Happy new year grandma lettering. New Year's wishes for grandmother. Touching congratulations in prose to grandmother

Usually, congratulations on the New Year 2017 for the grandmother are filled with sincere words of gratitude addressed to their beloved relative. And here the length of the congratulation is not at all important, because the main thing is the depth of the words spoken.

Happy New 2017 year greetings to grandmother in verses

Happy New Year, dear grandma,

You are always by my side, helping in everything,

I wish, even if in the new 2017 year,

All diseases, adversity will bypass you

Hands are warm, rough, touching the cheeks,

Warm things in a bag, for any pretext,

How I love you, dear grandmother,

May the 17th year give health with strength,

Happy New Year,

Thank you for your love and care.

Dear granny, I congratulate you,

In the New Year 2017, I wish you

More health, more smiles,

I'll try not to make mistakes

So that you do not grieve over trifles,

And so that you don't think: "How am I there ..."

Congratulations to grandma, Happy New Year,

I wish you snow with a clear sky,

So that your warm hands do not hurt

Eyes so that they shine brightly with joy,

in the 17th year I will try very hard,

on the street less often to stay at night ...

Grandma is old, the most tender,

You smell of comfort, pies, balms,

Callused hands stroking my head

I love you, grandmother, the kindest.

I wish you Happy New Year,

I wish you strength and health in 2017.

Dear grandmother, hair in a ball,

these lines were written for you,

Gentle and with trepidation is always your concern,

Congratulations, grandma, Happy New 2017 year.

Delicious pancakes, sweet filling,

This is grandma's recipe ... everything is in the oven, in the old fashioned way,

Kind and glorious, my grandmother,

Happy New Year 2017, I congratulate you.

New Year's wishes with 2017 for grandmother in prose

Dear grandmother, thank you for your dedication, patience, faith in each of us. Your sincerity and concern inspires me to new victories. May 2017 become a source of eternal youth for you, and may problems remain in the past, without distracting your attention from the bright colors of life!

So the year of the Rooster has come, and now, at this festive moment, I want to wish my grandmother perfect health. For our entire family, you have long been an example of ideal patience, a source of inspiration and joy. May the grandchildren always listen to your advice, and may your life at any age be filled with sincere smiles!

Beloved grandmother, I wish you in 2017 to forget about illness, pain and grief. Inspire us further with your endless optimism, your determination and unshakable faith. Let all problems be erased from your memory, and life turn into a holiday, endless and joyful at the same time!

    Grandma, dear, Happy New Year!
    May he give many miracles
    Whirlwind of worries
    And let interest ignite in my soul.

    Let every day be full
    Hobbies, interesting things.
    Let the path of life be happy, long.
    You will be with us for many years.

    My dear grandmother, a magical holiday!
    Guests will gather at the table soon.
    Let the toasts in your honor be praised
    Rather, let the New Year come to your house.

    May you warm with kind words
    With tender care and warmth of the soul.
    Let joy bloom with bright colors,
    The house smells of happiness, miracle magic.

    Happy New Year, dear grandmother!
    On this day we will surround you
    Congratulating, hugging tight
    And kissing tenderly, loving.

    Throw away the years, become cheerful and young,
    Everything is possible on this holiday.
    May winters be silver strings
    In the New Year they will call your happiness!

    New Year is already knocking on the window.
    Happy holiday, grandma, congratulations!
    May the blizzard bring happiness to the house
    We sincerely wish you many long years.

    So that sadness does not settle in your soul,
    So that your heart never hurts
    And as a gift for your difficult path
    So that you get everything you wanted!

    Dear grandmother, the sun is clear!
    I congratulate! New Year is coming!
    The kindest and most beautiful you are
    May the holiday bring you happiness.

    I will give you, dear grandmother,
    A sea of ​​care and a sea of ​​love
    To keep you healthy and close by,
    Just longer, grandma, live!

Dear grandmother, I congratulate
Happy New Year fabulous, dear, you.
May he give you happiness and warmth
So that the heart is happy and light.

So that the eyes do not cry, but shine again,
Power and love would shine brightly in them.
So that, my grandmother, you will always be
Cheerful, healthy and young again!

May your kind hands not know fatigue
May your dear smile not grow old,
May the New Year bring you a lot of joy.
Grandma, we congratulate you on the holiday!

On New Year's Eve I wish
For you, granny, only warmth
I want you to be always happy
She was healthy, joyful!

Your dreams with Santa Claus
We will try to embody
And you keep trying
Give your love and light.

Granny, we wish you a New Year -
Let what you want suddenly come to you
May plans come true in one instant,
Let our native window always shine on us.

May every day be bright and wonderful
May the heart be filled with joy
May there be health, like damask steel,
Be, our grandmother, incomparable in everything!

Happy New Year,
To you, grandmother, to wish
Let happiness come sooner
New Year to celebrate with him!
I wish you smiles, fun
And comfort, kindness, and warmth,
So that the mood is good
So that you bring everyone positive,
Be healthy and strong, lucky,
Become more joyful every day
Let fate scatter all the clouds
It will help you in everything!

New Year is already knocking on the window,
Inviting to paint patterns on glass.
Granny! Let you bow down
Your patience and gentle kindness.

Happy New Year, dear granny!
None is dearer than your house.
You will spoil with pies again,
You will kiss all of me for love.

May this year bring you health
Positive thoughts, joy, kindness.
Happy New Year! As a help
I will always be with you.

You are an example of a wonderful affection
And tender, sweet warmth,
You are like a fairy from a fairy tale
After all, you are the kinder in the world,

May Santa Claus to you, granny,
The bag will give joy
And remember that I love you!
And I send you my congratulations!

Happy New Year, Granny!
I wish you well and happiness.
Luck should never fail.
And let the bad weather not come to you.

Let your health be strong.
I wish you longevity.
Always stay cheerful, light.
Let fate smile everywhere.

The time of bright miracles is coming
New Year is coming across the planet
Happy New Year, grandma,
Let me congratulate loving!

And I also want to wish
To live in abundance and not to know grief
Do not get sick, do not grow old, do not get bored,
New Year's Eve in a positive way!

Granny, our dear,
There is no better, more beautiful in the world.
Happy New Year!
We wish you good health.
Friendly and mischievous
Kind granny, we don't know.
You all get younger, like a girl,
Let Santa Claus under your Christmas tree
Will bring a valuable gift.
Happy New Year!

My dear grandmother! I, your loving grandson, wish you a Happy New Year! I want to wish you in the new year to remain the same cheerful, cheerful, active, attentive, loving and generally the best grandmother in the world! In my life YOU are the most understanding and supportive person for me. You always believe in me and always help me, no matter what I say and wherever I go. I wish you that you remain the same wonderful in the new year and the next one, and in general, remain the same for many, many years. I love you!

Touching congratulations in prose to grandmother

Beloved, my golden granny! I congratulate you on a magical New Year! Let this bright holiday bring you good health, never get sick. Please me with your kind smile. I am still the same little granddaughter for you, you surround me with your care and warmth. Live happily ever after, and we will help you with everything.

Funny poems for the New Year to the grandmother from the grandson

New Year did not come suddenly
He was getting ready for the road
I am like a good grandson to you,
I am in a hurry to wish
Happiness, joy and dreams,
Precious granny.
And not a drop of bitter tears
I'm asking for you now!
Let a kind look sparkle
Do not let worries scare you.
Only pleasant things are given
This life turns!

My beloved grandma, I congratulate you on this wonderful winter holiday, Happy New Year! Wish the hunt all at once, but I'll start with the main thing: let Santa Claus bring more health in the bag, and I can give the rest to you! Thank you for the joy and warmth that you give us all.

Long congratulations to grandparents in prose

You always help us in everything, play with us, even though it's already hard for you. Whenever we come to you, grandmother always has pies ready for us, and grandfather has already invented a new game for us. You help us with lessons when our parents are at work, entertain us when they are late and always sit with us when our superiors call parents on weekends. We spend a lot of time with you and you never told us that you were tired. In the new year we will try to do everything for you and help you with your affairs in the same way as you help us with ours. Happy New Year!))

Happy New Year wishes to grandparents with emoticons

Dear, beloved our grandmother and grandfather!) We wish you a Happy New Year!)
You are the most important and integral part of our family. Our main support and support in everything! We very much appreciate and respect you, your life experience and always ask you for advice. And if we still sometimes offend you, do not agree with you, then this is not on purpose, we are simply not always ready to agree with you. But this does not diminish our love for you in the least. We hope that in the new year we will still be a loving and strong family.

Touching New Year's greetings to grandma and grandpa in prose

You, as space satellites, are always invisibly nearby. I ask you, do not forget to take the phone and call me back, because worrying about you, my beloved grandparents, is a huge reward for my heart and a great pain for my soul. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to Grandpa

New Year is coming! Goodness, patience and wisdom have given me the days spent with you. I want there to be many more of them in the new year. Let all diseases and ailments recede before your ability to rejoice every day!

Cool congratulations in verses Happy New Year to grandmother

New Year is knocking on the door
So, grandma, believe me:
There are many miracles waiting for you!
I wish not to get tired
So that you don't get sick, don't get bored,
To visit me more often,
Was full of energy
Smiling like spring!

Granny! Happy New Year to you. Please don't get sick next year. I also wish you success in your endeavors, so that your hands do not hurt, and your legs walk smoothly. And so that your vision does not deteriorate, so that you can easily read newspapers and watch TV shows. I love you and hug you.

With whom else, if not with grandmother, do we associate the most beautiful time in life - our childhood? She took care of us with warmth and kindness, told wonderful fairy tales, wiped away children's tears of pain and resentment, gave the best and long-awaited gifts.

And now it was our turn to please the grandmother. Moreover, such a wonderful holiday as the New Year is on the nose! No doubt, she will appreciate the beautiful congratulatory poem that you will present to her on this day. It is not so easy to find suitable New Year greetings for a grandmother on the Internet, but on the pages of our site there is exactly what you need. Delicate lines soaked with kindness and love will surely touch and delight your grandmother. Trust me - it is very important for your grandmother to know that you appreciate her care for you. That is why the attention that you give her on this holiday, along with several beautiful quatrains, will be invaluable to her.

Grandma-grandma, happy new year, dear,
New Year's midnight, gray-winged midnight
Let it be filled with holiday to the brim,
Happy New Year, wish you happiness!

In the New Year, I wish you good health,
From wine with a fine tart aftertaste,
Grandma, darling, everything is with you as it should,
Let the year be as sweet as chocolate.

I'll try to please, of course,
So that you smile successfully all year
You pray for me, I know for sure
Happy New Year grandma! Long years, dear!

Happy New Year wishes to grandmother from grandson ...

What can I wish you, dear grandmother?
May the New Year bring you happiness
We will always be with you, we will be side by side,
Just do not know sadness, bad weather!

May the New Year bring mood
Joy, smiles may fill the house,
Sorrows and troubles will sink into oblivion,
All failures, of course, are scrapped!

May in the New Year, as always, from everywhere
It blows with your very tender warmth,
Grandma, I will obey you
With a granddaughter and a very dear heart!

Happy New Year greetings to granny

Sweet grandmother, may the New Year
The sea of ​​smiles will bring you
Every day, every hour
Pleases with meetings, grandmother, us!
I know your worries are not easy
Hands are warm, but feelings are soft
Let him add another New Year
Bright joy and kind trouble!

Oksana Varnikova specially for http: // site /

Grandmother and grandfather, dearest!
I want to congratulate you, my dears!
Happy New Year! With new happiness! I congratulate you!
I sincerely wish to live together for many, many years!
All problems, all bad weather, let them leave you
And let the smile never leave your faces!
May your grandchildren and children delight you
I wish you all the best in the world!

Herringbone - a thorn is on fire,
New Years will knock on the door today.
My dear grandmother, I want to say
I'm bored without you, I will wish:
Cheerfulness and spirit, fidelity, love,
You are like a friend to me, you live a century.

Congratulations, dear grandmother
Happy New Year, Happy Winter.
Sadness in your wrinkles, I know.
But we love you so much!

Be healthy, joyful, beautiful!
Delicate like fluffy white snow.
Be the same wise, perspicacious.
And love us all very much!

Love the New Year holiday
Our people for a reason
Every opportunity awaits
A clean slate.

Because I wish
Do not grow old and do not be sad
Love Granny yourself
And let's how to live before.

Get on your skis, weights in your hands
Boldly dive into the hole
You are an example to children and grandchildren.
We love you, so know it!

Happy New Year, beloved grandmother!
We wish you today.
Be healthy, happy, dear,
May God give you good luck!

Let your eyes shine and smile
Sorrow goes around all forever.
Let the fish fulfill wishes
You are our wise, kind person!

Grandma is the wisest in the family
Grandma knows a lot about me
Grandma will support, grandma will understand
Grandma will come to everyone's aid.

May this brightest, newest year
The grandmother will inevitably find happiness.
Be healthy, grandmother, always happy.
Save your smile, joy for years!
Anna Akmalova for http: // website /

Happy New Year, dear grandmother,
Affectionate, my kind.
It's good that you are next to me,
It's good that I have you.

I sincerely wish you, dear,
May this year be full
Happy days and moments
Without sorrow, sadness and hardship.

May ailments and ailments
The old year will take with him,
And your cherished desire
Let it begin to come true in the New Year.

The New Year is rushing towards us through the snow, cutting through time.
May he bring you happiness, dear grandmother,
Strength, vigor, health, many wonderful days,
To live - we do not grieve together.
You, grandma, do not be afraid of the cold in the winter quarters -
I will warm you all winter with my love.
Planida Natalia for http: // site /

Happy New Year, Granny, Happy New Year!
And let everything go on its own.
Let in the hours of New Year's Eve
We will be very, very happy.
May your health grow stronger
Let the good meet outside the door.
Accept gifts, dear,
I have you alone.