Find out what pregnancy is. When to do a pregnancy test? False negative test result happens when

Every woman interested in this question wants to find a response to him as soon as possible. And each has its own reasons: someone with trepidation and hope expects at least the slightest hints of pregnancy, and someone has one thought about it or suspicion in shock. Fortunately and those and those, there are many ways to learn pregnancy and confirm their guesses. The most faithful, fast and quite reliable of them is. They are convenient for use, inexpensive, available in each pharmacy and simply affect the variety:, electronic, interactive and simple test strips.

How to accurately determine pregnancy without dough?

If there is no test with you, and you want to know as early as possible - start the measurement of the basal temperature (during pregnancy it exceeds 37 degrees for about two weeks and further). This method is even more reliable than testing, so you can even start with it. The main thing at the same time carry out measurements is correct that the results are as reliable as possible. And also note that the measurement method of basal temperature may be fair only for women with regular menstrual cycle and good reproductive health (if there are no inflammatory and chronic processes in the organs of the small pelvis).

More accurately to the question, you are pregnant or not, a gynecologist will be able to answer after inspection on the gynecological chair. And it is unlikely to be mistaken (especially on early) - clinical methods of diagnosis of pregnancy: blood test on hgch and ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor.

How to determine pregnancy at home without dough

However, what to do, when neither the pharmacies, no test, nor the more gynecologist (about the laboratory and speak and speak) is not at hand? To do this, take a look at your earnings, to all the changes in the body (if any). The first signs of pregnancy - and signs of pregnancy in the first month - will help you independently at home to find an answer to the exciting question: Is there any life within you? Among the earliest pregnant women with experience and doctors call a feeling of indiscrimination, fatigue, drowsiness, similar to the cold condition, the increase in urination, minor pain at the bottom of the abdomen, enhancing the vaginal discharge, the loading of the mammary glands and improving the sensitivity of the chest, changing taste preferences and even the character of the chair (may Start constipation or diarrhea). Just keep in mind that all this is only indirect symptoms and cannot be perceived as the final verdict. Many of these signs may accompany some painful states or to be a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

And finally. If you do not observe absolutely no signs of pregnancy, and to check any of the methods mentioned is not possible, and there are still suspicions for the accurate fertilization, you can try old grandmother methods. To do this, you may need simple remedies that almost always have in the kitchen or in the first-aid kit in any house, and sometimes it is possible to determine pregnancy without dough and without any special devices and substances:

  • Method 1:it is necessary to lie on the back on a flat surface, relax and, applying a finger to the navel (and on some sources - by 7-8 centimeters below its level), to feel whether there is a pulse. If the pulsation is felt inside the navel, then you are pregnant, and, accordingly, if nothing feels, it means that there is no.
  • Method 2: Collect urine for all the rules in a clean vessel and carefully drip onto its surface of iodine. If the drop will delay for a while, then the test should be taken as positive, and in the absence of pregnancy, iodine will immediately dissolve in the urine.
  • Method 3: Moisten a piece of paper in your own urine and drop on a sheet of a drop of the same iodine - and analyze the result. The color change to the blue indicates the absence of pregnancy, and the positive test should be considered if the color changed to lilac or purple.
  • Method 4:prepare a "cocktail" from my own urine and natural wine. To drink it, thank God, it will not be necessary, but the reaction will have to consider. If the final product of your experiment cloudy or finished, you can hardly be pregnant. Otherwise, a mixture of urine and wine remains transparent. If you consider such a "test" perversion, then you simply do not know what else can be done to determine pregnancy at home without dough! Get ready ...
  • Method 5: Cook pre-assembled for all the rules of urine, bringing it to a boil. Then prohibit transparent container and look. When pregnancy, a flakes are formed in it after that, and in its absence - urine will remain light and transparent. Naturally, there is no guarantee that the resulting flakes is not a protein present in the urine. But in general, none of the described methods cannot be considered reliable.

Believe such a folk diagnosis or not - this is already solving. But you can check - this is at least funny.

This is the easiest way to diagnose changes in the female organism on a hormonal background. Measuring basal temperature to determine pregnancy - a long-term practice of identifying a favorable period when planning conception.

The principle of the method is to analyze the rectal indicators of BT in different periods of the menstrual cycle (MC). According to a composed graph of basal temperature, it is possible to accurately set the day of ovulation, determine the degree of fertility and the state of the reproductive system of the woman.

  1. The follicular phase is characterized by increased progesterone production. Begins after the exit of the egg, lasts until the occurrence of menstruation.
  2. The lutein phase is counted from the last day of menstruation before the arrival of ovulation.

It is important to do this procedure.

Increased level of progesterone is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Rectal (or vaginal) indicators rise on average up to 37.3-37.7 °.

A short-term decline in BT is noted on the eve of menstruation. When menstruation, there is a preservation of moderately elevated temperature values.

What is the essence of Methods for measuring BT to determine the successful conception?

The first weeks of pregnancy are characterized by a stable increase in rectal temperature. The state is due to the reinforced produce of progesterone with a yellow body formed at the time of conception in the ovary.

Allocation of a large number of hormone is necessary to maintain the viability of the embryo. The characteristic feature of progesterone is the stimulation of metabolic processes while improving basal temperature indicators.

An increase in blood flow to the genital organs and the activation of nutritional functions is created by favorable "warm" conditions for normal development of the embryo.

Increasing the appearance of progesterone has a double effect. In parallel, the hormone affects the uterus, preventing the rejection of the endometrium (inner layer) and relaxing the muscles of the organ.

Thanks to this impact, serious changes occur in the form of a lack of menstruation. It helps the normal tooling the fetus.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

We need indicators obtained rectally, that is, through the rectum. Due to individual nuances, it is allowed to measure BT by vaginal way or in the mouth.

Rules for determining basal temperature.

  1. In the evening, put the thermometer on the bedside table next to the bed, since all actions are performed without getting up from bed. Violation of the recommendation will result in distorting data.
  2. Night sleep should last at least 6 hours.
  3. Each temperature measurement is carried out in the morning, it is advisable to put alarm clock into the daily operation mode so that the signal sounds at a certain hour.
  4. The thermometer is administered by 2-3 cm inside the anal hole, hold for 5 minutes. The action is in a state of complete rest.
  5. After waking, any movements are not allowed (get up, spinning, rotated), even the thermometer must be shaken in advance.
  6. Measuring temperature is carried out in 5-7 in the morning, regardless of the further duration of the rest. This is due to the development of adrenal hormones and hypothalamus, the daily biorhythms of which correspond to this period of time.
  7. Actions performed later than or during the day are not taken into account when analyzing.
  8. To correctly measure the basal temperature, prepare a digital or mercury degree in advance. During the compilation of the entire graph, the thermometer cannot be changed.
  9. Similarly, select the measurement method - rectal, vaginal or oral. Preferably the first option.
  10. Temperature indicators are immediately marked in the graph. Each menstrual cycle is drawn up on a separate map.
  11. To compile a calendar of basal temperature when planning pregnancy, it will take at least 3-4 months.
  12. Each measurement must be accompanied by comments. This is the abundance of bleeding during menstruation, chest pain or abdomen, overwork, physical overload, stress, poor sleep, cold, saw alcohol and so on the day before.

Do not miss a day

How to determine pregnancy in basal temperature

What is a BT schedule? These are the lowest rectal indicators registered at home while ensuring maximum peace of bed.

Only subject to all measurement rules, we can talk about a reliable determination of pregnancy using the temperature schedule.

How the BT card is compiled.

  1. On a notebook sheet, each cell of which will be accepted in 0.1 ° C, run two axes.
  2. X - horizontal lines for the designation of the day of the cycle and the date of the month.
  3. Y is a vertical axis on which to set the marks from 36 to 38 ° C.
  4. The intersection of X and Y is your basal temperature.
  5. At the bottom of the sheet, leave the place to designate the abundance of bleeding during menstruation and additional comments.


Basal temperature graphics

The first sign of natural conception - the rectal temperature indicators hold above 37.3 °, without falling out before menstruation.

Example of the calendar:

This is auxiliary diagnosis

After the ECO procedure, the usual phenomenon when the embryo transfer is accompanied by an increase in the basal and total body temperature in the subsequent cycle phase.

After a substitute for a viable eggs, a woman prescribe a reception of hormonal drugs for enhanced progesterone. For example, Capsules "Utrezhastan" or "Dufeston".

The increase in temperature at the ECO in most part is the confirmation of the correct therapy during the lutein phase. The accuracy of the conclusions is not recognized as sufficient, if compared with natural conception.

However, the temperature schedule refers to an important tool of auxiliary diagnostics even with artificial fertilization. With the help of it, you can reveal both a successful conception and manifestation of pathology.

Measurement of basal temperature to determine frozen pregnancy

Anambrium (embryo death) Returns rectal indicators to the level of the first phase, that is, for the period before conception, accompanied by a decrease in temperature.

Sometimes, with the death of the BT fetus, it can increase, which is usually caused by inflammation of the endometrium on the basis of the decomposition of the embryo. Any change in basal temperature indicators in the early period of pregnancy can be assessed as pathology.

May have problems here

The data obtained are often erroneous. The reason for this is non-compliance with the rules of temperature measurement, a flash of chronic disease, strong stress, overload, sex that is not recommended when conducting an experiment.

In addition to the oscillations of the rectal temperature, there are other signs that explicitly indicate the stopping of the fetus development.

  1. All the manifestations of toxicosis disappear sharply if they were.
  2. The chest is soft, inside disappears tension and high sensitivity.
  3. There is a change in the dark pigmentation of nipples to normal color.
  4. There are drawing abdominal pain, reminiscent of contractions.
  5. Sometimes there are places of a bloody or brown shade, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

Measuring pregnancy is a very dangerous phenomenon for the life and health of a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm any suspicions to a timely appeal to the doctor who will appoint a diagnostic survey.

Pass consulting


Tell me, please, are there any ways to determine pregnancy without dough.

Of course, I already bought the test, but I want some methods and ways to accurately determine pregnancy.

Thanks in advance for the answer.

You, of course, right that bought a pregnancy test. This is one of the fastest and most reliable ways to determine an interesting position.

Only here it sensitivity does not always allow you to determine the pregnancy before the delay or in the first days, and I know what you are impatient and how you want to quickly or make sure of a happy event or gather with hopes and wait for a new cycle.

To determine pregnancy without a test before delay, you can see what features inherent in pregnancies, you are manifested.

The more signs you will notice behind you, the more likely you are pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy

  1. Swollen and painful mammary glands;

Hypersensitivity of nipples and their pigmentation, heat, breast augmentation, talk about the operation of the hormonal system in a new mode.

  1. The severity at the bottom of the abdomen;

In addition to discomfort, many feel that inside the "butterflies flutter."

During this period, you can observe the oscillations, accompanied by thumbs and spasms, which in turn can also be written off on the approaching "critical days", not to mention the diseases of the urogenital system, as well as the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis;

Nausea, vomiting the urge is characteristic of the first period of the fertilization.

It seems that only this indicator may be main in determining pregnancy at home without test, only in cases of poisoning, these signs can also manifest themselves.

  1. Increased body temperature;

If a subfebrile temperature is observed for several days, then this may be a fetal egg implantation signal. But, it is impossible to forget about a possible inflammatory process, which also gives such a clinical state.

Indirect symptoms of pregnancy

  • Gastronomic quirks;

A strong reaction to certain products appears. For example, there are often cases when a woman during pregnancy does not endure the smell of raw meat. Or, on the contrary, it is ready for hours to walk along the counters with fish.

When the body reacts so violently to change, it is easier to determine the pregnancy easier.

  • Sharp set of extra kilograms;

Someone mutters from one type of food, and in someone, the "brutal" appetite wakes up. Due to abundant trapes and absorption of liquids, the future mother begins to rapid weight, and the swelling does not force themselves for a long time to wait.

  • Mood swings are typical during pregnancy;
  • Drowsy state, weakness, increased fatigue;

At the very beginning of the wonderful period of pregnancy, the body spends a huge amount of strength to reconfigure all systems. Consequently, sharply tight fatigue helps to clarify the whole picture.

  • Student urination, as with cystitis;

Comes due to the pressure of an enlarged uterus on the bladder. Although this phenomenon is characteristic of later deadlines, there are girls for whom this Sipte is responsible for the question of how to determine pregnancy without a pregnancy test.

  • Metamorphoses associated with a sharp increase in the reduction of sexual attractions due to the restructuring of the hormonal system during pregnancy.

Methods for determining pregnancy without dough

How did the pregnancy without tests determine before?

We had to get out to our right-grandmothers and seek ways to determine the pregnancy. But some of them can do and you are now.

  1. Determination of pregnancy with soda.
  • It will take: the morning portion of urine, soda;
  • Having gathered the required amount of urin into transparent dishes, pour 1 tsp. Soda;
  • Usually, the isolations have a sour Wednesday, and in the case of pregnancy, the pH level is shifted in favor of alkalinity;
  • Thus, in the first case there will be a reaction with bubbles, and in the second, there is a precipitate;
  • Also, read the article on this issue: Definition of pregnancy with soda \u003e\u003e\u003e.
  1. It is necessary to assemble the morning urine and boil. Then, pour into the glass container. If whitish flakes are observed, then the answer is positive. Otherwise - pregnancy has not come;
  2. Determination of pregnancy with iodine.
  • It will take: Morning Urina and iodine;
  • In the container with the liquid, you must carefully drop from the pipette of the iodine solution;
  • Duck immediately dissolved? The result of the study can be considered negative. But if a droplet for some time floats on the surface, then most likely pregnancy is confirmed.

A drop of iodine can be dripped on a paper strip soaked in the morning urine. If the usual brown color of the reagent has changed to a blue-violet, then a sign of pregnancy is obvious.

  1. Another method, how to determine pregnancy without tests, using urin, was used in even more ancient centuries:
  • Red wine mixed with urine;
  • Then, observed the behavior of the mixture;
  • When preserving the transparency of the "cocktail", a positive verdict was carried out.

Pregnancy and basal temperature

The easiest way to determine pregnancy without dough is - measurement of basal temperature.

It is necessary to measure the temperature over 5 minutes in the rectum in the early morning, without getting out of bed. It is advisable to exclude any movements immediately after waking up.

  1. After the ovulation occurred, in two or three days before the monthly, the temperature, which increases to 36.8 - 37.2 degrees during ovulation, must be sharply reduced;
  2. Ideally, if you have already built graphics of basal temperature within 2-3 months and you have something to compare temperature indicators (see article

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


If there are thoughts on pregnancy, the first thing every woman goes to the pharmacy. Modern tests define an "interesting position" with an accuracy of 99%. True, not early. Yes, and not everyone has the ability to promptly buy such a test.

What to do in this case?

The body does not deceive: how to determine pregnancy for its state

For each woman, pregnancy acts in its own way.

But, as a rule, the same for everyone ...

  • Increases chest. This is due to the action of sex hormones. The dairy glands "wake up" to the future meeting with the child - the chest is poured and becomes particularly sensitive, and the nipples become brighter and painful sensitive (though it may be before menstruation). If monthly passed, and the chest is still unusual - there is a reason to think.
  • The severity in the lower back and the bottom of the abdomen. Again, in addition to pregnancy, these signs are characteristic of premenstrual days.
  • Preasing weight.
  • Nausea. Especially Morning. The brightest sign of the 1st trimester. But toxicosis is not inherent to all future mothers. At the same time, if it proceeds simultaneously with other signs of pregnancy, then the morning nausea may well say that another life originated inside you.
  • Sharp exacerbation of smell. Future mothers, as a rule, begin to react to smells. Even those have long become familiar. Can irritate the smell of fried food, fish in the store, etc.
  • Changes in taste preferences. It is absolutely not obligatory to the salty: changes can be completely unexpected. For example, the chalk, coffee beam or herring with jam will want.
  • Racing mood. They are also peculiar to the future mothers: the greeliness sharply flows into a plasticity, that - in hysterics, hysterics - back to the gaiety, then in anger, etc. True, it is worth noting that stress, dissatisfaction and fatigue, sometimes, and outside pregnancy, you create similar "wonders" with women (especially before month).
  • Increased drowsiness, weakness, periodic dizziness. When a new life is born, Mine organism begins to spend more forces - now not only for himself, but also on the development of his Chad. Therefore, the had endurance gives failures, and I want to lie sometimes even after lifting the stairs.
  • Raising appetite. This is also natural during pregnancy - it is necessary to eat for two.
  • Pigmentation. This sign is not manifested by all future mothers, but very often - pimples and freckles are pimpled on the body, various specks resulting from changes in hormonal background and increase melanin levels. A lot of cases when the changes concern even hair - they begin to root or, on the contrary, straighten up. True, as for the latter case - he manifests itself in a later period.
  • Student urination. As you know, an enlarged uterus begins to push with time on the bladder, which is explained by such urges. But not in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • Change in the nature of menstruation. They can become more scanty, more abundant or not to come at all. And they can come for 1 day "selling traces."

Of course, the appearance of these symptoms, even in their totality, by no means 100% confirmation of pregnancy can be considered. This is just a reason to apply for a consultation to the gynecologist and confirm your "position" or lack of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without dough at home?

The temptation to experience the cherished "2 strips", of course, is great. But it makes sense to conduct such research only if there is already a monthly delay - that is, After 2 weeks of conception .

How to check - happened or did not happen - on an early term?

  • . Usually, this method uses girls when planning pregnancy. The meaning of the method is in the difference of basal temperature. This temperature rises noticeably in the days of ovulation and then slowly decreases before menstruation. If this reduction is not, and Basalne / Temperature in the 1st days of the delay is at the level of 37 degrees and above - there is a possibility of occurrence of pregnancy. Important: Measuring Temperature should occur at the same time (approx. - In the morning, up to lifting from bed) and, naturally, one thermometer.
  • Iodine and urine. Dough scheme: wake up, we collect the first urine in the glass clean capacity, dripping into it 1 drop of iodine (with a pipette) and analyze the result. It is believed that with the "interesting position" of iodine will be collected in one drop directly over urine. But if the iodine spreads and settles at the bottom, it means that booties buy early. True, in this method, much depends on the density of urine (high error of the method) and from the reception of medicines.
  • Iodine and paper. Dough scheme: Collect the first urine again in a clean capacity, we lower the piece of white paper into it, we wait a few minutes, pull the iodine drop on it. Assessment of the result: when painting "Parchment" in purple color - there is no pregnancy, in blue - no. Again the error of the method is high.
  • Soda and urine. Test diagram: We collect the first urine into a glass clean capacity, we fall back there ordinary soda (no more than 1 hour / l), waiting for the reaction. Assessment of the test: the soda is launched and stuck - there is no pregnancy. Reaction calm - you are pregnant. The basis of the method, as in the previous case, the determination of the acidity of the material. The urine of the future mother is usually alkaline, and, accordingly, when contact with soda, a stormy reaction can not be. If the soda falls into the acidic medium (approx. - in the urine of a non-embled woman), then the reaction will be stormy.
  • Boiling urine. Scheme "Test": We collect the morning urine into a transparent and refractory container and, putting on fire, wait for boiling. After immediately removing and cool. If there is a precipitate - you are pregnant. In its absence, the liquid will remain clean. Note: The precipitate may appear if there are problems with the kidneys or urinary tracts.

Determine the pregnancy in early terms - Folk ways

Unknown - she worst. Therefore, until the moment when you can determine the pregnancy of the doctor or with the help of the test, the most different methods go to the move. Including "Babushkina".

What methods did our ancestors determine pregnancy?

  • Urine color. In the morning and in the evening, as our great-grandparents noticed, the urine of the future mother becomes dark yellow.
  • Flowers and urine. Not very romantic, but it's fun and reliably. In any case, so our ancestors thought. So, we collect urine all night and morning, and then pour it your garden flowers. In case they bloomed in full force, we can assume that there is a pregnancy. You can pour and home flower: if it gives new leaves and grows up, it means that the result is positive.
  • Ficus. And again about flowers. If your old ficus suddenly "deed" with new shoots or leaves - wait for the addition in the family (according to legend).
  • Pulse. Going to the back, we are looking for a place below the navel for 7-8 cm and slightly press the hand to the stomach in this area. The feeling of ripple means pregnancy. The ancestors considered this pulsation by the beat of the heart of the future kid. In fact, it means only the ripple of the vessels, increasing in the "interesting period" due to the good blood circulation of the organs of a small pelvis.
  • Onion. Another funny method. We take 2 bulbs and put them in 2 glasses, respectively, signed: left - "yes" (approx. - Pregnancy), right - "no" (its absence). We are waiting for the germination of bulbs. Which will germinate the first 4 cm - the same will answer.
  • And, of course, dreams. Without them, nowhere. For them, many of our ancestors have practically predicted the future, clarified the past and studied the present. So, a 100% sign of pregnancy was a dream about ... Fish. No matter what exactly where. You can catch her, keep, eat, buy, etc. The main thing is fish. It should be noted that laughter laughter, but even in our time, quite free from superstitions, many moms note that it is "sleep in hand."
  • Recipe from medieval literature. We pour the morning urine into the tank and add wine to it (approx. - Proportion 1: 1). If the liquid remains transparent - you are pregnant.

Of course, no medical reasons - to consider these methods faithful - does not exist. All of them are based on the superstitions of our ancestors.

It should be remembered that "home" tests do not give such accuracy as pharmacy "2 strips", test for hCG, consultation at the gynecologist and.

Website site provides reference information. The definition of pregnancy is largely probability possible only with special pharmaceutical tests or on a survey from a doctor. If you have the first symptoms, contact a specialist!

Pregnancy is a certain condition of the body, which means the appearance of the baby, after a certain period. It can be determined by some symptoms.

When a woman is looking forward to the appearance of his firstborn, she is trying to find any hints of pregnancy in all changes. Many believe that with the appearance of irritability or nausea, then all, they are in position! Although most mothers really learned about their pregnancy based on such signs. Of course, all this can assume the presence of pregnancy, but, unfortunately, not always such signs arise when determining this interesting position.

How to recognize pregnancy in women in ancient people?

Thousand years ago ancient people already knew how to recognize the first signs of pregnancy.

Ancient Egyptians, in order to learn about an interesting position in a woman, prepared for her special "check drink" which consisted of a special grass and milk Mom, which fed the boy's breast. If such a mixture after her use caused a woman vomiting, then this verdict was confirmed - she is pregnant!

Previously, pregnancy was determined by numerous signs

And here long-standing Jews asked women who could pregnancy go through soft grass. After that, they studied her traces and made certain conclusions. But, unfortunately, it did not reach this day the details of how they could definite pregnancy according to prints.

The main symptoms and signs of pregnancy

Real existence of pregnancy in a woman can confirm only analyzes that will show the elevated level of HCHG in its blood , or if the doctor listen to the heartbeat of the child in the womb, or results ultrasound . All other ways are only possible signs and symptoms.

Exact signs of pregnancy

Increased level of hCG - the presence of a large amount of hormonability in the blood. It begins to grow in a week or 10 days, after the process of conception. This analysis is quite accurate when determining pregnancy. I handed out your blood from Vienna in any laboratory, a woman will be able to learn about their position, even before being late for menstruation.

Listening to the heartbeat kid Conducts a gynecologist with an electronic or wooden stethoscope. The doctor may hear how a little child's heart beats in the mother's womb, for 10-12 weeks. Its heart rate ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Ultrasound - This is a ultrasound study of a woman who is desirable to spend 7-12 weeks. With it, it is possible to establish an accurate period of pregnancy from 2 or 3 weeks.

The doctor can hear the fetal heartbeat with a special device.

TO signs of pregnancy You can attribute such phenomena or sensations as:

  • Small discharge In the form of several brown drops that you can detect on panties. This may not be the beginning of the monthly menstrual cycle, but implanting bleeding . It occurs as a result of the search for an uterine wall, cells, which will eventually become a child. She, as it were, "travels" by the gender moves of the mother and is looking for a suitable place where it will continue to grow and develop. it one of the earliest signs Which, in general, and may not always show itself.
  • Constant fatigue and feeling of weakness. Most women who still do not know about their position believe that they are just tired or fell ill. But it may be true. Because the first reasons for weakness is reducing immunity . Some future moms may even have a runny nose and cough.
  • Increase basal body temperature. If you think that you will have a child, do not be lazy to monitor your basal body temperature during the menstrual cycle. You are really pregnant if your temperatures are up to 37 degrees , or sharp go down for one day In the first phase of the bleeding cycle. This process is referred to as "implantation", the main reasons for which is a decrease in phase of the production of progesterone hormone in the middle of the second cycle phase that is responsible for the temperature condition. Or, when the estrogen hormone begins to throw away. He is responsible for the decrease in temperature.
  • Sensitive breasts. In cases where in some period you have an increased sensitivity of the nipples, then it is likely that you have a pregnancy. This symptom may appear only 14 days after conception . Your chest can know about yourself even with pretty touch. She can also swell slightly and hurt a little. Pointing for pregnancy can and darkened skin around the range of nipples.
  • The appearance of noticeable montgomera hooks, Which are on the nipple of the chest. They are tiny shishechki on the arole breasts that resemble a goose skin . These hillocks are absolutely harmless, but their appearance can broadcast about the interesting position of a woman.

    Nausea, severe sensitivity to some odors - This is a classic well-known sign of pregnancy. He makes itself felt with 3rd to 8th week after the process of conception . Large half of future mothers met with similar and unpleasant sensations. Such a sign may appear when you have moved hard or poisoned. Therefore, do not hurry to rejoice if you have such an indicator in the morning.

    Insomnia or sleep disorder Many pregnant women appear in connection with certain changes in their organism. That is, despite the fact that they fall early, then future mothers still do not fall out. On sleep can be clone them and in the middle of the day Even in the workplace. If your robot is serious and responsible, then you will advisively change it, or go to a more quiet department. There is no strong on this worried. Just the body serves all sorts of signs about their new status.

  • Delay Monthly Menstruation Cycle It is considered the most common sign of pregnancy. Noticing his failure, we begin to assure that we are pregnant and immediately run into the pharmacy point for the test. But, in that cases, if a woman has an irregular bleeding cycle, it is not necessary to rely on the delay.
  • Pain in the back or back May become very tangible. Such unexpected "strips" in the lower back of the future mother can manifest itself throughout the entire length of the baby, periodically letting themselves to know.
  • Unpleasant bloating It may occur due to the fact that during pregnancy, the intestine of a woman becomes "lazy". It ceases to keep well behind the level and gas formation process. Also, such a phenomenon can be felt and because the intestines wall begin to eat a little.
  • Frequent urge to urination. Two weeks after conceiving the baby, a woman can feel frequent urge to the toilet, in a small . They are explained by the fact that in its body there changing her hormonal background - Stretching of the uterus and the growth of the fetus, which constantly presses on the outer shell of the bladder.

Frequent urination can be a sign of pregnancy

How to find out about pregnancy without medical tests?

But you want, but do not know how to determine, you are pregnant or not and you do not have the opportunity to purchase a medical test? Then this can be done with other methods, including folk. Many women prefer to seek help in a period of uncertainty with pregnancy precisely to proven folk grandmother methods. Therefore, we will reveal you some secrets that will help you find out that you are in a position without dough.

Of course, it is possible to know exactly about pregnancy without the use of the test after receiving a gynecologist, an ultrasound or by daily measuring body temperature.

5 ways to help find out that you are pregnant (without the use of dough):

Method 1 (truthfulness 5: 5)

Take the floor of the warm water and dissolve several granules in it, to light pink. After that, add a slight amount of your fresh morning urine there. See if the color of the resulting solution has become light yellow and brightened - the result is negative. If the chromaticity has not changed and small flakes appeared - then you are 100% pregnant.

Method 2 (truthfulness also 5: 5)

Collect a small amount of urine morning in a clean capacity and drop there a few drops of iodine. Pregnancy is not confirmed if he immediately broke up on the surface of the urine. And if the droplet was delayed for a while on the surface, then your result is positive, you can begin to celebrate this pleasant news.

Method 3 (permissibility of 4: 5)

Prepare a white sheet of paper and wet it with your urine. After that, a few drops of iodine drip on it. And watch if the color of the paper has become blue, then you are not pregnant. And if a bright purple or lilac hue appeared - the result is positive. This method is one of the most reliable. Although it may not be accuracy due to the different composition of the paper.

Method 4 - (truthfulness 3 of 5)

Collect the morning urine in clean dishes, and pour wine into it, in the ratio of 1: 1. Then watch the result: if the resulting mixture remained light and transparent - the result will be negative. And if she climbed and changed his consistency slightly, it became similar to cottage cheese - congratulations, you are a future mother.

In fact, the degree of truthfulness of this method is not high, due to not always high-quality inexpensive wine. It must be completely without dyes and a variety of chemical additives, which affect the results of this check.

Method 5 (truthfulness 2: 5

Take the morning urine, and place it in the container in which you bring it to a boil. Then recall it into a transparent glass container. Review if you are pregnant, the precipitate in the form of flakes appear in the urine.

This technique has no high level of truth, because when boiling protein, which is in the urine, can simply curl. As a result, it will be difficult for you to distinguish it from the resulting flakes.

with the help of soda.

Another people's way to establish pregnancy is the reception of ordinary soda, which always has in your kitchen. You will also have to collect urine in a small container and add one teaspoon of soda to it. If you see bubbles on the surface of the urine, then you are not pregnant yet. And in cases where the soda falls on the bottom, you can rejoice - you are in position.

method for determining pregnancy manipulation ring and hair.

Over your belly or left palm on your hair, hang your wedding ring. For any movements, you can find out if you have a new life inside. It can also be determined by half a child. So, if the ring will spin in a circle, then you expect daughter, and if from side to the side - then the boy. Of course, this method will not be able to give you complete confidence. Therefore, it is better to buy a pregnancy test in the pharmacy.

Here are such unusual ways you can find the answer to your question, about pregnancy, without the use of the test.