Conspiracy for a birthday and the first exit on the new job. From robbery. Symbols appeal to higher forces

If you decide to make a magic rite, but do not want to wait a long time, use conspiracies that act instantly. These are the strongest options for magical impact. We share efficient and proven folk ways.

For a conspiracy to accurately affect, follow the following rules:

  1. . During this period of time, the lunar energy reaches its peak and very powerfully affects the result of the magical rite
  2. Imagine the text of the conspiracy in advance. It is necessary that at the right moment clearly and without the slightest knocker read important for the magical rite of the word
  3. Read the conspiracies only with good intentions. If, through the rite you wish to harm someone, the evil will return to you many times
  4. Believe that the conspiracy will definitely work. Doubts and fears interfere with and make it difficult to execute the query that you send

Conspiracy on powder

This version of the conspiracy helps. Use it if tormented from strong or. This rite is a kind of "ambulance", which instantly healed you from physical suffering.

You will need boxes of matches. Pour them and with a knife squand the black powder from the heads. Place the collected powder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing security equipment, burn gunpowder and quickly say the conspiracy:

Wait until the gunpowder goes out. After that, the pain will begin to subside and for a few minutes should go at all.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

This version of the conspiracy is used if good luck turned away. Use it to return luck in your life and quickly cope with a series of failures, solve unforeseen problems.

Then roll the sheet into the tube and make it either tighten so that it does not unfold. With help, fasten the conspiracy piece of paper to clothing so that it is immeasured.

At the moment when you need to encourage good luck to the rescue, touch your place to the place where the paper is fastened and ask to help. At this point, the conspiracy must instantly act.

Conspiracy from Schalza

This version of conspiracy should be used immediately when you have a suspicion that someone smoothes you. If you felt that you envied you, or someone in the hearts wished badly, also use this conspiracy.

To clear yourself from negative energy and remove a bad naval, bring the holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is desirable that it be previously used in the bath.

Pour the Broom with Holy Water and start clairing themselves to them, saying the magical words of the conspiracy:

After making the rite, please sprink your face with holy water and wrap my clothes with a hem of clothing that is at the moment. Water remnants drink and read three times the prayer "Our Father". This rite is considered completed, and the evil eye should go instantly.

Instant conspiracy

Use this plot if you need money or want to increase the income, get fast profits. It acts instantly and helps to give a financial position in the norm.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of a metal of yellow color, so you can use coins with a rating of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait for midnight in days when the moon is in a decreasing phase. Then go to the street and exit the deserted intersection.

Stand up the road, take coins in the palm. Pull your hand so that the lunar light gets into hand. Then read the text of the conspiracy:

You need to repeat the sacred words three times. After making a rite immediately go home. Conspiring coins are removed in the wallet. The plot will begin to act instantly - you only need to spend money on the desired thing. From this point on, the magic impact will begin to gain its strength, and in a month you will forget about financial problems.

Conspiracy on the rapid accumulation of money

This version of the conspiracy is suitable if you are going to make a large purchase, but you can't accumulate money for it.

Magic words need to pronounce three times. After making the rite, put the piggy bank to the prominent place. You will need to give money every day there, at least one coin.

But most likely you will be more generous, we will put sufficient amounts to the piggy bank, and as a result, you quickly draw money to the desired thing. At the same time, money will begin to appear in your life more than usual.

Important: For conspiracies acted, a positive attitude is required. Try to get rid of such emotions as anger, insult, envy, greed. Concentrate on good, joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the conspiracy action does not make himself wait long.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

Whispering is certainly formulated proposals, a variety of popular conspiracy. But they are much easier and do not require the commission of special rites. The huge folk wisdom is enclosed in them, which we will share with you.

Whispering is "fast words" or conspiracies, using which you can get everything I want, and learn how to quickly fulfill your desires, using the help and support of the highest strength.

Shephotes used in the old days of the girl to get help in everyday affairs and everyday life, find the narrowed, solve financial problems. Our ancestors believed that with the help of such short conspiractions, they attract the help of the other world.

No special rituals do not need to do, but it should be pronounced different whispers when performing some everyday action.

Universal wording: Using them regularly, you decide most of the problems in all spheres of your life. They attract wealth, love, good luck, protect against trouble and increase your energy potential.

Examples of calendar whispers by day of the week:

  1. On Monday, as soon as you wake up, make your most cherished desire. The subconscious will tell you which request should be sent to the highest forces. After mentally formulated your dream, stand up with the bed with the right foot and say the whisper:
    "I believe that my desire will be. Let it happen for universal happiness "
  2. Tuesday - the best day to attract luck. To catch a good luck by the tail, leaving the house, on the threshold, say the following text:
    "Tuesday will bring good luck, I believe in it, the help of God is always with me!"
  3. On Wednesday, we continue to urge good luck in your life, but already in the process of morning washing. Say:
    "I wash my face, I urge good luck, let it go for my and universal good!"
  4. Thursday - time for protecting and protective practices. Immediately after raising the bed, turn toward the East and whisper:
    "Thursday I encourage problems and troubles to protect, my guardian angel is always with me. May it be so!"
  5. Friday - a day to find joy in everything that happens to you. You need to read whisper while dressing up. Check:
    "Friday came, joy brought. I'm happy. May it be so"
  6. And on Saturday you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, evil eye and damage. Magic words need to pronounce during morning beauty treatments. Read the text while combing, apply makeup or make stacking:
    "I am good, enemies and enemies disappear. May it be so"
  7. Sunday use to fulfill desires and attract good luck. At the outlet of the house three times, say the cherished words:
    "Sunday a day will live as you want. Good luck on my side. May it be so"

Examples of whispers that we told are universal. But you can come up with your own, by analogy. The main thing is to use only positive wording, avoid denials and not desire to anyone evil. Your desires should only concern you.

For health and health

If you are tormented by non-coming fatigue, there are health problems, and there are no forces for active life, apply these whisper options.

  • During my hand washing, laid out palm, pronounce several times:
    "Like water dirt flushes, and the ailment of my body disappears"
  • It is possible to heal with whispers and while taking a shower. Representing how the streams of water are flushed with you all the hands, whisper:
    "Voditsa, God's sister, see me with me, you yourself know what"
  • And this short folk conspiracy will help to quickly fill energy and get rid of fatigue traces, restore performance:
    "I wash the water, I am absorbed, I feel better and better. Amen".
    It needs to be done during washing, preferably in the morning

Sleepy Whispering

These short conspiracies should be applied to those who suffer from insomnia, nightmares, want to sleep hard, fall asleep quick and see pleasant dreams.

Examples of sleepy short conspiracies:

  • If you are tormented by nightmares, during the security of bed linen, repeat about yourself two words:
    "Without nightmares!"
  • For colorful and bright pleasant dreams whisper in the pillow before going to the kingdom of Morpheus:
    "Pillow, I want to see a handsome dream, sleep is good, so that all the dreams in it come true."
  • If it is impossible to cope with insomnia, do the following: Put home sneakers in opposite bedroom corners. Over each sneaker, then check the whisper:
    "While the slippers in this corner stands, I will sleep fast to sunrise. May it be so"
  • With whispers, you can and quickly put a little child who is restless. Slash him to your ear:
    "Sleep-Dunda come, tears and screams run. May it be so"

To strengthen the action of popular conspiracies, repeat whispers several times. Mentally, at this time, you can imitate that you are already sweet and firmly sleep, see good dreams, and then wake up cheerfully and rested.

Check out video with other examples of whispers:

The most important thing- repeat whisper as often as possible. The regularly you will practice, the sooner you get the desired. Take a rule to pronounce short conspiracies, for example, every morning and in the evening, before going to bed, for five to ten minutes.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

So that the bosses did not swiggle

This conspiracy needs to be read when you are called on the carpet: "I am going to the court, the coffin is in front of me. As the dead, the word is silent, the word against me the slave (s) of God (her) will not say, so that (the name of the chief) was silent, the words against me did not say. Ahead of me angels, behind the angels, on top of the angels, on the sides of the angels. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From enemies, evil people, envious

Read at least three times: "The Lord walked from the Seven Heaven, carried the Lord 77 castles from 77 languages. Closters, Lord, to all people, enemies, judges, their mouths, the mouth, so that there was no slave (e) of God (her) (her name) to attack, throw the key to the ocean-sea. Who can get it, he can condemn me. Amen".

How to upset your enemy

Use this plot when it is necessary to put a barrier from the singspeakers when you need to take away from those who weave intrigue or plans evil against you. This plot can also be used from the rival, overlooking you and husband. Welding a cheerle from black berries - currants or black rowan. When the syrup boils, pour starch into it and say: "I remember that I was a kislem, pryakko, chib and boldly. As Egorie fought, he won, and I am an enemy (name) I crushing, it will destroy him. Kisel, Kissel, boiled all day. Climb, kipi, my business is fixed. I am the first, enemy for me. My Lord everywhere, everywhere with me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

So that the car did not bother

Very strong population. It is always used when washing the car. Read about yourself: "I spell you from the thief, from the approach and hijacking, from the Gypsy eye from the first punishment. Outdoor legs, take your hands, went to him flour. Spleceten, liver, all blood and bloodless, housing and bone. Let the hollow beats if my thief takes. If it takes and not return, let the death of the death lie. As the back hat, do not remove, so it is not to guess, not to dissuade, not to quit, not to kill. The word is firmly, yes chalk, to my property Lepko. "

Neighborhood for long road

These conspiracies and overalls need to be printed or rewrite and always have with you, as documents when you are going to go. And, of course, from time to time to read.

Charm on the way

Separate from two sides of an aspen twist. Speech on it: "Holy companion, holy Katerina, your feet are fast, your legs are fat, you walk with ways, iron legs. In the way you will not discharge, nothing happens to you, the grief does not happen. At night, you are not dark, in the frost you are not cold, you will not wipe you in the rain, no one is frowning. Lord protects you. Lord, my God, whether you are always with me, as with Holy Katerina. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen". Now remove the wagon under the seat of your car.

For the blessing of the expense

Read when the car is touching or the transport where you will get to avoid catastrophes and all troubles on the way: "Earth's passions, travel passions. The immeasurable depth of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will take, the hands of enemies will turn away from me along the way. All the troubles, all of the attack, all passions, all the deceptions of all sorts of deltsov, thieves, scoundrels, murderers, contagious and accurately different chicke saint. Mother of God and Lord with me. Amen".

Washer from trouble

To read with any premonition of troubles, once out loud, once with a whisper and once about myself: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I stand at the cross. Cross - Church Beauty. Cross - martyrs praise, and the sufferer help. I approach the cross closer, worship him down. Protect and relieve from enemies and enemies, from their languages, their pathologies, from their fire and sword, from sweeping. Lord, the blessing went, so I stood unshakable and miserably, like the Holy Cross. Amen".

Tired of gray weekdays? Tired of the fact that in your life nothing happens? We will tell you about prayers for every day that will help make your days more successful and happy.

Our whole life consists of a series of accidents. Oddly enough, our mood and success sometimes depend on the smallest things that we sometimes do not even suspect. For example, you are trying to impress the boss, and instead he makes you a remark about the stain on the blouse left by gel handle. Such minor troubles have the property to accumulate and deliver us great inconvenience.

Prayer for success in the coming business

If you have some complicated business, or a serious deal should take place at work, such a prayer will help you attract good luck to your side. You need to read her text three times before an important meeting:

« Hear me, my angel patron. Your kindness and care accompanied me throughout my life. And now I need your help. Please help me .... (hereinafter, voiced your request). How you are soaring in heaven, and I live on earth, so my business is exactly and okay. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

Prayer for good luck in trifles for every day

There are such people who have all in their hands argue: things are done, they all have time, and everything turns out everything perfectly. And someone is constantly late, forgets his belongings in public transport or be sad over the burnt dinner. Yes, you never know what can spoil the mood for a whole day?

If from the morning your day did not fit, go to the mirror and, looking into my eyes, say the following: " The ocean behind the ocean lives a shepherd with a ram. On the harmonica, he plays and all my adversity takes. I'm happy to get, I share with all joy! Amen"These words need to repeat seven times, without interrupting the visual contact. After you finish, be sure to smile to your reflection.

How it works

Such prayer conspiracies for good luck are arranged in such a way that they act as a lever that switches you with bad luck. It is important after reading to be absolutely confident that now everything will develop for you in the best possible way. This method works correctly, and even the most difficult situations are gradually allowed by themselves.

Applying these prayers day after day, you change the world around yourself and attract good luck to your life and the life of people close to you. You yourself can decide, pronounce prayer out loud or about yourself, the main thing is to be sure that everything will work out. We wish you around the clock luck, and do not forget to press buttons and

13.09.2015 00:50

If you are experiencing difficulties at work or burdened with a long search for a suitable vacancy, the power will help you ...

The effect of prayer words on all spheres of human life is invaluable. Appeal to the highest forces will help you ...

For a good day, it is necessary to apply special efforts. You must worry about your business and desires. It is for this that you need to use conspiracies for every day that you need to read. They are intended to improve and relieve your life. For each period of the day there are their conspiracies, so it is necessary to clearly follow all the rules, and in no case disrupt the procedure.

After all, this may affect the effectiveness of the ritual. Moreover, if the ritual is not at that time, it will not only not help, but also bring negative consequences means conspiracies and overalls for every day should be held on time.

Conspuses and signs on Mondays

Everyone knows that Monday is a rather difficult period. During this period of the week you should wake up a little later than you do it usually. Before you start working, read the following words: "Let everything come true what I dream about. Let everything be happened to me, the slave of God (name). I read the words of prayer, and everything will be fulfilled that I want. Amen".

For this time of the week there are samples for which you should pay attention. Namely:

  • do not think about the trip, and go to a long way - it can bring you some difficulties, and violate all plans;
  • if on Monday to get any amount of money, then the whole week will make a profit, within seven days you will receive money;
  • never let Mondays in debt on Mondays, it can lead to unsuccessful tribes that will negatively influence the further financial position;
  • if guests come to you, the whole week will be hospitable;
  • bad weather on Mondays, then expect such weather all week.

Conspiracies on Tuesdays

Tuesday is quite easy and lucky therefore conspiracies and tips for every day at this time will be performed quickly and easily. If you decide to go to the ethawn to take a walk, or you need to work, then the threshold should be shifted on a specific rite and you need to read chambers. Hold your breath, and read the words of prayer.

"To a clear and beautiful day, I will not cry. No one can spoil me the mood, and all my affairs will bring only positive emotions. Damage and evil eye do not find me. Heavenly forces will come to help me. They will defend me, and the evil eye to protect. Every Tuesday is perfect. Amen".

At the time when you wash on Wednesday, you should read this conspiracy on the well-being of water:

"I came to wash in the morning, and I found good luck. Let luck constantly stay with me. And my family will be happy. Amen".

Signs say that never on Wednesdays should begin important cases. Most likely, they will not end with anything good. There are still signs about moving. If you decide to move to another place to stay, then nothing will happen. After some time, you will have to return to the old place.

On Thursday you should wake up before the sun goes. Look out the window, and as soon as the sun starts to ride, read the following words:

"I wish you a good day. White forces will help me start the day well, and attract happiness for yourself. My home let him overwhelm positive energy, and no one can change it. I ask for the forces of Heaven to help me, and protect me, and my home. I am a believer, so I hope to the will of the Lord. Amen".

Sights say that if you wake up early in the morning, and we will wash your face from silver dishes, then no one can put the evil eye on you. It will be protection for you for a long time. Your health improves, and the disease will leave.

Every morning when you dress, you need to read the following prayer:

"Friday came, and led to good luck. Now I'm completely shook, and I will go to meet her. I hope that I will bring me success in affairs, and only positive emotions. "

Never on Friday do not proceed to performing new work. You should not plan any things. Do not have fun at this time. After all, then soon you will be expected trouble and tears. If you need to go for a holiday, it is better to prepare a variety of essentials in advance.

Very strong cash conspiracies for every day to attract money

Monetary conspiracies for every day.

White conspiracy of Vanga for every day.

Prayers on Saturday morning

When will be combed in the morning, you need to read the following words:

"If there is a person who wishes an evil, then let him suffer. Lord, you are the only one who can help me. I hope for your defense, and justice. Protect me so that another enemy can never influence me. Amen".

During this period you can move. You can also begin new things. After you proceed to any case, you can perform it only on Saturdays. Only on Saturdays, magic allows you to transfer bed and act on it. Then in the house the whole year will be happiness, and laughter of children.

Sacred Sunday Day

Open the central door, and read the words of prayer that will help find love to drive pain:

"Lord, this is just your day. I ask you, I went happiness. Let all be conceived, and the success will come. Let my desires and requests be fulfilled. I wish my family improving the level of your life, and forever remained together. I do not want us to part. Amen".

It is impossible to work on Sunday even to rub dust about it will tell you any church book. Signs say that this time is suitable only for dedication to the Lord. It is best to go to the church, and put candles on the health of your relatives. Never cut nails on Sundays, because it contributes to the deterioration of your financial situation. Do not proceed early to the meal. It will bring you big trouble. Do not go to the fortuneteller, because in this case, predictions are always erroneous.

If you become followed by all the above-mentioned tips, then your life will become better, and everything conceived will begin to be carried out. As you can see, these tips are easy to perform independently at home. Conspiracies always used our ancestors and continue to be popular today. Because if you do not find out of this situation, you can always apply effective conspiracies.