Thin eyebrows: advantage or disadvantage? How to make the perfect eyebrow shape, eyebrow shape for different face types

According to Japanese legends, a real geisha was distinguished by the ability to stop a man with one glance. Women, whom nature did not reward with big eyes, tried in every possible way to make them larger and more expressive.

Today, thousands of women around the world use the achievements of Japanese beauties and, using modern methods, modernize their makeup options that visually enlarge the eyes. Let's find out how best to do it.

Arm yourself with shadows

Beautiful palettes with various shades of eyeshadow are the best friends of creative girls, regardless of the shape and size of the eyes. If you are determined to make your eyes look bigger, look for a combination of dark and light shades.

The main rule of makeup for enlarging eyes with the help of shadows sounds very simple: light colors (for example, pale pink, pale peach or just white) should be applied to the inner corner, and dark ones (gray, brown, black) closer to the outer one.

First, you need to apply matte light shadows on the entire movable eyelid. In the corner, from the beginning of the iris to the end of the orbital line of the eye, you need to apply dark shadows and carefully shade them towards the temple.

On the third part of the lower eyelid, closer to the outer corner, you can add quite a bit of color and gently blend it, since a strong darkening can, on the contrary, make the eye heavier and make the look stern. Then, with light shadows, you need to lighten the inner corner of the eye, this will help to expand the shape a little and is ideal for close-set eyes.

Another weapon is the correct eyeliner

In order to make the look more open, you need to highlight the fold above the upper eyelid. It is better to apply shimmery or pearlescent shadows to the main part of the moving eyelid, they will help to give the look an attractive look. Apply with light highlights over matte shadows. However, this remedy should not be abused by older women, since such shadows can highlight unwanted wrinkles.

Another great option for having more than two matching shades in your palette is the classic smoky eyes. It is not necessary to do makeup with black and very dark colors, on the contrary, light and slightly darker natural tones will play into your hands, refreshing your everyday look. In order to enlarge the eyes with eyeliner, the shape of the eye must be taken into account.

For owners of round eyes, it is best to start tracing the arrow from the middle of the eye, gradually widening it slightly and ending with a small tail.

Girls with a narrowish shape should draw a thin arrow along the entire length of the eyelid, rising only at the outer corner. Thick arrows are generally not recommended as they make the eyelid heavier.

Avoid leaving long tails on the eyeliner and pushing the lower eyeliner as this can make your eyes look narrower. If you want to emphasize the lower eyelid, then it is better to do it as follows: touch up the third part with a pencil and shade it thoroughly to create a haze effect.

Tip: apply a white pencil on the "water line" - the mucous strip of the lower eyelid. With this action, you seem to "prolong" the protein, making the eyes visually larger, as well as adding shine and freshness to them.

Flap your eyelashes

Black open eyelashes are the main guarantee of your attractiveness. It is necessary to choose high-quality mascara and apply it correctly. It is not necessary to do many layers, two will be enough, otherwise your eyelashes will acquire the effect of logs. Many stylists advise not to neglect curling with special tweezers, as they will help reveal the length of your eyelashes and give them the desired shape, thereby making the painting process easier.

If nature has not endowed you with long eyelashes, do not be sad, but rather get false ones. It is worth choosing those that are superimposed in bunches, carefully dipping them in glue and placing them as close as possible to their natural ones.

Getting more attention: eyebrows

Any perfect eye makeup becomes useless if you have sloppy eyebrows. It is best to go to the salon to get you the right shape, and then remember to remove excess hairs. Eyebrows of the right shade and the correct shape will make your look more expressive and attractive.

Removing imperfections

Bags, bruises under the eyes, and other imperfections "eat up" the size of your eyes, so pay attention to the condition of your skin, use high-quality matting agents, in particular, foundation and concealer.

No amount of bright lipstick and trendy makeup will save you if your eyebrows look messy.

To make them look organic and harmonious, they need to be given the correct shape. You can define it by the type of face.

There are several different face types - oval, round, elongated and triangular. The oval shape is considered ideal. She has a slightly pointed chin and smooth, beautiful features. An oval face is universal, any shape of eyebrows will look harmonious with such an appearance.

General scheme

The ideal shape of the eyebrows is created according to a general algorithm, which in practice is corrected for the peculiarities of the appearance, according to the type of face.

Any eyebrow consists of four points - the beginning, the lifting point, the highest point and the tip. Ascent and highest point can often coincide. The start and end points must be on the same horizontal line.

The beginning of the eyebrow is traditionally located on the same vertical line with the wing of the nose. If the wings of the nose are wide, draw a line from the middle of the wing. If the eyes are set close together, this point should be moved closer to the temples. This feature is often found in people with a narrow face. If the eyes are far apart, the beginning of the eyebrows should be moved closer to the center of the face. This feature is often found in people with a round face.

If the eyebrows grow far apart, you can adjust their length with a pencil or shadows. Use a pencil one shade lighter than the hairs. Normally set eyes should be at a distance equal to the width of the nose.

There are also close-set eyebrows that are at a short distance from each other. After you determine where the beginning of the eyebrow should be, excess hairs will need to be plucked. But you need to remove them one at a time, since in this area the hairs usually do not grow thickly and grow back poorly after plucking.

If there is a problem with an overhanging eyelid or the outer corner of the eye naturally has a drooping shape, the tip of the eyebrow should be raised. The drooping tip will highlight the problem.

The tip of the eyebrow is usually found like this. Draw a line from the wing of the nose that goes through the outer corner of the eye. Where this line will cross the eyebrow, there should be its end point.

The top point is located on a conditional line that runs from the wing of the nose through the middle of the pupil.

When constructing an eyebrow, its width from the beginning to the highest point should be the same, i.e. the lines of its upper and lower boundaries should run parallel.

The distance from the tip of the nose to the highest point of the eyebrow should be equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

Below you will learn how to choose the shape of your eyebrows according to your face type.

Round face

The correct eyebrow shape for a round face is with clear lines. Arched lines will highlight the flaws in appearance. With a pencil, the future shape of the eyebrows for a round face is drawn. The hairs that are outside the borders will need to be pulled out with tweezers.

In this case, the head of the eyebrow should be straight. Therefore, we put a straight line at the beginning. Then we find the highest point of the eyebrow and draw a straight line from the beginning to this point. The bottom line should run parallel and not taper. Then we draw a tail from it should also have clear outlines. The tail should not be very long. If your own hairs are not enough to give this shape, they need to be completed with a pencil. Over time, they will grow back and you will not need to paint them.

After you have created the borders of the future eyebrow with a pencil, you need to pluck out the excess hairs.

If the upper eyelid is narrow, light shade should be applied under the eyebrow when creating makeup. Thus, you can expand this border. The wide area above the eyelid is corrected with darker shadows.

Now that you know what shape you need for a round face, you can create the perfect brows at home in 3 minutes.

Elongated face

For girls with such a face, eyebrows with a clear break are contraindicated. This shape will make the face even more elongated. Therefore, the correct shape of the eyebrows with this appearance is straight or slightly rounded.

The beginning of the eyebrow can be straight or smooth. You can experiment here. The bottom line of the eyebrow should be straight. The top line tapers towards the tip. In this case, the hairs can be plucked in the upper part of the eyebrow, which in other cases is not recommended.

For these face types, it is better to have thick eyebrows, otherwise they will look like a mime.

Triangular face

First, find the top point of the eyebrow and raise it a little. And the head and tail, on the contrary, need to be lowered a little. We connect the points with a smooth arc from above and below and remove excess hairs. We make the tail thin.

Rounded eyebrows are also suitable for a square face.

Plucking process

A beautiful brow shape is usually created using three tools:

  • tweezers. Good tweezers allow you to pluck hairs without breaking them. Therefore, it is better to spend money and buy a quality tool. You buy tweezers once every few years, so you don't need to save money here;
  • small scissors. You can use manicure;
  • eyebrow brush. You can replace it with a mascara brush.

There is also eyebrow threading. This way of oriental beauties is best done in the salon, as it requires special skills. Eyebrow shaping allows you to remove even the smallest and most inconspicuous hairs.

How to make perfect eyebrows? First, comb the hairs up to the highest point of the eyebrow from the bottom up. Comb down the hairs beyond the highest point. We shorten the hairs that go beyond the lower and upper borders. Apply the scissors 2 mm above the border. You can skip the scissors step if you don't like sharply defined eyebrows.

Now we start working with tweezers. To do this, you need to decide in advance on a suitable shape, if necessary, you need to create it with a pencil. Then you should pluck out the excess hairs, starting from the area under the eyebrow.

It is not recommended to pluck hairs in front of a mirror that has a magnifying power. It distorts the actual dimensions, as a result of which we create too thin eyebrows. It is best to correct the shape in front of a regular mirror and under natural lighting.

It is very important to pluck hairs in the direction of their growth. Otherwise, ingrown hairs may appear in their place.

It is also important to grab the hair at the root so that it is completely removed. And you don't need to pull it out. It is enough to pull the hair a little and it will come out by itself. At the same time, the skin is less injured.

Before plucking, you need to disinfect your skin, tweezers and your hands.

Make-up correction

Now you know how to make a beautiful eyebrow shape, and if they are not thick enough, you can fix it with cosmetics - pencil and shadows. First, apply makeup, then blend with a brush to create a more natural look.

If you work with shadows or pencil, you must remember that the eyebrow cannot have a uniform color. The tip is usually the darkest, the middle is lighter, and the beginning is the lightest. This rule will allow you to create the perfect eyebrows at home.

Use translucent mascara to fix the position of the hairs. It has a brush that simultaneously applies the product and provides the shaping of the eyebrows.

You can also use colored eyebrow gel for correction. It not only gives shape and direction, but also makes their color more intense.

Makeup artists usually use a mixed technique for eyebrow shaping. The tip is drawn with a pencil, the rest with shadows. Then the result is fixed with a gel. In addition, the area under and above the eyebrow is drawn with a certain color of the corrector, which creates the necessary chiaroscuro and makes the face more alive. This corrector can also correct the width of the nose, the shape of its wings.

Periodically, eyebrow correction should be carried out in the salon, then you just need to maintain the result.

Whether it is true or not, fashion is taking over. Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex, even the Caucasian race, can boast of big eyes. However, this is not a reason to despair. Today there are many techniques or ... tricks that allow you to visually make the eyes much larger. At the same time, they make it possible to avoid expensive surgical intervention.

To date, a whole industry of cosmetics and products has been created that can significantly improve the appearance, making it brighter and more attractive. Make-up artists pay special attention to the technique of visually enlarging the cut and shape of the eyes. A little professionalism, skill, and you are the first big-eyed beauty. A huge number of different methods and means, however, should not overshadow the main principle in front of you: do not overdo it, because beauty should be natural and as natural as possible. Big eyes should match your face shape, cheekbones, and appearance.

3 Ways to visually and visually make your eyes bigger than they are:

Method number 1

The easiest way is to use fake eyelashes. Such accessories can be bought today in any beauty salon or in the women's cosmetic department. To complement the look, you can apply a thick layer of mascara to the eyelashes, as well as shimmery shadows. With a simple and short-lived procedure, and most importantly - less expensive, you can quickly achieve the desired result. This technique is especially popular among the representatives of the eastern peoples.

Method number 2

Another method that has become popular again is the classic method of visually enlarging the shape of the eye. This method involves applying a small amount of light shadows to the most mobile part of the eyelid. At the same time, dark shadows should be applied to the outer corners of the eye. The inner corner and the area under the eyebrow can also be shaded with light shades. This will create a certain contrast and visual extension of the depth of the gaze.

Additionally, you can add naturalness using a special pencil, which must be drawn in a thin trace along the line of direction of eyelash growth. Do not forget to shade the stripe so that it is not too conspicuous, causing a feeling of some kind of artificiality. Without a doubt, you can be irresistible with this look.

Method number 3

Also in recent years, a trend has been clearly visible - almond-shaped eyes. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this form. However, visually, using certain techniques, you can achieve this effect. To do this, it is necessary to apply a dark green or gray-blue shade of shadows to the movable eyelid. Draw a thin line of pencil along the line of growth of the eyelashes, leading it out to the corner of the eye. Run the strip under the lower eyelid in the same way. The eyeshadow applied to the eyelid needs to be shaded for a natural look.

Remember the simple common truth used by eminent makeup artists. Using light eye shadows, you always bring attention to yourself, and shadows make the shape of the eyes deeper. Thus, using this rule, you can experiment on your own or use the above methods to achieve the shape and shape of the eyes you want.

I continue my story about eyebrows. Earlier I talked about

Now I'll tell you about how to make the perfect eyebrow shape, eyebrow shape for different face types.

How to determine your eyebrow shape. In principle, everything is very simple.

There are preferred eyebrow shapes for certain face shapes.

For the educational program, I will say that the eyebrow is divided into three parts: the head (the thickest part), the body (the longest and upward part) and the tip / tail (the thinnest and often descending part).

If your face is narrow and oval- straight eyebrows will suit you (except for you, they generally go to very few people)

Square face almost everything will go. If you want to narrow it, make a kink. If you want to divert attention from the sharp lines of the face, make arched ones. Want to narrow and divert attention from sharp lines - high arcuate. If your face is wide, don't use thin eyebrows.

And the triangular shape of the face. It is important for the owners of such a face to hide the transition from a wide forehead to a narrow chin. It is recommended to choose a rounded and smooth eyebrow shape. It seems like that.

Or such

With a wide face- wide eyebrows. Narrow your face raised eyebrows, eyebrows with a good, thin break and a small tip help.

With small eyes- thin eyebrows. Wide eyebrows distract attention from small eyes. The eyes are lost against their background.

With a triangular face eyebrows with a pronounced kink, drooping eyebrows and straight eyebrows are contraindicated.

If your facial features are large- wide eyebrows will suit you. Not narrow!

If facial features are subtle- wide eyebrows are not your option. They will make you gloomy.

At close-set eyes you should try to move your eyebrows apart as much as possible. The greater the distance between them, the better. But it’s not worth it to go to the point of absurdity.

The same story with a long nose... With a nose like this, try to place the browheads away from each other.

When set wide the eyes know what to do, right? Same stuff with a tiny spout... If you want to correct this, try to move the heads of the eyebrows towards each other.

Eyebrow shape with an overhanging eyelid- a special topic.

It is advisable that with an overhanging eyelid, your eyebrows are high, raised. Of course, if (and to what extent) your face shape allows it.

At the same time, the eyebrows with an overhanging eyelid should be emphasized!

Here is an example of a makeup with overhanging eyelids and, as you can see, the eyebrows need to be emphasized. It is important.

Of course, the main corrective effect comes at the expense of shadows and this is a completely separate topic, which we will not dwell on. But the very fact - the eyebrows are underlined.

About all these tips with eyebrows for the shape of the face - I want to say one more thing. Sometimes they are useless.

Sometimes our eyebrows have such a horned shape that it is difficult to give them a break, or move the head of the eyebrows to the sides, or something else.

Do not despair! You can always find some way out of their situation.

I'll cover this in the next part of this article series.

Do you want your eyes to be big and expressive? That's no problem at all! Even if your eyes are by no means large, use the stylist tips below to learn how to make

Actually, the whole thing comes down to practice. But don’t worry, even if you don’t know how to do anything. With a little practice, everything will work out as it should. So, here are seven ways to make your eyes look big and beautiful:

1. Use white eyeshadow

Do not think that you need to smear them all over the eyelid. No! Use eye shadow or white pencil to highlight the inner corner of the eye. will brighten the whites of the eyes and open up the eyes. You can apply white pencil to the lining of your eyes. But this option is not suitable for girls with a round

2. A little about eyelashes

The first secret on how to make your eyes bigger: before you paint your eyelashes with mascara, be sure to curl them with special tweezers. Eyelashes bent up open the eyes and make them more open, and this visually enlarges them. To enhance the effect, you can use. Just do not buy too long, they will hide. Give preference to shorter eyelashes, but which are curved upward.

Second secret: don't dye your lower lashes too much with mascara. This only makes your eyes look like slits. And this is not the effect you are trying to achieve, are you? Instead of the usual mascara, it is better to use eyeliner. It must be applied along the growth line of the lower eyelashes, slightly stepping back from them.

3. Highlight the eyebrows

Thick and in vogue now. But do not forget that this option only covers the eyes and makes the look heavier. Therefore, if you want to have wide eyebrows, make sure that they are always in perfect condition.

Little secret: lift the corner of the eyebrow up a little, and take the tip for takeoff. The look from this will become slightly surprised and more wide open.

4. Pay attention to the creases

If you want, but do not know how to make your eyes larger, pay special attention to the application of shadows on the eyelid. In this case, the crease above the eyelid plays a very important role. It kind of divides the eyes into two parts: for medium-saturated shadows and the darkest ones.

Not sure how to make your eyes bigger? Just paint dark shadows just above the crease. It will visually seem that this space is larger, which means that the eyes are larger.

5. Draw arrows

Eyeliner is the best helper for girls who want to make their eyes bigger. There are many different ways to do this, but to understand which one is right for you, you will have to experiment. After all, the shape of the eyes and face is different for everyone, so you cannot do without trial attempts.

Important points:

It is better to take an eyeliner not black, but brown, blue or green;

You don't need to completely circle your eyes. Leave the lower eyelid unbuckled, or bring in only the outer corners. You can slightly lift the tip of the line up;

The arrow should be thin at the inner corner and wider as you move towards the outer.

6. Color effect

How to make your eyes look bigger? To create the effect of large eyes, you need at least 2-3 shades of eyeshadow. With monochrome makeup, nothing will work.

You need to experiment with colors, but remember that the lightest shades should always be in the inner corner, and the darkest in the outer. Medium in saturation can be used over the entire eyelid or used over the lashes. In addition, do not forget that there should be a light highlight under the eyebrow.

7. Focus on lips

And it's not a joke! You can paint your lips with bright lipstick or expressive gloss, and leave your eyes completely intact. The lip accent itself will make your eyes look incredibly expressive.

Sometimes girls wonder how to make their eyes bigger without makeup. We'll have to upset, but in this case, you simply cannot do without plastic surgery.