom of water - excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues, the main cause of which is to disorder the kidneys.

It is not categorically recommended to solve such problems, so with a sharp increase in body weight, the pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor.

And in order to notice the threatening condition and take action on time, the future mother should know how much the optimal increase in weight during pregnancy in its case should be.

Why are pregnant weight gain weight?

Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women are gaining overweight not only due to the mass of the growing baby and a fat layer - they constitute about half of the total figure. For nine months, the woman increases the uterus, the volume of blood and the intercellular fluid, ferrous water and the placenta are formed, the dairy glands begin to actively grow.

These changes are necessary for the correct growth and development of the baby, that is, not only a gynecologist should monitor them, but the woman herself.

What does weight gain depends during pregnancy?

To calculate the permissible weight gain for a woman, its original weight should be taken into account, that is, the BMI (body mass index), which is calculated by a special formula: body weight in kilograms / height in square meters. The resulting result allows us to estimate how much the weight of a woman is approximate to normal: if the figure falls in the range of 19.8-26 - the weight is normal, less than 19 is insufficient, more than 26 - excessive, well, the BMI above 30 speaks of obesity.

  • Slender, fragile women (the so-called asthenic type) during pregnancy should dial 13-18 kg;
  • For women with normal physique and weighing, a permissible increase is 11-16 kg;
  • The ladies of the fat body of excess weight in the norm are gaining from 7 to 11 kg;
  • In obesity, the doctor prescribes a special diet's future mother, and its weight gain should not exceed 6 kg.

In addition, it is very important to take into account the gestational age of the fetus for weeks, since on each of them in the body of women and the fetus certain changes occur that affect the total weight.

Weight for weeks of pregnancy

The weight gain during pregnancy for weeks occurs unevenly - at the very beginning it is almost impaired, significantly increases to the middle and again decreases closer to childbirth.

The second trimester, when the baby begins to grow especially actively and develop, the woman should be especially careful, since weight gain acquires the initial value. The numbers are distributed as follows: about 500 g per week for slender women, not more than 450 g - for pregnant women with normal weight, and no more than 300 g - for full.

In the third trimester, pregnant women add less, and this process is natural, since their body is preparing for the appearance of a kid to the light.

It is very important to ensure that the body weight does not decrease too sharply, as this may indicate pathologies of the development of pregnancy.

What is dangerous slow weight gain?

Slow weight gain is a relative concept for pregnant women, since in the first trimester it can not only not arrive, but also to shrink.

Some future mothers are gaining first kilograms only after the 14th week - usually it concerns miniature women who have no genetic predisposition to the completeness or women suffering from toxicosis. In the first case, the weight arrives slowly throughout the nine months, which, with normal well-being, the pregnant woman should not cause concerns. If we talk about women suffering from toxicosis, then to the second trimester, malaise usually disappears, the mass of the body comes back to normal and the weight gain is going on.

If a pregnant hodge is starving, observes a strict diet or simply fails, it significantly increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

In such a situation, a woman needs to abandon restrictions and bring their diet to normal. It is necessary to eat in small portions several times a day, between meals to snack cheese, nuts or dried fruits, and in the food you can add some creamy oil or sour cream.

About food rules During pregnancy, read

What is dangerous rapid weight gain?

The rapid weight gain is characteristic of multiple pregnancies, women with body weight deficiency and too young mothers whose body is still developing.

In other cases, it is the result of the usual overeating and requires the correction of the power mode. The direct threat of a child's life is excessive weight, but may be the cause of diabetes mellitus, increased blood pressure, pre-eclampsia and overweight of the baby, which can lead to complications during childbirth and even a cesarean section.

If the weight arrives too quickly, the woman is recommended to obtain a nutritionist consultation and abandon fast-air carbohydrates (sweets, duff, pasta) and include fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products in their menu.

The situation is much more dangerous in the event that excess weight is a consequence of edema. In order to identify the problem in time and get medical care, at hand, the future mother should have a weight gain table during pregnancy and accurate scales - giving more than 1 kg per week is a serious reason for concern.

About how not to gain extra weight during pregnancy Read

Is the weight loss dangerous during pregnancy?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, weight loss is quite possible due to toxicosis, in the second such a situation is usually associated with various diseases and stress, and in the third trimester loss of 1-2 kg is the harbinger of highly childbirth.

In any case, the weight gain during pregnancy is a purely individual case, so the future mother is very important to monitor his well-being and quality of fees.

If the weight goes quickly and sharply (it usually concerns the first and second trimester), you should immediately inform the doctor, as it may be a serious threat to health and even the life of the baby.

Diet during pregnancy

Diets, strict nutrition systems and unloading days (especially so-called "hungry") during the period of tooling the child are categorically prohibited even if the pregnant weight is excessive.

It is very important to ensure that the baby receives all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, so it is not necessary to starve a future mother - you just need to balance your diet accordingly, and if necessary, to obtain a specialist consultation.

Rules weight gain and fetal growth

Growth and weight gain and child weight - no less important parameters than the mass of the body of the future mother. It is started to measure it from about the 8th week, as it is not possible to do this before it is simply impossible.

The body weight and growth of the baby increase unevenly - first the fruit is growing rapidly, and since the 14-15th week the process slows down slightly. This is due to the fact that the main task of the child during this period is to develop new skills and skills (blink, move with handles, etc.), and not add in weight and growth. At the beginning of the third trimester, the weight gain at the kid again accelerates, and by the date of birth, the mass of his body reaches from 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

The weight and growth of the child are individual parameters and depend on the set of factors, primarily the floor and genetic predisposition, but there are average figures that are considered the norm.

In addition, such indicators are necessarily measured on ultrasound examination as:

  • BPR - biparic head size (the distance between the outer surface of the lower contour and the inner surface of the lower);
  • DB - the length of the hip;
  • OH - abdominal circumference;
  • DGK is the diameter of the chest.

These indicators should increase in proportion to pregnancy periods, and together with growth and weight are very important parameters that are able to tell about the presence or absence of any pathologies.

Any lag or ahead is a reason for consulting a doctor, but in no way the cause for panic, because every little man is an individuality that can have its own characteristics.

Almost every woman who is preparing to become a mother, overcome various alarms, fears and experiences.

In addition to excitement about the normal flow of pregnancy, worries about the health of the child and prosperity, women are very concerned and more landed problems: many are afraid that having gained a pretty number of extra kilograms during the baby tooling, they will no longer be in order figure or return to the previous form .

However, the wise nature provided for everything. Of course, the weight of your body for nine months will increase, because the baby is growing inside you and develops.

Before the birth, the doctor systematically controls how your weight is changing to understand whether everything is in order, because the threat to you and the child carries as an excessive weight gain and insufficient.

There is no absolutely "ideal" weight for pregnancy, because the rate of its increase depends on the indicators that you were initially. The weight gain may differ very essentially: in the limit of oscillations - from a small weight loss to a set of twenty kilograms and even more.

In order not to occur with the pathological growth of the mass, which will subsequently lead to various complications and during childbirth, and after them, you need to regularly visit your doctor so that it can control the indicators by comparing them with the norms of weight gain.

This will help to detect the problem in time - an excessive increase or lack of weight, and then take measures to solve it. You can also be weighed at home. It is necessary to get on the scales correctly: it is best to do on an empty stomach in the morning (before breakfast).

How and why increase weight?

As a rule, in about two months, a woman will not notice significant changes in its weight.

Your body is just beginning to rebuild and adapt to your new status.

Initially, even the reverse reaction is possible, that is, a strong weight loss, if it is bothering you (decline in appetite, strong intolerance of odors and aggravation of tastes, permanent urges of nausea, possibly vomiting). During this time, about 1-2 kg are usually gaining.

But already from the second trimester, the weight will change much rapidly: up to 250-300 g per week or 1 kg per month.

With figures that significantly exceed these indicators, doctors will suspect the presence of serious problems or complications (the water of pregnant women is hidden and).

In the third trimester, in particular, after seven months, the woman will recruit even more: about 50 g per day or up to 400 g per week, because the baby is already preparing for their birth.

So, on average, for nine months, you can dial about 9-14 kg, and if twins are expected - approximately 16-21 kg.

However, these numbers are only common indicators from which the doctor will be repelled. There are also special methods for calculating the weight and the scale of the medium-physiological increase (for the last trimester).

The factors on which the mass increase depends

Of course, the main part of the scored kilograms is the mass of the kid himself, but it can only be 3-4 kg. In addition, the blood volume and the amount of adipose tissue will increase, it will become a margin of your energy for future breastfeeding.

Together with the child, the uterus is growing, more lactains are becoming. Consider the last, umbilical umbilical umbilical liquid and so on.

Busting may appear if you wear a very or amount of adipose tissue increased slightly more than you need. Such deviations from the average data are considered non-hazardous and require only minor lifestyle correction (diet, exercises, other recommendations of the doctor). In other cases, we can talk about pathology (, water and so on.).

This is how typed kilograms are distributed:

  • mass of a newborn baby - 3 kg 300 g;
  • mass of the uterus - 900 g;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid is 900 g;
  • mass of the last - 400 g;
  • an increase in breast mass - 500 g;
  • an increase in blood volume - 1200 g;
  • mass of fabric liquid - 2 kg of 700 g;
  • mass of adipose tissue - 2 kg 200 g.

Remember that the body of each woman is individual, so can respond completely differently to its new state.

Moreover, the increase in body weight is regulated by many factors.

  1. One of the most important factors is its own source weight of a woman.

Doctors argue that the lower the norm you weighed before pregnancy, the more you get the masses for its period. And it will be fine. But with excessive source weight or even obesity, a woman will have to be very scrupulously monitored and carefully monitor the growth of body weight.

  1. The second important factor of influence is the age of a woman.

Since, as the body often shows a tendency to completeness, the older is pregnant, the more likely a significant (excessive) increase in mass.

  1. Among other physiological features, it should be noted the growth and type of the body of the woman.

The constitution of your body will be a very important indicator (asthenic type - a tendency to honeybee, hypersthenic - to completeness).

  1. It is also taken into account the well-being of pregnant.

For example, whether it suffers from strong toxicosis or, because if it is at first it will contribute to weight loss, then the body will make every effort to compensate for its disadvantage. So, weight gain can become much greater than necessary.

Perhaps due to hormonal changes, the woman feels a constant hunger or an increased appetite. The doctor will have to focus on what you do not need to eat for two, and your diet should be carefully controlled.

  1. Next, you can note the factor of influence relating to the peculiarities of pregnancy.

Of course, if, it will get a lot more kilogram than a mother of one child. More averages will be the weight of a pregnant woman who wears a large kid.

  1. Possible complications are and possible: multi-way, edema, obesity with violations of the endocrine system.

Such pathologies are able to significantly increase the weight of a woman, carrying with them an additional threat to her health and well-being of the child.

Almost all of the above factors are amenable to correction, because even if you have a physiological predisposition to a set of excess weight, then this process can be affected positively with rational nutrition, self-control and moderate physical activity.

What are the average weight gain standards at different times of pregnancy?

On early time to determine for each pregnant normal weight is very difficult. The pace of a massset can be absolutely individual: someone begins to gain weight immediately, and then the indicators are slightly decreasing and slowed down, someone, on the contrary, walks almost with the constant weight almost to the second trimester, and after weight begins to grow sharply, etc. d.

All these processes are normal, the main thing is that the weight does not go beyond the maximum indicators.

Approximate weight gain calendar for weeks

Is it possible to calculate individual weight set standards?

Many women are so afraid of overcome to recover, which is beginning to observe a strict diet than cause a lack of vitamins and nutrients that the child is so necessary for full growth and development.

There is a way that will help you find out your personally. This figure will turn out to be each other, because it must be calculated by a special formula.

First you need to calculate your body mass index (or BMI).

To do this, divide the two digits: Your weight (in kilograms) is currently on growth (in meters), erected into a square. So you will receive the maximum additional weight indicators that you can score for a period of pregnancy without any harm for your own health or baby health.

Weight set table

Doctors conventionally divide women into several groups (according to the type of figure), based on the indicators of their body mass indices:

  • the first group includes a lumber of thin bodybuilding? Their BMI is on average less than 19.8;
  • the second group is a middle-sized women with BMI in the range from 19.8 to 26;
  • and third? Ladies with large physique (BMI - more than 26).

At the same time, if you are pregnant twins, the weight set will increase. And the norms will be completely different.

Be sure to follow weight gain throughout the pregnancy in order to notice possible deviations from the norm on time and take appropriate measures.

Consult a doctor with the slightest doubts or fears. Ideal will be a smooth height of body weight, in which the child develops normally, getting everything from mom that he needs. Taking advantage of the specially compiled schedule of the weight gain on weeks, you can control the increase in kilograms and not allow them to be excess or a shortage.

Table. Weight set standards for pregnancy for weeks

sharing pregnancy Body mass deficit to pregnancy (BMI less than 18.5), kg. Normal weight to pregnancy (BMI from 18.5 to 24.9), kg. Overweight to pregnancy (BMI over 30), kg.
4 0-0,9 0-0,7 0-0,5
6 0-1,4 0-1 0-0,6
8 0-1,6 0-1,2 0-0,7
10 0-1,8 0-1,3 0-0,8
12 0-2 0-1,5 0-1
14 0,5-2,7 0,5-2 0,5-1,2
16 up to 3.6. until 3 up to 1,4.
18 up to 4.6 up to 4. up to 2,3.
20 until 6 up to 5.9 up to 2.9
22 up to 7.2. up to 7. up to 3,4.
24 up to 8.6 up to 8.5 up to 3.9
26 to 10 to 10 up to 5.
28 up to 13. up to 11. up to 5,4.
30 until 14. up to 12. up to 5.9
32 up to 15 Up to 13. up to 6.4.
34 up to 16. Until 14. up to 7.3.
36 up to 17. up to 15 up to 7.9
38 before 18 up to 16. up to 8.6
40 before 18 up to 16. up to 9.1.

Possible deviations from the norm

When doctors talk about the rates of increases, then, as a rule, they focus at the exit to the upper permissible boundary of the indicators. However, it is also possible to directly the opposite situation.

Excess mass: the main causes of deviation from the norm

Overweight is a rather serious problem.

Starting factors that may affect the large weight gain, can be the most banal and testify to the appearance of very serious problems:

  • during pregnancy, many mothers notice a strong increase in appetite or constantly feel hunger.

As a result of permanent overs, the hypothalamus (a special center in the human brain, which is responsible for regulating the feeling of hunger) gives a failure, and your body will need more and large portions to experience saturation. At some point, the weight begins to grow rapidly and becomes pathologically redundant.

  • If you add to constant overeating, the energy obtained from food is practically not spent due to a low-lifestyle lifestyle and low physical activity, then you will receive the second reason.
  • Also, ordinary genetics and problems with the endocrine system can also become an overweight.
  • A significant increase in kilograms is often caused by no increasing volume of adhesive tissue, but the appearance of edema.

This is a serious reason for concern, because the swelling can lead to gestosis and other complications;

  • initial high weight or obesity.

Those women who suffer from excess (pathological) weight gain are usually prescribed preventive complex therapy. The most important thing that will need to do is keep your weight under constant control: regularly weighed and track all the necessary indicators to see their dynamics.

The basis of your menu should be fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, low-fat or lean grades of meat and fish, dairy products (skim) and so on.

Exclude from the diet all fried, flour, sweet, semi-finished products and fast food products.

Try to cook for a couple and eat smaller spices.

With overweight, it is also good to calculate calories (you can reduce their number up to 10%). It is worth monitoring the amount of drinking liquid to prevent edema. Perhaps the doctor will recommend you to make unloading days once a week.

The doctor will also help choose a set of exercises that will meet your term and individual characteristics. Moderate physical activity will not only destroy extra calories, but also will have a positive effect on well-being, it will prepare the body for childbirth, will keep your body in a tone.

Overweight threatens pregnant with many complications:

  • it can provoke the emergence of various health problems;
  • cause varicose;
  • cause a serious burden on the spine, as well as the internal organs of a woman;
  • serve as the development of various diseases (preeclampsia, hypercoagulation);
  • there are cases when overweight provoked a threat to miscarriage or, was one of the factors of non-banking pregnancy and;
  • in addition, there will be certain complications due to the birth of a large fetus, including additional difficulties of postpartum rehabilitation.

For the baby in the womb, your overweight is fraught with considerable problems, among which it is possible to note the likelihood of the risk of developing certain diseases, and the inclination to complete in the future, and to, and the shortage of nutrients, and much more.

Insufficient weight set: Causes and consequences

In most cases, doctors face an excessive weight gain in a pregnant woman, however, it may be the opposite when a woman is gaining less norm or even lose weight.

Such a situation is also anxious, because it can lead to the fact that the child will not be provided necessary for full growth and development of materials, and this will affect the process of forming its organs and systems.

As a result, the likelihood of the risk of premature births, delays in the development or backlog, and is even possible spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.

Usually an insufficient weight set or its sharp loss occurs in the first trimester. The cause of this phenomenon is toxicosis. Also, the malfunction in the work of the body is possible if the woman is starving or does not eat, or complies with a strict diet / post.

As a rule, with power correction and after the disappearance of toxicosis, everything comes to normal. True, the weight may begin to grow very rapidly. The doctor will help you balance the diet and gain the necessary body weight. The main thing is to seek help in time to prevent the body's depletion or other complications.

Instead of imprisonment

When the baby grows inside you, you can gain weight, which will be larger or less than the average norm. Control the indicators yourself, advise with your doctor: If you feel good yourself, and all tests show excellent results, it means that your pregnancy is working normally and there are no reasons for excitement.

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Your result

A set of each extra kilogram is very painful perceived by the majority of women. But there is a period in life when the weight gain does not avoid - this is a period of pregnancy. There is a certain rate of weight gain, and significant deviations from it in one or the other side can harm both the woman itself and her child. Is it possible to calculate the norm on their own, and how to keep the figure during pregnancy and at the same time not harm the baby - the answers to these questions will allow each woman to discard extra experiences.

What is the number of kilograms gained from

Most experts tend to believe that ideally a woman should recover at 10-14 kg. But this does not mean that each should and can meet these borders. These indicators are medium, and the norm for each particular woman may differ somewhat. The number of kilograms that can be typed for the entire pregnancy period affect certain factors:

How to calculate the rate of weight gain for yourself

First of all, learning about his interesting position, a woman must know how much it weighs and fix this indicator. It will be the starting point for the subsequent calculation of the addition. Each pregnant when registering in the female consultation passes the ritual of weighing on the existing scales. Subsequently, this procedure will be carried out at each visit to his doctor, and the changes are fixed in the card.
However, to obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to have own scales at home and carry out weighing for all the rules:
  • Weigh on the same scales. Different scales may have a small error in one direction or the other side, therefore it is better to have some scales for which they fix their changes. As for the scales in the female consultation, even if they are alone, then after hundreds of pregnant women who will stretch on them, they can also be insignificant (for several grams) to distort the information.
  • Weighing it is necessary in the morning in front of breakfast. The rate of weight gain, given in any source, is usually calculated on weekly pregnancy, so it is enough to weigh once a week.
  • Weighing follows in the same clothes, and if there is such an opportunity, then without it. It is the error with clothes most often not taken into account in women's consultation. It is one thing to weigh in the sundress and slippers and completely different - in denim overalls and shoes.

Weighing results must be recorded in a notebook to be able to compare and compare them with the norm. The second indicator that the woman needs to calculate the rate of weight gain is the body mass index. It can also be calculated independently: it is necessary to divide his weight in kilograms to the value of growth in the square (the growth is taken in meters). The resulting value must be compared with the table: Stripping from the results obtained sets the rate of increases for the period of pregnancy:
For convenience, in calculations, you can use the online weight gain calculator during pregnancy. It will help calculate normal weight values \u200b\u200bfor weeks.

Is it possible to regulate your weight during pregnancy

The question of how to keep the figure during pregnancy is interested in all women. To respond to it, it is necessary to understand how the scheduling weight is distributed during pregnancy:
  • Fruit - 3 - 4 kg.
  • Placenta - 0.5 kg.
  • The uterus is 1 kg.
  • The accumulative liquid is 1 kg.
  • Blood - 1, 5 kg.
  • Water in the body of a woman - up to 2 kg.
  • Fat deposits of the mother - 3 - 4 kg.

As can be seen, directly on the fat mass falls not so much. And if you do not overeat and follow your health during pregnancy, then after childbirth, weight loss to their normal parameters will not be a lot of work. Despite the fact that a pregnant woman needs to eat well, it does not mean that it should eat "for two."
In fact, for the normal development of pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the number of calories in the first trimester for 200 units, and in the following - by 300.
If you want to navigate the weeks, then the weight during pregnancy is not evenly recruited. For the first three months of pregnancy, there is no significant increase, the woman is gaining up to 2 kg, depending on its original parameters. Early toxicosis can be played in this not a small role, because of which the appetite may disappear.
A noticeable weight leaving occurs after 20 weeks, and over the next week, a woman can add an average of up to 300 g every week. In the third trimester, after care to decree, this indicator may increase to 400 g per week. And only by 9 months it is possible to lose weight about 1 kg associated with the preparation of the body towards childbirth.
From weight gain during pregnancy directly depends on the state of the health of the future kid, as well as the course of childbirth.
To keep your weight in the norm, a woman should calculate how much extra kilograms she can afford. With proper nutrition and lifestyle, it will not be much difficult to get rid of overweight after childbirth. And during the pregnancy of experiences about their figures should go to the background. After all, as they say: "Pregnancy to the face!"

During pregnancy, many women eaten for two, which then adversely affects the figure. How to determine how much can you dial during pregnancy to not recover? This will help you a weight gain calculator during pregnancy. Thanks to a special program, you can calculate the mass that can be gained in a month or a week.

It is worth noting that this indicator is unequal for all women and fluctuates in wide range of 10-18 kg. Girls with body weight deficit can allow you more than pyshki. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to compensate for the mass mass deficit and make the stay of the fetus in the body more comfortable.

Weight Set Calculator

Weight Set Calculator

Mass distribution scored during pregnancy:

If a woman wants to eat all the time, it does not mean that she will get harder. Make sure you will help the weight gain calculator during pregnancy for weeks. Usually, with excessive increments suffer from moms carrying large kids. But most often extra kilograms are postponed on the waist and hips. It is with them will have to fight after childbirth.

It is worth noting that the woman is usually not corrected in the first trimester, but on the contrary, losing weight. This is due to the toxicosis of the first weeks of pregnancy. But after 3 months, the future mother is gaining even extra kilograms. Usually the maximum weight during pregnancy is observed at the 37th week. Before the very kind, the body is trying to get rid of the excess fluid, and the woman is losing weight by 1-1.5 kg. It is quite normal, especially if there are kidney problems and there are edema.

Why do we need the calculation of weight during pregnancy?

This value allows you to keep yourself in the form and not to gain extra. This does not mean that it is to argue yourself with hunger. But in some cases, gynecologists are recommended for 1-2 weeks to limit the use of sweet and flour. Doctors note that women with overweight are more difficult to give birth and they felt worse than the fight.

Weight during pregnancy fluctuates. Unfortunately, women who are carrying the second and third kid are stronger than. Mass set oscillations are explained by hormonal imbalance and age.