Body care after 20 years. Let's supplement your personal beauty calendar. Pay maximum attention to the skin under the eyes

Do you need to take care of your skin at 20? The skin at this age is young, firm and elastic. Age-related changes recede into the background, the complexion becomes even, and the skin becomes smooth. And yet, at this age, the skin requires special care. Carefully and correctly caring for your skin during this period of your life, you prolong its freshness and youthfulness.

Time goes on, you develop, and therefore your skin: it becomes more mature. Nature takes its toll. If you do not take care of the skin in time, then it may be too late.

What means to use

The main goal of skin care at twenty is prevention and support. The tools that you used until recently are no longer suitable for you, because they controlled the secretion of sebum, which contributes to the appearance of acne. If you continue to use cosmetics for teenagers, then you run the risk of making your skin very dry, which will lead to its flaking and rapid aging.

At twenty, your skin needs hydration and nutrition. The cosmetic products that you start using at this age should not only moisturize it, but also control those areas of the face that still have acne or have increased fat content.

Use alcohol-free cleansers in the morning. After cleansing, nourish your skin with vitamin creams that are appropriate for your skin type. There are various face masks that can and should be used between the ages of 20-25. They nourish, moisturize your skin and keep it youthful and elastic.

Skin care

Every day, your skin needs hydration, cleansing, and sun protection. For cleansing the skin, mild products that contain a small amount of salicylic acid are best suited. For moisturizing, choose a non-greasy cream that won't clog the pores on your skin. The sun protection factor should be high in summer and low in winter, but it must be present in cosmetics.

A daily shower helps to avoid dry skin. At the end of the water procedure, be sure to do a contrast shower, i.e. rinse your body with cold water. This technique keeps the skin toned, which makes it look firm. Do not take very hot baths, the water temperature should not exceed 37 ° C. Long stay in warm water is harmful to young skin; ten minutes is enough to lie down in the bath and enjoy the pleasant sensations. If you add salt (sea or table salt) to the bath, your blood circulation will improve and your skin will become healthy.

Don't forget about body exfoliation, use a gel containing abrasive particles twice a week. Peeling should be applied to damp skin with massaging movements, it removes dead skin particles and rejuvenates the skin. After the procedure, rinse with warm water and apply cosmetic body milk.

Prevention of stretch marks

Not all skin types have a tendency to stretch marks, some women have a genetic tendency. If your weight has increased significantly, or you have given birth to a child, then, most likely, stretch marks have appeared on your body.

Stretch marks are small tears in the subcutaneous tissue. Stretch marks appear in the chest, abdomen and hips. At first, stretch marks have a burgundy or purple hue, over time they turn white, but are still visible on the woman's skin.

If you already have stretch marks, then it will be quite difficult to remove them from the skin., but if you do not have them, then this means that time is not yet wasted, and at least something can be done to prevent them. There are a large number of preparations on the cosmetics market that prevent the appearance of stretch marks. As soon as you start gaining weight, immediately rub these drugs into the hips and abdomen. The more elastic your skin is, the lower your risk of stretch marks. Skin elasticity can be achieved with ordinary vegetable oil. Apply it to your skin after water treatments and your skin will be supple.

Fitness and diet

Stretching muscles and joints leads not only to the health of the entire body, but also to the skin as a whole. If you take away everything 15 minutes a day for the simplest exercises then you will feel much lighter. If you seriously decide to go in for sports, then you need to do this at least three times a week, the duration of the exercise itself should not be less than 40 minutes. With physical exertion, all the pores open, the skin begins to breathe and self-cleanse. As a result, you will get not only a slim figure, but also healthy skin. Running, rollerblading or cycling will make your hips and stomach firm and beautiful, while swimming will help you have a beautiful chest shape.

Everything that we put in our mouth is reflected in sweat on our skin.

If you abuse sweets, acne will often appear on the skin. Citruses Lead to Flaky Skin and to its dryness, a large amount of honey can cause redness on the skin of the face and body.

The most ideal is the frequent consumption of food in small quantities. It is advisable if the meal will take place at the same time, about 4 times a day. Give your preference to vegetables and herbs, they contain vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for our skin. Do not starve and do not go on diets, with a long refusal to eat, the skin becomes dry, in some cases it may even sag. Try not to skip meals, so as not to cause a strong feeling of hunger, it is better to take a snack with you.

By caring for your skin when you are young, you keep it healthy and firm as you mature.

Young skin needs special care. The necessary tips, tools and procedures are in our review.

At the age of 20, girls' facial skin "behaves" differently: some are still struggling with acne, while others have practically no problems. At this age, it is too early to start active prevention of wrinkles, however, such defects in appearance as acne, peeling, redness and freckles can significantly spoil the mood. Skin care at this age should maintain its youth, health and beauty, and the sooner you start it, the fewer problems you will have to deal with in the future.

Your daily beauty ritual should include cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. These measures will help maintain skin elasticity and a beautiful complexion, as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation and other signs of aging.


For cleansing the skin at the age of 20, you should choose mild products or with a small content of salicylic acid, which helps to effectively fight inflammation and prevent its appearance. It is necessary to cleanse the skin at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, regardless of whether decorative cosmetics have been used or not.

Option: cleanser for the face Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Blemish Cleanser from Neutrogena (estimated cost - 800 rubles); cleansing rice toner for the face Red Rice Purifying Rice Toner from L'Occitane (estimated cost - 1139 rubles); Lotion for deep cleansing Stay clear from Clearasil (estimated cost - 139 rubles).


A moisturizer should be non-greasy so as not to clog pores, and contain antioxidants, vitamins, and sunscreens. It is necessary to moisturize the skin of the face and neck daily. At this age, the skin retains its natural radiance, so it is not necessary to use more active products.

Option: moisturizing leveling cream Aquasource Skin Perfection from Biotherm (estimated cost - 2200 rubles); intensively moisturizing cream-gel for all skin types Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief from Clinique (estimated cost - 1500 rubles); moisturizing care cream 24 hours Aqualia Thermal from Vichy (estimated cost - 690 rubles).

UV protection

In the summer, you should also buy a separate face product with a protection factor of 15 to 30 SPF, which will protect the skin from photoaging, pigmentation and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. It should be applied on the skin 20-30 minutes before going outside - both in sunny and cloudy weather, since ultraviolet rays can even pass through clouds.

Option: sunscreen for the face Anthelios 50+ XL Fluide Extreme from La Roche Posay (estimated cost - 860 rubles); sunscreen for the face Reponse Soleil Sun Protection Cream For Face SPF 20 from Matis (estimated cost - 1000 rubles); sunscreen for the face Ambre Solaire SPF 15 from Garnier (estimated cost - 350 rubles).

Caring for the skin around the eyes

In addition, you need to take care of the skin around the eyes. The skin in this area is very thin and delicate, so it is imperative to use a cream or gel with UV filters, which will eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and protect the skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation.

Option: intensive moisturizing eye cream Arctic Aqua from Lumene (estimated cost - 150 rubles); Chanel Beaute Initiale Eye gel for the skin around the eyes (estimated cost - 3000 rubles); cream for the skin around the eyes Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream from La Prairie (estimated cost - 10,500 rubles).


A gentle exfoliation should be done twice a week using a fine abrasive scrub. It should be applied with light massage movements, and then rinsed off with cool water. Peeling will help get rid of keratinized particles of the epidermis, and massage will improve blood microcirculation, which will give the skin a radiance and a beautiful tone.

Option: face scrub "Pine nut and Ussuri hop" from Green Mama (estimated cost - 182 rubles); ultra-soft foam-scrub for the face Gommage Visage from Melvita (estimated cost - 700 rubles); face scrub Naturals "Pomegranate" from Avon (estimated cost - 180 rubles).

Skin care treatments at age 20

To maintain the beauty of young skin, you can do various cosmetic procedures both at home and in the salon. The simplest and most affordable of them are natural face masks and peels, which should be done no more than 1-2 times a week. You can make these products yourself from available products or buy them at a store or pharmacy.

From salon cosmetic procedures, you should try superficial chemical peeling or mesopilling with glycolic acid: these procedures will make the skin even and radiant. Cleansing your skin will help get rid of blackheads and unclog pores. Cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen can solve many problems: acne, inflammation, age spots and many other defects.

For the health and beauty of the skin at a young age, it is especially important to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes a full 8 hours of sleep, walks in the fresh air and physical activity.

Elena Kobozeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist:“At the age of 20, many girls continue to fight the manifestations of acne, which began in adolescence: blackheads, inflammatory elements, oily skin. In addition to medication, it is very important to find the right home care to keep your skin healthy and attractive. It is worth paying attention to the pharmacy lines of cosmetics for problem skin, as they contain the optimal concentration of active ingredients (for example, Avene, La Roche-Posay, Uriage). Those who have bypassed skin problems should ensure that it is maintained in the same condition. To do this, do not forget about cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Cosmetics should not contain anti-aging ingredients (eg liposomes). "

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Age - the main criterion for choosing skin care. The site, together with the Estet Clinic dermatologist, Yulia Varbuzova, has compiled detailed instructions for skin care at the age of 20, 30 and 40 with the best beauty novelties of this summer.

Skin care at 20

Main problems: oiliness, dryness and inflammation of the skin.

Cosmetologist's advice: Care of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté should be carried out by the girl not with the appearance of the first age-related changes, but regularly and in advance. With the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, a decrease in turgor, it is too late to fight the “first signs of aging”, it is difficult and quite costly. Therefore, starting from the age of 20, it is important to start taking care of your skin regularly. It is at this time that the skin begins to lose moisture, dryness and a dull complexion may appear.

Always use SPF creams first, especially during the spring / summer season. After all, aging is 80% associated with UV rays.

It is imperative to properly and systemically moisturize and nourish the skin. To do this, use serums, oils, and moisturizers.

The moment of daily skin cleansing should not be overlooked. Do this 2 times a day - morning and evening. If the T-zone is prone to fatty (which, in fact, everyone is susceptible to at the age of 20), use products with salicylic acid.

At the age of 20, the appearance of comedones or other various rashes is most likely, with which salicylic acid also fights (evens the skin surface, renews the skin, cleanses, narrows the pores). 2 times a year you can undergo a course of mesotherapy based on vitamins. Try contrasting face wash. It will be doubly useful if it is prepared from a mixture of herbs. Carry out a course of facial massage at least 2 times a year.

What to look for in the composition: salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid, SPF 15+

Moisturizing face cream AVST1, Environ; Moisturizing face cream Hydra Floral, Decleor; Multifunctional moisturizer, Steam Cream; Moisturizer Botanical Effects, Mary Kay.

Skin care at 30:

Main problems: first signs of aging, wrinkles, pigmentation

Beautician's advice: At this time, home care alone is not enough. Unfortunately, our skin is prone to rather rapid aging. Therefore, start looking for a good beautician who will help you build the right youth maintenance program. When it comes to caring products, it's important to note that more active ingredients should be added to simple moisturizing.

Anti-aging, nourishing, antioxidant, depigmenting serums should appear in your cosmetic bag, which should contain components such as vitamins A and C.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the thinnest skin around the eyes: use special serums and creams designed specifically for this area.

Use peels such as glycolic acid. This component moisturizes the skin, refreshes, has a high penetrating ability, removes keratinized skin, thereby cleansing it, normalizes metabolic processes, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Don't forget about nourishing face masks several times a week. They help fight skin pigmentation and fine wrinkles, increase skin turgor and improve complexion.

Main Ingredients: Glycolic Acid, SPF15 +, Vitamin C

Anti-aging face cream Global Anti-Age, L es Thermes Marins De Saint Malo; Serum with vitamin C V10 Plus, Yokota; Vitamin C Face Serum, The Body Shop; Cream for the first wrinkles Magnolia Bark, Korres; Cream for dry skin Multi-Renerante Jour, Сlarins.

Skin care at 40

Main problems: deep wrinkles, loss of firmness, dryness

Cosmetologist's advice: 90% of women aged 40-50 have dehydrated skin. At this age, constant use of serum and cream in the morning and evening is necessary.

If at 35 years old some women can still do without injections of botulinum toxin preparations once a year, then at 45 years there are only such units.

Do not forget about the skin of the neck and décolleté, 2 times a year I advise you to undergo a course of biorevitalization, skin bio-reinforcement, plasma-lifting.

We pay special attention to the skin of the hands, as well as the area above the upper lip - these areas first of all give out the true age of the woman.

Look for products that contain vitamin A. Retinol protects cells from aging, is a strong antioxidant, i.e. protects skin, hair, nails from the harmful effects of the environment: ultraviolet radiation, bad ecology. Retinol also improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and accelerates metabolic processes.

Do not be zealous with a facial massage - stretching the skin and achieving ptosis is no longer in our interests.

Main ingredients: retinol, vitamins, antioxidants.

All girls, probably, have heard from childhood that it is necessary to use special creams no earlier than 25 years old, and many begin to take this information too literally. At the age of 18-20, you somehow do not really think about how you will look in old age, or even after 10 years. Indeed, at this age, the skin is elastic, soft, has an even radiant shade and without much effort in care. And if you think that it is too early to start taking care of your face, then you are mistaken. Already at the age of 20, you should take your skin more seriously in order to preserve it and preserve its youth. In this article, we will talk about the features of caring for young skin up to 25 years old.

The first thing to start with is determining your skin type. Almost all of us know that there are four of them: normal, dry, oily and combined. Why determine the type of skin and why is this item the first to care for? Because for each case, its own individual care is selected, special means that will help solve the problems of only a certain type of skin, and they will be absolutely useless with a different type, at best, and can even harm, at worst. Therefore, you should not neglect these points, but you need to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist for advice. Or do it yourself, relying on the following simple characteristics:

Normal skin

This type of skin can only be found in absolutely healthy people, which is very, very rare. Normal, healthy skin is smooth and elastic. It lacks oily sheen, acne, black or white dots (types of blackheads), enlarged pores. The owners of such a skin can only be envied. This type of skin tolerates both heat and cold well. Almost any external factors are not terrible for its owner.

Dry skin

A distinctive feature of this type of skin is that it often has flaking and allergic reactions. But all these signs are possible only after exposure to external factors: sun, wind, water and others. When washing with soap and water, a feeling of tightness arises, then peeling begins. Allergic reactions are accompanied by severe itching. This type of skin is very problematic and requires special and proper care.

Oily skin

This type of skin can be easily distinguished by its oily sheen. Largely enlarged pores, blackheads and pimples are also noticeable. This type of skin is more prone to inflammation and irritation than others. But, despite this, oily skin has a positive property: over the years, its structure becomes better, wrinkles form on it later than on other types of skin.

Mixed type (combination) skin

This skin type is very often overlooked, although it is not uncommon. With a mixed type, in different parts of it, excessive dryness is observed around the eyes, on the temples, cheeks, while the nose and chin will shine with an oily sheen. Care for her should be separate, that is, for certain areas it is worth using products designed for different types of skin.

Now let's dwell on the stages of care in accordance with the skin types.

Stage 1 - skin cleansing.

If you are the owner of oily as well as normal skin, then it is worth picking up foams or gels for washing. For dry skin, cleansing with an oily or creamy texture is the best option. Some girls prefer to use soap to cleanse their skin, but you should be careful with it. Better not to use it more than 1-2 times every 7 days. Skin tightening after washing with soap is a bad result. It is still worth choosing a soap with a neutral pH factor and so that a cream is included in the composition. It is very important to remove makeup from your face every day and in no case go to bed without cleansing your skin !!! And best of all, wash off the decorative cosmetics as soon as you come home, without waiting for the evening when you wash your face before bed.

And of course, you should take a closer look at the already so popular Asian system of two-stage skin cleansing.

When make-up, BB and CC cream foundations are washed off using hydrophilic oil and foam. Such cleansing, first of all, is necessary if you use:

  • Sunscreens, since such cosmetics with UVA / UVB filters are washed off the skin much more difficult than regular foundation;
  • BB or CC cream, which have a denser and more plastic texture, filters.

Also, the use of two-stage cleansing is recommended for people with excessively oily, problematic or acne prone skin. It is a mistake to be afraid to apply hydrophilic oil to oily skin. In fact, it improves the condition of problem skin at times, as it deeply cleanses the pores, flushes out the fat plug from the clogged pores. How does two-step skin cleansing work?

The first step in two-step skin cleansing is to dissolve the makeup using a hydrophilic oil. It is applied to dry skin with light massaging movements. At the same time, the oil immediately begins to dissolve the makeup, which seems to disappear from the face. Then the hands are moistened with warm water and the gentle massage continues. Oil, in contact with a small amount of water, turns into a white emulsion and is gradually washed off the skin. It is recommended not to "splash" water in the face, quickly washing away the remaining oil, but gradually, wetting each time, continue to dilute the oil until it is completely removed from the face. Haste is not recommended here. it is better to make water a little warm, colder water dilutes the oil worse, hotter is simply useless.

You can also use a thick oil balm or a cleansing cream for the first stage of cleansing.

Further, the second stage of two-phase cleansing is recommended to continue cleansing using a foaming agent, it can be foam, soap, gel. Usually, a very small amount of foam or gel is enough, if we are talking about foams made in Korea, about the size of a pea, to get a thick foam.

Do not forget that there is a certain category of quick analogs - "universal cleansers", which replace the two-phase skin cleansing, while effectively washing off the BB and CC cream, but do not require further skin cleansing with a foam.

There is another type of skin cleansing - the removal of dead skin cells. Of course, it is necessary, because conventional cleansers will not rid the skin of dead cells. There are various products for this, in particular, many people like to use abrasive facial cleaners that contain natural or synthetic scrubbing particles that polish the skin. Pay attention to acid-based deep cleansing cosmetic products. Acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells without causing micro-trauma to the skin that it can get from abrasive scrubs. The use of acids is recommended for oily skin types, as well as for those who suffer from acne and blackheads. They should also be used with caution in the summer, as they increase the sensitivity of the skin. If exposed to the sun, dark spots may appear. Remember to use UV-protected products.

The use of tonics after cleansing is the second and often neglected step. This is not the right decision! The purpose of tonics is to refresh, soothe and slightly moisturize the skin after washing, and they should also be alcohol-free.

Stage 2 - hydration / nutrition

This stage is the final one in daily care. It is very important to choose the right creams for yourself. After all, a rich nourishing cream applied to combination skin can easily clog pores and provoke inflammation. Always try to choose products that contain ingredients, without artificial colors or flavors.

The main cream for the age of 20-25 is still a moisturizer. Nourishing creams will complement the basic care. Again, don't forget to choose a cream that matches your skin. Normal skin will not need extra strong moisture and nourishment, so creams with a light texture will do. Dry skin, on the other hand, needs more intense hydration, so the creams will be especially saturated with moisturizing elements. For oily skin, hydration and nutrition are also necessary. Many people think that if the skin is constantly oily and shiny, then the cream is of no use to it, they will only make it worse. No! It's just that such skin needs special care. Therefore, you should pay attention to light creams with a sebum-regulating effect that mask oily sheen. If you are the owner of problem skin, accompanied by constant inflammation, acne, and are afraid to use something, then in this case it is worth contacting a specialist.

Stage three

Next, I would like to dwell on additional care - the use of masks. They are, in principle, not a prerequisite in the care of young skin, since it is quite enough for it and basic funds at this age. But if there is a desire to additionally "feed" your skin with nutrients, then you can use masks, again, choosing them correctly for yourself. It is enough to do the mask once a week, and after that you can apply a nourishing cream. There are some other details worth paying attention to. It must be remembered that the girl's face includes the face itself, as well as the eyes, ears, neck, and décolleté. Therefore, all stages of care should be extended to them. The area around the eyes requires special care. You should not use the same means here as on the whole face. In this area there is very thin, sensitive skin, which requires delicate handling, therefore, the funds must be selected separately.

We talked about the stages of leaving, now it should be said about the funds themselves, namely about their compositions. This is a very important detail! When choosing a product, girls should pay attention to it. Now there is a lot of information about harmful substances in the composition of cosmetics, so it will not be difficult to make yourself a small reminder of what should not be in cosmetic products or the content of these substances should be strictly limited. After all, using such cosmetics at this age can cause serious harm to the skin. This is especially true of cheap cosmetics, mass-market cosmetics. A very affordable price attracts customers, and beautiful words on the packaging about the results of use will definitely push them to make a purchase. It is not worth believing the advertisement unfoundedly, but you need to accustom yourself to constantly study the composition and only after that decide the issue of purchasing the product. Also, many girls tend to buy any product just because it is released by a well-known brand, so to speak, to follow fashion trends. These are also erroneous actions. After all, these companies, just the same, pay more attention to the development of the brand and its promotion, rather than improving the quality of manufactured cosmetics. Do not be afraid to buy funds from companies you do not know just because they are not talked about in the media. Perhaps their compositions deserve your attention!

A lot was said in the article above about cosmetic care. But there is also another, no less important component of the health of young skin - lifestyle. The way you have it determines your internal state of the body. But all the problems inside you are perfectly reflected on the skin. Metabolic disorders, eating sweets, especially in large quantities, not drinking enough pure water, eating various dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc., alcohol, cigarettes, lack of sleep - the causes of bad skin, acne, dryness and early wrinkles ... Not a single cream, even a very expensive one, can save your skin if you don't "put things in order" in your body! Therefore, it is worth following some rules.

  1. Drink plenty of clean water (one of the reasons for dry skin is a lack of water in the body).
  2. You need to get enough sleep (in a dream, the skin is restored).
  3. Stress your body less.
  4. Try to eat correctly and regularly (study the composition of food, as well as the composition of cosmetics, study information about harmful substances in food).
  5. It is necessary to quit smoking (unless comments are needed here !!!).
  6. Limit alcohol consumption if you cannot give it up completely, and also try to choose quality products.

The issue of a healthy lifestyle is quite painfully perceived by many girls, because at this age you do not want to limit yourself in anything, you want to walk until the morning, eat different goodies, drink alcohol at various holidays, parties, etc. You need to understand that no one is against fun, various night gatherings, that you need to please yourself with something tasty at least sometimes. The main thing is that all this should be in moderation, not overstepping the bounds of reason. Various festivities were beautiful and fun, and did not turn into drunken brawl and debauchery. After all, a girl is a beautiful creature! And everything around her should be beautiful!

In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to take care of yourself and your body from a young age, then you and your skin will certainly thank yourself later!

At 20, old age is an abstract concept that few people think about. Although it has been tested and proven that the work of skin cells slows down at this age. But don't be scared: if it slows down, it doesn't mean getting old. In adolescence, the active work of cells is associated with the growth of the organism, and when this process stops, their activity becomes simply normal. So the next decade leather will be in its best shape and will be able to remain in it for a long time, subject to the elementary rules of care.

It is useless for twenty-year-olds to tell horror stories about the fact that people who smoke live 15 years less, that wrinkles appear earlier, circles under the eyes will be darker, and so on. At this age, such little things are forgotten in a minute, because a cigarette is the best fight against stress during exams and the main attribute of a party. Most girls start smoking at school, but many, having grown wiser, part with this habit by the age of 20, thereby preserving not only their youth, but also their health.

After 25 years, we ourselves begin to answer for our beauty, and not nature, which rewarded one girl with microscopic pores and a healthy blush, and another with an earthy complexion and constant rashes. From that moment on, the main means of maintaining beauty are the mind and the round-the-clock care that our leather.

Elementary rules of care

In the morning, it is best to wash your face with either distilled water or mineral water. In the evening, regardless of whether you have applied makeup or not, cleanse your skin with a comfortable milk. And be sure to remove residues with mineral water or lotion.

Moisturize facial skin, you can from early youth. Dermatologists have proven that the earlier you start using a moisturizer, the slower your skin will age. After all, when its cells are not surrounded by the necessary amount of moisture, they cannot function normally. Self-defense decreases, harmful components penetrate into the skin, which leads to premature aging.

Protective cream with SPF 15 or 20, you also need a young skin... Since neglecting it, we waste the "defense potential" of the skin, and by the age of 40 we have to pay for it. Nature has decreed that our skin can neutralize only a small amount of ultraviolet radiation. And his overabundance is inexorably aging her.

Skin on the eyelids and around the eyes- the thinnest and most mobile. Everything is reflected on it: stress, sun, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, besides, it is on it that the first wrinkles appear. Therefore, the minimum Caring for the skin around the eyes at the age of 20 must be present.

  • Apply special creams daily. In the morning, to eliminate swelling and swelling, in the evening to relieve fatigue and hydration. You can also use special masks for deeper hydration and smoothing of fine wrinkles.

At 20 years old, visits to a beautician are random, but closer to 30 they should become more regular. Ideally, you should visit a beautician 4 times a year: carry out a moisturizing course and vitaminization skin... You don't need serious procedures like massage and injections yet.

Besides caring for facial skin and body, you need to pay attention to your figure. The best helpers in this matter: sports and proper nutrition.

Our skeletal system is built up to 25 years, so it is worth paying more attention to such sports like running, aerobics, swimming, as well as various types of dancing. They all harmonize the figure. And martial arts and kickbogging help increase leg length.

Due to the fact that after 20 years, most of us stop eating from our parents, starting to live independently, food becomes chaotic. This often results in indigestion, excess weight, and early cellulite. The other extreme is trendy diets that a young body does not need at all. To prevent this from happening, buy a good book with the basic rules for combining foods, their calorie content and composition. And try to follow these tips whenever possible.

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