Dry and sensitive skin. What does the sensitive skin of the face look like? Dry sensitive skin on the face

Many people think that sensitive skin is this type of skin. It's not like that at all. Sensitivity is an inadequate (abnormal) response of the skin to various factors. Typical symptoms of sensitivity are irritation, redness, a feeling of tension, flaking and itching. They appear as a reaction to cosmetic procedures, as well as to cold, sun or polluted air.

Memo for owners of sensitive skin

So, if you are the owner of sensitive skin, it is good for you to know:

To prevent irritation from bacteria, try adding a little vinegar to your bath. This remedy is especially useful in the summer. When it comes to your choice of cosmetics, choose a few dermatologist-approved brands.

If possible, beverages containing caffeine and alcohol, as well as spicy foods, should be excluded from the diet. Foods that include potential allergens should also be avoided.

Be sure to use sunscreen, even during the winter months. Stop using new cosmetics without testing it first. To check, apply a little product to the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction of the skin over the next 24 hours.

It is important to choose the right moisturizer that contains natural oils and is free of any fragrances. To moisturize your skin well and provide it with proper nutrition, moisturizers need to be applied in several layers.

Caring for this type of skin involves drinking plenty of clean water (about 2-3 liters daily). Do not overuse cleansers: By removing the protective barrier, you open the way for dirt and bacteria.

Sensitive skin masks

Masks are one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. According to experts, masks act on the skin much more energetically than creams and other cosmetics. But you need to remember that for sensitive skin, you should choose softening and nourishing masks. They nourish the skin, accelerate metabolic processes, and give the face freshness. Masks should be done at least 1-2 times a week.

Rules for the use of masks

It must be remembered that homemade masks for sensitive skin must be used very carefully so as not to harm yourself. The rules are simple, but they require strict adherence.

  • Any mask should be tested for at least 20 minutes at the bend of the elbow or wrist. If after this period of time irritation and itching do not appear, the mask can be safely applied.
  • It is not necessary to cleanse the skin with scrubs before using the mask: they can injure it.
  • Do not apply a thick layer of masks on sensitive skin: its thin skin will not withstand such a load.
  • As soon as you feel the slightest burning sensation under the mask, stop the procedure immediately.
  • There is no need to overexpose such masks on the face: 10-15 minutes is usually enough for their full effect on the cells.
  • It is recommended to wash off masks for sensitive skin with lukewarm water and do not wipe off after washing with a towel, so as not to injure the skin.
  • After the mask, be sure to apply your daily nourishing (or protective) cream to the skin to consolidate the result.

Only with strict observance of all these rules can we expect the effect of masks for sensitive skin, prepared at home.

Mask recipes

Cottage cheese mask for sensitive skin

Mix home cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with warm low-fat milk (1 tablespoon), cucumber pulp (1 tablespoon). Action time - 15 minutes. The frequency of use is once a week.

Sour cream mask

Mix the pre-beaten yolk of one egg with two tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of carrot juice. Apply the mask to the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mask of cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrot

For sensitive skin, a mask made from cottage cheese, milk, banana and carrots will be useful. For this purpose, take 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, mashed banana pulp and grated carrots, and add 2 tablespoons to them. milk. Then the resulting mixture is thoroughly ground. This mask is applied for 15 minutes.

Oatmeal face mask

2 tbsp. l. of ground oatmeal mix with 3 tbsp. milk; after the flakes swell, apply the mass on the face and neck and hold for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask.

Carrot and egg mask

Grate 1-2 carrots, mix with 1 yolk and apply on face for 20-25 minutes.

Rinse off the mask with warm boiled water. Course - 1-2 times a week.

Soothing Cabbage Mask

This mask is very useful for dehydrated, sensitive skin.

Grind a little white cabbage with a food processor or a knife.

We cleanse the skin with your favorite facial milk.

Then we massage the face with olive oil.

And only then we apply the cabbage gruel to the face.

We hold for 15 minutes.

We wash with lukewarm water.

Most common mistakes

Error 1: stress Sensitive skin does not tolerate haste and nervous stress and reacts to them with unexpected redness, spots and itching.

Advice. It is necessary to try to "respond" to stressful situations with exercises that discharge the nervous system. Yoga and auto-training are ideal. Therapists say with confidence that inner calmness and balance can stabilize the skin condition for a long time.

Error 2: coffee and the like. Coffee, black tea, cola, champagne? these pleasures are not for people with sensitive skin. They strongly stimulate blood circulation and increase anxiety. This is what leads to the appearance of red spots and irritated areas.

Advice. It is better to refuse food products that increase nervous tension. Better to drink nettle tea, four to five cups daily. This tea has a calming effect.

Error 3: experiments. Women with sensitive skin often find it difficult to choose new cosmetics. Therefore, many are constantly trying new creams on their face. As a result, the skin becomes more and more sensitive and can one day get completely out of control. All experiments must be abandoned. Sensitive skin requires the simplest of skincare products, and less is more. Any new product may contain some active substance to which the skin will react negatively.

Advice. Do not use any cream during the week. This will cause discomfort only in the first few days, but then the skin will begin to use its own internal resources and its condition will improve.

Error 4: peeling. Sensitive skin is naturally very delicate, finely porous, with a thin stratum corneum. Using exfoliators is not only unnecessary but also burdensome for her. They make the skin even thinner and negatively affect the state of the stratum corneum. In the worst case scenario, the tiny exfoliating grains contained in each such product mechanically irritate the skin and can lead to severe eczema. Intensive cleansing for sensitive skin is perfectly acceptable, but the method should be gentle. If, when washing your face, you simply wipe the skin with a rough terry mitten, you can consider that this is a soft peeling.

And, of course, a very useful addition will be the periodic intake of vitamin and mineral complexes (C, E, K, H, A, group B, rutin, zinc, selenium, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium), which will strengthen blood vessels, improve protective function of the skin and will help reduce skin sensitivity.

- one of the main types of skin, characterized by an overreaction to common endo- and exogenous factors (physical, chemical, hormonal, etc.). On sensitive skin, you can see signs of irritation, redness, peeling, and rashes. Subjective sensations may include tingling, burning, tingling, pain. To determine the causes of increased skin sensitivity, it is necessary to consult a dermatocosmetologist. Only an experienced specialist will be able to recommend the correct daily care for sensitive skin, select the necessary salon procedures and cosmetics.

General information

Some ingredients of cosmetics of biological and synthetic origin cause skin allergies and contact dermatitis. This, in turn, also leads to increased skin sensitivity. Among the plant components, the most common phenomena of allergic contact dermatitis are caused by extracts of arnica, rosemary, calendula, sandalwood oil. Of synthetic substances, allergic skin reactions are provoked by preservatives, fragrances, lanolin, emulsifiers, vitamin E, propylene glycol, etc.

How to live with sensitive skin

Owners of sensitive skin have to experience a lot of grief and additional worries associated with caring for it. People with sensitive skin face not only cosmetic problems, but also the threat of the development of various dermatoses. However, today, sensitive skin is not a sentence to be resigned to. It just requires more careful and caring daily care, as well as the correct selection of cosmetics for this type of skin.

Sensitive skin needs constant protection and hydration. Cosmetics for this type of skin will provide such protection. Preference should be given to cosmetics of brands that have proven themselves to be of impeccable quality. It is necessary to choose such products that are optimal for you and constantly use this cosmetics. You should not resort to peels, mesotherapy, masks and other procedures that irritate the skin.

  • Care rules
  • Seasonality principle: summer and winter care
  • Funds rating

“Sensitivity is a skin condition characterized by an overreaction to external and internal factors,” says Alexander Prokofiev, expert at La Roche-Posay.

Typical manifestations of this reaction:

  1. 1

    feeling dry and tight, especially after washing your face;

  2. 2

    itching and flaking;

  3. 3

    redness and irritation;

  4. 5

    burning and tingling sensations;

  5. 6


Even if you have found the main signs of sensitive skin, you should not jump to conclusions. It is best to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Sensitive skin - thin, delicate, prone to irritation © iStock

Sometimes sensitivity turns out to be one of the signs of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema or rosacea, which require serious systemic treatment. "

Sensitive is not only dry and thin, but also problem skin. For example, if you use too "harsh" aggressive products to remove acne or blackheads, the epidermis often reacts with irritation.

The nature of the sensitivity can be hereditary or acquired. Especially if you live in a metropolis. Constant stress, unbalanced diet, dry conditioned air in the office, temperature changes in winter, improper care - all these circumstances contribute to an increase in skin irritation.

Dry and oily sensitive skin

Typically, there are two types of sensitive skin.

  1. 1

    Thinned, prone to redness, rosacea and fine wrinkles.

  2. 2

    Usually, the owners of oily skin are actively fighting excess shine and acne, sometimes being too zealous in this fight. Regular damage to the hydrolipid layer exacerbates the problems of oily skin, adding to them dehydration, redness and flaking. In this case, sebum begins to be produced in an enhanced mode.

What cosmetics do sensitive skin need?

Follow our advice when choosing the right beauty products.

Experiment less

The first thing to remember is that if you have sensitive skin, experimenting is not for you. Don't blindly trust new dry skin or acne remedies that are right for your sister or girlfriend.

Before you start using the face remedy, apply it to the crook of your elbow and wait a day. If the skin has not reacted with redness or rashes, you can take it into service.

Study the composition of funds

Read the information on the labels of creams, serums, masks, tonics. In addition, when familiarizing yourself with new tools, it is recommended to study reviews on the Internet.

A list of the most effective and safe ingredients in cosmetics for the care of sensitive skin.

    Hyaluronic acid- moisturizes, accelerates healing, rejuvenates the skin.

    Natural oils- soften, soothe, relieve irritation.

    Allantoin- neutralizes irritation, restores damaged cells.

    Vitamin E- antioxidant, protects and rejuvenates.

If vitamin C, retinol, or benzoyl peroxide is in the top five on the list of ingredients, do preliminary tolerance testing. Such a remedy with a high degree of probability can provoke irritation, redness, and peeling.

For sensitive skin, use fragrance-free and dye-free formulas © iStock

Look for perfume-free cosmetics

Fragrances contain up to 200 chemicals that your skin can interfere with. Choose products labeled "fragrance-free" or "fragrance-free".

Try cosmetics with preservatives with care. Components such as parabens or methylisothiazoline can provoke allergies or aggravate existing skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, or contact dermatitis.

Be critical of eco-cosmetics

Just because a can of cream says “natural” or “organic” doesn't mean you've found the perfect remedy. Citrus extract or menthol can be great harm to thin skin that requires constant protection.

If you are prone to allergies, there is no guarantee that pomegranate seed oil or pineapple extract will not cause your skin to react negatively.

Exfoliate your skin delicately

It is believed that scrubs are contraindicated for owners of sensitive skin, but this is not the case. It is not forbidden to use them - you need to help the skin get rid of dead cells and activate the production of new ones. The main thing is to find the most delicate exfoliant with the appropriate mark. Scrubs with natural abrasives like crushed apricot kernels or raspberry kernels are likely to be unsuitable for you.

Exfoliating particles should be as smooth as possible, atraumatic for the skin. As a rule, these are granules of synthetic origin.

Look for exfoliants with delicate fruit acids. Use them no more than once every 7-10 days, otherwise you risk breaking the hydrolipid layer of the skin and causing new redness.

Sensitive skin needs to be treated differently in summer and winter © iStock

Care rules

“Care for sensitive skin should be gentle. You shouldn't combine products of different brands, ”warns Alexander Prokofiev.

Cleansing and moisturizing

First of all, the skin needs cleansing. In case of hypersensitivity, dermatologists recommend washing with moderately warm water. Ideally, not tap, but mineral or boiled (this will reduce the hardness).

Use a soft gel, milk, foam or micellar water for cleansing, but not soap - it dries out the skin. After washing your face, do not rub your face with a towel, just pat it dry.

Apply a moisturizer (cream or fluid depending on your skin type). The day cream will protect the skin, and the night cream will soothe., With Asiatic Centella and Aloe Vera.

Essence Life Plankton Essence, Biotherm, with thermal plankton extract.

Softening exfoliating cream Exfoliance Confort, Lancôme, with honey, almond and yeast extracts.

    Calming & Moisturizing Mask Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque, Kiehl's, with calendula and aloe.

    Soothing cream Hydra Zen, SPF 15, Lancôme, with hyaluronic acid, ceramides, rose, peony and moringa extracts.

    Moisturizing toner for face, neck and décolleté Equalizing Toner, SkinCeuticals, with extracts of witch hazel, thyme, cucumber, aloe and chamomile.

    Soft Gel Cream " Absolute tenderness ", l'Oréal Paris, with Gallic rose and lotus extracts.

Care for sensitive skin is rightfully considered one of the leading cosmetic problems of our time. It is not surprising: the poor ecology of the urban space, unbalanced nutrition with an abundance of chemical additives and the fruits of genetic engineering, a high degree of nervous tension and the familiarity of stressful situations - familiar features of the 21st century inevitably affect the state of the human body, all its organs and systems. And facial skin is no exception. In response to prolonged exposure to negative factors, it loses its natural ability for self-regulation and recovery, becomes vulnerable and defenseless against the influences of the external environment. In other words, the skin becomes sensitive and begins to react inadequately to even the lightest irritants. In this article, we'll show you how to take care of your sensitive dry skin at home.


Symptoms of skin sensitivity are very unpleasant: redness (solid or uneven spots) and severe tightness, small cracks and peeling, burning and itching. And all this manifests itself with noticeable constancy and regularity at the slightest hypothermia or overheating, contact with solar ultraviolet light and walking in windy weather, applying cosmetics (both decorative and medicinal) and even simple washing with tap water. The list of provoking factors is huge, although it has some individual characteristics. By the way, it is in the increased response to everything and everyone that the main difference between sensitive skin and normal skin, but prone to allergy to any one chemical or biological element of the environment (allergen), is.

It is important to note that the considered cosmetic disorders are not congenital, but are acquired in nature. In addition to the mentioned environmental and emotional moments, their development may be due to the transferred dermatological diseases, the use of cheap make-up products, smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as acute and chronic diseases of internal organs, disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. Thus, full-fledged care of sensitive skin of the face must certainly be accompanied by the identification and elimination of the root cause. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the basic rules that allow you to relieve the symptoms of sensitivity, or at least make it less pronounced.

Rules for every day

So, if you are the owner of sensitive, easily irritated skin, learn to take care of its beauty and health every day.

Rule # 1 - Gentle Cleansing

Almost all fashionable procedures of beauty salons and many home cosmetology techniques, in particular, various peeling options, are contraindicated for your face. You will have to cleanse your skin without the help of special products, since even ordinary soap, not to mention scrubs and peeling masks, can be harmful.

The best way out is to wash your face every morning with warm boiled or heated spring water, you can use warm filtered water. During the day, wet your face as little as possible, especially avoid moisture before going outside in windy or frosty weather. In the evening, wipe your skin with a cotton swab soaked in natural rose or lavender water (sold in pharmacies and aromatherapy stores) or in the infusion of flowers of these medicinal plants. This will unclog pores of impurities and gently tone the skin, in addition, both rose and lavender have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Rule # 2 - Gentle Protection

Hypersensitivity is characteristic mainly of people with dry skin type, suffering from a lack of sebum, as well as very light-skinned people with a low level of pigmentation. But it is fats and pigments that provide a natural barrier that protects our face from the negative influences of the environment. Their lack must be compensated by using a day cream that combines the properties of nutrition and protection. Apply it every morning, 20-30 minutes after washing your face.

Please note that it is better to take care of sensitive skin using hypoallergenic creams. Appropriate labeling on the packaging will reduce the likelihood of redness and discomfort. Creams containing allantoin are well suited - the substance gives an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the skin not only from harmful weather factors, but, what is remarkable, from the aggressive effects of other components of the cosmetic preparation. If irritation nevertheless arises, then this is not your remedy and it is worth looking for another.

Rule # 3 - Healing Recovery

Sensitive skin needs regular restoration of damaged areas, healing of microcracks, deep softening and moisturizing. A good night face cream will help to achieve these goals, the components of which, in addition to allantoin, are panthenol, cavatin, vitamins A and E. When applied to the skin, such a composition will relieve irritation and redness, moisturize, strengthen protective functions and start regeneration processes.

Despite the typical difficulties associated with the selection of preparations for sensitive skin - you never know how a person will react to a particular substance - it is quite possible to find your own cream that is right for you. Just remember about the psychological factor: do not start using a new remedy being in a stressful, agitated state, conduct the test in a period of emotional calmness and a benevolent mood.

Unfortunately, the perfect makeup for sensitive skin is none at all. If you cannot do without decorative cosmetics, consider the following points:

  • set the background tone of your face using powder, not foundation - there are fewer chemical elements that provoke irritation;
  • give preference to shadows of light shades containing a minimum of dyes;
  • forget about liquid eyeliners - they contain highly allergenic latex, in your case a regular pencil will be much safer.
  • use a simple, non-waterproof mascara that can be easily washed off without the use of special solutions, which are very aggressive in their properties;
  • only remove makeup with milk intended for sensitive skin, otherwise redness and itching are guaranteed.

Rules for the use of face masks

Summing up, we will touch upon another important issue - cosmetic masks for the care of sensitive skin. You can use them, but you need to be extremely careful, guided by the principle “Do no harm”. Cottage cheese and milk, oatmeal and potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers are the main ingredients for such procedures at home. It is better to apply them separately, without mixing, that is, to make a mask from any one product of your choice. In this case, it is recommended to first check the effect on a small area of ​​the skin, and then lubricate the entire face. The latter, we note, is also relevant when testing new products in medicinal and decorative cosmetics.

Take care of your sensitive skin, be attentive and patient with its needs - and the result will be on your face!

Many representatives of the fair sex believe that caring for sensitive facial skin requires special efforts, and begin to stuff the skin with all kinds of "useful" products that often produce the opposite effect. After this desire to become beautiful, all that remains is to cry, considering the scattering of pimples and red spots.

In fact, there is nothing complicated and scary in caring for fastidious skin, and having figured out all the intricacies and secrets, you can effortlessly carry it out on your own, using reliable home remedies.

It is very important to first decide on your skin type (and do not forget that for various reasons it can change!). Only after that it is necessary to select care products and determine the stages of their use. In fact, there is no universal scheme - one woman will only need to wash her face in the morning and apply a cream, while the other will only need multi-stage care.

In any case, today we will help you sort out all the issues and give your skin a little bit of happiness!

What makes sensitive skin?

It is believed that only dry skin can be sensitive, but, as cosmetologists say and practice shows, even oily and normal skin can suffer from excessive delicacy. How to check it yourself? You can subject yourself to a simple test - to hold any thin object with a blunt end across the cheek. A streak that remains on the skin for more than 3 minutes indicates that the skin is sensitive.

Sensitivity can also be determined by several criteria:

  • violent reaction to cold and heat (peeling, redness, painful sensations);
  • after the usual washing, even without soap or gel, there is a feeling of tightness;
  • light massage can lead to injury;
  • short exposure to the sun can cause burns;
  • pigment spots appear periodically;
  • even natural cosmetics cause discomfort and irritation.

Even if only a few symptoms coincide, there can be no mistake - the skin is sensitive and requires careful handling.

There are no particular difficulties in caring for such a capricious skin type - the main thing is to do all the procedures in a timely manner and taking into account all the requirements. Main steps:

  • purification (use only settled or spring water, you can even use mineral water);
  • toning (the tonic should not contain alcohol, this can provoke burns);
  • moisturizing (you can use homemade formulations or a purchased cream);
  • food (masks, professional preparations, cream, which contains regenerating elements).

Advice! It is better to buy decorative cosmetics natural, it is desirable that it has medicinal properties - this guarantees that after the makeup on the face there will not appear a scattering of pimples or red areas.

Care for sensitive combination skin

Combination skin can cause the most difficulties, because here you will have to use several compositions of funds, different in effect. If everything is simple with washing, then it is recommended to use masks or cream for dry and oily skin and apply them to certain areas of the face.

So, we understand in more detail what the care combines in itself, we take care of the combination skin, after a while, we will still be proud, it will look so healthy and radiant. Main stages of care:

  • washing with cool water only;
  • tonics with a small alcohol content (even better - without it at all);
  • applying cream for different types of skin;
  • 2-4 procedures per week using masks;
  • mandatory application of special nutritional formulations before bedtime (cosmetics must be completely removed first).

As you can see, care for oily sensitive skin of the face with dry areas will require a very simple one, but you need to prepare for the fact that this should become a habit and be strictly performed regularly, without interruption.

Care for sensitive problem skin

What to do if the skin is problematic, and even simple procedures lead to difficulties and annoying troubles? There is nothing wrong here, the main thing is not to despair and heed the advice of cosmetologists:

  1. For washing, use only herbal decoctions. Chamomile, birch buds, linden blossom are perfect for these purposes. Proportions - 20 gr. raw materials - 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Wipe the skin with a tonic after each wash, you can even use tonic formulations several times throughout the day.
  3. Do not forget about applying the cream, ideally if it is intended specifically for problem skin.
  4. Make masks regularly, and alternate the compositions periodically.

Important! If the face, even after all the manipulations, does not shine with health and freshness, this is a no small problem, problem skin should not be neglected. There is a possibility that a mistake was made somewhere, so it is better to contact a specialist - salon procedures will help you quickly fix it.

Care for oily sensitive skin

It is quite easy to care for oily skin that is oversensitive. To make the sebaceous glands decrease their activity, you need to:

  • with a firm, unwavering hand, send all products containing alkaline substances or alcohol to the trash bin;
  • remove pimples or acne without fanaticism - apply drugs to them in minimal quantities;
  • scrubbing with mild means, otherwise the appearance of irritation cannot be avoided;
  • make sure that cosmetics (home masks, cream, gel) contain a minimum of oils;
  • revise your diet by declaring war on sweets.

Another important point in caring for oily skin - if you do not want to get enlarged pores in addition to the unhealthy shine, it is also better to give up cigarettes, which will certainly affect your face.

Care for dry sensitive skin

Even in the absence of experience, care for dry and sensitive skin will not cause any particular difficulties, because it practically does not differ from regular procedures that happy owners of not so capricious skin do. Rules to be followed strictly:

  • use only water (herbal decoction) for washing, forgetting about ice cubes or steaming;
  • it is imperative to use preparations recommended for the care of dry sensitive skin, which have protective properties from external harmful factors (wind, sun, frost);
  • do not forget about moisturizing with special creams, masks, plain oil;
  • avoid products containing aggressive substances or acids.

Even for the most ordinary-looking face, dry, sensitive skin can be a wonderful decoration if it shines with freshness. It is easy to achieve this - with regular procedures.

By watching the video, you can learn how to properly care for sensitive skin:

Daily care before thirty, after 30 and even after 50 for women with overly sensitive skin should not be limited to only home procedures. Visits to the beautician will not only get rid of the most obvious defects, but will also allow you to enjoy the freshness and youthfulness of your face for a long time.

  • phototherapy (removes the stars of blood vessels peeking through the skin, improves the shade of the face);
  • mesotherapy (smoothes wrinkles, copes with peeling, allows useful substances into the deep layers of the epidermis);
  • microcurrent (fights inflammatory processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • biorevitalization (rejuvenates, improves blood flow, relieves inflammation).

Each procedure is prescribed by a specialist individually, taking into account not only facial defects, but also age, health status.

Self-made skin care products for sensitive skin are not only recommended by experts, but also extremely necessary. Homemade formulations of simple products will cleanse the skin, provide it with all the necessary elements and even protect it from external adverse factors.

One of the most important benefits of using home formulations is that they rarely cause side effects. Despite such a careful attitude to the skin, it is better not to risk it again and take some time to test the prepared products:

  1. Apply a few drops of the composition to one of the most delicate areas of the skin (elbow bend, wrist).
  2. Wait 1-3 hours.
  3. Check to see if the body is giving warning signs in the form of a rash or redness.

If nothing suspicious was noticed, you can safely proceed to the procedures - they definitely will not bring harm.


Owners of delicate skin should remember that they will have to be extremely careful with oils, since you can not only get a problem in the form of acne, but you will also have to deal with getting rid of irritation for a long time. In the preparation of homemade compositions, strictly observe the recipe and not engage in experiments - this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

The following types of essential oils are considered the most useful for capricious skin types:

  • roses;
  • jasmine;
  • chamomile;
  • cypress.

It is also allowed to use vegetable oils - walnut, jojoba, apricot and peach kernels. Here it is also better to be guided by common sense and first subject the fragrant liquid to testing, because every lady's sensitive skin has its own characteristics and can react unpredictably to even the simplest oil.

Cream recipe

You cannot do without a cream in the care of sensitive skin, which is able not only to provide the epidermal tissue with everything necessary, but also to protect it from adverse effects. There is no need to rush to the nearest store and purchase a drug that seduces with bright packaging - at home, preparing a product that is not inferior in effect will take very little time:

  1. Melt the beeswax in a water bath (about 20 g).
  2. Add 10 ml of shea and peach butter to the liquid mass.
  3. Pour in 3 ml of essential bergamot.
  4. Remove the mixture, cool, pour into a small jar.

Apply after toning, at least twice a day.

Important! If there are cracks or small pimples on the skin, it is better to exclude bergamot from the composition - it can cause itching or discomfort on the face.

Tonic recipe

Homemade tonic is something complicated and requires a lot of effort to prepare? Nothing of the kind, just a few minutes of wasted time, and you can get a product that is indispensable for sensitive skin!


  1. Bring fresh birch sap (100 ml) to a boil.
  2. Pour in 15 ml of honey.
  3. Stir, wait until the bee product is completely melted, immediately remove from heat.

Store cold, use after each wash.

Scrub recipe

Cleaning is a necessary procedure for sensitive skin, because dead particles of the epidermis and dust will inevitably lead to irritation.

Strawberry scrub preparation:

  1. Turn into mashed potatoes 200 gr. strawberry fruit using a blender.
  2. Add about 60 ml of honey to the mass (it is better to take the product without sugar grains, they can injure the skin).
  3. Apply the composition mixed until homogeneous, massage with fingertips, remove after a quarter of an hour.

Often it is not necessary to carry out the procedure, once a week will be enough.

Best face masks for sensitive skin

There are not so many stages that make up proper care for sensitive skin, and one of them is the use of masks. The easiest option, which does not require effort, but which reflects well on the family budget, is to go to the store and purchase a professional drug. Not all ladies find this way to improve the skin of the face acceptable, since the cost of good products is quite high. It is much easier to make an effective blend of foods that are in your refrigerator and cupboard.

Purifying mask recipe

The homemade composition will easily remove dust and fat particles, keratinized cells from the skin.


  1. Using a coffee grinder, turn 10 g into a fine powder. oatmeal and 5 gr. chamomile and plantain.
  2. Add mineral water in small portions to the resulting powder. The mixture should resemble sour cream in consistency.
  3. Leave the mass for half an hour to infuse.

It will take only 10 minutes for the mixture to act, after which it can be washed off.

Nutritious mask recipe

The product will enrich the epidermis with all the necessary elements.


  1. Mix with 30 gr. cottage cheese 2 yolks.
  2. Pour 3-5 ml of cream into the mixture.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, you can dilute it with green tea.

Apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

Soothing Mask Recipe

The tool not only perfectly relieves irritation, but is also able to get rid of acne and red areas.


  1. Prepare a thick mass from 30 ml of milk and 15 gr. rice flour.
  2. Pour in 2-4 ml of sandalwood oil.
  3. Leave to swell for a quarter of an hour.

Apply the composition, remove after 25 minutes.

Moisturizing mask recipe

The regularity of using the product should not exceed twice a week.


  1. Rid the potato tuber from the peel, turn it into gruel with a grater.
  2. Add 15 ml of olive oil to the resulting mass.
  3. Stir vigorously, apply immediately.

The time it takes for the mixture to act is half an hour.

Chocolate mask

You can fight against wrinkles and sagging with the help of a "tasty" mixture.


  1. Melt a cube of dark dark chocolate in a water bath.
  2. Pour 10 ml of shea butter into the mixture.
  3. Cool the mass a little, use a wide brush to apply.

The mask should work for at least half an hour.

Pumpkin mask

The tool will not only enrich the epidermis with useful elements, but also relieve puffiness, premature wrinkles.


  1. Boil about 25 gr. pumpkins (it is better to take only the pulp), turn into mashed potatoes.
  2. Add 12-14 ml of yogurt (unflavored).
  3. Pour in 5 ml of retinol.

Apply for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal mask


  1. Pour the flakes (45 g) with boiling milk (50 ml).
  2. When the mass has cooled down a little, add the yolk, 20 gr. banana pulp, 15 gr. cottage cheese.
  3. Stir the product, if the skin is very dry, you can pour in any essential oil.

Apply the composition for 15-18 minutes.

Sour cream mask

The product will quickly whiten the skin and smooth out fine lines.


  1. Squeeze the liquid out of several aloe leaves.
  2. Mix equal amounts of juice with sour cream.
  3. Stir the composition.

Apply sour cream on face for a quarter of an hour.

Even the healthiest and most radiant skin of the face requires regular and proper care. In order not to make mistakes when caring for a capricious skin, you should remember the basic rules that will perfectly complement the work of cosmetics:

  • avoid thermal, contrasting, cold procedures;
  • visit a beautician regularly;
  • be sure to take vaso-strengthening drugs;
  • consult a doctor about regulating hormonal levels;
  • revise the daily diet, consume fiber, vegetable oils, vegetables, herbs;
  • take vitamin complexes with the permission of the doctor.

Important! If the skin is alarming and defects appear on it, often unpleasant sensations follow, you should not neglect the help of a beautician who will help to respond in time to an incomprehensible problem..

Sensitive skin is not a punishment from above, but just a few features that should be taken into account in care. If you do not neglect the basic rules, there will be no problems with facial care, and it will constantly shine with a healthy natural shine.