Surprise for your beloved after work. Pleasant surprises for loved

Every woman can make a pleasant and unusual gift for his beloved man. He can be timed to some triumph or presented just like that. The present, made by the hands of his beloved woman, will help surprise a young man, call him delight, raise the mood, strengthen the relationship between lovers. The main thing is to make a gift for conscience. Do not take on those ideas with which it will be difficult to cope. Even if it is a simple gift, you need to stop at such a variant that can be done high quality and gently. Then surprise for a loved one will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Certificate for the execution of desire

Any young man will like a gift in the form of a certificate for execution of desire. It can only be one dream or several at once. Such a gift should be done for a hot beloved husband or a guy who wants to surprise and hit, give him pleasure.

For the manufacture of a certificate, you can use the decorative cardboard for scrapbooking or print on a dense paper ready-made template, scoring the necessary words into it.

Book of desires

Another unusual option that can be given to your beloved man is the book of desires. It is necessary to record what will be nice to a man, leaving free pages at the same time, on which he will be able to record what he wants the most. It may be desires that begin on the first letter of the name of the young man.

The book can be performed in the form of a collection of checks, on each of which are recorded small friendships for the guy. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe gift is that the man himself chooses a check with a desire and provides him with his beloved.

For the manufacture of the book, it will take a simple notebook or 10-20 sheets of A4 format, on each of which desires are recorded. As desires can be recorded:

  • all day at the TV;
  • billiards;
  • striptease performed by the beloved girl;
  • erotic massage;
  • football with friends.

In the first sheets of the page, you need to write detailed instructions.

Gift certificate with points

This simple idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an original postcard with your own hands is to write a list of desires on one sheet and assign each of them a certain number of points. Next, you need to print a list and put it in a romantic postcard. When one of the desires is executed, it simply strikes out from the list. This version of the present is well suited for the day of Valentine's Day.

Beautiful little things

To create a good mood, it is not necessary to wait for the celebration. You can hand a gift just like this, without reason. To do this, you can make pleasant little things that every day will remind a man about the warm feelings of his wife.


An excellent gift can be a stylish keychain. This desired thing will become a small talisman for a young man. The guy will always think about his caring girl. Simple, but the original is the keychain in the form of a tie. It can be made for a few minutes. Such a present will look very creative and unusual.


In order to hand a gift with the meaning, the bracelet will fit. There are many ways to create such a present, but the most stylish and unusual decoration for your chosen one can be made of leather. Such an accessory with a young man will be nice to wear it on his hand.

For the manufacture of a gift you can buy ready-made cords of leather or cut into thin stripes an old leather thing.


Another presentation, which will give the guy every day to think about his cute girl, is the key. This is a stylish and convenient gift that will always be at hand. For the manufacture you need a small piece of skin and a little patience.


Presents with photos are always very valuable, as pictures are captured by pleasant memories and the best moments of life. They charge positive energy, raise the mood and carry a lot of meaning for lovers. To create a present, you need to choose the original idea, pick up the best photos and proceed to work.

Stand for photo.

Stand for a photo can adequately decorate the desktop guy and will always remind of his beloved. You can make this thing with wire, cardboard, even clothespins. It depends on the possibilities and fantasy of the girl. After the stand is ready, you must not forget to print and place the photo on which a young man is depicted along with his chosen.


For the manufacture of a beautiful frame for a photo, you can use ordinary buttons, cardboard, glue and romantic photo, which depicts a happy couple in love. Such an unusual gift a man will keep at his desk, often admire it, thinking about her beloved with warmth and tenderness.


To congratulate your loved birthday or on the anniversary of the wedding, you can use a collage. This is a rather creative way to express your wishes. For its manufacture, you must first think over one or more offers that I want to tell your beloved. Then each word print on a separate sheet of paper in the form of tablets. After that, you need to ask your friends, friends or relatives to take pictures with one of the tables. It will be necessary to make one big collage from all pictures. The result will be unusual and pleased the man.

Another variety of collage is the manufacture of touching pillowcase on the pillow, which is in the husband in the car. In the center of the pillowcase can be a joint photo.

To make a similar gift, you must select the desired photos on the computer, print them on an inkjet printer using thermal transfer paper. Then you need to cut the image, put on the pillowcase with the picture down. It is necessary to try the picture with a hot iron without steam. After that, you should remove a paper substrate, and a surprise is ready for a loved one.

You can purchase a conventional rubble cube and apply part of family photos on its squares.

Notes with confessions in feelings

One of the best gift options that can please your beloved every day is a box with confessions in love or just good wishes.

You should start with what to buy an original gift box. Or you can make it yourself in templates yourself and enclose it with gift paper, which is at home.

A lot of small hearts of different colors are cut out of the colored paper, each of which is written recognition in love. Let for a loved one will be a new surprise in the form of pleasant words. The guy will be interested in pulling a new heart once and read recognition.

You can cut the leaflets in the form of rectangular strips and wind each with a red-colored satin ribbon. All papers can be placed in a glass container decorated with ribbon.

Romantic candy

This option is more original than just love notes in the box. For its manufacture, you need to buy your favorite men's candies, carefully open and insert a note in the middle. A young man will enjoy not only the taste of sweets, but also beautiful confessions in the love of his chosen.

You can glue the candy on the box in the form of a laptop. This will give the present to the present greater originality.

Cookies with warm words

If a woman owns culinary art, then she can bake romantic cookies and give it to her beloved to take him with him to work, study, on a trip. Such sweets will be reminded of girl's feelings at a distance. He will be able to drink tea and think exclusively about his beloved.

Diary "Only for You"

The original gift is a diary with populated dates on each sheet. The surprise is that a woman will write something pleasant, corresponding to the memorable dates specified on the respective pages.

To improve the gift, you can not only write something pleasant, but also incur a photo, rewrite some of the SMS sent to each other.

A good idea will simply write something pleasant on each page. In this case, every new day of his beloved man will begin with reading warm words or recognition in feelings. Such a gift will be appropriate on the anniversary of the relationship.

Erotic gift

The next gift can be prepared for a loved one after a long separation. To prepare, it is necessary to cut a few big hearts and a lot of small. Big must be placed in those places where lovers have sex, and be sure to write a few words about how it was, what feelings and emotions were overwhelmed at that moment. Then starting from the entrance door with small hearts, you must lay out the paths to these places.

After a favorite will find one heart, he will want to find and everyone else. Men like treasure search process. After all the hearts are found, you can safely repeat everything that is written in the hearts, once again. Such a romantic gift for a man will remember for a long time.


Each person you like to hear pleasant words to my address. Men are no exception. In order to tell the young man about how beautiful he can use the crossword.

The essence of the surprise is that the name of the gift will be encrypted in the isolated cells. Questions must be printed on separate cards. Let a man pulls them out of the bag in random order. This will help support intrigue. As a result, the following option will be:

Warm gift

If a woman knows how to knit, it will not be a special difficulty to make a unique and very original surprise in the form of a laptop cover. Usually men are skeptical about different needlework things, but in this case the gift will be appreciated. Such a present will remind you of warm feelings of beloved during a busy working day.

You can also associate an interesting decoration for your favorite cup of a young man.

Such a gift packaging favorite tea bags in bags, on each of which are written warm words to a man.

Surprise from dishes

You can purchase a beautiful suitable plate and write a marker on her words about love in different languages. Then take a picture of a young man with a present in his hands. The girl should be explained to his beloved that this gift is symbolic. After all, written words can be erased with alcohol, and no one can destroy real feelings.

If the original gift is ready, then you can prevent it in the original form. To do this, you can turn the apartment into the quest room, come up with several puzzles and tests that will lead a man to her gift.

As an option, you can send a message to your phone with prompts until it finds the "treasure". Such a game will produce a real extension and will be remembered for a long time.

Recording How to make a surprise for your beloved man with your own hands? For the first time, the psychology of the personality and advice on the construction of harmonious interpersonal relations - appeared.

Who knows a man better than he himself? Only his wife. Over the years of married life, he becomes so native that it seems as if you know every centimeter of his body and every idea of \u200b\u200bhis thought. However, difficulties arise when it comes to his birthday. How to make a holiday original, memorable? What to prepare a surprise husband for a birthday to make it make sure if he is of this, of course, deserves?


Men, like small children, are enjoying a pleasant trifles. And with a special trepidation, gifts and congratulations are waiting on the birthday, despite age, status, marital status.

To make a surprise husband for a birthday, it should be started from the room. You can decorate a house or room, filling with bright elements, balls, colors. He will be pleased to open his eyes and plunge on the holiday.

Just from the soul

Beautiful happy birthday congratulations to be simple enough. The main thing is that it was done with the soul and from the pure heart.

Congratulations in prose or verses can be written or found on the Internet beautiful words of wishes. You can put them on a postcard or a poster of my husband for a birthday.

A fairly original gift will be a billboard with congratulations to a loved one, located in a place where he goes throughout the day.

Practical gifts

In order not to be banal, it is better to delicately ask about what gift to the birthday one is dreaming chosen. Be practical: buy the necessary things that can come in handy in the family (drill, tool kit) or need for a hobby (a set for a picnic, barbecue party, fishing).

You can upgrade the wardrobe a birthday new tie, cufflinks to his beloved shirt or cool pajamas, stylish expensive shoes or domestic slippers.

And you can make practical gifts to unusual, registered. For example, order a T-shirt with congratulations or personal photo, a soft pillow with a snapshot of the most significant event in life, a collage of family photos.

Gift made with your own hands

Before the depths of the soul raises a gift made by his hands. After completing it with love, you can make a pleasant surprise for your husband with a minimum of financial investments. Knitted sweater, socks, mittens or scarf will warm not only the body, but also the soul.

You can mount a video using family video, photos, favorite songs of the birthday name, scenes from movies, quotes, writing congratulations to your voice. And if the video is scrolling on television, then such a gift will increase the self-esteem of the man, and the role of his wife in his eyes.

It is originally a poster for her husband for a birthday, which consists of wishes and photos with the most bright moments of life. It can also be supplemented by children's drawings and prints of their palms.

Who said that bouquets are not accepted to give men? The original bouquet of socks will not leave him indifferent, because the socks do not happen much.

The original bouquet will turn out of the Tranki, and if you add a basket with several bottles of your favorite beer, then you will get a good surprise my husband for your birthday.

Sweet gift

It is not true that men do not like sweets. Yes, they are still sweet tooths! It will be pleasant to surprise the original cake-surprise, prepared by his beloved wife. Modern advances in cooking offer sweet works of art in the form of any figure (soccer ball, chessboard, golf course, etc.).

And if it is a huge cake, from which the stripper will jump out and will warm up her husband with his incendiary dance, it is not only shocking it, but also gives a bright continuation of the holiday for you two.

Together forever

If the relationship is so harmonious that it is impossible to live without a friend and the day, then you will celebrate his birthday only together - it will be an excellent surprise for your beloved. And it will be better if it is to do outside the house in a romantic atmosphere.

Where, as not on a picnic, you can enjoy the nature and communication? Walking in search of a suitable place, fresh meat, cooked on a grill with vegetables, active sports games will add strength and energy. The event will be an excellent gift. Hike fishing, enjoying the singing of birds, kebabs on the shore, meditation from water, the dreams of the future will bring together two halves and will not let the feelings break about the coast of routine.

Rural Ecotourism is an excellent opportunity to enjoy nature, meet the dawn, to divide with the fishing rod, to feel the silence of rural life, to get acquainted with traditions, folk crafts, feeling the wealth of the kitchen and the generosity of rural residents. Returning, at home in dignity can be assessed by the charms of civilization.

Extreme lovers

To make an unforgettable gift to her husband for a birthday, ideas for this can be found everywhere: on earth, in the air, on water and under it.

Extreme together with her beloved can be felt in the air (flight in aerotube or balloon), on Earth (extreme driving, karting, master class on climbing), or in water (diving lesson, yacht management, zorbing or water park).

Add acuity of sensations Joint parachute jump. Do not be afraid to dive into heaven with your loved one on his birthday, having received a general portion of adrenaline.

Rowing on kayaks will check the level of confidence and responsibility. Boat, unknown, water and danger, where one else can inspire - an excellent atmosphere. The main thing is to be one, to feel the kayak and oars, otherwise you have to dry clothes by the fire (although it will add their portion of romance).

Sole of company

To offer an active and large-term man as a gift for a birthday only the society of his wife is the same as the free bird is put into a cage or a proud tiger on the chain.

Such a type of men will appreciate together with a funny company of friends organized holiday, rich in active actions, spectacles, and delicious treats. A fun walk with friends on a yacht, paintball, bowling or darts for the company. And if the husband is an intellectual, then without a quest can not do. Overcoming all tasks and tests, he will be able to find his gifts.

Life is motion

If the husband is active, and can not live without movement, then he can give a subscription to the gym or pool. But this should be done delicately, and then men can be offended (will still think that he crushed and stopped like her half).

Riding together on rollers, bicycles will help find a common language, develop the spirit of competition to add a highlight to the relationship. In addition, it will help to feed a good appetite. After all, at home is waiting for another surprise for her husband - a covering table and his favorite dishes that will help compensate for the energy spent.

Tired of the fuss of life

If Extreme is excession and the husband already gets tired at work, he wants stability and peace, it is better to choose a quiet occupation, unity with nature, boat or catamaran.

Equestrian walks will remove stress, reassure, help enjoy nature and each other. Embody from urban bustle to an oasis, to get acquainted with horses, take riding lessons or once again contact horseal sports, if there is experience - this is an option for a family holiday.

A subscription for yoga classes will give her husband an equilibrium and forces for future achievements and conquering new peaks. Meditation, even the shortest, will restore strength. A comfortable posture, deep breath, the right thoughts, the edge of the horizon will distract from the worldly fussing and problems.

Perspective gift

It is important that the surprise for her beloved was pleasant and helpful. Give your husband any master class, where, besides a bright spectacle, he will receive some skills and can repeat himself. The master class of alcoholic cocktails, sushi, high kitchen, Barista guarantees the pleasure of the house with the same works of art in his performance.

The master class of the golf will help him feel the aristocrat. In addition, if the bonus is also to give a home mini-golf, then the husband will be able to relax after a rich daily day without leaving the house.

If nothing comes to mind (how to make an original holiday and choose a gift for my husband for a birthday), ideas can tell agencies that specialize on it. They are happy, however, for a fee, they will return any fantasies to life, a turnkey holiday will be offered by filling it with an interesting program and surprises.

The main thing is to capture the happy moments in the photo to remember these emotions and impressions for a long time.

Men and women are absolutely different, their views and values \u200b\u200bare also different. One like calm fishing, others - insane sports games in nature. Some enjoy the romantic dinner together, others need extreme. Do not raise yourself, catering half. It is better to know unobtrusively what my husband wants.

Or maybe it is better to relax separately, giving my husband full freedom on his birthday, writing off the dismissal, and then he can spend this day as he wants himself, and not how the wife imposed him? He will return to the seven updated person. It would be the best surprise husband for a birthday, I will appreciate the ideas of this plan.

So, what surprises can you make a guy? Now consider interesting ideas.

If a young man has a car ...

The simplest thing you can do for such a guy is to write a love letter with recognition. This note can be attached to the janitors of the car. And on the handle of the machine and mirrors, you can bind balls in the shape of hearts of red or pink. A similar gift is clearly surprised by your chosen one.

What surprise can make a guy for a birthday? Of course, the one that will be remembered. It will take balls again for its creation, and a large number. Everyone needs to shove a piece of paper with wishes or pleasant words. After that, it is necessary to fully automatically fill with these balloons.

Supplement such a present can be a cushion in the form of a heart. On the one hand she will have pockets, you can put the notes for the guy. A presented soft product in the shape of a heart will always be with a loved one, even when you will not be with him next. Cute pillow will remind a guy about his beloved.

Knitted gifts

What surprise make a guy with your own hands? If you know how to knit, you can contact something for your beloved. It can be a scarf or vest. A warm gift will surely like it, and in the cold season, it will also warm.

In addition to clothes, you can associate and another need a thing. For example, it can be a stand under the hot, or clothes for a glass, so that it could be calm in hand.

You can tie a toy, for example, in the form of a character. For example, Angry Birds birds can be a good option.

Delicious gifts

What a pleasant surprise make a guy? Of course, delicious. Many young people love sweet. Miscellaneous kind of desserts can be prepared at home. For example, you can create independent candy with the same name "Raphaello". Such delicious candies are sold in stores, but at home with their own hands you invest in the creation of the soul, love for the chosen one. This means that they will be 100 times more tasty purchased. For cooking you will need:

75 grams of coconut chips;

A pinch of salt;

24 almond stuff;

White chocolate tile (100 grams);

25 grams of butter cream;

60 milliliters of cream (fatty 33%).

Manufacturing process

First, the tile of white chocolate will be required, it must be broken down on the slices and pour the cream from above. Then you should put a mixture on fire. After it boils, it needs to be removed from the stove and mix.

It is necessary to wait until the mixture be cooled to room temperature, after that it can be added to the butter, and salt. Everything needs to mix well. After that, the mixture should be placed on the cold. Then it should be mixed again in a blender to a thick state. So the most interesting point has come - making Rafaellok. Make balls, and inside each hide nuts. Then cut the candy in coconut chips.

Cup with inscription

What a gift to make a guy who loves coffee or tea? Of course, this is a mug. But I want to choose not ordinary, but beautiful or with some interesting inscription. You can make it yourself. To create a stylish thing, you need a regular cup and paint for the school board. First, wash and degrease the mug, then skip the surface of the dishes, where the paint does not need, and do the inscription gently. You can write small things all that will want recognition, etc.). As a result, you will get a very beautiful, original present.


If you grow different flowers, then a similar thing can be used as a gift guy. Give the beloved flower that you have grown yourself. Pick up for him a suitable beautiful pot. You can prevent the guy of the flower, which brings success, happiness, health and money.

If your young man loves greens, put in a pot of parsley or dill. It will be a very useful gift. And at home there will always be fresh parschetka or dill.

Romantic dinner

What surprise make a guy for a birthday? Arrange for it for it, prepare delicious food, lit candles and, of course, put relaxing, pleasant music. After such a dinner, be sure to look at a cheerful film that both. After such a joint time, you both will have a wonderful mood, and the evening will remember for a long time.

"Hot" Present

What surprises can you make a guy? Of course, original. We will consider one such idea now. In order to emphasize the high degree of relations between loving people, you can give a guy a box in the form of a heart. Inside it, he will find several bottles (naturally, small) beloved whiskey or brandy.

Do not forget to write some touching message on our inner cover of our box.

In order to give a gift Presentability, it is worth sex with flaps of a beautiful fabric, and between alcohol decompose bright chocolates in the shape of hearts.

By the way, the box can be purchased in the store of gifts or take packaging from under chocolate candies.

Sweet box

What surprises can you make a guy? We'll see now. For example, if your young man leads a healthy lifestyle, does not use and does not recognize alcohol, and you can cook delicious, then you can please it with baking. For example, you can bake cookies in the shape of hearts, while playing with it melted white or milk chocolate (or icing). Finished products need to be folded into such a box as described above.

If there is no time for the manufacture, or you do not at all with a stove and oven, that is, another option. You can fill the box with chews "Love IS", kinder surprises, tangerines for the night with notes about the feelings of your beloved.

100 reasons for my love

What surprise can you make a guy? For the year of the fortress of your relationship, there was enough, it means there are all the chances that it is he - your true chosen one. If you love your young man with all the souls and so far do not see him not a single drawback, it all consists of some advantages, then the next present you will definitely like it. Such a present will bring a guy true pleasure.

To make it, you will need:

100 paper stripes;

Little candy or chocolate;

Glass jar or beautiful box;

Stickers are beautiful;

Multicolored small colorful rubber bands or ribbons.

After all the materials are prepared, the moment has come when you need to activate your imagination. Now on the hundred small papers you need to write the causes of love for your chosen one. That is, one piece must be indicated on one sheet.

After you finish invent and write down your lover, you need all the notes with confessions to roll into the tube (each separately) and tie up with a ribbon or rubber. After that, they need to be addressed to the box, supplement to chocolates or sweets (this is necessary in order for reading the reading process even more pleasure.). Now it remains only to make a nice cover, it is necessary to stick to it (or attach to another way) the paper with the name of the present.

Check book of desires

What surprise can make a guy for a birthday? Give him a similar gift can be made with your own hands. What is the essence of the checkbook? On each page you write the pleasantness that you will do a beloved upon checking. As you understand, one check is designed to fulfill only one desire. In the book can be any page, but optimally twenty. What are the desires? For example, kebabs in nature, beer with friends, etc.

Photo for memory

What surprise can make a guy for a birthday? It can be a photo-present. Options for similar gifts Mass. It can be a photo-collage in the shape of a heart on the wall, the word "love" (or "LOVE"), folded from the photo, wall clock with your faces or smiles, or a picture on canvas. Also a good gift is a pillow (you can and / or blanket) with an interesting print from the best moments of life.

Such works of art will be a real interior decoration. Such gifts can be ordered in the advertising agency.

Congratulatory photo collage

What surprise make a guy for a year of relationship? A good option is a photo collage. This creative gift can also become an interior decoration. To create a similar collage, you need a series of photos on which you will be kept. If you collect all the pictures, you can create a congratulatory phrase. The collage can be made in a photo editor, after which it can be printed and put it in the frame. Such a present will be a source of excellent mood and positive emotions for a loved one.

Little conclusion

Now you know what surprises you can make a guy. As you can see, mass options. We looked at the most interesting, as it seemed to us. There are still many good ideas of gifts. We hope that our advice will help you decide what a surprise to make your favorite guy, and you will pick up a truly good present. We wish you good luck!

Surprise is a fairly subtle thing, so to prepare a pleasant surprise for his girl you need to approach with full responsibility and for some time becoming a psychologist and spy. In order to please with a surprise and make it as romantic as possible, you will have to think like a woman.

Whether it's a birthday, New Year, Hanukkah or just a weekday, any romantic person will be pleased to get an unexpected present, especially made with your own hands. We advise you to get acquainted with the following options.

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Gifts do it yourself

Here are the most interesting options:

  • Photo ideas: Here the idea list is limited only to your imagination or budget. You can just start with a huge collage of your joint photos showing the best moments of your relationship. Or a small album with text inserts and plans, small poems and funny drawings. You can decorate the girl's room with photos and paint your girlfriend a mustache and a hat, and myself long curls and a dress - and what, creative happens different, and laughter prolongs life. The main thing is that this creative is made with your own hands.
  • Start of the day: Meet it at the entrance to a cup of coffee (or coffee in the thermos, which will be more practical) and a simple bouquet of the valley. If the Lrangess season has not yet come, any light spring flower will suit. Judging by the polls of the beautiful half of humanity, in the frost, everyone really lacks tulips. After the whole ceremony, offer to take it to work. It's easy, nice and most importantly - there are hands.
  • "Careat is filed": you can still grab the girl on your birthday with an unusual crew. Ask you to dress up and promise a hike in the theater, a restaurant, etc. But at the point of this hour it will be off the taxi, not your car, but limousine. Or the bus - it will be more original! Imagine the bus personally for her, and a favorite man with flowers come out of it. Definitely, the perfect evening of the evening.
  • Romance do it yourself: blind from the dough heart, prepare her dinner, hover the house. Many men do not pay due attention to small things, and each detail is important for women.
  • And quite crazy, at first glance, the option of a gift is once again to admit to her in love and, perhaps, to offer her to go to a new level of relationship and hand ... For example, a ring!

Exit activities

There is nothing better than memories of travel, parties and other ways of active pastime, because things are lost, they are obsolete, and emotions live forever. Especially if a snapshot of events that caused emotions was taken on time.

  • Exit photo session: from such a birthday surprise Any girl / girl / Woman will be in indescribable delight! Let it be a couple of hours in the park or photo studio with a professional photographer, or you will stand behind the camera, the effect will be unambiguous - such a gift will be remembered for a long time. As an option, you can remove the photo studio for several hours and directly in it is your birthday.
  • Quest Picnic: Long until the birthday of a girl, plan a trip outside the city or rest in the park. If weather conditions do not allow to arrange a departure to nature, go to the cottage or bring the Spirit of spring to your own apartment. Cover "Polyanka", bring chairs, plaid. If the action occurs in winter - burn a lot of candles. Make your own hands the map to the "clearing", tell me some romantic stupidity, like "I was looking for a treasure all this time, and they were you." Girls love ears, and pick up the key to her heart with the help of pleasant words will be very simple.

Surprise that that does not like gifts

There are ladies who fundamentally do not endure surprises, and not only on the occasion of the birthday. These are introverts that do not like to share their desires, dreams with others, regardless of the degree of intimacy and kinship are their nature and nothing can be done about it.

In this case, you will have to try the mask of the detective and the "underground" ways to find out what care of your sweetheart and what she dreams. A few simple rules will help you figure out what to give and how to please your favorite introvert.

  1. Do not rely on fashion trends. An introvert woman is, even if not an awesome, but the opponent of any mainstream trends. Why does she have what Millions have? If a rare thing is hard to find, make it with your own hands!
  2. The more strange the gift will seem, the better. If you give your girlfriend a book of 1905 in a foreign language or order on the "eBay" mug with an autograph of John Travolta - this in any case will cause only the best emotions. Down with a banality!

Variants mass, and the list can be continued to infinity. In any case, about the success or failure of the operation you will only learn after you do a surprise.

And the most pleasant and romantic part in any scenario of surprise - flowers. All women love flowers, even allergies and short-circuited feminists. Therefore, pick up something suitable for her: a bouquet of roses, field chamomile, placed all over the apartment in jars from jam, drunks that preserve another 100 years or flowers in pots. Make every day of her birthday.

Modern art, first of all, artistic filmters, is a whole storehouse of opportunities and options to make an unusual act and surprise her husband. But more interestingly in this direction will be independent fantasies, which should be based on the knowledge of the spouse. As a result, an unexpected surprise should differ immediately by several important qualities to emphasize the burdens and each individual.

Features of the second half

Before proceeding with the fulfillment of the plan, it is necessary to once again recall all the important characteristic features of the surprise recipient. A modest and not released spouse is unlikely to like the extravagant behavior of his wife, if she also was always caring and cute before. For this type, the romantic surprise is perfect. After the husband returns from work, he should expect a note with an invitation to a memorable place or café, a restaurant, a club.

If there is a Men Azart, the organization of a city quest will be the urban quest, where the main gift will be a quiet family evening with a beloved woman. Joint dinner can also be prepared in advance: choose the thematic direction or kitchen with one of the exotic countries for your own cooking dishes.

Before you ask friends and loved ones to place a room in the necessary style. Such a romantic surprise will like even the most sophisticated husband. An active young man who loving extreme sports, which is not averse to trying many of them on themselves, you can give a parachute jump, flying on a airship or a balloon or a subscription to the aerodynamic tubuum.

General principles for most spouses

Many men are sporty fans, so in making a decision will help a ticket for a football, baseball or other sports match.

And even better to purchase a countercourse at the concert of the famous artist, theatrical presentation, a humorous show or a banal movie. Thus, the woman will make it clear about his support and understanding. To play well on the sense of humor: tell the poem of your own essay in a joking manner or draw a cheerful collage, even if there are no painting skills, it will turn out another comical.

A surprise gift can ignite the relationship with new paints. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn everything into a quarrel. It is necessary to carefully consider the action plan and choose the perfect moment. After all, if at work trouble, then clearly not until happy moments. On the other hand, it may be distinguished by a loved one from problems. It is important not to go face. A pleasant massage, a tasty dish and the desired attitude - here are the best options in this situation.

Five ideas of a modern woman on the anniversary of the wedding

Unexpected gifts in our time to do every time more difficult, so practically nothing. On the other hand, with the advent of technology, the Internet and mobile phone increased and the ability to present a surprise to her husband on the anniversary. But all the advice that can be detected on the network or learn from girlfriends, they quickly become obsolete, and in most cases it is suitable only for one separate evening without bright long sensations. Here are five excellent options possessing identity and dislike:

  1. If the action occurs near the sea during the vacation or pair lives on the coast on an ongoing basis, you can arrange a walk on a yacht or diving. The minus of this offer is inaccessibility for the middle class and the binding to the specific area of \u200b\u200bthe venue.
  2. A small excursion in the history of relationship will help you to perform an album with photos. It is better to present everything in an artistic manner with elements of the game.
  3. Flashmob. The most difficult to implement the project, but emotions will be much longer from all five proposed options.
  4. Recognition in love and proposal again becoming spouses from a woman - this is a real surprise for her husband. If for a close person it is too pathetic style, then a bit of theatricalization is suitable: a tight version, a small parody or a feed in a humorial poetic form.
  5. The limited budget can be compensated by a river shore, a picnic on the hill). Sunset and delicious dinner - an excellent gift.

Birthday with body benefit

Currently, in almost any city, the more large metropolis, for birthday rooms are available discounts in shops, entertainment and sports facilities. In clubs or bowling, the party in the genre of youth America will be an excellent option. You can coincide with the holiday to the campaign to the cinema on a loud novelty or the hit of the season. A good solution will be a choice in favor of a modern spa or institution of a similar plan. Order better for your choice, taking into account the preferences of a man: the tea party ceremony according to one of the Asian countries, peeling, massage, sauna or wrapping.

But the most unexpected and joyful gift-surprise is to send a husband in full readiness and with all the necessary accessories with friends in a bath. In the meantime, the spouse will have fun, girlfriends will help to prepare a grand dinner and celebrate a solemn date in the company of guests.

Musical expression

If the time is pressed, and nothing to organize anything interesting, it will be a good option to replace on the phone of the beloved Men of Rington. It is ideal for congratulations from a cartoon film or famous movie cornocarten, it is also possible to use the assistance of pop stars and their vocal masterpieces. Crocodile gene, F. Sinaratra and others are able to surprise even the most sophisticated person. It will be easy to do so, but this will not only give a lot of emotion to the birthday man, but also will raise the mood of the entire company sitting at the table or resting in the restaurant.

Classics of the genre

Recently, a postcard written by hand is rightfully returning to Olympus best congratulations gifts. In the message, you can set out your thoughts that can be tricious out loud. Recognition in love, wish all anything, opening secrets ... In this case, you can not think about how to tell my husband about pregnancy, the surprise through a postcard will also be unexpected. He will force a happy young man to make incredible deeds. In addition, the colorful messages are well preserved, and then remember the wishes, in what time or other things were important. Sometimes reading postcard not only asks a cloudy or boring evening, but also returns forgotten emotions and experiences.

If the favorite spouse on this day is forced to work, then the placement of small postcards in the pockets of the clothes will help to make even such a state of things joyful. And in the evening the act perfectly complement the box with a surprise. Regardless of the concrete thing, it will become even more reason for happiness.

Choosing a gift

To give preference to some kind of presentation, you will have to get a lot of head. Guess the specific desire of your beloved man is not as simple as it seems at first glance. But purposefulness and the set goal will help cope with the task. Soviets for the perfect gift there are many. Almost all of them are based on the characteristics of the nature and sphere of the interests of a loved one. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the sphere of potential gift things. Clothes, perfumery, toiletries and other banalities. If you think it is no time, a perfectly suitable box with a surprise.

You can put some trinket there. At the same time, it must be memorable or interesting for the spouse. Here are some options for presents that will suit almost every type of man:

  • Paired excellent option with pink color inside - wife, and with a bluish-blue-husband. In addition, their own family photos, posted on the outside, well complement the entire decor. At the same time, the female photo should be applied to the male cup, and vice versa.
  • Certificate to participate in a test drive of a stunning machine (for motorists). Most car dealers regularly offer the consumer of this kind of service.
  • If the pair is abroad as tourists, you can make a surprise for a husband as a guidebook. A good option will be a gift instance. In another case, a colorful panorama from the photo of countries is suitable, which would like to go on holiday in the nearest vacation.

Fishermen and office staff

For lovers, sit with a fishing rod near the river, a good option will be tackle or accessories for this hobby. It is only necessary to understand the hobbies of their faithful, and the specialized stores of the native city will offer the whole range of necessary products. Surprise for a husband in the form of a tie can be made a spouse that practically does not cost without this object of clothing and loves to wear it.

Bibliophiles and gamers

If you give a close person a book, it is better to do it in a single copy. For example, buy three or four brochures, and five will be an excellent option. For people, a lot of time spent at a computer will fit a disk with a game or a subscription to the online version of the entertainment. Such a surprise for her husband is available in the presence of the Internet.


In principle, options with a gift is not so little. Ashtray - smokers. Camera - lovers capture family life in digital form. Banners - to the one who regularly visits such a institution is found with friends and celebrates memorable dates and holidays in the steam room. Sometimes women are thinking about how to tell her husband about pregnancy. Surprise of such a plan is an intimate side of the life of lovers of people. Therefore, it is better to do this in a relaxed quiet setting, while remaining aunt-a-tete with a spouse, so that no one can interfere with inform the joyful news.