Nubuck shoe care. How to clean and protect white shoes from dirt

You still decided to pamper your feet with stylish boots or nubuck shoes, and now you want to know how to properly care for them? Taking care of your nubuck shoes takes some effort, but it's worth it! After all, such shoes are not only very beautiful, but also comfortable! In it, your feet will never sweat in summer, and will always be warm in winter.

In this article:

How to clean nubuck

Caring for nubuck shoes should be careful. Ordinary shoe brushes and creams will not work for this. When buying nubuck shoes, be sure to purchase special impregnation and paint. Here the choice is very large - all kinds of aerosols, sprays, cream paints. Do not be lazy to find a note that the impregnation is for nubuck.

Choose a brush. They are different - three-sided, four-sided, with metal and synthetic bristles, combined, with a convenient edge for cleaning seams. The most versatile is a brush with rubber fingers on one side and metal bristles on the other. Such a device will allow you to clean the surface of dirt and comb the pile.

It is even better to immediately buy a special set, which has everything you need to do the right thing at home.

Getting ready for the first "go out to the people"

How to clean nubuck shoes immediately after purchase, and is it necessary? The first preventive cleaning should be the most plentiful, because it will guarantee a long and happy life for your favorite shoes!

Treat the product with special impregnation three times. But before that, carefully read the instructions for use. Better to apply the impregnation outdoors - on the balcony, for example. Take a break between each treatment so that the product is completely absorbed into the material.

Daily shoe care

Daily care of nubuck shoes at home consists of several stages:

  1. First, remove dirt from the sole and heel. It can be cleaned with a flannel cloth.
  2. Clean the product from dust and debris with a special brush. Make sure it is dry before cleaning! Otherwise, you will only rub the dirt into the material!
  3. If the surface is wet, wait for your shoes or boots to dry. You can use a shoe dryer or stuff old newspapers inside. Drying near the battery is not recommended!
  4. Soak once after drying and cleaning. This will protect your favorite items from moisture that can kill them.

Removing stubborn dirt

How to clean nubuck shoes from heavy dirt when a brush and spray no longer help?

  • Wipe the product thoroughly with a sponge dipped in a solution of water and ammonia in a 4: 1 ratio. Dry well, hold it over steam to smooth out the pile. Walk with a brush, apply paint. In the same way, you can clean at home white salt stains that appear on boots and shoes in winter.
  • If ammonia is not available, try cleaning with a vinegar solution. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a quart of water. Soak a cosmetic disc in this solution and wipe the dirty area.
  • Caring for light-colored nubuck shoes will take a little more of your time, although the cleaning methods remain the same.
  • Rub the areas that are glazed with a special eraser. If it doesn't work, hold it over the steam, and then use a brush to smooth out the fluff.
  • Treat greasy stains with petrol and sprinkle with talcum powder.
  • Never use soap for cleaning!

Are you hesitant to buy today's fashionable nubuck shoes just because you don't know how to clean nubuck correctly? It is a pity that you have deprived your feet of the pleasure of being in boots or shoes made of comfortable natural material.

But on the other hand: it will be very unpleasant to ruin them on the very first day of socks if water or dirt gets on the pile. You have purchased nubuck shoes, how to take care of them so that they will please you for more than one season?

Constant care, the use of special products, preparation for the first time out - it seems that it will be incredibly difficult. But this is a very small effort to have beautiful shoes in which the feet will never sweat in summer and will never freeze in winter.

Nubuck care - primary and daily

Cleaning nubuck at home is easy, the main thing: do it carefully so as not to spray paint on the wallpaper or furniture. If possible, it is better to go to the balcony or to a well-ventilated room. Complaints that nubuck gets wet indicate that the owner of such things does not take care of them, did not impregnate the shoes before going out for the first time.

The first cleaning will be the most extensive and will ensure that your boots last longer thanks to the resulting water-repellent effect.

Take the purchased impregnation, carefully read the instructions for use. Treat your shoes with it three times. Take a break between each application until the previous coat is completely absorbed. The same careful treatment should be repeated during rain and snowfall.

So the original nubuck was cleaned, how to take care of it all the time now? A damp cloth removes dirt from the sole and heel. The brush removes dust, debris from the shoes and applies impregnation, but now only once. Do not forget a very important point: such shoes can only be cleaned dry.

When driving, always use a pad (auto heel) to prevent dirt or abrasion of the lint. Ideally, it will be if these actions are daily, if boots or shoes made of nubuck, suede are worn every day.

It is best to do this with aerosols, but you can apply paint on a special sponge and walk it over the pile. The product will be colorless or with the shade you need - it's up to you if there is no obvious problem of discoloration. It is preferable to take each next spray from the same company, if it does not work out - it is important that the color matches.

Special products for nubuck

The nubuck should be cleaned regularly. Conventional products used for smooth skin will not work. To keep your shoes looking good for a long time, you need to purchase not only a special tool, but also an appropriate brush.

Stores offer a lot of different impregnations: aerosols, sprays, cream paints. Please note that there is a note on the packaging that this is a nubuck impregnation.

Do not spare money to buy caring products. When purchasing shoes, immediately ask the seller: what nubuck brush is on sale. They are three-sided, four-sided, where synthetic and metal piles are combined, there is a convenient rib with which it is very easy to clean the welts and seams of your shoes.

If the wallet allows, it would be good to buy a set that has everything for caring for nubuck, velor, and suede products. Not only shoes, but also nubuck bags can be put in order with the help of such household chemicals.

Which brand to give preference to? The manufacturers guarantee that the shoes will last a long time if you only use certified products of famous brands. These are All Combi, Collonil, Salton Professional and others.

What is in the set for cleaning, protecting and restoring nubuck products? For example, the Collonil Nubuk + Velours Set, beautifully folded into a purse, includes the following items:

  1. Protective aerosol - 200 ml can of Collonil Nubuk + Velours with a specific color (colorless, black, different shades of brown, blue tones). This is a nubuck paint that will help renew the faded color, remove stains, but most importantly, it is reliable protection against dirt and water.
  2. Collonil Shampoo is a shampoo that will relieve salt stains, especially difficult cases with stubborn dirt. After using this drug, the shoes look like the first days after purchase.
  3. Collonil Nubuk Textile is suitable for textiles, nubuck, suede and gives a tinting effect.
  4. A great helper - the Collonil Cleaner universal nubuck brush.
  5. Brush for cleaning delicate suede garments.
  6. The Collonil Cleaner removes any stains quickly and effortlessly.
  7. Collonil Cool'n'Fresh - deodorant for shoes will never be superfluous, it will not only get rid of unwanted odors, but will also be an excellent antibacterial agent.
  8. Standard size metal horn.

How to clean nubuck in mud and wet

Clean only when dry. Wait for the shoes to dry naturally or use shoe dryers. You shouldn't put it near heat sources, but you can stuff it with old newspapers to quickly remove moisture.

Always brush the pile so that it does not cake, but do it with a special brush. Stains can also be removed with a regular stationery eraser.

How to clean nubuck if it is heavily soiled?

You cannot wash such shoes in a typewriter and generally wash them in any way. In rare cases, you can dilute ammonia in water and treat a persistent dirty spot with this solution. The consequence of exposure to water is, as it were, gluing of the villi.

You can try to repair badly worn shoes by holding them over a jet of steam. The pile can be “tousled” if, after drying, you walk over it with the metal side of the brush. Modern dry cleaners provide services for the restoration of nubuck items.

Any cleaning must be completed with the application of impregnation. Your favorite shoes will last a long time if you remember to look after them. Pay attention to the nuances of how to clean nubuck shoes: in no case should you use ordinary shoe creams; white streaks should be removed immediately with a special preparation or a slightly damp cloth.

Storage of nubuck shoes should be in loose, well-ventilated boxes, before sending them there, you should always brush them well and apply a protective layer.

Products made of fine-piled leather require constant care and thorough cleaning. At the same time, the removal of dirt must be delicate and gentle. I will tell you about all the nuances of how to clean nubuck.

Shoe nubuck

Rules for the care of fine-fluffed skin:

Image Instructions

Rule 1

Cleaning of nubuck shoes begins only after the surface has dried. Otherwise, the dirt will be deeply absorbed, and it will be extremely difficult to remove it.

Rule 2

It is impossible to wash off the dirt with running water, as the soaked skin will become hardened after drying.

Rule 3

Do not use products for smooth skin - they contain oily components from which the villi stick together.

Use special, with the indication "for suede and nubuck."

Rule 4

Most of the dirt is removed with a dry brush. Treat nubuck boots with special shampoos and stain removers after thorough brushing.

Rule 5

Dry at room temperature, not on radiators. High temperature deforms the skin.

Rule 6

Apply the cleaning agent to the sponge, it absorbs the excess. Then use a sponge to wipe the nubuck material with your own hands without pressing.

Rule 7

After drying, brush over to pick up the lint.

Rule 8

Finally, treat the leather with a moisture-repellent impregnation. So save the product and make the next cleaning process easier.

Cleaning products

Common detergents (soaps, powders) leave white streaks on the surface. Therefore, get special products designed specifically for nubuck.

Product image Categories by nature of action

Remedy 1: shampoo (foam cleaner) for suede and nubuck.

It can be used periodically, only in case of significant contamination, salt stains, stains.


  • apply generously to the surface;
  • remove foam with a brush without waiting for moisture to absorb.

Remedy 2: spray paint.

Refreshes and restores color, paints over problem areas. Softens the skin.


  • spread evenly over a clean surface;
  • make sure that the layer is thin - remove excess immediately.

If the color of the sole is different from nubuck, tape it around the edge. This will prevent permanent paint from absorbing into the sole.

Remedy 3: nubuck sponge.

For daily cleaning and maintenance. Softens the surface, refreshes the color, protects against moisture.

Application: wipe the sponge over the entire dry surface.

Remedy 4: protective impregnation.

Protects against dirt and moisture in bad weather.


  • spray over the surface;
  • wipe the shoes with a dry brush.

You can purchase a nubuck set. Each tool from it quickly copes with its task.

Nubuck brush

Using the universal combination instrument:

  • Use a regular lint nubuck brush to sweep away dust before cleaning;
  • wipe dry dirt with a rubber nap;
  • Use a dedicated edge with short, thick bristles to treat shiny areas.

For the best shoe cleaning results, purchase a dedicated double-sided eraser.

With it, you can significantly improve the appearance of the product:

  • clean out nubuck material;
  • smooth out the pile;
  • remove shiny spots.

Features and methods of cleansing

The whole cleansing process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Product preparation (drying).
  2. Removal of dust, dirt.
  3. Application of a protective layer.

Surface preparation

Drying of nubuck precedes the cleaning action:

Drying methods Description

At room temperature.

This is a long-lasting but most gentle way.

Stuff the shoes with paper. It will speed up the process as it absorbs moisture. At the same time, the shape of the product is preserved.

Electric dryers.

They create optimal temperature conditions and uniform drying.

Not recommended: drying on radiators.

The skin will lose its shape, harden, and the fine pile will become shiny.

Dry cleaning: express method

Cleaning dry material is the fastest and most delicate method.

Image Description

Stage 1.
  • Remove dirt from the sole without wetting your skin.
  • Brush over the surface.

Stage 2.

Treat nubuck boots with a special sponge.

Wet cleaning: a method for heavy dirt

You can clean your nubuck shoes at home using the wet method. So get rid of salt streaks and dirt.

Product image Instructions

Method 1: applying steam.

Steps on how to effectively clean nubuck from salt stains:

  • Stuff the shoes with paper.
  • Boil water.
  • Keep your shoes on the steam for about a minute.
  • Go through with a brush.

Method 2: treatment with 10% ammonia.

Steps on how to clean tough stains from nubuck shoes at home:

  • Dilute alcohol in water (1: 4).
  • Treat problem areas.
  • Wipe with a damp sponge, removing the alcohol solution.

Only light nubuck can be cleaned with this method, as alcohol brightens the surface.

Method 3: universal.

It is convenient to clean nubuck shoes with a sponge shampoo:

  • Spread shampoo evenly over the surface.
  • Rub the dirty areas with a sponge.
  • Walk with a dry napkin.


Now, knowing how to clean nubuck shoes, you will preserve their presentable look for a long time and extend their service life. Check out the video in this article for visual and helpful advice. Describe your ideas and questions in the comments.

The range of footwear includes thousands of types of models for all occasions. In addition to the obvious difference in cuts, the models differ in the type of top material.

Natural and artificial leather, polyester, leatherette, nubuck, suede, rubber - what materials are not used by manufacturers to conquer the trading market.

Among summer models, shoes made of various types of fabric have not gone out of fashion for many years. Moccasins, clogs, sneakers, ballet flats, sandals, pantolettes, sneakers, shoes with a top made of fabric always look advantageous.

White summer boots made of perforated fabric look very impressive. Consumers of all ages love this type of footwear unconditionally for a number of undoubted advantages:

  • soft texture practically does not rub the skin of the legs in hot weather;
  • the material provides ventilation for the shoes, the legs "breathe";
  • pleasant comfort when walking;
  • the color scheme of the models makes it easy to match clothes to match;
  • fabric shoes are considered universal, they are used for sports, everyday activities, going out.

The advantages of this type of footwear are obvious, but care is also difficult. Leather shoes are easier to care for, they can be washed and cleaned in minutes by anyone. Another thing is the care of fabric shoes.

Fabric loafers, shoes and sneakers, despite their attractive appearance, instantly get dirty. In general, any fabric footwear must be carefully looked after. This is especially true for white shoes, let's be honest - such models are purchased for only one season.

  1. Manual cleaning. First, we free the sneakers or sneakers from the accessories: we take out the insoles and laces. You can wash white insoles and laces by hand, but it is better to run them with the laundry in the machine, they are perfectly washed off without your participation. Next, you should wet the top with water and detergent so that the detergent penetrates into the fibers of the fabric. A reasonable question arises: which detergent to use to achieve an excellent result at home? White sneakers, sneakers, moccasins can be safely cleaned with modern washing powders.
  2. Laundry soap. As practice shows, it is more expedient to clean colored sneakers, sneakers or moccasins with banal laundry soap. Why? For some time now, newfangled gels and washing powders have undeservedly ousted ordinary laundry soap from store shelves. Often, after generously pouring the advertised powders into the drums, housewives, after washing, notice with horror that the bright colors of their favorite things have significantly faded. This is because the principle of action of almost all known powders is based on bleaching properties. The blue granules in the structure of the powder are whitening active additives, ideally acting on white fabrics. Whereas laundry soap has the function of deep penetration deep into the fabric, and corroding stubborn dirt. Soap has almost no effect on the color of things; if you wash your jeans with laundry soap, they will never shed. Besides, soap is the cheapest one.

You can properly clean the printed material at home with antipyatine soap or stain remover for colored linen. White clogs or flip-flops can be cleaned with light-colored stain remover.

Lather the brush with soap or powder and rub the top of your shoe a little. To enhance the effect, you can leave the soapy sneakers or sneakers for 15-20 minutes.

In no case should you soak moccasins, sneakers or textile shoes, the glue base between the textile and the sole may not withstand.

Having withstood the exposure time, we begin to clean with gentle movements using a brush, periodically rinsing it off under running warm water, and examining the result of our labors.

  1. Automatic washing. and is it possible? You can wash your textile shoes in the machine! Our housewives have recently discovered this excellent possibility of easy maintenance of sports and casual shoes. White textile sneakers can be washed perfectly in the machine. Good machines have special programs for washing sports shoes; it is recommended to wash them at a temperature not exceeding +30 ° C, at a speed of 30-40 ° C. If such a program does not exist in the old-style machine, you need to set the minimum washing time, add a little powder and, since the water will be cool enough, add the washing amplifier. You can also grater laundry soap directly into the drum of the machine. We put white sneakers, sneakers in a special mesh bag for delicate things. If not, you can use an old pillowcase. If there are several pairs of textile shoes in the family, shoes of different colors should be washed separately. Insoles and laces must be washed separately to prevent shedding.

After we have mastered the cleaning of the shoes and are satisfied with the result, we should think about drying. In the case of manual labor, it is necessary to soak the sneakers or moccasins from excess moisture by wrapping them in an old towel.

In summer, you can hang your shoes on a rope, carefully fastening them with a clothespin to the backs, or lean them against a vertical surface for water to drain, avoiding direct sunlight.

In the colder months, electric insoles are ideal. You can stuff the inside of your shoes, except for white ones, tightly with old newspapers, changing them as they get wet. Then place for final drying in a dry place, avoiding proximity to heating devices.

Stubborn stains on fabric shoes

Along with the usual dirt, the fabric of the shoes can be stained with more aggressive substances. These include oil stains. Machine oil on cloth shoes is a more complicated problem.

It is very easy to put these on white sneakers or moccasins. It is enough to stumble over a dirty stone with the toe of a shoe - and there is a persistent mark on the surface. Public transport stops, rails - these are the places where unpleasant pollution is localized. This kind of contamination cannot be washed or cleaned quickly.

After finding the spot, we immediately get to work. If the contamination is light, you can spread it with a concentrated dish degreaser.

The dry dusting method has proven itself well. To do this, pour chalk on the butter, rubbing it a little into the surface. Instead of chalk, you can use flour, talcum powder, or starch. The free-flowing agent will absorb the main particles of fat, and the remaining dirt will come off during subsequent cleaning or washing with detergents. Dry mustard perfectly absorbs oil.

Large stains should be treated with chemical degreasing agents. Engine oil lends itself well to gasoline or white spirit solvents. Wipe the fresh stain intensively with a cotton pad moistened with the chosen substance.

In case of severe contamination, you can make a "compress" on the problem area. To do this, we take a couple of cotton pads, moisten abundantly in gasoline or solvent and fix them on both sides of the stain, for example, with clothespins.

The well-known stain removers of complex stains - turpentine, kerosene - also successfully cope with oil contamination.

In the absence of a visible result, the oil can wash off a mixture of turpentine and ammonia, taken in equal parts. The mixture can be left on the surface of the fabric for a while or you can immediately try to intensively clean the stain.

You can also experiment with specialized tools. For example, a stain remover pencil or auto spray can help clean oil from a fabric surface.

You can try cleaning the oil with nail polish remover. Well, and at the end of the chemical treatment, you should, as usual, wash your shoes in the machine or clean them by hand using the means described above.

Care and attention is required for every wardrobe item. "They are greeted according to their clothes, but they are seen off according to their minds," is an old Russian proverb.

And the British specify: "Shoes are a person's face." To look decent and tidy, it is not necessary to constantly attack shoe stores, it is enough to properly and regularly take care of your shoes.

What you need to purchase

  1. Brush. In specialized shoe stores there are brushes for any material, with which you can easily clean the surface of shoes at home. As a rule, they differ from each other only in the type of bristles, so for the rest you can rely on your feelings: which brush fits better in your hand, which one you can easily take with you, etc. There are several types of brushes: the first contain only one cleaning surface, the second have an additional layer in the form of a soft sponge, the third combine a rubber bristle, a metal and a sponge layer.

    7 main rules for caring for nubuck shoes

    These triple brushes are versatile, but they also cost a little more.

  2. Shampoo. You can wait a little with the purchase of this tool. With its help, a general cleaning of the entire surface of the shoes is carried out 1 - 2 times a year at the end of the season. Before you clean your boots with industrial shampoo, you should carefully read the instructions, if you do something wrong, you can irreparably damage your favorite boots.

Faux nubuck shoe care

Shoes made of artificial or natural nubuck look beautiful and elegant. Proper care will provide a new look for a long time. A lot of care products for such material as nubuck are on sale. Do not think that artificial surfaces do not need cleaning and painting. Along with the purchase of a pair of shoes or boots, it will not be superfluous to purchase a brush with cream for it.

Proper care of artificial nubuck

Artificial nubuck is a lightweight and durable material. Although synthetic, it wears well. It is simple to take care of him, the main thing is to find the necessary funds.

How to clean nubuck shoes

In pursuit of extending the performance, you need to remember about the recommendations for caring for nubuck.

  1. Choose balms and creams designed for this material.
  2. Start leaving from the first day of purchase.
  3. Apply water-repellent impregnation immediately.
  4. The wetted surface is dried at room temperature with spacers nested inside or crumpled newspaper.
  5. Clean with special nubuck brushes (rubber or with metal bristles).
  6. In winter or in rainy weather, the treatment must be done before each going outside.
  7. Sometimes it is recommended to hold the shoes over the steam, so that the villi straighten.
  8. Shoes that have lost their original appearance are best taken to a dry cleaner.

Nubuck does not like moisture in large quantities. Do not try to clean the dirt with plain water. After such procedures, the shoes will become stiff and deformed.

  1. It is forbidden to clean damp or wet shoes. Traces of dirt, handled when wet, penetrate and remain there. All manipulations are carried out on a completely dry surface.
  2. Machine wash. Even a delicate wash will ruin your boots forever.
  3. Do not dry with additional heat sources (battery, heater, gas stove).
  4. Do not create a lot of pressure during processing. This will soften the lint and leave a noticeable mark.
  5. The surface is not treated with creams and liquid emulsions. For cleaning, you need to apply them to a piece of cloth or sponge and wipe the desired area.

It will be correct to store nubuck products in boxes or fabric bags. Plastic bags will be harmful due to the formation of condensation in them. You should clean them, soak and fill the inside with paper or put in special pads, this will retain its shape. Before the next wear, you can hold it over the steam. The pile will rise and take on a fresh look.

New clothes care

New shoes, boots or moccasins are always a cause for joy. Having bought the pair you like, you can cheer yourself up for the whole day. In order for this to last as long as possible, start caring for her right away.

Care after purchase is conventionally divided into "before" and "after" being on the street. There is also dry and wet cleaning.

Before going outside, spray the top with an aerosol. Ingress of moisture and dust will be repelled, and the surface will remain as clean as possible. After coming home, brush and remove any dust and dirt that still got on the shoes.

Dry cleaning carried out with special brushes. They are different in shape and materials of manufacture. The hard side removes dirt from seams and outsole joints. The rubberized side will remove marks from the top and sides. A regular eraser or hard block will get rid of stains and scratches.

Deep cleaning requires more time, effort and money. In winter, you need shampoo. It removes saline stains and stubborn stains. To restore the color, both tinted impregnation and special coloring sprays are used. In artificial material, the legs do not breathe and perspire. Unpleasant odors and germs will be killed by the antibacterial spray.

You shouldn't skimp on care products, especially water-repellent aerosols. Poor quality sprays can harm artificial nubuck.

Folk remedies

If someone does not trust purchased formulations, is used to using home remedies, or simply the cream or liquid has run out, "grandmother's" methods will do. Leaving with folk remedies is no worse than professional.

The beauty of home cleaning is that any of the means is in the public domain for everyone: ammonia, vinegar, a crust of stale bread.

  1. Ammonia is diluted one to one with water, the cloth is moistened and the contaminated surface is wiped.
  2. Stale bread removes salt stains and white stains from snow.
  3. Table vinegar in the amount of 1.5 teaspoons is stirred in a liter of water and the stain is treated.

Professional remedies

Professional cosmetics are sold in specialized stores. Sometimes conscientious manufacturers put a special brush in a box with a new pair. Depending on the purpose, the products are caring, restoring, cleaning and coloring. They are selected based on individual needs.

You can get confused in a variety of impregnations, balms, shampoos and creams. Better to opt for well-known brands. Instruments are also purchased from the same manufacturer.

Use the Kaps Nubuck Cleaner for cleaning nubuck. It will deal with any dirt, stains and streaks. Impregnations Nubuck & Suede Proof or Tarrago will protect you from moisture and other troubles. Thanks to the impregnation, any dirt will not linger and penetrate deeply. Saphir tools delicately affect nubuck and give it a natural and original look. Coccine Ravivvant spray paint will restore color. In the assortment of colors, you can choose a suitable shade.

Before using products for artificial nubuck, you need to carefully read the instructions for use. Even expensive products contain chemicals, so any manipulations are best done in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.


The length of time a pair of boots or shoes will last depends on both quality and care. Nubuck shoes are beautiful - while new. If you follow it correctly and regularly, it will thank its owner with a beautiful view and a long service life. The phased implementation of the recommendations and the fulfillment of storage conditions will help save the budget for buying a new pair.

How to clean nubuck shoes: what to buy and what to do yourself

Nubuck is a natural material, which is a kind of leather dressing, shoes from it were originally purchased by people involved in active sports - tourism, mountaineering, etc. Gradually, the positive qualities of such boots were appreciated by the rest, therefore, today such shoes are worthy of competition with suede or leather ... But not everyone was still able to appreciate it, since cleaning nubuck shoes, at first glance, is quite difficult, not everyone decides to buy such a pair for themselves.

What you need to purchase

Any natural material must be properly looked after, to a greater extent this applies to shoes, since many tend to buy them not for one season, but at least for a couple of years socks. This desire is not fantastic, with proper care at home you can ensure your favorite boots have a long lifespan.

You need to buy all the necessary cleaning products immediately after buying shoes, because you need to start caring for nubuck from the first days of wearing. To do this, you will need:

  1. Brush. In specialized shoe stores there are brushes for any material, with which you can easily clean the surface of shoes at home. As a rule, they differ from each other only in the type of bristles, so for the rest you can rely on your feelings: which brush fits better in your hand, which one you can easily take with you, etc. There are several types of brushes: the first contain only one cleaning surface, the second have an additional layer in the form of a soft sponge, the third combine a rubber bristle, a metal and a sponge layer. These triple brushes are versatile, but they also cost a little more.
  2. Eraser. This is an alternative to a brush and does not need to be purchased together. With the help of an eraser, you can remove small stains from the material without losing its quality. You should buy an eraser specifically for nubuck, ordinary stationery can only harm the shoe.
  3. Shampoo. You can wait a little with the purchase of this tool.

    Nubuck: cleaning and color return

    With its help, a general cleaning of the entire surface of the shoes is carried out 1 - 2 times a year at the end of the season. Before you clean your boots with industrial shampoo, you should carefully read the instructions, if you do something wrong, you can irreparably damage your favorite boots.

  4. Impregnation. This liquid agent is designed to protect boots from water, which has a detrimental effect on the structure of the material. The impregnation must be purchased along with the shoes and treated with a water-repellent liquid on the entire surface of the nubuck before the first wear. Subsequently, it will be enough to soak the boots every 1 - 2 weeks, depending on the frequency of wearing. This will keep the formation of stains and dirt to a minimum.

How to clean nubuck boots at home

The easiest way to clean your shoes is to dry-clean them, but this option will suit few, because our climate requires frequent washing of shoes, and in a professional company this service will not come cheap. But there are many ways how to do it correctly at home, while not damaging the material, but, on the contrary, increasing its service life.

The main thing to remember is that moisture in large quantities is detrimental to nubuck, which is why it must be treated with impregnation and for the same reason you cannot wash boots under running water. If streaks from the compound that cover the streets in winter or other minor contaminants have formed on the material, they can be removed with a slightly damp cloth, and then use a brush and impregnation.

If the dirt is more noticeable, a home first-aid kit, namely ammonia, will help to clean the shoes of them. It is necessary to prepare a solution of it with water in a ratio of 1: 3, then moisten a cotton pad in it and treat all contaminated areas. As it gets dirty, you need to change the cotton pads so as not to smudge the stains. Instead of ammonia, you can use vinegar; for this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of the product in a liter of clean warm water.

If oily stains appear on your shoes, you can use chalk or talcum powder to remove them. A small amount of the selected component should be poured directly onto the dirt and wait a few minutes. After that, you need to remove the remaining powder with a brush and wipe the affected area with a damp cloth.

You need to follow some rules when washing nubuck shoes yourself at home, whichever method you choose:

  • dry the shoes thoroughly before cleaning;
  • after any cleaning process, it is necessary to treat the nap of the shoes with a brush, and then cover them with impregnation;
  • if after washing the villi have lost their ideal appearance, it is necessary to hold the shoes over the steam from the kettle for several minutes;
  • nubuck boots can only be dried by airing them; they should not be placed near the battery.

  • Aerosol is moisture-repellent.
  • Brush for cleaning nubuck.
  • Nubuck shampoo
  • Dye.
  • Eraser
  • Conditioner for shoes

  • Do not immerse your shoes in water! Use a soft cloth to remove dirt, ideally flannel. Using a well damp cloth, wipe the surface of the shoe thoroughly to remove all visible dirt.
  • Leave your shoes to dry.

Reanimating nubuck

Nubuck is one of the most durable and durable materials, but even it does not last forever. Proper care and attention helps to extend the life of your shoes, but there comes a time when it loses its presentable appearance. It is not necessary to immediately send it to the trash can, some tricks will help restore the nubuck and return the visual appeal of the shoe. In the process of wearing, glazed spots form on the surface.

How to independently clean nubuck shoes from dirt

It will be easier to straighten the villi. If you hold the shoes over the hot steam for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly brush them over them. After finishing manipulating the brush, be sure to treat the material with a water-repellent spray. Another way to revive nubuck is to rub it well with dry bread crust. The villi will straighten. You can get rid of traces of wear by wiping the nubuck with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of clean water). Then brush the nubuck with a brush. Gasoline will come to the rescue in the fight against greasy stains. And to completely remove gasoline from the surface, sprinkle the shoes with talcum powder and brush well.

Real nubuck is a status material. And deservedly popular. The production process of this material is long and complex. As a basis, high-quality natural cattle leather is used, which lends itself to chrome tanning, which gives it strength and endurance. The special sanding technology makes nubuck beautiful and delicate to the touch. Subject to careful wear and proper care, shoes made of such material are guaranteed to last more than one season. This is why you should definitely know how to care for your nubuck shoes! Remember the main enemy of nubuck shoes is moisture. Therefore, daily care will be based not only on the removal of dirt and dust, but also on protection from water. In fact, caring for nubuck shoes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, so if this was the only reason forcing you to refuse to buy an update from such material, you can safely go to the store for a stylish and beautiful thing for your wardrobe!

How to clean nubuck shoes at home

Knowing what kind of material for nubuck shoes it is, it becomes clear that for its cleaning and daily care you need products designed specifically for these purposes. Since chrome-plated leather shoes cannot be called cheap, you should not save on means for caring for them. What a happy owner of real nubuck shoes or boots must have at home:

  • Aerosol is moisture-repellent. If you can't find a product that matches the tone of the shoe, take a colorless one. The water-repellent layer not only protects against the destructive action of moisture, but also prevents the penetration of dirt - to return the shoe cleanliness, it will be enough to wipe it with a napkin.
  • Brush for cleaning nubuck. Since the brush has a special bristle made of synthetic material or metal, it cannot be replaced with a regular shoe brush.
  • Nubuck shampoo- with it you can quickly remove white salt stains.
  • Dye. You will have to tint nubuck even with proper care. The main condition here is to choose the right color and buy a really high-quality dye.
  • Eraser- without it, cleaning nubuck shoes from stains will be almost impossible.
  • Conditioner for shoes- a product that will take care of the cleanliness of your shoes inside.

Nubuck shoe care basics

Caring for the renewal should not start when the question arises of how to clean nubuck shoes, but immediately after returning from the store. Experts strongly advise before the first exit, be sure to treat it three times with a water-repellent aerosol. Layers are applied alternately - cover the shoes with a protective agent, allow to dry completely, repeat the procedure twice more. Such care will protect nubuck from moisture and dirt, therefore, the shoes will delight you with their impeccable appearance for a long time. But, after applying an aerosol to new shoes, daily care follows, which consists in the following steps:

Remember that nubuck can deform under the influence of even a not very high temperature, therefore drying on a battery or in direct sunlight is unacceptable. Nubuck shoes are designed to be worn in dry weather, if it is snowing or raining outside, choose a more suitable pair that is made from a material that is more resistant to moisture.

How to clean nubuck shoes at home

It is quite possible to clean nubuck shoes at home and achieve an ideal result if you have all the necessary means for caring for this material at hand. But it is also important to adhere to the correct technology for removing dirt, this will not only facilitate the work, but also extend the life of the material's high-quality service.

Can nubuck shoes be washed?

Despite the fact that nubuck is "afraid" of water, shoes made of such material also need to be washed periodically. For example, if you nevertheless get caught in the rain, then all the dirt with a brush and an eraser cannot be removed for sure. For this type of skin, you should prepare a special bath, otherwise you risk spoiling the appearance of your beloved couple.

  • Take a basin or other suitable container and fill it with water. Do not use hot water, it should be slightly lukewarm. Add a few drops of ammonia to the liquid.
  • Do not immerse your shoes in water! Use a soft cloth to remove dirt, ideally flannel.

    How and how to properly clean nubuck shoes?

    Using a well damp cloth, wipe the surface of the shoe thoroughly to remove all visible dirt.

  • Use the nubuck brush right away - this time the rubber bristle edge comes in handy. If you comb the nubuck after drying, it will be almost impossible to return it to its previous appearance.
  • Leave your shoes to dry.
  • Treat with moisture protection.
  • Sometimes it is simply impossible to clean nubuck shoes at home, especially when it comes to oil or other stubborn stains. In this case, you can turn to dry cleaning - professionals will be able to restore the original beauty of the shoes.

Reanimating nubuck

Nubuck is one of the most durable and durable materials, but even it does not last forever. Proper care and attention helps to extend the life of your shoes, but there comes a time when it loses its presentable appearance. It is not necessary to immediately send it to the trash can, some tricks will help restore the nubuck and return the visual appeal of the shoe. In the process of wearing, glazed spots form on the surface. It will be easier to straighten the villi. If you hold the shoes over the hot steam for a couple of minutes, and then thoroughly brush them over them. After finishing manipulating the brush, be sure to treat the material with a water-repellent spray. Another way to revive nubuck is to rub it well with dry bread crust. The villi will straighten. You can get rid of traces of wear by wiping the nubuck with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of clean water). Then brush the nubuck with a brush. Gasoline will come to the rescue in the fight against greasy stains. And to completely remove gasoline from the surface, sprinkle the shoes with talcum powder and brush well.

Before you clean nubuck shoes using folk methods, think about whether the chosen method is really safe for the material. In some cases, going to a dry cleaner is much cheaper than going for an amateur, which entails buying new shoes.

How to store nubuck shoes properly

The first mistake regarding shoe care. Most of us check out immediately on the day of purchase. These are cardboard boxes that are sent to the trash can. Yes, boxes take up space in the closet, but it's better to store your shoes in them. An extreme case is a linen bag. Do not even consider the option with a plastic bag - after such storage, nubuck will not only lose its outer gloss, but also acquire an unpleasant odor, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

Before you send your shoes or boots for storage until next season, be sure to put them in perfect order - remove all stains, dirt, treat with a protective aerosol. It is advisable to wipe the inside of the shoes with a damp cloth dipped in water with the addition of ammonia. This will help eliminate any odors that have accumulated during use. During storage, the shoes should stand quietly - squeezing can damage the nubuck, leaving irreparable folds on the surface. Pay attention to storage conditions - high temperature or high humidity are unacceptable.

Taboos regarding nubuck shoes

  • The use of paints and creams intended for other types of material is not allowed. Even an expensive professional skin cream will ruin the nubuck.
  • Do not use soap and detergents to remove dirt from the surface of the shoes.
  • Wash nubuck shoes means manipulating a damp cloth, not soaking your shoes in water or rinsing them under the tap. Nubuck and water are incompatible.
  • Always let your shoes dry. Wet nubuck is very elastic, so deformation during wear is inevitable.
  • Do not dye your shoes a different color. Even if the shade you have chosen is much darker than the "native" one, the result will definitely not please you, and the attractive material will lose its beauty.
  • Never go outside without treating nubuck shoes with a protective agent - dust, dirt particles and moisture from the air will quickly be absorbed into the material and begin their destructive effect.
  • Undoubtedly, caring for nubuck takes a little more time and effort than caring for shoes made of other materials. But the beauty of this natural material is definitely worth the money and effort spent!

Nubuck shoes: pros and cons

Shoes made from a material such as nubuck have recently appeared on our shelves.

How to clean nubuck shoes

It looks unusual and is made from natural raw materials. Let's take a look at the main pros and cons of nubuck shoes.

Advantages of nubuck shoes

The main advantage of nubuck shoes is its great appearance. Indeed, many women of fashion are even ready to sacrifice comfort and warmth for the beautiful look of their legs in boots. But you don't need to do this with nubuck shoes. The material looks very nice: it looks a bit like suede, matte, has a short nap. These boots are dyed in different unconventional colors.

Another plus of such shoes is that they are made of natural material. Nubuck is a leather of cattle, which, after processing and tanning, as well as procedures using abrasive materials and dyeing, takes on its final appearance. In nubuck shoes, the foot will breathe. She will not be cold in winter and hot in summer.

Modern production allows you to impregnate such shoes with special compounds that give them water-repellent properties, that is, in a pair of nubuck boots, your feet will always remain dry.

Cons of nubuck shoes

The disadvantages of nubuck shoes are that this material does not tolerate the effects of water, that is, they cannot be washed with a rag, even if a water-repellent impregnation is made. It is not recommended to wear such shoes in mud, as it will be difficult to clean off the dirt. Therefore, even in spite of the disadvantages, the advantages of winter nubuck shoes are somewhat more than those of spring or autumn ones. Nubuck also quickly loses its original color. Therefore, even if on the counter the shade seems unstained to you, consider whether you can keep it in its original condition. In addition, shoes of delicate colors are often made from nubuck: lilac, blue, pink. They are the ones most vulnerable to dust and dirt. Of course, such shoes have a right to exist, but rather as a weekend option, and not as a model for every day, and even more so for wearing in rainy and inclement weather.

These conditions give rise to another disadvantage of nubuck shoes - expensive care. If you've purchased a pair of nubuck leather, you'll need an arsenal of special brushes, sprays, sponges and paints to keep your shoes looking decent. Moreover, you should choose funds from specialized lines, otherwise there is a risk of ruining a rather expensive pair of shoes.