The most desirable gifts for March 8


On the eve of the 8th of March, men who do not like to go shopping, headlong rush to all kinds of boutiques with only one goal - to find suitable gifts for their ladies.

After all, something is needed, sisters or other relatives, female work colleagues, and, of course, a beloved woman. And how do you please all of them? After all, women are so picky and capricious. Yes, and modern manufacturers offer today such a wide selection of gifts for this holiday - that you can involuntarily get confused.

However, March 8 has been celebrated in our country for a long time. And during this period, a number of gifts were formed that millions of women dream of receiving on this day. Consider the 5 most popular gifts for women's day. Having studied this list, you can easily decide what to give women on this day, and they, in turn, will be satisfied with your choice.

Flowers, flowers and more flowers

The 8th of March holiday falls at the very beginning of spring. Therefore, flowers, both year-round and typically spring, every woman, young and old, dreams of receiving on this day. It is they who create this unique festive mood and the feeling of happiness and love, which are inevitably associated with the arrival of spring.

Moreover, a small bunch of tulips, daffodils or mimosas will be enough for some unpretentious girls. Other persons cannot be content with little; give them huge bouquets of several dozen roses. Therefore, it all depends on the preferences of your ladies and the size of your wallet. But one thing is certain - no matter what gift you choose in the end - there should be flowers, even in small quantities, on this day!

Box of sweets

On this day, a gift consisting of flowers and a box of good chocolates looks great. In addition, such a present is a good option for congratulating relatives, girlfriends or work colleagues. As a rule, many ladies have a positive attitude towards sweets, therefore, by choosing this gift option, you will definitely not go wrong. The only exception is that if the girl is on a diet, then it is better to purchase something else.

Cosmetics or perfume

Flowers are no less good in a gift, combined with perfume packaging or a set of cosmetics. Any girl dreams of looking great and being enveloped in an amazing scent. And in this she is helped by cosmetics and perfumery products. Therefore, according to polls, 30-35% of women dream of receiving this gift option. You can go even further and give a whole range of cosmetic services or spa treatments in the form of a certificate or a gift card - any lady will definitely be delighted with such a gift.

Valuable jewellery

But most of all, of course, any woman will be delighted if, along with flowers, you present a very small box in which there will be lovely jewelry dyeing: a ring, earrings, a chain with a pendant or a bracelet. There is never a lot of jewelry. Another precious ring or another bracelet will not hurt any girl.

Large expensive gifts

If finances allow you to make much more significant gifts, then you can consider options such as large household appliances (which, by the way, can be an ideal gift for mom or relatives), a fur coat (this is what ladies dream of), a tourist trip (and with this gift you will please yourself if it is for 2) or a car.

Surely the listed options helped you decide on gifts for the upcoming spring women's holiday. If you are still thinking, then there is always an option to find out or simply ask directly about what your ladies want as a gift. Of course, it is more romantic when you are presented with a surprise and you have no idea what is there. But still, it is much more pleasant to receive what you dream of, even if you hint about it in advance.

Andrey Alexandrov

The beginning of spring is pleasing and inspiring, but also alarming. If you haven't chosen good gifts for all beautiful ladies yet, it's time to hurry up. It is advisable to avoid boring and trivial gifts that every woman has assembled a wagon and a trolley over the years. In order not to run around the shops at the last minute, you should start your search in advance. And our list of the 50 best gifts for March 8 will help you make the right choice.

List of the best universal gifts for March 8

Often we have to choose gifts for people who know very little about their tastes or those who have everything they need. In this case, it is better to give preference to something universal. Traditional flowers and candies come to mind first, but this is too corny and predictable. There are better ideas, for example:

  1. Bouquet of sweets. It is beautiful, interesting, tasty and will appeal to most women.
  2. Scented candles that make wishes come true. Even if the recipient does not believe in the miraculous power of aromas, she will like beautiful candles.
  3. Vase. An interesting modern vase of an unusual shape will appeal to any woman, especially if there are beautiful flowers in it.
  4. Unusual mug. It may have an original drawing or author's congratulations. It's a good idea to have a photo of the recipient or even her favorite pet. Chameleon mugs that change color under the influence of a warm drink are also popular.
  5. Case for phone. If you know exactly what gadget a woman uses, then it won't be difficult to choose such a gift. A great idea - a personalized case or with an author's drawing.
  6. Mobile stand. It can be designed for a car or for a desktop. Women love gadgets that are beautiful and comfortable to make life more comfortable.
  7. Jewelry box for jewelry or other useful little things. Choose a beautiful product with a laconic design to fit into any interior.
  8. Frame. Another gift that is useful for almost any woman. You can insert a common photo into the frame if the recipient is a person close to you. Another option for a presentation is a stylish photo album, for example, handmade using the scrapbooking technique.
  9. Leather cover diary with original embossing. Women love to write down and control everything, so such a present is very relevant.
  10. Flash drive. All modern people use them. The design can be chosen taking into account the tastes of the recipient and your relationship. Both cool flash toys and beautiful jewelry and simple laconic memory cards are welcome.

Usually, generic gifts cannot convey your feelings. If you want to say something or hint to the recipient, use a postcard for this. All women read them and often even keep them as a keepsake, so write something from the heart.

List of the best gifts for hobbies on March 8

We usually know a lot about the preferences of loved ones, but choosing gifts is still not easy. Better to go for cute, fun and budget hobby items. They will appeal to your beloved, girlfriend, colleague, with whom you have a fairly close relationship and you know about her interests.

Good travel gift ideas:

  • Headphone cord holder. Most young girls find it difficult to imagine a trip without music in their ears, and your present will protect you from tangling the wires from the headphones.
  • Cordless hair dryer on batteries will help out when traveling if there is no access to the mains.
  • Road beautician. It will help you collect all the essentials and pack them conveniently and compactly.
  • Inflatable Travel Pillow will help out if you need to sit for a long time or sleep in an unsuitable place. It will save your back and neck from pain and help you get a good night's sleep.

The best gift for a traveler is the opportunity to travel to a new place. If the recipient is your favorite, invite her on a romantic trip, at least to a neighboring city, and she will be happy.

Many modern women cannot imagine their life without a car. Best gifts for car lovers:

  • Beautiful keychain, it is possible with additional functions, for example, a flashlight or a lock defrost.
  • Interior or trunk organizer so that there is always order in the car.
  • Eyelashes for headlights- a great present for a real fashionable thing.
  • Driver's license holder and other documents, so that everything is at hand and conveniently organized.

If the recipient of the gift is a real hostess, she will be happy with pleasant and useful gifts for the home. Best ideas:

  • Funny kitchen towels with a cool potholder-eight included.
  • Magnetic writing board on the refrigerator, which will always have delicious recipes and useful notes.
  • Beautiful apron to look stylish and fashionable even in the kitchen.
  • Bright cutting boards that can turn cooking into a holiday.

A business lady whose work and career are important in her life should choose a gift related to her field of activity or a classic accessory. Best examples:

  • Stylish wallet, just do not forget to put a bill or a coin in it for good luck.
  • Briefcase or leather folder, preferably from a reputable manufacturer.
  • Business card holder... It is suitable for storing not only business cards, but also bank cards or gift certificates.
  • Beautiful pen with personalized engraving.

Many women are fond of needlework. They will be delighted with any consumables and anything that will help create new masterpieces. Good Gift Ideas:

  • Soldering iron for rhinestones. He will help to decorate any product with shining stones.
  • Applications for fabric. If the recipient loves to sew, such an interesting decor will definitely come in handy for her.
  • High quality beads. Choose several packages of beads of the most popular shades, and you are sure to make the needlewoman happy.
  • Master class invitation the corresponding direction. The opportunity to improve your skills is the best gift for a lover of needlework.

If the recipient is an active girl who looks after her health and goes in for sports, you can donate training equipment or useful parasport equipment. Great ideas:

  • Compact collapsible dumbbells. With them, it is easy to diversify your workouts and adjust the weight of the projectile.
  • Gymnastic ball. It will help you do a variety of exercises that will suit even beginners.
  • Stylish bottle for water. It can be decorated with a print of the recipient's name.
  • Shaker for protein shakes. It will come in handy for a girl who is seriously involved in sports and controls the quality of her body and nutrition.

List of the best unusual gifts for March 8

What to do if you are tired of traditional presentations, and you want not only to please your dear person, but also to surprise? In this case, you should choose something unusual. The best options for original presentations:

  • Flowers in a vacuum. They are sold in sealed glass containers and will not fade for at least five years.
  • Floriana. This is a great alternative to traditional indoor plants - a mini garden at home.
  • External battery for gadgets in the shape of a teddy bear. A touching, cute and very useful present.
  • Bath table. On it you can conveniently place cosmetics, a book, a glass of wine and chocolate and anything that will make your water procedures even more pleasant.
  • 3D lamp. Choose a heart-shaped lamp for your beloved one or another interesting shape for everyone.
  • Pendant or bracelet with engraving. This is a good gift for your girlfriend or wife.
  • Sea waves projector. It will help plunge the room into the ocean depths and create an unusual romantic setting.
  • Chocolate figurine. Choose the shape that the girl will definitely like - a flower, a funny animal, an angel, etc.

For an unusual gift, you can come up with an original presentation to amaze the girl and make this holiday unforgettable.

Entertainment gifts are also very popular. If you know the recipient's tastes well, you can present her with a certificate for an unforgettable adventure. Just be sure to remember the age and state of health of the woman. It is not always worth fulfilling your dreams if it carries risks.

List of the best inexpensive gifts for March 8

If you don't have enough money to buy all the gorgeous presents for March 8, you shouldn't be upset. A good gift can be inexpensive and still delight the recipient. The best ideas for these presentations are:

  • Backlit headphones- a great option for the young and stylish.
  • An umbrella with a beautiful print or a luminous handle. For young people - a perky umbrella with ears.
  • Piggy bank with the first coin inside. An interesting idea is a piggy bank that picks up coins with its paw.
  • Towel, decorated in the form of a dessert, a toy or with a personalized embroidery.
  • Hairpin or hair tie with rhinestones, with a foamiran flower or other interesting decoration.
  • Gravyanchik. This is a cool toy, from which grass grows after watering.
  • Selfie stick. If the girl does not have such a convenient device for her "self" yet, then be sure to present it.
  • Handmade soap. You can order in advance several pieces in the form of letters of the recipient's name or choose a finished product in the shape of a flower or number eight.

Remember that even the best gift can be spoiled by improper delivery. Therefore, be sure to come up with in advance what and how you will say when handing over your present. And, of course, do it with all your heart and in the best mood.

International Women's Day is usually celebrated in the first month of spring. Although at this time it is usually still quite cold and frosty, our hearts are ready for the onset of this long-awaited spring. This is also the best time to once again demonstrate to your dear women (be it a mother, bride or spouse) how much you love them. In this article, we have collected the best gifts for March 8, so there is where to roam.

Top 10 best gifts for March 8

  • Car or apartment. This is one of the most coveted gifts that any woman would like to receive as a gift. As they say just like that, just because you are, and it doesn't matter that it requires impressive material costs - you can't forbid living beautifully!
  • Jewelry made of precious metal and precious stones. This is the classic that was, is and will remain the most popular and demanded gift option for a woman. No wonder one famous song says: "The best friends of women are diamonds!" Perhaps a gorgeous gift for mom on March 8th, by the way, will also suit his wife.
  • Fur coat. This is a rather expensive present for my wife on March 8, but if you have such an opportunity, why not ?! Perhaps every second woman, if not the first, dreams of a new and beautiful coat made of real fur!
  • A gift certificate for a visit to the SPA salon, which includes a full package of procedures. There, a woman will be able to perfectly rest, relax and just put herself in order.
  • Flowers! And do not believe those ladies who say that they feel sorry for the funds spent on the acquisition of this short-term joy! They are cunning and possibly check you for stinginess! This is the best gift for a girl on March 8, she will certainly appreciate it.
  • Real, healthy and delicious chocolate. Plain tiled or in sweets - does not matter. It just so happened that ladies of all ages like to pamper themselves with this delicacy from time to time. An inexpensive and good gift for a sister, a friend on March 8, in general, for all female representatives.
  • Soft toys, especially those huge ones, which will then take up a lot of the required space. Consider this a greeting from childhood!
  • Dear perfume of her favorite brand, or even the one she tries for the first time! In this case, you can choose perfumes together (which is very romantic) or get by with a certificate from the desired department of the store. Such a cool gift for mom on March 8 will certainly delight her.
  • Modern technology. It can be a new mobile, tablet or laptop. When it comes to mom, kitchen appliances, such as a blender, coffee maker or multicooker, are also suitable.
  • Package for two. This is a great way not only to congratulate your beloved, but also to have a good rest, escape from weekdays and gain new impressions, including from each other.



Do not despair if now you do not have the opportunity to present the lady of your heart with what she deserves - everything has its time. There would be a desire, but the means and ways to get what you want will always be found. Love and be loved! Share links and leave your comments.

Just a little bit more, and all the men around will go crazy with nerves on the eve of the most women's holiday of the year. And some are already starting to think about how to surprise their beloved girl on March 8th. So that you don't run around the shops at the last minute, we offer a list of interesting gifts that can be a pleasant surprise for your girlfriend.
Our editorial office employs mainly the fairer sex, so we know exactly what will please your dear and sweetheart. We conferred and decided to go to a meeting with the readers. As a result, get the 10 most desirable gifts for March 8th.

1. "Rafaello"

Instead of a thousand words - just one package of coconut tenderness with almond filling. An ideal option for those who value sophistication, warmth and care in gifts. Rafaello is an elegant present for sweet emotions. Gift decoration and packaging will satisfy any, the most sophisticated taste, and the sweets themselves will tell about your feelings in the best way. "Rafaello" is the most eloquent present for your beloved.

To order Rafaello at the best price, click on the button and install the application (you can buy, by the way, in addition to many more interesting things by March 8):

5. Diamond embroidery

Is your chosen one a true princess who prefers to while away the evenings doing needlework? We suggest playing on her weaknesses and presenting her with a diamond embroidery kit. What kind of beast is this? Let's explain now.

Diamond embroidery is an original mosaic made of shining rhinestones. On a durable canvas, a schematic drawing is applied, which serves as the basis for the future masterpiece. The girl needs to carefully glue the acrylic stones onto the fabric base. Tweezers, a saucer and detailed instructions are included to facilitate the painstaking work.

6. Pen-flash drive

An office worker or a woman manager will be incredibly happy with a pen-flash drive. This ergonomic device will become an irreplaceable companion for a beautiful lady. It can be used to sign documents and save files. The gadget will fit into any, even the smallest, handbag.

For minor needs, the best option would be a pen-flash drive with a memory capacity of 4 GB, but for storing weighty files, you should purchase more capacious models - with a capacity of 16-32 GB. And, of course, choose a stylish design that will accentuate the exquisite taste of the recipient.

7. Set for skin care

The sooner a girl starts to monitor the condition of her skin, the later she will face the problem of aging. Your chosen one will thank you so much for the set of care products. It includes: argan oil eye cream, face wash with donkey milk extract and green tea sheet mask.

The first product comprehensively moisturizes and regenerates the skin. With this magic cream, the beauty will forget about morning puffiness and dark circles. Light foam removes dryness. It gently removes makeup, transforming rough, sensitive skin into soft velvet. The sheet mask smoothes the first wrinkles and sets up an invisible barrier against negative external factors.

Felt hats are at their peak this season. Every self-respecting fashionista strives to get such a fashionable accessory into her wardrobe. Save your dear lady from the need to storm boutiques in search of a trendy little thing. Be proactive - give her a hat for March 8th.

Do not waste time on trifles and do not buy Chinese fakes. Pay attention to products made from 100% wool, made by domestic producers. They will fit perfectly and will not lose their shape over time.

In recent years, everyone has heard the wonders of Israeli cosmetics. Organic products are devoid of harmful chemical components, enriched with vitamins, microelements, natural oils. Most surprisingly, the positive effect is noticeable after the first use.

Take care of your dear woman by giving her a day moisturizer. It gently nourishes dry skin with moisture and literally breathes new life into it. Due to the high content of Omega 6 acids, the product activates and accelerates the process of cell renewal, which is very important for maintaining youth.

As unfortunate as it may sound, aging first of all affects the area around the eyes. This is where the treacherous mimic wrinkles appear. It is much easier to prevent trouble than to deal with it. Israeli cosmetologists have compiled a truly working formula that increases skin firmness and elasticity. It formed the basis of the anti-aging cream. Such a gift will appeal to all women without exception.

Essential water is the basis of the product, lightening dark circles under the eyes and eliminating puffiness. Avocado oils, pomegranate seed oils, citrus extracts and hyaluronic acid affect texture and moisturize. The components penetrate deep into the dermis, acting from the inside.

Men love to joke about socks and razors, which they often receive as gifts on February 23rd. They themselves are sure that they know how to make gifts. A recent statistical survey has shown that they are greatly mistaken. It turns out that women often do not get what they would like.

The most popular gift for women on March 8 is flowers. As many as 56% of respondents receive roses, mimosas, tulips on this day. Cosmetics are in second place (10%). The third place is occupied by sweets and sweets (8%). The fourth place is occupied by jewelry (7.6%), the fifth - wardrobe items and accessories (6%).

“It is not the gift that is important, but the attention,” 38% of the women who took part in the study try to rehabilitate their loved ones. 24% of the respondents are sure that the most important thing is the benefit of the gift, 9% of women are interested in the process of giving. But not all of them are happy with what they received.

“Men are very bad at reading hints,” says sexologist Elena Bekman, an expert at the international network “Training Center“ SEKS.RF ”. - Therefore, if a woman wants to receive what she wants as a gift, it is better to say it bluntly. Do not neglect his question "What to give you?" Surprise, as the study shows, may not live up to expectations. "

The best gift for March 8 is jewelry: 28% of women think so (this, incidentally, confirms that most Russians survived the crisis, since last year women were extremely pragmatic). 17.6% of the respondents would like to go on a trip. 13.2% would not refuse a car as a gift. 8.8% named the technique, and 3.5% prefer money. Also, women call living space (2.5%) and a fur coat (1.9%) the best gifts. Popular flowers got only 1.6% of the votes! 1.3% each received gifts such as watches, sex toys, a date, perfume, spa treatments and "everything from my husband." Interestingly, only 0.9% of girls dream of getting a marriage proposal on March 8. And 0.3% named a knife as an ideal gift. However, 4% of the respondents believe that the more expensive, the better - whether their men are lucky or not depends only on appetite and financial capabilities.

As for the most unwanted gifts, the statistics are as follows. Household utensils won the ranking - 20.7%. In second place is a cosmetic product (8.8%), in third place is a plush toy and unsuitable flowers (6.7% each). Also, women do not like to receive souvenirs on March 8 (6.2%), wardrobe items and accessories (3.6% each). 3.1% called a spare part for a car a bad gift, 1.6% dislike underwear and a book. Artificial flowers will not be appreciated by 1% of respondents. 0.5% each received gifts such as a box, a grass, a thermos, a candle, a fireworks, a slingshot, origami, a piggy bank, a cactus, felt boots, a Bible, a cat's mummy (!) And “myself in a ribbon”.