Best friend's name test. Friendship test for girls

Answer the test questions quickly, without hesitation - then the answers will be as truthful as possible, and the test game for girls will show the correct grade. For some fun, invite a friend to take the test. While answering questions at the same time, you will surely be surprised at the results you get.


1. You know a funny story about your girlfriend. Your actions:

  • be sure to tell someone a secret (1 point)
  • tell, but change names (2 points)
  • keep your mouth shut (3 points)

2. The new dress doesn't suit your friend very well. What will you do?

  • give a comment (2 points)
  • you will not say anything (3 points)
  • praise the new thing (1 point)

3. What is your opinion of your friends?

  • they are smarter than you (2 points)
  • they are not as smart as you (1 point)
  • your mental abilities are about the same level (3 points)

4. Your friend often asks you for things, but is in no hurry to return them. What will you answer to the next request?

  • without further ado, give her a thing (1 point)
  • lie that now you don't have it (1 point)
  • refuse, explaining the reason (3 points)

5. Your friend accidentally broke your favorite vase. You:

  • say that you didn't like her anyway (3 points)
  • ask to pay for the damaged property (2 points)
  • scold a friend for negligence (1 point)

6. A friend is walking with a boy you don't like. You:

  • stop being friends with her (2 points)
  • keep silent, and you will be friends with her, as before (3 points)
  • put your friend before a choice: either he or you (1 point)

7. You really like your friend's jacket and want to wear it. Your actions:

  • you will beat around the bush, hinting at what you want (1 point)
  • ask for a jacket (2 points)
  • you won't ask (3 points)

8. Are you sure that your best friend should:

  • tell you everything (1 point)
  • share what he sees fit (3 points)
  • keep your thoughts to yourself, because you have enough of your problems (2 points)

9. You noticed that your friend got in touch with a bad company. What will you do?

  • break all ties with her as soon as possible (1 point)
  • talk "heart to heart" (3 points)
  • you will continue to be friends, no matter what, let him communicate with whoever he wants (2 points)

10. Your girlfriend needs money, but you just have the right amount. How do you offer money?

  • Take it, please. I will be very pleased. (2 points)
  • You often help me out too. This is the least that I can thank You. (3 points)
  • Take it. You need them more now. We must immediately help you out. (1 point)

And now it's time for you and your girlfriend to get confused in points - otherwise, what kind of friends are you?) Two minutes to sort things out (positions in some situations you may have radically different), and, to your surprise, you also find yourself in different groups. In any case, we read the test results.

Test results

21-30 points. Congratulations! You don't meet a friend like you every day. Sincere, caring, sociable, you quickly win over and never let dear people down. Loneliness and sadness are not about You, because You are sure: in a difficult situation, friends will always help You.

15-20 points. You don't always understand your friends. You yourself have noticed the bewilderment in their eyes more than once. To improve your relationship with your best friends, put yourself in their shoes more often. Then you can trust each other more and finally find a common language.

10-14 points. You, like a lonely wolf, always and everywhere prefer to solve your problems yourself. You are afraid to let people close to you, you don't really need friends. At the same time, you can communicate very nicely "at a distance." Alone with yourself you are not bored, maybe that's why you are not looking for additional communication.

Understanding each other without words, without hesitation talking about the most intimate, giving the last and not regretting - all this is available only to friends. Friendship is what many dream of all their lives, what they strive for, but not always get it. The ability to make friends consists of many things: the ability to understand and support, defend and forgive.

If you think that you have finally found a friend, but still doubt his intentions, take the friendship tests. By dispelling doubts, you will be able to communicate with an open soul, show warmth and sincerity. And, conversely, if the “best friend” does not turn out to be such, do not miss the moment when you can end the relationship without loss.

Girlfriend tests

Who is your best friend? Do you know her well? Is your friendship real? Here are the best tests for girls, girls who know how to be friends. After going through them, you will understand if you are suitable for each other, and you will be able to find out how much she appreciates your support.

Tests for couples, friends for knowing each other

Your friendship is many years old and you know each other better than anyone? Check if this is so. These tests are designed specifically for couples, longtime girlfriends and boyfriends. Their goal is to strengthen friendships. After all, only knowing everything about your friend, you can rely on him both in grief and in joy. Tests for two will show you from new perspectives, help you get to know your loved one even better.

How does your friend behave in different situations? Does she have decency in a relationship? Does she help you? Are you ready to appear yourself at the first call? Put your friendship to the test. Choose the answers to the questions of this mini-test and compare your feelings with the conclusions of psychologists.

Take this test both and compare the results. They will reflect not only your ability to be friends, but also your view of human relations in general.

The humorous questions of this test may seem like a frivolous one. But don't be in a hurry with your estimates! Each of them has a special meaning. Good manners and decency, the ability to value others and the ability to sacrifice - all this will determine the conclusions of the friendship test.

Questions to ask a friend: questions from men and women

The thought of what questions to ask a friend arises often, both in women and in men. After all, not only girls can be friends, but friendship between a man and a woman is also possible. And if girlfriends can chat about everything, then it is more difficult for men in this regard. In order, first of all, to remain an interesting and good interlocutor for a girl, a man must be tactful and original in his questions.

Nowadays, more and more people spend their time on the Internet, where they get to know each other, communicate, find common interests during correspondence, which in the future can lead to friendship between these people. There are a huge number of social networks. In them you can find new acquaintances, as well as communicate with old acquaintances, getting to know them better. And in order to make a good impression when meeting, communication should be lively and interesting. Guys, in the first days of their acquaintance, are not allowed to ask frank and serious questions, it is better if the conversation is fun and original, without trivial questions.

For a network like VK, questions that reveal the girl's character and outlook on life are suitable.

  • Favorite show?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • What movie would you like to watch? Why?
  • What do you prefer - spending the whole day at home or relaxing with friends?
  • who are your friends?
  • Would you go with friends to relax as a savage?
  • Have you ever envied a friend?
  • Are you happy with your life?
  • Do you consider yourself a believer?
  • Are you capable of crazy things?
  • Can you tell us about the most daring act in your life?
  • Have you ever deceived others?
  • What is offensive to you?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What are you disgusted with?
  • What do you hate?
  • What are you proud of?
  • Would you like to know the future?
  • Do you think there is love at first sight?
  • Have you dated a guy before?
  • What should be the communication between a guy and a girl?
  • What is not acceptable for you in a relationship between a guy and a girl?
  • Do you think love exists at a distance?
  • Is it possible to love only by texting in VK?

The same questions can be asked on ask. And in you can show originality, for example, by introducing yourself as a correspondent, invite the girls to answer questions for an interview.

  • What three wishes would you make for a goldfish?
  • What would you change in your past?
  • Do you consider yourself successful?
  • Is there a secret to success?
  • Do you consider yourself a role model?
  • You have to try everything in life. Are there things that you will definitely never try?
  • When was the last time you cried? Why?
  • How do you see your future?
  • What are you lacking the courage to do?
  • Which would you choose - patriarchy or matriarchy?
  • What question would you like to answer yourself?

The more peculiar the question is, the more it will arouse the girl's interest in the conversation.

In friendship between girlfriends, any questions are permissible, both banal, when a relationship is just being established, and more frank, when friendship has already been tested by time and you can trust. The average age of girls when a real strong friendship begins is 12 years. In this adolescence, girls undergo a rethinking of values, and friendship is either tied for many years, or passes into the status of just familiar comrades. And despite the fact that the girls themselves are chatty, it happens that when they meet, they do not find the right questions for a potential girlfriend. And in order to get to know her better, you need to ask your friend about a lot. And for this, simple questions are suitable, reminiscent of filling out a questionnaire.

  • What do you like?
  • What don't you love?
  • Favorite color? Dish? Movie? Song?
  • Your fear?
  • What's annoying?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What can you do better than others?
  • Your dream?
  • What can spoil your mood?
  • What can improve your mood?
  • What kind of gifts do you like?
  • That you can't forgive your friend?

Funny questions also bring together and allow you to appreciate the friend's sense of humor.

  • The head of which state do you want to become?
  • Can you speak with an accent?
  • What kind of animal would you like to become?
  • If you write a book about your life, what would you call it?
  • What will you do with a million dollars?
  • Who would you take to a desert island?
  • Which superhero do you want to be?
  • Can you ride a bike?
  • What New Year's costume did you wear as a child?
  • Do you sing in the shower?
  • Which celebrity do you want to date?

When companionship flows into a real, strong friendship, you can also ask your best friend personal questions. For example, about yourself: what to like and dislike in character, what is the road, what is valued in friendship, would like another friend, etc.

Well, and for love and men, women in general can talk for hours. Sometimes you don't even need questions, because friends usually share their innermost thoughts themselves: their impressions of acquaintance, about a guy, about feelings for him, about dreams, about the future with him.

When you meet new people, you always want to get to know a person better, and the easiest way is to ask what interests you. You shouldn't be shy about asking questions, but you shouldn't forget about the rules of good manners either.

A source:
Questions to ask a friend: questions from men and women
What questions can you ask a friend, a selection of questions when texting VK or ask. Relevant questions about love from a girl or friend for an interview.

Friendship test for girls

The test is on your nose, and your girlfriend is calling you to the cinema again? This means that again you will have to choose between friendship and study. Let's check if you know how to be friends for real. I just have an interesting test for girls.

Answer the test questions quickly, without hesitation - then the answers will be as truthful as possible, and the test game for girls will show the correct grade. For some fun, invite a friend to take the test. While answering questions at the same time, you will surely be surprised at the results you get.

1. You know a funny story about your girlfriend. Your actions:

  • be sure to tell someone a secret (1 point)
  • tell, but change names (2 points)
  • keep your mouth shut (3 points)

2. The new dress doesn't suit your friend very well. What will you do?

  • give a comment (2 points)
  • you will not say anything (3 points)
  • praise the new thing (1 point)

3. What is your opinion of your friends?

  • they are smarter than you (2 points)
  • they are not as smart as you (1 point)
  • your mental abilities are about the same level (3 points)

4. Your friend often asks you for things, but is in no hurry to return them. What will you answer to the next request?

  • without further ado, give her a thing (1 point)
  • lie that now you don't have it (1 point)
  • refuse, explaining the reason (3 points)

5. Your friend accidentally broke your favorite vase. You:

  • say that you didn't like her anyway (3 points)
  • ask to pay for the damaged property (2 points)
  • scold a friend for negligence (1 point)

6. A friend is walking with a boy you don't like. You:

  • stop being friends with her (2 points)
  • keep silent, and you will be friends with her, as before (3 points)
  • put your friend before a choice: either he or you (1 point)

7. You really like your friend's jacket and want to wear it. Your actions:

  • you will beat around the bush, hinting at what you want (1 point)
  • ask for a jacket (2 points)
  • you won't ask (3 points)

8. Are you sure that your best friend should:

  • tell you everything (1 point)
  • share what he sees fit (3 points)
  • keep your thoughts to yourself, because you have enough of your problems (2 points)

9. You noticed that your friend got in touch with a bad company. What will you do?

  • break all ties with her as soon as possible (1 point)
  • talk "heart to heart" (3 points)
  • you will continue to be friends, no matter what, let him communicate with whoever he wants (2 points)

10. Your girlfriend needs money, but you just have the right amount. How do you offer money?

  • Take it, please. I will be very pleased. (2 points)
  • You often help me out too. This is the least that I can thank You. (3 points)
  • Take it. You need them more now. We must immediately help you out. (1 point)

And now it's time for you and your girlfriend to get confused in points - otherwise, what kind of friends are you?) Two minutes to sort things out (positions in some situations you may have radically different), and, to your surprise, you also find yourself in different groups. In any case, we read the test results.

21-30 points. Congratulations! You don't meet a friend like you every day. Sincere, caring, sociable, you quickly win over and never let dear people down. Loneliness and sadness are not about You, because You are sure: in a difficult situation, friends will always help You.

15-20 points. You don't always understand your friends. You yourself have noticed the bewilderment in their eyes more than once. To improve your relationship with your best friends, put yourself in their shoes more often. Then you can trust each other more and finally find a common language.

10-14 points. You, like a lonely wolf, always and everywhere prefer to solve your problems yourself. You are afraid to let people close to you, you don't really need friends. At the same time, you can communicate very nicely "at a distance." Alone with yourself you are not bored, maybe that's why you are not looking for additional communication.