Azerbaijani wedding traditions. Azerbaijani wedding. Rituals, customs and traditions of Azerbaijanis and the scenario of the Azerbaijani wedding

Modern wedding traditions and rituals in Azerbaijan have deep and ancient roots. The past and present of the people are inextricably intertwined in them, for which, to this day, one of the main values ​​​​is the family.

For centuries, these traditions have been carefully preserved and developed, passing from generation to generation. Some traditions died, others were revived and enriched, filled with new content and meaning. They are very popular with young people. The older generation strictly monitors the performance of some basic rites and condescends to the rationalization of many traditions. It is difficult to talk about all the traditions in a narrow format, so I will touch on only a few.

If the young people decide to be together, then it’s time to send elchi, matchmakers, to the girl’s house. By tradition, everything starts with women's diplomacy. First, the guy's mother "accidentally" meets the girl, then goes to visit her at home, gets to know each other, assures her of the seriousness of her intentions. This will be the start for collecting information about the groom. If the choice of the young is approved, men will meet - the fathers of the guy and the girl or their representatives who enjoy their confidence. When a girl is being wooed and her parents agree, the elder from the girl's side asks for sweet tea or defiantly puts sugar in a glass of tea. In response, the groom's representative puts a ring on the table, which one of the relatives, with a successful fate, puts on the bride's finger, then throws an elegant silk scarf or scarf over her shoulders. So it was in the old days, so it is now. And I think that this custom will be honored in the future, because it has harmony, mutual respect, care and respect for each other, beyond age.

The bride and groom will exchange wedding rings at a nishan - betrothal. On this day, the bride is given gifts, sweets, sweets, fruits, packed in the form of khoncha - baskets or trays, beautifully decorated with ribbons, flowers, beads. As in the old days, there should also be a head of sugar, which will be kept after the wedding, and it will be broken when the first-born appears in the family. A large cake, with the names of the bride and groom, is traditionally divided in half. Part of the cake, with the girl's name, is taken by the groom's side to treat his loved ones. The second part remains for those present and relatives of the bride. Sweets are usually distributed.
The time between nishan and the wedding is necessary for the young to make sure of their feelings. During this period, a dowry is prepared for the bride, and the groom collects bazarlyg for the bride - expensive jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, puts in order an apartment or a separate room if they live with their parents. Before the wedding, the dowry will be brought to the groom's house and young girls from the maiden side will decorate the room of the newlyweds, for which they will receive gifts and treats from the future mother-in-law.
On holidays, the groom's side traditionally congratulates the new relatives by bringing bayramlyg (bayram is a holiday). There is especially a lot of trouble on Nowruz, when the bride is presented with a dish with sprouted wheat decorated with a red ribbon - the "seed" from which halva has long been made. They also send trays with freshly baked baklava, shekerbura and gogals - Novruz ritual baked goods. The trays are returned along with gifts for all members of the groom's family. On Gurbanlyg, the meat of a freshly slaughtered ram or a live lamb is sent to the bride's house, the head of which is painted with henna, and a red ribbon is on the neck or leg.
If the guy and the girl did not agree on the characters, then the nishan is returned. It is accepted to return everything - the ring and all gifts. But they can also do harm, for example, to scratch something with a needle on an unopened box of perfume so that they cannot be presented to someone else.
Wedding ceremonies cannot be performed on meheremlik - the month of mourning in Islam, as this is a very bad omen, and on orudzhlug - a period of great fasting. When choosing a restaurant or a celebration house for a wedding, they take into account the quality of the dishes in the proposed menu, prices, the availability of photo and video services, musicians, singers, dance groups. You can additionally order the decoration of the hall with balloons, fireworks, fireworks, angels meeting the young, doves, which they will release into the sky before the wedding, but this is not necessary. All invitees are sent in advance personalized beautifully decorated invitations - devetname.
For the wedding, many couples are preparing their wedding dance - modern or folk - of their choice, and now also a photo shoot in the historical places of the city, on the embankment, as well as a pre-wedding boat trip on a boat.

The modern bride, as in the old days, before the wedding gathers her friends and young girls from both sides on henna-yachts (henna - vegetable paint, yachts - smearing). The girl is brought khoncha, which contains traditional sweets and everything for personal care. But the most important thing is Iranian henna, for dyeing hair and drawing patterns on the skin of the hands and feet, something like a tattoo. Previously, girls dyed their hair with henna, now they do it symbolically, preference is given to patterns on their hands. All guests are given a decorative bag with henna, sweets, sweets. There is a sign that a girl, having eaten such a sweetness, will not stay long in the girls, and henna is a symbol of joy. On henna-yachts, it has become fashionable to be in national clothes, and to tie a kelagai - the thinnest scarf made of natural silk - on your head.
Henna yachts learn instructive and funny quatrains about the relationship of the bride with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, with her husband, which are called akyshta, or rather hahıshta. The girls take turns reciting these verses, looking at those whom they touch. The most lively ones do not remain in debt, in response they can issue such a quatrain that it will not seem enough. This cheerful ancient rite is very popular.
Previously, before the wedding, women gathered for “paltar bichti” - cutting and sewing clothes, but now clothes are bought or sewn to order, and the ceremony is quietly becoming a thing of the past.
The day before the wedding, the groom and his friends will have a wedding bath ritual - that hammam. On the same day, a kebin is concluded in the mosque - a marriage contract before God. Registration of marriage in the registry office is required. Marriage can be registered before or during the wedding, but after the wedding is the exception rather than the rule. Therefore, young people submit an application to the registry office in advance so that there are no problems later.

If you have noticed, I am not talking about the number of guests, the professionalism and the number of musicians, singers and dancers, or what place will be chosen for the wedding celebration. Because these wedding characteristics depend on the financial situation of the wedding organizers. In all other respects, the observance of traditions at an ordinary average wedding is not something imposed or unusual - everything just happens. Although it is clear that each wedding is individual and depends not only on material possibilities, but also on the taste, preferences of the groom, the bride, their relatives and, oddly enough, it will seem from the outside, on what part of Azerbaijan their roots are from. In different parts of the country - their own nuances in observing wedding traditions and rituals. And if outside the capital, wedding ceremonies are more original and close to the origins, then in Baku they mixed with European canons, creating a unique flavor, which is usually said: "The East is a delicate matter."
On the day of the wedding, the groom and his relatives go for the bride with flowers and musicians. The bride is adorned with jewels. The young are blessed, circled around a lit kerosene lamp - a symbol of the hearth. The groom's brother, with a ritual wish to have 7 sons and 1 daughter, bandages the bride's waist with a red ribbon, and they leave the house to "Vagzaly" - music for seeing off brides from their father's house. Ahead they carry a mirror - a symbol of purity, and on the sides 2 girls, relatives of the bride and groom, carry wedding lit candles: in ancient Azerbaijan they worshiped fire. The bride and groom arrive at the wedding in a beautifully decorated car. This, of course, is not a phaeton, but it is also beautiful: the wedding cortege is decorated with red ribbons and flowers.

The whole wedding is permeated with traditions and rituals. There are so many of them that it is not even possible to dwell on all of them briefly, so I will talk about it quite a bit.
Children are a joy in the family, and in order to see the grandchildren, the mother of the groom will definitely put the baby on the lap of the bride.
According to the custom of "bein okhurlanmasy" - theft of the groom - young guys can easily steal the groom from the wedding, but then they return him for a ransom or for the fulfillment of a wish.
The yally dance is very beautiful, when the guests, mostly young people, holding each other's hands, rising and falling rhythmically and synchronously, go around the whole hall in a chain, taking in new members of this chain along the way. Leading and closing this chain, waves a handkerchief or napkin. Then the circle closes, and rhythmic pair dances begin in the middle of the circle.
So that the bride and groom, and at the same time the guests present, do not touch the evil eye, at the end of the celebration, someone will surely carry a plate of steaming grass between the tables - uzerlik, the smoke of which is traditionally considered a talisman by Azerbaijanis.
Talking about a wedding feast means saying nothing: you must see it and ... try it. Traditionally, pilaf is the final dish of the wedding, and a dancer dressed in national clothes takes it to the table of the bride and groom in a slow dance.

Yes, it should also be noted that wedding gifts are made in monetary terms. Usually, the guests put the inscribed envelope with money into a specially designed box with a slot.
To the sounds of "Vagzala", the bride and groom leave the wedding. The bride, without looking, throws her bouquet to her friends, but most often the guys catch it and give it to some girl.
The bride is accompanied to the groom's house by yenge - an experienced mature woman who is responsible for the young to their parents that night. She escorts the newlyweds to the door of the house, and in the morning she brings guimag for breakfast - the first food that is given to the newlyweds.
So the wedding is behind us ... But there are still many traditional rituals ahead that protect the newlyweds in the first forty days of their life together. They help young people to create a strong healthy family, and in the future - to become a support for their children and grandchildren.

Weddings in Azerbaijan are noisy and numerous


A wedding in Azerbaijan is not only a rich celebration held on a grand scale, but also a tribute to the traditions that are sacredly observed in this country. Sometimes residents of the entire village take part in the wedding celebration, but in the cities, a wedding is an occasion for meeting with geographically distant relatives. By the way, if our second and fourth cousins ​​sometimes do not even know each other, then in Azerbaijan this is a close degree of kinship ...

Advance notice (message).

The groom's relatives, having previously made inquiries, send a person close to them to the girl's house, who must say about the intention to come to the matchmaking. It happens that in the house the girls do not give consent to this. In this case, the most revered, most respected of the groom's family tries to get the consent of the girl's parents.

Small wedding.

According to custom, two women are the first to come to the girl's house - the mother of the groom with one of her close relatives. It is believed that a mother can understand a girl's heart. As soon as the women come to an agreement, the heads of the two families - the fathers - should meet.
The groom's father comes to the bride's house with three respected people. With all their behavior, they make known their intentions.

"They don't go to courtship at night"
"Tea, which is treated to matchmakers, is not drunk"
Matchmaker, they say: "The girl's tree is a walnut tree, everyone can throw a stone,
"Girl's Luggage - Luggage of Salt"

From the first time, the girl's father does not give consent. "The door of the bride is the door of the shah. I have to consult with my daughter, her mother, close relatives, then give you the final answer," he says.
When asked the opinion of the girl, she is silent. They say silence is a sign of consent. However, no final agreement is given. Consent is given at a big matchmaking. Because the main words should be said by the main people in the family.


The groom's father invites close people to the house - his brothers, brothers of the wife and other relatives.

After consulting with them, he makes a general decision on matchmaking.
The sister or daughter-in-law of the groom meets with the girl, find out her opinion. Then, having come to her mother, they say: "We will come to you on such and such a date for matchmaking." The mother of the bride conveys the news to her family. Call home close relatives. They consult, then, having come to an agreement, they are interested in the opinion of the girl. The opinion of the girl is asked by a person close to her: sister, daughter-in-law, mother or close friend. Usually a girl expresses her consent with the phrase: "As you say."

Matchmakers come on the appointed day. After a general conversation, they reveal the purpose of their visit.
If the girl's side does not agree, they are denied. If you agree, then they say: "Let us think, consult, come to an agreement, today you are our guests."

After some time, the groom's relatives again come to the girl's house for the second time. And again they warn in advance: "we are going to you."
This time, the girl's relatives give their consent. Close relatives and neighbors are invited in advance.
Matchmakers are coming. They are seated at the head of the table. The girl's relatives are also seated. Both men and women are present here. Everyone except the mother of the bride. She enters the room but does not sit down.

Some time after the general conversations, one of the groom's relatives brings the conversation to the main topic. Addressing the bride's relatives, he asks them: "Now, what do you say, what is your final decision?"

Usually the answer is given by one of the uncles of the bride, after the words: "Well, since you opened our door; we have known each other for a long time, etc.", he says: "Let them be happy" or "May Allah bless them."

Those around the table say, "Amen." New relatives congratulate each other.
The girl's sister or daughter-in-law brings tea. Everyone drinks "sweet tea". Sometimes lunch is served. After the matchmakers have left, the sister or daughter-in-law goes to the bride's friend. Because during the matchmaking, the girl is not at home. They congratulate the girl and take her home. At home, when her brothers and parents congratulate her, she usually cries.

Little engagement.

After the matchmaking and obtaining consent within a month, the groom's relatives come to the bride's house for a small betrothal.
As always, the parents of the bride are notified in advance. 25-30 people gather for a small betrothal: they are mostly bridesmaids, her peers. They sit around the bride.

The groom's relatives come, bring with them a ring, a handkerchief and sweets.
The groom's sister, his brother, daughter-in-law or father puts the ring on the bride's finger, throws a scarf around her shoulders, then gives the bride a bite to eat, and takes the other half to the groom.

Then the festive feast begins, fun. The table is sweet.

After the departure of the groom's relatives, the bachelorette party begins. The bride in turn puts her right hand on the head of unmarried bridesmaids, gives them to try on her ring. They say whoever tries on the ring first will be the first to get married.

Then the girlfriends disperse, they carry sweets with them. When they go to bed, they put two identical sweets under their pillows. They say that then in a dream you can see the betrothed.


For a bridesmaid, a wedding is an occasion to meet her future groom.

The groom is invited to the bride's house after the betrothal. Before the wedding on holidays, all relatives of both parties exchange gifts.

In preparation for the wedding, active work is underway to prepare the bride's dowry. The groom's relatives come to arrange the list of guests for the wedding, draw up the menu, set the wedding day, and this ceremony is called "concentration".

Marriage is registered a few days before the wedding. There are witnesses at the ceremony.

"The ceremony of presenting and demonstrating outfits" is another curious rite that can be found in Azerbaijan. It consists in presenting gifts to the bride from all the guests from the side of the groom. Early in the morning, relatives and friends gather in the house of the newly-made husband, who demonstrate the gifts prepared for the bride and other women of her family, and then pack them into suitcases and bags, decorating them with red ribbons.

After that, the guests go to the bride's house, where a festive dinner awaits them. There is a separate table for men. Trustees from the side of the bride and groom - elderly relatives, conduct a ceremony of presenting and accepting gifts, at the end of which a list of the bride's dowry is compiled and sent, accompanied by trustees, to the groom's house.

"Wedding Council" is the next rite. In the groom's house, a person is appointed who will lead the wedding - the "wedding grandfather", in our interpretation - the toastmaster.

In the evening, the day before the wedding, the ceremony of "anointing henna" takes place in the bride's house. Close friends and relatives of the girl are invited to it. From the groom's house, a group of young boys and girls arrive with musicians who play, dance and have fun with the bride. The closest relatives of the groom put henna on the bride's fingers and give gifts. The bride's family serves a dinner party to the ceremony participants. In different regions of Azerbaijan, the ceremony of applying henna is called differently: in Sheki - "the feast of the bride", in Tovuz - "demonstration of the girl", in Masalli and Lankaran - "gathering from the girl", in Guba - "application of henna", in Absheron - "khnanane", in other places - "devishnik". On the second day, relatives and invited guests also become participants in the wedding. Closer to noon, people in the groom's house and some of the musicians (often these are zurnachi who played on the first day of the celebration) go for the bride. The singers and the rest of the musicians continue to amuse the guests. Newly arrived guests in the house are met by the eldest son in the family, uncles and other close relatives of the groom.

Decorated cars drive up to the bride's house. Close relatives and neighbors of the girl meet the guests. Representatives of the groom's family take turns dancing. The fiance's confidante, along with a group of women, enter the bride's room. Since the door is often deliberately closed, the trustee with jokes and jokes gives a ransom for opening it. This ceremony is called "opening the door." The trusted bride, as well as the best man and girlfriend decorate the girl. The fiance's confidant hands over money for "beautifying the face (applying make-up)". The girl's parents approach their daughter, give her good parting words.

The groom's brother ties the ribbon around the bride's waist, and then, putting the money in his right hand, and the bride's brother in his left, they tie them with ribbons to the bride's hands. If there is no brother, this "operation" is performed by a close relative. In fact, the rite "under the belt at the waist" is a symbol of eternal attachment to a reliable husband, who is a solid support, a fair life partner.

The musicians enter the bride's room to the sound of the wedding tune "Vagzaly". Accompanied by trusted ones, the girl leaves her father's house. In the hands of one of the trustees is a mirror, the other has a burning candle or a lit lamp, which they hold to the left and right of the bride. Among the people, a burning candle or lamp near the newlywed is a symbol of her protection from evil spirits, the evil eye and evil spirits. The mirror serves the same purpose and is held in front of the bride. There is also a belief that the mirror reflects not the bride herself, but her soul, which protects the girl from all evil spirits.

Young people on the route of cars block their way, demanding "ransom". This is called "blocking the road". The groom's father gives them a "ransom". Representatives of the groom's family try to quietly take something from the bride's house, and when the cars start moving, they show what they have taken. This tradition serves as a kind of statement that the bride's dowry will never return to the parental home. In other words, things taken secretly from the bride's house mean that they will forever remain in her new home - in the husband's house.

When the cortege drives up to the groom's house, the song "The bride has come to our house" sounds. Trusted help her get out of the car. Then the father-in-law sacrifices a lamb at the bride's feet, with the blood of which he smears her forehead and legs. Thus, she is
passes through the head and body of the lamb. “Terekeme”, “Uzun Dere”, “Yally”, “Kheyvagyulu” and other dance melodies sound, after which, according to tradition, the newlywed must break an empty plate with her foot. All this happens in front of the audience and means that the bride says the following: "If I commit treachery in relation to this hearth, house, husband, then let me be crushed like a plate"

Another rite is also widespread: to shower the bride with sweets as soon as she enters the yard of the groom's house. It symbolizes the wish to always see her affectionate and sweet. According to tradition, the mirror brought by the bride is a symbol of neatness, virginity, purity, fidelity, chastity. When a girl leaves the threshold of her father's house, she is showered with flour, millet and rice. Sweet bread and a cake are placed in the wedding khoncha, so that, as the people say, it will bring abundance to the new house, so that its tread would be honorable.

A slice of bread is applied to the bride's head. This means that she ate honest father's bread and drank blessed mother's milk. Honey is put into the wedding khoncha along with bread, and when the bride crosses the threshold of the groom's house, she is offered a piece of bread smeared with honey. The meaning of this ceremony is that the bride always has an affectionate manner of address.

The musicians, who arrived with the bride, convey their parting words and move into the premises for the celebration. The bride, entering the groom's house, does not sit down, her parents present gifts to her (a ring, money for a future blessed life, or rams and calves). When she sits down, they give her a child in her arms - a boy, so that her first-born would be exactly the representative of the stronger sex.

The bride brings sweets baked by her mother to the groom's house. A trusted bride at the wedding distributes gifts to musicians and cooks. In the bride's room, a nail is driven into the door - according to legend, this means that the bride must stay in this house forever, become a real mistress.

The newlywed leaves the parental home, accompanied by trusted women, in the hands of one of whom is a lit candle, and the other - a mirror. These items are designed to keep the young from damage and the evil eye.

At the same time, the groom's relatives try to secretly take something away from the bride's parental home, and when the cars with the newlyweds move off, they show what they took as a sign that the bride's dowry will never return to the parental home.

Meanwhile, the newlyweds go to the groom's house, where their parents meet them and place the body of a sacrificed lamb at the bride's feet, the blood of which is smeared on the forehead and legs of the newlywed. The bride, approaching her husband's house, must crush an empty plate with her foot, which is a symbolic oath of allegiance (in case of betrayal, she is ready to be crushed like this plate).

The bride is sprinkled with sweets as a sign of the wish to always be affectionate and kind, and, upon entering her husband's house, the newlywed is given a piece of bread smeared with honey so that she will always be gentle in handling.

The wedding continues in the groom's house, music sounds, young people have fun. A distinctive feature of the Azerbaijani wedding is another ritual - the praising of the groom. Sweets and flowers are placed on a separate table covered with red cloth. Then the newlywed is invited, who must dance with friends so that "there is always abundance in the house."

The next morning after the wedding, sweet flour porridge in butter is prepared for the bride, relatives and neighbors gather again, and traditional pilaf is on the table. This is how the “purity of the bride” is celebrated.

In all regions of Azerbaijan, the bride should not appear in public for three days. Then the trusted bride, her sisters, several close relatives (except for the mother) come to the groom's house with various dishes, fruits, gifts. This is called "tre) (Dnevka").

Seven days after the wedding, her mother, father, brothers and relatives go to the bride's house with gifts and sweets to see the newlywed. This ceremony is called "visiting the newlyweds." A celebration is arranged, women sit down separately or in the same company with men. Everyone alternately meets with the bride.

Forty days after the wedding, together with the groom's family, the bride is invited to her parental home. From her father, she is given a cow or some valuable gift. This rite is known as "the beginning of communion".

Wedding ceremonies are an integral part of the moral world of the Azerbaijani people. Each of the rites is associated with ancient religious beliefs and the secrets of miracles, various types of magic, that is, they bear the imprints of the centuries-old sedentary cultural life and spirituality of the autochthons of Azerbaijan.

Thus, the wedding ceremonies of Azerbaijanis have centuries-old traditions. This is confirmed by epic literature and folklore, including dastans, fairy tales, songs and dances. Until now, the described traditions exist among Azerbaijanis living both in their historical homeland - in Azerbaijan, and beyond its borders.

What do you know about weddings? What are they associated with? The ransom of the bride, the cries of “Bitter!”, the drunk toastmaster and the feast, flowing into night vigils. That is, it is not difficult for us to imagine a Russian wedding, especially since we have probably visited such events more than once.
Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, I jokingly told Lera that I wanted to get to a real Caucasian wedding. With horsemen, lezginka and a mountain of barbecue. To be honest, what is a wedding in Azerbaijan, I could not imagine in those days. However, I had little idea where I was going at the present time.
As they explained to me, a wedding in Azerbaijan is something like a social event. Partly correct definition. But first things first.
In the morning my wife and I parted, and she left to help the bride. My son and I stayed with the groom. Collectively nervous and worried. Kidding. Although some share of excitement was present. After dinner, the guests began to arrive. Everyone was worried about the groom's tie.

As you can see, not only I, but also my son became alert. All this huge room, in fact, during the wedding becomes a big smoking room. At the same time, it has its own bar counter and tables where the guest comes up and drinks wine or tea. The waiters run not only in the hall for guests, but also here they try to please. As I was told, we were at a modest wedding. In total, about three hundred guests. My idea of ​​modesty is somewhat different. But the East is a delicate matter. As I wrote above, there is a wedding cult in Azerbaijan. This is accepted and no one will go against the customs.


In any country, marriage is considered a significant event in the life of two people in love. Sunny Azerbaijan was no exception, where the wedding ceremony is taken very seriously. An Azerbaijani wedding is a large-scale event, both in terms of the importance of the event and the number of guests invited to the festive celebration. All traditions and customs are observed, which have unique and interesting features. Preparations for the holiday begin long before the scheduled ceremony, close relatives, neighbors and friends take part in it.

The choice of a betrothed according to Azerbaijani traditions is a responsible event. In Azerbaijan, by right of the head of the future family, the choice is made by a man. For him, not only the beauty of a potential wife is important, but also the status of "young", her position, her family in society. The age of the beloved does not particularly affect the choice. Ceremonies are allowed here even with 15 year old girls.

Azerbaijani girls should be modest, avoid the company of guys, and spend their free time in the company of friends. Despite the fact that today the customs in the country have become freer, the modesty and chastity of the newlyweds play a paramount role.

After the man has made his choice, he asks his parents for permission to marry. The people value the opinion of older family members very much, they usually do not contradict their parents and do not go against their will. If the parents gave their blessing for the marriage, the groom asks one of the closest relatives to inquire about his betrothed. She will have to find out in a short time about the financial situation of the chosen one's family, about her status. The relative learns about the state of health of the chosen one, about her moral upbringing, as well as education. An important fact is how economic the chosen one is, whether she knows how to do household chores.

The traditional Azerbaijani celebration will take place only if the parents give their consent to the marriage. However, if the financial condition of the young man is insufficient, the parents will refuse the matchmakers and there will be no ceremony. Azerbaijani ceremonies are always magnificent events held by agreement of the families of the newlyweds. Today, not only the wedding itself is magnificently celebrated in the country, but also the ceremonies preceding it, a lot of money is spent on jewelry for the betrothed.

wedding ceremonies

The marriage ceremony of Azerbaijanis has traditions, among which small and large matchmaking is obligatory. A small engagement includes communication between the groom's father and the bride's family, after which matchmakers are sent to the hut to potential relatives. First, the mother of the "young" and one of the close relatives come to the small matchmaking. This is due to the fact that only mothers can find out what a woman's heart is hiding. After the women come to an agreement, the men go to the hut.

The father of a young man with one of the closest male relatives goes to the girl's hut for a small betrothal. Respected people of the city or village can be involved as matchmakers. The father of the chosen one tells the matchmakers that he must necessarily listen to the opinion of his daughter and asks her if she agrees to get married. The silence of the daughter means her consent to the upcoming marriage.

A folk wedding ceremony, observing traditions and customs, is not complete without a big matchmaking. The head of the family from the side of the groom invites his relatives to discuss the upcoming celebration and everything connected with it. Women from the groom's side go to the bride's house to get her approval for marriage. After the girl agrees, the day of the matchmaking is set. Matchmakers arrive on the agreed day, they are greeted as the most dear guests, seated at the head of the table.

Engagement and betrothal

During the engagement, the bride and her mother leave the house, they devote to a walk. The consent of the relatives on the part of the betrothed to the upcoming ceremony suggests that the matchmakers will come to this house again. The second betrothal takes place more festively, a tea party is arranged at a richly laid table. The mother of a young girl is present at the tea party, but she remains silent during the entire matchmaking. The bride goes to her friend and returns home only after the matchmakers leave.

Wedding customs are very important. And today the engagement and betrothal are very original. Betrothal, like matchmaking, occurs in two stages. The first occurs immediately after the consent of the girl's family to marriage. Messengers from the groom's side come to the bride's house, one of them puts a ring on the girl's finger and eats half of the sweet pie. The second part of the delicacy is taken to the groom, who is looking forward to the return of the messengers.

The second betrothal takes place, like the second matchmaking, implying preliminary preparation. A huge number of people gather for the engagement, including both relatives and colleagues, neighbors and friends. The relatives of the future wife organize a festive table, but relatives from the groom's side bring a lot of food. On this day, the young man's relatives give numerous gifts that the newlyweds may need in the future. The customs of the people exclude shoes among gifts, her future daughter-in-law subsequently gives her mother-in-law.

Traditions and customs

All the traditions of the people are associated with the post-wedding period. Marriage in Azerbaijan, the video of which can be viewed on the website, is rich in various rituals. For example, there is a beautiful custom to tie a girl's hands with handkerchiefs, under which money is placed during the ceremony. These handkerchiefs are untied only after the wedding is over, and the newlyweds go to their room before the wedding night.

After the wedding is noisy (it usually lasts two days), for a month the young wife should not leave her husband's house. This custom should protect the bride from evil tongues and sidelong glances. In the old days, after the wedding, a young wife did not even leave her room for a week, thus getting used to the new house and its rules.

In addition, the bride is forbidden to meet her father-in-law for two weeks. After this period, the mother-in-law sets the table, and her husband invites a new relative to taste the most delicious dishes and gives her a gift. It is believed that it is after this event that the bride is accepted into the family.

A few months after the holiday comes the time of visits. The girl's relatives arrive first. The mother, together with her relatives, decides to visit her daughter. They bring numerous gifts. For the sake of dear guests, a festive table is laid. In forty days the daughter will be able to visit her parents. She comes to her father's house with her husband, new relatives. Now everyone gathers here for a festively laid table. After the feast, the "young" stays in the parents' house for several days. After her husband takes her, she will be able to visit her parents on her own at any time.

After the wedding, the young are invited to their relatives from both sides. These visits are an occasion to communicate with relatives, to tell any news. In addition, relatives present the newlyweds with necessary and useful gifts.

Since ancient times, all peoples have considered marriage as an extremely important event in the life of not only an individual, but also the society in which he lived, since the creation of a family was the key to procreation. Therefore, this act was accompanied by many rites and rituals, which were aimed at ensuring numerous offspring, prosperity and harmony in the family, should have been protected from various harmful forces, etc. Many of these actions, which have a very ancient origin and testify to the rich traditional culture of the ethnic group, are reflected in the wedding rituals of the Azerbaijani people.

In addition, the Azerbaijani wedding is a musical and emotional spectacle, which reflects the high level of folk art. A wide variety of dances, songs, games and entertainment, food and drink, etc. at a traditional Azerbaijani wedding is a vivid evidence of this. The theatrical nature of the wedding ritual was also reminded by the presence of a large number of actors - characters. Matchmakers, groomsmen, bridesmaids, the bride's mentor, the wedding host, attendants and other participants were a necessary element of the Azerbaijani wedding.

The chain of customs and rituals left over from their ancestors does not allow Azerbaijani girls to meet guys before marriage, to walk in companies where representatives of the stronger sex are present. Since ancient times, the groom chose his bride himself, and this tradition has been preserved to this day. The traditional Azerbaijani society strictly controls the family and family relations and in every possible way prevents their unreasonable destruction. Along with this, it should be noted that there were, however, quite rarely, divorces, which were also regulated by society.

Divorces occurred most often in cases where there were no children. Even more rare were cases of unreasonable divorce. At the same time, if the initiator was a woman, then, leaving, she left everything that was presented to her by her husband. If the initiative came from the husband, then he had to pay the wife the appointed amount, which was fixed in the marriage contract (kebin) - “mehr”.

The origin, formation and existence of the family reflected all the richness of Azerbaijani traditional culture. It was in the wedding ceremony that ancient customs and rituals, songs and dances, games and entertainment were passed from generation to generation. Thus, the wedding was a kind of review of the achievements of folk art, material, spiritual and socio-normative culture of the Azerbaijani people.

The wedding ceremony is an integral part of the moral world of Muslims. An Azerbaijani wedding is the personification of humility, modesty, but at the same time, such a celebration is distinguished by pomp, luxury and is replete with national traditions. Each of the rites is associated with ancient religious beliefs and secret miracles, they bear the imprint of the centuries-old sedentary cultural and spiritual life of this people. Every Muslim tries to arrange his wedding in such a way that it will be talked about for a long time, as a beautiful event in the life of Azerbaijanis. If you have ever seen beautiful flowers and red ribbons on cars, noticed a large number of smart guests, could not take your eyes off open-air dances and national entertainments, heard loud oriental music, then you were lucky to see an Azerbaijani wedding, a wedding of people who revere Islam.

It is noteworthy that, according to their national traditions, marriage does not require a painting in the registry office on the wedding day and is valid immediately after the wedding celebration.

By the way, only wealthy or noble Muslims go on their honeymoon, while “ordinary” newlyweds remain to enjoy the comfort of their new home. A young family is considered exemplary if, a year after the wedding, they have an heir.

Wedding day: Nikah. A beautiful snow-white dress, shoes, like Cinderella, a magnificent veil - a symbol of the innocence of an Azerbaijani woman, a red ribbon traditionally wraps around her thin waist for happiness - this is how a charming bride looks on her wedding day, called "Nikah". Money in a beautiful satin fabric is tied to the hands (or wrists) of the newlywed: this promises a generous life. According to tradition, researchers divide the entire wedding cycle into three periods: pre-wedding; actual wedding celebration; the post-wedding period, when rituals are performed that mark the beginning of the joint life of the spouses. The pre-wedding period, during which the choice of the main characters of the future celebration took place, in turn consists of several stages - the choice of a girl, a preliminary agreement, matchmaking, engagement (betrothal - nishan), the ceremony of cutting the bride's wedding clothes, the ceremony of dyeing with henna, etc. ., in detail about all this you can read in this article.

The beginning of the marriage ceremony was choice of future bride. Until recently, the selection process could not do without an intermediary - "arachy". Usually one of the relatives of the young man acted in this role. The purpose of mediation was to find out if the young man had a chance, what was the financial situation of the bride's family, her economic and purely human qualities. The functioning of the institution of mediation cannot be explained only by the closed way of life of women in the past, their seclusion in Azerbaijani society, which did not allow young people to decide their own fate. The formation of a family was a significant event not only in the personal; but also in public life. That is why the composition of the people who took part in the marriage ceremony was very wide. Many rituals, gradually involving a large circle of people in the wedding ceremony, were a connecting element between the participants in the action, a kind of guarantor of the future family's strength. Since the marriage was of social importance, the society was directly involved in its conclusion. Thus, the behavior of a young man in choosing a girlfriend for life proceeded from the norm of the pre-wedding procedure as a matter closely related to the whole family. All this sum of conditions, apparently, made the functioning of the institution of mediation necessary.

The age of the bride does not matter much, she can be married even at the age of 15, while the age of the groom is approximately the same.
Muslims welcome marriage. There are not so many restrictions in it:
- Muslim women do not have the right to tie their bonds with a non-Christian (this is out of the question!!!);
- a man can marry both a Christian and a Jew;
- marriages with relatives in a straight line are prohibited;
If a woman was married, she must be divorced.

Advance notice (message).
The groom's relatives, having previously made inquiries, send a person close to them to the girl's house, who must say about the intention to come to the matchmaking. After the intermediaries - arachi received prior consent, the next stage of the wedding ritual began - a preliminary agreement, when the bride's family was informed of the intention of the other side. The conspiracy involved mainly parents, and in some cases it happened with the help of the same intermediaries.

Small wedding.
After an agreement was made and the consent of the parents to the arrival of matchmakers was obtained, the next stage of the wedding ceremony began - matchmaking (elchilik). Before sending matchmakers (elchi) to the bride's house, the father consulted with his relatives and friends to find out their opinion. The matchmakers were usually the father, mother, the groom's maternal uncle - days, the groom's paternal uncle - ami, elder brother and other close relatives. The composition of the matchmakers also included respected people of the village - aksakals, whose presence was supposed to provide a solid basis for the marriage.

According to custom, two women are the first to come to the girl's house - the mother of the groom with one of her close relatives. It is believed that a mother can understand a girl's heart. As soon as the women come to an agreement, the heads of the two families, the fathers, must meet. The groom's father comes to the bride's house with three respected people. With all their behavior, they make known their intentions. “They don’t go to matchmaking at night.” "Tea, which is treated to matchmakers, is not drunk." The matchmaker, they say: “A girl’s tree is a walnut tree, everyone can throw a stone”, “Girl’s luggage is a luggage of salt.”
From the first time, the girl's father does not give consent. “The door of the bride is the door of the shah. I have to consult with my daughter, her mother, close relatives, then give you the final answer,” he says.
When asked the opinion of the girl, she is silent. They say silence is a sign of consent. However, no final agreement is given. Consent is given at a big matchmaking. Because the main words should be said by the main people in the family.

big matchmaking.
The groom's father invites close relatives to the house - his brothers, brothers of the wife and other relatives. Together they make a common decision on matchmaking. Girls from the groom's side meet with the future bride and find out her opinion. Her mother is then told the number of the matchmaking. Home brides consult with her. Matchmakers come on the appointed day. If the girl's side does not agree, they are denied. If you agree, then ask for time to think. After some time, the groom's relatives again come to the girl's house. This time, the girl's relatives give their consent.
On the day of the big matchmaking, the matchmakers again come to the bride's house. They are seated at the head of the table. The girl's relatives are also present, all except the mother of the bride and the bride herself - she is taken away from home that day. The groom's father again asks the bride's relatives what their answer is. “May Allah bless them,” they replied. Those sitting at the table say: "Amen." New relatives congratulate each other. The girl's sister brings tea. Sometimes lunch is served. After the matchmakers have left, the sisters of the bride follow her, congratulate her and escort her home.

If the girl's side does not agree, they are denied. If you agree, then they say: “Let us think, consult, come to an agreement, today you are our guests.”
After some time, the groom's relatives again come to the girl's house for the second time. And again they warn in advance: "we are going to you." This time, the girl's relatives give their consent. Close relatives and neighbors are invited in advance. Matchmakers are coming. They are seated at the head of the table. The girl's relatives are also seated. Both men and women are present here. Everyone except the mother of the bride. She enters the room but does not sit down.
Some time after the general conversations, one of the groom's relatives brings the conversation to the main topic. Addressing the bride's relatives, he asks them: "Now, what do you say, what is your final decision?"
Usually the answer is given by one of the uncles of the bride, after the words: “Well, since you opened our door; we have known each other for a long time, etc.”, he says: “Let them be happy” or “May Allah bless them”.

Those sitting at the table say: "Amen." New relatives congratulate each other. After the successful completion of the matchmaking negotiations, the parties (fathers) broke bread and salt, which was a symbol of the rapprochement of two families. It should be noted that the choice of the bride was determined by a number of reasons, and one of the main ones was the position of her father and the whole family in society - moral qualities, property status, etc. In addition, great importance was attached to the economic abilities of the girl herself. For example, in regions where weaving was developed, great importance was attached to the ability to weave and knit. In pastoral areas, girls were valued for their skillful handling and care of domestic animals; in horticultural areas, they had to know the process of drying and preserving fruits, and preparing various delicacies from them.

The girl's sister or daughter-in-law brings tea. Everyone drinks sweet tea. Sometimes lunch is served. After the matchmakers have left, the sister or daughter-in-law goes to the bride's friend. Because during the matchmaking, the girl is not at home. They congratulate the girl and take her home. At home, when her brothers and parents congratulate her, she usually cries.

Little engagement.

After the matchmaking, within a month, the groom's relatives must come to the bride's house for a small betrothal. On this day, 25-30 people gather: bridesmaids, her peers. They sit around the bride. The groom's relatives come, bring with them a ring, a handkerchief and sweets. The groom's sister, his brother, daughter-in-law or father put the ring on the bride's finger, throw a scarf around her shoulders, then give the bride a bite of sweets, and take the other half to the groom. Then the festive feast begins, fun. After the departure of the groom's relatives, the bachelorette party begins. The bride in turn puts her right hand on the head of unmarried bridesmaids, gives them to try on her ring. They say whoever tries on the ring first will be the first to get married. Then the festive feast begins, fun. The table is sweet. Various types of sweets play a very important role in the traditional wedding of Azerbaijanis. They gave each other presents, they showered young people with them, in other words, they constantly figured in the wedding ceremony. These activities are also linked to the idea of ​​providing fertility and abundance.

After the departure of the groom's relatives, the bachelorette party begins. The bride in turn puts her right hand on the head of unmarried bridesmaids, gives them to try on her ring. They say whoever tries on the ring first will be the first to get married. Then the girlfriends disperse, they carry sweets with them. When they go to bed, they put two identical sweets under their pillows. They say that then in a dream you can see the betrothed.

Big engagement.
A few months later, a big betrothal is celebrated. The groom's side is preparing for it in advance. At the engagement, they buy and bring everything necessary for the bride. Everything except the shoes. After some time, her mother-in-law brings her to the bride's house.
Very often, the cost of betrothal is borne by the groom's house. They send meat, butter, flour, herbs, and everything else they need from food, except for onions, to the bride's house. They say onions to bitterness. Gifts are brought to the bride's house on trays and in suitcases decorated with red ribbons.

This is the next stage of the pre-wedding cycle - engagement (betrothal), nishan. The circle of participants in nishan increased, in comparison with matchmaking, by attracting other relatives, close neighbors. To a certain extent, this was a family-social form of sanctioning marriage, its recognition by relatives and friends. Nishan was performed shortly after the matchmaking in the bride's house. A group of the groom's relatives went to the bride's house with gifts for her. The gifts consisted of various national sweets, dress cuts (depending on the family's wealth), leather shoes, woolen and silk jorabs (stockings), and a head of sugar. All this was placed on copper trays covered with colorful bedspreads and was called khoncha. Wealthy people sometimes invited musicians. During nishan, the girl was put on a wedding ring. Marriage in Azerbaijan was associated with the payment by the groom's parents of a kind of ransom - a hat, the size of which was determined by the material condition of the families, the merits of the bride, and her origin. Negotiations on the amount of the ransom took place during the betrothal or after 2-3 days. When discussing the size of the cap, disputes sometimes arose, since each side tried to resolve this issue with possible benefit for itself. The hood was intended both to cover the costs of the wedding and the purchase of dowry items, and was a kind of ransom for the loss of a worker by the family.

It should be noted that in some regions of Azerbaijan (Shirvan/Barsel, Garabagh, Sheki) bride price was not practiced, but was content only with the conclusion of a marriage contract (kebin), which indicated the amount of money (mehr) that the husband had to give to his wife during a divorce husband's wishes. The same custom existed among the Azerbaijanis of Borchaly, where many parents refused to receive ransom-cap. In a number of cases, the cost of the headdress included the costs of the wedding, and in Absheron, for example, they were paid separately. The period between the engagement and the wedding was different - from 2 months to 2 years. The betrothed girl remained in her father's house. This period was necessary to prepare for the wedding. Throughout this period, the groom's family regularly sent various kinds of gifts to the bride's house. So, for example, on the days of Gurban Bajramya (holiday of sacrifice), a ram was sent to the bride's house, having previously painted its back, horns, hooves with henna and tied a red ribbon around its neck. During the ripening period, fresh fruits were sent - nubahar. In Absheron, during the period of moving to summer dachas, gifts were sent to the bride - bagbashi8. In addition to fruits, these gifts also included national sweets.
After the end of the festival and the departure of the guests, relatives gather around the bride. They are shown gifts, they congratulate the bride.

return visit.
Approximately 2-3 months after the engagement, the trays are returned. To do this, these trays are decorated. One tray is prepared for the groom. Gifts for men are placed on the second tray: shirts, etc. The third tray is for women: here are perfumes, cuts, shawls, and so on. Sweets baked at home are placed on the remaining trays. The groom's house is notified in advance. Here they prepare in advance for the reception of guests, call five or six close relatives, set the table.

Five or six close relatives come from the bride's side - sisters, aunts, daughters-in-law and others. At the end, before leaving, one of those who came opens the trays and says what gifts are intended for which of the bride's relatives. The mother of the bride thanks them. She distributes part of the sweets brought to relatives and neighbors.

Pre-wedding conversation.
The groom's father notifies the bride's parents: "On such and such a day, stay at home, we will come to you for negotiations." Usually men negotiate the wedding. From the side of the groom, there is a father, uncle, brother or other close relatives. The fathers of the bridesmaid and groom's friend also take part. Here is the day of the wedding. They agree on who will lead the wedding, what musicians will play on it. The wedding expenses are covered by the groom's side. Sometimes the bride's parents refuse this. However, the groom's parents still try to help or can take on at least some expenses for the bride's wedding.
After the parties come to an agreement, they part with good wishes.

Holiday gifts.
Before the wedding, for each holiday, the bride is given holiday gifts. Especially interesting and joyful is the congratulations on the Novruz holiday. The bride comes to the house with gifts either on the evening of the last Tuesday or on the day of the holiday. They bring a dress, a scarf (some of them should be red), some kind of jewelry and a lamb with henna-dyed horns. In addition, baklava, shekerbura, gattama and other national sweets, nuts, persimmon and other fruits, as well as seeds (sprouted grains of wheat), decorated with candles, baskets are brought on trays. Henna is brought to the bride and her arms, legs, and hair are painted with it. Dowry.
2-3 days before the wedding, the bride's dowry arrives at the groom's house. The dowry is brought by the bride's brothers, her cousins, and the groom's friends. The groom's mother presents the bride's brother. Then the bride's sister and one or two close relatives put things in order, arrange the dowry, and decorate the house. After that, red ribbons are tied to some of the bride's things. Mother-in-law gives them gifts

Bichini brocade.
A few days before the wedding, there was a "brocade bichini" (clothes cutting) ceremony, where women gathered from both sides had fun with songs, dances and refreshments. The matchmaker of the bride or another woman who knows how to sew cut the dress. In the same period, the roles were distributed between the main, in addition to the bride and groom, the characters of the upcoming wedding. The bride's mentor - "enge" was chosen from among the bride's relatives. Usually it was an elderly woman with life experience, not divorced, having children and enjoying a good reputation in society. Together with the bride's friends, she dressed her, painted her hands and feet with henna, and accompanied the bride to the groom's house. The groom's friends - "sagdysh" (right-handed) and "soldysh" (left-handed) were also important characters in the wedding ceremony. The first was to be a close relative, and the second to be the same age, a close friend of the groom. Sagdysh, as an experienced and eldest in age, gave advice to the groom regarding various aspects of his behavior at the wedding. The role of the soldier was not as clearly defined as that of the sagdysh. It should be noted that one of the elements of wedding ceremonies, known among many peoples of the world, is the imitation of clashes between the relatives of the bride and groom at the time of taking the bride to the groom's house. In a traditional Azerbaijani wedding, such actions as “gapy basma” or “gapy kesdi” took place, when the bride’s relatives created the appearance of resistance to her extradition. “Iol kesdi” (blocking the road) can also be attributed to the same category, when they blocked the path of the cortege with the bride. The features of this complex include, apparently, the figure of the "soldier" as a guarding and protecting force in the presence of the groom.

Cooking Fetira.
In a few days, preparations for the wedding begin in the bride's house. In the morning, women are taken to bake fetir (butter cakes). The girls help them. The groom's relatives arrive, led by his mother. They bring gifts to women. In the evening, a ram is slaughtered in the bride's house. Young people are frying shish kebab, preparing hash. The wedding venue is being prepared. Tables and chairs are set up. The wedding room is decorated with carpets. Preparations are underway for tomorrow.

Bread preparation.

Bread for the wedding is baked in advance. 3 days before the wedding, close relatives gather at the house of the bride or groom. The dough is prepared, it is cut, rolled out and baked lavash and yukha. The first baked bread is given to the mistress of the house - the mother of the bride or groom. “May there always be prosperity in your house, may your bread be hot,” they say to her.

A significant place in the wedding rituals of Azerbaijanis was occupied by rituals associated with bread. In some areas, until recently, there was a custom according to which the bride, before leaving her father's house, made several circles around the bread placed in the middle of the room. This symbolized both the sanctity of bread and its veneration, and the preservation of fertility and prosperity in the father's house. In addition, in some regions, the bride took bread with her to the groom's house, which also meant bringing fertility and prosperity. Ritual actions associated with bread were apparently also of a magical nature, since they were also given protective (“from evil spirits”) functions. The presence of bread as an important material attribute of the Azerbaijani traditional wedding was typical for almost all regions of the country. In the Guba-Khachmaz zone, the bride brought with her samples of various types of cereals in 7 bags, which were hung on the wall. This custom was associated both with the magical power attached to the number 7, and with the magical attitude towards cereals and bread. In the Milsko-Mugan zone, the wedding organizer broke bread over the groom's head, wishing him prosperity and well-being; in the Absheron, bread was broken over the bride's head at the entrance to the groom's house.

"Shah" of the bride.
Every girl has a close friend. At the wedding, a friend raises the "check". The preparation of "shah" was a widespread custom. "Shah" is a wedding decoration made of wood, candles, a mirror, cloth, sweets and fruits are attached to it. It takes skill to make it. If the bridesmaid is already married, the "shah" is brought from her husband's house. In the house of a friend, a table is laid, the “shah” is decorated. This is where the youth gather. They are celebrating and having fun. At about 9 pm, young people from the groom’s house come here to “shah”. The groom and his brother are also with them. Bonfires and torches are lit in the courtyard, people sing and dance here. Then they take the "check" and with music, firing from guns, go to the bride's house. They also have fun here.


Girls gather around the bride in one of the rooms. One of the bride's relatives takes a bowl of pre-soaked henna and dances. Then he places 2 bowls in front of one of the groom's relatives - one with henna, the other empty. The groom's relative puts money in an empty bowl, and takes some henna from another. Then, taking a bowl of henna, dancing, he approaches the bride, paints her arms, legs, hair. Then she brings henna to those present, they take henna, put money or gifts in another bowl. At this time, young people gather separately. One of the bride's relatives places two-color tea in front of the groom and his friends. They drink tea and put money on the saucer. One of the girls brings them henna. They slightly stain the tips of the little fingers with henna.

Marriage registration.
Before the start of the wedding celebration, the marriage ceremony took place. For this purpose, two trusted persons (vekil) from both sides went to the mullah, who concluded the marriage act (kebin). This act included a list of things that the groom gave to the bride, as well as a list of her dowry. An obligatory component of the wedding was the inspection of the dowry (jehiz) by the close relatives of the groom. As a rule, the dowry consisted of bedding, personal belongings of the bride and household items. Families with material wealth ordered up to 100 different dowry items from embroidery masters (tambour and gold embroidery). In Lahij, where copper processing was developed, the dowry included up to 60 pieces of ornamented copper bowls, bowls, etc. Some dowry items passed from generation to generation. In the Guba zone, by the age of marriage, girls had three or four carpets of their own making as a dowry. The dowry was prepared in such a way that everyday and festive clothes would be enough for several years. In some cases, when examining the dowry, a list of things was compiled, which was sealed with the signatures of those present and kept by the bride's parents. The Azerbaijani traditional wedding was distinguished by a wide variety of dances, songs and entertainment. The ceremony was attended by representatives from both sides. There was one witness from each side. The bride and groom were often present. Molla was given 3 rubles of money and a head of sugar for this. The head of sugar weighed 8 kg. After the establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan since 1920, marriage registration is carried out by state bodies.

Seeing the bride.
One of the most ancient Azerbaijani melodies is “Vagzaly”. Under her sounds from the groom's house come for the bride. They dance and sing: Came for the velvet
Came for silk
We are the men of the groom
They came for the bride.

The door to the room where the bride sits is locked. It is opened by receiving a gift. Before leaving home, the bride receives the blessing of her father and mother. The bride's brother-in-law ties a red handkerchief around her waist. A veil is thrown over the bride's head. A large fire is kindled in the courtyard, the bride is circled around it 3 times so that the house into which she enters is bright, and its hearth is always hot. A stone is thrown after the bride, so that the house she goes to is always strong. They throw water after the bride, so that she is light and light. As soon as the bride approaches the threshold of her new home, a plate is placed under her feet so that she breaks it. They seat her near the door, they give her a boy in her arms, so that her firstborn would be a boy. In the courtyard, under the feet of the bride, a sacrificial ram is slaughtered. A drop of his blood is smeared on the forehead and on the dress of the bride, so that she quickly gets used to the new house and makes friends with new relatives. The groom's mother strokes the bride's head so that there is friendliness and mutual respect in the house. Coins, sweets, rice, wheat are poured on the bride's head so that there is prosperity and abundance. A mirror adorned with a red ribbon is carried in front of the bride. Friends walk along the right and left sides of the bride, they carry glasses with candles and rice. Rice is for abundance. In the house of the groom, they are taken to the decorated room reserved for her. She wishes happiness, good luck, children. Three days after the wedding, the mother of the bride, along with close relatives, come to visit her.

When one of the groom's closest relatives led the bride out of her father's house, her close friends blocked the way, asking for rewards. The road to the wedding cortege was repeatedly blocked along the entire route. This was mainly done by young people who demanded a certain, sometimes purely symbolic, ransom. In the groom's house, the bride was showered with sweets, coins, grain (wheat or rice), a metal object was placed under her feet at the threshold of the house - a symbol of firmness and fidelity, which was associated with the cult of iron. The groom's younger brother or one of his cousins ​​girded the bride's waist three times. This ancient rite used the magical power of the belt. A 2-3-year-old boy was placed on the bride's lap with wishes to give birth to the boy's first child. For the same purpose, a hat was put on her head.

Wedding at the bride's house.
From eleven o'clock - half past twelve in the morning, the sounds of zurna were heard, which were carried throughout the whole village. The wedding began. Again the youth gather to serve at the wedding. Guests come, eat, drink, have fun. Some of them bring trays with gifts, someone gives money. Before serving the treat, one of the groom's relatives comes, puts money on one of the cauldrons with treats. After that, the pans are opened, their contents are presented to the guests. At the wedding, young people compete in strength. The winner has the right to invite any of those present to dance. It is impossible for the invitee to leave, to refuse the dance. The winner must be treated with respect.
The groom's relatives raise the bride to dance, and they themselves dance with her. Then, by four or five, they return to their place. After the guests leave the groom's house, the fun continues in the bride's house. In the evening, the youth goes for the "shah".

Groom's wedding.
The day after the bride's wedding, the wedding begins at the groom's house. In the morning, they prepare the wedding premises early, decorate it, then prepare to go for the bride. The transport on which they go for the bride is decorated. By eleven o'clock - half past twelve they go for the bride. According to custom, neither the mother nor the father of the groom go for the bride. Those who have come for the bride gather at her door, all except the groom.

Send a message to the mother of the bride. She comes, gives a gift to the driver and the groom. After that, the groom goes out and joins his relatives. Music is playing in the yard, everyone is dancing. Young girls and women gather around the bride. The bride's brother-in-law ties a red ribbon around her waist. He ties and opens the ribbon 2 times, ties it 3 times. The brother says to the bride: “Go, let your fate be successful. When you come to visit, I will buy you a present. Then he puts the money in the bride's hand and ties it with a handkerchief.

All relatives kiss the bride, say goodbye to her. Finally, they give way to the father of the bride. In a few words, the father admonishes his daughter, wishes her happiness and kisses her on the forehead. The mother of the bride also blesses her.

The sister of the bride says loudly: "Let's take our bride away." At this time, a child from the bride's house runs and quickly closes the doors. The groom and his friend must give money to open the door. The groom and his friend take the bride out of the room.
The groom's relatives are dancing in the yard. The bride is put into the car. Then one of the young people, relatives of the groom, brings the “shah” and raises it. Light candles, lamps. A mirror is held in front of the bride.

Finally, they hit the road. They light torches, shoot rifles, etc. On the way, cars overtake each other, only no one overtakes the car with the bride.
On the way, the wedding procession stops. Someone takes one of the bride's shoes and quickly rides ahead. Getting ahead of everyone, he shows the shoe to the father-in-law and the mother-in-law, saying: "Let's mushtulug (gift ha good news), your bride is coming." The mother-in-law gives him a gift.

The wedding procession arrives, everyone leaves. The mother-in-law gives a gift to the driver. A sacrificial ram is slaughtered in front of the bride. The mother-in-law puts a drop of blood on the forehead of the bride and groom. Then the newlyweds step over the sacrificial ram. They take the first of the pre-baked felts, crumble it, mix it with coins, rice, sugar, sweets and give it to the groom. He pours it on the bride's head. Then the bride is shown to the room. The bride does not sit down. The mother-in-law gives her a gift or promises to buy some gift. After that, everyone sits down.

There is a wedding party going on in the yard. In the evening at six, half past six, guests come from the bride's house to the groom's wedding. Anyone who wishes can come, except for the father and mother of the bride. They leave after an hour or two. After that, the youth gathers for the "shah" of the groom. They come to the house of the "friends" of the groom. Only young people participate here. They are having fun. Finally, having taken away the "check" of the groom, they return to the wedding. The bride and groom open both "checks". Everything that is on both "checks" goes to them. All sweets and fruits are distributed to relatives and neighbors.

After this ceremony, the groom with his friends again returned to the house, where he stayed all the wedding days, until the arrival of the bride. The ceremony of moving the bride to her husband's house began with her dressing up and saying goodbye to her father's house, parents and relatives. All these actions were accompanied by the performance of special ritual songs. One of the acts of parting with the father's house was kissing the hearth as a symbol of the father's house and walking three times around the tendir as a symbol of fire and prosperity. The bride was taken to the groom's house on a horse or a phaeton (sometimes on a cart), accompanied by "yenge", girlfriends, close relatives and neighbors. A mirror, a burning lamp and candles were carried in front of the wedding train. It should be noted that the material attributes of the Azerbaijani traditional wedding carried a great semantic load. In this regard, special importance was attached to the presence of a mirror in the entire wedding ceremony. Usually, burning candles were placed around the mirror, which together was supposed to demonstrate "crushing power" against harmful forces.

Wedding day.
Usually a wedding in the countryside lasted 3 days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It started on the evening of the first day.
At the wedding, musicians, ashugs, played and sang. Those who wished could order a favorite melody for dancing, for this they turned to toybashi.

Especially for the wedding, they chose “toy bei” or “toy bashi” (the head of the wedding - toastmaster) from among respected, middle-aged men. His duties included regulating the organized conduct of the celebration, observing the sequence of rituals, and preventing disorder. The day before the bride was sent to the groom's house, close friends and yonge were engaged in her toilet. This was a kind of preparation of the girl for the transition to a new state of a married woman. One of the important ceremonies in this series was "henna yakhty" (application of henna). This ceremony was a real holiday and was held very solemnly in the bride's house. On this day, she said goodbye to her friends, relatives, to her girlhood. At the same time, henna was applied to the hands and feet of the bride. This rite was typical not only for Azerbaijani wedding rituals, but also for the peoples of Western and Central Asia.

The meaning of "henna yacht" was to give magical significance to henna as a remedy for the evil eye and a talisman against harmful forces. Actually the wedding - that consisted of an artistic part (music, dances, songs) and a feast in the groom's house. The beginning of the wedding was announced by the call of musicians (drums and zurnas), for which they climbed to the roof of the house. Usually the traditional wedding lasted three days, in some cases, for wealthy families, 7 days. Each wedding day had its own name and purpose. So, for example, in some regions of Azerbaijan, the first day was known as "el bozbashi", the second day - "yuha ponu" (lavash day), the third day - "magar", etc. One of the researchers noted that in the town of Salyan "The weddings of the rich sometimes even last up to one week or more, while the poor have two days." Based on the Absheron materials, another author wrote that the wedding of the rich lasted 7 days and 7 nights and could not do without sazandars (saz performers), zurnachis (performers of national wind music) and dancers”10.

A wedding was held either in the spring, during the celebration of Novruz Bayram, or in early autumn, and timed to coincide with the completion of the harvest, the end of agricultural work, when, in accordance with the income received, it was possible to determine the costs of the wedding. Weddings were not arranged during Maharram (for Shiites, the month of mourning for the murdered Imam Hussein) and Ramadan (the Muslim fasting period - orujlug), as well as during the religious holidays of Gurban Bayrami and Movlud (the birthday of the prophet).

For this, groups of musicians consisting of 3-6 people were invited. In addition to a certain fee, the musicians also received coven money (which was given to the dancing by the audience), as well as bakhshish (reward) in the form of a tray with sweets and small gifts. Music, dances and songs accompanied the wedding ceremony until its end, that is, until the bride moved to her husband's house. Until recently, the wedding ceremony of Azerbaijanis was full of various collective games and entertainments (horses, national wrestling, etc.). This was largely due to the social nature of the wedding, which was a celebration for a large circle of people, and in the village for all the villagers. The wedding was the only place where each participant could show their abilities.

Young people prepared for races, wrestling and other competitions in advance and looked forward to them with great impatience. The winners of these competitions enjoyed great honor in the village and were generously presented by the organizers of the wedding. A special place in the days of the wedding was occupied by various collective games. Such games as “sur papakh”, “bahar bend”, “papakh oyunu” (playing with a hat), “piala ve oh” (piala and arrow), “gerdek gachirma” (stealing a curtain), etc. were very popular. and specific regional differences. So, for example, in the Guba-Khachmaz zone, there were such collective games as “sutlu sumuk” (male performers), “toy melek”, “keklik” (female performers). The game "Kesa-gelin", "Yalli" (round dance), "Lezgi are small", described in detail in the literature, was popular. At Absheron weddings, such games and entertainments as “shahseven”, “tyrna”, “khan-khan”, “meykhana”, etc. were widely spread. On the last day of the wedding, another important ceremony was performed - “beat the fool” (the groom got up) . Its essence was that the groom, having changed into a new wedding suit, was brought to the “toikhana” (the place where the wedding took place), there they collected money in his honor, presented him with valuable material for clothes.

At this time, the musicians performed special laudatory songs in honor of the groom. For this ceremony, it was necessary to have a branch decorated with sweets and ribbons, to the end of which a fried chicken was tied. The money collected during this ceremony remained with the groom, and he distributed the fabric among the poor. At the same time, there were regional differences. So, for example, in the village of Ilisu (Gakh region), money and cloth were distributed to unmarried young people, and in the Nakhchivan zone, the groom’s relatives themselves collected money as a sign of help, which was called “diz dayagy” (“support for the knees”).

Women from the groom's side bring sweets, fruits, nuts and gifts for the whole family of the chosen one. All this is laid out on large chic Khoncha trays and tied with beautiful red ribbons, since red for Azerbaijanis is a symbol of happiness, joy and good luck. It is very important to carry out a ritual from the evil eye: the mother-in-law burns the Azeri potion "Uzaria" over the heads of her son and daughter-in-law, while reading a prayer.

On the festive table of the young, two things deserve attention: the Gyuzgu mirror, decorated according to national traditions, is a symbol of a clean and sunny life in the future; a “lamp” candle that symbolizes the innocence of the bride (it burns during the wedding night, and after the girl becomes a woman, this light goes out).

The peculiarity of the feast is that at the wedding table men sit separately from women, but only young people together. Traditionally, a good friend is near the groom, and a girlfriend is near the bride. But none of them talk to each other.

It is worth paying attention to such an outlandish feature: throughout the day the bride does not eat anything and does not look into the eyes of her future husband, and this speaks of her modesty.

The most striking, colorful and impressive at the Azerbaijani wedding is the Shavash custom, which is accompanied by throwing money during the dances of the young people to the performance of ritual songs “Vagzali”.

During the celebration, a wedding cake is cut, on which the names of the newlyweds are beautifully written. The bride and groom treat each other with a tidbit as a sign of joint care and wash it down with champagne, holding their hands crosswise.
Very symbolic and significant is the moment when they carefully draw "Henna" on the hands of the bride the name of the groom, and on him - the name of the newlywed.

Interestingly, the newly-made husband and wife are the first to leave the celebration.
Before entering the house, another specific ceremony awaits the young: a ram is slaughtered at the feet of the bride. This is a manifestation of joy in connection with the appearance of a daughter-in-law in the family hearth.

On the second day, the guests danced, had fun, played folk games. They played old folk melodies.
On the third day, the wedding continued. A ceremony of "praise" was arranged for the bride, or the groom at his wedding. In the wedding room they put a table filled with sweets. They also put a mirror on it. In the center, the groom sits at the table, to the left and right of him are the friends accompanying him at the wedding. The groom's mother gives gifts to friends. If the groom was late for this ceremony, anyone could take his place, receive a gift and stand up, giving the groom his place.
Then the bride or groom is called to a dance. They say if the bride or groom dance at their wedding, there will be prosperity and prosperity.

The wedding night.
She is beautiful, tender, sweet, innocent, graceful, like an angel, all in white. He is bold, proud, strong and irresistible. A chic satin bed, the smell of champagne and flowers, the room is illuminated by a small candle-"lamp". By morning, this light goes out ... That's all ... They are now husband and wife. It is very important to observe the ceremony of “showing” the sheets after the wedding night to confirm the innocence of the newlywed. Newly minted "woman". The next morning after the wedding, sweet flour porridge in butter is prepared for the young wife. Relatives gather again, the main dish on the table is traditional pilaf. This is how the "purity" of the bride is celebrated.

After the wedding night (zifaf gedjesi), the mother of the bride provided the newlyweds with various kinds of dishes for three days. In Absheron, this custom (close relatives also participated in it) was known as “ser takhta”. After a certain period (3-7 days), during which the bride did not appear in the house, a celebration was arranged at the son-in-law - “the bond of chykhdy”. On this day, the bride went out to the assembled parents and relatives of her husband and took off the front cover (duvag).

Those present presented her with various gifts. All this was accompanied by treats, round dances and songs. The post-wedding ceremony ended with a visit by the newlyweds to the house of the wife's father. During this meeting, the young were presented with expensive things or livestock (depending on the welfare of the parents).

This ritual was one of the most important in the after-wedding rites among Azerbaijanis and was associated with the removal from the son-in-law of the custom of “avoiding” the parents and relatives of the wife. At the same time, it should be noted that this custom for a young wife persisted for a long time. In the new family, she was forbidden to talk to her father-in-law and mother-in-law, to her husband's older brothers, to talk with her husband in front of strangers, to call him by name, to visit her parents without her husband's permission.

Bride leaving.
The newlywed does not leave her room for some time with her father-in-law, she tries not to catch his eye. On the 10-15th day after the wedding, the mother-in-law sets the table and calls all family members. Everyone sits at the table, except for the bride. The father-in-law calls the bride and the ideas are behind her. He then gives her a present and tells her that she is the dearest member of the family.

Visit to the bride.
2-3 months after the wedding, a message comes from the bride’s house: “On such and such a day we will come to visit the bride.” In the groom's house, they prepare in advance and invite several guests. The bride's mother and several close relatives come to the groom's house. At the end of the visit, the mother of the bride gives gifts to the bride and groom.

The bride's first visit to her parents.
The daughter has the right to visit her parents' house for the first time only 40 days after the wedding. The mother of the bride calls her daughter and son-in-law to visit. The guests are called, the table is laid, a great celebration is arranged. Both women and men come from the groom's house. The mother of the bride gives gifts to the newlyweds. The bride stays at her parents' house. After 2-3 days, her husband comes for her.
After that, the bride and her husband visit her parents' house whenever they want.

Visits to relatives.
Then close relatives, both from the side of the groom and from the side of the bride, invite them to visit. The inviter gives gifts to the newlyweds. In general, according to custom, if the newlyweds step into someone's house for the first time, they should be presented with a gift.

First grandson.
A young family is considered exemplary if, a year after the wedding, they have an heir. The addition of newlyweds to the family is welcomed with joy. The mother of the bride prepares the bed for the first grandson. As soon as a grandson (or granddaughter) is born, she begins to fuss, prepares a dowry, a silk bed, buys a cradle. All this is decorated with red ribbons. They come to visit their grandson 40 days after his birth. They give him gifts, put money in the cradle.