Solution for disinfection of facial cleaning instruments. Cosmetic tools for facial cleansing. Self-cleaning of the face mechanically

Why is the disinfection of manicure and pedicure nail tools so important? With the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and HIV, cleaning up equipment used by more than one person has become more important than ever.

How to disinfect manicure tools? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand the difference between pre-sterilization cleaning, disinfection and sterilization.

  1. Pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments simply means washing them with warm soapy water.
  2. Disinfection of devices for manicure and pedicure. This process kills harmful microorganisms on non-living surfaces, but leaves their spores unharmed. Contact of such products with the skin should be avoided. Most disinfectants require the instrument to be completely immersed in them for at least 10 minutes. The exposure time depends on the concentration of the solution.
  3. How to disinfect manicure and pedicure tools properly? This requires at least three things: proper mixing of disinfectant solutions, cleaning and rinsing instruments after immersing them in the disinfectant solution so that they do not contaminate it, and regularly changing the disinfectant solution.
  4. Standards and requirements for disinfectants vary from country to country, but bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal agents are most commonly used. Some disinfectants are designed for use on hard surfaces, while others are best used on porous or absorbent items. For the treatment of the skin of the hands, alcohol-containing products "Sterillium" or "Kutasept F" are used, for disinfection of the floor, walls and other surfaces of the premises, as well as for the treatment of surfaces of medical devices, "Bacilol Plus" is often used. For the disinfection of manicure instruments, products with anti-corrosion additives (for example, Gigasept AF) are suitable.
  5. After disinfection and sterilization, the instruments are stored in a UV sterilizer with germicidal lamps.

Disinfection of reusable manicure instruments

Manicure instruments stored in individual packages must be properly cleaned and disinfected after each use.

If the client provides their own instruments, they must also be properly cleaned and disinfected before use. Disinfection of manicure and pedicure instruments is carried out repeatedly, even if the items are used for the same client.

Do not use airtight bags or containers to store manicure and pedicure tools as they can promote bacterial growth.

Some items are designed to be used more than once and are considered reusable.

These include, in particular:

  • fabric towels;
  • manicure baths;
  • nippers and a cuticle file;
  • scissors.

There are three types of reusable items:

  1. Rigid and non-absorbent products made of metal, glass, fiberglass or plastic. They must be cleaned and disinfected.
  2. Items that are porous and/or absorb moisture, such as fabric or wood. They must be cleaned and disinfected as described below.
  3. Objects whose surface does not support the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi. An example would be a brush used to apply nail polish. Due to the nature of these products, they do not require disinfection and should only be cleaned, used and stored in accordance with the product manufacturer's recommendations.

Disinfection of manicure tools is carried out before thorough washing in warm water and soap. They must be completely immersed in a disinfectant solution (for example, Korzolex Plus) for the time indicated on the product label.

  • Removal of objects from the disinfectant solution is carried out using clean and disinfected tongs or gloves to avoid contact of the solution with the skin.
  • To allow the instruments to dry completely, place them on a clean towel and cover with another clean towel.

If blood comes into contact with any surface in the beauty salon, it should be treated with a liquid disinfectant or a 10% bleach solution to clean any visible traces of blood.

  • Any non-porous instrument that has come into contact with a diseased nail or skin that has bled should be immediately disinfected with a 10% bleach solution for 5 minutes.
  • Porous instruments should be disposed of in a closed waste bin.

How and for what purpose to sterilize manicure tools

Microorganism spores will live indefinitely as long as they are in ideal conditions. They need a warm, humid, dirty place. The process of destroying spores and other life forms of microbes is called sterilization.

Masters who do not comply with the requirements specified in the Federal Law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" of March 30, 1999 (SanPiN of August 1, 2010 "Hairdressers. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, equipment and maintenance" ), at best, expose both their clients and themselves to the risk of bacterial and fungal toenail and fingernail diseases. At worst, a wide range of options: from hepatitis B and herpes to HIV.

How to sterilize manicure tools?

  • Autoclave or steam sterilizer- a safe device that completely destroys microorganisms. In it, the tools are exposed to steam (up to 137 degrees Celsius) for 20-25 minutes. However, such a device is not available in all salons.
  • Also, to sterilize tweezers, scissors and other small items, use the method high temperature heating (glasperlenic sterilizer). In this case, the items are treated with dry heat at high temperatures using glass beads ("beads") inside the sterilizer chamber. The disadvantage of such a device is the inability to process the upper part of the tool.
  • Air sterilizer or oven designed to process any metal tool by exposure to high temperature (180 degrees Celsius) for 30 minutes. Such sterilizers are cheaper than autoclaves and, unlike the latter, do not jeopardize metal instruments. However, items placed in a dry oven must be heat-resistant.
  • UV Sterilizer. It stores tools and processes them. Such a device does not apply to full-fledged sterilizers, since it does not kill all microorganisms.

How can you be sure about the safety of manicure and pedicure?

  • Ask the master in the salon how to sterilize manicure tools. If the salon uses not an autoclave, but UV radiation or a glasperlenic sterilizer, it is better not to use its services. Only an autoclave will eliminate all pathogenic organisms, including spores.
  • Make sure the technician wears gloves while working with you. Gloves must be changed when working with each new client.
  • Do not let the master push back the cuticle or remove it. The cuticle is the main line of defense that prevents bacterial and fungal infection of the nail bed.
  • Ask if you can bring your own manicure tools. When using your personal funds, there is no need for an autoclave because you are not sharing them with anyone else.
Many of those who come to the beauty industry from the medical field are shocked by how sterilization and disinfection work. More precisely, how often it is not done at all, or is it all done with serious violations of sanitation requirements. The fact that Russian beauty salons have grown out of the consumer services sector, and not out of medicine, still leaves this sector of the economy with the stamp of underestimation of the danger of harming the health of customers who come for beauty and joy.

If only the visitors of the salons knew how in some of them, instead of fully disinfecting the tools, they simply wipe the nail scissors with a cotton swab with alcohol, and the combs slightly shake off the dandruff of the previous client - again into battle ... It's hard to believe that in a beauty salon you can catching AIDS, but many other viruses and staphylococci is easy! In addition, there are fungi, lice and other diseases, although not fatal, but this does not make it easier. Bacteria and viruses can be transmitted through cutting tools such as wire cutters, scissors, tattoo and piercing needles. In order for the infection to be transmitted from one person to another, a drop of blood left on the cutting edge of a needle or nail scissors is enough if the previous client is sick or is a carrier of the disease. Many of the heads of beauty salons do not take this issue seriously, save on disinfection and sterilization, or carry it out in such a way that all these actions bring nothing but complacency. It remains to be hoped that this is not sabotage, but simply elementary ignorance. But ignorance is no excuse. The elimination of sanitary illiteracy in the salon business is the purpose of this article.

Why disinfection and sterilization is Cinderella in beauty salons

Why sterilization and disinfection goes in "Cinderella" is not difficult to guess - for a beauty salon, these are continuous expenses and losses. It is required to buy special equipment and devices, bactericidal lamps, consumables - disinfectants and other not very pleasant smelling, and most importantly, not very cheap liquids. At the same time, not only money is spent, but also efforts and time: it is required to develop a production control plan, keep accounting and control logs, understand the concentration of disinfectant solutions, make stickers on the baths with the date of replacement of the solutions, and follow the deadlines. In addition, the disinfectants themselves have an expiration date. If you miss it, you will have to throw them away and buy new ones. The cost part does not end there - it is much more expensive to purchase several sets of tools for craftsmen. Indeed, while the master is cutting or doing a manicure, not one, but two whole sets must undergo sterilization (this is not a quick matter). And good tools are expensive, very expensive. In addition, heating during sterilization leads to increased tool wear, scissors simply “blunt”, and each sharpening of a professional tool costs from 500 rubles. Thus, no matter what anyone says, the main reason for the lack of sanitation in the salon business is not only and not so much laxity and the habit of relying “at random”, but very significant costs and specific money that good disinfection and sterilization requires. How non-compliance with sanitary order is punished Bringing and maintaining sanitary control at the right level does not mean at all that it is required to have a special employee in the salon and allocate large areas for the sterilization room, where all the instruments will be processed and stored. It is not at all difficult to train one of the employees in the intricacies of this work (and pay him a little extra for it), to develop an internal regulation that would speak in black and white about the inadmissibility of unsanitary conditions, non-compliance with the norms and provisions of the production control program, and the system of internal punishments and fines . Indeed, for the salon as a whole, non-compliance with the sanitary regime threatens with serious measures, from fines up to suspension of activities and closure. Why, then, can the specific perpetrators of unsanitary conditions in the team remain inactive with impunity? Released in December 2008, the new National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 53108−2008 “Household services. Classification of organizations ”in many respects determines the class of the salon precisely according to safety criteria - cleanliness, sterility, disinfection, as well as fire and criminal (protection of the client’s property from theft), etc. Thus, when classifying a salon, officials carefully check everything that can harm the client. This is a new authority that controls, among other things, sanitary discipline. Have you heard of them yet? They are coming to you! The latest changes in legislation, which came into force in July 2009, have significantly strengthened the role of the clients themselves in the salon in monitoring the sanitary condition. It is after the client's complaint and, in fact, only after it, that unscheduled inspections are now permissible. And the client went educated, he knows and reads a lot - and, among other things, determines the level of sanitary condition not so much by dust on the windowsill and by insects in the toilet, but more by whether they took out a set of tools from an individual craft package and printed it out, or work old, with remnants of biomaterial from a previous client on the cutting edges. Whether disposable underwear and napkins are used or not. Everywhere in newspapers, magazines, on the Internet, educational articles are constantly published that it is necessary to evaluate the salon not by European-quality repairs and curtains, by how things are with the sterility and disinfection of tools, what precautions the salon staff resort to, so that visitors themselves without knowing, did not share diseases with each other through tools and supplies. In addition, public organizations of consumers have become significantly more active - their statements are enough for inspectors of any rank to appear in the salon - from the SES to the Prosecutor's Office. And even the courts usually go to meet them. There are already plenty of such precedents. How sanitary order affects income Not all clients, faced with the facts of unsanitary conditions, will write a complaint. A much larger number of people will remain silent, but will make a decision within themselves not in favor of this salon. Such “quiet silent people” in fact usually do much more damage to the salon business, they stop going to the salon themselves, tell a dozen of their friends about their negative impression, go out to an even larger audience and write malicious reviews on the Internet and so on. All this is now affecting the income of the salon business. As a result, life shows that by saving on sanitation costs, you can survive for some time without any problems, but in the long run you will still lose without sanitation.

Moral aspect

The final argument in my list, but by no means the least important argument in favor of compliance with sanitary standards, is a moral one. Why are we not surprised that in any medical institution: in a clinic, in a dentistry office, and so on, the order with the sanitary condition is observed, and in the beauty industry everything is done carelessly? Indeed, when coming to the office of a nail service or a cosmetologist, the client is not even ready to think about the bad consequences that may lie in wait for him. So we should not save on the health of people who bring their money to the cashier of the salon, they should not be given any reason for bad thoughts, because clients come to us for beauty. What is disinfection and sterilization in beauty salons Disinfection and sterilization have been carried out in medical practice since time immemorial, and let's see what exists in "nature" and what the market offers. But first, let's make a short digression into dry theory:
Everything we need to know is described in the SES rules. If you wish, you can get acquainted with them by studying SanPiN 2.1.2 1199-03, OST 42-21-2-85, SP 1.1.1058-01, SanPiN 2.1.3. 1375-03
There are several stages of disinfection and sterilization in beauty salons: disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and actually. Which of the following is required to be carried out in the salon depends on what procedures are carried out. If only hairdressing then disinfection and cleaning is enough and of course you should not forget about pest control (insect control). The same applies to cases when procedures are performed that do not violate the skin, such as myostimulation, electrode lymphatic drainage, ultrasonic facial cleansing, etc. More complex, "near-medical" technologies and procedures associated with violation of the skin require mandatory sterilization.
But everything is in order ...
Disinfection a set of measures that ensure the death of pathogenic (pathogenic) and opportunistic microbes on environmental objects. Microbes - viruses, bacteria, spores. Objects of the external environment - the skin of the client's feet, hands of the master, tools, surfaces of the workplace and office. ALL tools and consumables (if they are reusable) that are used in work anywhere in the beauty salon must undergo disinfection. Literally EVERYTHING electrodes, scissors, combs, brushes, wires from devices, the surface of devices, in general, EVERYTHING. For disinfection, various chemical agents are mainly used, of which there are a lot on the market. There is a choice, but there is also a list of “recommended drugs” compiled by the SES. Solutions are used once, twice and before contamination.
Tool cleaning. Used instruments must be cleaned before sterilization. The essence of this stage is to wash the instrument either in special solutions or in running water and clean it from possible remnants of biological tissues.
These activities are carried out either by hand using brushes, or using small devices - ultrasonic baths. These devices are very simple in structure - they are a container with a liquid to which an ultrasonic radiation source is attached. To clean the instrument, these devices use the effect of cavitation the formation of air bubbles in the liquid under the influence of ultrasound.
Materials and processing algorithm

Clips, curlers, caps and nets for chemicalhair curlers

wash water, soap

Combs, brushes, scissors for cutting hair

wash water, soap + UV cabinet

Cosmetic tools (sponges, brushes brushes)

wash water, soap + UV cabinet

Electrodes for physiotherapy equipment andappliances

treated with alcohol

Tools used for manipulationwhich damage to the skin is possible (manicure, pedicure, facial cleansing and other cosmetic services)

subjected to disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization after each client, i.e. hsoaking, washing under running water, sterilization (see below)

Sterilization is the complete destruction of all microbes. The difference between the concepts is primarily that not everyone perishes during disinfection. And just by the number of survivors, it is divided into 3 levels, and the 4th, at which the disinfection coefficient is 10 to the minus sixth power, otherwise 0.000001, is already called sterilization. For example, if we take a million contaminated cutters or nippers and subject them to a treatment that results in microbes being found on only one tool, then the process is called sterilization. And if, for example, out of the same number of treated instruments, viruses, bacteria, etc. are present on five, one hundred, etc., then here we are talking about disinfection. The effectiveness of sterilization depends on many factors, the main of which are temperature, duration of exposure, the concentration of the sterilizing agent, the initial number of microbes on the instrument. Sterilization. Sterilization is carried out in order to kill all pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms on them, including their spore forms. Especially if the procedures that are carried out in a salon or a medical center are associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin (various injections, abrasion, some types of manicure and pedicure, rejuvenation systems, etc.), then we must also deal with sterilization. There are several ways to ensure that all harmful things are killed - physical and chemical. The choice of an adequate sterilization method depends on the characteristics of the products to be sterilized and on the decision of the salon administration. Consider all the common methods of sterilization used in the salon business.
Dry heat sterilization. Everything is very simple this device is very similar to an ordinary oven (which is used by staff to heat food), there is a certain container where the tool is located, it heats up to a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius and is equipped with a primitive timer that is needed to count 60 minutes. Sounds good, but dry hot air causes bacterial cells to dry out, slowing down their rate of death. True "dry heat" kills spores after 10 11 hours, which is too long, requires non-flammable materials to pack the sterilized instrument or materials, and does not spare any instrument. Yes, and plastic products can not be processed. In cosmetology, dry heats with a volume of 1-2.5 liters are common. Tools are placed in them either in kraft bags (very convenient - they are unpacked right in front of the client, which undoubtedly strengthens his confidence), or on ceramic dishes. In this case, after processing, the instruments are stored in a special container under ultraviolet irradiation.
Glassperlene sterilizers. The method is designed for rapid sterilization of all-metal instruments that do not have cavities, channels and locking parts, and it came from dental practice. It has the shortest sterilization time compared to other methods from 20 s to 3 min. Glassperlene sterilizers are similar in operation to a bottle warmer for infant formula. The compactness of this equipment in comparison with dry-heat cabinets turned out to be the main factor in the fact that they are gradually replacing the latter from beauty salons. It is a small cup filled with glasperlenic (glassy) balls, which are heated to a temperature of 230 degrees Celsius. Among the shortcomings, only the working part of the instruments immersed in balls is sterilized (at least 5 10 mm deep from the surface). In general, low cost, ease of use, lack of a special place for installation and the presence of certification have earned him popularity among craftsmen, despite the initially suspicious attitude towards him, SES is widely used. In addition, glasperlene balls form a neutral environment, that is, on the instrument, unlike a dry-heat cabinet, dark spots do not remain when heated.

Usually it is these glassperlenic sterilizers that can be seen in the pedicure master's office. They come in different types, sizes, manufacturers, but by and large, choosing this simple device, you need to understand that once a year you need to change the balls (about 15 Euro), just once a year it requires adjustment, and every three years you need to change the heating element or buy a new device (with intensive use). So choose a supplier that has replacement parts and craftsmen to fix it. The listed methods of sterilization have one advantage the price of equipment. Usually it ranges from 150-250 Euros for a glasperlenic sterilizer to 300-500 Euros for dry heat. At the same time, dry heats spend a lot of time for the sterilization process itself, but both devices, dry heats and glasperlens, are simply detrimental to the cutting tool. Under the influence of high temperature, scissors and tongs quickly become dull.
Autoclaving - steam sterilization. This is the most sparing and advanced sterilization regimen to date, but due to the higher price, it is less commonly used in the salon business. This method is very similar to the principle of a double boiler and a pressure cooker. A low temperature (110-134 degrees Celsius) and pressure (0.8 3.5 Bar) does wonders not only in the kitchen the sterilization time is from 15 to 30 minutes. The tool heats up less and therefore less dull.
The offers of these devices in cosmetology are very exotic, so it is better to look for autoclaves from sellers of medical, and especially dental equipment, who have interesting things in their price lists. Pay attention to the price, you will be pleasantly surprised compared to the prices that you can find from suppliers in the beauty industry market.
The method is excellent high-pressure steam is highly efficient and reliable (pronounced sporicidal effect, penetrates deep into the materials to be sterilized, allows processing of packaged products to protect against subsequent contamination), does not react with the objects to be sterilized, does not leave residues on them, is economical, harmless and environmentally friendly. But as always, there are pitfalls: distilled water is needed, under certain conditions the steam turns into condensate, which causes corrosion of the metal of the instruments, moistens materials with the risk of reinfection. It is unsuitable for polymeric materials, plastics that are unstable to high temperatures, it requires rational packaging and styling of sterilized products, refilling with distilled water, and the cost of the device is more than that of dry heat and, especially, glasperlens. Ozone sterilization is probably the most exotic and rare type of sterilization I have ever heard of. Such proposals are more suitable for large cosmetology departments, but not for individual rooms, primarily because of the dimensions of this sterilization equipment.
Not suitable for sterilization: ultraviolet devices. This is the most common misconception - the use of so-called ultraviolet sterilizers for sterilization. The fact is that although ultraviolet radiation has a bactericidal effect, it does not sterilize the surface, but only disinfects. These devices can only store sterile instruments.

Chemical means of sterilization. Probably the easiest way to carry out disinfection and sterilization is to soak the instrument in various chemicals for a certain time. To do this, you need to have only a few plastic containers of a suitable size and a chemical reagent. Currently, more than 10 preparations of chemical compounds are recommended for practical use (6% hydrogen peroxide, Dezoxon-1, glutaraldehyde, Cydex, etc. with an exposure of 45 to 360 minutes). True, there is also a fly in the ointment here - all liquids used are poisonous and therefore require careful handling and storage. It is necessary to prepare for sterilization in the same way as for work in the operating room - be in a sterile gown and gloves, shoe covers, and a mask. The room should be equipped as a bacteriological box. Therefore, this type of sterilization is not very welcomed by the SES authorities. The use of "chemistry" is encouraged only for disinfection and the cleaning stage. In addition, chemicals cause corrosion of instruments; at the end of the process, it is necessary to neutralize the sterilizing solution with distilled water. For more information about various preparations, methods of application, concentrations and manufacturers of various chemicals that can be used to carry out all of the above activities, please visit the website, where you can also see examples of recommended equipment.
The list of sterilization methods does not end there, for example, there is a radiation method, when the sterilizing agent is gamma and beta radiation. But this method is used for industrial sterilization of products that cannot withstand high temperatures (dressings, syringes, droppers, etc.) and is difficult to implement in beauty salons (and why?). Plasma sterilization may be the future, but so far only two foreign companies are promoting this equipment, which costs a lot of money for a salon. Disposable instruments and materials do not require sterilization. This is a real find for the salon business. If a manicurist uses disposable nail files and opens the package right in the process in front of the client, this certainly inspires confidence. The only trouble is that the quality of disposable instruments still lags behind the real instrument. But the use of disposable underwear and napkins raises security to a new level in the eyes of the client. Just like disposable gloves at a beautician, disposable "cloaks" and haircut collars. A new trend disposable plastic bags for a pedicure bath are spreading everywhere. For storage of tools prepared for work at the workplace, the use of bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators is allowed. Clean cosmetic instruments and products should be stored in clean, closed containers, sterile instruments and products (gauze wipes, cotton balls) should be stored in the same packaging in which they were sterilized. Sterile manicure and pedicure instruments should be stored in metal trays.

Room sterilization. In addition to wet and general cleaning (using chemicals), in any office where cosmetic services are carried out, it is necessary to install so-called bactericidal air recirculators (ultraviolet lamps). The author thanks Alexander Kuzmenko, Oksana Degtyar, Maxim Belinsky for their help in preparing the materials.

On websites, in advertising materials, as well as in words, every beauty salon is ready to “guarantee complete safety” for each of its clients. Few customers really delve deeply and are familiar with the processes that actually have to ensure their security. Therefore, a demonstrative spraying of the instrument with a disinfectant solution seems to be quite sufficient for customers. And after such preparation, the master begins work with a calm soul. But in this case, both the master and the visitor to the beauty salon risk their health ...

It is really possible to ensure safety for employees and clients of a beauty salon only by observing the rules of hygiene in the workplace, disinfection and sterilization of working instruments for manicure. This moment should be controlled by the management of the enterprise and also initiated by the masters themselves, because they themselves should be interested in protecting their health from such dangerous infections as HIV, hepatitis B, herpes and many others.

First, let's talk about the hands. Antiseptic hand treatment is the first step on the way to safe salon procedures.

As you know, about 80 percent of infections are transmitted through dirty hands. We draw conclusions. Fortunately, not all harmful microorganisms that get on our hands cause disease. The skin protects us from most microbes entering the body, but we are talking only about uninjured skin, without scratches, microcracks and other damage to the integrity of the skin.

Therefore, if there are wounds on the skin of the master or client, the procedure should be carried out exclusively in rubber disposable gloves. Experts recommend wearing gloves in any case, providing yourself with more reliable protection.

However, even when it comes into contact with absolutely healthy skin, the microbe does not die, but spreads to objects that we touch, and can enter the body through the mouth, etc.

Ignoring such a moment as antiseptic treatment of hands when working in the salon is unacceptable. How to conduct it correctly?

Hands do not need to be washed before applying antiseptic. The substance is applied, carefully treating all areas of the hands: palms, fingers and spaces between them, nails, back of the hands. The procedure should be carried out twice if there is a risk of exposure to hepatitis B virus or tuberculosis mycobacteria.

So that antiseptic treatment can really reliably protect your skin

  • your nails should be kept short, neat, unvarnished, etc.
  • on the hands should not be jewelry and accessories (rings, watches, bracelets)
  • the agent must be with a dispenser that provides contactless selection
  • you need to collect the product in the recess of the palms, while the hands must be dry (the effectiveness of the antiseptic applied to wet hands is reduced, and this also has a more negative effect on the skin)
  • after high-quality hand treatment with an antiseptic, it must be rubbed into the skin until the drug is completely dry
  • use only those preparations that restore the fatty protective shell of the skin of the hands, otherwise it will dry out and be injured, and this increases the risk of infection

What kind of hand sanitizer can be used?

It has established itself as a good disinfectant that can be used to treat hands for surgical and hygienic purposes. Its distinctive feature is a prolonged antibacterial, antifungal and antituberculous action. Destroys herpes viruses type 1 and 2, HIV, hepatitis B, rotaviruses and many others.

This drug is fast-acting - a 30-second treatment of dry hands with 30 milliliters of this substance is enough to reduce the number of germs on hands by 100,000 times! The drug is able to retain its properties on the skin for a long time.

Cutasept F can also be effectively used in beauty salons, spa centers, beauty parlors, etc. It provides high-quality antiseptic treatment and degreasing cleaning of the skin and wounds. The drug is a colorless solution with a pronounced bactericidal, antifungal, tuberculocidal effect. Destroys various viruses, including HIV, hepatitis A, herpes type 1, lipophilic viruses, rotaviruses and many others.

Due to the presence of the alcohol component in the composition of the drug, it also provides a disinfecting cleaning of the skin along with the destruction of microorganisms. Thanks to this composition, antimicrobial substances penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, which makes it possible to achieve a prolonging effect without being absorbed from the tissue.

Octenisept is an antiseptic preparation for treating skin and wounds. It has an antimicrobial effect (destroys gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria), antiviral (including effective against hepatitis B virus, herpes, HIV), antifungal, anti-tuberculosis action. The drug should be applied by irrigating the skin until the entire area to be treated is completely moistened.

Let us consider in more detail the mandatory 3 stages of processing manicure tools

When the master finishes the procedure, this must certainly be followed by the processing of tools, not only those that were directly used, but also those that were simply on the work surface.

The first step should be the disinfection of the manicure tool. Instruments should only be cleaned after they have been treated with a disinfectant solution. This is necessary to destroy infections, viruses, fungi and harmful microorganisms. If you skip this step, you risk spreading the infection on surfaces, in the air, in the sink, etc. In this case, pieces of furniture, various surfaces, etc. become an additional source of infection, which will only increase the risk.

The second step is cleaning the manicure tool. This stage involves the removal of particles of skin, blood, any surface contaminants. Cleaning can be carried out using special solutions (chemical), as well as mechanically using a brush or devices that create vibration. If you immediately proceed to sterilize a manicure tool, skipping the cleaning process, during the sterilization process, dirt will only adhere more strongly to the tools, which will negatively affect their performance.

Some preparations allow you to combine the process of disinfection and cleaning of manicure tools. With these two tasks, for example, Gigasept AF solution copes. It simultaneously dissolves dirt and destroys germs.

Also, both stages can be realized by an ultrasonic sterilizer. Due to the mechanical effect of vibration and the chemical effect of solutions, both disinfection and sterilization of manicure instruments are ensured.

The third stage - sterilization - is carried out to destroy microbial spores, which can ensure complete safety (of course, subject to proper storage) of a manicure tool in the future. The fact is that disinfection is a temporary solution, because microbial spores can still remain on the instruments, which, under favorable conditions, will cause their activation and reproduction. Therefore, alcohol solutions, thermal effects or pressure are used to completely eliminate the possibility of infection of the master and client.

So, let's consider in more detail the stage of disinfection of a manicure instrument.

The process begins with the preparation of the solution. Pour water and use a measuring container to measure the exact amount of concentrated antiseptic solution. Then immerse the manicure tools in the liquid completely, while they must certainly be opened, disassembled so that every detail of the tool can be processed with high quality. Disinfect rotating instruments separately from manual ones, using a special container with holes (sieve) for this purpose. Remember that the nozzles must be completely immersed in the solution.

Also, do not forget that when disinfecting manicure tools used for salon procedures, you need to use special products, which must include substances that protect the metal from corrosion.

What preparations can be used for effective disinfection of instruments in a beauty salon?

A tool that is used for high-quality cleaning and disinfection of instruments. The advantage is the composition, which does not include aldehydes. The basis of the drug is amines. It is important that the substance perfectly cleans the tools from dirt typical for beauty salons.

How is it used? For disinfection, manicure devices and instruments are disassembled, unwound, opened and, in this form, immersed in the Corsolex Plus solution. Make sure that there are no air bubbles or voids where the solution has not entered. After removing the instruments from the solution bath, they must be rinsed with running water. The quality of the water also plays an important role - it must be classified as potable or higher.

You can also use this product in a stainless steel ultrasonic bath. During the disinfection process, make sure that the recommended time of ultrasonic exposure to the instrument is not exceeded.

Remember, the prepared Corsolex Plus solution can be used for five days, after this period the substance loses its characteristics and cannot effectively fight the infection.

The tool is active against bacteria, tuberculosis mycobacteria, fungi, allows you to inactivate herpes viruses, HIV, adenoviruses, rotaviruses, vaccination viruses and others.

Corsolex Plus can be used to disinfect instruments made from surgical instrument materials, glass, hard rubber, hard plastics, aluminium, as well as artificial materials.

Means that provide disinfection and cleaning of medical instruments before the sterilization process. It is effective and suitable for processing tools used in beauty salons.

How is it applied? Products must be completely immersed in the solution so that all parts of the tool are in contact with the liquid. Remember, all detachable instruments must go through the disinfection process disassembled. If no further cleaning procedures are planned, then it is necessary to rinse the instruments well for one minute or more under running water.

You can use ready-made solutions of Gigasept AF repeatedly for 7 days. It is necessary to replace the solution if there are obvious traces of contamination in it, the liquid has changed color, etc.

With the help of Gigasept AF, it is possible to combine the disinfection and cleaning necessary before the sterilization process of a manicure instrument. To do this, soak the instruments in the solution for the specified time, and then clean each instrument with a cotton-gauze swab or ruff for 30 seconds or more. After that, the instrument should be washed for 10 minutes under running water, and then lowered for 30 seconds in a bath of distilled water. Then the products must be dried, after which you can proceed to sterilization. This drug can also be used in ultrasonic devices.

The drug has pronounced antimicrobial and cleansing properties. Gigasept AF destroys bacteria (including tuberculosis mycobacteria), viruses, including herpes, HIV, hepatitis B. At the same time, it does not have a negative effect on heat-labile materials and does not cause corrosion.

How to sterilize instruments in a beauty salon?

Sterilization is a mandatory step that the instrument goes through every time after use. Manicure tools are sterilized using high temperatures. For this purpose, two types of devices are used:

  • Thermosterilizer or dry oven- an apparatus used to sterilize any metal instruments, burs, milling cutters, etc. The exposure temperature is 180 degrees Celsius, the duration of sterilization is 30 minutes. After sterilization, the instruments must be stored in tightly closed containers or, preferably, in special ultraviolet cabinets.
  • Autoclave - equipment for sterilization. Processing of tools is carried out using temperatures up to 137 degrees Celsius, the duration of the process is 20-25 minutes. Sterilization in an autoclave preserves the cutting properties of the instruments.

How are manicure instruments sterilized? First you need to prepare the tools: open them, unwind them, remove removable parts, etc. In this form, they should be carefully placed on the grate of the thermosterilizer. Remember, instruments should only be sterilized when they are completely dry from the previous processing step. Do not forget that the instruments must be completely submerged.

Wait until the instruments have cooled down before taking them out of the machine. Use tweezers for this purpose.

Another important issue for maintaining cleanliness and compliance with genetic standards is the disinfection of rooms and work surfaces in a beauty salon.

It is worth noting that special preparations for disinfection are not only able to destroy harmful microbes and prevent their reproduction, but also have high cleaning properties. Due to this, before processing with such means, you will not need to pre-wash the surfaces using other detergents.

Colorless transparent solution, ready for use, with a pronounced smell of alcohols. It perfectly copes with the task of disinfecting inventory and work surfaces in beauty salons and other similar establishments. It is important that the composition of the drug does not include formaldehyde.

The tool allows you to effectively fight bacteria, fungi, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, viruses (hepatitis B, HIV, lipophilic viruses, adenoviruses, papovaviruses, rotaviruses, etc.). This preparation allows you to qualitatively clean hard-to-reach objects and surfaces, provides a quick effect and a relatively short drying period.

What surfaces and objects can be treated with Bacilol Plus? You can disinfect walls, floors, doors, window sills, metal furniture, as well as medical devices, devices, etc. Horizontal and vertical surfaces for disinfection must be irrigated from a distance of approximately 30 centimeters or wiped with a cloth soaked in Bacilol plus (maintaining the consumption rate). The solution is used for disinfection once.

The disinfection procedure is carried out when there are no customers in the salon. Do not forget that Bacilol Plus has a pronounced alcohol smell. After processing objects or surfaces, it is necessary to ventilate the room for about 30 minutes.

How can a beauty salon director create and implement customer service safety standards?

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Remember, safety in your beauty salon can be your competitive advantage. Let it be clearly visible in the manicure room how you clean, disinfect, sterilize. Customers will pay attention to such an important point. For many, this factor can play the role of a weighty argument in the future when making a decision in your favor. Good luck and cleanliness to your beauty salon, but minutes of its crises!

P.S. Also in our blog you can learn about how to choose the right one, what parameters really good clothes for masters should meet.

To keep your facial skin fresh and healthy, it should be cleaned regularly. This procedure is offered in all beauty salons.

But not every modern woman has the opportunity to systematically visit a beautician. This procedure is easy to perform on your own. You just need to purchase tools for cleaning your face and follow all the recommendations.

What is more effective

There are many very simple facial cleansing methods that are easy to do at home:

  • a composition of liquid soap, salt and soda is applied with massage movements to places with black dots, washed off with warm water, and the face is wiped with lotion;
  • a steamed face is treated at the site of accumulation of black dots (comedones) with a mixture of salt with 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • a light facial massage is done with oat or wheat bran mixed with water or milk;
  • a variety of scrubs with cleaning components are used.

But the most effective way is mechanical, which uses tools for cleaning the face. With their help, plugs are squeezed out of the sebaceous ducts. Self-cleansing of the face should be performed extremely carefully and at the same time absolutely confidently.

For decisive people

The simplest and most affordable tool for cleansing the face and removing blackheads is a paper cutter. Its use requires a certain courage and precision of movements. Shaving foam or soap is used to lather the face. After lathering, the foam should be left for a couple of minutes. Then take a knife and wrap it with a thin layer of cotton. With this knife, the foam is carefully removed from the face. Together with the foam, comedones and fatty layers are removed. The knife is pressed tightly against the skin and held across the face from the center to the periphery, removing the foam “along the way”. At the end, the face is wiped with lotion or tonic.

Self-cleaning of the face mechanically

Precautionary measures

Usually, mechanical cleaning of the face at home is carried out in order to remove blackheads, blackheads and sebaceous plugs. This procedure is quite effective, but requires care to avoid infection. To reduce the risk of infection, this procedure is not recommended in the following cases:

  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • acne inflammation;
  • furunculosis
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • on critical days.

Procedure with fine needle and sticks

First you should disinfect your hands, face, tools. The disinfectant solution can be:

  • alcohol;
  • alcohol-based lotion;
  • vodka;
  • 1% salicylic acid solution.

The treated skin of the face should be well steamed over a steam of herbal decoctions: chamomile, sage, calendula or St. John's wort. Instead of a bath, you can make a hot compress. To do this, a clean napkin should be soaked in a hot broth and put on the face for a few minutes. Shiny and rosy skin of the face speaks of the opening of the pores. You can start cleaning. It consists in squeezing out the contents of blackheads from both sides with fingertips in sterile wipes. Do not press too hard, injuring the skin. Squeezing the walls of the sebaceous glands squeezes the plugs out of the ducts.

In some cases, it is convenient to use a thin alcoholized needle, which is used to prick acne. You can buy special disposable sticks designed to push back cuticles. They also need to be treated with alcohol. At the end of each procedure, the sticks are thrown away.

Spoon Unna

To perfectly clean the skin after a good steaming, a special tool is used - a facial cleansing spoon, or the so-called Unna spoon. This is a rod, at one end there is a hole for extracting comedones. The second end of the rod looks like a scraper, which is used to clean the dirt from the skin. Using a spoon for mechanical cleaning of the skin of the face is considered the simplest and most effective way. But it is quite painful and leaves redness (which disappears in one to two days).

acne squeezer

This clumsy word is a cosmetic spoon with a hole in the middle. In the process of work, this tool should be placed perpendicular to the skin layer. Then a black dot will "enter" its hole.

Skin restoration after cleansing

When facial cleansing is completed, the skin should be treated with alcohol, and then a mask should be applied that narrows the pores and relieves irritation. After the procedure, it is useful to rest for half an hour until the pores finally narrow, forming a protection against new pollution.

After mechanical cleaning, the skin needs a few days of recovery. Almost inevitable itching, slight peeling, redness. Do not wash with water for at least 12 hours after cleaning. In the next two or three days, bathing and sunbathing should be abandoned in order to prevent skin pigmentation. The face must be wiped with an alcohol-based lotion. In a word - the skin needs to be protected and let it "rest".

Mechanical cleaning does not need to be done often. It is normal to use it once every few months.

A set of necessary tools

Thus, having learned how to do facial cleansing at home, you can decide on the set of tools required for this. Depending on the specific situation and opportunities, it is useful to have in the arsenal of tools:

  • thin needle;
  • knife for cutting paper;
  • a spoon of Unna;
  • acne squeezer;
  • cuticle pushers.

With careful observance of all recommendations and sterilization of instruments, mechanical cleaning of the face at home leads to good results. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is possible to finally get rid of acne and comedones only in combination with the improvement of metabolic processes.

Facial & Pore Cleansing Tool used in beauty salons: with its help, experts cleanse your skin, relieve it of acne, protect it from allergic reactions, eliminate black spots.

What to do if a trip to a beautician is too expensive for you, and you need a whole course of “treatment”? We buy the right tool for cleansing the face and pores, and then start using it at home!

So you save money, and time for trips to the beautician, and nerves. The procedure itself will take place at your home, you yourself will be able to choose a convenient time, you will be calm and relaxed.

Mechanical face cleaning always involves a serious effect on the skin(there is a risk of damage).

We do not recommend that you carry out the procedure right before an important event: a photo shoot, a wedding, a speech at a conference, and others. Otherwise, all the shortcomings of your skin "will be written right on your face."

What you need to know about tools for mechanical cleaning of the face?

  1. Cosmetologists use the following types of equipment: Uno spoon, Vidal needle, pore cleaning loop, brush and others (we'll talk about them a little later).
  2. Experts do not recommend use these tools to fight boils, carbuncles, pyoderma, herpes and herpetic elements, demodicosis (red rashes caused by the activity of the Demodex subcutaneous mite), a number of other inflammatory and infectious lesions.
  3. Antiseptic treatment BEFORE using any tool is mandatory. You should also prepare the skin and clean the fingers with an antiseptic (otherwise the risk of re-inflammation is too high).
  4. The mechanical cleaning procedure is always completed treatment of the skin surface with an antiseptic solution. To do this, use products containing alcohol (they not only disinfect, but also help to narrow the pores).

If your skin is not very problematic, in this case it is worth doing cleaning 2 times a year ( often not needed: it may be harmful).

If the skin of the face is problematic, if it has acne, pimples, black spots, increased fat content, then you can use mechanical cleaning more often: 3 times in 6 months.

"Leaky" UNO spoon for facial cleansing: what is it?

The facial cleansing spoon (aka Uno spoon) is designed specifically for removal of blackheads, as well as comedones and pimples.

Sometimes it helps fight acne and pimples.

Appearance of the device looks like a holey spoon. At one end is a "strainer" - a spatula covered with holes. At the other end, there is a small indentation intended for acne.

In Russia, for a long time they did not know about this device, but then they gradually began to use it in beauty and beauty salons. Now You can buy a Uno spoon in any online store or shop of the corresponding subject.

How does the Uno spoon work?

  1. "Sieve". It must be used to cleanse the skin in the "T-zone", as well as on the forehead and cheeks. The use of a "strainer" will allow you to get rid of excess sebum, traces of sweat and dirt, and dead skin particles. This will be the key to getting rid of red and white pimples, as well as acne (clean skin does not create such problems).
  2. Side with one hole("a small spoon with one hole"). Essential for dealing with large pimples or blackheads. All you need to do is to place the "spoon" in such a way that the pimple is in the very center. After that, you need to press hard on the problem area (painful sensations are possible). The rod will “pop out”, the pus will come out, but the nearest skin areas will be safe.

The method of squeezing out acne with the help of a “spoon” is recognized as one of the safest, recommended by many cosmetologists and dermatologists.

When do you need an Uno spoon? What skin problems does it deal with?

  • oily skin in girls and women;
  • black dots in the "T-zone" (especially on the nose);
  • frequent inflammation, acne;
  • acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased sebum secretion.

When is the Uno spoon not suitable? Contraindications for use

The tool requires experience and skill, so at first you will not always succeed. Please note that this equipment there are contraindications for use:

  • dry skin of the face and body;
  • skin sensitive to damage and external influences;
  • damaged surface (wounds, cracks);
  • herpes sores (do not try to "squeeze" them out with this tool!).

If you have at least 1 of the listed "ailments", do not risk it. May be, you should choose a scrub or regular peeling instead of this procedure.

Rules for use and precautions

  1. Uno spoon should be quality made of stainless steel.
  2. Equipment disinfect and thoroughly washed before first use (at a minimum, you need to wipe the instrument with vodka / alcohol).
  3. Hands and face before using the equipment also needs to be cleared(Alcohol tincture of calendula is suitable for this, you can wipe it with alcohol).
  4. Girls who have dry or sensitive skin, must abandon this decision. It is better to prefer something more efficient and safe.
  5. Solarium prohibited within 2-4 days after the procedure.
  6. The beautician should advise you before using the spoon. Otherwise, you risk damaging your skin.

How to use the facial cleansing tool?

The sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. Remove decorative cosmetics with gels, foams or other formulations.
  2. Clear Surface with the help of special tools.
  3. "Steam" the skin to open all pores. To do this, you can use not just water, but with the addition of medicinal herbs and natural antiseptics: oak bark, chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. "Steam" for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Take Uno spoon and hands, “wash” them with alcohol, vodka or other disinfectant solution.
  5. Rinse your index fingers reduce the risk of infection(and excitation of an even greater inflammatory process).
  6. Draw a strainer from the eyebrows to the hair; then - from the cheeks to the nose; after that - from the wings of the nose to the back. Wherein do not press hard, do not stretch the skin. Duration - approximately 5 minutes.
  7. Flip the tool. Take a "small spoon". Remove pimples with it, blackheads or acne. Each area where the “pimple shot” must be wiped with alcohol.
  8. Finish the procedure. Wipe the surface again with calendula tincture, alcohol, or a weak solution of lemon juice.
  9. Boil a spoon in water for 5-7 minutes. After that, take it out and wipe it with alcohol.

Within 10 hours after the procedure, you can not wash yourself, so as not to cause an inflammatory process.

Spoon Uno fits for teenage and hormonal acne, effectively fights acne of other types. If you have problem skin, then we recommend that you pay attention to other tools for cleaning your face at home.

Vidal's loop is a convenient and effective tool for cleansing the face and pores

The loop is a cosmetic tool that:

  • helps cleanse your pores of impurities;
  • suitable for prominent hard blackheads(if they are small, then the device simply “will not take” them);
  • removes blackheads and pimples that seem to “rise” above your skin, making it rougher;
  • copes with deep comedones;
  • effective against shallow acne.

How to properly use the Vidal loop at home for the treatment of acne and acne?

The sequence of actions and general rules are similar:

  1. Clear Surface from decorative cosmetics with the help of tonics, lotions, gels. If none of this is available, you can use just soap (but it should not overdry).
  2. Expand pores using a steam bath or other procedures. DO NOT miss this studio!
  3. Only the expansion guarantees the complete exit of the contents of the pores without additional injury to the skin.

  4. Attach the disinfected instrument so that the pimple or black dot is directly in the center of the loop.
  5. Press on the loop so that it didn't hurt very much(but at the same time so that the contents of the time “come out”).
  6. Repeat as many times as necessary to eliminate acne and acne.
  7. Wipe the surface of the skin with calendula tincture or simple alcohol to reduce the risk of inflammatory and infectious processes.
  8. Boil the tool for 5-8 minutes in water, then wipe everything again with alcohol.

What to do if, after your pressure, the time has not been cleared, and the pimple has not come out?

In such a situation, you should either repeat the steaming, or try another device.

It is known that the instrument is named after the creator, the French bacteriologist Fernand Vidal. There is no exact data on when this specialist came up with the invention.

Scientists speculate that this happened around 1886 - 1888, the year Mr. Vidal was actively engaged in research at the university (at the faculty of pathological anatomy).

Originally invented by a French scientist, the needle was not considered a cosmetic tool, but later has been used to eliminate acne, blackheads and acne.

Vidal's needle is a "terrible" but almost harmless solution

Vidal's needle in appearance resembles an instrument of the Inquisition. This is a device with a long thin needle at the end (sometimes there may be a “Vidal loop” at the other end, then you get 2 tools in one).

Those who used the tool note side effects. For example, with sensitive skin (or in the absence of professionalism from the one who carries out the procedure), “smudges” and “bruises” may appear.

It is also important for you to come to terms with the fact that this cosmetic procedure considered one of the most unpleasant and painful. We do not recommend it for pregnant women, children under 14, people with nervous disorders, hypersensitivity. Do not "play" with the needle and those people who have too sensitive skin.

What types of acne can be treated with a Vidal needle?

  • pimples and blackheads are deep in the skin;
  • small white pimples hard to squeeze out by hand(or the risk of inflammation is too high).

The application is the same as for the previous instruments: both the skin surface and the equipment must be disinfected; pre-steaming is required using baths based on medicines and plants.

You can use the Vidal needle only if if pimples or blackheads are ripe! Otherwise, the inflamed follicle does not leave the pore, the pimple is not “ripe”.

When pressed, it can visibly injure the skin. If you tried to use a needle, but the pimple did not come out, then just disinfect the surface of the skin and the instrument, and repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

If you have profuse rashes, severe acne (for example, teenage or associated with hormonal failure), then this equipment will not be enough. Additionally, to combat acne, you will have to use drying gels for washing, antibiotic tablets, talkers.

The needle should not be used more than once every 2-3 days (with heavy rashes).

Why should you pay attention to this particular cosmetic tool for removing pimples, blackheads, blackheads and comedones?

  1. Is different less soreness compared to manual cleaning.
  2. Does not cause severe injury or damage when removing deep acne (it is one of the main tools for dealing with similar dermatological problems).
  3. Reduces the amount of time and effort required to clean the skin of the face, back, chest, décolleté, neck.

Facial cleansing brush - a proven cosmetic solution for every day

If you have problematic skin with a lot of pimples or blackheads with excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, then use this solution.

Basic rules for choosing and using a cosmetic brush:

  1. When buying, pay attention so that the bristles are with delicate hair(especially important for those with sensitive skin).
  2. Use a brush for mechanical cleaning of the skin when washing 1 or 2 times a day.
  3. To enhance the effect, do not forget gels, cleansing foams, tonics.
  4. When using a cosmetic tool, it is necessary to gently rub the skin with massage movements.

If you have normal skin, you can use the brush literally 1 time per month(with frequent use there is a risk of damage and an allergic reaction).

What types of pimples and blackheads does the brush fight? In what cases is it effective?

  • prevention of clogging of pores and the formation of black spots (as well as the appearance of acne, blackheads, acne);
  • cleaning the surface of keratinized particles;
  • protection against flaky skin.

Regular use of a cosmetic brush will help you reduce the number of comedones and pimples, restore a beautiful and radiant look to your skin.

And the use of this tool much nicer than a needle, spoon or noose. You simply apply the required amount of cosmetic on the device, and then enjoy the massage effect.

By the way, many manufacturers offer massage brushes that run on batteries or batteries. Turn facial care into a pleasure!

TOP 5 facts that you need to know about cosmetology equipment from the article!

  1. Cosmetologists use Vidal loops and needles, Uno spoons (small and large), brushes and others. skin cleansing solutions.
  2. Tools must be made of high quality material (stainless steel). Before using them needs to be disinfected.
  3. Devices are designed to eliminate specific types of acne, blackheads, blackheads or acne.
  4. Equipment use should be right. It is good if you first consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
  5. The skin must be prepared and steamed. Steam baths with herbs.

Video: Cosmetic tools for cleaning pores