Dark boyfriends. The best boyfriends with down jackets. Shorts-boyfriends: stylish summer models

Women's boyfriend jeans (photo) is one of the options, how to create an original image at a minimum of effort. A model characterized by simplicity of cut attracts attention and creates a unique appearance - from everyday to romantic.

What is a remarkable model?

The model of boyfriends for girls with lush forms is distinguished:

  • using the size clearly on the figure;
  • minimalism in the decor;
  • dark color scheme.

If for a slim girl baggy trouser is a way to give an additional volume, then full of fine sex representatives must give preference to the true size of the trousers. After all, too narrowed will focus on problem areas, and excessively wide - additionally complete.

In order not to attract attention to the problem zones of the legs and the hips, when you sewing boyfriends for lush ladies, a bright decor is not used. Such models can decorate except that vertical seams, which allows you to visually slightly.

Dark color palette (black, dark blue, dark green) to perform boyfriends for full girls - it is also one of the ways to reduce the parameters of the silhouette. The bright models, on the contrary, will be launched.

Tip! If you are the owner of the shape with a pear form, give preference to models with a waist expansion. If your figure has a X-shaped outline, boldly buy boyfriends that are tight of the hips.

Belts for jeans: What is important to know?

Fashionistim, in the closet of which you can find trousers of this type, it is important to draw attention to the advice of stylists and designers to wear them exclusively with the belt. In this case, the belt acts as an accessory capable of attaching additional style and originality to jeans.

Choosing belts for boyfriends, such rules should be taken into account:

  • universal belt color - brown;
  • the combination of the belt with shoes.

Relative to the correspondence of the color of the belt and shoes, it is relative. It is not worth spending a lot of time in search of such an accessory, which would completely repeat the color of the shoes. It is enough to choose things in one color scheme - to the brown shoe belt of approximately the same brown shades.

Tip! If you want to draw attention to your waist, lower back, using a notable brown strap, while wearing such a top to jeans, the length of which will not close the belt. And the brown belt will definitely make the desired accent.

Better combination with boyfriend jeans

Worth the question of what is relevant to wear original women's boyfriend jeans (photo), it should be remembered that they perfectly fit into the Casual style in 2016, regardless of the season. They can be worn both in warm weather, using light spring-summer options, and in the cold season, choosing clothes more.

Tip! Choosing, with what would argue these trousers, you need to take into account the principle of preserving the balance of the "top" of a costume with the attention of the "bottom". It is recommended to make a simpler, classic, not very striking "top" to your style of boyfriends.

Most interestingly and profitably look with them the plucked things:

  • unbroken jumpers;
  • "Turtlenecks";
  • tops;
  • summer tunics.

Special romanticism and mysteriousness are able to give tops in which the shoulders remain open, as well as knitted openwork things. Blouses of a classic type, including with deep neckline, also harmoniously look with this type of female trousers.

The playful image is obtained if you combine boyfriends with jerseys, T-shirts, seasoned under them only on the one hand. Such a girl looks fairly flirtary and attractive.

Harmonies with these jeans and a simple, sporty style, created with the help of sweatshirts, sweatshirts, volumetric COFT Sport type.

An indispensable element for creating an original onion in a tandem with boyfriends is such an item of a female wardrobe like a shirt. You can use shirts of any colors - both white, elegant, more official, and colored, striped, with ornaments, etc. You can choose a shirt from different materials - as a simple cotton thing, so from more elegant fabrics. Very by the way look under the jeans of the sleeves, with a negligence ranging to the level of elbows.

Boyfriends and Outerwear: Combination Principles

In the case of top clothing, there are also many options for a harmonious combination with such a type of jeans. You can wear them with:

  • cloaks;
  • jackets, jackets;
  • vests.

Since it was about what boyfriends can be worn at any time of the year, the image with a coat is not uncommon. Ideal with such jeans, an elongated narrow and straight coat looks. Thanks to such elements of clothing, a slightly causing female image is created.

If a light coat is available in the wardrobe, then the shoes of light tones can be used to boyfriends, and under the coat there is also a light shirt or jumper. Selection of clothing tonality under a dark coat with such jeans is carried out on the same principle - in tone of the upper clothes.

With a cloak, the female bow has a lighter effect. With such an element of outerwear to jeans, you can shoes with an open toe.

It is always elegant in pants of this type possible, combining them with jackets, jackets in a warmer time of the year. Moreover, you can use both short elements of the outerwear, and with a little bit below the belt.

Tip!To create a summer business onion, replenish your wardrobe with a light white jacket and dark blue boyfriends.

What to argue with jeans: seasonal variations

The choice of shoes for boyfriends depends on which the "top" of the costume is selected. In general, it is important to be guided by the rule: in order not to attract attention to the shoes, you need to choose nonsense models. Since the main focus must remain on trousers. It should be known that with these jeans perfectly harmonizes a fairly large number of shoes, among which:

  • boots on heels;
  • high heel shoes;
  • shoes with sharp socks;
  • sandals are both heels and a wedge;
  • moccasins;
  • sneakers.

Sporty type shoes are recommended to shove under long trousers, as shorten jeans are able to attract additional attention to the legs, increasing them visually. With the choice of sports shoes for boyfriends should be careful and avoid "coarse" options.

Tip! If you want to create a more feminine image, then prefer shoe on heels. In tandem with jeans, especially shortened, it will give your appearance of playfulness, flirt.

Well harmonize with such jeans in the cold season of the boots. But when they are choosing, it is important to make the focus of attention on boyfriends. A very beautiful combination is obtained when wearing blue, blue trousers with brown, red boots.

Due to an open ankle with any footwear your legs will look attractive

You do not lose if you select one of these options to your jeans:

  • on high heels;
  • with knee-length;
  • cowboy;
  • with patterns;
  • on lacing;
  • with UGGI.

Tip! Do not exercise boots with wide tops under jeans such cut to avoid creating a sloppy appearance. Remember that under your boyfriend jeans always the best option will remain narrowed boots.

Completing barcode: complement the image of accessories

Onions that help create jeans in the "boyfriend" style is easily complemented by different accessories. Things of different style are suitable for pants of this type, which is their indispensable plus. Among the bags that are harmonizing with them, depending on the top of the costume and shoes, you can choose an accessory:

  • classic elegant bags;
  • sports or everyday backpacks;
  • Onions that help create jeans in the "boyfriend" style, easily complemented by different accessories

    In the world of women's fashion, clutches are considered the most suitable to boyfriends. But this statement is not a dogma. Since the exquisite fashionists can skillfully choose to them and bags with dimensions more both with soft, flexible and solid forms.

    Regarding the color scheme, it must meet other accessories and preferably harmonize with shoes.

    Under the pants of this type you can wear all sorts of decorations. The successful choice will be options:

    • wide bracelets;
    • large suspension;
    • long chains;
    • large rings;
    • skilly tied lung chiffon, silk scarves.

    Bag over the shoulder will also be quite by the way

    Beautiful image is obtained using sunglasses in spring-summer time to jeans-boyfriends. Stylists claim that it is necessary to stop their choice on accessories with large glasses round or slightly square in the corners of the form. Glasses should be dark. If a girl wearing optical glasses - this is also not trouble. The image of this only wins and acquires extra rigor.

    Tip!Complete your image by making a makeup suitable to boyfriends. It is recommended to make it bright, but not overdo it. If the lips are highlighted with red lipstick and the eyebrows are emphasized, in this case, the eyes remain unwrapped or tinted slightly mascaras.

    Jeans in the "Boyfriend" style managed to conquer many fashionists and become an integral element of their wardrobe. Universal cut borrowed from men allows you to be sophisticated in the choice of the top of the costume, the outerwear, shoes and accessories to them. Combining elements of clothing properly, you can create any female onion with the help of boyfriends - from business, romantic to homely simple and sports. The advantages of jeans can take advantage of the girls with magnificent forms for which separate trousers are designed.

Boyfriend jeans (Boyfriend) beat records of popularity, occupying the first positions in the rating of the most fashionable things for several seasons in a row. And, in all likelihood, to leave the fashionable Olympus in the near future do not plan. Well, let's look at the photo, with what the boyfriend jeans are recognized in winter and what the stylists recommend us.

What shoes wear boyfriend jeans in winter?

The versatility of this model allows you to wear almost any shoes under them. To determine the choice will be only your style of clothing and habits.

Boyfriend's jeans with shoes is the most popular option. It is ideal for the image in the style of Casual. Moreover, the shoes are better to choose coarse, on a thick sole, in the style of militaries or loved by many fashionable "Timberlands". This couple will fit and in the fashionable style of Western style this season. To create such a bow, wear the boyfriends with the shoes of A la Wild West - with metal rivets, spikes, etc. Jeans can be or subjected to "so that" not to close the beauty ", or to fix the vagurtani (if the shining width).

Want to add elegance and femininity to the image and play a contrast with a man's boyfriend style? This will help you boots or half boots on the heel.

As for the boot, then from fashionable high models (and even more so from the boot-stocking) it is better to refuse. Best of all, with jeans, boyfriends are combined with comfortable boots, uggs and low "cowboy" boots - another reerant towards the Wild West.

If the weather is allowed, you can wear jeans and sneakers. Especially effectively looks like such a combination with a fur jacket or a short fur coat - a kind of sport and glamor.

What is the upper clothes to wear a boyfriend jeans?

Best of all with boyfriends look:
Fur jacket or shortened fur coat (for the most bold fashionistas - from colored fur);

short sheep;

A direct cut coat or bulk coat - "Cocoon" (optimal length - up to the middle of the hip or just below);

Leather Jacket;

Park or jacket jacket in a sporty style.

Perfectly complement the image and bulk scarf or shed.

Well, under the upper clothes you can put a knitted pullover or sweater, a sweatshirt, flannel or denim shirt, a sweatshirt, a turtleneck or reglane - all this will be combined with baggy jeans-boyfriends just perfect.

And finally, a few more tips:
In winter, give preference to dark and dense jeans boyfriends with a minimum of rheuch and holes - this will allow you even in the frost to feel comfortable and not trembling from the cold.
Stylists advise to wear such jeans with 8-10 cm - it creates the impression that you really put the pants of your boyfriend, which is higher than you.
Never - not in winter, nor in summer - do not buy "boyfriends" with rhinestone and other brilliant decor - this model is a man's "in spirit", so such a decor with it is incompatible categorically!
Do not buy boyfriend jeans not sized - despite the features of Croy, they do not forgive such mistakes. And even more so do not wear your beloved jeans - you will look ridiculous and funny. Boyfriend Jeans should sit freely, but not hang out on the figure!
Although "boyfriends" are considered a universal model that comes almost to everyone, it is still worth remembering that they are perfectly looking at slender and high girls with narrow hips. But the low owners of the broad hips from Boyfriend Jeans is better to refuse and choose another model of jeans.

Male clothing style increasingly penetrates the fashionable wardrobe of modern girls. The combination of brutality and refinement creates unique images, perfectly decorating women and give them the effect of freshness and novelty. Today, the most relevant clothing of the male direction can be called jeans in the style of the boyfriend. Trendy pants are already firmly occupied by a legitimate place in home cabinets, becoming a typical time tool.

Women's models are characterized by a low waist line and lowered in the groove zone. This is a typical street style, with a complete absence of gender signs. Such clothes do not require decor, and can be complemented by only certain elements of the costume and a few accessories.

A distinctive feature of the boyfriend is a direct transition from the waist line down, hiding a steep part of the hip. Low fit trousers fits the body only at the level of bikini, creating an effect of light drawing of female forms.

Since the model of the novelty is borrowed from the male wardrobe, then, accordingly, it has the appearance of "from someone else's shoulder." Free, sometimes some baggy jeans are ideal for creating an eye careless girl, a sort of street tip. However, the apparent simplicity of the style looks deceptive, because too thin face is going through a stylish thing and a shape-free cloth. It is important not to be mistaken in the choice of fashionable style, so as not to become a mad in the eyes of people.

How should boyfriend jeans sit?

Stud's commitment is confirmed by the choice of trousers having a kind of strong clothing. Despite the fact that jeans just purchased in the store, they can be torn and with traces of scuffs.

It is not necessary to think that I put our beloved guy's pants, you will immediately become a trendy girl. Boyfriend's jeans for young women have a certain cut, just imitating men's clothing. It is especially good that's noticeable if you look at the rear view. It is completely normal to landing trousers on the hips with a slightly lowered sequence. Invalid while free sagging clothes on the buttocks.

See also: Ampire style in women's clothing for modern lady

All Boyfriend Jeans models can be divided into three groups:

  • narrow - pants slightly tight hips and strongly narrow down the book;
  • free - more spacious at the top and slightly narrowed down at the bottom;
  • wide - absolutely free in the field of hips and almost not tapering down.

In jeans, boyfriends do not provide for folds in the top of the trousers, because the additional volume in them is created due to the free felting. Narrow jeans look especially spectacular in dark colors. Wide models prefer blonde colors of the color palette.

Who go Boyfriend Jeans

Despite the tremendous popularity and increased interest of the female audience, supermodic pants do not belong to the category of universal clothing. Straight cut, typical of male physique, does not look at full girls. Unfortunately, fashionable boyfriends are not able to emphasize the adorable roundness of female forms. But if the girl has a strong desire to wear trendy jeans on itself, you should carefully treat the choice. It is important that the stylish spaciousness of the model does not contribute to an excessive increase in the figures.

Spacious jeans look perfectly at slender figures with long legs and narrow hips. Nevertheless, low-spirited girls should not be upset about this, because a skillful selected model in combination with a suitable shoe will allow them to look quite adequate.

It is not necessary to consider stylish boyfriends exceptional privilege of young and young. Middle age women, too, can be completely calmly acquired by a fashionable pair. For them, it is desirable to pick up the most restrained Light Croes with minimal scuffs, for example, boyfriend jeans with a high waist. And of course, in this case, fabric breaks and multiple fittings in the decor are unacceptable.

Pay attention to the photo, some Hollywood celebrities in trendy trousers. Katie Holmes Street Style Fans, Lindsay Lohan, Charlize Theron, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gwen Stephanie and many other stars. Agree that most of them figures are very far from perfect, but this does not prevent them from boldly to decide in Boyfriend Jeans at any time of the year.

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Trendy bows with jeans boyfriend

Pants with challenges fit perfectly into the street style. The girl who had put on such jeans impresses the "Pazona", which is indifferent to the opinion of others about her appearance. Supplementing a set by some elements of the male wardrobe, one can achieve the completeness of the freedom-loving image. If you have a desire to create a feminine ensemble, then you should pick up more sophisticated things to the pants.

The odorously does not necessarily have a geometrically correct outline. A negligent twisting of the tissue in the form of a pipe or multi-layer folds is welcomed. One or two bends usually is quite enough to designaza.

Boyfriends with outdoor satellites It is recommended to carry women of slim physique. A shortened form visually reduces and expands the figure. This feature should be taken into account by low-spirited people and owners of lush forms. It is best to wear trousers with challenges in spring or summer.

Riping boyfriends Strengthen the impression of affected things. However, it is not necessary to abuse the number and magnitude of the tissue breaks. Such an element is definitely emphasizes belonging to style. But if the rest of the wardrobe elements will also look carefully, then the image of street strollers is provided. So that fashion pants looked stylishly, they should supplement only the neat items of the clothing of the sophisticated silhouette.

This popular currently of the wardrobe causes hot spores among fashionistas. Some believe that they urge the female figure. Others recognize that if the boyfriends jeans are difficult to find it difficult, then slender ladies can easily make an elegant ensemble with them.

Why are jeans called boyfriends?

These trousers wear such a specific name, because they look like a girl just removed them from her boyfriend. Jeans in the style of the boyfriend are sitting freely, the groin area and waist are underestimated. They often have losses, slits. They reach the ankles, they are converted, and at the same time look at least a size of more than a girl is required.

Literally from the English name is translated as "Friend Jeans", but the value of this phrase is a little different. It is understood by a young man with whom the girl connects a romantic relationship. No original fitness and decor such pants are adorn, they are extremely simple. And negligent clothing items prefer to wear young girls. Based on this, is it possible to make a boyfriend jeans? It is realistic if you follow the principles of the combination of things and take into account the individual features of fashionista.

Boyfriends jeans - who go?

It is logical to select things, considering the type of figure and characteristics of the product. Not all items of the wardrobe are universal. Who is suitable boyfriend jeans? They are simply necessary for skinny high growth girls with narrow hips. Free cut provides additional volume in the right places. Fashioned short growth needs to choose long pants that visually do not shorten the figure.

Full ladies should also look at jeans directly cutting. Highly rolled lower edges can give massiveness to silhouette, so you should not be overly bend. As for color, it is better to prefer the product of dark shades, blue or black. Light boyfriends are unprofitable to emphasize excess volumes. Low girls with full hips should be abandoned by the acquisition of such a thing.

Boyfriend jeans for women

This is a very popular thing not only in fashion shows, but also simply on the city streets. It can be said that in the latter case, they are even more appropriate. But this is not exclusively casual wear, fashionable boyfriend jeans ladies dress in a cafe, walking, at meetings with friends. They allow girls to take various Fashion experiments, engage trousers in the most unexpected ensembles.

Things from the male wardrobe ladies borrow constantly. Why? It is convenient, practical, such a style is characterized by simplicity and elegance. Original boyfriend jeans suggest the presence of a low waist, which is extremely comfortable, because such things do not limit, do not shift movement. But that the bow turned out to be elegant, you need to properly combine them in one ensemble.

High Waist boyfriends

Another option is considered to be another option, as already mentioned, with an understated landing. But the boyfriend jeans with an overwhelmed waist are also not uncommon, because such models allow you to wear a similar product and girls with a "weighty" bottom. Why do modelmen need to pay close attention to them? High landing is plundering volumes and looks more restrained, neatly.

Low landing boyfriends jeans

Who will suit such models? The boyfriend jeans with a lowered waist will benefitly emphasize the thin mill of slender high ladies. The choice of option may be due to the desire to demonstrate, combining trousers with a short t-shirt, top. The owners of lush forms of such ensembles are better to avoid, or prefer the model sitting strictly according to the figure, not too close, but not too spacious.

Boyfriend jeans with embroidery

The decor is rarely used on boyfriends, but some ladies always seek to decorate almost any product. Boyfriends with drawings are a new trend in fashion while they are relevant. Whether such options will be in demand, time will show. What pictures are used? A wide variety of: ornaments, patterns, designers reproduce the characters of folklore, mass culture.

Fashionmen can try to make embroidery on their own - this is a good reason to do creativity. Sophisticated options are better not to choose, but if the drawing is used, it must be bright and colorful. Children's attempts of self-expression with their imperfection Modern fashion only welcomes, you can try to create a stylization under the drawing of a schoolgirl.

Ripped jeans boyfriend

Cuts and even big ripped "wounds" on trousers have become fashionable for a long time. Ripped women's boyfriends jeans are rather a classic. But the models without cuts are harder to find. What should be torn jeans to be considered stylish? Modern fashion allows for cuts along the entire length, except for some zones and in moderate quantities - the product should not be vulgar. They are mainly located on the knees, along the hip.

Cuts are used to demonstrate both a romantic and hooligan character of the owner. And clearly not in order to emphasize the solid age of the product. There is no contradiction here, because the boyfriends are a rough male thing, it was possible to choose a fitting dress for these purposes. The fact is that contrast and shortness sometimes look more elegant than a clear focus on femininity.

Boyfriend jeans for full girls

Free Cra makes this object of clothing volumetric, and such things stylists do not recommend to wear ladies with forms. Therefore, women's boyfriend jeans for complete need to choose carefully. Girls of small growth, such pants may not come up at all, they visually significantly reduce growth. It is necessary to immediately exclude the models that create an extra volume on the hips.

It is better to choose options with overpriced or normal fit. The too low of the raised waist will emphasize the belly, and some other flaws of the figure. High girls prefer shortened models, and not in vain - they emphasize elegant ankles. Dark, saturated colors will make a silhouette slim. It is better to abandon embroidery, multiple cuts - a massive decor takes the image.

What to wear a boyfriend jeans?

It is important to choose not only suitable top and accessories, emphasizing femininity. Always relevant. The question remains with what shoes wear the boyfriend jeans? Sleepers or ankle shoes - the perfect option, they will help create a romantic image. For sports-style amateurs, sneakers are suitable, and moccasins. You can add them to sweatshirt, T-shirt, T-shirt - and the hooligan bow is ready.

If the cut is free, it is worth picking up a fitted turtleneck, sweater. In the summer, the owner of the perfect figure can demonstrate a beautiful press by choosing a short outdoor top. Well combined with such pants in one ensemble Spacious shirts, cardigans, but it depends on their model. The jacket is better to choose a little lower thighs.

What to wear women's boyfriend jeans in winter?

This question can put in a dead end of some fashionable. The boyfriend jeans in the winter are well neighboring with a warm, cozy sweater, without which he could not do in the cold time. You can choose both the shredded models and OVERSIZE option - this is the last fashion trend. In moderately warm weather, free classic coats are suitable for ensemble, emphasizing their owners.

It is important to understand which shoes can be adjacent to such free pants. High narrow boots are definitely not suitable. The sneakers and sneakers in winter we want to wear not everyone, so the most optimal exit - ankle boots or shoes on a heavy sole in the style of militaries, to which you need to properly pick up the outerwear: a jacket or a down jacket.

What to wear boyfriend jeans in autumn?

In the offseason are relevant coats, raincoats, and practical shoes. Images with jeans boyfriend is easy to imagine in such a way. After all, this wardrobe object is used to create brutal images. But romantic boats will be able to make the owner of the boyfriends of the present lady, if you add the image with a flowing or bulk scarf, other interesting accessories.

What to wear boyfriend jeans in the summer?

Roast time is suitable for such pants just perfect. Luke with jeans boyfriend in summer are formed easily and simple. Shirts or tops, spacious tunics, cardigans for a cool evening - a list of suitable things to create an elegant image can be continued infinitely. It is worth considering the features of the shape and choose your model of fashionable garment.

If there are problems with the formation of an exquisite bow, you can see the onions of celebrities and take into account their experience. Such pants are currently very popular with stars. Studs or, complete absence of accessories or massive decorations - solve only fashionista. In any case, universal basic things, such as boyfriend jeans, should be in the wardrobe.