The child and its development is six weeks from birth. Sixth week of obstetric pregnancy. Signs and sensations

The first pregnancy is a special time in the life of every woman. All changes in the body are felt quite acute that sometimes it happens unexpectedly for future parents. We do not encourage meticulously studying all medical directories or watch a video about childbirth immediately after you saw two stripes on the test. However, it is still worth the moment.

Pregnancy calendars today have almost every female portal. In our review you will find all useful information on "6 week of pregnancy from conception." What happens, how the fruit is developing, what are the necessary medical research and nutrition recommendations and lifestyle, you will learn from this article.

Gestational age

In medicine there are such concepts as obstetric (40 weeks) and the embryonic (38 weeks) difference between them is approximately 12-14 days. Thus, it turns out that from conception corresponds to the eighth obstetse week.

The embryonic period is also called true, but to reliably determine what day the egg and spermatozoa compound occurred is very difficult. The reference is the date of ovulation or proximity between partners.

Most often, gynecologists are limited to counting the obstetric period of pregnancy, for which you need to know only one date - the first day of the last menstruation. You can do this in two ways:

From the famous date to take three months and add seven days.

To the famous date to add nine months and seven days.

It is worth noting that not a specialist will not be called the exact date of childbirth. The duration of pregnancy is individual for each woman and depends on the hormonal background, weight and gender of the baby, as well as possible diseases of the mother and child. After 37 obstetric weeks, the fruit is considered to be dodged and ready for independent life.


It is mistaken to believe that 6 weeks of pregnancy from conception, an ultrasound specialist will establish reliably. This study has a completely different goal - to find out how the fruit develops and what an obstetric post is its size.

Another unverified method is the feeling of the movement of the crumbs, but 6 weeks of pregnancy from conception should not be defined exactly. All sensations depend on the threshold of the sensitivity of the future mother, but most often the baby begins to feel on the period of 18-22 obstetric weeks.

First bells

So, we decided on the 8th obstetric week - this is 6 week of pregnancy from conception. What happens to the female organism?

Symptoms of pregnancy continue to enhance. Sleepiness and plasticity, as well as a frequent mood change talking about the growth of the level of hormones. Progesterone has a sedative effect, so pregnant women often complain about fatigue and a constant desire to sleep. Doctors advise listening to their body and do not resist.

The term 6 is characterized by an increase in for a future mother. This is not so noticeable, but for internal organs delivers certain discomfort. The appearance of constipation and frequent urination are the norm. The outcome, sometimes brown, also fit into the overall picture. If this process does not accompany itching, poor health and lower back pain, then everything is in order.


Morning disabilities, characteristic of the first trimester, is accompanied by nausea and weakness. With the most pregnant women.

Disconnection towards food, abundant salivation and vomiting prevent normal nutrition, so 6 week of pregnancy from conception can deliver not the most pleasant, but there is no reason for concern. However, if vomiting is repeated more than five times a day, it is best to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Future development

A small step from the embryo to the fetus is this characterized by 6 weeks from the conception of pregnancy. The fetus size resembles a grape: weight - 3 grams, growth - 1.5-2 cm.

Surprisingly, such a large-scale processes can occur in such a tiny body. The head, handles and legs are already clearly visible, the face is drawn. Starting from this period, the fruit is powered through the umbilical cord.

Internal organs and systems are developed:

Kidney appear, branching bronchi in the lungs,

The heart becomes four-chamber,

Field organs appear (girls - ovaries, the boys - testicles),

Improved nervous system.

The baby is actively moving, tumbling, compresses and squeezes the handles, it is clearly visible on the ultrasound, but because of the small sizes, the mother does not feel the movements. This week, all organs are finally formed. Over the next months, their improvement will occur, the fruit itself will continue to gain weight and grow.

Women's consultation

If you have not registered a female consultation, then 6 week of pregnancy from conception is the best time to visit the gynecologist. The doctor will examine, will give recommendations, selects vitamins and appoints all the necessary analyzes and research. It is necessary to inform about the existing chronic diseases. In addition to the gynecologist, future mothers must visit the venereologist, dentist and the therapist.

In the early periods, the attending physician appoints an ultrasound study for which 6 weeks of pregnancy from conception is best suited. Photo after ultrasound will be the first in the life of your crumbs. You may not have an obvious animal, toxicosis or other signs of an interesting position, but the picture will be the best reminder.

Proper nutrition

The future mother needs to revise the diet. In addition, during the toxicosis, the body itself suggests, from which products it is worth refraining.

  1. We prefer natural products. Refuse any semi-finished products, canned, sausages and sausages, as well as packaged juices.
  2. In the diet, there must be fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain and fermented food products, as well as fish and boiled non-large meat.
  3. Roasted dishes It is advisable to replace on stewed or baked.
  4. In the case of early toxicosis, eat in small portions every 1.5-2 hours.


Many pregnant women work before reaching the maternity leave. Of course, pregnancy is not a disease and not a reason to sit at home, but your lifestyle also needs some adjustments.

First, try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. We useful walks in the park and trips outside the city - away from the noisy city and the highways breathe freely and easily. It is very important to maintain a positive attitude, even when due to hormones and offended by the whole world.

Secondly, keep yourself in shape. In the absence of contraindications, light exercise will only benefit, and special exercise complexes for pregnant women will help the body to make changes faster.

Thirdly, avoid mass accumulation of people to avoid infection. Even the treatment of ordinary colds should be under the supervision of the doctor.

Fourth, reduce any negative impact. Acceptance of alcoholic beverages, smoking, contacts with agricultural chemicals and household chemicals can affect the formation of the fetus.

Fashion style

For your own comfort and health, review your wardrobe. 6 week of pregnancy from conception is not a reason to run into a specialized store for free dresses or jeans with an elastic belt. However, this is the best time to abandon high heels and studs.

Incorrect shoes do not simply disrupt blood supply. Due to the unnatural position of the feet, the center of gravity is shifted, which, in turn, negatively affects the uterus. High heels can lead to miscarriage.

Consultation genetics

From the 8th (6th week from conception) to the 12th week of pregnancy, gynecologists recommend to carry out genetic studies. To date, approximately five thousand genetic diseases are known to those skilled in this area, but only three hundred of them can be diagnosed.

Appointed to all pregnant women. With the help of blood test by special markers, the biomaterial is tested for a special type of proteins, this allows the conclusions about possible chromosomal disorders. Screening is carried out together with an ultrasound study so that the obstetrician gynecologist has a full picture.

In the second and third pregnancy trimester, surveys are also appointed for genetic diseases and disorders of the fetus.

Waiting for results makes it very nervous to future moms, so specialists advise to pay attention to early prenatal diagnostics. Before conceiving a child, a man and a woman can pass medical and genetic testing and be confident in the health of the kid.

6 week of pregnancy means the beginning of the second calendar month of the new state of the woman. It seems that before the appearance of a child to the world is still so far away - more than six months! However, many women and think about it once. After all, the future kid is actively developing, and his own body constantly requires attention!

We consider time

From a medical point of view, the sixth week is a little more than a month from the first day of the last menstruation. This countdown is called obstetric. There is an embryonic calculation method - from the moment of the alleged ovulation. It usually occurs in the middle of the cycle. Therefore, the embryonic time is lagging behind the obstetrics for two weeks. The sixth week from conception (from ovulation) is the eighth obstetric week.

And if a woman's menstruation was not regular? This happens against the background of the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, some diseases or individual characteristics of the body. Then the doctor will delete the term otherwise. For example, in the size of the fetus (measured when ultrasound). Or on the first movement of the fetus - if a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time, it will happen about 20 weeks (i.e. movement).

Why do the doctors such accuracy? They must calculate the DA - the estimated date of birth. For it, it will later be calculated for maternity leave and the hospital is discharged.

Mom and child on the 6th week: What's going on?

The future kid continues to develop rapidly. The sensations of every woman on the 6th obstetric week are individual. In some cases, future mothers only learn about their new state. One feels great, but at the same time worries: where is the toxicosis? Another is already struggling with Morning Nausea. Depending on well-being and appetitis, a slight increase in weight or loss is possible.

Confirmation of pregnancy

The definition of a new state will help four basic methods. You can make a pharmacy test, pass the blood test on hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or take an ultrasound.

The test will certainly show two stripes. HCG is one of the hormones of pregnancy, therefore its elevated blood content is a clear confirmation. Ultrasonic scanner will show a tiny embryo. It will look like a light point or comma on a dark background of the uterine cavity.

Gynecological examination will also say to "yes." At the sixth obstetric board, the doctor will definitely feel a slightly stupid uterus in which a small life is developing hard.

However, the abdomen of the future mother looks like before. As soon as noticeable thickening can be seen only in very thin women or those who have recently recently recently.

Future development

Your baby is like

What does the future crumb look like?

The largest parts of the body are a head and torso. Pens and legs - tiny processes with palter tuberculk. The fetus size (more precisely, the embryo) on the 6th obstetric campaign comes up to 4 mm, the weight is up to 2 g. But how is its development goes:

  • limbs gradually lengthened, knee and elbow bends are scheduled;
  • fingers will grow slightly;
  • counting structures develop, that is, future bones;
  • the formation of the brain, the bone marrow is in the infancy;
  • barely outlined and external genital organs;
  • begins to develop the inner ear;
  • a thymus (fork iron) is formed, the most important organ immunity;
  • light, heart, liver, stomach and pancreas continue their development;
  • the nervous tube becomes the embryonic nervous system;
  • muscle tissue is still rapidly developing.

The tiny heart regularly counts about 140 shots per minute. Is it a lot or a little? There is such a law in nature - the smaller the heart of a living being, the faster it beats. Therefore, such a "pulse" of the embryo in the order of things. Determine the heartbeat can only be a specialist during an ultrasound.

By the way, the kid has a tiny tail. It's like a reminder that we are all children of nature (after all, tails have many living beings on Earth). A little later, the tail will draw inside and will become the tip of the spine.

But a new miracle - the placenta is developing, cord is formed. The kid will no longer pressed closely to the wall of the fetal egg. It freely floats in the oily fluid and makes his first movements. But mom will be very soon able to feel it. But it feels much more.

Toxicosis of pregnant women

At the 6th obstetric post with this state, many people. The most frequent symptoms of toxicosis:

  1. Nausea in the morning or during the day. Each future mother may have a "his" time.
  2. Vomiting. Not every attack of nausea ends it. Usually the body is rejecting food in such a way. If you drink a large amount of fluid, it can also lead to stomach spasms and vomit.
  3. Change of food addiction. Favorite food suddenly begins to cause disgust, and some products, on the contrary, I want to eat and is without end. Such quirks can be multiple: today "pulls" on a sour cabbage, and tomorrow I want salted fish. Sometimes the future mother becomes unbearable capriculus, because food desires are sometimes unbearable.
  4. The woman can sharply exacerbate the smell. At the same time, many odors cause a feeling of rejection, they can even get out of them.

All these signs are talking about the enhanced work of hormones. Pregnant toxicosis is not a disease, but a special state. But if a pregnant woman transfers him with great difficulty, you need to consult a doctor. What to pay attention to?

  1. The body rejects any food within 24 hours.
  2. Vomiting occurs not only after eating, but also after drinking.
  3. Vomiting and / or nausea practically do not pass.
  4. Significant weakness develops from lack of nutrition.

Other indicators

Even without toxicosis on the 6th obstetric post, the future mother is full of different experiences that are connected with her pregnancy.

Physical sensations (not counting toxicosis) and signs / symptoms of pregnancy may be such:

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  • drowsiness at any time of the day;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • frequent inability to focus;
  • feeling of lack of air;
  • increased sensitivity of nipples, their darkening;
  • sluting and light runny nose without a cold;
  • more frequent urge to urination;
  • the skin can become more loose and problematic (acne appear);
  • swelling and even tingling dairy glasses.

Some women notice that otherwise they began to perceive the cold or heat. Changes may be different. For example, even in a light summer heat, everything around seems to be a split oven. And if on the street frost, then the future mother does not "be insteading" - she is not cold. It happens on the contrary: at any time of the year, I always want to join as it should.

Emotional signs:

  • mood swings from euphoria to depression;
  • increased sensitivity (not the most touching movie causes a flow of tears);
  • the feeling that around the conspiracy of misunderstanding, a sense of alienation.

The future mother is something and the matter asks: "Why does this happen?" The answer is only one: the hormones of pregnancy are to blame. They literally flooded female blood and rake there in full force. Their business is to save the future baby, reconcile him with the mother's body. It will have to endure. However, there are alarming signs. If they appear, it may be necessary to appeal to the doctor.

What to pay attention is pain in the abdomen and allocation

  • Pulls belly

Future mothers often note that they seek the belly. If this feeling is barely noticeable, you should not worry. It can be due to the gradual internal tension of the uterine ligaments.

And yet the term of pregnancy is 6 weeks - unsafe time. So the future mother needs to listen carefully. If the belly still hurts truly and the pain is enhanced by the evening, there is a reason for anxiety. Especially if from time to time, brass brown sections appear. All this may be signs of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

If the belly hurts not downstairs, but above, right or left, the doctor may suspect an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, a woman should receive qualified help as early as possible.

  • Discharge

There are no clear reasons for concern if the separating allocations are one-time and very minor. They can appear for some time. But the doctor must know about them.

Real bleeding similar to the monthly, the most dangerous and signals about the threat of miscarriage.

Non-humble, light discharge from the vagina is safe and mean normal secretion of mucous membranes. To go to the doctor will have to be in several cases:

  • mucus too much;
  • selection of severe yellow color;
  • it's rather not about mucus, but about "cottage";
  • the selection is unpleasant odor.

Such symptoms mean possible inflammatory or infectious processes. They are unfavorable for the future kid, therefore require observation and treatment.


Each future mother wants easy pregnancy and prosperous childbirth. Unfortunately, it happens not always.

  • Miscarriage - This is the rejection by the body of the embryo. Some reasons for this complication are genetic and do not depend on the woman. Sometimes the miscarriage may be a consequence of the negligence of the future mother - for example, when she goes to a sauna or climbs at home repairs.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - This is the fixing of the fetus "not in place." In this case, the output is an artificial interruption to the operational way. Now after such operations, a woman can still have children, but an attempt is allowed to do no earlier than six months.
  • Failure to pregnancy - This is the termination of the development of the embryo without rejection. Then the main medical measures will be aimed at getting rid of a woman from the deceased embryo. This is usually done in stimulating uterine contractions.
  • Artificial abortion of pregnancy, or abortion, does not apply to complications. This happens if the pregnancy is unwanted and the woman makes a decision not to give birth to a child. Medical standards are not too late. It is only important that the woman goes to an abortion with a complete awareness of responsibility for his decision.

To experience the joys of the future motherhood, a woman needs to follow a number of recommendations. Basic concerns nutrition. Also important attention to their health and life at all.


The main signs of "pregnant" food:

  • benefit for mom and baby;
  • good assimilation by the body;
  • availability.
  1. Meat should not be fat.
  2. Fish, on the contrary, it is advisable to buy fatty varieties - it has important nutritional acids.
  3. Approximately a third of food should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dried fruits.
  4. Dairy and fermented milk products should be in the diet of the future mother every day.
  5. It is advisable to eat porridge daily.
  6. Products should not be "fast." Cereals in bags, noodles in boxes and powder potatoes in jars must remain in the past.
  7. If the products require thermal processing, cook better for a couple or bake.
  8. If possible, you need to avoid canned, smoked foods and acute products.
  9. Fortress and the number of tea and natural coffee will have to be reduced.

Not every dish will embody all the advantages. Somewhere will be compromised. If in the winter I wanted fresh mushrooms (point about accessibility), most likely, you will have to do frozen. And when the body with horror "refuses" from the steam trout and will require a canned tuna, will it be easy to resist?

Absolute refusal refers only to alcohol. Even a small dose of alcoholic beverage can cause serious pathology for the development of the embryo.

With toxicosis, the first morning reception is best done without getting out of bed.

Mom health and baby

Caring for their own health is now especially important for a woman. Just a few simple rules will help avoid problems.

  1. It is worth avoiding human clusters, especially during the epidemics of viral and other infections.
  2. Cannot carry out x-ray studies.
  3. It is desirable not to use household chemicals with a high content of ammonia (ammonia alcohol) and chlorine.
  4. It is urgent to quit smoking.
  5. Medicines - only permitted pregnant women and only by appointing a doctor.
  6. It is important to eliminate direct pet contact to avoid possible infection with toxoplasmosis. Adults can transfer these diseases and not even notice, and for the embryo it is extremely dangerous.
  7. It is advisable to visit the doctor, confirm the uterine pregnancy and go through the first general and specific tests. The doctor will appoint urine study, smear from the vagina, as well as blood to a number of infections and diseases. In addition, the specialist recommends vitamins for pregnant women and the drug of folic acid, which is very important for the proper development of the future kid.

Special lifestyle

All actions, all the behavior of a woman should take into account her special condition.

  1. With constant fatigue, it is better not to go to visit and / or noisy events.
  2. Emotions - only positive! It is important not to succumb to the negative and the attacks of a bad mood.
  3. The sex life of future parents does not need changes, if still gives both the convenience of both. But if the future mother bothers something in an intimate life, the problem needs to be solved. Do not be silent about discomfort and be afraid to offend a partner. Only trust and frankness will help to establish a new sexy rhythm. There is one important point: rough, aggressive sex can cause miscarriage.
  4. It is better to abandon the viewing of bloody cinoboevikov, dram with cruel scenes and "horror strokes". Against the background of hormonal changes, the future mother can survive the most natural stress, and will suffer an embryo. After all, the real impulse of fear, negative and hopelessness will go through the blood of Moms.
  5. If before a woman did not follow the day of the day, it's time to start. Dimensional lifestyle will help to defeat chronic fatigue, and toxicosis.

Who and how to report pregnancy?

In the next few weeks, the future mother will not stand in front of the question: to whom and when to tell about their new state? And how to report?

The first in the list will be, of course, the father of the child. How exactly he learns about the coming pregnancy, each woman should solve itself. It can be a romantic dinner or almost a business atmosphere. In one old film, the artist's wife literally played her husband: painted him with a huge "pregnant" belly. It is only important to remember that the words "oh, we flew with you" give a very non-serious attitude towards the future appearance of the baby.

Perhaps the future father was already aware of the monthly delays in the beloved woman, and therefore he will ask her about the results of test or analyzes.

Senior children (if there are already there), potential grandparents and other relatives let them learn about everything when future parents prepare for it.

The employer should be aware of pregnancy employees as early as possible if women have harmful and / or heavy working conditions. It has the right to a more favorable work environment. But if you hurry nowhere, you can wait a bit - the tummy will not soon.

The sixth week of pregnancy will not be a difficult time, if the future mother takes care of himself and about his baby.

Video Guide: 6 week of pregnancy: pulls the belly, the feeling that is happening that it is possible and can not

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As a rule, in 6 weeks of pregnancy, the future mother already knows about his position and correctly calculated the number of weeks. The moment of her offensive is considered on the obstetric calendar and is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. The term of pregnancy 6 weeks coincides with 4 weeks after conception.

The well-being pregnant

In this period, the rapid development of important organs and body parts of the body begins at the embryo, and the mother's body constantly rebuilds its work to begged the child. Therefore, one of the most significant and dangerous stages for the entire pregnancy - 6 weeks. Feelings of the future mother are changing every day. Toxicosis and special nutritional preferences appear, urination is observed, the sensitivity to smells increases. Hormonal restructuring of the body contributes to drowsiness, lethargy and irritability. Everything for the development of progesterone, which prevents the reduction in the uterus. Damage to the skin around the nipples, an increase in soreness of the breast is also inevitable at the achievement of 6 weeks of pregnancy. What happens, the body of the future mother was not fully realized, so unpleasant symptoms will be closer to 4 months.

How to overcome toxicosis

In order to easier to transfer toxicosis, you need to eat small portions. Even if there is a strong disgust for meat food, it is not worth a completely abandoning it. In the morning after waking, it is advisable to eat an apple or crackers, then lie down in bed for another 20-30 minutes.

In this case, the probability of morning malaise comes down to a minimum. Skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner is unacceptable, even if there is no appetite, since the hunger is able to provoke severe nausea. After eating should not forget about vitamins in which the body especially needs.

Particularly thoroughly needed to monitor weight and pressure. In 6 weeks of pregnancy, an increase in weight from 200 to 300 grams takes place. The total gain of the body of a woman from the moment of conception will be from 0.5 to 1.5 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of its body. If there are drops or increase pressure, the doctor's advice and the adoption of measures to normalize the state are recommended. Terrible attention requires the work of the thyroid gland. Both the excess and the lack of hormone produced by it can provoke serious violations in the development of the future kid organs.

This week a heartburn may arise. The reason is the outflow of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract in the esophagus. Unfortunately, this state can accompany pregnant throughout the term, but there is a way to get rid of it. To do this, you need to look like after meals, if possible, try not to go to bed. It is also recommended to take agents neutralizing acid. Frequent walks in the fresh air, a long strong sleep, as well as a positive attitude will help to push bad well-being in the background, and sometimes to forget about it at all.

Size of the belly

The belly at the 6th week of pregnancy is not growing yet, so it is not noticeable. If the future mother noticed his increase, then it should be aware that this is the process of redistribution of fat, associated with the hormonal perestroika of the body or a bowelism.

At gas formation it is worth remembering that this is a natural process, in most cases does not require the use of medicines. The main reasons for the abdomen of pregnant women are:

Increased progesterone, as a result of which there is a drop in the muscle tone of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes. It happens primary and secondary. The first option is associated with overeating or pancreas diseases, and the second occurs when there are liver or gallbladder diseases.

When the abdomen of the belly is in a pregnant woman, you need to stick to a certain diet: take food with small portions and avoid products causing such a condition: carbonated drinks, black bread, pickled vegetables, legumes, asparagus, cabbage. If these products fail to exclude from the diet, you need to try to reduce their consumption to a minimum. Moderate physical exertion will be not unnecessary.

In the complex, these measures contribute to the reduction of gas formation in the abdomen in the future mother. If the sweat does not pass for several days, it is worth contacting a specialist. It will write down gentle preparations that eliminate flatulence. To engage in self-medication and independently take any medicinal products without consulting the doctor is not recommended, as they can bring harm to health both mom and the future kid.


Special attention should be paid to the power. Now the body, more than ever, needs regular arrival of vitamins, trace elements and proteins. On the table must be attended by: nuts, dairy products (cottage cheese, ryazhenka, milk), fish, eggs, dried fruits.

Taking into account the fact that the future child only began to develop, the percentage of increase in calorie consumption should be no higher than ten. The uterus increases significantly, in this regard, discomfort in the abdomen arises. The doctor already at visual inspection is able to accurately determine the fact of the onset of an interesting position.

Embryo development

In 6 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus size ranges from 4 to 5 millimeters. It is surrounded by an accumulating fluid of 2-3 ml. The child appears in the root of legs and arms, the head takes on the outline. There are prerequisites for the formation of eyes, nose and ears. Eyes become similar to small bubbles. There is a development of the inner ear and larynx. The future kid will acquire the main components of the nervous system, gains primarily of the brain. For him, the most important stage of development for the entire pregnancy is 6 weeks. The sensations of the child are already reduced to the ability to feel and react to the impact of external stimuli. This is due to the appearance of the first nervous connections.

The formation of the immune system, bone marrow, organs: spleen, lungs, liver begins. The intestine develops so rapidly that it ceases to be placed in the abdominal cavity and goes beyond its limits, occupying a part of the space of the umbilical cord. This phenomenon is called embryonic hernia and passes as the tummy tummy extends to the desired sizes. The formation of the esophagus and an increase in the stomach, however, the lumen will appear in them only after the development of the exit from the intestine (rectum), which is still obscured by a special membrane film.

In 6 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo heart looks like a tube, nevertheless starts to function consistently. At the site of future bones, cartilage structures are formed. The genitals of the fetus are not yet available, so it is not possible to determine the boy, the boy is not possible.

A future child in 6 weeks of pregnancy acquires the ability to move, because the muscular tissue becomes developed at a sufficient level. The embryo turns his head and limb, but the future mother does not feel this. The blood circulation is already working stable. Blood cells are created in the liver, which come into different departments of the heart. The work of the organs is controlled by the brain. In 6 weeks of pregnancy, an important body of immunity is formed - thymus. He assumes the function of controlling the developing cells of the body. Sex glands are differentiated on male and female.

During this period, it begins its formation of a placenta called a kindergarten. It is formed from chorion and the corresponding endometrial site. Subsequent months before the birth of a placenta's child will provide a future baby with the necessary nutrients, perform the function of air exchange, as well as protect it from external damage and prevent infections from entering, protecting the fruit from all sides. 6 weeks of pregnancy - the reference point of the growth of the kindergarten, the mass of which by the time of birth will be about 800 grams.


Among other risks, waiting for future mom at this stage, lies and the risk of interrupt. Even a minor cold or lifting body temperature causes a probability of miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. Blood stains or pink isolation are alarming signals. Also should alert pain in the loan area or the abdomen at the bottom. A woman needs to be extremely attentive to their body and in the presence of bad well-being to consult a doctor. Due to the fact that the level of hCG during ectopic pregnancy remains at a low level, when a delay appears, more than two weeks and negative pregnancy tests require urgent consultation of the gynecologist. However, the positive test itself does not guarantee the lack of an ectopic attachment of the embryo in 6 weeks of pregnancy. What happens to the fruit will help find out ultrasound research.

Ultrasound in 6 weeks

The ultrasound procedure confirm the fact of the presence of an embryo in the uterus, and will also reveal the number of fruit eggs. If there are two embryos, the doctor will report that there will be twins. The heartbeat of the future baby is very well audio on the ultrasound. 6 weeks of pregnancy - the period when the rhythm of the cutting of the heart reaches from 110 to 150 shots per minute. The doctor examines the placenta and place of its attachment, and also evaluates the tone of the uterus and checks it for possible pathologies.

In itself, ultrasound examination is not a mandatory procedure on such a small period. Nevertheless, some patients the doctor necessarily gives direction on an ultrasound with a sharp cease-toxicosis, the signs of which were pronounced first, since it is one of the signals of frozen pregnancy. It is also desirable to go through the procedure of ultrasound to women who have experience in unbearable pregnancy due to spontaneous abortion.

How to prepare for ultrasound for 6 weeks

As a rule, along with the direction, the attending physician gives a memo describing the proper preparation for the procedure. Before the examination, it is necessary to drink about two liters of water, try not to urinate. Be sure to have napkins, diapers, sheets, condom, bug. Before studying all hygiene procedures and put on clean linen.

How is the ultrasound?

Ultrasound research procedure will take a little time. Before her, the woman's female stele on the couch diaper and falls on her. Feet are in semi-bent condition. At the bottom of the belly, the doctor inflicts a special gel, there will also put a special sensor. After a preliminary inspection, the sensor changes to the vaginal. Pre-put on him a condom, the doctor introduces it to the vagina and inspects the ultimate ultimate ultrasound.

After collecting the necessary information, the future mother shows her baby.
There is a service due to which many pass, if pregnancy has been found (6 weeks), ultrasound: photo of the future kid. For it will have to pay extra, but for the storm of positive emotions, which the pregnant woman will experience, looking at the picture of his future child, this is a meager fee. At least in 6 weeks of pregnancy, the photo of the fruit does not yet give the ideas about the appearance of the baby, the future parents will still be important to keep this picture to the memory.

At the end of the study, the protocol and conclusion are written, which are issued in the hands of a pregnant woman. It is important to remember that obstetric details may not coincide with the calculations of the future mother, in this regard, there is a chance that on the papers will stand 9-10 weeks.

Venusal diseases at the 6th week of pregnancy

6 weeks - the right time in order to take into account the pregnancy. The doctor will appoint all the necessary analyzes, and also examines the presence of genital infections. Venusical diseases are an extremely undesirable phenomenon during the period of having a child, as they, like other bacteria, are able to negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is important to take a timely treatment of genital infections to minimize the risk of fetal infection.

Genital herpes can provoke miscarriage in early pregnancy, various kinds of congenital defects in a child, and also contributes to premature childbirth and the emergence of a premature babe. The risk of transmission of infection from mother to the child during childbirth is very large.

Condylomes, or pointed warts, are benign education both outside and inside the genital organs. The launched disease provokes significant blood loss during childbirth, so in this case a cesarean section is prescribed. In the case of infection can form growth on the larynx.

The thrush in pregnant women occurs most often, causing itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina area. On time the appointed treatment will help prevent the child's infection.

At week 6, as well as during the entire period of pregnancy, it is not recommended to vaccinate from any disease. However, the doctor assesses possible risks, and if the disease itself causes greater harm than the vaccine, prescribes vaccination. Vaccines based on killed microorganisms do not bring absolutely no harm or a mother nor the future child.

Nevertheless, it is worth excluding all contacts with ill familiar or relatives, try not to visit at home, where the infection has recently been transferred.

Thus, both for mom and for the baby 6 weeks of pregnancy is an important period, since at this moment future organs and parts of the body begin to actively develop. Pregnant proper not to overwork, more rest, take vitamins, eat and carefully follow their health.

Development of a child for 6 weeks

Child in 6 weeks - An important milestone of development is a smile of a child. The first smile appears in all children at about the same age, so be prepared that your baby will reward you for all the love and care of this shining, tolerable, just for you, smile. This, of course, will make the parent heart moan, even if it is outside the window is not the best day of this life. Life suddenly acquires paints and the day will become the best after such a miracle.

You can write this great event in your "notebook"

Begins to keep his head!

The muscles of the neck of the child are stronger, and the child begins to keep his head For a short period of time. He can raise it for a few minutes, lying on his stomach, for example, and probably be able to turn it from side to side. Holds a newborn head And when it is in a wheelchair or in a car seat.

Learn to be frozen

It can already start sleeping anymore at night (up to four or six hours). At least in the period from 6 weeks to 6 months of age, it will be achieved exactly. This is a wide range, and much depends on the development of a child and your behavior.

Many experts offer to lay a child to sleep while he is not sleeping yet, but already sleepy. It will help him learn how to fall asleep. The skill that is useful to both when, for example, the baby will wake up in the predestal watch or in the middle of the night, he will be able to rear herself, and not to demand that he was taken by hand. You can help your child achieve this milestone before, it's better than later. Start producing healthy waste habits from the very beginning, such as a calming bath, children's massage, or a fairy tale for the night.

Mom's life: inspection after childbirth

Soon you will need to go inspection after childbirth - The last of the series of inspections, which began from the first months of pregnancy. Your doctor must make sure that you feel good - emotionally and physically after all stresses of pregnancy, childbirth, and a new parenthood.

During gynecological inspection after childbirthThe doctor or midwife should inspect the healed already or not yet, any cracks, scratches, bruises on the vagina or the cervix. If the cervix healed, the doctor will take a smear for analysis. The doctor will check the seams if you had episiotomy (dissection) or gaps. He will also inspect your belly to make sure that there is no pathology, and if you had a cesarean section, then check your scar to make sure that he heals normally.

Your chest will also be checked. If you are breastfeeding, it will be necessary to make sure that there is no blockage of the channels, which can lead to infection and the maple. If you do not feed the breast, then it is necessary to inspect whether there are no seals or chest pains that may indicate an infection. The doctor will advise if you have enough milk or it disappears at all.

Many young mothers are interested in the question - how and when you can start a sex life. You probably noticed that you do not feel that sexual attraction or excitement, which was before. But this is a temporary phenomenon that is observed in most young mothers during the first weeks or even months after childbirth. Regardless of your degree of interest in sex, you have to discuss with the doctor the methods of postpartum contraception, because it still has the opportunity to get pregnant, despite the absence of menstruation and continuation of breastfeeding.

The doctor will also explore your emotional health. This is due to the fact that 4 of 5 young mothers are subject to light postpartum depression, usually caused by postpartum stress. However, if the feelings of depression lasts more than two weeks, you may suffer more severe form of postpartum depression. Your doctor or midwife can recommend events that really help, because the doctor watches many mothers as you. Or the doctor will register an antidepressant that can be taken during feeding.