Scenario "congratulations to young professionals"

Teacher, in your name
Gorda is not only a school -
We say thank you
For the golden word.
You opened our eyes to the world,
For the life of the native land,
And he opened the doors to life for us,
Appealing to humanity ...
Live, teacher, and create
With a notebook and a pointer,
Burn with the fire of the teacher,
Be friends with kindness and a fairy tale.
Let everyone remember that day
When, a little shy,
He came to you for the first time
Do not dare to hand over flowers.
And, putting the bouquet on the table,
Hastily sat down at the desk.
And you entered the classroom with flowers,
With love and hope.

The profession of a teacher is very difficult, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically, it consists of difficult, but interesting everyday life. However, today our dear teachers have a professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations and wishes addressed to them. We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy Holidays!

congratulations on teacher's day
During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
Unknown in what year, in what region -
We will not forget to remember with a kind word
Your first teacher!
That, like chickens, she carefully considered us,
When I took it under my "wing",
When in the fall I warmly greeted
And she solemnly led the school walls.
Thank you for your word, for science,
For the hard work of mastered the basics,
For that call that foreshadowed parting,
For a bright moment and an eternal heart call! ..

He is always on the road -
In worries, searches, anxiety -
And there is never peace.
And a hundred questions on the doorstep
And you need to give the right answer.
He judges himself most severely.
It is all earthly, but it strives upward.
Do not count, perhaps, how many destinies
Intertwined with his fate!

congratulations to teachers
Each of us is ready to convey to you
A thousand kind and affectionate words!
From your yesterday, from the present,
From your students tomorrow!
Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth.
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
We tell you - thank you!
You will always stay with us,
Because we always need it.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

Who became a teacher will understand
What happiness is to be useful to people,
Teach His Majesty the people!
Bring him the spirit of wisdom and knowledge
And your kindness heart light -
There is no more responsible vocation on earth,
There is no more honorable and joyful one.

congratulations on teacher's day
On an autumn day, when at the doorstep
The cold was already breathing
School celebrates teacher's day
- A holiday of wisdom, knowledge of labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
Into these sounds that are dear to us
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe it to the teachers!
The bitterness of the first annoying mistake
The sweetness of the first hard victories
- Let everything be reflected in a smile,
Radiating wisdom and light.
You are always young at heart,
Sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our relatives,
Patient teachers!
You give us a lot of strength
And love - in spite of everything.
How do you believe in us! And, perhaps,
Nobody knows how to believe so.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
The candle of that faith will not go out
Without a teacher, there is no astronaut,
Engineer, poet, doctor.
Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
Your experience is a treasure of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundredfold more significant.
Teach light, sensitivity, truth
Our souls and our minds
Everything that you ask us in life,
We will try to fulfill it.

What to wish you, colleagues, on this day? Probably the simplest wish would be this: capable students, quiet lessons, attentive eyes, so that all the knowledge that you give to the young generation, they have learned only by "five". Well, and the most important thing that I want to wish is patience. Be happy!

Happy Teachers Day
There is no more beautiful profession in the world -
You bring the source of knowledge to children.
And our teacher is our idol,
With which we learn the world.
And on this day we want to promise you
That, having risen from school desks,
And we will be able to convey to people
Your work, warmth of hearts and search for excitement!

Teacher's Day is a holiday of knowledge.
What can I say now
To all my wishes
Have you rated the number five?
I want to wish you kids
The smartest and most attentive
Both girls and boys
Both capable and independent.

congratulations on teacher's day
How many springs have already flown by!
We cannot stop these years
But for you the main thing was -
Day after day to teach children.
Let the bad weather not look into your house
And diseases will not find roads.
We wish you health and happiness!
And thank you for your kind work!

congratulations to teachers
Teacher, school teacher!
You, worrying about us,
Ride invisibly into space
Go to the taiga to search
Into the wilderness over the wobbly dunes
In the sea on a frothy road ...
We are your eternal youth
Hope, joy, anxiety.
You still have no peace
Dedicating all my life to children.

On behalf of the leadership of this educational institution, I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday. Every year, every day you come to these walls to give knowledge to children. This is a very responsible matter, which each of you takes extremely seriously. I want to wish that this work will bring you only joy, that all students with your help become older and smarter. I want to say that I am very pleased to congratulate you on this holiday, since I myself am one of you. Our work, our deeds will never be forgotten, and this is probably the most important wish for any teacher! Happy holiday, dear colleagues!

congratulations on teacher's day
May failures not break you
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.
Long years and success in work
All children want to wish you
May successful years
Together with the birds of happiness they fly!

Dear teachers!
You pass on knowledge to children, and quite adults, and this is even more difficult than teaching kids. Your students have already gone through school, and now they are under your wing. We would like to wish each of them, with your help, to acquire the most interesting and useful knowledge. And personally, we wish you patience, fewer difficult days and a sea of ​​smiles from grateful students!

congratulations to teachers
Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
To those who have gray hair on their temples,
To those who are recently from the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered to be in the middle years.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches us to achieve victories in work,
To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Happy Teachers Day
Who will we give a bouquet to?
Who will always help you
With an affectionate word he will support
What he did not understand - he will explain,
Will he praise you for your success?
Who doesn't like quarrels and noise?
Who can't stand lies?
Who frowns angrily
If you can't learn a lesson?
Who will deliver with a smile
The long-awaited top five?
Who is always upset himself,
If you deserve a deuce?
This is our strict teacher.
This is our kind teacher.
Teacher's day today.
Autumn has painted the leaves.
Who will we give a bouquet to?
Whom do we congratulate from the bottom of our hearts?
Well, of course, our strict teacher!
Well, of course, our kind teacher!

Our young teacher
Thank you, you are so cool!
We want to thank you for everything
Let the holiday bring you only joy!
We wish you good deeds in work,
Teaching children is your destiny!
We know that you are the most beautiful with us,
Let success be everywhere and everywhere!

We want to say a lot of kind words,
We want to express our love!
You, teacher, though young,
But she is smart, and always kind to us!
You teach us to live correctly,
In life, always cherish friendship,
We congratulate you on the holiday,
And we wish you happiness now!

Our teacher,
Of course, you are older than us,
But you are still young!
We believe - forever!
We wish you on your holiday
Always happy to be
In your work - the main thing -
To love the disciples!

Our teacher, beloved,
Young, so beautiful!
We love and respect you,
Well, if sometimes we offend,
Please do not judge strictly
And forgive us, for God's sake!
We wish you success on your holiday,
And more fun and laughter!

Happy Holidays
Your teacher!
You are so young
But you teach us.
We promise not to be naughty
We will never,
And lessons to teach everything
We will always be!

Our teacher, we wish you good days!
You are young, of course, but we know there is no smarter
Tender and kinder than you! Thank you!
You give your kindness and affection to all of us!
Congratulate you on the holiday
We all want now
We love you, dear,
And you love us!

Congratulations, our young teacher!
We are very glad to have fallen into your hands.
After all, you were just a schoolboy
And you understand how difficult it is for us now.
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For an invention that does not let you get bored.
For a sense of humor and intelligence,
Doesn't let you shout at children.

Were recently behind the bench
You are at the university,
You are our young teacher,
You are the best in the world.
The whole class congratulates you,
Don't be hard on us
Today they will kiss you
Girls are touchy.

You came to our school for the first time
With excitement, trepidation, as in the first grade!
We want to congratulate you on the holiday!
Let your eyes shine with happiness now.
Always be wise, be on top!
And fair, kind and cheerful
Be patient and always love children!
Let every year be unique, new!

You have chosen the path of a teacher
A wonderful and correct way.
May there be a lot of strength and patience
They will have time to snuggle up to you right away.
Thanks for your efforts,
Thanks for your hard work,
May your wishes come true,
You will be happy.

Let quite recently
You began to teach,
A full member of the school
You have already become.
Further - a long road -
To educate in the world of knowledge,
You have a lot
For pets to explain.

Most recently, you studied too,
You were probably a good student.
And surprised all the professors
A meaningful and correct answer.
Perhaps sometimes we do not make you happy,
But congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Sometimes we just can't tell
And everything you say, we understand!

School, institute,
And again it's time to learn
Everyday tireless work
So to teach, so that they were eager to learn.
Smart and smart guys,
Strength of spirit, nerves to steel,
So that your demanded work
Was appreciated. To be respected.

Happy Teachers Day:

You are an older friend, an example for us,
In business, the leader.
Every class at school today
Congratulations, teacher.

Today you are from all of us
Get the bouquets.
We love you, you are just a class,
Happy holiday, teacher!

Were recently behind the bench
You are at the university,
You are our young teacher,
You are the best in the world.

The whole class congratulates you,
Don't be hard on us
Today they will kiss you
Girls are touchy.

Requiring no rewards at all
You work hard and the school is happy.
Then the grapes are green in the fable,
And in life, youth is a reward;
Let your friends envy you!
Let them not hide their surprise!
Let the path be easy!
We, too, cannot remain silent -
Please accept our congratulations!

Youth is not a hindrance to talent -
It is easy for you to teach adolescents;
I wish you happiness, patience and success
We want to wish today!
Here you are for a reason: fate's command
The path is destined for you great!
Please accept our congratulations,
Appreciating them strictly, but with heart!

Although you came to our class recently,
We have already managed to love you very much.
We are happy that part of the lessons
You are the one who reads here!

You are young, talented, wise.
And today is your holiday, no doubt.
And we want to congratulate you with all our hearts,
And we promise to delight you every day!

You just got up from your desk,
Not so long ago they handed you a diploma,
But you are no longer a graduate today
We call you our teacher.

We are happy that you came to our class.
We are glad that you share your knowledge with us.
And we congratulate you with the whole crowd
And we wish you many years of career!

Probably a young teacher
He still does not forget his school years.
But he is not at the desk, not at the blackboard,
and it is not for him to answer now.

But it is easier only at first glance,
And for him the lesson is now more difficult
He studied 5-10 years ago,
Now it's time for him to teach children!

A young teacher is not just a teacher,
He understands the problems of schoolchildren,
He is our friend, he is our advisor,
We are all glad that we got this!

And we know that he will be the same
That youth will not last for years.
Teachers work with children -
Do not grow old for them, then, never!

In a moment of despair, maybe you
It seemed: “Oh, how I was wrong!
Why did I choose this path?
How can I curb this evil crowd? "
Don't believe it was an inner voice!
With others, this has happened more than once.
Believe me, the class loves and listens to you!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts now!

Congratulations, our young teacher!
We are very glad to have fallen into your hands.
After all, you were just a schoolboy
And you understand how difficult it is for us now.
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For an invention that does not let you get bored.
For a sense of humor and intelligence,
Doesn't let you shout at children.


Dear friends and colleagues! For you
This meeting is like a holiday today.
Songs flow for you, warm congratulations sound,
These moments are so pleasant and memorable.
Each look wishes you good luck, patience,
And smiles, hope, strength, inspiration.
The family of teachers grows year after year,
I wish you happiness and success, teachers!
Congratulations to all those present,
We enter the school year together and boldly.
Accumulated for the vacation of strength, new ideas,
We are looking forward to our children at school.
In the meantime, let's rest, say, an hour or two,
We'll see the performances, let's charge into the battle!

/ Quiet music sounds - audio or piano, against which the presenter continues. /


Living life is not a field to cross,
It is very important to find yourself in it.
Happiness if it succeeds
And your work will be called a vocation!

/ Under any improvised melody, accompanied by a piano, the music teacher performs the introduction - "couplets" to the performance. /

An ordinary story, a little romantic
Sometimes we want to tell you a problematic one.
Atypical nature, pretty pretty,
Leading from childhood to maturity on stage to show.
All poetry, for the power of impression
We will put into the sounds of music ... to create, so to create.
We will invite the audience to participate, because we are one dynasty.
We want to charge you with an example of a delightful one!

/ The soundtrack of the song “School Years” sounds, and a first-grader girl enters the stage with uncertain steps, looking around. She is holding a bouquet of flowers and a briefcase. Then she sits down at her desk. The presenter, at the edge of the stage, or behind the scenes, continues. /


A student sat at the desk,
She really wants to learn!

/ The bell rings and the Teacher enters the impromptu class. At this time, the Disciple gets up. She can gesture to invite everyone in the room to stand. /


The teacher came in ...
The whole class stood up!


Sit down, children, and now
We will sail on a ship
To the wonderful world of goodness and knowledge.


The first teacher is our idol,
Creator of wonderful beginnings!

/ The teacher sings the first verse of the song “ What have chat at school ”. The student raises her hand "wanting to answer." The teacher approaches her, takes her hand and leads her to the edge of the stage. The second verse is performed by the Apprentice. The third verse is played in a duet. The bell rings. The teacher with flowers, the student with a portfolio leave the stage. /


Our first call was. Then
It sounded hundreds of times over the years.
I want to add between the lines
Favorite sang: "Home, freedom!"
Finished first grade, second,
After them the fifth and tenth ...
And now to your prom ball
Boys and girls came ...

/ The introduction of the song "Parting Waltz" is played. 3-4 couples, boys and girls, appear on the stage in a whirlwind of waltz. Our heroine is among the dancers. The ensemble of teachers, freely depicting communication, stop in two groups from different sides of the stage and perform the “Waltz of Parting” (… you hear the disturbing winds blowing). In the performance of the second verse of the song, the heroine joins the teachers. Couples are also whirling away from the stage. After them, under the last chords of the final loss, the teachers also “communicate”. One graduate remains on the stage - our heroine. /


I made up my mind today
Become a teacher without fail
Guys come to my class
And year after year, gradually
They are getting smarter before our eyes
Thanks to my efforts.
Will I be able to leave a good mark on fate?
So there is a calling!

/ The graduate leaves, the presenter continues. /


And went to college
She graduated with dignity ...
They are waiting for her in this class,
Here the contingent of children is deadly ...

/ To the music of "rap", the DISCIPLES enter with an imposing gait. Their roles are played by teachers. In a cheeky tone, without taking the gum out of their mouth, they are talking. /

1 student:

Today they brought a new chick
So that mathematics will lead us. Yo!
(Gestures with his hands)

2 student:

Where is Galina?

1 student:

We got it.

3 student:

And young, lads, I can't stand it!

2 student:

Let's arrange a meeting for her! ..


Then let the nerves heal! ..

/ They stand up in a circle, whisper, gesticulate, laugh./


A surprise for the teacher is ready.
Will he be able to pass the test? ..
To earn authority
It takes a lot of effort ...

/ The bell rings, and a young teacher, our heroine, walks into the “class” with a timid, hesitant gait. In her hands is a cool magazine and a pointer. /


Hello guys…
Let's get acquainted?..

1 student:

And we are always ready!

2 student:

What, lads, are we going to have fun ?!

/ The lads sing and dance to the soundtrack of the song “tu es fortu” performed by “In-Grid”. /

Students/ sing /:

So she entered the classroom
Holding my magazine under my arm,
She greeted, obviously thinking: "How good I am!"
But you can't take us to the show,
It's not our first day at school ...
Oops! ... Has your voice disappeared somewhere with excitement? ...
We cannot be curbed by threats or persuasion
And you shouldn't read lectures here about education,
Or throw a blizzard about the meaning of knowledge of sciences
We only love DISCO, the killer, caressing sound!

/ They dance to the loss. The teacher sinks into a chair in shock. The magazine and the ruler fall to the floor, but after a while, having regained control of herself, she gets up and with an energetic step in the rhythm of the music goes up to the students and sings to the same tune. /

Teacher/ sings /:

I quite understand you guys, yes ... music is great!
And what is important is that she is in the right place in our lesson.
Well, why strain your brains and take tests?
There is no need for a certificate to shine at DISCO before retirement!
To dress decently and go to a disco,
I need a co-consor for my uncle, or find my aunt,
They are given diplomas and a higher position, and ranks,
Only .. it is unlikely that you are in their role, the guys need!

/ The teacher is dancing. The students open their eyes wide, look at each other, shrug their shoulders. At this moment, the musical accompaniment changes and to the melody of the song “Hey, you are up there,” ZAVUCH enters the stage with a swift step. She sings with gestures. /

Head teacher/ sings /:

What is this "ta-ra-ram!"
Everyone quickly settled in their places!
I'm going to the director now ...
I will not spare any of you! ..

/ Appeals to the auditorium /.

And you, in the front row? ..
After all, I expect attention from everyone,
Well, they completely blossomed,
I'm in your class like hell! ..
Business time, business time
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ... / etc. /

The teacher / sings to the same tune /:

I apologize to you,
We'll sort it out quickly now
It ... was a surprise to me from the guys,
And none of them are to blame.
We all know for a long time:
Learning is expensive every hour!
We ask you, sorry ...
Forgive us one last time ...

/The chorus is sung by both the students and the teacher and everyone in the hall. /

Business time, business time
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ...
An hour of fun! / 2 times/.

/ The music ends, ZAVUCH addresses the TEACHER. /

Head teacher:

Now spend your lesson,
Then, go to the director ...

/ The head teacher leaves. The bell rings, the students noisily “run out of the classroom” leave the stage. The teacher approaches the stage paradise and, looking at the audience, sings an "aria of despair" to the tune of the song "Bel". /


I imagined everything completely differently.
Pain, first day, and immediately failure.
Like an impulse of despair in my soul to appease,
After all, I have long dreamed of becoming a teacher.
Well, how can I understand this generation? ..
How can I transfer my knowledge to them ?!
And you can't become limp, because I'm a teacher,
I must conduct my lesson with dignity!

/ On the last chords of the song, his head bowed, he leaves the stage. /


Days go by, life goes on.
Believe in a dream, and the finest hour will come!
Be persistent, kind, patient,
Decorate the work with a creative impulse.
Love your work and believe in its meaning,
Success always brings inspiration!

/ All the participants in the production go on stage and perform the song: “Everything is in your hands” to the tune of the song of the same name by L. Agutin. /

Autumn outside the window is spinning in the arms of September
The day was awakened by the tender scarlet dawn.
Festive flow again, fun to school
Childhood and dreams, feelings and flowers, and you ...

You know everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands,
All in your hands,
You know everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands,
Trust me!

The bell will ring and you will enter the classroom for your lesson.
Warm up the looks of restless children's eyes with your heart.
Happiness if the day is bright
And when he's in black
Do not shed bitter tears
Smile quickly and sing!

Chorus: the same.

If fate of friendship leads you to the boarding school,
A playful family will carry you to such heights!
So much will give strength and patience,
Craftsmanship and inspiration -
You can become quite
You are the head. GOROO or GUNO!

Chorus: the same.

/ To the applause of the audience, the participants of the production leave the stage. /

Our young teacher
Thank you, you are so cool!
We want to thank you for everything
Let the holiday bring you only joy!
We wish you good deeds in work,
Teaching children is your destiny!
We know that you are the most beautiful with us,
Let success be everywhere and everywhere!

We want to say a lot of kind words,
We want to express our love!
You, teacher, though young,
But she is smart, and always kind to us!
You teach us to live correctly,
In life, always cherish friendship,
We congratulate you on the holiday,
And we wish you happiness now!

Our teacher,
Of course, you are older than us,
But you are still young!
We believe - forever!
We wish you on your holiday
Always happy to be
In your work - the main thing -
To love the disciples!

Our teacher, beloved,
Young, so beautiful!
We love and respect you,
Well, if sometimes we offend,
Please do not judge strictly
And forgive us, for God's sake!
We wish you success on your holiday,
And more fun and laughter!

Happy Holidays
Your teacher!
You are so young
But you teach us.
We promise not to be naughty
We will never,
And lessons to teach everything
We will always be!

Our teacher, we wish you good days!
You are young, of course, but we know there is no smarter
Tender and kinder than you! Thank you!
You give your kindness and affection to all of us!
Congratulate you on the holiday
We all want now
We love you, dear,
And you love us!

Congratulations, our young teacher!
We are very glad to have fallen into your hands.
After all, you were just a schoolboy
And you understand how difficult it is for us now.
Thank you for the interesting lessons,
For an invention that does not let you get bored.
For a sense of humor and intelligence,
Doesn't let you shout at children.

Were recently behind the bench
You are at the university,
You are our young teacher,
You are the best in the world.
The whole class congratulates you,
Don't be hard on us
Today they will kiss you
Girls are touchy.

You came to our school for the first time
With excitement, trepidation, as in the first grade!
We want to congratulate you on the holiday!
Let your eyes shine with happiness now.
Always be wise, be on top!
And fair, kind and cheerful
Be patient and always love children!
Let every year be unique, new!