Sandalous oil from cellulite. Slimming masks with rosemary oil. Recipes mixtures with essential oils

The direction in aromatherapy, which is struggling with the manifestations of cellulite has long been popular among women seeking to have smooth, smooth skin.

It is not easy to achieve this, but if desired and perseverance, everything becomes possible.

It is believed that lipolytic essential oils are effective from cellulite. They are capable of splitting subcutaneous fat by heating and activating blood flow to problem areas of skin when applying essential oil.

Cellulite can be a serious problem for a woman, influence its self-esteem and psychological state. Lack of time, stress, lack of walks and active physical exercises are able to worsen the type of skin, not to mention the amplification of cellulite.

Essential oils stimulate the blood and lymphatic system, forcing the body faster to remove toxins. The use of certain cellulite oils establish the balance of hormones and remove the stagnant liquid from the tissues. Such an integrated effect is faster solves the problem of cellulite, normalizes aquatic, fatty and carbohydrate balance. After all, this is the manifestation of a systemic violation, to eliminate which the same persistent and functional approach will be required.

The final result will depend on the selection of essential oils, but they are not independently able to cope with the problem, because the physical condition of the body is needed, to establish the operation and recreation mode, adhere to rational, useful nutrition.

Concentrated essential oil from cellulite has a powerful, sometimes aggressive impact. This is explained contraindication for use of pregnant women. To slightly "soften" the activity of potent oils, they are recommended to be used in mixtures. This helps strengthen the effectiveness of some, and to reduce the aggressiveness of other aromamacete, which only contributes to synergistic influence. When preparing the mixture, it is necessary to strictly follow these dosages.

Attention! For anti-cellulite procedures, oils are used in pure form, which means their concentration and the possibility of manifestation of an allergic reaction. Be sure to pre-conduct the test on the sensitivity of each type of oil.

What oil from cellulite is better?

No wonder cellulite compared with the "orange crust." The most popular, read efficient ,. Similar and equally effective in the fight against the problem of uneven skin are recognized as oil:

  • lemon;
  • gerani;
  • lavender;
  • juniper;
  • neroli;
  • cypress;
  • chamomile;
  • castabre;
  • yarrow;
  • limetic;
  • fennel;
  • souls.

The anti-cellulite composition must include , and dill. They provide the alignment of substances in the norm, the removal of stagnant fluid from the body and stimulating the lymphatic system.

A peach oil is often chosen as the base base of the mixture. It is perfect for a long massage, gives the skin softness and smoothness. Forest oil has a tonic effect on the blood and lymphatic system, which has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

Recipes and methods of using oils

To achieve the result Procedures must be conducted by courses. Depending on the degree of cellulite manifestation, several months of compliance with the regime will be required. The effect will increase when varying different methods and alternating aromatic compositions. The best essential oil from cellulite is that forces to enjoy its aroma, gives a positive attitude, a charge of cheerfulness and energy.

Anti-cellulite oil massage

Massage with essential oil - Verified Cellulite

The procedure involves the impact on the selected areas of the skin of the mixture of essential oils, which is rubbed with the help of circular motions directed to the heart. Specially created rollers, massagers, rods from hubs, brushes made of natural pile and gloves are used to actively apply for problem areas.

Important! In stress and "weakness" of the body, alternate a massage procedure that stimulates the lymphatic system and soothing, relaxing complex.

The optimal proportion for the preparation of anti-cellulite essential mixture for massage is considered to be 10 drops of essential oil and 30 ml of oil base.

Massage Essential Oil Compositions:

20 to. Bergamot oil, 15 k. Geranium oil, 10 k. Muscat oil, 6 k. Cinnamon oil. Base oil - 4 tbsp. l.

6 to. Lemon oil, fennel, 8 to. Grapefruit oil (base - 30 ml.).

6 to. Cypress and geranium oils, 8 k. Juniper (base - 30 ml.).

4 to. Oil lavender and orange, 6 to. Lemon oil and juniper. Honey - 2 tbsp. l. Distribute on problem areas and vigorous cotton "beat" to white mass (duration of about 5 minutes). After washed with cool water and apply a suitable cream. This composition helps to get rid of cellulite and is very popular among women.

Essential oils for anti-cellulite wrapping

Effective and effective wrapping procedures with cellulite essential oils. There are many variations of the compositions, therefore it is not difficult to choose a miraculous recipe.

3 to. Lemon oil, lavender and juniper are added in 20 ml of base oil. Distributed according to the necessary sections, wrapped with a film and covered with a blanket. Applique hold 1 hour, after washed and apply suitable cream.

From white clay prepare Cashitz and drip 3 to. Orange oil and cinnamon. The course is 10 procedures, every other day.

Mix of 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 10 tbsp. l. Cocoa, 1 tsp. Olive oil and 10 k. Mandarin oils are applied for 1 hour.

Bath with essential oils from cellulite promotes relaxation. Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 40 ° C, and the time of staying in it is no more than 20 minutes. Oils are bred in a sour-colored product (kefir, yogurt).

Aromavandine is preparing with milk (1st art.), Salt of bath salt and 5 drops in a bath, filled with water half, add a mixture and dissolved. During the procedure, massage of skin sections with cellulite with a brush or rigid washcloth.

Mix in 2nd to rosemary, cypress and fennel. This composition stimulates blood circulation and provides metabolism to normal.

Any your efforts to approximate the desired result will be rewarded. Pleasant and charming flavors will give a minute of bliss while the active components of essential oils improve the skin structure and strengthen women's health.

Aroma oils possess a huge number of useful properties, they are actively used in cosmetology and medicine. Essential oils used special worship from time immemorial. One of the ancient admirers of Aromamacel - Tsarina Cleopatra was convinced that she retained the beauty and youth of their skin thanks to aromatherapy.

One of the main advantages of essential oils is the ability to effectively deal with cellulite. When applying aromamasel in the area of \u200b\u200bproblem zones, its active ingredients warm the skin, improve blood circulation as a result of stimulation of lymph currents.

Aromatic oils against cellulite.

Oil against cellulite you can use for rubbing problem areas, for massage and baths. Anti-cellulite massage with essential oils heats the fat cells, accelerates the metabolism, improves the process of skin regeneration. As a result, cellulite is effectively eliminated, the skin is smoothed.

The most commonly used in the complex treatment of cellulite The following aromamasla:

lemon, orange, grapefruit oil, bergamot, geranium, muscat, cinnamon, rosemary, cypress, juniper, fennel, lavender.

These oils can be added to the anti-cellulite cream to strengthen its effect.

Massage with essential oil against cellulite

An excellent means in combating cellulite at home is a massage with essential oils. For effective results, massage must be made twice a day. This procedure is not just useful, but also very pleasant, since in addition to therapeutic anti-cellulite effect you are immersed in aromatherapy session.

Many essential oils possess the anti-cellulite effect. For massage, you can take any one butter, for example, the orange oil against cellulite has been specially popular. But it is better to prepare a mixture of aromamamasel against cellulite.

To get an effective massage oil from essential oils, it is necessary to take oil based on the base (it can be any vegetable oil, but it's better - almond), and dissolve in it 3-5 drops of several aromamasel with anti-cellulite effect.

H3\u003e Efficient Cellulite Oil Recipe:

Ingredients: 5 teaspoons of base oils, grapefruit oil and bergamot - 10 drops, geranium oil - 8 drops, Muscat oil and cinnamon - 3-4 drops.

If you want to change the number of ingredients in the recipe, then remember that each of the aromaasel must be mixed with one tea-fastened base oil.

How to make anti-cellulite massage with essential oils?

Apply the cooked massage oil to the skin area with cellulite and massaging the skin for 15 minutes. Wash oil from the skin is not needed, it is enough to glow the rest with a paper towel.

Almond oil - The optimal component for the base of massage oil against cellulite. It completely dissolves any aromatic oils in itself, it also has a delicate unobtrusive fragrance, which allows it to be used as the basis for any aroma -cedore. The almond oil has a rejuvenating effect, as it accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, nourishes the skin, smoothes and makes it elastic.

Fragrant baths against cellulite

Essential oils are very useful to add to the bath. 5-10 Essential oil drops should be diluted in cream and add to warm water. Oil is also often applied to the pending salt, and then dissolve it in water. Such a procedure helps to improve blood circulation and eliminate cellulite tubercles. Bath takes 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a week with a common course - 15 procedures.

Go to section: How to get rid of cellulite: effective means

Wraps with mustard for weight loss and from cellulite

Various oils were used in the treatment of many diseases for a long time. They help with mental disorders, epilepsy or depression. Now also essential oils for weight loss. This is an effective method that allows you to get rid of the pair of extra kilograms without the help of specialists. More about essential oils from cellulite and for weight loss will be discussed in this article.

Often essential oils are used as a regenerative means after stress. After all, because of it, people most often resort to excessive use of sweets and other harmful products for figures. To this end, the oil of orange, roses and bergamot is perfectly coping.

Essential oils positively affect the metabolic processes in the human bodyTherefore, the regular use of geranium oil, lemon or ginger contributes to the acceleration of metabolism. In addition, aromamasla is able to clean the body not only from harmful toxins, but also from the accumulated fluid. Specialists recommend applying them from stretch marks on the body. With the help of oils, you can bring the body into tone for the shortest possible time.

How to choose essential oil

In nature there are many different oils that can help a person to remove cellulite and lose weight, but not all of them are truly effective in the fight against excess fat. Below are the most common essential oils used in medical and cosmetology purposes.

Table. Overview of the best essential oils.

Title Total photoDescription

With this, the means can be removed from the body an extra liquid, relax the nervous system, improve sleep and, of course, get rid of extra centimeters on the waist. In addition, celery oil is used as a cleaning agent. With it, you can clean the kidneys and gallbladder from stones.

This is a unique means capable of preventing the accumulation of toxins and liquids in human tissues. Rosemary oil stimulates the brain robot, as a result of which mental fatigue decreases and memory improves. It is also used when combating cellulite.

Excellent copes with cleaning of the skin from contamination and tone alignment. The cedar oil has a diuretic effect on the body, therefore is an effective slimming tool. Also cedar unloads sluggish fabrics, as a result of which excess fat, which is between them is stretched. Cedar oil is effective only with daily use.

Oil has antidepressant, severe, sedative and stimulating properties. This is an efficient and natural diuretic, so many people use lemongrass oil against cellulite. In addition, this tool increases energy and raises the mood, so it should also be used when dealing with depressive state.

It has a positive effect not only in the figure, but also on the emotional state of the person. The use of grapefruit oil helps to clean the body from cell toxins, so that it helps get rid of excess weight. The tool reduces the appetite, thereby saving from excessive tailed to food.

One of the most popular oils used by combating cellulite. Geranium oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the lymphatic system, cleans the body from toxins and improves blood circulation.

Another type of essential oil obtained from Fennel. It has diuretic properties, which is useful for weight loss. Regular use of fhenhel oil leads to the purification of the body from excess water and toxins. Thanks to all the above properties, Fennel oil is an excellent means to reduce body weight due to the destruction of subcutaneous fat deposits.

On a note! All essential oils that can be used to combat cellulite are divided into groups. Therefore, before applying, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the list and choose the oil that best suits you. Many essential oils have their own contraindications that need to be considered when choosing. Do not forget about it.

Methods of application

With a combination of different oils, you can achieve a better effect. The most popular recipes include:

Only when conducting an active lifestyle, compliance with a special diet in combination with the use of essential oils can be achieved the desired result. To avoid serious loads on the body, you need to do everything under the control of the specialist. Only he can choose the most appropriate course of therapy, which is truly effective.

There are special recommendations, subject to which anti-cellulite baths will bring not only benefit, but also pleasure. Add special oil made from essential oil and basics to the bath, and then you can take a bath. Otherwise, if you do not add a special base, the oil is simply not dissolved in water and the benefit from such a procedure will be little. These are special carrier oils that have a wonderful effect - they are capable of dissolving essential oils, which is very useful in the case of this procedure.

Jojoba oil can be used as the basis (tall and branchy shrubs, also known as Khokhoba), almonds. You can also use bee honey, cream or kefir. To dissolve oil, some use sea salt. It also has useful properties that complement the oil action.

Important! Do not overdo it with essential oils so as not to harm the body. It is important not the amount of ingredients, but their quality. Otherwise, excess of essential oil will not help you get rid of extra kilograms.

For one bathroom procedure, it is enough to use 5-6 drops of essential oil. If you greatly exceed the dosage, it may entail unpleasant consequences. A person may have dizziness or a strong headache. It is also not recommended to stay too long in the bath. It is enough 20 minutes to achieve the desired effect. Approximately 1-2 hours before the adoption of the bath is not recommended. This applies not only to the bath, but also other water procedures.

From the use of other cosmetics at the time of treatment with essential oils, especially during the bathing, it is desirable to refuse. It will be much more useful if you simply take a shower.

There is another effective procedure for weight loss using essential oils - it is wraps. In comprehensive therapy, the task of which is to eliminate subcutaneous fat, wraps occupy a far from a latter role. As the basis for the preparation of special compositions for this procedure, vegetable oil (linen, olive, almond, as well as cosmetic clay can be used.


Prepare a sour cream substance, mixing 3 tbsp. l. Cosmetic clay with a small amount of warm water. Then add to the resulting mixture of 8 drops of almond and essential oils (taste Choose yourself). Thoroughly mixing all this, apply the prepared composition with a uniform layer on the skin in the problem zone, wrap the film and cover the warm blanket. Then lie on the bed by choosing a comfortable posture, and cover warm things. In this posture, you must lie motionless for several hours.

Upon completion of the procedure, take a warm shower to wash off the residues of the compress from your body, and make a relaxing massage with the addition of essential oil. Perform the procedure regularly, but not more often than 8 times a month. The result you can notice literally through several such therapeutic sessions.


Mix in one dish for a few drops of juniper oil, grapefruit and lavender, then mix it with 30 g of the base. For the base, the grape seed oil is perfect. Mix all the ingredients before receiving a homogeneous mass, which you need to gently apply to the skin. After applying, rub the tool with your hands. Cover the problem zone by the food film and blame the plaid or other warm things. It is necessary in order to appear the effect of the sauna. After about 40-60 minutes, wash the remedy with warm water and treat the skin with a special cream.

Means NO3.

To prepare the basis for the wrapping procedure, you need to mix in a deep bowl of 3 drops of dill oil, lemongrase, lemongrass and cinnamon. After mixing, you need to add 200 g of sea salt, then mix well. As a result, you will have a scrub. Apply a little scrub to the skin and neat movements massaging the problem zone. After a few minutes, the tool should be absorbed into the skin, then cover the processed zone by the food film and a blanket for a couple of hours.

Upon completion of the procedure, take a warm shower, but from the use of soaps you need to still refuse. The regular use of this tool will help not only get rid of cellulite, but also smooth the skin, because of what it will look much fresh and younger.


Consider another recipe for the preparation of a special mixture used in overweight. To cook it, you need to mix a few drops of juniper oil, cinnamon leaves. Add some grapefruit oil. After stirring all components, add 50 g of the base to the resulting mixture. Cosmetic clay can be used as the basis.

Cooked with a small layer on the region of the body, which, in your opinion, you need to fix, and massaging with neat movements. After the massage, wrap the processed area using a food film, then wake up a blanket for 1.5 hours. As soon as the procedure is completed, the remedy must be washed in the shower. Use any means for washing is not recommended. To achieve the maximum effect, the procedure is recommended to perform 2-3 times a week, but not more often. A few weeks of therapy, your waist will significantly decrease.

As a conclusion

No matter which essential oil you choose for procedures, always remember the likelihood of an allergic reaction. First of all, it may arise in non-compliance with the recommended proportions.

To avoid negative consequences, be sure to test it before applying oil.

Video - Bath with Essential Oils

With unpleasant cellulite or "orange crust", almost all women face. His manifestations often do not depend on the age, the physique of a woman. Dear professional cosmetics promising rapid getting rid of the problem and perfect skin often does not help. Positive changes can be noticed only if you approach the solution of such a question comprehensively using essential oils against cellulite. To achieve the desired result, you should be patient and remember that their final result depends on the regularity of the procedures.

Considering the question of which oil helps to get rid of the "orange peel" on the skin, experts note that efficiency directly depends on the correctness of the use of the selected product.

  • Essential oil from cellulite can not be applied to the skin in a pure undiluted form - this is the main rule that should be remembered.
  • As basic products, it is better to use olive oil, peach, apricot oil. They are fatss and useful.
  • You also need to remember the correctness of the proportions. In the anti-cellulite mixture there should be 30 ml of the basic product and 10-15 drops of the selected essential oil from cellulite.
  • If this mixture is used to take useful aromavane, then first the mixture should be mixed with a small amount of sea salt. Mix thoroughly and only then add to the water. This will allow useful components evenly allocated all over the bath.

Rules for the preparation of mixtures of essential oils and their use

The mixture of etheric oils from cellulite must be properly prepared and used, it will ensure the beneficial effect of useful substances into the skin.

  • Mix the selected components is best in a small glass container.
  • First, the selected essential oil is added, and then the base product.
  • The mixture should be prepared in such a quantity so that it is enough for only one procedure. If such a composition is prepared in excess, then after some time it will lose most of its beneficial substances.
  • A good effect of the prepared composition will be achieved if it is used for anti-cellulite massage. At home, the procedure is better to repeat in the morning and in the evening. Self-massage can be first to make hands, then use a rigid sponge or a special veasage. This will ensure deep penetration of nutrients into the skin.
  • Useful additional component in the prepared mixture may be honey. Massage with such a component must be intense; It is necessary to pat palms over problem areas so that they flush, and white sticky foam has formed on the skin. This procedure should be carried out from 5 to 7 minutes, then you should take a shower using after it caring, anti-cellulite cream.

List of cellulite essential essential oils

Oil "Gold Apple"

Orange oil from cellulite and stretch marks deservedly in the first place in the list of products that help cope with such a problem and return the elasticity of the skin. The useful substances of the citrus product turns out to quickly break cellulite, significantly increase the blood circulation process. The skin in problem zones gradually begins to pull up. Such oil cosmetologists also recommend using women with dry skin type. Useful substances will feed, eliminate possible microcracks and inflammatory processes.

There are positive feedback for women who use such a product for the preparation of a useful mixture for home massage. Have to take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. basic fatty oil;
  • 2 drops of orange oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 2 drops of carnation ether.

Components mix, make an intense massage of problem areas. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day. Restorative therapy for the skin will last before improving or completely disappearing cellulite.

Cellulite lemon oil

From cellulite and stretch marks, many successfully use lemon essential oil. Professional cosmetologists recommend doing wrapping with such a useful product. It will help not only get rid of "orange peel", but also will allow you to reset a few extra kilograms. Useful oil substances contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, improve blood microcirculation process. The use of this oil from stretch marks during pregnancy helped many women to return confidence and forget about unpleasant traces on the skin.

Mandarium Oil

Mandarine oil from cellulite helps strengthen and noticeably tighten the skin on the hips, abdomen, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. Use such a product is recommended before and after pregnancy, it will help to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Grapefruit oil

The essential oil of grapefruit from cellulite significantly accelerates the Lymph current and contributes to the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body. As soon as the cells are exempted from unnecessary, excess water, they begin to fully eat with the useful substances that are filled with grapefruit oil. There is a process of normalization and improved blood circulation in the skin. With regular use of the product for massages and aromavand, you can see a significant improvement in the skin condition and a decrease in cellulite manifestations.

Juniper Product

Cellulite juniper oil contributes to rapid removal from the body and skin cells of harmful slags, toxins, extra moisture. It is necessary to choose a product made only from useful berries. It will be beneficial to influence the general condition of the body, clean the blood, bring urinary acid, the large cluster of which in the tissues and provokes the appearance of cellulite.

Mount Ether

The use of mint oil from cellulite allows not only in a short time to get rid of the unpleasant "orange crust", but also contributes to the acceleration of intracellular metabolic processes. This product well tones the skin, it begins to smooth out. In addition, if we turn on the oil into the composition of anti-cellulite mixtures, you can get rid of edema, inflammatory skin processes, relieve unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations. After applying the composition, a pleasant ease of all body and coolness will be felt.

Caululite oil

Choosing oils that will help get rid of cellulite at home, you should pay attention to cinnamon ester. In this product, a mass of beneficial antioxidants is concentrated, which slow down the process of aging skin cells. The blood circulation process is significantly improved. The walls of the vessels and capillaries are strengthened. Regular use of the product will make rid of cellulite and significantly improve the appearance of the skin.

Fragrant massage

Choosing the most effective essential oils from cellulite, a woman should know that the preparation of massage compositions with useful components will accelerate the process of getting rid of the "orange peel". Components should be selected correctly, given its skin type. You should also adhere to the rules for using the composition and the necessary dosage of each component. Cosmetologists offer women to take advantage of several compositions from useful oils.

Recipe number 1.

  • lemon oil - 5 drops;
  • juniper oil - 5 drops.

Recipe number 2.

The composition includes such oils:

  • rosemary;
  • gerani;
  • orange.

All components are added in the same quantity - 2 drops.

Recipe number 3.

  • bergamota oil, grapefruit - 10 drops;
  • geranium oil - 8 drops;
  • nutmeg oil - 5 drops;
  • cinnamon ester - 3 drops.

Recipe number 4.

  • coffee grounds;
  • tea tree oil from cellulite - 5-10 drops.

A woman can choose which essential oils from cellulite are suitable for her, picking up the most effective recipe.

The finished composition of intense massage movements is rubbed into problem areas. You can strengthen the effect using a manual massager or a special verge. All directions should be in the current limf. The time of the procedure is individually - from 10 minutes before half an hour. The use of such essential anti-cellulite oils provides an impact of excess fluid from cells, slags, toxins. The skin begins to smooth up.

Useful wrapping

Essential oils from stretch marks can also be included in the compositions for wrapping. Regular conducting such procedures will significantly improve the skin condition, reduce the manifestation of cellulite on problem areas. There are several simple, but effective recipes that can be used at home.

It should be mixed in an equal amount of oil:

  • lemon;
  • cinnamon
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • orange.

Lavender oil has a characteristic smell, therefore not everyone can use it. If such an additive is present in the composition, the lavender fragrance will additionally relax the entire body, helping to relieve tension and fatigue. The composition is applied to problem areas, after that it is necessary to thoroughly wind all the dense food film. You should lie to bed, look good in a warm blanket. After 60 minutes you need to wash off the residues of the composition, apply the nutritional cream. Do not continue such a procedure for more than an hour.

Clay wrapping

Essential oils against stretch marks and cellulite can also be combined with useful cosmetic clay and laminarium. To prepare the composition will be required:

  • white cosmetic clay;
  • leaves of laminaria;
  • orange or almond oil - 5 drops.

First you need to dissolve clay with warm water. The consistency should be homogeneous, thick. After this, add 3 tbsp. l. Crushed laminaria, essential oil, mix everything. The resulting mass to distribute over problem areas, wrap the food film. The time of procedure is 40 minutes, after which the composition is washed off.


Only efficient and best essential oils from the "orange peel" should be used for aromavand. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. A little sea salt should be mixed, solid anti-cellulite oil of orange. Components mix and then add to the water. You can take such a bath for half an hour.

You can also add 2-3 drops of cinnamon, lemon, rosemary and rosemary. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. Regular adoption of such aromavand in combination with wraps and massage will allow pretty quickly notice to improve the skin condition.

Fighting cellulite for many women is a daily, exhausting work on yourself. To complement the use of beneficial aromatic oils, which will get rid of stretch marks and cellulite, must be required by exercising sports, the right nutrition. Available, simple recipes will allow you to enjoy smooth, velvety skin without an "orange peel."

Essential oils from cellulite can become excellent assistants in the struggle for smooth, elastic and healthy skin. And it is not necessary to spend money on expensive procedures in beauty salons, radiating yourself on simulators in the gym, apply others, sometimes radical, measures to get rid of the hated "orange peel".

Such a manifestation as cellulite, maybe any woman or girl. No matter how many years she has, what is her weight and a complex. Increased cells, squeezing lymph nodes and blood vessels, can be on their legs, buttocks, abdomen.

Essential oils from cellulite with the help of one of the only fragrance effectively help us to save us from stress. And stress, as you know, one of the main reasons for the appearance of orange peel on the hips and buttocks.

Anti-cellulite aromatherapy is aimed at:

  • destruction of fat cells;
  • the withdrawal of excessive moisture from problem areas and getting rid of swelling.

As a result, a significant increase in the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

The effectiveness of aroma -cedore directly depends on the component used. The right choice will save from cellulite and solve the problem of weight loss if it is relevant.

Oil mixtures have the greatest effect: various components not only complement each other's action, but also enhance it.

However, multicomponent mixtures have one feature: essential oils from cellulite are added in the order of increasing their volume, and the latter is added basic (orange or almond).

Why precisely almond cellulite oil is used as the basis of aromatic mixtures? It is endowed with a unique ability to dissolve various oils. Plus its own beneficial effect on the skin, expressed in its pull-up, acceleration of metabolism, activation of regeneration processes.

Remember: the mixture should be freshly prepared. From exposure to air, the beneficial properties of essential substances are lost. Capacities with components are stored tightly closed and in a dark place.

Action of essential oils

What is the essential oil against cellulite can be used? It:

  • lipolytic (this group includes citrus);
  • lymphatic (coniferous and umbrella).

Lipolytic action provide:

Orange essential oil is more often produced from the peel and less often from the whole fruit by cold pressing. The result is a liquid of orange, yellow, sometimes brownish color, which, when cooling, is slightly crumbs.
  1. Orange essential oil. That girls and women who do not know which oil to choose, can be advised to start with the orange. It takes a leading place in order to lose weight and in combating cellulite. The oil "breaks" the orange crust is well, stimulates the lymph current, reduces swelling, softens and pulls the skin.
  2. Mandarin essential oil. It is especially recommended to use before and after pregnancy, because it warns the appearance of stretch marks and prevents the breaking of body contours.
  3. Lemon essential oil. It is often used for home wraps and massages. It removes the visible drawing of the vessels (mesh), burns fat, eliminates stretching and makes the skin amazing smooth. Used in aroma-processes for weight loss.
  4. Grapefruit. Accelerates the microcirculation of lymph, removes excessive water, restores the power of the cells, and also normalizes the fatty exchange and struggles with extra kilograms.
  5. Bergamot. Helps from cellulite and used for weight loss, tones and refreshes the skin.

Oils with lymphatic decrease:

  1. Cedar. Increases the turgor of the skin and regeneration, normalizes the lipid exchange, pulls up the shape. The skin will look young and healthy.
  2. Pine. Smoothes wrinkles, increases the barrier functions of the skin. It affects sensitive skin receptors, normalizing their physiological susceptibility.
  3. Juniper. Its action is aimed at improving circulation processes in all layers of skin. It has a powerful wound healing effect. Displays toxins and free radicals from leather.
  4. Cypress. Improves blood circulation and returns elasticity, eliminates skin irregularities. It has an anti-cellulite and antibaric effect.
  5. Caraway. Used in order to lose weight and normalize metabolism.
  6. Fennel. Updates the skin and removes the flabby. Performs "contour plastic" of the body and face.
  7. Dill. Removes swelling and improves blood microcirculation.

Anti-cellulite aromapars

In combating cellulite, use:

  1. Anti-cellulite massage with essential oils. It is carried out by rubbing the circular motions of substances into problem areas. The direction of massage is from the bottom up, this is how lymph movement is directed. Massage accelerates the Lymph and Blood and blood current, has a positive effect on metabolic processes. Cell power is improved, and fat cells are split. There is a significant improvement in the condition of the skin. Applied for weight loss. For massage, the base oil from cellulite or the oil mixture is taken, for example: geranium oil, orange and rosemary (2 drops).
  2. Aromathers. This is also a very effective and very pleasant way. The water temperature should be about 40 grams., And the duration of the procedure is half an hour. Bathtub with essential oils will help to relax, and active substances will affect your skin, making it beautiful and elastic. Bath recipe: take orange or almond oil (5-7 drops), add it to a small amount of olive, mix and pour into prepared water.
  3. Wraps. This is applied to cellulite places of essential mixtures and the subsequent wrapping of their food film. Then you need to lie down to bed, hide the plaid. After an hour, wash off the remnants of the mixture with water, and on the body apply a nutrient cream. Course procedures - 10-14 times. Wraps - an excellent way and for weight loss.

Mixtures for wraps:

  • take orange oil (10 drops), olive (1 tsp), honey (4 tbsp. l.) and cocoa powder (10 art. l.), mix;
  • mix the oils of lemon, lavender, rosemary and cinnamon in equal amounts, to take orange oil as a basis.

Important: Cellulite procedures are conducted by highly concentrated oils or practically undeveloped. This is done in order to achieve the effect on the maximum. Therefore, a test for toleability must be done, with each component individually and the mixture if it is used.