Test pad to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. Leakage (premature discharge) of amniotic fluid

During pregnancy in the mother's womb, the fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid, which is commonly called amniotic fluid. They are important in relation to the development of the fetus, so their effusion normally occurs only during a certain period of labor.

If the waters begin to recede prematurely, this threatens with premature resolution and becomes a serious risk factor. It is necessary to understand how dangerous such situations are for a woman and a baby. The question of how to understand that the waters have broken should be studied by every expectant mother.

Symptoms of loss of amniotic fluid

Many women, even at the beginning of their term, are interested in how to understand that the waters have broken. The physiology of a woman is designed in such a way that during the third trimester of pregnancy, the discharge is more abundant, and this is the absolute norm. It is necessary to identify the nature of such manifestations, which should be done by the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. But the expectant mother, for the sake of her own safety and the health of the baby, must herself be able to determine that the premature discharge of fluid has begun. It is important to know and understand what is happening in the body: leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge.

The main symptoms that can make you wary lie in the following factors:

  • The outpouring of fluid increases with a change in position and movement.
  • If there has been a significant rupture of the fetal bladder, the fluid begins to flow down the legs. A woman, even with the effort of her genital muscles, cannot stop the flow.
  • If the damage to the bladder is microscopic, the leakage is determined solely with the help of a smear in the antenatal clinic or special tests.

External differences

It is possible to distinguish two conditions - leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge - by the appearance of formations on underwear or hygiene products. The waters have a transparent color (sometimes with a pinkish, greenish, brownish tint) and are a bit cloudy. The discharge may have a thicker consistency and a white, yellowish-white, brownish tint. Amniotic fluid, which is far from transparent, should also alert the expectant mother.

Special home check tests

To understand what is really happening (leakage of amniotic fluid or discharge), tests that are specially designed to test women at home will help. The most effective are two research methods, the essence of which is as follows:

  • Before checking, you must go to the toilet, wash the intimate area, pat dry with a towel. After that, it is recommended to lie down on a clean, dry sheet or diaper. If stains appear on the surface of the fabric after twenty minutes, there is a high probability of premature outflow. The reliability of this technique is about 80%.
  • The possibility of loss allows you to identify special accessories. Gaskets for the outpouring of amniotic fluid can be purchased at a pharmacy for an average of 300 rubles.

Special testing tools

Some pharmaceutical companies produce special pads for amniotic fluid leakage. According to external characteristics, this is a completely standard hygienic package. The main difference is that each product contains special reagents. They help to reliably determine even the smallest fraction of the outpouring.

The test is quite simple: the product is attached to the underwear and left for 12 hours. The reagents react exclusively with amniotic fluid and stain the pad aquamarine. The study allows you to distinguish the presence of discharge from the main problem. The hygiene bag simply won't change color.

At the first signs of outflow, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, because such a condition can threaten the health of the fetus and mother. It is also better to consult a doctor if a woman is concerned about any suspicions. Only a specialist will help remove unnecessary fears and reliably establish whether a woman has amniotic fluid leakage or discharge, which are a sign of the healthy functioning of the body. In any case, you need to carefully listen to your condition.

How to recognize amniotic fluid leakage with a high level of confidence?

Professional methods of examination give high efficiency. During a medical examination, a more detailed diagnosis is carried out. By manipulating a special tool - a gynecological speculum - the obstetrician examines the cervix. It is likely that the woman will have to specifically push. If a copious discharge of fluid begins at this point, the fetal bladder may be damaged, and the doctor determines how the amniotic fluid is leaking. Depending on the results of the study, further tactics of action are built.

Additional manipulations

The medical test for amniotic fluid leakage is to determine the pH level of the vagina. If the environment is normal, high acidity will be detected. With the loss of amniotic fluid, it becomes slightly alkaline or neutral. This method also allows you to determine the presence of various infectious diseases.

Often, an obstetrician conducts a cytological examination - this is a special test for amniotic fluid. The substance to be separated is applied to the glass. After drying, it is determined what it is: water or physiological secretions. At the 40th week of the term, the technique is not used

If the doctors justified their suspicions, at the end an ultrasound examination is performed to determine the exact amount of amniotic fluid. If their volume is less than normal, oligohydramnios is diagnosed.

Risk factors

  • Infectious lesions of the genital tract that occurred even before the onset of pregnancy or in the early stages.
  • Malformations of the uterus (mostly congenital).
  • cervical insufficiency. The cervix is ​​poorly closed and cannot cope with the pressure from the growing fetus.
  • Polyhydramnios. The diagnosis is made after an ultrasound examination.
  • Chorionic biopsy, cordocentesis, amniocentesis. Genetic disorders.
  • Mechanical injury received while waiting for the baby.
  • Insufficient pressing of the presenting part of the fetus. Most often observed in women with a narrow pelvis and in the presence of anomalies in its development.
  • Multiple pregnancy.

What is a norm?

A healthy pregnancy and childbirth implies the following sequence of events: when the 38th, 39th, 40th week of pregnancy comes, labor can begin at any time. When one of the contractions proceeds, the bubble in which the amniotic fluid is enclosed breaks, and they come out in one stream. If this does not happen, the obstetrician performs a forced puncture, which is called an amniotomy.


Depending on the time when the outflow occurs, and on how the amniotic fluid leaks, the following classification has been developed:

  • Timely. It begins at the end of the first birth period with full or almost full disclosure of the cervix.
  • Premature. When it's 39, before the onset of stable labor.
  • Early. Leakage during labor but before cervical dilatation.
  • belated. Occurs due to the high density of the fetal membranes. The effusion begins in the second birth period.
  • High rupture of shells. Occurs at a level above the cervical os.

Ideally, the outpouring should be just in time. But in terms of full-term pregnancy, the period of which exceeds 37 weeks, any option may be favorable if, as a result, normal labor activity develops. A similar condition is considered dangerous if the period is less than 37 weeks.

Why is leakage dangerous?

In order to understand all the consequences that threaten premature rupture, it is necessary to understand the functions that amniotic fluid carries:

  • barrier to infection. Infection through the mother's genitals can get to the child in a vertical way.
  • Prevention of compression of the umbilical cord. The waters help create a free flow of blood to the baby.
  • mechanical function. The fetus receives protection from negative external influences, such as shocks or falls. Conditions are created for the free movement of the baby.
  • biologically active environment. There is a constant exchange and secretion of chemicals between mother and baby.

In the event of the development of disorders, all functions suffer, but intrauterine infection becomes the most dangerous complication, because leakage occurs due to loss of integrity of the membranes. As a result, the tightness of the medium is lost, protection from external influences is lost, and sterility is violated. Viruses, bacteria, fungi can penetrate the fetus.

If a leak is found...

If an outflow occurs during this, it can cause infection of the fetus with various infections, which, without barriers, can overcome all protection. As soon as the obstetrician makes sure that there is leakage, the woman is sent for ultrasound diagnostics. This study helps determine the degree of maturity of the baby in the womb. If the kidneys and respiratory system of the fetus are ready for full-fledged functioning outside the uterus, this is done to prevent infection of the child with an infection.

If the fetus is not ready for independent life, measures are taken to prolong the pregnancy - doctors will expect the fetus to be ready for childbirth. The therapy is as follows:

  • Prescribing antibacterial drugs. This will help prevent intrauterine infection.
  • Strict bed rest. Rest and a stable position facilitate the therapy.
  • Permanent monitoring of the health and condition of the child, as every day is considered important. The baby has every chance to grow to a viable state in the mother's womb. An assessment of its blood flow, perturbation is carried out.
  • Mother undergoes laboratory tests, body temperature is measured.
  • In the absence of signs of infection, expectant management continues. The child's airways can be prepared for independent functioning, for which hormonal drugs can be prescribed. It is not dangerous, all activities are aimed at maintaining the health of the mother and child.

Instead of a conclusion

Premature leakage of water can be prevented if a woman, in the presence of risk factors, carries out appropriate prevention. For example, timely treatment of cervical insufficiency is implemented, when a suture can be applied to the cervix, a special one is introduced. In some cases, preservation therapy, sanitation of the genital tract and other potential infectious foci (pyelonephritis, caries, tonsillitis) are carried out. The most favorable prognosis is formed with effusion in full-term pregnancy. However, the expectant mother should not panic, it is advisable to remain calm and follow all the doctor's instructions.

During pregnancy, women are worried about test results, weight gain, lack of fetal activity, but expectant mothers rarely pay attention to the composition and amount of natural vaginal discharge. Most are not even aware of the existence of pads for detecting amniotic fluid leakage. If you are a responsible and attentive mother, then the information presented below should certainly be in your knowledge box.

Functions of the amniotic fluid

In the uterine cavity, the fetus is located in the fetal bladder, which is reliably protected by two membranes - the amnion and the smooth chorion. The internal amnion produces amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid, which perform a number of vital functions to ensure the fetus:

  • oxygen;
  • nutrients;
  • constant optimal temperature conditions;
  • free space for movement inside the amniotic sac.

In addition, the amniotic fluid, the leakage of which can be detected by means of special pads for pregnant women, protects the embryo from:

  • infections due to the presence of immunoglobulin;
  • mechanical damage;
  • strong noise from the environment.

Danger of leakage of amniotic fluid

In case of violation of the integrity, tightness of the shell, water leaks. A particular problem is that the process does not start all at once. Water seeps literally drop by drop, mixing with natural vaginal secretions.

Attention: the sooner you detect leakage of amniotic fluid, the lower the risk of negative consequences for the fetus and the course of pregnancy in general.

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, which in this situation is the best solution, use test pads to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid.

When water leaks in a pregnant woman, there is a high probability of developing such pathologies:

  • miscarriage;
  • ending with ischemic encephalitis in the fetus;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • placental abruption.

Options for diagnosing pathology

To determine fluid leakage during pregnancy, several methods are used. The most significant and reliable are:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • smear for the presence of amniotic fluid;
  • amniocentesis with a dye marker;
  • maternity pads sensitive to amniotic fluid;
  • nitrative test strips;
  • test systems.

The first three methods are available exclusively in a medical institution. Without outside help, at home, a woman can diagnose using test pads.

Test diagnostic methods

If you decide to use test diagnostics, it is useful to know the principle and features of its operation.

Test pads are supplied with an indicator strip. It reacts to changes in the pH of the environment, that is, to its acidity, by determining the presence of amniotic fluid in the secretions.

Important: modern amniotic fluid leak pads are highly accurate and do not show false results if they are used correctly.

The nitrative test (litmus strip) is currently used very rarely due to the absence of a polymer matrix and low sensitivity.

Test systems are similar in principle to pads, but they do not react to the acidity of the environment, but to the presence of special proteins present in the amniotic fluid. However, due to the fact that the method is more complex, it is inferior to the easy-to-use and safe test pads.

How do test pads work?

A modern test pad designed to detect leakage of amniotic fluid in pregnant women looks like a regular daily. It is thin, almost not felt and does not cause discomfort while wearing. In the center of the gasket is a colorimetric indicator. After contact with amniotic fluid, the color of the indicator changes.

Important: The pH of normal vaginal discharge is 3.8-4.5, while the pH of amniotic fluid is 6.5-7.

The special composition of the polymer matrix allows the indicator to respond exclusively to the amniotic fluid. A small portion of urine, vaginal discharge can not affect the accuracy of the result.

Attention: sperm or a genital tract infection can slightly distort the indicators.

Rules for using test pads

To get reliable, accurate results, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • 12 hours before the procedure, do not have sexual intercourse, do not use vaginal contraceptives and exclude medication;
  • make sure the integrity of the packaging of the test;
  • perform genital hygiene;
  • attach the pad to the inside of the underwear;
  • the indicator strip-liner should be located as far as possible opposite the vagina;
  • after about 5-10 hours, when the gasket is sufficiently moistened, carefully remove it;
  • in a situation where there is leakage of amniotic fluid, spots of a characteristic color will appear on the test pad.

And, of course, before using the test, carefully read the instructions. Depending on the manufacturer, there may be some features and nuances in its application.

A test for amniotic fluid leakage can become something of a lifesaver in a difficult situation when this pathology is suspected in a woman. The amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby in the fetal bladder throughout the entire period of pregnancy should normally pour out no earlier than 38 weeks or already during contractions. Rupture or tearing of the fetal membrane at an earlier date can lead to premature birth or infection of the baby and mother.

If there is an outpouring of water, then it is usually difficult not to notice it. The volume of liquid is quite large. They have almost no smell and color. But when only cracks form on the bladder and amniotic fluid leaks, this often goes unnoticed or is mistaken for vaginal discharge or urine.

Signs of amniotic fluid leakage may disappear within an hour after the onset. Therefore, it can be difficult for a doctor at an appointment to diagnose a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder. Sometimes, when viewed on a chair, a pregnant woman is asked to cough. In this case, a certain amount of amniotic fluid should stand out (if the fetal bladder is torn). But sometimes it can be confused with urine. Therefore, the method is not reliable enough.

To determine the possible leakage of fluid from the fetal bladder at home, you can use special pads and test strips. The principle of their work is to react to the alkaline environment of amniotic fluid. The Nitrazine indicator used in their manufacture then changes its color from yellow to blue. Some diseases can cause false positive results. Therefore, with a sufficiently high sensitivity of this method, its reliability is not absolute. The pH level changes in the vagina when amniotic fluid enters it. Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic. When leaking, the acidity level should decrease. You can conduct an analysis in a medical institution by passing a swab from the vagina. Here, the results can also be distorted by infectious gynecological diseases and vaginal dysbacteriosis.

You can also trust a specialist who knows exactly how to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid using a test. He will take a swab from your vagina and send it to a laboratory to examine the sample under a microscope. Crystals of dried amniotic fluid create an intricate pattern resembling fern leaves. The method is subject to inaccuracies due to many factors. The ingress of secretions of the cervical canal, semen, spotting can confuse the laboratory assistant.

The method of introducing a dye into the amniotic fluid during amniocentesis has a high accuracy. A tampon placed in the vagina is stained within 20-30 minutes after the introduction of indigo carmine. This is a rapid test for detecting amniotic fluid leakage, the reliability of which is 100%. But he has a lot of shortcomings associated with the risk of bleeding, infection, provoking premature birth due to puncture of the membranes.

Quite accurate results are given by the test pad for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid (Amnishur). Determining the origin of secretions occurs by responding to the concentration of placental alpha microglobulin. It is secreted by the cells of the placenta. And in the absence of damage to the bladder should not be detected in the vagina. Neither diseases nor other fluids affect the reliability of the result.

You can buy the Amnishur test at some pharmacies listed on the official website or order it online. pH pads and tests are available for purchase at almost any pharmacy. And swabs can be taken at your antenatal clinic or a private clinic. The choice is yours and let the doctor you trust be your main adviser.

The outpouring of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) is one of the stages of normal childbirth. The rupture of the membranes of the fetal bladder occurs during contractions during the opening of the cervix. Leakage of amniotic fluid before 37 weeks of gestation can cause preterm labor and other serious pregnancy complications.

Possible options for outflow of water

Leakage and outflow of amniotic fluid are distinguished by the time of occurrence. Normally, the fetal bladder opens at the term of full-term pregnancy (after 37 weeks) with partial or complete disclosure of the cervix. At this point, the woman is in active labor. The uterus contracts regularly, the body prepares for the birth of the baby. Such an outpouring of water is called timely and does not pose a danger to the woman and the fetus.

A belated outflow of amniotic fluid is said if the membranes of the fetal bladder are torn in attempts, in the second stage of labor. Often, a baby is born in a whole fetal bladder ("in a shirt"). This phenomenon occurs with very dense fetal membranes and is also considered the norm.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid is a condition in which the fetal bladder opens before the onset of labor. After 37 weeks, this phenomenon is not too dangerous. In this case, a spontaneous start of labor activity will occur within the next few hours. If necessary, the doctor can stimulate the onset of labor with medications.

A certain danger to a woman and her baby is the outpouring of water for up to 37 weeks. In this case, there is a high probability of starting labor ahead of time and the birth of a premature baby. Prolonged exposure of the baby to an anhydrous space can lead to infection and the development of serious complications.

What is amniotic fluid leakage?

With the complete outflow of amniotic fluid, a significant rupture of the fetal bladder occurs. In this case, it is almost impossible to keep the pregnancy until the due date. Water leakage looks a little different. In this situation, the fetal bladder does not burst completely, but only in one small area. Amniotic fluid comes out of the fetal bladder in small portions, drop by drop. The expectant mother may not even notice the leakage of water for the time being, attributing all the symptoms to increased natural secretions.

The most dangerous is the gradual leakage of water for up to 37 weeks. In this case, even a small defect in the fetal bladder can provoke infection of the fetus. In some cases, intrauterine infection can lead to the death of the child. At term, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.

The value of amniotic fluid

Before talking about the problem and its possible consequences, you should understand why amniotic fluid is needed.

The main functions of amniotic fluid:

  • protecting the baby from infections;
  • mechanical protection of the fetus and umbilical cord from any external influences;
  • metabolism between mother and child;
  • maintaining a constant pressure of the internal environment of the uterus;
  • maintaining a constant temperature;
  • creating favorable conditions for the existence of the fetus.

The composition of amniotic fluid changes throughout pregnancy. The study can detect various fractions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The amniotic fluid contains immunoglobulins that protect the baby from various infectious agents. And finally, particles of desquamated epithelium, vellus hair and elements of the original lubricant float freely in the amniotic fluid.

What happens if amniotic fluid breaks or starts to leak? The baby will lose its most important protective shell - a complete fetal bladder with amniotic fluid inside. In such conditions, the child will not be able to exist for a long time. Further intrauterine development of the fetus will be a big question.

The reasons

Leakage of water before the term of a full-term pregnancy can be triggered by such conditions:

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • genital tract infections;
  • trauma during pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • invasive interventions during pregnancy (amniocentesis, cordocentesis, chorionic biopsy).


It is not difficult to recognize a full-fledged rupture of amniotic fluid. In the III trimester of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid is 1000-1500 ml. When most of the waters recede, it is simply impossible not to notice. In such a situation, you must immediately call an ambulance. Further tactics will depend on the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

Leakage of amniotic fluid can go unnoticed for a long time. Outwardly, the waters are a clear, turbid or slightly yellowish liquid. Amniotic fluid has its own specific smell, but it can be quite difficult to recognize it. The smell is not too sharp and many women simply do not feel it.

The release of amniotic fluid, even with a slight rupture of the fetal bladder, occurs constantly. Drops of amniotic fluid remain on the underwear and bed linen in the form of small rounded spots. With a change in body position and physical activity, the amount of discharge increases. If the rupture of the bladder increases, the amniotic fluid begins to drain down the legs.

Water leakage or other problem?

Amniotic fluid leakage is often confused with symptoms of a urinary tract infection or urinary incontinence. Each of these states has its own distinctive features.

Vaginal discharge during infection:

  • plentiful, thick, viscous;
  • milky, yellow, green;
  • have a characteristic unpleasant odor;
  • accompanied by itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina.

Two simple methods are used to diagnose the cause of vaginal discharge:

  • survey smear on flora;
  • bacteriological culture.

If pathogenic bacteria are found in the vagina or on the cervix, specific therapy is performed. During pregnancy, priority is given to local antibacterial drugs in suppositories and gels. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. After treatment, vaginal discharge should decrease or disappear completely.

Discharge from urinary incontinence:

  • liquid;
  • yellowish;
  • have a characteristic pungent odor;
  • may be accompanied by burning and pain when urinating.

Urinary incontinence is a common problem in pregnant women. The sphincters of the bladder do not always cope with the increased load, which leads to periodic urinary incontinence. The discharge is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, laughing, any physical activity. The longer the gestation period, the more noticeable the problem becomes. If you suspect urinary incontinence, you should contact a urologist.

Water leaks:

  • liquid;
  • transparent, cloudy or slightly yellowish;
  • have a slight specific odor;
  • intensify with a change in body position;
  • not accompanied by any discomfort in the vagina.

If you suspect water leakage, you should immediately consult a doctor.


There are several ways to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid:

The diaper test

The easiest way to recognize a dangerous pathology at home. Before testing, you must empty your bladder and take a shower. After a shower, you should take a horizontal position, placing a clean and dry cotton diaper under your buttocks. The leakage of water is indicated by the gradual wetting of the diaper over the next two hours.

pharmacy test

A special test pad for determining amniotic fluid can be purchased at any pharmacy. This test allows you to distinguish amniotic fluid from normal vaginal discharge and urine. Read the instructions before using the test.

The study is based on the identification of certain ingredients in the amniotic fluid. These substances change the pH of the vaginal discharge. Normal vaginal secretion has a pH of 3.8-4.5. The test strip begins to react when it comes into contact with a medium with a higher pH (above 5.5).

The test is for single use only. Before use, make sure the packaging is intact. The test strip is attached directly to the underwear and remains there for up to 12 hours. If the pad becomes wet quickly, it must be removed from the underwear immediately.

It is necessary to evaluate the result in a well-lit place. When amniotic fluid leaks, green or blue spots appear on the pad. Spots can be of various shapes, sizes and intensities. With normal vaginal discharge, the pad does not change color.

An important point: the appearance of blue or green spots is possible with some bacterial infections of the genital tract. If there is any change in the indicator of the test strip, you should consult a doctor.


  • it is not recommended to test less than 12 hours after sexual intercourse and the use of any vaginal suppositories;
  • do not use the pad immediately after taking a shower;
  • if itching, burning or other signs of an allergic reaction appear, remove the pad, change underwear and consult a doctor.

Cytological examination

Testing is done by a doctor. For research, discharge from the vagina is taken. The resulting material is applied to a glass slide and examined under a microscope. The detection of detached fetal skin cells and other specific elements in the smear indicates leakage of amniotic fluid.

Swab for arborization

The test is carried out in a medical facility. For research, cervical mucus is taken and applied to a glass slide. After drying, the material is examined under a microscope. When amniotic fluid leaks, a pattern resembling fern leaves is clearly visible on the glass.


Testing consists in identifying a special substance - placental alpha-1-microglobulin in the vaginal secretion. The presence of this element clearly indicates the leakage of amniotic fluid. For research, a swab soaked in a special indicator is inserted into the woman's vagina. Next, the swab is lowered into a test tube with a solution. A test with an indicator is added to the same tube. When amniotic fluid leaks, a colored stripe appears on the test.


Leakage of amniotic fluid can lead to the start of labor at any time. The shorter the gestational age, the harder it will be for a premature baby to adapt to new living conditions. It is far from always possible to suspend childbirth when water is poured out.

Rupture of the membranes of the fetal bladder and prolonged leakage of water can provoke infection of the fetus. In this case, the child is born with various pathologies of development and damage to internal organs. Sudden fetal death from infection is possible at any stage of pregnancy.

What to do?

If there is a suspicion of leakage of amniotic fluid, the expectant mother must be hospitalized in a hospital. Further tactics will depend on the duration of pregnancy, the general condition of the woman and the fetus.

At a period after 37 weeks, with leakage of water, obstetricians stimulate labor. Prolonged stay of the baby in an anhydrous space can lead to infection. Waiting in this case does not make sense. A baby born after 37 weeks is considered full-term and can exist outside the mother's womb.

At a gestational age of up to 37 weeks and there are no signs of infection of the fetus, expectant management is used. A therapy is prescribed aimed at maintaining pregnancy and reducing the tone of the uterus. The lungs of the fetus are prepared for independent breathing with the help of hormonal preparations.

There is no specific treatment that can stop water leakage. To assess the condition of the baby, ultrasound, dopplerometry and CTG are regularly performed. With severe fetal suffering, early delivery is performed.

Test pad for detecting leakage of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) in the vaginal discharge of a pregnant woman

According to statistics, in at least 10% of pregnancies, premature rupture of the amniotic membrane occurs, which can lead to premature birth, intrauterine infection and other complications. Amniotic fluid leakage cannot always be detected by a traditional clinical examination (if fluid loss is slow or intermittent), and therefore confirmation with a diagnostic test is very helpful. The FRAUTEST test is recommended for both normal pregnancy and high-risk pregnancy. Many women experience urinary incontinence during the third trimester of pregnancy, which is often confused with amniotic fluid leakage.

Amniotic fluid leakage increases the risk of infection for both mother and baby, and early diagnosis can help:

– prevent complications or premature birth;

- to determine the possible rupture of the fetal membrane;

- contact the maternity ward in a timely manner;


FRAUTEST amnio is a non-invasive self-diagnosis test that is easy to use at home. The test is able to distinguish amniotic fluid from copious vaginal discharge and urine, which prevents often unnecessary visits to the doctor, which can be regarded as a "false alarm".

The test pad consists of a conventional pad with an incorporated test strip containing a proprietary polymer containing a colorimetric indicator that changes from yellow to blue-green when in contact with high pH liquids. Normal vaginal pH is 3.8-4.5, amniotic fluid pH is 6.5-7. The test pad changes color when it comes into contact with a liquid with a pH level greater than 5.5.

The test distinguishes amniotic fluid from urine by using a polymer matrix that uses a special formulation of ingredients that revert the color change back to yellow when reacted with ammonia concentrations found in urine.

The pH indicator is bonded to the polymer and sits internally between the two absorbent layers of the pad. The physical contact of the woman's body with the diagnostic components is completely absent.


Before testing, make sure that the test packaging is airtight and should be opened immediately before analysis. Each test is for single use only.

1. Open the foil bag with dry hands and remove the test pad.

2. Glue the pad to the underwear (Fig. 1). The yellow insert should be against the vagina. The test pad can be worn for up to 12 hours like a normal pad, or removed sooner if you feel any leakage.

3. When the pad is sufficiently damp, remove it from your underwear.

4. Check the pad for stains immediately after removing it from the laundry (fig. 2, 3).


Grade results should be done in a well-lit area.

Positive result

If blue or green spots of any intensity, size, shape or location appear on the pad, then this means that the leaking fluid is most likely amniotic fluid. The spots may be indistinct and more intense at the edges of the yellow band.
Caution: The pad also turns blue or green in case of bacterial vaginal infections (such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis). In any case, if you get a positive result, contact your doctor immediately.

Negative result

If the pad has not changed color, this means that the test fluid is urine or vaginal secretions, there is no amniotic fluid leakage. Any minimal amount of leaking amniotic fluid will leave visible stains on the pad.
Positive test results should be reported to your doctor. The color is stable for 48 hours. If the test result remains negative, and heavy discharge continues, you should consult a doctor.


If you suspect that you have a bacterial vaginal infection (such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis), you should see your doctor as the test result may be false positive. Confirmation of the presence of a vaginal infection can be assessed using standard diagnostic procedures (swabbing).

While bleeding while reading the results, you may need the help of a specialist.

If discomfort or skin irritation occurs, stop using the pad immediately.

Benefits of this test:

Self-management for slow or intermittent leakage, prevention of complications or preterm labor, and prompt medical attention.
- Highly sensitive and non-invasive (without internal intervention) research method.
- Lack of direct contact of mucous membranes with diagnostic reagents.
- One pad provides 12 hours of observation.
- Can be used in any environment. Simple and easy to understand result.
- The result is stored for 48 hours.
- Continuous accumulation of waters (even if waters are released slowly, in small doses and intermittently), and not random testing, as is the case with other tests.
- Preservation of calmness provided by self-control.