The difference between a pit bull and a staff. The forelimbs are straight, with powerful rounded bones. Pyasti sheer. The shoulders are strong and muscular, with wide, obliquely set shoulder blades. The nose is large, with wide, open nostrils. Nose pigmentation can be

The Pit Bull Terrier is often confused with the American Staffordshire Terrier, which is not surprising: both breeds were bred exclusively for dog fighting. The Pit Bull Terrier appeared in 1898, the result of crossing a powerful English bulldog with fast agile white terriers and pickling dogs of the Scottish and Spanish breeds. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the pit bull breed was supplanted by the new breed of Staffordshire Terrier that arose on its basis. Common ancestors - this is the explanation for the fact that the breeds are so similar. So, what is the difference between a pit bull and a staff?

Pit bull terrier difference from stafford: external signs

  1. Growth. The standard height at the withers of the Pit Bull Terrier breed is 40-42 cm, for the Staffordshire Terrier it is from 46 to 48 cm.
  2. Color. For staff undesirable liver, black and fawn and color, where the white color prevails. For a pit bull, all these types of color are acceptable. Staffords must have a black nose, pit bulls are allowed to have a brown nose.
  3. Head shape. Both breeds have heads of medium length. The Stafford is characterized by a wide skull with developed zygomatic muscles. The Pit Bull Terrier differs from the Staffordshire Terrier in having broad cheekbones with more powerful square jaws.
  4. Body type. The Stafford has a wider chest and higher legs than the Pit Bull Terrier. The body of the Staffordshire Terrier is thus more proportionate; staffs are more massive than pit bulls, the shape of the upper limbs is more elongated.

Differences between the pit bull terrier and the Staffordshire terrier: character and habits

  1. The pit bull differs from the amstaff in a more aggressive and tough character.
  2. Despite a more powerful physique, in battle Stafford is more often defeated by a pit bull, since the latter is more mobile, has pressure and seeks to destroy the enemy.

The best fighting dog is still the pit bull terrier, while the Stafford is of interest as an exhibition breed.

The American Staffordshire Terrier and the Pit Bull Terrier have a lot in common. First of all, they have common roots. Not everyone knows the difference between them. The differences between the amstaff and the pit bull are the topic of our today's article.

Bull Terriers are their closest relatives. Consider first the appearance of the pit bull. These dogs have a rectangular head shape, high erect ears. They boast strong jaws. According to the standard, the nose can be painted in any shade, as long as it harmonizes with the main color.

Amstaff has a not very long head, short, semi-erect ears that do not stop. Jaws inferior to pits, scissor bite. The nose of American Stafford Terriers should be black only. The eyes of both breeds are round and dark.

You can distinguish these varieties of the same breed by physique. Staffords have the correct body proportions, and pit bulls are somewhat disproportionate, one might even say square. They have a large head, you can’t call a straight back, their legs are short. Staffy are distinguished by a powerful chest, higher paws tightly fitting to the body. The back has a slight slope from the croup to the tail. Pittas have a wide, rounded chest.

Stafford Terriers are larger. On average, the difference in height between these varieties of the breed is up to 10 cm. Accordingly, the staffs weigh more. The coat of both breeds is short, shiny, glossy and close to the body.

The color of the Stafford Terrier can be any: plain or spotted. According to the standard, only white and black with tan are not allowed, and it is also impossible for light spots to occupy more than 80%. Pit bull terriers are excluded marble color and albinism.

In appearance, the Stafford Terrier looks more menacing, but appearances, as they say, are deceiving, since the Bull Terrier is more combat-ready. Pit bulls don't have their ears docked, but their tails are docked, and vice versa for Amstaffs. The claws of the Pitbull Terriers are black, while those of the Staffy are white.

Video "Rules for caring for a dog"

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What is the difference between character

Both breeds are renowned for being ruthless killers. This is due to the fact that they were taken out to participate in the battles. The breeds are a mixture of white terriers and massive English bulldogs. But anger and cruelty are the result of human intervention in the nature of animals. If training and upbringing is irresponsible, then both representatives of the terrier and bulldog crossbreed may show signs of aggressive behavior.

Pit bulls are particularly cruel and ruthless. Many newspaper articles and news announcements tell about this. No wonder these breeds are prohibited from breeding in Europe and some American states. In those countries where they are allowed to keep, there are strict rules.

Often dogs become uncontrollable due to improper upbringing. Sometimes the owners specifically support aggression and cruelty in them.

Representatives of both breeds are confident, courageous, strong. The standard does not allow the manifestation of aggression without reason. With proper training and sufficient physical activity, representatives of both breeds can become excellent companions, loyal friends and excellent bodyguards. Pit bulls are used in law enforcement agencies.

Unlike pit bulls, staffs have a more docile nature. They remember well all the instructions in training and show more obedience. In addition, pitas are more aggressive. Dogs of both breeds are very smart, but Amstaffs show more diligence in training. They are very attached to the owner, and in order to please him, they are ready for anything.

Despite the popular belief that these breeds make good guards, this is not the case. They only make good defenders. By themselves, pit bulls and staffords are peaceful and friendly in nature.

In order for dog training to be more effective, you should resort to the services of a cynologist. Then the owners will be able to avoid many mistakes in raising pets, and raise obedient and friendly dogs, free from unreasonable aggression.

Other spreads

Despite its square and disproportionate body, the Pit Bull Terrier is more enduring. During the battle, he can easily last up to three hours. As for care, there are practically no differences. Both breeds can be started in an apartment, subject to sufficient physical activity. In no case should they be kept on a chain, as they will become aggressive.

Representatives of both breeds are prone to dominance, so during training, the owners should be strict, but in no case cruelty. As for the children, both the pitas and the staffs adore them.

In relation to other animals, they get along with those with whom they grew up together. Amstaffs are believed to be more accommodating. During walks, these breeds have slight differences in behavior. Amstaff will treat the animals around him more friendly. If, under some conditions, a fight does arise, it will be easier to breed him with an opponent, since he is more set up for defense, but with a pit bull it will be much more difficult, since he is set up to destroy the enemy. He is assertive, his grip is stronger than that of the amstaff.

If the owner wants his dog to be a participant in exhibitions, then it should be noted that pit bulls do not take part in exhibitions, which is how they differ from American Stafford Terriers. The fact is that representatives of the first breed were intended for search work, and staffs served as an exhibition breed.

Both breeds are bred as fighting, and militancy does not disappear during training, but only dulls. The pit bull will fight with the enemy to the last drop of blood, his ultimate goal is to kill the enemy. Amstaff is a defensive breed, therefore, in comparison with a pit bull, it is less aggressive, but it does not take a lot of determination.

During the walk, the dogs must be on a short leash and must be muzzled. During contact with animals, the owner should always be nearby, and it is worth contacting representatives of peaceful breeds.

Many people think that the American Staffordshire Terrier and the Pit Bull are practically the same breed and are no different. But this is partly right and wrong. Devotion and boundless love for a person, these are the main qualities of amstaffs and pit bulls, which have been faithfully serve to their owners.


Amstaff's ancestors are from England. It all started with bulldogs - dogs capable of taming even the most ferocious bull. When dog fights came into fashion, then strong, but not agile "bull dogs" began to cross with lighter and more agile terriers. Those English white and tan terriers are already extinct. But at one time, with their help, they managed to create a bull and terre, a real king of fighting rings and dog battles.

The distant ancestors of these dogs in the nineteenth century took part in battles, at first in the pits with a bull or wild boar, and later with dogs. For which they received the name of fighting.

They were specially prepared for battles. They trained coordination and dexterity, made them fearless, reckless and completely non-aggressive towards people. Before the fight, an absolutely stranger had to take the dog in his arms, weigh it, wash it, see if there were any metal linings on the teeth so that the dogs were on an equal footing. And then the dogs went into battle. After the battle, people approached in the same way, the dogs did not have collars, they fixed them, bred them around. If a dog showed a grin at a person, it was immediately withdrawn from the fight and removed from breeding. These dogs had no right to be aggressive towards humans.

Often people refer to the Pit Bull Terrier as the American Staffordshire Terrier. Or vice versa. This confusion is understandable, because, in fact, the ancestors of the staff are the same pittas who fought in the pits with animals. In the thirties, people began to select more beautiful and less aggressive dogs from these pit bulls. Roughly speaking - culling from a bull terrier. In fact, this was one breed, but gradually developed two lines. This was the main difference between the pit bull and the amstaff. The first were workers, fighters. The second guards and companions. We can say that the staff is an ancient pit bull, only its decorative branch.

In 1936, the separation of the two breeds took place in America. As a result, an independent breed was registered - the Staffordshire Terrier, later they were called the American Staffordshire Terrier. And the American Pit Bull Terrier became a separate breed. The breeding of pit bull terriers was banned after dog fighting became illegal in the US.

present tense

Today, the Pit Bull Terrier breed is not registered in any major cynological organization. This breed was recognized only by alternative clubs. Nevertheless, pit bulls can be found in the service of American police officers.

Now all Amstaff breeders are working to completely remove aggression towards animals from this breed.

In the nineties, staffs and pit bulls became popular among crime bosses who deliberately educated and encouraged them malice and cruelty. At that time, they did not even understand whether it was an amstaff or a pit bull. They took it according to the principle - expensive, beautiful, muscular. Naturally, they took poor quality dogs for a lot of money and poisoned them. The number of Staffords and Pit Bulls that is now in Russia is all new dogs. Those dogs from the nineties were not bred.

External difference

What is the difference between a Pit Bull and a Staffordshire Terrier?

  • appearance

If you look at these dogs in the photo, it becomes clear that outwardly the breeds are different. Staffordshire terrier taller than pit bull six centimeters. Its head is somewhat wider than that of a pit bull. But the latter has wider cheekbones and powerful square jaws. In Amstaff, the chest is wider, the body is more massive and proportional. The coloring of pit bulls can be any, with many white spots. Whereas for the Stafford, an abundance of white spots is undesirable. The Staffordshire Terrier must have a black nose. In a pit bull, he can be any. The claws of the Stafford are always white, those of the pit bull are black.

Stafford is more valued as show breed. His fighting qualities are not as high as those of a pit bull. It is believed that the pit bull is more aggressive than the staff. The pit bull goes with his nose to the ground, and the amstaff carries his head high and proud.

In order to cooperate with these dogs qualitatively and live comfortably, the dog needs motivation. What should they be?

  • social instinct, the desire to be with the person and cooperate;
  • food motivation;
  • prey when the pet wants to play.

Both the staff and the pit bull have all three of these points. They are very well trainable. But if you do nothing with them and just go for a walk for a few minutes, take them home and ignore them at home, then it may happen that the dog will start looking for an outlet for his instincts.

Despite their formidable appearance, the Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull are real fans of man. They treat their owner like an idol. These breeds well oriented per person and are willing to do anything to please their master.

From childhood, it is necessary to work hard with these dogs. The owner must become one with his pet. In everyday life it is very difficult to live with an ill-mannered pit bull or Stafford, as their activity and strength must be loaded with constructive tasks. In no case should the development of these dogs be left to chance. These breeds are happy to engage in various types of dog sports.

Dogs should only be taken from registered cattery. These nurseries have a reputation. Professional cynologists work there, who understand the pedigree, understand genetics and know which dogs can be bred together. Each dog from the kennel should have its own pedigree. This is not an indicator of quality, it is a birth certificate, an indicator of who he was born from. If the dog is defective, it should still be given a document with a pedigree, just a note is put there that the dog is not for breeding use.

From the cruel use of the ancestors of these dogs for fun, to equal friendship with a person - this is the path that the pit bull and the American Staffordshire Terrier have traveled over several centuries. And now they rightfully occupy a place of honor next to a person.

What is the difference between a Staffordshire Terrier and a Pit Bull?

The mass passion for dog fighting at the beginning of the 20th century forced breeders to rack their brains over breeding a new, more enduring and aggressive breed. At first, dogs of the Old English Bulldog breed were used for entertainment with animals, which were ideal for baiting bulls and bears. As a result of the development of dandyism, by the end of the 19th century, more sophisticated activities, such as baiting forest animals and rodents, gained popularity, for which another breed was bred - the bull and terrier. However, dog fighting demanded more nimble and muscular dogs, which were the American Staffordshire Terrier and the pit bull. Consider what are the differences between these dogs and what are the requirements for their content.

The first breed of the American Pit Bull Terrier (pit bull) was bred - this happened in 1921. However, to this day the breed is not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, which makes it difficult to establish standards for its appearance. The next, in the same place, in the USA, in 1936, the American Staffordshire Terriers (Amstaff, Stafford) were bred, which were registered as a breed in the same year, and recognized in 1971, as a result of which this genus has clearer requirements for appearance. .

Consider the external differences between the amstaff and the pit bull, which in fact are practically non-existent.

Pit Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier are the same height - from 43 to 49 centimeters at the withers. However, the pit bull terrier differs significantly from the Stafford in weight: the mass of the first is 12–27 kg, and the second is 18–30 kg. The pit bull and the staff are similar in color of the whole body, except for the nose, which must be black in the Staffordshire terrier. In addition, what distinguishes a pit bull from a Staffordshire terrier is a less developed chest.

The difference between a pit bull and an amstaff in character is also small, as well as in appearance.

As mentioned above, both breeds were derived from the same ancestor, who was distinguished by unusually strong fighting qualities. Since in the process of crossing the preservation of this particular characteristic was given priority, it became quite logical to obtain dogs that are considered the most aggressive and cruel among dog breeds.

Nevertheless, anger and bloodthirstiness are the result of exclusively human intervention in the character of the animal. Many Amstaff owners are delighted with the game of the dog, believing that its proof is possible only in the ring. However, a game aimed at fighting with its own kind or with representatives of other species can only lead to the development of ferocity in the dog towards living creatures.

It is thanks to the upbringing of the dog as a bodyguard that the media continue to be full of headlines about the attack of these dogs on people. Especially often such stories appear in the domestic media, since fighting breeds are not prohibited on the territory of the former CIS, unlike the countries of Europe or the USA, where dogs are used only by law enforcement agencies.

Still, Staffords and Pit Bull Terriers themselves are very peaceful and friendly animals that get along well with children and a variety of animals. These dogs are devoted to the owner, perceive him as a friend and companion. Staffordshire Terriers are extremely intelligent, honest and playful dogs. Bull Terriers are active, cheerful and curious dogs, with which the owners have a great time both on the dog playground and at home. Therefore, it does not really matter, from the point of view of character, who is better to have - a pit bull or a Stafford.

The difference in walking and hygiene

As for walking animals, the main thing to remember is that both breeds were originally bred as fighting dogs, whose strong warlike qualities are dulled by training, but do not disappear. A pit bull is a dog with a so-called deadly game. This means that he will fight to the last drop of blood, and that his goal is the death of the enemy. The Amstaff was bred as a defensive breed, which makes the dog less aggressive, but no less determined.

All these qualities emphasize the need to walk dogs in a muzzle and on a short leash. During the walk, active activities are recommended: overcoming an obstacle course, weight pulling. The dogs with which the dog interacts should be peaceful and kind breeds, and the person at this time should always be in contact with the pet.

Dogs are very similar to each other and one of these breeds are Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Terriers. Both dogs are very strong and powerful, belong to the guard dogs and are made specifically for dog fighting. Unites dogs power, quick reaction, aggressiveness. But it is important to know how these dogs differ, so the article will have a detailed comparison of each breed.

Description of Pitbull

The breed was bred in the United States, the size of the dog is average and is about 40 cm, with a weight of 15-25 kg. This breed is aggressive, impulsive, and also cruel. Pit bull owners note quick and easy training. Due to their data, animals are often used for official purposes, as security guards. This breed lives up to 15 years.

Even just looking at such an animal, you can immediately say that the dog is strong and confident. His muzzle is wide, his jaws are very strong, and you can see from his look that you don’t need to joke with a dog. Pit bulls perform very well as a protective dog, as well as bodyguards, they can hear the approach of danger at a great distance, such a breed is fearless.

In addition to its power and aggression, this breed is not only a guard, but also an excellent nanny. Dogs are very fond of children, of course, if the dog has the right upbringing, and not sharpening for fights and aggressive behavior. Since the breed is strong and fearsome, in some countries it is even forbidden to breed Pit Bulls. The animal is not very trusted and they think that it can break loose and even kill the owner. While walking through the streets, the animal must wear a muzzle.

Description of the Staffordshire Terrier

This breed also comes from the states, the size of the dog is slightly larger up to 48 cm, but the weight is significantly different and will be 25-30 kg. As for the character, such terriers are strong in spirit and physically, they are not afraid of anything, they are easily trained and very stubborn in their goals, they are distinguished by strong cruelty with enemies. The breed is also used for service and protection. The breed lives 3 years less than the Pit Bull.

This breed has a large chest and well-developed muscles. The paws are strong, powerful, and the jaws deserve special attention, because even in appearance they seem very dangerous. The breed is very loyal and perfectly protects itself and its owner. As a rule, during fights, the Staffordshire Terrier fights to the bitter end, until the opponent stops breathing.

Animals can be easily and quickly trained, but the main advantage lies in the developed intuition. The dog will feel when danger is coming and when it is necessary to provide protection for his master. Such dogs are very fond of small children, and quickly become attached to adults.

Main differences

Despite the general similarity of the breeds and the fact that they are made for fighting, each breed has its own specific differences, both externally and in character.

If you look closely at the two breeds, you can see that their body is powerful, knocked down, and the muscles are also noticeably visible, the legs are also strong. The muzzle of both breeds is not long, the jaws are strong, and the teeth are very strong. The Staffordshire Terrier has a more proportionate shape than the Pit Bull, in addition, they are larger and their paws are longer. The chest of this species even visually differs in its width and massiveness. In general, the Staffords are stronger and outwardly this can also be seen.

The Stafford has more pronounced muscles, as they are more developed, but the Pit Bull's jaws are stronger and stronger. The color of the dogs is different, so the Pete can be found in different colors, but their feature is a black or brown spot on the nose. The Staff will have an exceptionally black spot on the nose, and the colors can also be different, but there are fewer of them.

As for the character, Pete has more aggression and cruelty. If you put both breeds to fight, then the Pit Bull will be the winner. Despite the fact that both breeds are easy to train, the Stafford is considered smarter. He has a more obedient character and is easier to teach. Petes are often afraid to turn on because they are out of control and out of control. It is better to keep such a dog on chains and it is necessary to apply affection and punishment to him correctly.

When buying Pete for yourself, you will need to immediately decide what this breed is for. If it has to be a guard, then you need to educate the animal like a beast and it will be very simple. For other purposes, you will need to give the dog more care, love and affection. With terriers, the situation is different, since the breed itself is considered more domestic and kind, but they always try to be leaders in everything, so you need to control the pet, otherwise, the terrier will “get out on its head”.

It is very difficult to say unequivocally who is better and who should be bought, since dogs are bought for certain purposes. For example, if you take an animal for service, home protection, then a Pit Bull is more suitable. Also, this dog can be bought to participate in battles.

If you want to have a more versatile animal that will not only protect your home and family, but also spend time with people, play with family members, then Staffordshire Terriers should be preferred. They are more intelligent, affectionate and feel the person better, in addition, they love children more and can live with other pets that are in the room.