Care of a fur coat from the muton. How to save the original view of muton fur coats for many years

Muton fur coats attract practicality, elegance and convenience. But in the process of wearing, they can get dirty, especially models from light fur. Dust and unsightly stains spoil the appearance of the product, deprive fur shelter and beauty. Not always the owner has the ability to attribute a dry cleaning thing. How to clean the muton fur coat at home? You can do this in several ways that we will tell you about.

Refresh the appearance

Cold come, and we get your favorite fur coat from the closet. Before you put it, you need to refresh the appearance of the product and return the fur shine. Make it is not difficult. Enough good shake Upper clothes or knock it out with a chapperboard for carpets. But do not overdo it.

Another way to save a muton fur coat from surplus dust - cleaning a vacuum cleaner. Turn on the device to minimal power. Neat light movements go through the surface of the fur. Before cleaning, make sure that the nozzle on the vacuum cleaner is clean.

Removal of dirt and stains

If the fur has a light or white color, then you need to follow it with special care. Dirt and spots are better to delete until they are fresh and did not enter deep into the pile. Especially often the sleeves, the area around the pockets and collar suffer from them. The most affordable way to cope with similar trouble is a soap solution.

Hang the product on the shoulders above the bathroom. In a pelvis with warm water, pour a little powder or soda the economic soap and carefully take foam. Arm yourself with a clothing brush and gently apply a solution into contaminated places. After cleaning, remove the remains of the soap solution with clean water.

Dry cleaning

Cleaning sleeves, hem and collar of light pouring house coats requires a careful approach and use safe, but effective means.

  1. First, pour polluted places with starch.
  2. Then sprinkles it from the sprayer with a soap solution to the formation of a casczyce mixture. Instead of a soap solution, aviation gasoline can be used with a high octane number. But in this case it is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the room.
  3. Wait for her complete drying.
  4. Clean the fur with a brush and disperse a special comb for fur.

It is possible to use starch without a soap solution.

  1. Estate the coat on the horizontal surface and evenly sprink it with a powder.
  2. Smooth massage movements starch starch in the article. Try not to climb hard and not to get fus.
  3. After a while you will notice the result of your efforts. Starch will sit down.
  4. Follow the powder residues and repeat the procedure several times.

Another means to remove stains and dirt - wheat bran.

  1. Put the bran pack on the baking sheet and warm them in the oven to a temperature of 40-50 ° C.
  2. Space over the surface of the fur coat. Special attention is paid to the collar, pockets and sleeves.
  3. Brasubi perfectly remove the silence of the pile, but for a more effective result, they must be launched into the depth of dense muton fur. Avoid excessive pressure.
  4. At the end of cleaning, shake the product and make the remnants of bran brush.

In order for the cleaning of the muton fur coat at home, it did not give special hassle, use the following tips:

  • To remove the yellowness and returned brilliance, white fur can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia alcohol. Add a few drops of alcohol to the bubble with peroxide. Apply a remedy for a piece of foam rubber or brush and carefully dispense over the surface of the fur coat. Leave until complete drying. Then disclaim the fur. The procedure can be repeated until the color is completely restored.
  • To clean the light fur, you can use the powder with a bleach. But in no case do not use it for painted products.
  • Hair dryer spoils and overcourses fur - give up him in favor of drying in natural conditions.
  • After a wet cleaning, do not take a fur coat on the dryer on the fresh air. Leave it for a while in the bathroom.
  • For completing fur processing, use walnuts. They have a beneficial effect on the fur and return to him shine. Clean some nuts, grind them and wrap in a tissue napkin or gauze. Carefully treat the fur and expect it.
  • Use a flieseline case for storing a fur coat. It will prevent fur from dust and dirt.

We hope that the methods described will help you clean the muton fur coat at home without the help of specialists. To remove dirt and appeared spots, you need to use a wet cleaning, and a dry method is suitable for the color and removal of cashing. If you are not sure about the success of the upcoming actions, you do not need to risk. Take a fur coat into a dry cleaning.

Muton is a beautiful and fluffy short-circuit fur, fur coats look quite adequate and stylish, while it is more accessible than mink or chinchilla. This is a great option for those who dream of a fur coat from natural fur, but does not have a big budget.

But often after storage, the fur becomes dull and stamped, the product loses all its beauty - how to clean the muton fur coat at home in this case? Simple ventilation will be small in this case.

Trust natural fur dry cleaning is not the best and cheapest option. We will have to work hard to work out a little, so that with the onset of cold weather, it was without embarrassment to go out into the street in a beautiful fur coat of a soft and brilliant muton.

First, from the Village you need to remove all dust and minor and minor and mines - do not doubt, they are there, even if your Muton fur coat was stored for all the rules in the case and in the closet, and you regularly ventilated it and shakeped it. You can get rid of dust in two ways:

  1. A vacuum cleaner. The nozzle changes to the most soft furniture for cleaning, turns on the weakest mode, and the fur coat is neatly processed from all sides.
  2. Knocking out The fur coat must be decomposed on the old pure sheet, the other is the same to moisten in water and squeeze well. Cover the muton fur coat with a damp cloth and walk on it knocked for carpets.

At the end, shake the product several times and dried if required.

Deep cleaning Mutona

If, after removing OP, the fur coat still looks not very fresh and neat, spend more intense cleaning. To begin with, finding suitable shoulders - they must be exactly in size, no more and no less, and quite strong, well withstanding the weight of the fur. Then find the way to hang the hangers over the bathroom and select one of the detergents. It can be:

  • liquid washing powder;
  • liquid soap without dyes;
  • means for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • shampoo.

Any of funds are divorced in warm water and is whipped into a dense, stable foam. It should be so much enough to handle the entire product. Next, armament of perfectly cleaning brushes for clothes and apply foam on the muton fur coat.

Remember that you can only apply foam, wet the fur extremely undesirable. In 5-7 minutes, process the fur coat with a dry brush and remove to the balcony for drying.

Tip: Muton fur coat can be of a variety of colors. But in itself natural fur light. Therefore, if you have a dark shade product, it is in any case painted. This means that powders and means with bleaching components for cleaning Mouton are contraindicated.

How to bring the stains from the muton

Most often have to deal with distances on the collar, pockets, cuffs, where the handbag is worn on the shoulder, or the belt is tied. On a bright fur coat, they look like an old oily dirt. Single stains may appear, for example, from spilled coffee, street mud, lipstick or tonal cream.

You can delete all these pollution as dry and wet.

  1. Starch. This is the easiest and most affordable. First you need to prepare a workplace: on the horizontal surface, unnecessary sheets are unnecessary, bedspread or a piece of oil. Then decompose a fur coat on it and sprinkle with starch. After that, over the starch, the fur coat is sprayed with water from the spray. Palms neatly the mixture is rubbed into the fur, after which the fur coat is needed to dry naturally. Now it remains only to compose the remains of starch along with mud. In the same way, you can apply to the cleaning of the Muton fur coat talc, a semolina grumbling on a coffee grinder rice, bran.
  2. Petrol. If the dry cleaning removed not all the dirt, you can try to cope with it with purified gasoline. Also this means well remove single spots. It is used very simple: it is simply wetting the swab and wipe the fur. You can then sprinkle it with starch and let dry it, after which it is well cleaned with a brush.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. This funds bubble will be found in every home, and if not - it can be bought for a penny in the nearest pharmacy. To clean the muton, peroxide must be connected to water in equal amounts. Then the solution is applied to the product, and after drying, the coat must be carefully combed with a rigid brush.

The most reliable will not regret money and buy a special spray for cleaning products from suede, nubuck or velor in the store. It is used very simply: the fur coat is hanging on the shoulders, they evenly apply spray, and after drying it is combed. Muton care is not so complicated, it is unpretentious fur. And, nevertheless, many make gross mistakes and spoil products irrevocably.

What do not do

Despite the fact that everyone knows - natural fur, as the skin in a washing machine is not erased, - many do it anyway. Well, perhaps, after the first experiment, nothing terrible and will not happen, and even on the contrary, the fur coat will seem perfectly clean and fresh.

But know that you have already spoiled the structure of natural fur and its foundation. And it will not survive the re-such appeal - your beautiful and fluffy muton fur coat will turn into a sticky, untidy lump, to wear which no longer wants.

Therefore, if you are completely lazy or have no time to mess with cleaning upper fur clothes, it is better to take it into a dry cleaning, which is also not desirable, but still better than dubious home experiments.

I'll say right away, I work with the right hand of the fashion designer engaged in the tailoring of the outerwear. My task is to keep track of the maintenance of the collection in proper form during the seasons of shows. Over the years, I tried many methods for cleaning and updating. I will tell you how to clean the muton fur coat at home, as I know that the price in the dry cleaning will not even make a secured person.

Before you introduce you to cleaning fur products with methods, I must answer a number of mandatory questions:

For convenience, I put the answers to them in this table.

Picture Recommendation

Is it possible to erase the muton fur coat?

Do not erase the product in a washing machine - this will lead to a damage of the material.

What can not clean the fur?

Make sure the remedy you chose does not spoil the muton fur coat.

Test the tool before starting washing on the wrong side: if the fur did not respond, boldly clean the rest.

What funds can not be used?

Do not resort to extreme measures. Mouton will not suffer either vinegar nor acetone or alcohol.

Even if you find out that one of these funds helped some of these funds, most likely, this is not Muton - fake.

How to dry Muton?

To dry the fur coat at home, just hang it on the shoulders or on the mannequin, and wait until it dryhes.

What does the fur deteriorate from?

Avoid hitting the perfume and varnish hair. It is cosmetics that is the main source of pollution of fur.

Cleaning fur coats from muton

Unfortunately, few of us store upper clothes in the covers, so I rarely remove the fur coat from dust. Do not despair, cleaning fur coats from muton at home is possible.

We update the fur: 4 ways

Before cleaning, carefully inspect the thing, perhaps a couple of seasons in the closet, the fur coat will simply light enough:

Picture How to update meh.
Method 1. Shaking.

Muton cleaning at home can begin using ordinary carpet crap. Carefully choking her thing, you can easily get rid of dust.

Method 2. Combing.

Get rid of stuck in the pile of Syrine, Pryony, etc. It will help a comb.

Method 3. Vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of dust and from Sora, use the vacuum cleaner. By choosing the minimum power and making sure the instrument clean, you can clean the coat and cap.

Method 4. Roller for clothes.

The simplest method, how to update the muton fur coat, which has not been dirty - clean it with a sticky roller.

The adhesive tape will attract dust, and fenced porcers, and another dirt.

Standard cleaning for 5 actions

What to clean the fur coat from the muton? In the fight against fresh spots and light pollution, the ordinary cleaning of soapy solution will help you.

For the preparation of the solution fit:

  • laundry soap;
  • powder without bleach;
  • shampoo;
  • cleaning agent for carpets.

Work technique:

  1. Prepare the solution, diluing soap in water, and sweat to a saturated foam.
  2. Swipe with the help of her shoulders in the bathroom.
  3. On the pile, apply foam, preferably using a brush.
  4. Clean brushed remove dirt and soap remnants.
  5. Leave clothes to dry.

Dry cleaning: 2 methods

As you know, moisture fur does not like, especially the white pile. You can avoid water collisions in two ways. When I will tell you about each of them, cleaning the fur coats with your own hands will seem like the simplest job.

You can get rid of unpleasant smells and give fur with a muton fur coat with a steam generator.

Method 1. The method of working with the steam generator is simple:

  1. Spool position on her shoulders in a light well lit place.
  2. Carefully treat the ferry fur over the entire length from top to bottom, barely touching the pile.
  3. Give the product to cool in vivo.

Method 2. How to use a cereal:

To purify bright things, in particular, the removal of fat and the empty dirt from light fur need something white and bulk ... Manka, starch, bran? Everything is suitable!

Picture Procedure

Step 1

Abundant pour the selected tool into the spot of pollution.

Step 2.

Carefully, but carefully stick the remedy into a fat stain.

Step 3.

Leave the fur coat in this form for the time to the tool as the dirt and fat do not use - it takes 1.5 hours.

Step 4.

Shake the fur coat and leave the fur alone for a couple of hours.

To finally remove all the grains, you can walk with a soft brush - and the fur is quasch, and the remains of the cereals will fall.

Fighting strong pollution: 2 powerful funds

My experience has shown that getting rid of the solar dirt on Muton - it's not a lung. From everything tested by me, I can advise only two ways. I think cleaning strong dirt will teach you that care should be timely:

Picture Instruction
Means 1. Hydrogen peroxide.

This recipe is suitable in the fight against the fat and yellow on fur coats of light tones:

  1. In 500 ml of water, dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 spoon of peroxide.
  2. Using a cotton swab or a soft sponge, apply a solution to problem areas, carefully wrap.
  3. Wash the liquid with a clean sponge.

Means 2. Purified gasoline.

This tool will save from any contamination, but the method requires maximum accuracy.

Use exceptionally purified gasoline, the usual will destroy your fur coat.

  1. In equal proportions, mix gasoline and starch.
  2. Kashitsa apply for problem areas.
  3. Wait until the mixture is dry.
  4. Carefully remove the remains of starch with a brush.

Do not forget to arm a fur coat, otherwise you will chase a gasoline loop.


I told about all the tricks that I apply for cleaning muton things. Do you know other secrets? Write to the "Comments" section, I will gladly get acquainted and test. About how to care for the fur coat, you will learn from the video in this article.

Dry cleaning of fur products is not noone, and sometimes it happens that you have stapped the fur coat. Do not be discouraged, it is possible to cope with pollution at home. Let's talk about the methods of cleaning the muton fur coat from spots, dirt, yellowness.

To answer this question, it is important to understand the degree of pollution. Suppose you slipped and fell into the dirt at the moment when a muton fur coat was hoping. In this case, it is better to take a thing in dry cleaning. But with surface and uncomplicated pollution, you can cope at home.

What to use from folk remedies? What is impossible?

As a folk remedy for cleaning the muton, you can use:

  • wheat bran;
  • ammonia;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • starch;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Alcohol and vinegar applicable only for dark-colored flies.

Independent methods of cleaning

There are several ways to clean: dry and wet. Before you begin to remove the dirt, make sure that the stains are not delicate and not incurred, otherwise none of the ways will work. In this case, the fur coat must be handed over to dry cleaning. Start processing from a small field. Making sure that everything is in order with the fur, move on.

Dry treatment

To carry out dry cleaning, you will need starch. Estate the fur coat on the floor, evenly cry out starch into contaminated areas and massage movements in the fur. The procedure can be repeated several times. If you see that the starch acquired a gray color, the cleaning process was successful. The remains of starch must be combeding their fur with a brush.

Another way is dry processing - with the help of bran. Preheat them in the oven to 60-65 degrees, distribute on the fur, obscure, removes remove the brush. After cleaning, the product will acquire a natural shine. Replace bran can be clean sand, but it is harder to remove it from fur.

Dry processing is suitable only to remove dust, unnecessary villi, unfortunately, from yellowness, greens or stains it will not get rid. There will be cardinal measures.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning implies the application of special solutions on contaminated sections of fur. Tools such as ethyl alcohol, ammonia, vinegar is bred in pure water. After that, the solution is applied to the stains. It is necessary to carry out the procedure using a sponge, napkin or a cotton disk. Apply the solution only to problem areas, avoiding hitting a clean fur. After the procedure, the coat should dry and ventilate. Only after this product is suitable for the next socks.

Remove stains

With fat idios, satonar and salt will help the salted stains on Muton. Mix 4 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonic alcohol with 500 ml of pure water. Apply the mixture on a stain and properly blot with a sponge for washing dishes. Leave the solution for 10-15 minutes, then remove the brush.

In addition, a soap solution is well coping with stains on Muton. Take the washing powder in the water so that it turns out thick foam. Apply it with a sponge on the spot and leave for a while. The field is removed by a napkin dipped in clean water. Give the product to dry.

Get rid of mud

Sometimes strong pollution appear on fur products. Do not despair, you can also try to cope yourself. You will need ethyl alcohol, vinegar and clean water. Divide them in equal parts. Color the fur coat on the shoulders or spread on a solid surface. Apply a mixture with a cotton disk or a napkin for all contaminated areas. Pull remnants. After such a procedure, the product should dry in a ventilated room.

Liquid smell

Several simple steps will help get rid of the smell:

Do not use the smell of perfume, deodorants and air fresheners.

How to remove yellowness?

Most often, yellow stains appear on the Foon because of the smoke hitting a cigarette. The ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and pure water will cope with yellow on the fur product. Instruct them in the following proportion: a glass of water + a teaspoon of alcohol + ½ teaspoon of peroxide. Using a cotton disk or a cloth, apply a solution to the yellowed fur without affecting clean areas. After that, the fur coat must dry for 30 minutes. Remove the residues to remove the brush.

How to remove greens?

Unfortunately, the sleeves are often green on the municipal products. You can get rid of greenery with hydrogen peroxide. Divide it in clean water in a ratio of 1: 1 and a cotton disk apply on the fur. Leave the fur coat for 20-30 minutes, then remove the remnants of the peroxide brush. If the green shade remained, carry a fur coat into a dry cleaning.

Nuances cleaning bright fur coats

Light fur is better cleaned with dry ways, but if pollution is strong, then you can use the ammonia alcohol. Try to get rid of stains in small areas and only if the fur is not damaged, proceed to the fundamental getting rid of dirt.

Specialists advise to give a lightweight cannis in dry cleaning and not experiment independently.

How to update lining?

Sometimes contamination appear not on the furs itself, but on the lining, you can cope with them yourself. If you have succeeded in sewing, reflect the lining, comprehend it in the washing machine and the trick back. Doubt your power? Take advantage of easier. Remove the fur coat inside out, shake on the shoulders and clean the stains with soap or soda solution. Remove the residues of the solution with a clean moistened napkin. Thoroughly dry fabric.

In the process of wearing any object of clothing, whether it is a dress or a fur coat, it is inevitably dirty. To anything on non-accuracy: in the conditions of a large city, dirt accumulates anywhere: in public transport, stores and even on the street. Dust is capable of clogging deep into the fur, polluting it and losing gloss.

Of course, the question of how to clean, say, the muton fur coat is especially relevant in winter. If you have the opportunity to attribute a fur coat into a dry cleaning, it is better to trust professionals.

Types of cleaning

If you want to carry out the procedure for cleaning the product from Mouton yourself, here are some ways to help you get rid of dirt.

In the cleaning of products from the mutona, both dry and wet, with a variety of chemical solutions. Consider in more detail both methods.

From mud

Want to know how to clean the muton fur coat at home? Dry cleaning is the perfect method for home use. It is preferable, since it is the most gentle way of processing the product and spoil its appearance is thus quite difficult.

Most often pollution on the fur coat is not fatty stains and not viscous sticky fluids, with which it is difficult to fight, but ordinary dirt.

If you do not know how to clean the muton fur coat at home from dirt, we will tell you a great way.

Special brush for products made of natural fur - your indispensable assistant in daily care for your favorite fur coat. And in the fight against mud - and suppressed! The main thing is to wait until the dirt is completely dry.

Then take the brush and remove the contamination by processing the zone towards the growth of wool several times. Do not press, dirt will come off without extra effort.

Folk Methods

If you are interested in how to clean the muton fur coat at home starch, here is the most effective and easy-to-fulfill method.

Distil on the horizontal surface of the fur coat and evenly disperse starch. Then we treat each centimeter of the product with hands, smooth massage movements. Try not to climb and hard not to get murmur fur. Your task is to achieve maximum contact of starch and fur.

The result of your effort will probably be noticeable - starch will become gray. If this really happened - it means that you have worked in good faith and some kind of dirt have already been removed. But in this case, it is worth repeating manipulation again, then the result will be the most effective as possible.


For such a cleaning, wheat bran are perfectly suitable, which need to be heated in the oven and dispersed on the surface of the fur coats, paying special attention to such pollution zones as collar and pockets.

The fact is that bran is perfectly eliminated by a pile of casualism.

For the effective operation of this method, the bran, it is necessary to slightly drive into the tight fur of the muton, to emulate them, avoiding excessively strong presses.

Then the fur coat must be shaken and slapped from the inside to knock out small particles of bran from the base of fur. In conclusion, the coat should be treated with a brush for fur products.

Alcohol and vinegar

Not always, dry cleaning techniques are applicable to fur contamination. This applies to casualization, random food, fat and other problem pollution, when a simple brush does not solve the problem.

A solution of alcohol and vinegar solve is very well suitable for the muton coch. You need to take equal parts of the listed ingredients and add the same part of the water.

Treat the surface moistened in the solution with a brush or piece of foam rubber, then dry the paper napkin and leave the product in the room on the shoulder to complete drying.

Hydrogen and Vasharyar

Over time, white muton loses shine and yellow. With the help of simple tools, you can return the fur coat former whiteness and make the fur more brilliant.

Add a few drops of ammonic alcohol into the hydrogen peroxide bubble and treat the surface of the fur coat with this solution using a piece of foam rubber or brush.

If you have never cleaned your fur coat before, you are not quite sure of the success of this venture or just do not know how to clean the muton fur coat at home, the video will clearly demonstrate the sequence of actions in the process of dry or wet cleaning.

We hope the methods described will be useful and help you contain a muton fur coat clean for many years. We wish you beauty, warmth and comfort!