What days to conceive twins naturally. Is it possible to deliberately conceive twins? When will the result be known

Many parents dream about the appearance of twins in the family. The birth of twins is a real miracle of nature and a rarity. It is difficult to find indifferent to similar cute babies, double strollers, pair suits. So it's no surprise that doctors hear from women, "I want to get pregnant with twins."

Many mothers believe that this is a gift of fate - to bear two children at once in one pregnancy and raise them at the same time. The kids themselves will always have a close person nearby - a brother or sister, a friend, a comrade in all games. After all, older children are often not interested in babies, but with twins, the situation is quite different.

Is it possible to get pregnant with twins?

Often a married couple wonders how to get pregnant with twins. But they will be upset if they ask their doctor about it. Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot 100% help future parents in this and give any guarantees that this time they will have at least 2 children. It is extremely difficult to artificially create such a happy occasion and circumvent the laws of nature.

Despite this, a number of tips and recommendations can be offered to the attention of parents that will increase the likelihood of having twins.

Scientists' opinion

The question of how to get pregnant with twins has not left indifferent medical scientists at all times. There are various scientific developments and experiments that were aimed at ensuring that a woman bears several children at once in one pregnancy. Such studies were disseminated thanks to the support and funding of the government. And first of all, developments were encouraged to avoid a demographic crisis. To find a way, twins and their parents fell under the survey.

Unfortunately, despite many years of work, a 100% method for conceiving twins has not been found, we only have theories.

But in no case should you be upset, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with twins. And the one who does not try will never achieve results.

How is the conception of twins?

From a medical point of view, twins can be divided into identical and fraternal twins. Identical twins have the same set of genes, babies will be as similar as possible. But at the same time they will be "mirror". For example, if one child has a mole on the chin on the left side, then the second one has a mole on the right.

These children are born in a single egg and later divide into two separate lives. Such pregnancies are very rare - only 25% of all born twins were identical. After all, only one of two hundred eggs is suitable for such a conception.

The remaining "paired" conceptions occur in different eggs, such children are called twins. Babies born are also very similar in basic parameters, but there are times when children are completely different. Even twins with different skin and hair colors are born in multiracial couples. Unlike monozygotic, they will not be as tightly compressed in the stomach, so it's even good - there is less risk of fusion.

The birth of twins (fraternal children) is three times more likely. This possibility appears when, during menstruation, 2 full-fledged eggs ready for conception stand out in the female body. In this case, each of the eggs will be fertilized by a separate sperm. Therefore, just as children differ in weather, so twins can be different.

It is difficult to influence the conception of identical children, but medicine can contribute to the birth of heterozygous babies.

Medical assistance in conceiving twins

If you are sure that you want to conceive twins, but no one in your family has had a similar situation, you should first of all contact a gynecologist. Expert advice will need to be sought.

One of the main points is the good health of a woman. Even before a normal pregnancy, you need to cure all diseases, saturate the body with all vitamins, minerals and other necessary substances. Such a pregnancy requires a lot of strength and vital resources from the expectant mother.

  1. If a woman took birth control pills for a long time and then abruptly refused them, then two eggs can stand out at once.
  2. Take antifertility hormonal drugs.
  3. IVF (in vitro fertilization).

You need to be prepared for the fact that double fertilization may not occur the first time, and a healthy baby will be born, but only one. If the desire still remains, try the procedure again.

Twin pregnancy with IVF

IVF is the most effective method for conceiving twins. Sometimes this happens indiscriminately, because several eggs are artificially fertilized and they are also injected in pairs to increase the chances of pregnancy. Therefore, nothing prevents all fertilized eggs from taking root and continuing to develop after replanting. Due to this, there is a possibility of having twins and triplets.

But even with this method of conception, no one gives guarantees. Sometimes women become mothers of twins after one IVF, and sometimes they repeat this procedure for years, and it only works after a dozen attempts. This requires a lot of money and time.

How is the IVF procedure carried out?

When carrying out such a procedure, material is taken (eggs and sperm) and their artificial insemination. The embryo is then transferred to the mother's body. Therefore, all the necessary genetic information from the parents will be transferred to the child or twins. So, despite artificial insemination, children will be completely biologically connected with their parents. After all, in the laboratory they will do the same thing that would happen in natural conditions in the mother's body.

Why can twins be born?

If a married couple decided to conceive twins in a natural way, then you need to familiarize yourself with a number of factors that affect this:

  1. hereditary predisposition. If twins were born in the family of the future father or mother, then the probability increases significantly.
  2. The age of the mother will also affect the possibility of conception.
  3. Features of the structure of the uterus.
  4. How long is the menstrual cycle.
  5. Some experts argue that nationality also affects this issue.

If we consider the factors that affect the conception of twins, then it can be noted that with each new generation, the probability increases. If a woman is between 30 and 40 years old, then she has a better chance of having twins, because at this age the production of gonadotropin (a hormone that provokes the maturation of eggs) increases.

Speaking about the structural features of the uterus, we mean an anomaly of the uterus. Such a uterus is called bicornuate (it is divided into 2 parts), this has a positive effect on the possibility of the birth of twins.

There is another factor that will also affect this - a short cycle of menstruation (about 20 days). Thanks to these features of the body, you can become pregnant with twins.

Regarding the nationality of the parents, it can be noted that Africans most often have twins, and in Asian countries such an event is extremely rare.

An interesting fact is that in areas with poor ecology, twins appear more often. There is no objective reason, but perhaps this is a natural mechanism aimed at preserving the human race. Or there is a mutation at the gene level.

What else to do?

To increase the chances of conceiving twins, the following methods will help:

  1. Planning for conception for the summer.
  2. High protein content in the diet.
  3. Folic acid.
  4. Breastfeeding another child.
  5. Strong complexion of the expectant mother.

Such seemingly popular councils have objectivity. Conception in the summer contributes to this issue, since the sun and heat provoke the production of sex hormones. This is affected by regular sexual intercourse and breastfeeding. Strong, large women are more likely to have twins, perhaps because it is physically easier for them to endure such a pregnancy and childbirth.

For the birth of twins, future parents should give up bad habits, the sooner the better. This applies to the father as much as to the mother. You should lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • Have a full sleep.
  • To eat well.
  • Exercise at least a couple of times a week.

You should also start taking a complex of vitamins and minerals. Good mental state and calmness of both partners are considered important.

The birth of twins will also be affected by:

  • Special nutrition for both parents. Do not eat greens, cabbage, beans, seafood, milk. It is recommended to use potatoes, cereals, meat, dark chocolate.
  • Sex time. Attempts to conceive must begin from the very beginning of ovulation. Your gynecologist will help you determine this time.
  • The number of sexual contacts.

If future happy parents nevertheless achieved what they wanted, the next thing that worries is who will be born, a boy or a girl. There is an opinion that it is possible to influence the gender of children even before they are conceived. No method will give an absolute guarantee, but it is worth remembering that the main thing is the good health of the children. And in order to endure and give birth to physically and psychologically healthy children, it is necessary that the parents themselves have good health.

Difficulties during pregnancy

If you decide that you want to give birth to twins, you need to think about the fact that this is quite difficult. Naturally, when carrying several children at once, the load on the woman's body increases significantly. Pregnancy will develop in the same way as a singleton, but harder for the mother herself. After all, all the symptoms will be felt more acutely. For example, there are such signs of pregnancy with twins:

  1. Fast fatiguability.
  2. Enhanced toxicity.
  3. Weight gain faster and more.
  4. The abdomen grows faster, will have a larger circumference.
  5. In the early stages of research in the blood test, the protein content will be increased.

Ultrasound can help diagnose multiple pregnancies. After confirmation by ultrasound, such expectant mothers are left under special supervision. Strict accounting of all parameters and analyzes is an integral element throughout the entire gestation period.

Enhanced health monitoring is recommended due to the large number of problems. And first of all, this is due to the rapid weight gain and, accordingly, the load on the heart, joints and spine.

What to do if you can't get pregnant with twins? The main thing is not to get upset. The birth of twins is a very rare case, so do not focus on the thought.

If you manage to give birth to a healthy baby, this is already a great happiness, and there is no reason for disappointment. If you want two children, and the sooner the better, then you can give birth to the weather - there will be no critical difference from this. Instead of worries, it is better to focus on positive thoughts and, if you wish, try to conceive twins another time.

It always brings a feeling of happiness and impatience in anticipation of a miracle, and when there are not one, but two such miracles in a mother’s tummy, then future parents can only be envied. For various reasons, many families really want to have twin children: dads explain this by wanting to have more fun in the house, moms by the fact that it’s easier to “shoot back” once than to test strength again in a short time and. Is it possible, without relying on the wisdom of nature, to somehow influence the fact that twins or twins are obtained, how to do this and what official medicine thinks about this, we will consider further.

Twins and twins

According to statistics, twins are not so rare - on average, there is 1 multiple in 85. However, there is a difference who will be born in twins: twins or twins.


Identical twins, as the name implies, appear when one fertilized egg divides into two isolated lobes during the process of division. Within each lobe, a separate embryo begins to develop. Such twins are always born same-sex, as they have the same chromosome set and are similar to each other like two drops of water, up to the pattern of fingerprints. These babies are called twins. There are mirror twins. One of them is usually right-handed, the other is left-handed, the hair curls in different directions, and even the fingerprints of such twins are mirrored.

Did you know?The Indians believed that the twins carry two hypostases: one is good, the other is evil. For this reason, if twins appeared in the tribe, then one of them, who was recognized as evil, was expelled.

By the way, the probability of conceiving monozygotic twins in the general statistics of twins is very small, about 0.3% of cases.


Heterozygous or fraternal twins can be born as a result of the fertilization of two different eggs at the same time. Each embryo in this case has its own fetal bladder and. In such a pair, and are often obtained. Twins are no more similar in appearance than any other siblings, since the eggs are fertilized by different ones.

Is it possible to plan a multiple pregnancy

Twins, and in some cases triplets, are not very common, only 1.5% of the total population of the globe, but in recent years the number of multiple pregnancies has increased. Doctors attribute this to an increase in the number of women giving birth after 35 years, and this is an indirect factor affecting the conception of twins. In addition, the widespread IVF method also implies the birth of several babies.

Many couples who dream of twins, of course, are wondering if it is possible to conceive children naturally or if you need to contact the doctors, how the pregnancy will proceed and what difficulties await future parents. Methods officially confirmed by doctors do not exist today. However, from a medical point of view, there are certain factors that can increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancies:
  • heredity. If there were twins or triplets in the family of future parents, then with a high probability the couple can successfully conceive several babies at the same time;
  • genetically determined hormonal disbalance in a woman's body, as a result of which not one, but several eggs are released at the time;
  • Multiple pregnancy in woman's history, this factor significantly increases the likelihood of conceiving twins in future pregnancies.
It should be noted that the above points indicate solely the likelihood or ability of fraternal twins, while the phenomenon of conception of twins by science has not yet been fully investigated and it is impossible to plan it.

If you really want

It is generally accepted that you can’t argue with nature, but if you dream of having twins in your family, you are probably ready to try different ways to achieve this dream. In science, there is an entertaining theory based on statistics, according to which twins are born in those areas where it is necessary to fill the population gap resulting from wars, cataclysms, epidemics or famine. Thus, nature naturally regulates the distribution of humanity on the planet. Of course, the reader is not invited to test this theory, so we will consider the simplest and most reliable methods.

Medical and Scientific Facts

From the point of view of gynecologists, the ability of a woman to have twins or twins can be calculated by getting answers to the following questions: did the woman previously have multiple births, did the birth of twins happen in the family, both in the female and male lines, were the conditions diagnosed in the woman , influencing the increase in the level of women 's .

  • The presence of the gene for multiple pregnancy (as evidenced by the presence of twins in the family) is the main predisposing factor.
  • A short menstrual cycle, lasting up to 21 days, can also affect twins.
  • Mother's age is over 35 years. This is due to the fact that a woman at this age has another hormonal surge, which contributes to the intensive production of eggs.
  • A woman takes a COC (). Since COCs do not occur during the reception, after cancellation, the body begins to intensively compensate for the lack of hormones, as a result of which several eggs can be produced in the first months after cancellation.
  • . If a woman is at the time of conception, then the level of female hormones in her body is significantly overestimated, and if not one, but two eggs are released in one of the cycles, then she is very likely to become a mother of two more crumbs.
  • Non-standard structure, the presence of a partition in it.
  • The most real and scientifically explainable way in which twins are obtained is the extracorporeal method (). In this case, the woman receives a loading dose of female hormones before the procedure takes place, which in itself affects the survival rate of the embryos. In addition, not one, but several eggs are implanted into the uterus, since during the implantation process some of them die, but sometimes it happens that two or even three survive.

folk wisdom

Of course, medical methods are more reliable, but when medicine is powerless, various folk methods come into play that can directly or indirectly affect the birth of twins, although this does not have scientific confirmation.

  • The best method, according to our ancestors, is the correct and healthy expectant mother. It is believed that if you lean on protein foods, meat, dairy products, then the likelihood of becoming a mother of twins increases significantly.
  • Another important factor influencing the ability to twin naturally is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A woman is advised to avoid both physical and emotional overload, and it is better to get pregnant at the end of summer, when the body is maximally saturated with vitamins. folk methods. However, it is worth remembering that none of the methods described can give an exact guarantee of success, so the decisive trump card is in the hands of nature.

Most women dream of having twins right away. Firstly, in this way you can “shoot back” once and raise two children at once, and secondly, the kids will always have the opportunity to communicate with each other. There is a certain percentage of women who themselves grew up with a twin sister or brother and they also want to have twins. Perhaps a great desire to conceive two children at once is a tribute to fashion. It doesn’t matter what a woman’s motive is, the main thing is her desire. How to conceive twins and what you need to do for this, we'll talk.

Nowadays, twins and even triplets are being born more and more. You can conceive twins or twins naturally, this happens in addition to the desire of a woman. As nature wills, so be it. But since recently women's health has been greatly shaken, women are forced to take hormonal drugs, which affect conception. There are many drugs that stimulate the ovaries, even if a woman is in good health, she may not have a clue about what awaits her in the future. A woman lives a full life, she plans to have children and while she is engaged in a career, she takes birth control pills, and this can also lead to the birth of twins after the drug is discontinued. There are several methods of “deceiving” nature, it is possible to conceive two children at once artificially (when two embryos are planted into a woman’s body at once) or follow the rules of natural conception. But before we find out if it is possible to conceive twins, let's deal with this concept.

The concept of twins

If you believe the statistics, then a multiple pregnancy and the birth of twins can occur in every 80th woman. Who are the twins? Not each of us will be able to answer this question, many know only one thing - these can be children of the same sex or of different sexes, born at the same time. Now let's try to delve a little into medical terminology. Twins are children born from different eggs. Often such babies are called fraternal, that is, at the time of fertilization, 2 spermatozoa (different) simultaneously reached the goal and fertilized 2 eggs. Each fetus then develops in its own placenta. Such children, that is, twins, can be born the same (similar to each other) or completely different. If mom has blond hair and blue eyes, and dad has a brown-eyed brunette, then children can inherit these signs and radically differ from each other. In addition, the sex of children can be different.

Conceiving twins is much easier (according to doctors) than twins. Twins are more often born in mature women, but this does not exempt 20-30-year-old young ladies from the chance (only 3%!) To conceive twins naturally. At the age of 30 and older, these chances double. It is also worth taking into account such a factor that after each pregnancy the chances of having twins increase, since after each birth a woman gradually gains kilograms. According to scientists, chubby women are more likely than thin women. And yet, those mothers who breastfeed their babies and become pregnant at this time are also more likely to have twins.

And a few words about who the twins are. If 2 sperm fertilize 1 egg (it will divide into 2), then the same babies are born.

A few words about predisposition

A very interesting fact: scientists conducted experiments and found out that the genetic predisposition to give birth to twins is transmitted to a woman through her mother. So if a woman in her mother's / grandmother's family had twins, then we can hope for a miracle.

By the way, a lot also depends on the race of a person. Thus, women of the Mongoloid and Negroid types more often give birth to two or even three children at once.

In addition, the chances of having twins can be increased if a woman takes hormonal drugs that stimulate the ovaries (contraceptives and other drugs) for a long time. It is also common that a woman took pills for several years so as not to become pregnant, and after cancellation, a multiple pregnancy immediately occurred. This is because at the time of ovulation, 2 or more mature eggs “come out” at the same time, ready for fertilization.

What the facts say:

  1. In the Carpathians, in the famous village of Kopan, 54 pairs of children (fraternal) were born within 50 years. According to local residents, the “culprit” of such a boom of twins is a local healing spring. Women who want to conceive twins come to him. By the way, some couples did it!
  2. The village of Denisovka (Rostov region) is also considered amazing. According to statistics, for every 500 inhabitants there are 19 pairs of twins! This place has very fertile soil and if you stay in the village for some time, you can conceive two children at once.

What you need to do to give birth to twins

If there is a great desire, then you should try to conceive twins of a boy and a girl in a natural way. To do this, a woman must follow certain recommendations:

  1. According to doctors, taking folic acid 2-3 months before conception contributes to the onset of multiple pregnancies. Even if the child is alone, you still did everything right, this drug has a positive effect on the development of the fetus.
  2. Give up bad habits, this applies to smoking, drinking alcohol. Dairy products should be present in your daily diet. Teach yourself to start a new day with a jar of natural yogurt, during the day you can drink a glass of milk, do not forget about cottage cheese, it contains a lot of calcium. If you manage to get hold of yams (a plant hormone that looks like potatoes), then a natural plant will help stimulate the ovaries. As a result, there are chances that the ovaries will “release” several eggs ready for conception at once. In addition, it is necessary to include chicken eggs, whole grains and walnuts in the daily diet. Eat plenty of sweet potatoes – according to scientists who studied one tribe (there were many twins and triplets born in families), the locals ate a lot of sweet potatoes.
  3. Psychological moment. As it has already become known that women after 30-40 years old are more likely to have twins, so you can do self-hypnosis. Imagine yourself as a woman in years, you are now not 25-28, but 40 years old and there are more chances of conceiving twins.
  4. If you already have children, then the chances of having twins increase.
  5. It is stupid if you are of the opinion that chubby women more often than graceful women have two children at once. We hope that you will not take this advice literally and will not strive to gain an extra 10 kg.
  6. For those women who have only recently experienced the joy of motherhood and are breastfeeding their child, there are more chances to give birth to two more babies. During this period, the ovaries produce more eggs. Only for the female body, such a load will be superfluous, since one baby has just been born, as soon as pregnancy occurs again.
  7. If you are taking birth control pills or hormonal drugs, then immediately after stopping them, the chances of conceiving a multiple pregnancy increase. As soon as the drug is withdrawn, the ovaries begin to work actively.
  8. Genetics also matter. If there was a multiple pregnancy in your family on the mother's side, then you also have a chance to give birth to two children at the same time. You can increase your chances if you find a suitable pair for yourself, so that your partner in the family has twins.

How to conceive twin girls

It turns out that you can not only influence the conception and give birth to two babies at once, but also “order” children of a certain gender.

If you are one of those women for whom the gender of children is of great importance, then the following rules must be observed:

  1. The position for conception matters. There is an opinion that if you do not penetrate deeply into the vagina, then a girl can be born. So take note and use the "missionary" position.
  2. Follow a special diet. To conceive girls, a few months before conception, you need to lean more on vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, peas, beets, green beans, herbs. It is advisable to limit the consumption of potatoes, cabbage, raw tomatoes, zucchini, legumes. It is forbidden to eat crayfish, dried fish, eat only fresh fish. It is also necessary not to forget about fruits: more apples, pears, raspberries, watermelons, quinces, mangoes, strawberries and pineapples. Ban on oranges, plums, cherries, currants, melons, bananas and apricots. Allowed dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, cheese. Drinks: fresh juices from the above vegetables and fruits, cocoa (if not allergic), mineral water with calcium, herbal tea. You can not eat ketchup, yeast baked goods, salt. The basic principle of such a diet is that the female body needs to be saturated with magnesium and calcium. These 2 substances are found most in dairy products and greens. Those foods that contain a lot of potassium and sodium must be excluded from the diet, if not completely, then at least temporarily. For a woman's health, such a diet will only be useful.
  3. There is a special table for the renewal of the blood of parents, whose blood will be renewed faster, children of the same sex will be born. In a woman, blood is renewed every 3 years, and in a man - after 4 years. If a woman had a large loss of blood (abortions, operations, childbirth), then the countdown should start from that time. Whose blood is younger at the time of conception, of that sex, children will be born.

This table will help to conceive twins of any gender.

How to conceive twin boys

If you really want to raise two tomboys, then you need to do things differently:

  1. Use positions for conception that are more accessible to spermatozoa, that is, deep penetration. The fact is that Y chromosomes die faster than X chromosomes, which means they need to get to the goal as quickly as possible. There is also an opinion that if a woman has reached orgasm, then spermatozoa penetrate the uterine cavity faster, because after orgasm the body releases special substances that increase the resistance of male spermatozoa. The optimal positions for conception are a woman on top or a man behind.

  1. It is better to have sex not during ovulation, but before this happens. Due to the short lifespan of the spermatozoa, they will have a better chance of reaching the target and fertilizing the egg.
  2. Think about diet. What you eat can affect conception. You need to stop eating dairy drinks, nuts, pastries, white bread. Load up on meat, egg whites, rice, potatoes, and dried fruits. Drink more mineral water with soda, add salt to food, eat dark chocolate.

The sex of babies depends on the sexual partner. Twins get 2 chromosomes from mom and dad. A woman shares the same chromosomes with her children, this is XX, and for a man they are different - this is XY. This means that the sex of the children will depend on the chromosome set of the sperm that fertilized the egg. To conceive twin boys, you must "choose" a sperm cell with a Y chromosome. It is possible to conceive boys, but only the artificial insemination method can guarantee a 100% result. Only this technique allows the possibility of leaving embryos of a certain gender in the uterus. To conceive twin boys and be 100% sure of the result, you need to sign up for an IVF procedure. Not every married couple can afford it, the procedure is troublesome and expensive.

A reliable way to conceive male twins, as mentioned earlier, is the ovulation method or the calendar method. You can have sex the day before ovulation or the day when the egg is ready for fertilization. You can determine the day "x" (the day of ovulation) if you use a special program for calculating the date of ovulation. You enter in the box the 1st day of the beginning of menstruation, and the program determines the probable day of ovulation. For those women whose monthly cycle is irregular, this method is not suitable.

There is another option for conceiving male twins - to measure the basal temperature at the same time every morning (in the rectum). Enter the readings in the table, after 3 months it will be possible to draw conclusions and determine the exact number of ovulation.

Remember also about the renewal of blood, the method for conceiving twin girls has already been described above. With boys, everything is the same, just the opposite - if a man’s blood was renewed earlier, then we can expect the birth of sons.

All of the above methods give their percentage of the probability of conceiving twins of a certain gender. If you believe in the best, then it will, so do not give up on your dream and do your best to give birth to healthy sons or daughters. If luck didn’t smile at you this time, don’t despair, because the joy of motherhood does not lie in children of a certain gender, so love your children!

The birth of two children at the same time is the dream of many parents. However, for most couples, getting pregnant with twins is problematic. The probability of having twins increases if one of the partners in the family had twins or twins.

How is the conception of twins? How to increase the likelihood of having twins? Is it possible to give birth to twins without a caesarean section and what is the probability of having twins naturally? How is the natural birth of twins?

Why is the conception of two or more babies?

Many couples turn to doctors, visit forums and study literature in search of an answer to the question of how to get pregnant with twins or twins. What is the likelihood of multiple pregnancy and how to make it a reality?

When twins are conceived, two eggs are fertilized at once. Multiple pregnancy is possible in the case when, after the rupture of the ovarian follicle, two germ cells come out at once.

Some couples are able to conceive twins immediately without double ovulation. Gynecologists know cases when one germ cell that came out of the ovary is divided in half during fertilization.

The concepts of "twins" and "twins" are different. Twins are fraternal children who are born as a result of the fertilization of two eggs by different sperm, so each baby grows and develops in a separate amniotic sac. Diverse children can be of different sexes and at the same time have minimal external resemblance.

Twins are identical children. They are very similar in appearance, sometimes indistinguishable from each other. The conception and birth of twins is obtained when one germ cell is fertilized, which is divided into two parts.

Natural birth of twins or twins normally occurs at 36–37 weeks. Twins at this time are considered full-term, and childbirth is normal. In the absence of contraindications to caesarean section, the birth of twins occurs naturally.

Doctors resort to operative delivery in the following cases:

  • Chronic diseases in women. Renal, hepatic, cardiac and other pathologies that are chronic in nature are a direct indication for caesarean section.
  • A disease that developed during childbearing. Late preeclampsia, dysfunction of the bladder are the most common problems of women carrying two babies or triplets. In this case, they do not give birth on their own.
  • Wrong position of one of the kids. When one of the twins has taken the wrong position, the birth will take place with the help of an operation.

Factors predisposing to twin pregnancy

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How to conceive twins? Predisposing factors for the birth of twins are:

  • hereditary factor. The predisposition is transmitted mainly through the maternal line.
  • Conception in the first month after stopping hormonal contraceptives (at least six months). For a long time, the suppressed ovulatory function of the ovaries begins to work in an enhanced mode, as a result of which two germ cells often mature instead of one.
  • Age of the future mother. The likelihood of conceiving two children at the same time increases in women over 30 years old.
  • Medical stimulation of ovulation. In patients, at the same time, 2 or 3 eggs can ripen at once instead of one.

Genetic predisposition, hormone use and a woman's age are the main predisposing factors for conceiving twins or twins. Each item requires detail.

hereditary feature

Women who have twins in their family are more likely to bear two at once. The predisposition to conceive twins is presumably maternally transmitted and is explained by the presence of the gene for multiple pregnancy.

Many women with such heredity are interested in how many generations twins can be born? Usually within one generation. A granddaughter whose grandmother was the mother of twins has a high chance of giving birth to twins.

Taking hormonal drugs or their cancellation

Stopping hormonal contraceptives before the intended conception may contribute to the birth of twins. This is the so-called rebound effect, a kind of answer to the question of how to get pregnant with twins. However, you should not try to use it specifically for the purpose of giving birth to two children at once. A woman cannot prescribe or cancel hormonal preparations for herself, since any uncontrolled manipulations with hormones can harm women's health.

Age-related changes in the body of a woman

In women over the age of 30, a hormonal surge is observed in the body - an increase in the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone is noted. Against the background of a change in its level in the female body, several eggs mature simultaneously. After fertilization, not all zygotes manage to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus, although, of course, gynecologists know cases of simultaneous implantation of two or three eggs.

Folk methods for conceiving twins

If a woman did not have twins in her family, this is not at all a reason for frustration. Many women, in order for them to have two babies at once, resort to various folk remedies and begin to believe in signs and superstitions. Some make tables and try to calculate ovulation in order to understand how to plan for twins after menstruation the first time. Married couples begin to choose positions during intercourse in order to conceive twins or triplets.

conception calendar

Even though the conception calendar is not 100 percent accurate, many rely on it. It can be used by women with a short cycle (up to 21-22 days). They have the highest chance of having multiple pregnancies the first time.

To obtain an accurate result, the calendar should be started at least six months before the expected pregnancy. The effectiveness of this method depends on the regularity of menstruation and the stability of the menstrual cycle. The probability of multiple pregnancy increases on the day as close as possible to ovulation.

Poses for intercourse

If parents planned twins, they are interested in what position during intercourse will contribute to their birth. It is logical to assume that spermatozoa will have more opportunities to simultaneously reach the egg if they are as close as possible to the entrance to the uterus at the right time. In this they will be helped by poses with deep penetration of the penis into the vagina. However, do not flatter yourself - it is extremely rare for two male sex cells to merge with a female at the same time, and not always the result is healthy children.

Diet changes

Some patients are convinced that the chances of pregnancy with twins or triplets increase with a change in their usual diet. Experts explain this by the relationship between ovulation and nutrition. Doctors advise adding the following products to your menu:

  • dairy and sour-milk products - milk, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk;
  • liver;
  • whole walnuts;
  • eggs;
  • corn.

Lifestyle change

A healthy lifestyle increases the chance of having twins. Those who have bad habits should stop abusing alcohol-containing drinks, alcohol, drugs. A woman who dreams of becoming pregnant with two or three children at the same time can only afford a glass of dry wine. Vodka, beer, other drinks are an absolute taboo.

Stress and nervous tension

After an experienced nervous shock, the chances of a multiple pregnancy increase several times. This opinion is based on a historical fact - the number of twins or triplets born after wars, revolutions and other cataclysms far exceeds the number of those who were conceived in quiet times. There is an opinion that this is a kind of compensation for the lives lost by tragic events.

climate change

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, natural conditions, especially their sharp change, can contribute to the development of multiple pregnancy. A large difference in time, radiation background, humidity - all these factors contribute to the activation of the work of the appendages, due to which two germ cells can mature at the same time.

If a woman is hoping to conceive twins while on a short vacation, this idea is unlikely to work. Cell maturation will take at least 2 weeks.

How to achieve the birth of boys or girls?

Some women are convinced that the birth of a girl or a boy can be planned. According to them, the conception of twin girls or boys depends on the position, nutrition and the phase of the moon. So, for example, the twins of girls will certainly work out if you give preference to positions with shallow penetration. For this, a woman needs to introduce sweets and fragrant herbs into her diet, she has every chance of becoming pregnant with girls before the new moon.

A boy, respectively, can turn out if you eat salty food, canned food, meat, coffee, dark chocolate. During intercourse, in order for boys to be born, partners should prefer positions with deep penetration.

How effective are folk methods for planning twins and their gender?

To date, there is an effective alternative to folk methods and means - in vitro fertilization. This is, of course, an expensive procedure that not everyone can afford. Accordingly, a woman can first try free ways - keeping a calendar, changing the diet, a healthy lifestyle.

Many parents sometimes have an acute desire to give birth to twins. Such children will grow up together, always entertain each other, and in the future, having a brother or sister will only be a plus. But just wanting to get pregnant with twins will not be enough. What needs to be done for this?

It is well known that the conception of twins can not occur in every family. What factors contribute to such a miracle as the birth of twins or twins?

  1. The presence of a family predisposition. It has been proven that the ability to become pregnant with twins has a genetic origin and is inherited, therefore, if there are cases of the birth of twins or twins in the family, a woman has a good chance to continue the family tradition.
  2. Hormonal features. For the conception of twins to occur, the participation of two eggs is necessary. Contribute to a similar factor may be taking drugs of hormonal origin. Quite often this happens when a woman stops taking hormonal contraceptives. In such a situation, several female mature cells simultaneously mature and leave the ovaries at the same time. If a woman has problems with ovulation, then she is prescribed follicle-stimulating hormonal agents, under the influence of which the simultaneous maturation of several cells that are ripe for fertilization can occur.
  3. Age features. Pregnancy with twins is most typical for women 30-40 years of age.
  4. Racial affiliation. Getting pregnant with twins in a natural way is more often obtained in women belonging to the Negroid and Mongoloid race.

How likely is it to be pregnant with twins?

If a woman really wants to conceive twins, then she will significantly increase her chances if she turns to a specialist. Only an experienced gynecologist will be able to get rid of unnecessary doubts and determine whether a woman is capable of becoming pregnant with twins. The main factor in multiple conception is the genetic propensity and ability of the female cell to divide in two, due to which the likelihood of conceiving twins is maximized. If there were no cases of multiple births in the family, and you want to give birth to twins unbearably, then you should look for a partner who has a genetic tendency and is capable of fertilization.

Observations prove that after undergoing a course of therapy for infertility, a woman's chances of having a multiple pregnancy increase significantly, which is associated with the use of follicle-stimulating hormonal drugs that stimulate the simultaneous maturation of several female cells.

Twin varieties

There are several variants of twins: monozygotic, dizygotic and polar. Monozygotic refers to identical identical twins. They develop from one female cell, fertilized by one sperm, but divided into two absolutely identical embryos. Medicine has not yet been able to determine the reasons for this separation. Such babies are born with the same appearance and similar character.

Dizygotic twins are non-identical twins, the development of which occurred due to the fertilization of two eggs by two different sperm. Such twins in gynecology are more common than identical twins, because such a conception can be achieved with the help of medications, IVF and other medical procedures.

Stimulation of conception of twins

Gynecologists say that in recent years, twins have begun to appear more and more often in women. The reason for this trend is the fact that modern girls, against the background of early sexual life, begin to take hormonal contraceptives early. If a girl attempts to conceive immediately after stopping the drug, then the probability of conceiving twins will be quite high.

In the process of treatment for female infertility, ovarian stimulation also occurs. At this time, the ovaries increase their ability to produce female cells, so the likelihood of implanting several embryos at the same time and the occurrence of multiple conception is quite high.

Science has long been studying the question of how twins are conceived. Several likely trends have been identified that predispose to the conception of twins.

Also, scientists managed to trace the psychological aspect in twin pregnancy - you need to incredibly want to give birth to twins, and now it's time to start a twin pregnancy calendar. Incredibly, there have been cases when a woman, in all respects incapable of conceiving twins, managed to become pregnant with twins, desiring it very much.

Pose influence

I want twins - how to conceive. This question is often heard by gynecologists. It turns out that the sex and number of embryos can be affected by the position in which conception occurred. The positions that involve deep penetration are considered the most successful for twins. It is at such positions that it is easier for spermatozoa to get to the cell. And then genetics will decide how many children you will become parents during this pregnancy. If the cell divides, then there will be twins, and if 2 cells come out and fertilize, then there will be twins.

Herbs to help

How to conceive twins naturally? Some people find herbs helpful. One of these is sage, which is considered a natural fertility aid. Many women claim that such weed can work a miracle and give a child even in a situation where doctors have diagnosed pathological infertility. The bottom line is the estrogen-like substances that sage is rich in. But the hormone estrogen has a huge impact on the follicular development of the egg. It is not for nothing that sage grass is also called a phytohormone.

The main thing is to take herbal decoction according to a certain scheme, and when pregnancy occurs, then its intake must be urgently stopped. Otherwise, the decoction will lead to an increase in the concentration of progesterone hormone, which will provoke a halt in fetal development, that is, it will actually lead to a missed pregnancy. Increasing the dosage can also have unpleasant consequences, such as poisoning or an allergic reaction.

The nature of nutrition

How can you conceive twins by changing your diet? Experts advise including foods that stimulate follicular activity in the daily diet. This category includes:

By the way, a slight excess of body weight helps in solving such an issue as getting pregnant with twins. And this fact has already been scientifically proven. In the presence of a few extra pounds, a characteristic increase in the concentration of estrogens occurs, which contributes to the development of several eggs at the same time.

How to conceive twins of the same sex

In addition to the traditional question of how to conceive twins, many are also concerned about the gender of future babies. If a couple is trying to conceive twin boys, then a woman is advised to somewhat masculinize her diet by adding dark chocolate and coffee, fish and meat, lentils and potatoes, peas and mushrooms, any sausages, dried fruits and any fruits to it. In addition, attempts at conception must be made with deep penetration, because Y-sperm, which conceive boys, are less survivable and more difficult for them to get to the uterus. Deep penetration will significantly shorten the distance and help the “players” get to the target. Of course, these methods do not give guarantees, but still I increase the chances of having twin boys.

If the question is somewhat different - how to conceive twin girls, then the dietary criteria change significantly. Fragrant herbs and honey, jam and spices should be included in the diet, but caffeine-containing products and salty foods should be discarded. As for the posture, shallow penetration is desirable here, which is characteristic of the missionary position.

There is another theory - the age of the blood. It is known that the blood in the male body is renewed every 4 years, and in the female - every 3. The calculation should start from the moment when the woman last lost a lot of blood, for example, during surgery, abortion or childbirth. Whose blood at the time of conception will be younger, that sex will be in the child.

There is a belief that in order to successfully conceive twins, you need to go to a place where there is a large percentage of the appearance of such children. There are similar places in the Krasnodar Territory and in the Carpathians. It has not yet been possible to explain such a high percentage of twins in these regions. It is also believed that tall women are more likely to have twins than short women. The chance of twins increases with each new conception and childbirth, i.e., a primiparous woman is unlikely to be able to become pregnant with twins, but with a second and subsequent pregnancies, the chances increase significantly.

The female body is very complex, so it is almost impossible to calculate the sex and multiple pregnancy in advance. Even following all the recommendations does not guarantee that you will be able to get pregnant with twins of the desired sex. But the power of thought and desire often works wonders, materializing a woman's irresistible desire to become the mother of charming twins.