Super open swimwear. Mini bikini swimwear: photos of beautiful and candid bikini swimwear

The beach season and hot summer cannot be imagined without a beautiful swimsuit that will perfectly fit your figure. And to get a beautiful bronze tan that will cover almost the entire body, girls wear bikinis. A particularly revealing and truly petite swimsuit is the mini bikini option.

Mini bikini

Women's swimwear has a rather long and interesting history. It all started with closed bathing suits that covered most of the female body.

And so, 1946 was marked by the fact that Louis Rear worked on the creation of an open two-piece swimsuit, which became the first bikini. Its real peculiarity was that it was very difficult for the designer to find a model who would agree to demonstrate the swimsuit he had created on her body. As a result, the dancer Micheline Bernardini agreed to try on such a bold "outfit". And then the swimsuit just shocked society.

But the beautiful Brigitte Bardot began to promote the bikini. The actress with a stunning figure was not a bit shy of her body and often posed for photographers in this kind of swimwear.

The peak of the mini bikini came in the 80s of the last century. Swimwear in the form of triangles were bought by girls who wanted to get a beautiful tan and show off their figure.

The peculiarity of such a swimsuit plan is that they are created for confident and relaxed girls who like to attract attention. This is why they are so popular.

Mini bikini: decor and colors

Modern fashion offers many styles of mini bikinis. Most of the focus is on the bra, but the panties are still petite. For example, the top can be the usual triangles, bodice bandeau with or without underwire, bodice with wide straps called halter.

Recently, mini bikinis have been deprived of any decoration. Now there are not so many models that can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, stones. Sometimes rings are used instead of strings on the sides of the panties.

If we talk about colors, then they don't go out of fashion. black and white models... And especially brave girls prefer Red color... In terms of choosing other colors, you need to rely on your appearance and build on the color type.

The classic version of a mini bikini is the same color scheme for bra and panties. But now it is important to combine different shades. For example, black panties will look good with both white and bright tops.

Among the bright colors, neon shades of pink, light green, blue. Pastel colors do not lag behind, especially for a gentle mint shade. On the beaches you can often see not just bright mini bikinis, but decorated with prints - palm trees, colorful zigzags, stripes and other marine themes.

Swimwear mini bikini

So what exactly is a mini bikini? The classic cut looks like a rather open two-piece swimsuit. The upper part often looks like triangles connected by thin stripes. The lower part is made in the same spirit as the bodice - front and back triangles, which are connected at the sides by thin straps. Also, thong panties can be used as a bottom.

This type of swimsuit is quite capricious, so it is not suitable for everyone. And if with the help of a regular bikini you can even hide some flaws, then in the case of a mini bikini, which shows almost the whole body, this is impossible to achieve.

A beautiful tanned body is the best friend of this style. But this does not mean that the parameters for such a swimsuit are limited to 90-60-90. Here it is important to find your model among many different colors, styles of bras and panties.

In any case, putting on a mini bikini, you need to get rid of your complexes and feel confident.

How to choose the right mini bikini?

Such a frank type of swimsuit must be chosen especially carefully. First of all, attention should be paid to your figure. Fitting is required.

So, girls with small breasts should not choose bras with small triangles. This option is suitable for big-breasted girls.

For owners of wide hips, it is better to choose ordinary panties, as the ties and rings visually enlarge the hips. But these panties are not particularly suitable for curvy girls who want to visually create curves. Thong panties are suitable for girls with pumped up buttocks.

For small breasts, mini bikini models with a bandeau bodice are suitable, which will add extra volume to the top.

Puffy girls should be very careful when choosing a mini bikini. And here it's not even about extra centimeters, but about the fact that you can be considered vulgar, especially if you choose a bra with small triangles.

Bright shades of swimsuits are suitable for swarthy girls, regardless of hair color. But on an unburned body, delicate pastel shades look best, which do not draw much attention to pale skin. Dark colored swimsuits suit both swarthy and pale girls.

To emphasize your tan, you can try on swimwear in pink, mint, orange, yellow. Also, rich pastel shades can set off tanned skin and give the tan color juiciness.

Buy mini bikini

It is not difficult to buy a mini bikini. Most lingerie manufacturers produce a variety of swimwear. Therefore, for fitting, you can go to any company store.

Online shopping has not been canceled either. Having specified the sizes on the websites of online stores, you can order a swimsuit and pick it up at the post office.

Many girls think of the Victoria's Secret brand when they mention swimwear. The cost of their swimwear ranges from 3400 to 4400 rubles per set (50-70 dollars).

There are also many other brands from which you can purchase a swimsuit - Milavitsa, Women’s Secret, Freya and others. The average price of quality models is 2500-4000 rubles (35-50 dollars).

Photo of mini bikini

Mini bikini is a fairly popular type of swimsuit. Everyone loves him - from simple girls to stars. Very often in a mini bikini you can see Rihanna, Pamela Anderson, Irina Shayk, Adriana Lima, Kim Kardashian.

The most attractive in such a model of a swimsuit looks like girls with a fit sports figure, which has beautiful curves. The swimsuit emphasizes the chest, waist and hips.

Skinny girls with a boyish physique do not look very attractive in mini bikinis, as such a swimsuit makes the figure even flatter. This is especially noticeable on small breasts.

Girls with curvaceous parameters evoke ambiguous emotions. On a beautiful proportional body, albeit with extra centimeters, a properly selected bikini looks quite appetizing. Especially if the girl has big breasts. But those who have a flabby figure and saggy skin cause outrage, since such a swimsuit only emphasizes all the flaws in the figure.

Mini bikini is contraindicated for girls with voluminous hips, cellulite. This also includes girls with flat shapes, panties simply do not sit on them.

Victoria's Secret company knows how to beautifully present not only its products, but everything that surrounds them. After watching the video below, you immediately want to go to the sea, bury yourself in the sand, and run on the waves. Of course, in a spectacular swimsuit.

Gone are the days when a trip to the sea or to warm countries was an important event in life. Today, no one bothers to go to a foreign resort at any time of the year. This means that bikinis are constantly in demand. In addition, we must remember that people go to the beach not only to swim and sunbathe.

Some girls strive to bathe in attention and other people's views. Only for this, you must first tighten your figure in the gym and buy some unusual swimsuit. Our story will be about the most original bikinis.

Micro bikini. It has long been clear that the purpose of a bikini is not so much to hide the spicy parts of the figure as to show it. If earlier it seemed that nothing could be more indecent than thongs, now there are quite bold swimwear. One of their varieties is called a micro bikini. It is actually a smaller-than-normal two-piece swimsuit along with the same tiny bikini panties. For girls in this outfit, fans just line up. This is not surprising, because every sharp movement leads to the fact that these ribbons-ropes strive to slide and finally reveal piquant places. One can argue for a long time about the practicality of such a bikini. Nevertheless, there is still a benefit, and at the same time tangible. Not only will all the men on the beach pay attention to the girl, but also the tan will become very even, without large white areas on the dark skin. If a girl has a good figure and is also ready to show off her, then such a micro-bikini is worth buying.

Extreme bikini. Some girls are ready to open their bodies as much as possible. The micro-bikini seems too puritanical to them. Then there is an option for them - an extreme bikini. Such a bathing suit is completely beyond the limits of openness. This name of the bikini was not for nothing, because only extreme women can wear it. A swimsuit is simply a set of several strings, between which small pieces of fabric can be located. At the same time, these strings pass along the folds of the skin so that they only favorably emphasize the appetizing forms. There is no need to talk about covering anything here. Ropes dig where it is simply indecent to dig, exposing those places that decent girls usually try to hide as much as possible. Extreme bikini is not suitable for visiting an ordinary beach - the Puritans will certainly throw a scandal. But for a private party on some exotic secluded island, such a swimsuit will be just right. Only in this case it is necessary to observe simple conditions - to be in shape. Otherwise, on a blurry figure, such an extreme outfit will look vulgar, tasteless and simply defiant.

Swimsuit "Monokini". There is a way out for those girls who want to stand out on the beach, but natural constraint does not allow them to turn to extreme options. A monokini swimsuit was created especially for them. It combines fashion trends in the manufacture of such clothes, but they also remain rather closed. Such a swimsuit has a lot in common with a closed version, just in this case, modern trends in beachwear are followed. In a monokini, the top is paired with a low fancy way. It is no coincidence that this variety is always among the most fashionable swimwear, flashing on the pages of glamorous magazines. When creating such a bikini, the designers did not limit themselves in fantasies. And so the incredibly beautiful variations turned out. Although pulling on such a swimsuit and then wearing it is not so easy. But the monokini is perfect for women of age who will be able to look fashionable thanks to it.

Sheer bikinis. And yet, revealing bikinis reign among the most unusual. This time we will focus on transparent swimsuits. Thanks to them, any man on the beach will be able to see certain parts of the girl's body. Of course, the designers abandoned the transparent oilcloth. A special fabric was used, which is a little translucent. It is difficult for moralists to deal with such a revealing bikini. After all, all the formalities are essentially met. The woman is dressed, her private parts are chastely covered. Only the fabric is "special" ... It is not surprising that on the beach men will forget about their spouses and children and stare at the owner of such a transparent swimsuit. The appearance in it will become truly spectacular.

Bikini with jewels. Such unusual bikinis are on display in magazines for the wealthy and at the jewelry exhibition. The total cost of a swimsuit can be as high as $ 25 million. Of course, in this case, it is difficult to talk about any practical benefits. After all, not every millionaire can afford such an extreme. Even if he decides to surprise his beloved with a bikini with jewelry, then most likely the outfit will not completely consist of them, but only partially decorated. In its most prominent and remarkable places, precious or semiprecious stones can be sewn. Their number and size depends only on the thickness of the buyer's wallet. In such a swimsuit, you will not be able to shine in the sun like the owner of a bikini worth millions. But the girl will surely become the most richly dressed and remarkable in her circle.

Bikini with c-string. It is clear that such thongs for bathing and even tanning are poorly designed. Nevertheless, brave women may decide to appear in such an outfit in a crowded place. Any means are suitable to win men's attention. And unusual bikinis are perfect for this. C-thongs are a new type of underwear that has no side straps at all. The structure is kept on the body only thanks to the built-in wires. They seem to squeeze the body easily from the front and back. The wire is covered with silicone on top, and to make the body pleasant, there is also a soft fabric on top. It is necessary to stretch the structure, attach these thongs to the body and release. These panties fit well and do not interfere with movement in any way. At least that's what the manufacturers say. These bikinis look quite original in the photo. But in order to understand whether they are really comfortable in them and whether they will not subside, it is better to try it yourself. The price from the official manufacturer ranges from $ 50 to $ 100, copies will cost several times cheaper. At the same time, there are many sizes and colors that can satisfy the needs of any girl. Where to wear such a thong? First of all, we must mention the tight-fitting dress. For a woman with a good figure, there is a problem - underwear under such clothes puffs up, and even the thinnest straps protrude. As a result, the smoothness of the lines is no longer so expressive. So for a perfect look, such an unusual bikini is perfect. After all, his secret is a secret method of attachment to the body.

Inflatable bikini. At first glance, such a swimsuit looks not only unusual, but even strange and stupid. Nevertheless, he has a pretty practical idea. An inflatable bikini has two important purposes. First of all - not to let the inept girl drown. Well, the fact that the owner's forms will become much more magnificent is also quite pleasant. With the right size selection, the artificiality of the breast in a bikini will be invisible, but the ability to swim will greatly increase. Therefore, it is quite clear that such a swimsuit rightfully takes its place in the list of the most unusual. Even if this idea seems too ridiculous, you can buy only the upper part of the swimsuit with inflatable inserts. The air there will make the shapes rounded and will surely attract the attention of those who like ladies in the body.

Bikini with exercises. In our high-tech age, even swimwear can surprise with unusual properties. There are fancy bikinis on sale that are completely covered in solar panels. What to do with the accumulated energy? At the bottom there is a special connector through which you can connect any device to your swimsuit. This is precisely the idea of ​​the creators of such a device - you can be in nature for as long as you like, sunbathing and at the same time continue to use your favorite gadget without fear of discharging it. A swimsuit will give you the opportunity to play, listen to music and even watch a movie. Until the sun goes down, you can read it by recharging the reader. This bikini is extremely practical. But there is a drawback - large and hard plates will not allow you to lie comfortably. And the whole structure looks rather angular and clumsy. But unusual and practical.

Bikini with a tattoo. It turns out that a bikini can not only cover parts of the body, but also make tattoos in parallel. Do not be afraid, they are not forever. After all, it is not the master's needle that leaves its marks on the body, but the sun. And the idea in this case is quite simple, even primitive. A curly hole is cut in a swimsuit, usually it resembles a heart. The girl is in nature, sunbathes or bathes, and at this time, through the neckline, the skin tanns. At the same time, what is under the swimsuit remains white. But one has only to take off the bikini, as it turns out that a solar "tattoo" has appeared on the body. In this place, the body sunbathed, as in the rest, open parts. Such an unusual drawing can please a loved one. After all, leather decoration is not only unusual, but also natural. At the same time, the tanning tattoo will come off over time, so that even a bad experience will not become irreparable. Only now, only the closest person will be able to rejoice at such a drawing, because you cannot show these places to anyone.

Air bubble bikini. Such a set will be acquired by a girl in love who is ready to do anything for the sake of her chosen one. Ironing a woman's body is a great pleasure in itself, but who doesn't like to burst bubbles in the packaging film? All of this is certainly calming. The creators of this swimsuit decided to combine these two pleasures. If the softness of the female body does not allow you to relax, then you can at least remember your childhood and burst bubbles on your beloved's swimsuit. At the same time, the designers have created several colors and types of such a swimsuit. It is available as a fully transparent bikini, created from some bubbles, or with bubbles sewn directly onto the fabric. Only such a swimsuit can be disposable. After all, what to do with it after a session of soothing bubble bursting? But the original idea is worth noting.

Swimsuit with UV detector. More and more often you can find information about the harmful effects of the sun on the skin. They say that the luminary is simply killing us. The increase in the number of skin diseases has led to the fact that it is necessary to limit the stay on the beach. Just how to force yourself to leave the beach at the right time? The fact is that the sun is hiding behind the clouds, then it shines again. How to calculate the amount of received ultraviolet radiation. Unusual swimwear equipped with special sensors will be able to help with this. There is another, simpler option. Bikinis can be decorated with special plastic inserts that change their color depending on the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. But the most difficult complex is the one that shows its owner numerical data about the environment. A special dial is attached to the woman's belt. He also shows the dose of ultraviolet radiation received by a person. At the same time, they tried to make the display as stylish as possible. The very sophisticated technological swimsuit is similar to those worn by the girlfriends of James Bond. So bikinis can not only surprise, but also help to monitor your health.

We open the heading "We envy in silence". Our celebrities have a summer schedule. And those who didn’t finish their buns in winter, but leaned on healthy foods and went to the gym, now delight us with photos from the holidays. The hottest beauties of the domestic show business in mini bikinis are in our review.

Irina Dubtsova lost weight

Irina Dubtsova admired the figure in a bikini

Irina Dubtsova showed perfect abs

The figure of Irina Dubtsova in a bikini

Note that for the first season of the series, the actress added 15 kilograms. And managed to lose weight in three months.

“I did bikram yoga every day - doing asanas in the forty-degree heat. I highly recommend it to everyone: with sweat, toxins are removed from the body and metabolism is accelerated. In addition, I drink at least two liters of water a day and since the beginning of May I have been traveling around Moscow only by bicycle. It happens that I roll up to forty kilometers a day: I go on business and just ride for my own pleasure. I live near the Gorky Park and in the evenings, when the bike paths are free, I love to ride there. This is an ideal way to keep fit: I can eat everything, but due to constant physical exertion, calories are burned, ”Shumakova shares the secrets of her luxurious figure.

Maria Shumakova opened the beach season in the Moscow region

The right gift for a girl should be beautiful, useful and memorable. But most importantly, he should please not only the woman, but also the man who gave it. Friends, forget about mimosas, perfumes and other banal stuff. Present the lady of your heart with a BIKINI. After all, whichever side you look at, but you can't think of a better gift ... Next, a review of ten of the most impressive, exciting and innovative bikinis.

Designer Susan Rosen proposed a bikini model made from real diamonds weighing 150 carats. Of these, only 51 carats weighs the oblong diamond used to make the panties, and 30 carats weighs a rectangular diamond that complements the first. Two diamonds weighing 15 carats each were used to make the top, and elongated stones of 8 carats gracefully hang under them. All this splendor is framed by platinum fasteners and clasps. And do not be afraid that this work of art will pull you to the bottom, not at all, all platinum threads are so thin that you will barely feel them.

Of course, this bikini almost does not cover anything, but just think of what delight it is to sunbathe in the sun, while shining with all the colors of the rainbow. The cost of an unusual bikini is $ 30,000,000. The money is huge, but your beloved is more valuable than money, and in this modest swimsuit she will be the most seductive and sexy.

Bikini with panties C-Strings.

Women's panties C-Strings, were created in the shape of the letter C, which is accepted by the erotic lingerie worn on the body. Although it is difficult to call underwear a piece of fabric stretched on elastic wires, which is "attached" to the body with the help of two silicone inserts.

Nevertheless, it is believed that C-Strings are ideal panties for evening wear, because it is ugly when ribbons on the hips stand out under a tight bodycon dress ...

If, instead of the usual life jackets, the actresses of the series "Rescuers Malibu" were dressed in such inflatable bikinis, the rating of the series would have broken all imaginable and inconceivable records. Just imagine the busty Pamela Anderson running in such a uniform along a hot California beach among vacationers. The psyche of many men could be irreparably damaged.

Do not forget that in addition to the visual effect, inflatable bikinis fulfill an important functional role, helping their owner to stay afloat. From now on, the rescue of the drowning is a matter of the bikini of the drowning themselves! But even if a lady in such a bikini still manages to start drowning, men from all over the beach are guaranteed to come running to her cries for help.

Air bubble bikini.

Since ancient times, people loved to look at fire, listen to the murmur of water and burst air bubbles on the packaging polyethylene. Therefore, no man can resist a lady dressed in air bubbles.

After all, such a miracle is not only pleasant to look at or touch, it can also be fun to burst bubbles! Two pleasures and at once are always much better than one and no one knows when.

Excessive passion for tanning can lead to the most terrible consequences, because ultraviolet radiation in large doses is destructive for humans. The creators of these bikinis came up with a great idea to equip the bra and panties with indicators of the intensity of sunlight. The cute balls at the ends of the ties change their color when exposed to UV rays. The owner of such a bikini always knows when it is time for her to move into the shade.

Bikini "Geekini" for computer game lovers.

It's hard to believe, but it turns out that fans of computer games also have girls. And sometimes even the girls themselves become geeks and gamers. Bikinis called "Geekini" are invented just for such people. Previously, only a fisherman's fish could see from afar, but now gamers can easily distinguish each other even on the beach.

The ambiguous "Press Start" slogan, placed on the bra and panties, looks extremely life-affirming and reassuring, as if inviting the viewer to go through several levels of a new fascinating toy. As they say "press the button, you will get the result".

For hopeless romantics, let me remind you that at the last level of any game there is always a bloodthirsty monster who will cruelly deal with the gamer. Do you know where he is hiding here?

The theme of gadgets and scientific and technological progress is continued by bikinis made of solar panels, which may be of interest to already established couples of gambling addicts and computer maniacs. To finally conquer her prince-gamer on a white PlayStation, the girl just needs to make a small upgrade, replacing the previous "Geekini" with a new bathing suit made of solar panels.

No normal geek can resist the temptation to energize right on the beach via a USB port located in a girl's panties.

Beauty must be protected, cared for and cherished. Some women take this literally, putting on a bra in the form of hands on their beauty. Such a bra looks spectacular and funny. Surely there would be many men willing to be in his place. You can give such a bra in a pair with the G-Strings panties, which were described above.

Provocative swimwear

Just one word of bikini and in a flash a lot of bright and colorful images appear in my head: sea, sun, beach, hot sand and warm breeze ... and you, all so beautiful and tanned. Every season, girls get lost in search of their perfect swimsuit. Of all those on sale, you need the one: the one and only

The blog has a lot of awesome classic and creative swimwear options that can be viewed in the posts tagged But for now, here's a selection of the most daring sexy bikini models. These are more likely not traditional, but "special" erotic, very open, provocative swimsuits, in general, for an amateur. So, one of the most popular and more or less "chaste" models on this list is ...

Mini bikinis are one of the main trends in the beach season. The colorful fireworks of sexuality will be appreciated by real women of fashion.

Mini bikinis are classic beachwear. The swimsuit closes everything that is needed from prying eyes and opens the maximum of the body to the sun's rays. A beautiful tan in your pocket!

Femininity and sophistication are the main motto of mini bikini swimwear. Fashionable silhouettes have become even more sensual, attractive, intriguing, provocative.

Mini bikini swimwear with thin bandages will provide an even tan and pleasant attention on the beach. Show your femininity, be charming and incredibly sexy!

Monokini Swimwear revolutionized the world of beachwear. Monokini is not just a woman's beach wardrobe. Monokini is a style element! The style of a monokini swimsuit allows you to stand out, be special and unique.

A well-chosen monokini swimsuit will perfectly hide figure flaws and gracefully highlight your advantages. This adorable and sexy outfit will be the best purchase for the beach season!

Monokini is a lightweight one-piece swimsuit with cutouts. Visually, it makes the figure slimmer, giving it a more seductive look and masking minor figure flaws.

During the day you can sunbathe and swim, and in the evening, complementing a swimsuit, skirt or dress, get a wonderful glamorous outfit for walking along the beach.

If you are looking for a sexy and modern swimsuit, then opt for a model with asymmetrical cutouts that accentuate the curves of your body without showing anything unnecessary. Thus, you will create a mysterious and sensual image!

Bright juicy colors and various model options will not leave you without the attention of others!

Swimwear print - beautiful and stylish, they attract the eye with their uniqueness.

Today, in stores, along with monochromatic models, both ornaments and animalistic and floral prints are presented. Colors that imitate animals originate in the 80s, but, despite this, they remain in trend to this day.

Some mistakenly consider such a coloring - the height of vulgarity. Real women of fashion know: if you wear animal prints correctly, they will not only not have a hint of vulgarity, but on the contrary, your image will acquire an exotic chic.

Leopard print, zebra, giraffe or python You look completely different every time. Surroundings those who will be amazed!

Floral design is always at the peak of popularity, and this year was no exception.

A great way to incorporate a floral print into your wardrobe is to buy a swimsuit. You will look lively and fun on the beach! When deciding on a shade, do not be afraid to make a mistake. In any case, this feminine drawing will add romance and tenderness to your look.

Transparent swimwear. The peculiarity of mesh swimsuits is that, regardless of the color, they always look luxurious, sexy and spectacular. Thin and graceful swimwear made of lace mesh is always eye-catching.

Luxurious transparent swimwear will make you even more graceful and sensual.

Feminine and intriguing, sheer bikinis provide an even tan. The mesh perfectly transmits ultraviolet light, and at the same time hides what needs to be hidden from prying eyes. At the same time, nothing prevents the sun from giving your skin a bronze tan!

Metallic bikini is a bright way to express yourself. Leotards are woven from fine metallic threads: they seem to be made of precious metals. At all times, the most popular were swimsuits in gold and silver colors. But before making a purchase, you need to think about the correctness of your choice.

For the beautiful half of humanity with cool skin tones, we advise you to choose the silver color: it will make you more mysterious, highlighting your facial features in an elegant way.

Swarthy girls face more - a gold swimsuit. Do not exclude alternative metallic colors: blue, red, lavender, aqua and others. The combination of metallic thread fabric and bold colors add a touch of glamor to your look!

The specific character of these bikinis is designed for delicate grooming. Having put it on, you should not be in sea water for a long time. Every time after returning from the beach, rinse your bikinis in cold running water and, without wringing, let them dry in a cool place.

Don't forget that sparkly swimwear is best suited as a beach party option. They are made to enchant!

By following these simple rules, you will keep your shine and the shine of your bikini.

Micro bikinis are swimwear for the sophisticated beachwear. Bright, attractive and very daring models, giving a feeling of freedom and emancipation. Micro bikinis are able to accentuate seductive forms and make a woman unusually feminine.

Romantic and gentle, provocative and incredibly feminine, models catch the eye and attract with their boldness.

In such a swimsuit, you can go to the beach and not feel discomfort, because all details are hidden from prying eyes. The only reason that will stop wearing them is an unusual cut or shape that is significantly different from the classic bikini models. However, it will no doubt evoke a multitude of absorbing gazes from men and curious gazes from girls.


Extreme bikini - the most daring, provocative and sexy bikinis. It has long been noted that the less fabric a swimsuit has on, the more attention the wearer gets.

Some models mainly serve as a decorative role, so they can be used as beachwear for home use - on your own homestead, by the private pool or on a nude beach.

Ease, openness, easy relaxedness - if you find these qualities in yourself, then an extreme bikini is created for you!

Of course, if such swimsuits were not in demand, they would not be produced, but it is always worth remembering the purpose, place, environment. And, in my opinion, you shouldn't forget about the sense of proportion ...

That's all for now. In the next post, a large selection of extreme bikini photos (just Wow!)