Delicious help with your own hands. Wishes options for a bag of good mood. Inscriptions on candy with wishes for mom for mother's day

Almost every person has moments when his mood, just say, leaves much to be desired. It may be a consequence of trouble at work or at home, bad weather, or even just that we got up "not from that foot." At such moments, we often lack a universal pill, which would be able to correct the situation at one time. Oh, if we had tablets of happiness! Would swallowed one, washed water and "op!" - You look at the world with other eyes! Admit, you would probably not refuse to have such a magic agent at hand?

Imagine, you come to the pharmacy, and there there are such "medicines" on the shop window.

Funny, really? And by the way, they are really sold in some online stores. What? A cool gift, as support, you can, for example, to give a friend or any other close to a person, the mood of which is called, "in the minus".

Surely everyone heard such a phrase: " Man is what he believes. And if we can believe in the existence of magic pills themselves, in what they "act", they can be able to convince our friends and loved ones in this, giving them such a cool gift. Well, or at least raise the mood to them. Let the positive emotions of the people around us become more!

For example, on the Internet, I found this version of the "magic pill" made by your own hands. Quite a creative gift.

But such pills "funny" colors are sold in foreign online stores.

So if you want to do a cool gift to someone from friends or loved ones, you can give them tablets of happiness.

Cooking a jar of "happy medicine".

I will give a few cases when and who can be presented to such a surprise:

Friends and loved ones to raise them mood;

For birthday, as an addition to the main, practical gift;

Creative gift with your own hands: happy medicine

What do we need to prepare a gift?

Like nothing: an empty jar, a specially prepared label and, in fact, "Tablets": vitamins, candies, lollipops - everything that can "sweeten" our life. The main thing, in my opinion, so that the "pills" themselves were bright. After all, happiness can not be pale! And therefore, the bright will be our medicine, the better!

We pre-print the label on the color printer and make out. I just cut it with scissors with a curly cut.

Oh yes! Since we are preparing the "medicine", we will definitely need to attach instructions to it.

It is better to do it individually under the person who is designed a gift. You need to register the details that only he knows about, then the gift will be not only creative, it will be special! Each patient is an individual medicine!

As a basis, I propose to take this instruction, specifically I bring it to you just can be copied and edited:

Instructions for use

Description of the drug
"Tablets of happiness" - a new generation antidepressant! It was produced on the basis of the development of leading positive and non-aging pharmacologists of the world, gently and gently affecting the human psyche. Increases the resistance of the body of sadness, anxiety, depression.

Each capsule contains the required amount of active substances responsible for the positive emotional state of the person. In the tablets "Veelevitors" and "Hercotators" contribute to maintaining the level of joy within the upper limits of the scale of happiness.

In each tablet of happiness, it contains: 10% of the root of "Nichrahhi-Mukhra", 30% of the squeezing of the "Merchant-ordinary" leaves, 20% of the concentrate of pofigism, 15% of the extract of unreasonable smiling and a 25% mood enhancer obtained from the leaves of the Drug Plant "Hohutun".

Method of application and dose

1 tablet of happiness in the period of exacerbation of the happiness deficit state. Put the tablette mouth and remember the cheerful case of life.

Side effect

Absent. Overdose is expressed in continuous laughter for 10 minutes and does not require medical intervention.

Indications for use

Form release
In glass containers, complete with instructions for use.

Storage conditions
Anywhere, within easy reach.

Shelf life
Is not limited.

Order of vacation

Released without recipe

That's what happened to me. You can prepare your option.

Attach the instructions for the jar with a pretty ribbon. All - Surprise is ready.

In my opinion, we prepared a completely unusual and creative gift with my own hands. Such a present is quite capable of raising the mood to any of our friends and loved ones. How do you think?

100 words of wishes ... Chamomile with wishes. Gift decoration.

Let your holiday prove to be beautiful
Good day!
And desires will come true, but a million !!!

1. Cloudless happiness!
2. Good health!
3. Understanding and heat!
4. Clear smile!
5. Light fate!
6. Fresh wind!
7. Fame and recognition!
8. Fantastic luck!
9. kindness and tenderness!
10. Crystal hopes!
11. Confidence in yourself!
12. Excellent mood!
13. Warm relationship surrounding!
14. Large success!
15. Optimism!
16. Attention and care!
17. Fascinating life!
18. Pleasant discoveries!
19. Wonderful friends!
20. Equipment of desires!

21. Eternal youth!
22. Slevight!
23. More free time!
24. Magic dawns!
25. Beautiful meetings!
26. Faiths in good!
27. Comfort and comfort!
28. Shining Sun!
29. Maximum positive!
30. Optical everyday life!
31. Interesting ideas!
32. Flight feelings!
33. Fascinating memories!
34. Rainbow dreams!
35. Gifts + and more!
36. Beautiful feelings!
37. Bright sensations!
38. Interesting conversations!
39. Pleasant people nearby!
40. Understanding and support!
41. Good luck in all endeavors!
42. Light relationship to life!
43. Stunning surprises!
44. Delightful sunsets!
45. Excellent news!
46. \u200b\u200bWorld Travels!
47. Prosperity!
48. Houses where they love and wait!
49. Humor feelings!
50. Beautiful minutes!
51. Good words!
52. Well-being!
53. Disinterested friendship!
54. Inspiration!
55. Cheerfulness of the Spirit!
56. Stability!
57. Creativity and creation!
58. Many reasons are great to have fun!
59. Important and welcome events!

61. Love!
62. Good health!
63. Performances of all desires!
64. Good mood!
65. Sincere calm!
66. Well-being in everything!
67. Prosperity!
68. Successes in work!
69. Jas!
70. True friends!
71. Fabulous moments!
72. Differences!
73. Features more often relax!
74. Understanding your uniqueness!
75. Cheeky plans!
76. Excellent form!
77. Active and saturated days!
78. Flowering gardens and bird singing!
79. Only happy cases!
80. Wisdom and experience!
81. Peace Beauty!
82. So much money as it wanted!
83. Pure sky!
84. Smiles Fortune!
85. Light and Zador!
86. Fascinating communication!
87. Good films and books!
88. Excellent well-being!
89. perseverance and perseverance!
90. Desire to go forward!
91. Affectionate Song of the Surf!
92. Respect!
93. All the best - and on the highest class!
94. Fireworks of emotions!
95. Merry and delicious peters!
96. The invaluable taste of life!
97. Laski and Care!
98. Wide capabilities!
99. Longevity!
100. Beautiful holiday!

Posted by: Lucia.

On the eve of any holiday, everyone is faced with the difficulties of choosing suitable gifts. But if you choose a pleasant surprise to close people (after all, their preferences are in principle known), then the selection of the present for those whose tastes are not quite clear, can become a real puzzle. Then it comes to the rescue made by his own hands a bag of good mood. Wishes options for it can be chosen from already ready or come up with independently.

The bag of happiness with wishes is a tissue handbag in which small notes are embedded with pleasant wishes. It is not necessarily (and, perhaps even better) to fill it not only with paper - you can come up with the original content for which to glue an unusual farewell. It can be:

  • candy;
  • chips;
  • barrels for lotto;
  • nuts, etc.

Such a gift is perfect for any reason:

  • birthday;
  • wedding anniversary;
  • celebration of the new year;
  • February 23 and March 8, etc.

The main thing - such a souvenir will long remind the addressee about the wonderful festive day. And at the moments of despondency, delivered, say, a candy with the wish "Smile!", He will surely keep and blossoms in a satisfied smile.

Choosing gifts, we always try to stick to a certain subordination: what you will give a friend, you will not give the boss or mom, etc. But the bag with positive wishes for every day is a universal souvenir. True, you need to come up with notebooks with facilities in such a way that they are not inappropriate. To do this, follow several principles of compiling wishes:

  • brief (needed only a couple of words, you should not write complex suggestions: a person will not be interesting to reread similar "writings", even even full good wishes);
  • simplicity (should not shine with complex verbal turns);
  • positive attitude (try so that all the wishes are rapidly and that in them there is no something in the spirit "Tomorrow you will be lucky!" And the like).

How is the bag of happiness?

To make an original souvenir, it is not necessary to be a professional tailor. It is enough to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bsewing and be able to use a thread and needle. The fabric handbag can be invented independently, but faster and easier to make a bag of two rectangles of the fabric, to strip the upper edges so that you can pull the string rope.

See also:

If you wish, you can make a chamber with a round bottom. In this case, the bottom diameter of the desired diameter is predicted, compacted by the fleece gasket, and then the long side of the rectangle with crosslinked lateral parts is sewn. Do not forget that the handbag must be delayed on the rope, because it is not anything, and the bag!

Wish options for children

Children love unusual gifts very much, especially if we still find sloant. Give the bag of happiness, you can a child who is already able to read. At the same time, the wishes should be understood:

  • Smile!
  • Watching candy!
  • Get 5!
  • Share with a friend and others.

By drawing up a handbag of good luck for the child, remember that you should not make a lot of wishes: children quickly lose interest in monotonous entertainment. But for adults it can be at least a list of 365 wishes for every day - there would be enough sweets (or their alternatives) and fantasy!

Wishes for male colleagues

Corporate parties in honor of February 23 are usually held very fun and ignorant, but women are always puzzled by the issue that to give men to colleagues. In this case, the bag of good mood will be as impossible. Wishes can be joking:

  • Drying!
  • Drink one cup ... at least coffee!
  • On health!
  • No, take the following!
  • Ate? And now 10 pushups!

Notes for women

Come up with wishes for ladies is not really so difficult. The main thing is that each of them reflects the main idea that they are a wonderful part of humanity.

  • Smile to reflect!
  • Mile you are not!
  • You look great!
  • Burn yourself a cake!
  • Today, all the princes of your feet!

Universal wishes

On the general holidays, you can not bother with the preparation of individual bags, but make a universal set of wishes. By the way, if the celebration is planned in a circle of loved ones, you can "figure out one handbag on all guests. If we are talking, for example, about the corporate, you will have to do for each participant.

  • Have some fun!
  • Be healthy!
  • For cheerfulness!
  • Let's one more, eh?
  • To wake up the brain!
  • Relax!
  • Inspires on the feats!
  • From pressure!
  • For tone!
  • Do not fuss!

See also:

Lovely gift - a bag of good mood. Wish options for him can come up with a different one. It all depends on your imagination and the personality of who the bag of happiness is intended. And, of course, the farewell should be made joking. Do not forget only that in every joke there is some truth.

In order to please a close man or friend a good gift at all, not necessarily go to search for something unusual and very expensive. As they say, the best gift is the one that is made. A bag of good mood is not only a creative gift that can be handed over any occasion and do yourself without leaving home. You can give such a pretty thing and just so to cause a smile on the recipient's face and please it.

In a bag of good mood, you can put different candy with wishes attached to them. You can fill the bag of good moods separately with sweets and separately with small convolutions with cool options for wishes. The main thing is that the wishes are concise, but very clear and taking.

How to make a bag of good mood with your own hands

To fill the bag with candies and start inventing wishes, this bag should be first made.

To do this, you need several things:
1. Two types of fabric (for the inside and for facial).
2. Satin ribbon
3. Sequins, beads, bugs or beads for decoration
4. Bachevka
5. Sewing set

Work on creating a bag with a good mood takes place in several stages:
1. From the main fabric you should cut two rectangles with dimensions of 30 * 50 centimeters. The edges, which in length in short, should be adjusted to 1 centimeter and strain. Then, fold in half the workpiece along the long side and strain from the wrong side. Corbs too flash, and then turn the rectangle.
2. On the one hand, you should sew a ribbon closer to the place where the bag will open.
3. As decoration on the bag, you can put a patch and decorate it with beads, beads, sequins. As for dyeing the bag, then it is already possible to give the will creatively gust and fantasy.
4. Next, the bag must be attached to the tag with the title. To do this, cut from a dense cardboard a rectangle (or any other shape), and on top to do a hole with a hole in order to secure the tag using a tape on the ribbon. On the Cardboard Feltuster should specify the "bag of good mood." You can also sign, who owns a gift: "A bag of good mood for Katyusha."

What to write as wishes

In the bag, not only candy should lie, but also the wishes. After all, candy will give taste, and good or cool wishes (photos) will cause a smile on the face. You can still do.

Wish options for a bag with a good mood:
From stress!
To wake up fantasy!
For courage!
From longing!
For good well-being!
From apathy!
To worked the brain!
Do not kiss, on rainbow hangs!
In order not to snore!
Instead of coffee!
To love everyone!
For joy!
For especially important cases!
For heroism!
From laziness!
For good luck!
For the most beautiful!
For the smartest!
It's time to rest!
For activity!

Also, to raise mood, you can write cool options for wishes and attach them to candy. Combined wishes can be put in the bag serious and comic:
Time for the interruption!
Stop working!
Sweets for joy!
Laughter for the sake!
For especially frowns!
From hangover!
Yes, just candy!
Or maybe another one?
Fuck like a butterfly, sorry like a bee!
Enough to whine, be a peasant!
For strong nuts!

It is worth taken into account that the bag of good mood can be given to adults and children. But that kids understand the meaning of the wishes, they must be joyful and pleasant. Wish options for children:

For sweet tooths!
For princesses!
Smile, until the teeth fell out!
For speed!
Bave energy!
For the most deft!
For the smartest!
It's time to learn the multiplication table!
Time to read!
For joker!
Do not Cry!
Be happy!
For good health!
Eat more vegetables!
For the most beautiful!
Kiss mom and dad!

The meaning of the bag with a good mood is that when sad or overcome doubts, depression, you should get a candy, to ease it, read the wish and smile, or fulfill what is written on the wishes option.