I always hope to complete the offer. Various options for techniques "Incore offers

Relationships Problems - This term is used to designate difficulties in relationships that are quite serious to become the object of attention of the psychologist-consultant.

A sequence of 24 proposals proposed by V. Mikhal is a modification of SSCT Saxca test for children. The test refers to the methods of supplement and partly to associative methods and is aimed at diagnosing a child's relationship to parents, brothers, sisters, child informal and formal groups, teachers, school, their own abilities, as well as to identify the goals, values, conflicts and significant experiences . All child answers should be recorded literally.

The test version presented here is slightly changed in comparison with the Russian translation of the original. In our edition, stylistic translation errors have been eliminated and the procedure for proposals has been changed.

"I can offer you this game." I will call you the beginning of the sentence, and you - finish it.
- Now - attention! You need to answer quickly and every time that it will come to mind first, but so that the proposal completed by meaning. Before start the game, you can practice slightly. For example, I say the beginning of the sentence:
- Every morning...

Praise the child, tell me that he understood everything correctly, and if it seemed that he said, not the first end of the sentence, which came to his head, remind him of the instruction again.

You can offer another example:
- I would give much to me ...

If necessary, explain the rule again. Many authors, including Michal, recommend to fix the reaction time with the help of the stopwatch. In our opinion, it can make an excessive nervousness in communication with a psychologist and distract the child. Therefore, it is better to use the clock with a second arrow, making it unnoticed while the child thinks about the answer, count on itself 3 seconds and put the point in the protocol after each such interval. The test must be carried out individually and only orally.

The presented list of sentences are grouped by the diagnostic focus on the study of the child's relationship towards various persons and various problems - to mother, father, brothers, sisters, peers; to school, teachers; Aspect for the future, etc. The sequence number before the start of each sentence corresponds to its location list offered by us for diagnostic use. The order can be changed, but so that the proposal on one topic is evenly distributed, and not grouped together.

Unfinished sentences
1. I think people are more ...
2. Child in the family ...
3. We love mom, and ...
4. We are among children, but ...
5. My brother (sister) ...
6. I am clever enough to ... 7. Fathers sometimes ... ^ Children with whom I play ...
9. So that our dad ...
10. My close thinking about me that I ...
11. If my brother (sister) ...
12. My friends me often ...
13. I want me to ...
14. Sick child ...
15. I thought my mother most often ...
16. If there were no school ...
17. I'm all shaking when ...
18. When I think about school, then ...
19. If all the guys knew, as I am afraid ...
20. I would be very happy if I ...
21. I am the weakest ...
22. My teacher (teacher, teacher) ...
23. Always dream ...

Interpretation of dough
The basis of the interpretation is a meaningful analysis of the responses, the frequency of an additional part of the sentence, the response time, as well as the statements of the child about how proposed phrases correspond to reality (children speak quite often).

"Our material," writes the author of the projective interview V. Mikhal, is a multiple modified SAKSA test and Levi - SSCT. The test is focused on the definition of social position and self-imminent. " The social position of the child is investigating proposals aimed at studying his relationship to the group of peers, teachers, parents and family members. It should be noted that cases where there are signs of tensions, conflict in all the end of the phrases of this group, the psychological practice of psychologist, since deadaption in all spheres of interpersonal relations is the symptomal of anomalous personality development. The author of the methodology, after Sax, recommends putting points on answers (2 points - serious violations that require psychotherapy, 1 point - moderate violations).

The child's self-imminent is studied using proposed to study the significant experiences of the child, an assessment of their capabilities, as well as a reflective sum opament, which is formed by the beginning of adolescence. So, the answer is a 12-year-old child: "I don't know what I think about myself" on the proposal: "My lovers think about me that I ..." indicates the delay of the formation of reflexive assessment, but may be a manifestation of psychological protection. In this case, the proposals for family members will have neutral emotional color or contain signs of conflict. The example above shows how, firstly, the same answer in a different context may mean different features of the identity of the child and, secondly, as a proposal can be confirmed or refuted on the basis of the same test of unfinished proposals.

To interpret individual proposals, they are grouped into subsequent categories:
a) attitude to the mother - 3, 15,
b) the attitude to the Father - 7, 9,
c) attitude towards brothers, sisters - 5, 11,
d) family attitude - 2, 10,
e) attitude to peers - 4, 8,12,
e) attitude to teachers and school - 23, 16, 18,
g) attitude towards people in general - 1
h) attitude to its own abilities - 6, 21,
and) negative experiences, fears - 13, 17, 19, k) attitude to the disease - 14,
L) Dreams and plans for the future - 20, 22, 24.

Unfinished Sax Sydney Proposals Test (SSCT) Joseph M. Sax was developed in 1950. The creation of the test was carried out as follows: 20 clinical psychologists asked to offer for consideration of three points to complete proposals that are able to identify significant settings for each of the specified categories. These were added points selected from literature on the completion of proposals. Thus, 280 points were obtained. They were distributed in an amount of from 14 to 28 to the category. For example, 19 points belonged to the category of installation to the mother, 22 - to the category of installation to the father and so on. Then 20 psychologists asked to choose four points in each category, which, in their opinion, are best suited to identify significant settings in this category. The items chosen most often entered the test.

The method of "unfinished proposals" is a variation of the technique of verbal associations. SSCT has achieved that it reduces the number of associations caused by a separate word makes it possible to better determine the context, penetrate, the quality of installations and specific objects or areas of attention, it provides greater freedom to the individual and greater versatility of responses and reflects the large area of \u200b\u200bthe behavioral world of the respondent.

The projective psychological methodology includes 60 unfinished proposals, which are divided into 15 groups characterizing a system of relations to the family to the representatives of their or the opposite sex, to sexual relations, to the supervisory and subordinate to the representatives of their or the opposite sex. Some groups of proposals are related to a person experienced fears and concerns, to the sense of awareness of their own guilt, indicate its attitude to the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, their own life goals.

For each group of proposals, a characteristic is displayed that defines this system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent. Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonic relationship system. But more importantly, of course, a qualitative study of additional proposals.

In Soviet pathopsychology, the methodology was tested by G.G. Rumyantsev (1969), which showed its importance for rehabilitation activities.

Procedure for holding

The study of the "unfinished sentences" should precede the establishment of contact with the surveyed for obtaining sincere, natural responses. But even if the test examines the study as an undesirable procedure and, seeking to hide the world of its deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, an experimental psychologist can extract a mass of information reflecting the system of personal relationships.

The technique can be applied individually and groups, as well as in oral and written forms. When conducting the methodology in writing, the initial part of the proposals can be placed either on special blanks or on separate cards. With a written version, the subject receives a sheet of paper and a handle or a finished form with unfinished proposals. When using a card or oral version of the initiation of proposals, the subject writes only the final part of the sentence on a sheet of paper - its answer; When using a form - the answer is written directly on the form under the appropriate offer of the offer.

With an oral version of the study, the test responses are recorded either in writing by the experimenter or using a tape recorder.

Testing (without processing) takes from 20 minutes to several hours (depending on the identity of the subject).


Read carefully these unfinished suggestions, adding their first thought that came into mind. Do it as quickly as possible. If you can't finish any offer, leave it by circling a number, and go back to it later. Be true. Your answers to anyone, except for the doctor, will not be known.

1. I think my father is rarely ________________________________

2. If everything is against me, then __________________________________

3. I always wanted _______________________________________

4. If I held the Steering Post _______________________

5. The future seems to me _____________________________________

6. If it were not for the disease _______________________________________

7. My authorities __________________________________________

8. I know it's silly, but I'm afraid _________________________________

9. I think a true friend ___________________________________

10. When I was a child ___________________________________

11. Ideal Women (Men) for me is ____________

12. When I see a woman with a man _________________

13. Compared to most other families, my family ______

14. It works best for me from _____________________________

15. My mother and I ___________________________________________

16. Still healthy people _____________________________

17. I would have done everything to forget _____________________________

18. If only my father wanted __________________________

19. I think that I am free enough to __________________

20. I could be very happy if __________________

21. If anyone works under my leadership ___________

22. I hope on _________________________________________

23. At school, my teachers ____________________________________

24. Most of my comrades do not know that I am afraid _________

25. I do not like people who _______________________________

26. Before the war, I ____________________________________________

27. I think that young men (girls) ___________________________

28. A marital life seems to me __________________________

29. My family draws me as from ______________________

30. People with whom I work _____________________________

31. My mother ______________________________________________

32. My biggest mistake was _______________________

33. I would like my father _______________________________

34. My greatest weakness is to ________________

35. My disease ____________________________________________

36. My hidden desire in life _________________________

37. My subordinates __________________________________

38. The day will come when _________________________________

39. When my boss is approaching me _________________

40. I would like to stop afraid ________________________

41. Most of all I love those people who ___________________

42. If I had become young again ____________________________

43. I believe that most women (men) ________________

44. If I had a normal sex life _____________

45. Most families known to me _________________________

46. \u200b\u200bI love to work with people who ________________________

47. I believe that most mothers _________________________

48. When I was young, I felt guilty if ____

49. I think my father _____________________________________

50. When I start not brought, I ____________________________

51. When I give another order ____________________________

52. Most of all I would like in life __________________________

53. When I will be old _____________________________________

54. People whose superiority on themselves I admit __________

55. My fears have repeatedly forced me ______________________

56. When I do not, my friends _______________________________

57. Due to illness _______________________________________

58. My most lively memories of childhood is ________

59. I really do not like when women (men) __________

60. My sex life ____________________________________________________________

61. When I was a child, my family __________________________

62. People who work with me __________________________

63. I love my mother, but ___________________________________

64. The worst thing that happened to me to make it ____________

With difficulty, the patient needs to repeat the task and offer an example of an answer: "I think my father is wrong." The quality of the answer is taken into account (the meaning of the completed proposal), the latent period (time spent on the response) and the emotional reaction of the patient. The responses of the subject are grouped in accordance with the key.

The key to the method of unfinished proposals of Saksa Sydney

Groups of proposals

NN tasks

Attitude to Father

Attitude towards me

Unrealized opportunities

Attitude to subordinates

Attitude to the future

Attitude to higher persons

Fears and fears

Attitude towards friends

Attitude towards your past

Attitude to the persons of the opposite sex

Sexual attitude

Relationship to the family

Attitude towards employees

Attitude to the mother


Each response (system of relationships) is estimated on a 3-point system (0, 1, 2): 0 points is set if the adaptation is not broken, the conflict is not detected; 1 - if the conflict at the subclinical level, the test itself sees the way to resolve the conflict; 2 - When adaptation is violated, psychotherapeutic correction is required.

Analyzing the responses of the subject, it is possible to identify his attitude towards himself, its past, real, future, environment, etc.

Part of the answers is a formal nature, corresponding to the content of the beginning of the phrase. Emotionally significant proposals, even with formal compliance, the response is accompanied by a delay (latent period elongation), a mimico-vegetative reaction.

In patients with hysterical accentuation, as a rule, many conflicts are detected, demonstration expressed, repurchase of answers.

In patients with fear and painful experiences, uncertainty in the future is revealed.

The technique helps to navigate in a diverse system of patient personality relations, identify violations of these relationships, determine the points of application of psychotherapeutic correction and rehabilitation of patients.

The inclusion of four additional sentences (No. 6, 16, 35, 57) makes it possible to assess the severity of the psychotrauming impact on a somatic disease.

Method of "unfinished proposals"

The projective psychological technique belongs to the methods of addition, and precisely - additive methods, one of the types of projective techniques. The technique includes 60 unfinished proposals, which are divided into 15 groups characterizing a system of relations to the family to the representatives of their or the opposite sex, to the presence and subordinate to the representatives of their or the opposite sex. Some groups of proposals are related to a person experienced fears and concerns, to the sense of awareness of their own guilt, indicate its attitude to the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, their own life goals.

For each group of proposals, a characteristic is displayed that defines this system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent. Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonic relationship system. But more importantly, of course, a qualitative study of additional proposals.

In Soviet pathopsychology, the methodology was tested by G.G. Rumyantsev (1969), which showed its importance for rehabilitation activities.

Sax Sacks Santence Completion Test, SSCT) was developed by Joseph M. Sax in 1950. The creation of the test was carried out as follows: 20 clinical psychologists asked to offer for consideration of three points to complete proposals that are able to identify significant settings for each of the specified categories. These were added points selected from literature on the completion of proposals. Thus, 280 points were obtained. They were distributed in an amount of from 14 to 28 to the category. For example, 19 points belonged to the category of installation to the mother, 22 - to the category of installation to the father and so on. Then 20 psychologists asked to choose four points in each category, which, in their opinion, are best suited to identify significant settings in this category. The items chosen most often entered the test.

The method of "unfinished proposals" is a variation of the technique of verbal associations. SSCT has achieved that it reduces the number of associations caused by a separate word makes it possible to better determine the context, penetrate, the quality of installations and specific objects or areas of attention, it provides greater freedom to the individual and greater versatility of responses and reflects the large area of \u200b\u200bthe behavioral world of the respondent.

The technique can be applied individually and groups, as well as in oral and written forms. When conducting the methodology in writing, the initial part of the proposals can be placed either on special blanks or on separate cards. With a written version, the subject receives a sheet of paper and a handle or a finished form with unfinished proposals. When using a card or oral version of the initiation of proposals, the subject writes only the final part of the sentence on a sheet of paper - its answer; When using a form - the answer is written directly on the form under the appropriate offer of the offer.

With an oral version of the study, the test responses are recorded either in writing by the experimenter or using a tape recorder.

Testing (without processing) takes from 20 minutes to several hours (depending on the identity of the subject).


Before you a list of unfinished proposals. You are invited to complete every offer in one or more words, investing the content characteristic of you. Perform work as quickly. Terminate the beginning of the sentence, without hesitation, the first thing that comes to mind.

Groups of proposals

Number # tasks

Attitude to Father

Attitude towards me

Unrealized opportunities

Attitude to subordinates

Attitude to the future

Attitude to higher persons

Fears and fears

Attitude towards friends

Attitude towards your past

Attitude to the persons of the opposite sex

Sexual attitude

Relationship to the family

Attitude towards employees

Attitude to the mother


Quantitative analysis involves a preliminary expert assessment of the emotional saturation of each sentence. To assess the responses of the subject, the following scale is proposed:

  • "+2" - the maximum, distinctly pronounced, strongly positive attitude towards the object or the subject in which it is in sentence;
  • "+1" - a positive attitude;
  • "0" - a neutral attitude to what we are talking about, the absence of the severity of any emotions;
  • "-1" - a negative attitude;
  • "-2" - the maximum, distinctly pronounced, severely negative attitude towards the object or the subject in question in the proposal. "

The quantitative indicator is calculated for each sphere separately in the form of a total total estimate of each of the 4-part offers. Its value is located in the range of "+8" to "-8", may be zero. Total indicators 15, in accordance with the number of areas.

Example. Attitude towards the family - approval 12, 26, 42, 57.

Expert Answers and their expert assessment:

  • (12) Compared to most other families, my family ... strong enough (rating +2 is a positive emotional load).
  • (26) My family appeals with me, as with ... an adult man often often (rating +1 is rather positive than a negative emotional load).
  • (42) Most families known to me ... often limit the freedom of their children (estimated -1 - rather negative than positive emotional load).
  • (57) When I was a child, my family ... listened to my opinion (the rating is +1 - rather positive than negative).

Thus, the amount of points on the "family attitude to the family" will be: + 2 + 1-1 + 1 \u003d + 3

As a result of testing, spheres are determined in which positive installations prevail (positive experience, positive perception, positive expectations), and areas in which settings are prevalent to negative or negative (negative experience, negative perception, negative expectations).

The study of the "unfinished sentences" should precede the establishment of contact with the surveyed for obtaining sincere, natural responses. But even if the test examines the study as an undesirable procedure and, seeking to hide the world of its deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, an experimental psychologist can extract a mass of information reflecting the system of personal relationships.

Test Saksa Levi

The method of "unfinished proposals" is applied in experimental psychological practice for a long time.

We offer a variant of this method developed by Sax and Levi. It includes 60 unfinished proposals, which can be divided into 15 groups characterizing a system of relations to a family of examined to the family, to representatives of their or the opposite sex, to sexual relations, to the supervisory position and subordinate. Some groups of proposals are related to a person experienced fears and concerns, to the sense of awareness of their own guilt, indicate its attitude to the past and future, affect relationships with parents and friends, their own life goals.

For each group of proposals, a characteristic is displayed that defines this system of relations as positive, negative or indifferent.

This technique needs to be confirmed by other tests, as its reliability and validity of it is small, which is associated with a small number of proposals, "working" on one scale.

The key to the test

Groups of proposals

Quest Number

Attitude to Father

Attitude towards me

Unrealized opportunities

Attitude to subordinates

Attitude to the future

Attitude to higher education

Fears and fears

Attitude towards friends

Attitude towards your past

Attitude to persons

opposite sex

Sexual attitude

Relationship to the family

Attitude towards employees

Attitude to the mother


Such a quantitative assessment facilitates the identification of a disharmonic relationship system. But more importantly, of course, a qualitative study of additional proposals.

The study of the "unfinished sentences" should precede the establishment of contact with the surveyed for obtaining sincere, natural responses. But even if the test examines the study as an undesirable procedure and, seeking to hide the world of its deep experiences, gives formal, conditional answers, an experimental psychologist can extract a mass of information reflecting the system of personal relationships.

Method "Unfinished sentences"

Blank tested _______________

Instructions: "On the dough form you need to complete proposals with one or several words."

1. I think my father is rare ___________________________________________

2. If everything is against me, then _____________________________________________

3. I always wanted __________________________________________________

4. If I held a steering post __________________________________

5. The future seems to me ________________________________________________

6. My boss _________________________________________________

7. I know that it is stupid, but I'm afraid ____________________________________________

8. I think that a true friend __________________________________________

9. When I was a child _______________________________________________

10. Ideal Women (Men) For me is _______________________


11. When I see a woman next to a man _____________________________


12. Compared to most of the other my family _______________________


13. It is best for me to work with ________________________________________

14. My mother and I ______________________________________________________

15. I would do everything to forget _________________________________________

16. If my father only wanted _____________________________________


17. I think that I am quite capable of _____________________________


18. I could be very happy if _____________________________


19. If anyone works under my leadership ______________________


20. I hope on ___________________________________________________

21. At school, my teachers _______________________________________________

22. Most of my comrades do not know that I am afraid ____________________


23. I do not like people who ______________________________________

24. Once _____________________________________________________

25. I believe that most young men (girls) __________________________


26. A marital life seems to me _____________________________________

27. My family draws me as from __________________________________


28. People with whom I work ________________________________________

29. My mother _____________________________________________________

30. My biggest mistake was __________________________________


31. I would like my father _________________________________________

32. My greatest weakness lies in that ___________________________


33. My hidden desire in life is ____________________________


34. My subordinates _________________________________________________

35. The day will come when ____________________________________________

36. When my boss is approaching me ____________________________


37. I would like to stop afraid ___________________________________


38. Most of all love those people who _______________________________


39. If I had become young again _______________________________________


40. I believe that most women (men) ___________________________


41. If I had a normal sex life ________________________


42. Most families known to me ___________________________________


43. I love working with people who __________________________________


44. I believe that most mothers ____________________________________


45. When I was young, I felt guilt if ________________________


46. \u200b\u200bI think my father _______________________________________________

47. When I start not to take, I _______________________________________

48. Most of all I would like in life _____________________________________


49. When I give another order _______________________________________


50. When I will be old _____________________________________________

51. People, the superiority of which on themselves I admit _____________________


52. My fears have repeatedly forced me _________________________________


53. When I do not, my friends __________________________________________

54. My most lively memories of childhood is ___________________


55. I really do not like when women (men) _____________________


56. My sex life _____________________________________________

57. When I was a kid, my family _____________________________________


58. People who work with me ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

59. I love my mother, but _____________________________________________

60. The worst thing that I happened to do is _______________________


Approximate interpretation technique
Test of the unfinished sentences of Saksa Levi

Each response must be assessed according to the following scheme: -2 points, 0 points, +2 points. Put +2 points for an optimistic approach to the chosen aspect of relations; 0 - for a neutral or socially acceptable answer; -2 - for the answer, indicating psychological problems on this aspect. If, for example, in the group of proposals "Attitude to the Father", the total amount of points from -4 to -8 points, then on this aspect of relationships and it is necessary to work as a psychologist.

All questions are divided into 15 groups, in each group of 4 questions. The answer for each question is estimated on the five-point system (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2). Answers for each group of proposals are summed up. For example, -1 + (- 2) + 0 + 2 \u003d -1. Having received a total score for each group of proposals, it should separately write groups with a predominance of a positive system of relations, then groups with indifferent relationships and, finally, "problematic" groups of proposals.

In fact, a grouping of 15 test scales on emotional significance for the subject is performed. Further quality processing depends on what goals you set in order in this study.

Thus, after counting the amount of points for each group of questions, you can find out which areas of relationships in this personality are non-harmonic (there are fewer points taking into account the sign), and which are harmonious (there are the most points).

We highly recommend analyzing the "non-harmonic" scales in their relationship with each other. For example, groups of "guilt" and "fears and fears", as a rule, recruit similar scores, they often accompany a low score on "attitude to the past". Based on this, it can be assumed that the subject has negative memories associated with a sense of guilt and causing some concerns.

Having defined the alleged problem areas, you continue to work with them: Conduct a qualitative response analysis, use other methods that study these problem areas in more detail.

Since the method is subjective, its results require verification with the help of other techniques, as well as the experience and large art of interpretation. Try writing all the words that are given in the respondent's answer for each of the spheres of the relationship, try to make a common, holistic picture of this sphere of his life. Tighten the hypotheses and try to have each of them to have a confirmation in the client's words.

The test "unfinished sentences" in psychology is practiced when there is a need to identify and explore certain installation of a person, and not only aware of them. This technique is able to help understand that the individual is experiencing in relation to itself, its parents, family, society, and life goals. It is effective, but has some specifics.

Principles of techniques

The test "unfinished proposals" is based on the concept of free associations. It is she who allows you to identify the problems of interpersonal and individual nature, to determine the inner experiences of a person, his inclination to diseases having a relationship to nervous disorders. And the test itself does not represent any complexity. Even a child of preschool age will cope with him. It can even be called interesting.

How to spend it? The respondent issues a blank with unfinished proposals. Their standard 60, but may be another number if the test is individually compiled for any group of people or one person.

All unfinished proposals are associated with certain life aspects, which are only 15. This is a relationship to yourself, to the past, future, subordinate, friends, father, mother, family, to higher persons, colleagues and representatives of the opposite sex. Also, aspects are the feeling of guilt, anxiety (fears), goals, as well as intimate relationships.

If you take a standard test, then each "category" accounts for four unfinished suggestions. And the person who is invited to pass it should complement the started phrases in free form and as quickly as possible, almost without thinking and focusing only on their emotions and feelings.


It is possible to understand what is the "unfinished sentences" test, after familiarization with several examples taken from it.

Here are two phrases: "If everything is against me, then ..." And "when I'm not lucky, I ...". They are responsible for the respondent's attitude to themselves. The phrase "would do everything to forget ..." has a reference to the feeling of guilt. But the sentence "My fears more than once made me ..." Related to fear and anxieties.

In principle, the original test can be carried out among adolescents. Only it is better to lower the unfinished sentences of a sexual nature, because there is what is concerned about sex ("my sex life ...") and the marriage in general. Phrases affecting the topic of higher persons can be converted. In the sentence "When my boss is approaching me ..." the last word is quite harmoniously replaced by the "teacher". The rest of the test does not represent anything special, so it can be carried out among the respondents of any age.

Identification of suicidal intentions

Most often, it is precisely for this purpose that the "unfinished sentences" methods are used among adolescents. Unfortunately, in our time it is relevant.

To identify suicidal intentions from schoolchildren so unstable age, it is necessary to convert a standard test and reduce the number of questions. There may be 28 them, among which only 4 will be thematic, but veiled. Here's how they can sound: "Tomorrow I ...", "The day will come, when ...", "I want to live, because ...", "When I finish school ...".

Of course, it is unlikely that someone will turn around the third question from the listed and write about the absence of the meaning of existence as such. But even on a completely ordinary answer, you can determine if the teenager is in order. He can write: "The day will come when I finally become happy." And it will be the "calling". If he formulated the continuation of the phrase, then, most likely, something bothers him. And it cannot be ignored.

School test version

As mentioned earlier, the standard option can be changed. Unfinished suggestions for younger students should sound as simplified as possible. Here is an example, what they can be: "I see ...", "in school I ...", "Our class ...", "My classmates ...". These unfinished suggestions for schoolchildren are understandable and simple. But, based on their answers, you can understand the personality specifics of each.

Suppose a schoolboy continued the above phrases like this: "In learning, I see the opportunity to get new knowledge. In school, I listen to the teacher and try to make tasks. Our class is not very good. My classmates need to laugh at me. " Well, these answers allow you to understand - a child likes to go to study, as he sees the possibility of self-improvement and development of his abilities. But he was not satisfied with the character of the classmates with classmates. A sense of inferiority is possible.

What to do with results?

The qualified specialist is engaged in their processing and interpretation, which is beautifully familiar with the "unfinished sentences" test. A person who first faced with this methodology will make it easy, but it will take a lot of time.

And the principle is simple. For each category of sentences, a characteristic has been developed that defines the considered system of relations as neutral, positive or negative. If a positive mood is visible in the continuation of the respondent, then zero is installed opposite the answer. Can more neutrality? Then this unit. But the continuation with a negative character is marked with a two.

It is important to note that the "unfinished proposals" technique (for adolescents and not only) implies the interpretation of responses to groups. Let the phrases and stirred in the form, but process them four, combining into a single category.


As an example, you can take the category of proposals, the continuation of which is designed to understand the attitude of the respondent to their own abilities. Suppose a teenager answered like this: "When circumstances against me, I begin to work, not to give up hands. I consider myself a capable of everything if I want it. My greatest weakness is an endless pull to new knowledge. When I'm not lucky, I stubbornly achieve the desired, no matter what. " Such answers are considered good. If a teenager gave such continued proposed phrases, then he is confident in himself, and he is able to overcome obstacles.

It is worth leading an example of a negative interpretation. You can contact a group of proposals for purposes. Suppose a teenager gave them such a continuation: "I always wanted to kill anyone. I would have gained happiness, becoming absolutely lonely. My dream is to leave for an uninhabited island. Most of all, I want nobody touched me. " And in this case, even the method of unfinished proposals is not needed to understand the hostile and pessimistic essence of the respondent. It can be seen with the naked eye that he is a unrealistic thinking deep introvert, rejecting society.

What can I find out?

The "unfinished sentence" technique for adolescents and people of other ages is a way to show their essence. The main thing is that the respondent is initially configured, because confidence and dough is important.

According to the results of the interpretation of the results, it is possible to find out the spheres in which negative, neutral and positive installations prevail.

In practice, there were cases when the test helped to identify the presence of a mental illness among the respondant. These are a specific nature situation, as psychiatrists are connected in them. First of all, the main areas of disorder and conflict are revealed. Then determines the relationship between human personal settings. And after that, the so-called personality structure is determined. It turns out what its degree of response, emotional adaptation, maturity, reality level, conflict.

Methodology feature

Everything listed really helps to find out the test. Why? Because it does not have harvested options and faithful or incorrect answers. A person is responsible as in spirit. Not thinking and does not analyze how to answer him to hide some aspect of his personality. It becomes open, and this allows a psychologist to understand his essence. That is why test "unfinished sentences" for adolescents should be carried out regularly. Indeed, at school, in such a difficult age, it is extremely important to follow the internal development of children.