Secrets and features of the care of normal face skin. Normal leather

This type of skin is very rare and usually only in young, healthy people. On average, only 6-8% of adult women have normal skin. Normal skin is full of virtues. Natural acidic mantle, sebaceous glands and blood circulation function perfectly and without deviations. Normal skin Always clean, elastic, stretched, without red spots or inflamed areas. The first wrinkles on such a skin appear only after thirty-five, and then rarely visible.

What we do wrong if we have normal skin.

Error 1: Excessive passion for leather care products.
If you have normal skin, you can do the most simple and cheap tools. Many women believe that the more care, the better. However, it is precisely that harms your skin.

Our advice.
Normal skin requires less care, he should not burden it. In the morning and in the evening after cleansing, apply light nutritious or moisturizing cream on the skin. In most cases, it will be the same means. Cream with gentle movements stuck in another wet skin so that it will absorb better inside.

Error 2: unsatisfactory purification of the skin.
Normal skin has a strong "health" and the consequences of a careless relationship you not immediately notice. The girls often save time on the cleansing of the skin of the face, fall to sleep straight with makeup. After a while it will surely remind yourself. If it is not possible to remove the remnants of makeup daily from the skin every day, dust, sweat and skin, the film is formed on it, which is a favorable medium for breeding bacteria causing irritation and inflammation of the skin and even the appearance of skin fungi.

Our advice.
A two-time daily skin cleansing should be a habit. You are very lucky - your skin is fine tolerate any cleansing agent, even a simple soap. After washing for disinfection, blot the skin to the toilet water for the face with a small amount of alcohol.

Care for normal skin

Basic rules of care for normal skin.

In the morning, clean the skin with conventional water, foam or baby soap. Among young people, the soap is the most popular cleansing agent. For normal skin, it is very well suited. Normal skin quickly restores the natural acidic medium, which, after each washout, soap is easily destroyed. However, it is not necessary to use highly flavored soap views. It is better to take soft, non-unomainable soap varieties in the form of a cream, baby soap, or a cleansing facial foam. They contain so-called secondary fats that help their skin faster to balance the loss of moisture. Be sure to repent the skin toilet with the toilet toilet to the face so that there are no traces of soap. Watch tampon Moisten with water and soft movements to get a face to them.

In the evenings, use the cleansing moisturizing milk. Theoretically, people with normal skin can wash with water with soap in the evening. But it is better to use milk to remove makeup - it cleans the skin more thoroughly and gently. On the face, apply a big portion of the milk and gently cover it into the skin. Then remove the milk or a paper napkin, or wash it with a large amount of warm water. If you take off with a napkin cleansing with a napkin, then wipe the face with toilet water. The slightest remnants of cleansing products can cause allergies or anclamp.

Combine gel and liquid cream. Normal skin requires much more moisture than Sala. Perhaps it is best to suit light liquid or nutritious liquid cream. If the cream is very fat, it does not absorb, but remains on the surface in the form of a film, since normal skin itself highlights a sufficient skin. Moisture, on the contrary, very much needed skin. Thanks to her, the skin becomes more elastic and fresh.

Do not forget to sometimes present your skin gifts - masks for face From natural natural components.

Masks for normal skin

Nutrient mask with cottage cheese.
Carefully torn in equal ratios of cottage cheese, milk, carrot juice and olive oil. Mask put on face with a thick layer. After 15-20 minutes, wash off warm water and wipe the face and neck with a piece of ice.

Mask for normal leather from the rubbed tomato, egg yolk and starch.
Add 1 chicken yolk, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of starch and is well confused until the formation of a homogeneous mass. Then apply it to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wash warm, and then with cold water. Tomato juices nourish the skin, enhance blood circulation in it and protected from premature aging. Similarly, you can make masks from grapes and strawberries.

Fruit vegetable masks for normal skin:

Jelly-fruit mask

In a rascal yolk, add a teaspoon of any fresh juice and apply on the face. Flush first warm, then cold water.

Apple mask.

Grate half of the apple on a small grater, add 1 tbsp. l. Honey, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. Ascorbic acid, 1 tsp. Apple vinegar, 1 tsp. Vegetable oil, everything is well confused and apply to the skin of the face for 30 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Banana mask.

Peeled mature banana thoroughly strain in mashed potatoes and mix with a small amount of milk. Apply the resulting mass on face and neck and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash warm water.

Green salad mask for normal skin.

In finely crushed green lettuce leaves add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Prepare a mixture before applying, impose on clean skin and neck, keep 15-20 minutes. Fit first warm, then with cold water or cotton swab, moistened with strong tea. Mask do 1-2 times a week.

Equal milk whitening mask.

Mix 1 tablespoon finely sliced \u200b\u200bparsley green with 1 tablespoon of sorts (for oily skin) or sour cream (for dry skin). The mask is imposed on the face cleaned skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water or chamomile infusion.

Refreshing mask for normal skin from parsley.

The green parsley is finely cut, pour with water, bring to a boil and strain. Cashitz apply to gauze and attach to the face for 30 minutes. Then wipe it with a dry cotton swab. Mask is made 2-3 times a week.

Refreshing mask for normal skin from parsley and honey.

Mix the decoction of the greenery of parsley (30-40 g per glass of water) with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 yolk. Apply for 15-20 minutes, washed at first warm and then cool water.

Mask of parsley and dill for fading skin.

Parsley and dill greenery mixed equally, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist in a closed dish for 2 hours, strain. Mulle or a linen napkin moisten in the nasty, impose on the face for 15-20 minutes.

Mask from the plantain for fading skin.

The finely crushed planting leaves to fill with boiled water in a 1: 3 ratio, bring to a boil, boil 2-3 minutes, slightly cool and in such a form of a smooth layer on a predetermined mask of several layers of gauze, (with a neckline for eyes and mouth). Keep on the face of 15-20 minutes, after removing wash your face with warm water. Mask apply 2-3 times a week. The course is about 20 masks.

Medovo-glycerin mask.

Honey, glycerin and wheat flour taken in equal amounts, thoroughly stirred. The resulting mixture is bred with warm boiled water to the kashitz-shaped consistency, rubbing and impose on the face and neck. This mask cleans well and refreshes the skin.

Apple mask for normal skin.

Clear the apple from the peel and grate on the shallow grater. Add a tablespoon of olive oil, milk or sour cream.

Everyone wants to have a beautiful, smooth, smooth skin. But instead, women have to suffer all their lives from black dots, acne, red spots, pigmentation, peeling and other cosmetic problems. Only a few become happy owners of a normal type of epidermis, which does not cause special hassle. However, you should not think that it will always be so. At any moment, it can easily become too dry, too fat, problematic or sensitive. And then all the circles of hell will have to go through: salon treatments, cosmetics tons, folk remedies, treatment, advice of the dermatologist, etc. In order not to experience all this, it is necessary worthy to which, unfortunately, many are too frivolous.

First, make sure that you really have a normal skin type that needs appropriate care. If you will use cosmetics for it not to be destroyed, do not turn around the hassle. And the return to the initial state will not be. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that the epidermis is not overwhelmed, and constantly support the work of its sebaceous glands in order. Check out basic signs of normal skin skin And determine if you really are its owner:

  • clean skin;
  • matte;
  • elastic;
  • smooth;
  • fresh;
  • healthy;
  • smooth;
  • elastic;
  • no black points;
  • there is no sense of depression (especially in the morning);
  • acne and acne whether there is no trace;
  • color - "Blood with milk";
  • not peeling;
  • not annoyed;
  • stalling tolerates various nature whims;
  • contains a normal amount of fat lubrication and a normal moisture level in cells;
  • pores are invisible;
  • wrinkles are manifested with age, but not so sharply and obviously.

With all his ideality, normal face skin Also requires a worthy care to spend both strength and time, and even some of the money. It will be mistaken to assume that it will always have such - in the end you will have to look for funds and procedures for fatty or dry skin, which will require much more costs. So it is better to spend all the events in a timely manner. Start with the selection of necessary funds for this.

Helpful advice. Make sure you have a normal skin type, as follows. Take a paper dry handkerchief and attach to the forehead. Slightly push it with your fingers. Retrieve so seconds 30. Carefully inspect the other side of the handker, which comes into contact with the epidermis. If it has obvious fatty spots or remaining peeling, you are clearly not a normal skin type. After it, there must be minor traces of sweat and sebaceous sections.

Castor oil is a universal solution to the skin problems.

Subject revision all your arsenal cosmetics. To care for normal skin, need good and high-quality means. Are you enough? Was it no shelf life? Does your epidermis respond to them? Do they bring at least some results? Do you use them right? Do not go around by any of these moments if you want your skin always remaining the same shining and beautiful.

  • be presented in 2 versions: night and daylight;
  • contain an SPF filter to protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • include moisturizing components;
  • after 35 years - have rejuvenating properties;
  • feed the skin;
  • apply twice a day after washing (or after a mask).
  • Used with each face wash;
  • performs cleansing functions;
  • should not contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components, which are recommended solely for the care of problem, teenage skin and with acne disease;
  • gel scrubs are better not to use;
  • the content of alcohols should be minimal;
  • well, if there will be vegetable components in its composition (chamomile, aloe extract, calendula, tea tree oil, cleanliness, etc.), which are moisturizing, improves the complexion, align the texture;
  • after 25 years, it is advisable to use gels with fruit acids (grape or lemon), which will prevent premature aging and will not allow the skin to become overnight;
  • cream gels are heavy in structure, but they can be used to care for mature normal skin.
  • Nourishes antioxidants that impede aging;
  • neutralizes skin irritation after washing;
  • restores acidity balance;
  • softens rigid water;
  • is an antiseptic;
  • used after washing procedure;
  • you can wipe the skin several times a day.
  • Must be as soft as possible;
  • use it no more than 1 time per week.
  • Must necessarily contain the mark "for normal skin";
  • it can be nutritious or moisturizing;
  • look for the most natural tool, even better - prepare it from household foods;
  • she must go in a tandem with cream and scrub;
  • this is the basis of the care of the normal skin type;
  • applies once a week.
  • Rejuvenate: lemon, lavender, tea tree, rose, orange.
  • Clean: Rose, Bergamot, Orange, Lemon.
  • Toning: lemon, geranium, juniper, rosemary.
  • Soothe: Mint, Jasmine, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Chamomile, Naroli, Rose, Tea Tree, Bergamot.
  • Oilsman - for moisture.
  • Lavender - soothing acts on tired skin.
  • Mother-and-stepmother - makes her smooth and silky.
  • Petrushka - has peculiar properties whitening from pigmentation.
  • Dandelion - from pigment spots.
  • Rosemary - has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Chamomile - warns the early appearance of mimic and age wrinkles, soothes.
  • Chabret - moisturizes.
  • Sage - has a lifting effect, makes the skin of a young and shining.

Do not listen to those who say that the normal type of skin of the face does not require much care, since in essence it is ideal. This condition can end up at any time, as soon as the epidermis starts to age, lose moisture or the work of the sebaceous glands will be disturbed. To indulge it with this cosmetics to protect yourself from such troubles and extend her bloom with youth as long as possible. Well, of course, learn how to use it.

On a note. Cosmetic and essential oils suitable for care for normal skin type, add to the mask. Can be wound with champions and infusion of medicinal herbs.

Basic normal skin care rules Simple, but require regularity and do not tolerate a frivolous relationship.

    1. Watch out for the shelf life of the applied cosmetics for normal skin type.
    2. The line of cosmetics should be alone.
  1. Take care of the face from ultraviolet and frost.
  2. Arrange the day of the day.
  3. Normalize meals.
  4. Less smoke and drink alcohol.
  5. Fully sleep.
  6. Less nervous.
  7. Accordingly, the salon cosmetic procedures are as possible.
  8. If you occur any skin problems, please contact a specialist with a cosmetologist or a dermatologist.

If you comply with these recommendations for the care of normal skin, it will delight you with its constant blooming view, beauty and health. And these are saved nerves and means, compliments from surrounding, successful photo shoots and the attention of the opposite sex. So that all this is present in your life, go to search for relevant cosmetics, and our small rating will help you.

It is important. As soon as notice that the skin has become too overwhelmed or oily - change cosmetics to another line so as not to spoil her condition.

  1. Activ Retinol - serum average intensity for normal skin. Dermaceutic. France. $ 61.1.
  2. Fresh Aroma Therapeutic Cleansing Milk for Normal Skin - Aroma Therapeutic Cleansing milk For normal skin. $ 20.57. Christina. Israel. $ 20.5.
  3. AQUALIA THERMAL LEGGERA CREAM - Light cream with thermal water. Vichy. France. $ 10.8.
  4. Sea Herbal Beauty Mask Strawberry - Strawberry mask For the beauty of normal skin. Christina. Israel. $ 10.4.
  5. Lotion Toning for normal skin with stevia extract and antioxidants. Mirra. Russia. $ 8.1.
  6. Penka Organic for washing for normal skin. Organiczone. Russia. $ 5.1.
  7. Infinite Freshness for Normal and Mixed Leather - Double scrub for face. L'Oreal Paris. France. $ 5.
  8. Make-Up Expert - Moisturizing Cream fluid For normal and combined skin. Nivea. Germany. $ 4.3.
  9. Refreshing tonic For normal and mixed skin. Garnier. France. $ 3.3.
  10. Refreshing gel For washing for normal skin. Nivea. Germany. $ 3.2.

No need to use all this arsenal of funds. It will be enough to regularly apply gel, tonic, cream, scrub and mask. Everything else is at will and mood. The main thing is that all cosmetics make the mark "for a normal skin type." If you do not trust chemistry - pick them up my own way.

Nuances. The serum is a cosmetic concentrate and has a healing effect on the skin. Therefore, for normal type it needs to be used extremely careful.

Any cosmetic care product for normal skin type can be prepared at home, according to recipes.

Mix a tablespoon of jojoba oil, half a tablespoon of oil Enotera, add 15 drops of tocopherol in oil, 8 drops of the following essential oils: geranium, incense, carrot seeds. To stir thoroughly. Pour into the dark glass bottle with a comfortable pipette dispenser. Put in a dark cool place for a day. Before each use shake. Apply daily on the face after washing at 2-3 drops, rubbing over the entire surface of the skin. Shelf life is six months.

  • Home clean milk for normal face skin

Mix milk cream (50 ml) with egg yolk, add 20 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of brandy. Store in the refrigerator, preferably - in glassware. Twice a day wipe the face.

Mix a whipped raw egg with a glass of oily, thick cream, 10 ml of honey. Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Recommended for use for the night. Shelf life - no more than 3 days, in the refrigerator.

  • Home refreshing mask for normal skin type

Mix 20 ml sour cream with a raw egg yolk, finely shedding zing 1 lemon. Such a mask will retain the elasticity and freshness of normal, healthy skin.

Mix melon juice with the same amount of mineral water. Wipe the face twice a day.

Mix 1 ampoule vitamins A and E, 20 ml of cucumber juice, 10 ml of distilled water.

Mix 30 grams of natural coffee grounds with 15 grams sour cream (15%).

  • Homemade cleaning foam for washing for normal skin

Share 50 grams of soap base in a small bowl, melt in a water bath. Pour 60 ml of distilled water, add 10 ml of almond oil and wheat germs oil, 1 vitamin E ampule, 10 ml of honey. Beat Cool Pour in a comfortable container.

Children's soap bar chopped on a grater. Prepare 1.5 liters of infusion or chamomile beam. Mix them, put on a slow fire. Hold some time by stirring. Forming foam must be removed. After a complete dissolution of the soap fire turn off to wait until the composition cools. Add to it 20 ml of glycerol, 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E, a few drops of beloved essential oil.

Full normal skin care - A guarantee that it will always be in perfect condition, healthy and beautiful. The sooner you take care of this - the smaller the very troubles for you subsequently the same age changes. Relevant cosmetics, recommendations, rules, home recipes - take into account all these moments, otherwise it will then have to spend much more time and money to spend much more time and money.

Holders with this type of skin can be called real lucky, as it is the least problematic and is quite rare. Even its name already includes the concept of the norm: clean, fresh, elastic, it does not flag like dry and not glitter due to excess fat. It does not stand out so bright black dots, wrinkles or widely open pores.

Basically, women begin to worry about their skin care only when age-related changes begin to manifest. But in fact, the skin needs the right departure in his youth. Biological aging begins approximately fourteen - fifteen years, and at twenty-eight - thirty-first signs of wilting. What is well-kept skin, the longer it is saved from aging. But before starting proper care, you need to determine the type of skin.

Definition of skin type

In principle, the skin type can be defined in the youth: oily skin - a problem, shiny skin (in adolescence with eels); Dry skin is clean skin without acne, but with peelings. Combined - leather with extended pores and salinity on the forehead, nose and chin, while dry in temples and cheeks. Normal leather is smooth, soft, elastic with a pink shade, without excess fat or dryness.

If you still find it difficult to determine, clean the skin from cosmetics and, two to three hours after the wash procedure, blot your face with a paper napkin. If it remains an oily spot, the skin is fat. If not - dry or normal leather. In more detail how to determine your skin type, you can read in our article "Types of skin of the face. How to make perfect even problem skin? ".

Signs of normal skin

Normal face skin is elastic, clean, smooth, with good tone. It is elastic, fresh, no high dryness or fat, looks healthy. It is balanced in the content of fat and moisture, it does not irritate the wind, it is poorly influenced by heat, cold and temperature drops. Well tolerate soap, decorative cosmetics. Normal skin color is pink (consequence of uniform blood circulation).

Normal skin care

If you really were lucky and parents awarded you with normal skin, it does not mean that it does not need proper care. If you know how to care for normal skin, you can save its beauty, youth and blooming appearance for a long time.

With incorrect leather leather can be dry. So that this does not happen, do not overheat it with a strong tan. Refrain from frequent use of lotions with large alcohol content.

Cleansing and toning

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition and protection is what will ensure normal skin care.

Cleaning the skin of the face takes place twice: in the morning, to remove the remains of the night cream and the products of night vitality, and in the evening, to get rid of cosmetics and dirt, taking place on the afternoon. Use tonic or lotion, cleaning pores. They will give the skin freshness, restoring it acid-alkaline and water balance. In addition to purchased in the Tonic store, you can use cleansing tonic cooked at home.

Tonic for normal leather cooked at home

  • Cucumber - a mixture of coarse cucumber and vodka (4: 1) It is 4 - 7 days, focusing and ready for use.
  • Strawberry - ½ cup of strawberries + a glass of vodka, it insists 4 weeks, then focusing and continues to appease for another 2 weeks. If necessary, diluted with water.
  • From the pharmacy chamomile prepare aquatic infusion (1:10). Wipe the face several times a day.
  • From the plantain prepares aqueous infusion (1: 5) or boiled water with a plantain juice (1: 1).
  • From rice prepare a decoction (1:10) and used 2 - 3 times a day.

And the last two recipes whiten the skin.

Moisturizing, food and protection

Nutrition occurs with special creams and emulsions. They prevent premature aging of the skin, nourish it, eliminating peeling, and compensate for the loss of fat when washing. In the summer of the day cream, the owners of normal skin is better abandoned.

Protection provides daytime protective or tone cream and powder, protecting the skin from harmful external influences.

Moisturizing can be carried out with the help of cosmetics, as well as using cucumber cleaner or cucumbers, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin circles. Put them on your face and hold for about 15-20 minutes.

A good humidifier is also fresh potato juice, if you wipe the face with a tampon, moistened in it.

In the evening, removing cosmetics, wipe the face with cosmetic milk. Use cream or lotion to re-clean. About once a week, you need to pamper yourself with a mask or mask wrapping.

Cleaning the face must be systematic: use scrub, compresses from healing herbs or steam bath. Also good massage procedure.

Remember that it is necessary to wash the room temperature water. You can use contrast washing, which contributes to the best conservation of skin elasticity. If water is highly rigging, add some drinking soda to it. You can wash with boiled water or infusion from rosemary, mint and melissa. If you use toilet soap, it should be good, high quality and not dry the skin. You can also wipe the face with ice cube. After washing, the skin neatly blocked the towel and wipe the tampon with toilet water. Then you can put a day cream that corresponds to your skin type for its strengthening and nutrition.

Use only proven cosmetics of good quality. Do not save on your appearance, but also do not chase at high cost: the high price is not a key to excellent quality of goods. Take into account when choosing funds your age and take them only for your own, normal, type of skin.

Welcome to you, dear readers!

In order for a woman to remain attractive many years, it is very important to follow your appearance and maintain your health, you need to know how to care for the skin of the face.

Currently, natural, natural cosmetics pays a lot of attention, modern cosmetology

trying to adhere to the principle of "return to nature" using the gifts of the world of nature. At home, water and alcohol extracts from different parts of plants are used.

The health of our skin depends on the state of the whole organism, all sorts of violations in the work of our body are reflected primarily on the skin. In order for the skin to be healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to eat right and useful, abandon the bad habits, stick to the day mode, to be in the fresh air, to keep a mobile lifestyle.

Our skin performs a lot of features. Normal skin functioning depends on its health. Normal skin balance can be disturbed due to the harmful effects of the environment, stress, the use of unsuitable cosmetics, receiving various drugs. It can cause peeling and redness of the skin, early wrinkle formation.

Skin - human health mirror. If any violations occur in the body, it immediately reflects on the skin. How to save skin, slow down the process of withering, skin aging?

For skin, constant daily care is needed with the use of cosmetics. Wrong skin care leads to dry skin, irritation, the water balance of the skin is broken. You can always prepare useful cosmetics at home from herbs, plants, fruits, vegetables, using almost any natural products and their healing drugs.

Daily skin care includes:

  • cleansing
  • toning
  • food, moisturizing and protection of the skin from external factors.

The choice of method and facial care products depends on the type of skin. Depending on the content in the skin moisture and the amount of natural fatty fiber, 4 types of skin are separated - normal face skin, oily, dry and combined. You need to know what kind of skin type you have to successfully apply face skin care products.

Normal skin care

Normal face skin is smooth, elastic, matte, without superfluous shine, without defects, with a light blush, normal skin is relatively rare. Such skin is well tolerated soap and water, resistant to weathering. The main care for normal face skin is to maintain its normal functions, it also requires careful care.

Cleaning normal face skin is in proper wash, that is, cleaning the skin from dirt, sweat. Water is the best cosmetic. When washing the cells of the upper horny layer of the skin, together with dust, mud, fat, sweat, sweat on them. The cleaning effect of water is well supplemented with patting and stroking the face with fingers of the hands during washing. At the same time, blood circulation increases, the metabolism is accelerated, the nutrition and tone of the skin improves.

For washes, you need to use soft water, well wash melt, you can be frozen water. Rigid water water can be mitigated, boiling it or adding 0.5 hours. Spoons of soda per liter of water.

It is necessary to wash the room temperature with water, since when washing the face, the skin dries cold water, it begins to peel. Using too warm or hot water with prolonged use causes the expansion of blood vessels - the skin becomes sluggish, dirling, worse tolerates cold.

To wash the face with normal skin enough 2 times a day, in the morning you can wash without soap, and in the evening clean the skin, sinking with a neutral soap type "Children's" or "cosmetic".

After you werehed and wiped the skin with watering movements with a soft napkin or towels, wipe your face with a cotton swab with the infusion of lime color.

For the preparation of infusion:

One tablespoon of linden flowers pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, cover, insist for 15 minutes, fix it. Add in the infusion of 1/3 teaspoon honey. Well mixed, wipe the skin of the face and neck this infusion, let die.

Such an infusion additionally cleans the skin, makes it elastic and tender, prevents peeling. Infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Dry skin areas - the region of the eyelids, whiskey, nasolabial folds after washing, lubricate with a softening cream for 20 - 30 minutes, then remove the cream remnants with a paper napkin.

Cosmetic facial skin

To prepare a cosmetic agent, you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of green tea
  • 1 h. Spoon Fennel fruit,
  • 1 tsp of dry flowers calendula,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of apple vinegar
  • 1 h. Spoon glycerol.

Green tea leaves, Fennel fruits, dry flowers are pre-grinding in a coffee grinder, then pour 3/4 cups boiling water, insist 10 - 15 minutes, then strain. Add glycerin and apple vinegar. Finished means pour into a bottle. Cosmetics Store no more than 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Shake the bottle before applying, then use a cotton disk to apply an infusion on clean skin. The cosmetic means contains flavonoids, essential oil, provitamin A and other useful components. The tool perfectly tones the skin of the face, prevents redness and inflammation of the skin.

At night, normal skin of the face is useful to wipe with fruit or vegetable juices - carrot, cucumber, strawberry. They tone the skin, make it soft and elastic.

Cleansing agents for normal face skin:

- 1 h. Spoon of crushed parsley leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, strain. Wipe face with infusion in the morning.

- 1 tbsp. The spoon of the plantain juice is in water in the amount of 100 ml. Wipe the face with diluted juice 1 time per day.

- 1 Orange Clean, Sick Juice. Wath disk moisten and apply juice on the skin of the face, leave up to dry. Then beware of water room temperature.

- 50 g of dry rose petals pour the glass of boiling water, insist during the day. Perfect, add 1 tbsp. Spoon of glycerol. Wipe the face instead of washing in the morning or before bedtime.

- 1 Fresh cucumber Sattail on a grater, pour 1 glass of vodka and insist 7 days. Perfect. Wipe the face with this tonic 2 times a day.

Pink oil

- 50 g of dry rose petals Fill 200 ml of vegetable oil, heated on a water bath for 2 hours. Ready oil after cooling strain. Wipe the face of the face with pink oil, let me absorb. Oil residues blocked up napkin.

Look a little video:

How to determine your skin type

In the article How to care for skin face. Normal face skin The helpful recipes for cleansing and toning, feeding the skin of the face. Use these simple recipes for the care of normal face skin that are easy to prepare at home.

In the following articles of skin care, there will be many interesting recipes for nutritious masks for the face from natural natural resources.

Read also interesting articles:

How to cook a mask for normal skin

Be always healthy and beautiful, dear readers! I will be glad if you share an article with friends and express your opinion in the comments.

Most girls and women have any skin problems. Someone leather very quickly acquires fat shine, inflammation arise. Someone, on the contrary, very peeling dry skin. However, there are also happy people who do not have such problems. This is the owner of normal skin. Such skin is moderately moistened, not peeling and however, it is not inclined to be fatty or acne. Although it requires careful care. Consider modern cosmetics that will help ensure normal skin care..

Means for cleansing normal skin

Sure, the first stage in caring for any skin type is cleansing.. Since childhood, we are accustomed to wash in the morning and in the evening, but you need to do it not only regularly, but also right. With normal skin, it is necessary to wash with water room temperature, with a small amount of cleansing agents. If the water is cold, then the cleansing will pass not so effectively, and the use during the washout of hot water will result in rapid aging of the skin. So, let's see what kind of funds for the purification of normal skin offer us cosmetic companies.

CLINIQUE has developed a foam to remove the "Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser" makeup, which is suitable for different types of skin. It is suitable for removing persistent makeup and for easy skin cleansing from dirt and excess fat. Caromile extract included in the remedy acts as a soothing agent, preventing inflammation or pimples. After washing, the skin becomes softer and smooth. Also for cleansing normal skin, the refreshing tonic "Gentle CleanSers" from "OLAY" is perfect. Unfortunately, many means for cleansing the skin quite strongly dry it. But this tonic does not contain alcohol, its composition includes cucumber and aloe extracts. It not only effectively removes dirt and fat from the skin, but also restores it.

The company "NIVEA" offers our attention a refreshing gel for washing "Beauty and Freshness". It also does not overheat the skin, as it does not include an alkaline soap. But it has vitamins and lotus extract. This gel simultaneously cleans and moisturizes the skin, making it fresh and elastic. For those who prefer other means for cleansing the skin of the face, Nivea offers refreshing tonic, napkins and milk from the same series "Beauty and Freshness".

In order to effectively clear the skin from makeup, it will suit the milk to remove the makeup "Wheat and chamomile embryos" from the company "Green Mama. In addition to the cleansing substances, it includes such useful substances such as wheat germs oil, almond and sesame oil, chamomile extract, as well as Vitamins B5 and E. Therefore, this milk will not only remove cosmetics from the skin, but also naiphes it with a multitude of beneficial substances. And if in addition to cleansing you need a whitening effect, it is worth trying the cosmetic cream "TRAW and a dandelion root". Lovers of natural funds "Green Mama" offers a tonic gel "Aloe Vera and Lemon". It is based on an aloe vera puree, known for its healing properties.

Also for natural cosmetics lovers, Volshb has developed a foam for normal leather skin. This is a very gentle agent that can be used in the morning. It will not only clean the skin, but also napaood it with many beneficial substances, because its composition includes tinctures of various plants (red currants, rosehip, birch, cyprum), extracts of juices of various berries and calangean, as well as clay, sea salt, oil and microns Oat flakes, peas, rice and barley.

If your skin is normal, but still ordinary tools dry it, it is worth paying attention to the cosmetics from the Doctor Nature. Among all means for cleansing the skin, you can select a gel for washing, cleansing milk and tonic for normal and dry skin. Natural components that are part of all of these funds help the skin maintain a normal water balance and hold moisture. Also for daily use, a mud gel is suitable for washing. It consists of various minerals that promote skin improvement, as well as grape bone oil, vitamin E and seaweed.

Moisturizing Cosmetics

For effective moisturizing normal skin Clinique represents an intense moisturizing gel of the long action "Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief". Very gentle and light cream quickly penetrates the skin cells and saturates their moisture within 12 hours. He also has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, increasing its ability to retain moisture. It can be used as often as required, you can apply it even over makeup. OLAY offers our attention day and night cream from the Active Hydrating series. They not only moisturize the skin, but also protect it from the effects of the environment. With regular use, the skin becomes softer and tender.

For moisturizing the normal and leaky skin, the daily moisturizing cream from the Doctor Nature is perfectly suitable. He very gently falls on the skin, as if enveloping it. As a result, the required moisture remains in skin cells, and thanks to the cream of minerals and plant extracts, the skin also receives the feeding with the useful substances.

Nivea offers our attention a moisturizing day cream "Beauty and Freshness", which is suitable for the care of normal and combined skin. If you are planning to apply a makeup on the face after moisturizing, it will be an excellent tool with a daily moisturizing cream pre-makeup from Nivea. It is absorbed in just 1 minute, makes skin smooth and smooth. For simultaneous moisturizing and whitening the skin of the face will fit whitening moisturizing cream with SPF 6 sun filters from Green Mama.

Nutritional skin

As you know, about once a week, our skin needs intensive nutrition. To do this, you can do all sorts of masks. Nivea has developed masks for various purposes, among them there are cleansing, moisturizing, vitamin, soothing and honey masks. In order to effectively moisten the skin and get used with the useful substances, it is worth trying a nutritional mask from Doctor Nature. It includes the minerals of the Dead Sea and sodium hyaluronate. Such a mask will feel great and improves the skin of the face.

An interesting product is a renewing facial mask Turnaround Instant Facial from CLINIQUE. With its help, you can quickly improve the complexion of the face, make the skin smooth and fresh. According to efficiency, this mask is compared with microdermabrasia, but unlike this procedure, the mask does not leave redness. Lovers of natural funds will be necessary to taste the mask-film "The color of the linden and leaves of strawberries" from Green Mama. It narrows the pores, improves the complexion and, of course, nourishes the skin.

Funds for deep cleaning of normal skin

Deep skin cleansing can also be held approximately 1 time per week.. For this, various scrubs are suitable, gels - peelings, etc. Clinique has developed a cream scrub 7 Day Scrub Cream with rounded granules. After applying this, the skin is updated, it becomes sparkling and smooth, smoothed fine wrinkles. In order to thoroughly update the skin, you should try the thermo-active peeling Regenerist from OLAY. When in touch with water, this agent is heated and softens dead skin cells, and the exfoliating microparticles are removed. The effect of regular use of this peeling can be compared with professional procedures in the salons. Doctor Nature offers our attention to the "foam scrub". He gently exfoliates dead skin cells, improving her color and making it softer and smooth. Soft cleansing for normal skin will be performed and a scrub "Beauty and Freshness" from "Nivea". It at the same time deeply cleanses the skin and normalizes the water balance of the skin. Wonderful natural cleaning agent is a scrub for "cedar nut and Ussuri hops" from Green Mama. Thanks to the rich composition of this tool, it not only cleans the skin, but also drinks it with a multitude of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.