Verses of fiction. Card index for the development of speech on the topic: Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes in verse for children

We all know how children love all sorts of fables. The child writes with enthusiasm for hours: either about dad, who can defeat everyone, or about mom, who is not really a housewife, but an enchanted princess, and the inventor himself, it turns out, can fly, and does it every night after an evening fairy tale, but on the balcony he has a kind little dragon...

What young dreamers do not come up with! Dear adults, do not try to punish kids for what seems to you to be deceit and lies. Everything is completely wrong! It's just that your child grows up and develops, beginning to understand that with the help of a literary word, you can create your own unique world of fairy-tale heroes, unprecedented incidents and magical animals.

Legacy of buffoons
In Rus', for centuries there has been an unspoken school of oral poetry for kids from about 4 to 12 years old, where everyone showed himself with incredible willingness and enthusiasm, and it was called - fables.
The patriarchs of this merry genre in Rus' were, of course, buffoons - storytellers who were lucky for every funny word and song, who played around towns and villages, holidays and fairs on pipes and horns, such special three-stringed ancient Russian violins, so the people called fables also "beeps".
I wish I could travel back in time now, just to hear their sonorous voices! Learn from their sonorous songs how “a gray bear flies across the sky, waving its ears and paws, as well as directing its black tail”! And also about a hundred pounds of pike from the White Lake or about how a cup and a spoon floated on the blue sea! There was no end to the imagination of the Russian storyteller. He turned every deed into a song, he could ridicule and glorify anything. Over time, the genre of fables passed into the lot of small children and came down to us in the form of funny jokes:
Drove the village
Past the man
And from under the dog
Layut gate:
"Sentry, village,
men are on fire!
Women with a sundress
They want to pour!

Beauty! And the young inventor, who gave out such a horn in the middle of a childish game, was rewarded from other listeners with flattering praise: “Incoherent, incompetent, right on the top of Petya’s head!” The interest of the children in such shifters is not accidental - the reason for this is the effect of surprise, thanks to which the whole previously familiar world with huts, women, wells, cats, chickens and dogs suddenly turned upside down, and suddenly such an interesting “carousel" began, on which everyone self-respecting prankster wants to ride:

Thunder rumbles down the street.
Rides a pop on a chicken!
Timoshka on a cat along a crooked path!
Sat back to front and went to the garden!

In many fables, the technique of “reversing” ordinary situations is used, bringing them to complete absurdity. A similar technique of folk satire is widely used in fairy tales, as well as in comic examples of ancient Russian literature.

Between heaven and earth
Piglet rummaged
And accidentally tail
Clinging to the sky...
Club ran out
With a boy in hand
And behind him is a sheepskin coat
With a grandmother on my shoulders ...
The roofs were scared
Sit on a raven
The horse is chasing
A man with a whip...

Not only among the children, but also at the youth festivities, folk fun broke out here and there, and a wide quadrille rushed across the street:

Yes, and where is this seen,
Yes, and where is it?
To the hen
bull gave birth
The piglet laid an egg.
To the high
took the pole,
And the armless cage
Golopuzom in the bosom
laid down
And legless forward
Voiceless Guard
Yes, and where is this seen,
Yes, and where is it?

Farewell, lullabies!
The artistic world of Russian fables is special, fantastic, something happens in it that sometimes a little hostess really wants to turn into reality: “Our something hostess was smart. I gave everyone in the hut a job for the holiday. The dog washes the cup with its tongue, the mouse collects the crumbs under the window, the cat scratches the table with its paw, the chicken sweeps the doormat with a broom.
Nannies in patriarchal families were often 6–7 years old. Each joke, sung at the cradle of a baby, fully entertained the performer herself. These jokes consist of short rhythmic phrases that can be endlessly strung one on top of the other and create wonderful configurations of images and meanings, just as charming, eternally new pictures are created from colored glass in a kaleidoscope that never get bored.

Already you, grandmother Elenka,
You are such a craft
I mowed hay with an ax,
She sewed water with a sieve,
It was like that
On the pig for dinner
I drove up to the golden gate.
I saw men
with beards...
At the gate, at the gate people are having fun,
Flies play music
And the cows sing
Ducks - in pipes,
Crickets - in pushes,
Mosquitoes in axes
Cockroaches in drums...

Not only with images and forms, folk masters played tricks, but also with a simple word. The guys were very amused by such knick-knacks: “Now I’ll stab it like a cutter - you’ll kick with jerks!”, “I have a headache and the braid is tongued.”

Let's remember Pushkin
The parody of texts known to all was also widely known to the creators of funny fables.
Yes, we know this very well! Don't remember? With what pleasure did we retell each other at recess between school lessons the shifting text of Pushkin's Lukomorye?
An oak tree was cut down near Lukomorye,
The cat was slaughtered for meat
Mermaid in a barrel
pitched and
wrote: "Cucumber."
There on the unknown
Skeletons are jumping
on legs
And thirty
three heroes
Looking in the trash
three rubles.
And with them uncle Chernomor
The king stole a fifty-kopeck piece.
There is the king of Koschey
walks around the market
And it encourages speculation.
There is a stupa with Baba Yaga
with one leg...

Remembered? Which of us does not have a warm wave in our hearts when he hears: “I love a thunderstorm in early May, when thunder cracks, and there is no barn ...”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, and who gave birth to it?” or “it was on Sunday the 25th, the Germans were jumping from the balcony, from the second floor…”
Such clumsy things only at first glance seem like simple entertainment, but in fact they are a folk school of artistic and aesthetic education. The child, listening and telling a fable, is actively involved in the process of comprehending the text and placing the necessary accents in it, while coming to understand the conventionality of the poetic image as such, develops a sense of the comic (that is, a sense of healthy humor) and, of course, his own creative imagination .
Children's folklore is still actively developing today, so we can safely call ourselves and our children heirs of the buffoon tradition and apologists for Russian oral folk art.

Fables. Fables for children are short stories about phenomena and actions that do not happen in nature, about what actually does not and cannot be. Even our ancestors showed imagination and composed fables that were passed from mouth to mouth. These funny poems are very popular with children, in addition, they develop the memory and thinking of the baby.

What is fiction?
It means: Wolf and Lioness
Bring your kids
By car to kindergarten.
And then - sped off into the mountains
To work in the Children's City,
Where in the "Salon of Kindness"
Giving Squirrels flowers.
Now listen guys
I will sing awkwardly
A bull is flying in an airplane
The rooster plows on the pig.
The hog is flying on the fence,
Leaves are measured by arshin,
Collects on a needle
To avoid wrinkles.
A cow lies on a ditch
Girded with kvass,
The dough is kneaded and whipped
Runs a swan.
The horse ate grass, ate,
And she's sick of weed.
The horse came to the store
And I bought chocolate.
Because of the clouds, because of the mountains
Uncle Yegor is coming.
He is piebald on a cart,
On a creaky horse
Belted with an ax
wide open boots,
Barefoot caftan,
And a pocket on the head.
A hare sits on a birch
Smokes dried boots.
The telephone pole got married
I took the cart from the bull.
The bull got angry at this
And killed the samovar.
- They say: are you alive, healthy?
- No, I'm in the hospital.
- They say: are you fed up?
- No, I really want to eat,
I can even swallow a cow!
Murzik fashioned from snow
Two wheeled cart.
Dogs harnessed to it
They took the cat to the races.
The cook is riding on a plate,
Two pans in front
And the pelvis is behind.
The cook calls out to him:
"Where is my pelvis?"
Heard irons,
They hummed like bugs.
Heard the spoons
They jumped like fleas.
The poker went to dance,
And grab her to sing along.
Once upon a time there was grandfather Yegor
On the edge of the forest
He grew fly agaric
Right on top.
Elk came out from behind a bush,
Ate a beautiful mushroom
And Yegor whispered:
"You have to clean your ears."
A goat in a beard
Two frogs live
A bear sits on its back
Hold on to the ears.
The wolf worked as a shepherd
At the Preschool Farm.
Ride with a fiery whip
On a harmful cow.
Pas fidget kids
In the candy field.
He told them a secret
How to study at school.
And the boys are thugs
Pickled cucumbers in the field
Treated the shepherd
And they laughed: “Ha ha ha!”
A hare sits on a fence
In aluminum pants.
And who cares -
Maybe the hare is an astronaut.
You guys listen
I will sing awkwardly
A pig is placed on an oak tree,
A bear is steaming in the bath.

Under the barn two magpies
fried jam,
The chickens ate the rooster
They say dogs.
At the station in the new hall,
The cat is headless.
While looking for the head
Legs got up and went.
A cow floats on the river
Overtook the ship.
A crow stands on its horns
And rowing straw.
Grandfather curly without hair,
Thin as a barrel.
He has no kids
Only son and daughter.
A hare sits on a birch
Reads a book aloud.
A bear came to him
He listens, sighs.
Nonsense, nonsense
These are just lies:
Hay is cut on the stove
Rocker crayfish.
Early in the morning, in the evening
Late at dawn
Uncle rode on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And behind him at full speed
jumping steps,
The wolf tried to swim
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up at the sky
There's an earthquake
And from the clouds on him
Dripping jam.
You guys listen
I'll sing a lie to you:
Instead of a pretzel - donuts
The man swallowed the arc.
There is a cart on the mountain
Tears drip from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain
Puts on boots.
From behind the clouds, from the fog
A man rides a ram.
And behind him on mosquitoes
Children jump in felt boots
And the wife on a flea
Rides along the track.
Hedgehog sits on a pine tree -
new shirt,
Shoe on head
Cap on the leg.
Rides on a fox
hen riding,
A head of cabbage is running
With a somersault hare.
Catching a pike in the sea
fisherman's net,
swimming cow
In a cap of milk.
grain of wheat
The sparrow pecks
And the worm to the crow
Carries in a box.
A brick floats on the river
Wood like glass.
Well, let yourself float
We don't need plasticine.
This is a story about a hedgehog
He flies into his nest
A fly is also a plane,
Only very small.
Where is it seen
And in what village is it heard
For a hen to give birth to a bull,
Piglet laid an egg
Yes, I took it to the shelf.
And the shelf broke
And the egg didn't break.
The sheep fluttered
The mare clucked:
- Oh, where, where, where!
We didn't have it like that
So that the armless man robbed our cage,
The bare-bellied man put it in his bosom,
And the blind man was peeping
And the deaf man overheard
And the legless man ran after him,
The tongueless "guard" screamed.
I bought a lamb
Early in the market
I bought a lamb bagel:
For sheep, for sheep
TEN poppy rings,
NINE sushi,
EIGHT buns,
SEVEN cakes,
SIX cheesecakes,
FIVE cakes,
FOUR donuts,
THREE cakes,
TWO gingerbread
And I bought ONE kalach -
I didn't forget about myself!
And for the wife - sunflowers.

Lived once
Lived once
grandfather and grandmother
With little granddaughter
My red cat
They called it a bug.
And they are crested
The name of the foal
And they also had
chicken Burenka.
And they also had
Dog Murka,
And also -
two goats:
Sivka da Burka!

The rain is warm
The sun is pouring.
Miller grinds
Water in the well.

Laundress on the stove
Erases the trough.
grandmother in the river
I toasted the sieve.
"Two funny peanuts,
sitting deftly on the stove,
Picked watermelons from the apple tree,
They pulled carrots in the sea.
Crayfish ripened on the branches,
Seven herrings and ruffs.
All surrounding dogs
They ate swede from the heart.
Oh, there's been a problem:
The water caught fire.
For that happiness
For that time
I walked past
Lame Taras -
Lively put out the water
And he deserved the fame.
How he poured it
He didn't tell us about it.
Only heard from the side:
He put out his beard!
For help! To the big waterfall
A young leopard has fallen!
Oh no! young leopard
Fell into a large waterfall.
What to do - again out of place.
Hold on, dear leopad!
Come back, dear leopard!
Again, it does not come out in a popard.
I. Tokmakova
03/13/2007 05:09:32 PM, Yumiko

I do not praise myself in vain,
I say to everyone and everywhere
What any suggestion.
I'll repeat right away.
Vanya rode a horse
Led a dog on a belt
And the old woman at this time
Washed the cactus on the window.
Riding a cactus on a horse
Led the old woman on a belt,
And the dog at this time
Soap Vanya on the window.
I know what I'm saying
I said I'll repeat
It came out without error
Why boast in vain?
E. Uspensky
Warm spring now
Our grapes are ripe.
Horned horse in the meadow
Jumping in the snow in summer.
Late autumn bear
Likes to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ha-ha-ha!" - sang the nightingale.
Quickly give me an answer -
Is it true or not?
K. Chukovsky
Where do walruses live? In the rye!
Where are the mice? In water!

What do cats chew? Flowers!
And the hungry bull? Shashlik!

What did the moth eat? Beans!
What about a snail? Coat!

How does a giraffe sing? Tyf, tyf!
How about a barbie? No way!

Well guys, how are you?
- Fine! - shout the boys.
- Do you have any news?
- Eat! and the story began...
- I went to the circus not so long ago.
- I was on the river.
- It was fun, funny!
- Undressed and swam.
- I laughed to tears.
- And suddenly went to the bottom.
- There the dog was carrying a cat in a stroller.
- Shouted: "Sink!"
- There was a clown without a head.
- And then the guys went.
- The sea lions were playing ball.
- They saved me.
- Wait, friends,
I didn't understand anything...
Repeat everything to the point
Only - mind! - one by one...
Drove the village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking
The roofs were scared
Sit on the raven.
Horse urged
A man with a whip.
The horse ate porridge
And the man is oats,
The horse sat in the sleigh
And the man took it.
Typesetter's Confusion Here the typesetter mixed up the lines. Help me to understand

We are our sisters yesterday
They put it on the fence
Shocked, then beaten
There will be less dust in the house.


Today we are our carpet
They took me for a walk in the yard,
Rocked on the swing
And they gave me ice cream.

The gardener showed us such a garden,
Where in the beds, densely populated,
The cucumbers grew
Pomidi grew,
Radishes, chives and repus.
Celery ripened
And the carrots are ripe
The asparagus has already begun to crumble,
And such bottles
Yes furry pods
Every gardener would be scared.
The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log, fell into the swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting
With him, the poodle skipped along like an axe.
Ivan fell through a log into the swamp,
And the poodle jumped over the fence in the river.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting
With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.
Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle jumped onto the axe.
Daniil Kharms is my favorite!

Somehow I went...

I walked somehow
At dawn
Late, late
In the evening.
Bald stump
Sat in a beret
Covered with a fan.
Three frogs
On the birch
Vili Nest
And scared the bear
- On a visit
Invite a cat!
G. Novitskaya

The dog sits down to play the harmonica
Red cats dive into the aquarium
Socks begin to knit canaries,
Kids' flowers are watered from a watering can,
The old man lies on the window, sunbathing,
And the granddaughter's grandmother plays with dolls,
And fish read funny books,
Taking them quietly from the boy


With marmalade in the beard
To your papa
Swimming bear in a frying pan
For curly porridge!

Watermelon flies above the ground
He chirps, whistles:
- I am mustard, I am lemon!
I'm closed for renovations!

Once in a galosh village Horse
And she said: "I'm a horse!"
On the guitar, harmonica
I will make yokes!”

Yam-tiryam-tiryam, in a wheelchair
Two mustachioed pandemoniums
Barefoot, run-run
They catch the wind with their boots!

Here the blizzards are over
The stools have arrived
Elephants sing on the branches,
Hello first day of spring!

Shaft went to the dance
In a new hat from a saucepan.
Her cavalier was a broom,
He ate a dumpling from his hat.

The cat got drunk on valerian
Became a hooligan drunk
And for climbing to the mice,
He got it in the ears.

A buffet runs along the river,
It contains a big secret.
He acts in films
Everyone will love it!
In a wonderful country Irina Tokmakova

In one country
In a wonderful country
Where not to be you and me,
Boot with black tongue
Lags milk in the morning
And all day in the window
The potato looks like an eye.
The bottle neck sings
Gives concerts in the evening
A chair with curved legs
Dancing to the harmonica.
In one country
In a strange country...
Why don't you believe me?
All copy leg is tired


Basic concepts: definition, features of existence, terminology, features (figurative system, anthropomorphism, composition, rhyming), storytelling methodology, forms, genre models.

The existence of the genre. Fables, or fairy tales, represent a special genre of folklore, found among all peoples as an independent work of art or as part of a fairy tale, bylichka, bylina, buffoonery.

The genre is equally common in both adult and children's repertoire. The difference lies in the form. In works performed for children or by children, "fiction takes the form of a song, a rhymed sentence (counting), silence, teasing, pestle, etc."

Children are attracted to works where absolutely incredible events would develop; there was a rearrangement of the object of action or signs characterizing various objects; the functions and properties of one object were attributed to another. “Violation of the correct coordination of things causes laughter in children, and the more this violation, the stronger the feeling of funny,” noted O.I. Kapitsa.

Definition. Typically, researchers consider fiction to be “works of various genres that depict reality with a deliberate violation of the chronological sequence of events, cause-and-effect relationships, etc. and create an artistic picture of the world full of inconsistencies.”

Probably, the name of the "fable" was given by the performers themselves:

Allow me, brothers, a fable with pegs,

Non-fiction, but non-fiction.

I will sing the old, unprecedented, but not heard.

Their important property is alogism. The objective world, pets, birds - everything in the fables is shown from the "absurd" side.

The second property is due to the attribution to one object of the properties of another. It was noted, in particular, by K.I. Chukovsky, who called such works “changelings” by analogy with the English “Topsy-turvy Rhymes” - “rhymes inside out, changeling rhymes”. The name "shifters" partly coincides with the German name "Verkehre Welt" - "upside down world".

Studying, One of the first in Russian literary criticism, shifting songs was considered by O.I. Kapitsa, her conclusions were subsequently confirmed by the English scientists I. Opie and P. Opie in the book "Folklore and Language of Schoolchildren", published in Cambridge in 1959. Around the same time, V.P. Anikin fixed the double name of a similar form.

However, some researchers distinguish between them E.M. Levina believes that it is necessary to distinguish between fables and shifters. The difference between them is observed in the originality of the nature of the action: in fiction, anthropomorphism becomes the main principle (the performance of the work of people by animals, the acquisition of human nicknames and qualities by them).

In the changeling, reverse coordination takes place, the animals do the same work, but they do it in an unusual way - they mow hay with hammers, the caftan is sewn up with a broom. Temporal characteristics are also unusual: in fables, the disasters of birds and insects are depicted as a global catastrophe, in shifters the characters move across the sea on a sieve, confuse seasons and seasons.

Any deviation from the norm helped the child to seek and find his orientation in space. Associative links became such. The inverted world made it possible to look at ordinary things in a different way, to define them, to shade and emphasize individual qualities.

M.N. Melnikov clarifies that the analysis of texts published by V.I. Dalem, allows us to assert that fables were created by adults and for adults. Therefore, they cannot be attributed to the work of children; rather, we are talking about peculiar arrangements or adaptation of individual forms by the children's audience.

It is no coincidence that folk pedagogy actively used shifters, activating the cognitive activity of the child and forming his ability to see the comic:

Cat on a basket

She sews a fly

cat on the floor


Not so, cat

Not like that, baby

Not so skull

Our Ivan is well done.

Peculiarities. Fables are distinguished by the playful nature of shifters, Chukovsky considered them a mental game: "A child plays not only with pebbles, cubes, dolls, but also with thoughts." Having learned to put together past stories, the child begins to turn them into his own stories - "the thirst to play changelings is inherent in almost every child at a certain stage of his mental life."

Circle of images children's fables were predetermined by the conditions of peasant life, they included animals, birds, and insects familiar to a peasant child from childhood. Only they dressed like people: “a goat in a sundress”, “a chicken in boots”, “a duck in a skirt”. Animals performed the same duties: “a hen sweeps a hut, swept a hut, put a holly under the threshold”, “a cat crushes crackers on the stove, a cat sews a fly”.

The movement of animals into an unusual environment, where they were forced to act in an unusual way, led to the creation of a comic effect. It happened that properties of others were attributed to one animal: “a bear flies through the skies, waving its ears, paws, straightening its gray tail”, “a dog gave birth to a bull”, “a pig laid an egg”.

The main approach becomes anthropomorphism: animals, insects, birds dressed in human clothes and endowed with human qualities, properties and vices. They performed the same actions as people. People also worked and acted in an inappropriate environment: “men on the street of the zaezka (fishing stakes) beat, they catch fish.” Animals were used in an unusual way: “Foma rides a chicken, Timoshka rides a cat”; "A man plowed mosquitoes, drove with a baton."

Compared with fairy tales, the anthropomorphism of fables has its own characteristics. The similarity was manifested in the humanization of animals, however, in a fairy tale, the animal acts as a carrier of certain qualities: the fox was distinguished by a crafty disposition, turned out to be quirky, capable of theft; the bear, on the contrary, is always clumsy and slow-witted.

In fiction, the characteristic changes. Here are some non-fictional songs, in the first of them disguised animals are presented, and in the second - disguised animals are dancing:

Ulyana, Ulyana,

Get in the sleigh

Let's go with us

To a new village.

In the new village

In the old village

You will see a lot of diva:

Hen in earrings

Goat in new trousers,

Goat in a sundress

And the bull in leather

Duck in a skirt

Drake in necklaces

Cow in a mat -

There is none more valuable!

Our Danila

The cattle played

And cows and bulls

Adam's apples opened,

Ducks in pipes,

Cockroaches in drums;

Goat in a blue dress

In linen pants

in woolen stockings,

The ox and dances

leg waving,

The cranes went dancing

Show long legs

Boom, boom, boom.

A family of goats performs peasant work:

The goat grinds flour

The goat sleeps

And the little goats

They walk in the barns.

By shape a fable is a brief plot sketch, an everyday picture with specific content without a beginning or ending. Let's give an example of a fairy tale, where the characters are insects: cockroaches, mosquitoes, lice, fleas:

cockroach chopping wood

A mosquito walked on water

Got my feet stuck in the mud.

Flea raised -

Belly torn.

The louse heated the bath,

The nit cooked lye,

The louse went to bathe,

Fell out of a frenzy,

I hit the tub with an edge,

Thank God it's over

The whole world is tired.

The plot completeness of the description, saturation with specific details, visual inconsistencies determine the semantic capacity, accurate and spectacular transmission of actions.

Compositionally The flip-flop consists of scene-actions arranged in a chain and loosely connected to each other. In it, there is a rearrangement of the object of action or signs that characterize different objects. Sometimes this verbal fun "takes on the character of a slip of the tongue game":

Where is it seen

Where is it heard

For a hen to give birth to a bull

Piglet laid an egg

The armless man robbed the cage,

He laid naked in his bosom,

Legless jumped ran

The ending in the tales is missing or does not affect the main content, being perceived as a complete summary:

Nits lye alkaline,

The louse went to bathe,

Fell out of a frenzy,

Hit the tub with an edge.

Thank God it's over

The whole world is tired.

Some researchers believe that the beginning, on the contrary, plays an important semantic role: “it immediately emphasizes that we are talking about nonsense, that they didn’t believe in it.”

Narration in fiction is conducted from the first or third

Our Danila

The cattle played.

I lived with my mother

In a pine hut.

Slept on a pillow

On a feather.

The nature of rhyme in fiction is varied. The most common adjacent rhymes are:

And the owner puts on shoes on the stove,

And the bear is on the road,

And the pig under the bridge pushes oats,

And the frog sings songs in the yard.

An example of a cross rhyme combined with an internal one:

The goat sows flour

The goat is sowing

And the lambs are tough

They play flute

And white-sided magpies

Legs top-top,

And an owl from coal

Eyes pop-clap.

Often there are internal rhymes in combination with paired ones.


Young Thrush.

Changelings vary by genre model; sometimes it's a little joke:

Eh, my boots are on cotton,

And the undershirt on the violins.

Yes I'm on a piebald on a cart

On a pine horse.

But maybe a whole song:

The bast is girded by a man.

The village rode among the peasant,

Looking out from under the dog the gate is barking;

The gate is colorful, the dog is new.

The man grabbed the dog

And let's hit the stick.

The barn dog is squeezing

Yes, and ran away.

The hut came to the man

There, kneading a woman is kneading.

There are shifters in the form of a narrative:

I got up in the morning, put on my shoes on my bare feet, put on an ax, tucked three skis into my belt, girded myself with a club, and propped myself up with a sash. I walked not by the road; near the basts of the mountain tore; I went into a clear field, I saw: under an oak tree, a cow is milking a woman. I say: "Auntie, mother, give me one and a half milk in an unleavened jug." She didn't. I went out into the street: here a husky is dogging (meaning the dog is barking) at me; what do I have to defend? I saw: the road was on a sleigh, snatched the sleigh from the shaft, whip the husky and went home.

In this case, the plot unfolds as an unusual story that happened to the narrator himself. EAT. Levina believes that even in the case when there are "motifs of prosaic fiction, repetitions rhythmically organize them."

... Yes, not a chicken on the stupas of soyagnilas,

cow on skis rolled,

Yes, the pig made a nest in the spruce.

Yes, she made a nest and brought out children.

Little kids and piglets.

The little pig is hanging from the branches,

Hanging on the boughs and fly though.

eared pig

She made a nest on an oak tree,

piglet piglets

Exactly sixty.

Disbanded piglets

All in small knots.

The pigs are squealing

Yana wants to fly.

O.I. Kapitsa noted that the so-called "big songs" adjoin the fables. In most of them, the characters are animals that act like humans. She considers the following to be the most common: "Goat", "Owl's matchmaking", "Mushroom war", "Chechotka", "Death and burial of a mosquito", "Let's go, little wife, make a house", "I lived with the priest."

Similar songs by P.V. Shane calls satirical and buffoonish. “Almost all of them,” he notes, “are distinguished by a clear satirical character, the meaning and purpose of which have been smoothed out over time, as a result of which they have largely lost completely interest for people of older generations. But, thanks to the abundance of alliterations, tautologies and rhymes, as well as the ease of remembering their simple musical motifs, they themselves, so to speak, asked for their invaluable services to mothers, nannies, nurses, for whom they were the most desirable, the most convenient and appropriate means of borrowing and to amuse in a pleasant way their own and other people's babies. These little ones, having grown up and grown up to adolescence, begin to use these very songs and jokes with pleasure.

The lack of precise terminology led to the fact that in the first collection of "Russian Folk Songs" P. Shein placed these songs in the children's section, and in "Velikoruss" he transferred them to the group of humorous songs for adults.

Among the big songs, first of all, we will point out the song about the “goat” common among Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. O.I. Kapitsa gives more than 10 versions of the song. It tells that the beloved grandmother's goat went to the forest for a walk, and there he was torn to pieces by wolves. Professor V.N. Peretz points to the prototype of this song, which is in the collection of Polish songs by Gintovt and Rudnitsky, dating back to 1713.

Here is the beginning of the most common version of this song:

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother,

Grandmother loved the goat very much.

The goat decided to take a walk in the forest,

Gray wolves attacked the goat,

There were horns and legs left from the goat.

After each line, the chorus "That's it, that's it" and the last two words are repeated. Gradually, the text, simple in structure, develops into a song filled with various events, where a goat meets wolves and dies.

At the beginning, the grandmother's goat boasts:

Seven wolves to kill

Sew a fur coat for Grandma.

The goat turns out to be a coward and, when meeting with a hare and a fox, asks:

Are you not my death?

Won't you eat me?

Animals respond to this

I am not your death

I won't eat you.

I'm a hare

I'm already white.

The goat then encounters seven wolves who attack him. Grandmother finds only his remains and arranges a wake for her pet. O.I. Kapitsa also gives a version with a happy ending, in which the goat cracks down on the wolves and returns home unharmed:

Oh you grandma

You, Varvarushka,

Open up the gate

Take the goat.

The song ended up in a children's book and was widely used for pedagogical purposes. O.I. Kapitsa believed that she provided material for outdoor children's games with singing for little ones, since "of all the big songs, it is especially close to children in form and content, which explains its popularity." S.Ya. Marshak processed the song into a play for the children's theater and for the Petrushka theatre. Obviously, OI, Kapitsa has in mind the play by S. Marshak "The Tale of the Goat".

No less common in terms of the number of variants is the song “Woodding and Wedding of an Owl”, in which birds act. It has a distinctly satirical tone. The characteristics of the birds that are offered to the bullfinch as a wife are distinguished by their depiction. All of them are endowed with human qualities:

I would take a jackdaw - it is clubfoot.

I would have taken a crow - she is a black man.

I would take a swallow - she is fidgety.

I would take the cuckoo - it is dreary, etc.

At the same time, the groom is trying to find out the business qualities of his bride:

Do you know how, little owl, to spin, weave?

Do you know how to plow pashenko?

In the collections of children's fairy tales, the song "Mushroom War" is placed:

Started a war

In the middle of the day.

How to start firing

Only the smoke began to fall.

As they said to the war

All our village

Thought white mushroom -

All mushrooms Colonel,

Sitting under an oak tree

Looking at mushrooms.

He turns to different mushrooms, but everyone refuses to go to war: the mushrooms say:

We are rich men

Not guilty in the regiments

Openers answer:

Our legs are very thin

We are not going to war, etc.

Finally, milk mushrooms agree:

We are friendly kids

Give sabers, guns,

We are the protectors of the village

We're going to war.

Children's songs are a parody of historical songs composed at the end of the 18th century under the influence of the Pugachev uprising. The lyrics of the song ridiculed those who refused to go to fight.

The songs "Let's make a house, little wife" and "I lived with the priest" are built on a number of onomatopoeia and names that characterize animals. The first song lists the animals bought for the farm, the second - the animals donated by the pan to the worker for his service. Here is how the animals are characterized:

And the heifer is a braggart

My sheep mother-pester,

Kozinka is white-Russian,

Pig motley-speckled,

My duck is a float

My goose is a waterfly, etc.

Here is an example of sound imitation:

Kozynka - meke-keke,

Lamb - bya-bya, bya-bya,

Pig - ruffles, ruffles,

Turkey - shuldy-buldy,

Goose - ha-ha-gaga, etc.

The interaction of tall tales with literary forms. M.N. Melnikov and E.M. Levin show the appearance of changelings based on the book tradition: “A suitcase was sailing on the sea”, “A hut was walking along the bridge ...”, “It was in January, the first of April”.

There are parodies of modern popular songs:

At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut.

She cooked people...

In such texts there are motives of intimidation, organically included in the structure of the genre. This circumstance brings parody songs closer to "scary stories" and shows that the genre has not lost its popularity among modern children.

Readings. Most often, parents take them from the primer.

Preschoolers, and even younger students, get tired of reading textbooks from time to time. Then it is useful for them to throw something funny: short funny stories, fables.

We write about preschoolers, but working with funny short texts is even more useful for first graders. Here we also need to take into account the “clip attention” of modern children, which is quickly depleted. And such texts activate interest in what is being read. After them, it is easier to return to reading about something that is not very interesting.

Tales in development

What are fables? The definition for children is - it's all sorts of "confusion". This is probably the simplest explanation.

Fables (absurdities) are important in the development of children for the following reasons:

  1. a variant of the development of the mind: absurdity is not nonsense, and it is not always easy to catch its meaning;
  2. allow you to look at the world from a different angle;
  3. forms an understanding of the comic - a sense of humor.

Unusual and funny use of objects

To understand fables, all sorts of absurdities, it is useful to start work by inventing an unusual use of objects:

  1. Put a bowl on your head instead of a hat;
  2. Jump on a chair, as it has legs,
  3. Attach a bow like wings to a cat to fly;
  4. To catch fish with a pan;
  5. Take a washbasin instead of an umbrella outside in the rain ...

Words can be changed: say, for example, instead of "snowdrifts" - "snowballs".

Fables in verse

Tasks for finding and explaining fables in a poem

  1. Find the fables and underline them with a pencil.
  2. Show why this doesn't happen.

Confusion-Confusion 1

Warm spring now.
Our grapes are ripe.
Horned horse in the meadow
Jumping in the snow in summer.
Late autumn bear
Likes to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ha-ha-ha" - sang the nightingale
Give me an answer quickly
Is it true or not? (L. Stanichev)

forest fiction

Somehow in the summer on the edge
Three frogs were crowing.
The bunny ran up to them,
The beak opened and mooed.
An elk flew over them.
(Moose couldn't sleep.)
The moose shouted loudly from heaven:
- Hush, brothers, this is a forest!

Confusion-Confusion 2

A cat barks from a basket,
Potato grows on a pine tree
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate their appetite.
Ducklings croak loudly
The kittens are quacking.
The bulb crawled like a snake.
There was confusion. (V. Burykina)

Amazing garden

In my garden -
The crocodile is growing!
And in the Moscow River
Cucumber lives!
In autumn in the garden
The crocodile is up!
Cucumber in the Moscow River
Ate all the frogs!
I'm afraid guys
What's for this year
Will grow in the garden
Scary hippo.
And in the Moscow River
Bite on the hook -
How do you like it?-
Terrible zucchini!
Oh! When in the garden
Will everything be alright!? (Yu. Koval)

I don't brag about myself...

I do not praise myself in vain,
I say to everyone and everywhere
What any suggestion.
I'll repeat right away.
Vanya rode a horse
Led a dog on a belt
And the old woman at this time
Washed the cactus on the window.
Riding a cactus on a horse
Led the old woman on a belt,
And the dog at this time
Soap Vanya on the window.
I know what I'm saying
I said I'll repeat
It came out without error
Why boast in vain? (E. Uspensky)

Lived once...

Lived once
grandfather and grandmother
With little granddaughter
My red cat
They called it a bug.
And they are crested
The name of the foal
And they also had
Chicken Burenka.
And they also had
Dog Murka,
And also two goats:
Sivka da Burka! (Yu. Chernykh)

Confusion 3

Look at the bunny
Honey - two barrels full,
And no carrots!

And the red-haired squirrel
Three carrots on a plate
And no nuts!

And nuts - at the bull,
Two oak chests
And there is no weed!

And Petit-cockerel
Three bags of weed!
And there are no grains!

At furry bear cubs
The grains are in the bowl,
And there is no honey!

And Zhura-Crane
Three bowls of jelly
And there are no frogs!

And Masha in a circle
The frogs are croaking.
The frog is jumping -
What does this mean?

This means,
It's all mixed up here.
Now try it yourself
Put everything in its place! (V. Danko)

These poetic absurdities can be given to children by ear, offering to perform some action upon hearing a fable.

Stories are fiction

Purpose: search for fables and replace them with "ordinary" text

  1. Find lies.
  2. Retell the story the way it really is.

Fiction about Masha and mother.

This is Masha. She is six years old. Masha goes to work every morning. She is a salesperson. Masha has a mother. In the evening, Masha takes her to kindergarten. While Masha is working, her mother walks, has lunch and sleeps. Mom knows that in the morning Masha will come for her.

A story about a rabbit.

There lived a hare in the forest. He was huge, horned. All the animals were afraid of him. How to see who is hiding where. The wolf immediately dives into the river. The fish hide in burrows. The bear immediately flies away. And the fox peeps out of the hollow high on the tree. One gray mouse was not afraid of a hare. She was into boxing. He will stand in the way of a hare, but when he starts waving his fists. The hare never offended her. Only threatened to eat.

Huge untruth.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in the woods. A bogeyman like no other people or animals have ever seen. Once a hare came to talk. He sees a crocodile swimming. The hare shouted to the crocodile:

Swim here. I want to ride on you.

Crocodile says:

Hakhanki! Run along the water. Catch up, I'll ride.

Fiction about smart Vanya

Vanya heard that there is a fish swamp in the forest. There are even crocodiles. And the fish are invisible. Vanya went fishing. I put on a shirt with short sleeves so that mosquitoes would not bite. He put on sandals so that his feet would not get wet. I took a bucket without a bottom - to carry the fish home. Neighbor asks:

What will you fish for?

Hands. I'll grab my tail and won't let go.

How many fish will Vanya catch?

Fables invented by children

Purpose: inventing fables by the children themselves

After a short acquaintance with the "mixers" it is useful to invite the guys to come up with fables. Some people get very interesting, funny and understandable short texts for other children, as, for example, a seven-year-old boy wrote.

Fiction about potatoes with eyes.

Once upon a time there was a potato with eyes. The potato looked at everything around, and then told the other potatoes. Then she got tired of it.

How stupid are you. I'm bored with you. I'm going to see the world

She jumped out of the bag and went for a walk in the kitchen. And the owner was a witch. And she had a birthday.

Why are you getting confused under your feet, she asked the potato.

But the potato became proud and did not answer. Then the hostess turned the proud potato into a potato cake and served it to the guests for tea. And they ate it happily. (Kirill Tikhonov, 7 years old)

Fables help to understand the hidden meaning of the text. Funny short texts are also good for developing the imagination of preschoolers. Playing with fables, the child begins to listen to the word, which contributes to intuition.