Conspiracy for the love of a girl and a guy: a very strong type of ritual. Morning whispers - conspiracies

Especially for those who wish to attract good luck, love and success into their lives without spending too much energy, there are whispers.

Morning is the time on which the rest of the day largely depends. As you spend the morning, this will be the time until the evening. This article will help you make each morning more productive.

Whispers for the morning

Whispers are quick conspiracies that you don't need to prepare for. They are easy to remember and also not time consuming to implement. Despite this, their strength is quite tangible. We have prepared morning whispers for you for different occasions.
Remember to get up in the morning with your right foot, not your left foot, saying aloud: “I take a step with my right foot. Good luck, you are always with me. " This will save yourself some minor problems during the first half of the day. Repeat this whisper every day, and then luck will not leave you in any area of ​​life.
A quick conspiracy in front of the mirror will have a similar effect to the previous one. Before leaving the house, when you are already fully assembled, go to the mirror, touch it with your hand and say to yourself “You can do everything, you know everything in the world. Today I am that (that is). " A sip of clean water on an empty stomach will help you from fatigue. It has been proven that water is a source of life-giving power. Say the following whisper after drinking the water “Water nourishes and energizes me for the whole day. I can do everything, I can do everything. I will help myself. ”When you wash in the morning, you say every time:“ I wash off my sorrows and sleep, I’m starting a new day again. ” They say that in the morning the worries of the previous day go away. This whisper will help you tune yourself to the right wave and the right "fighting" mood.
If you are overtaken by failures and you feel that the morning has not worked out, then tell yourself "I am filled with hope, I am getting rid of failures." This should boost your luck and bring things back to normal.
Waking up with your loved one, kiss him and say to yourself "My soul, my thoughts and heart are always with you." So you will be connected with a special energy channel, being at any distance.
On a day off, you can get out of bed and say “May this day be clear and cloudless, like the sky is blue. Amen". You can read another whisper "I want to rest today, turn my life around." This will help you tune in to the right mood.
Remember that all whispers must be read at a specific time. They need to be memorized in order to pronounce word for word, otherwise nothing may work out. Whispers are any person's best assistant on the path to happiness and success in any area of ​​life.

Whispers are sentences formulated in a certain way, a kind of popular conspiracies. But they are much simpler and do not require special rituals. They contain tremendous folk wisdom, which we will share with you.

Whispers are "quick words" or conspiracies, using which you can get everything you want from life, and learn how to quickly fulfill your desires, using the help and support of the Higher Powers.

Even in the old days, girls used whispers to get help in everyday affairs and everyday life, to find a betrothed, to solve financial problems. Our ancestors believed that with the help of such short conspiracies, they attract the help of the other world.

No special rituals need to be done, but different whispers should be uttered when performing some mundane actions.

The wording is universal: using it regularly, you will solve most problems in all areas of your life. They attract wealth, love, good luck, protect you from trouble, and increase your energy potential.

Examples of calendar whispers by day of the week:

  1. On Monday, as soon as you wake up, make your most cherished wish. The subconscious mind will tell you what request you need to send to the Higher Forces. After you've mentally formulated your dream, get out of bed with your right foot and say in a whisper:
    “I believe that my wish will come true. Let it happen for everyone's happiness. "
  2. Tuesday is the best day to attract luck. To catch your luck by the tail, leaving the house, on the doorstep, say the following text:
    "Tuesday will bring good luck, I believe in it, God's help is always with me!"
  3. On Wednesday we continue to invoke good luck into our lives, but already in the process of washing our face in the morning. Say:
    “I wash my face, I call for good luck, let it be fulfilled for my and everybody’s good!”
  4. Thursday is the time for protective and protective practices. Immediately after getting out of bed, turn towards the east and whisper:
    “Thursday I call to protect from problems and troubles, my guardian angel is always with me. May it be so!"
  5. Friday is a day for looking for joy in everything that happens to you. You need to read a whisper while dressing. Whisper:
    “Friday has come, brought joy. I'm happy. May it be so"
  6. And on Saturday you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, the evil eye and damage. You need to pronounce magic words during morning beauty procedures. Read the text while combing, applying makeup or styling:
    “I am good, enemies and foes disappear. May it be so"
  7. Use Sunday to fulfill your wishes and attract good luck. At the exit from the house, say the cherished words three times:
    “On Sunday I will live the way I want. Luck is on my side. May it be so"

The examples of whispers that we talked about are universal. But you can come up with your own, by analogy. The main thing is to use only positive formulations, avoid denials and not wish anyone any harm. Your desires should only concern you.

For health and performance

If you are tormented by persistent fatigue, health problems, and there is no strength for an active life, use these whispering options.

  • While washing your hands, lather your palms, say several times:
    "As the water washes away the dirt, the disease disappears from my body."
  • It is possible to heal with the help of whispers while taking a shower. Imagining how streams of water wash away all ailments from you, whisper:
    "Voditsa, God's sister, wash it off me, you know what"
  • And this short folk conspiracy will help you quickly fill up with energy and get rid of traces of fatigue, restore your working capacity:
    “I wash my face with water, gain strength, I feel better and better. Amen".
    This should be done while washing your face, preferably in the morning.

"Sleepy" whispers

These short conspiracies should be used by those who suffer from insomnia, nightmares, want to sleep soundly, fall asleep quickly and have pleasant dreams.

Examples of sleepy short plots:

  • If you have nightmares, repeat just two words to yourself as you change your bedding:
    "No nightmares!"
  • For colorful and vivid pleasant dreams, whisper into your pillow before heading to the kingdom of Morpheus:
    "Pillow, I want to see a beautiful dream, go to a good dream, so that all the dreams in it come true."
  • If you can't cope with insomnia, do the following: Before bed, put slippers in opposite corners of the bedroom. Then say a whisper over each slipper:
    “As long as there are slippers in this corner, I will sleep soundly until sunrise. May it be so"
  • Whispers can be used to quickly lull a small child who is restless. Speak in his ear:
    “Sleep-doze come, I drive away tears and screams. May it be so"

To strengthen the effect of popular conspiracies, repeat the whispers several times. Mentally at this time, you can imagine that you are already sleeping sweetly and soundly, seeing good dreams, and then waking up vigorous and rested.

Watch the video for more examples of whispers:

The most important thing- repeat the whispers as often as possible. The more regularly you practice, the sooner you will get what you want. Make it a rule to utter short conspiracies, for example, every morning and evening, before going to bed, for five to ten minutes.

Whispers are special conspiracies with which you can attract good luck and protect yourself from troubles.
But unlike conspiracies, whispers can be uttered at any time, anywhere, more precisely when the situation requires it.
This is a kind of magical ambulance that will always help in difficult times.

Morning whispers:

* Get up with your right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with your foot, utter a whisper: "I am getting up to meet my happiness!"
* When leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror and say: “My reflection is an attraction, good luck,” and smile.
* If in the morning you drink tea or coffee and want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your mug: "I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day."

Evening whispers:

* When washing or taking a shower, say: "I wash away the negativity, I wash away the grievances, I wash away the melancholy." This will help you release the tension and stress of the day and will put your emotional state in order.
* Spread out the bed, say: "The blanket, the sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that I don't tell her will come true." After these words, you can safely go to bed - neither insomnia nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on a pillow, think about your desires, they will come true faster.
* Closing your eyes, utter a whisper: "Let it be as I want in a dream and in reality."

Whispers for good luck:

If you want to attract good luck, then, crossing the threshold of the house, whisper: "The truth is that beyond this threshold is my strength."
If you want to protect yourself from the boss's anger: “I am on the left bank, you are on the right. Shout - don't shout, all the same you won't be shouting. " This whisper should be uttered before talking with your boss if he is not happy with something.
If you want your day to be successful, get up in the morning with your right foot and say: “Where the right foot is, there is the left. Where I am, my luck is there. "

Whispers for money:

When you receive money, whisper: "Money in your pocket, soon there will be a whole suitcase."
A whisper to my wallet: “My wallet is ringing, it gets fat from money. Every day my luck is greener. "
If you give money: "I give money, but I expect it back."
* If you see a pregnant woman passing by, then do not miss the chance to utter a whisper to raise money: "You will give birth, and I will increase the good." Meeting a pregnant woman is considered a good omen.

Whispers in the back:

Whispers in the back are pronounced in order to punish the offender or protect against his malicious intent.
If you were wished for something bad, then say: "What do you want me, take it for yourself."
If you were rude in a public place: "Your negative, you live with it, but I don't need someone else's."
A whisper in the back of the enemy: "Your speeches are on your shoulders."

Whispers for love:

If you want to attract the attention of a person, say a love whisper after him: "As the grass spreads in spring, so you will spread before me."
If you want to discourage your loved one from another woman, put a head of garlic into his pocket unnoticed and say: "Throw away the garlic, throw it out of your heart and (name of your rival)." Naturally, finding garlic in his pocket, the man will take it out and throw it away.
If your husband leaves, say after him: "As water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me."

From monetary losses, thefts and damages:Continued on next page

Conspiracy from spoilage to the house They read on sea water, after which they spray it around the house. Water-water, sea queen, soaps, rinsed the grass with silk, meadows are green, singing roots.

So wash it off, rinse the ghosts, scars, black witchcraft, ordeals from my house, from every corner, from the door, from the window, from the mother. How red you have come - so go back to the old master.

A conspiracy from pendants, if you do not know what decision to make Take sea water, bring it home and warm it up to a temperature pleasant to the body. They talk on water and pour themselves over: I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), washed (a), rinsed (a): water-water, Sea queen, also wash off, rinse from the servant (s) of God (her ) (name), take longing and grief into the abyss of the sea, give the light of understanding.

A conspiracy for wealth It is necessary in the evening to come to the seashore, to the growing moon, stand in the water, read the conspiracy and plunge into the sea: How much salt is in the ocean, so much money in my pocket. Help, water-queen, me, the servant (s) of God (her) (name), to be rich.
Sea salt baths They are good on their own, as they have an excellent healing effect. A warm salt bath enhances blood circulation, increases vascular tone and promotes better oxygen uptake. The blood is enriched and enters the internal organs, the nutrition of the central nervous system and the brain improves. To renew the blood, you need a course of at least 14 baths. The water should not be hot, you cannot immerse yourself in the water above your chest, you cannot stay in it for more than 15-30 minutes. Do not use any foaming agents (bath foam, soaps). After the bath, you must not rub and dry yourself, you must easily fan yourself with a terry towel, then wrap yourself up and lie down in a calm atmosphere for 20-30 minutes. It is best to take a bath at night. You need to take about half a kilogram of sea salt, put it in the bath, then turn on the water and, stirring the salt, say: The saltier the water, the healthier the servant of God (s). Lying in the bath, you need to relax , to think about something pleasant. Before the end of the session, say three times: Water-water, take away my diseases, Water-water, take away my sorrows, Take them away, away, Take them into the night, into the night, Far-far, deep-deep, So that no one will ever find. Amen.

Dew Plots - This is a special type of water, its healing properties have long been known. Dew plots are different: evening, night and morning - each type of dew has its own properties. Morning dew is universal, therefore, plots for morning dew are given here.

Morning conspiracy from various misfortunes Stand barefoot on the grass, collect the dew with your hands and put your wet hands on top of your head. Read the conspiracy, then lower your hands again into the dew and run your wet hands over your face, washing yourself with dew. I will become a slave (a), God (s) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from two rai to door, I will wash myself with dew, wipe myself with a shroud, I stand under the red sun, under the clear month, under the red sun, under the clear month a table-throne, on that table-throne the Church-Cathedral, in this Church-Cathedral 77 sinners, 77 witnesses, the first Philip, Seraphim, Nikita, Alexei, Savvatei, Nicholas, Jesus Christ himself, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself, comfort, pacify the servant (s) of God (her) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 damage, 12 half-damage, from a white girl , from a white pariah, from a white man, from a black girl, from a black guy, from a black man, from a black woman, sec, sec, I cross from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 damages , 12 half-spoils, 12 buttons, 12 frights, 12 lessons, 12 half-lessons, sec, I cross, I will burn with fire, I’ll overwhelm with water, I’ll close with sea locks, river keys, lock in the river , the key is in the mouth, except for me no one will open. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from bad luck We must walk through the dew, saying: Zarya-zarynitsa, my own sister, through the dew I, the servant (a) of God (them) (name), I will pass. Take away all the sorrows and troubles, dew-dew, bright queen. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from all evil Walk barefoot in the dew, collect it with your hands, read the conspiracy and wash yourself with dew: I will become the servant of God (name) (name), blessed, and go, crossing myself; I will wash neither white nor black, wipe myself neither dry nor wet; I wash myself with fresh milk, wipe myself with poppy flowers; I will go from door to door, from gate to gate; Saint Tikhon meets me, I bow to Saint Tikhon: “Take you, father, twelve rods of tin, iron and beat the twelve Herod’s daughters with them, so that they do not coward me, they do not break my bones. From now on, and finish ”.

Morning conspiracy-amulet for protection for an important matter At dawn, walk in the dew and read the conspiracy three times. After that, you need to wash with dew, wet a thread, tie a knot on it and carry it with you. I stand, the servant of God (s) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself, out of doors, out of the gates with gates, to the east, under the eastern side, under the morning dawn of the Marena, under the evening Maremyan. Around me there is an iron tyn from earth to sky, from east to west. This tyn no one can neither cross, nor move, nor a heretic, nor a heretic, nor a sorcerer, nor a sorceress, nor an oncoming, nor a transverse and not a simple-haired woman, and not a hand-rolled girl, nor white, nor fair-haired, nor black, nor cherry. Be, my words, strong and molding, stronger than a damask knife. My tongue is the key, my mouth is the lock. Amen.

Morning conspiracy before any new business Stand on the grass, run your hands through the dew, collecting it in your palms. After that, put your palms to the sun and, while the water dries up, you need to read the conspiracy: I will, the servant of God (name) (name), stand up, praying. And I will cross myself from the hut by the doors, from the doors by the gates, I will climb a high mountain, I will look around on four sides. On the east side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, a wild horse, clever. I will approach, servant (a) of God (them) (name), to that horse, saddle it and pull the reins and where I need to gallop. There will be a black horse to serve me, to carry me, the servant (y) of God (yu) (name). My words are strong and molding. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from the evil eye Read at dawn, standing on the grass barefoot. After the conspiracy, you need to wash yourself with dew. I will become the servant of God (name) (name), blessing, I will go, crossing myself. In an open field, a blue sea, a blue sea - a white stone. On a stone, a girl sits, speaks: “All slander, ghosts, human slander, move away from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Morning conspiracy before an important event Walk through the dew barefoot, pick up the dew in your hands and expose them to the sun, saying: I will become the servant of God (name) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself. To the east side, to the clear sun. The sun is red, light up, the violent wind, drive away from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) all misfortunes, sorrows, all sorrows. What to illuminate and what to drive away the sun and winds they themselves know. Amen.

Morning conspiracy of the evil eye and any disease Collect the dew with your hands, read the conspiracy. After that, wash yourself with the collected dew, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. From the gogol - water, from the forest - dew. Get together, slide down, lessons, stitches, all the flames. Come from the wind - go to the wind. They came from the forest - go to the forest. Come from people - go to people. From a frequent-toothed wife, from a rare-toothed grandmother, from a simple-haired little girl, from a peasant, from a draft. Which words I spoke, which I did not finish, be my words, strong, sculpting. The castle is in the sea, the key is in the company.

Morning conspiracy from melancholy. Wash your face with dew, saying: Where there is water, there is longing for the servant (s) of God (her) (name). Amen.

Flower Water Plots Flower water is water infused with plants. Different plants are used for different purposes, there are complex mixed compositions. Here will be mainly the simplest recipes from the available flowers - chamomile, roses. The rose is a versatile flower and is suitable for almost any conspiracy. Rosehip petals can also be used instead of a rose.

Conspiracy in case of strong excitement, anxiety or nervous state Put a handful of chamomile flowers in a bowl of untreated water. Let stand for a day. After that, take the bowl in hand and read the conspiracy: Morning dawn Daria, evening dawn Marya, dawn Marya, night dawn Maria, night Pelageya, please come, bring the slave (s) of God (her) (name) peace from evening to morning, until the red sun , before broad daylight, take, please, take away all the insomnia, all the restlessness. Amen. After washing with charmed water.

A conspiracy that charges water to fulfill a wish Then put a cross in this water and read the conspiracy: The servant of God (s) (name) lay down under the seal of Christ, the Theotokos castle; but the enemy is Satan, get rid of me! Three sheets are written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and a friend of Christ, Ivan Bogulov. I go to bed with Christ, baptized with the cross. Cross on me and cross in front of me, cross-an gel with me. The cross is the keeper, the cross is the savior and the cross is the church beauty and the cross is the deliverer from demons. Glory to the angels. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. After that, wash yourself with charmed water, take out the cross and put it on your forehead and cheeks. Dry the petals and place them under the pillow.

Conspiracy to raise money In an opaque dish, you need to put a layer of rose petals, put several coins of different denominations on top of them and pour everything with fresh water that has not been drunk. In the evening, in the room, you should open a window, close the door and put a container with money on a table that is not covered with anything. Place a candle nearby and light it. Dip your hands into a container of water, carefully touch one coin at a time, saying three times: Water-water, queen of the world! As water flows in the world, flows, becomes silvery, So money flows to me, They bring me luck. Then take the money out of the water, put on the table and let them dry. Then put them in your wallet and carry them with you, but don't waste them for a month.

Conspiracy before moving on to a new job Prepare water with rose petals in the evening, read the conspiracy in the morning before going out. I am a catcher, I am a merchant. I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox, I have a staircase everywhere. Someone else is lower, but I am always higher than others. Everything would be I was loved, respected, I was invited to a high position. All my words, be molded and strong. Amen. After washing with spells of water.

Conspiracies for melt water In winter, when water freezes, it changes its structure. This special structure remains for some time in melt water. This water is like a blank sheet of paper. You can write down whatever you want on it, and the water will remember your demand. Drink this water, and every cell of your body will strive to fulfill your desire. To prepare melt water at home, you should do this: you need to freeze the water in an enamel bowl, as soon as the first ice forms, remove it. The remaining water must be frozen until an unfrozen, small in diameter area remains in the center. Water is drained from this wormwood, the rest of the water must be thawed. After it has completely melted, it must be quickly used. Such water is not prepared for the future.

Conspiracy for money In a glass of melt water at Christmas, you need to put money that you are going to donate to the church (of course, not paper). Read over water: Neither for the worse, nor for the dashing, but for a good deed. Give money near the church, before that say in a whisper: To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father.

A conspiracy that will help to ward off envious people, enemies, competitors God's (her) (name) All adversities are fierce, looks are not good, Curving, mowing, envying, Take them to the land where no one walks, Let the earth bury everything for eternity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. After that. you need to wash yourself with charmed water.

Conspiracy from illness They talk about melt water and wash themselves with it. Help, water-water, save the slave (y) of God (yu) (name) from 12 ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from sverbezh, from shooting, from fire, from loth , from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness. You wicked shaker, calm down, otherwise I’ll swear to hell. You, restless thorn, stop, or else I will send you to the ground. You sverbezh, stop, otherwise I will drown you in hot water. You, shooting, stop, or else I will pitch you in a seething resin. You, ognevitsa, have gone cold, otherwise I will freeze you with Epiphany frosts. You, scraps, shrink, or I will crush you against a stone. You, prick, dull, or I will cut you into small pieces. You jerk, go back, or I'll flood the platinum with you on the aground. You, blink, turn around, otherwise I'll dry it in the sauna stove. You blindness, crouch, or I’ll drown you in tar. You, deafness, disappear, or else I'll put you in a barrel and start by sea. You, black sickness, get loose, or else I’ll force the water to crush. Give up all ailments, get rid of, move away from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) to this hour, to this day, according to his life according to my sentence. Be strong, my words. Amen.

A strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish It is necessary to read the conspiracy nine times, quietly, leaning towards the water itself. Afterwards, wash yourself with the spellbound water.Mother-voditsa, dear sister, save-save-have mercy from a fierce eye, from a black eye, from a brown eye, from a gray eye, from a blue eye, from a speckled, from a shrewd one. Pure, pure water, blood of heaven, save-save the servant (y) of God (yu) (name). Give me (say your wish). Do not sleep, do not eat, do not know peace, until my thought comes true, does not appear in reality. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies for baptismal water On Baptism, any water has amazing properties: it can purify, preserve and get rid of diseases. Since this water does not lose its properties throughout the year, it can be stored and used at any time. It is a very powerful remedy in any situation. Therefore, do not miss the moment when it will be possible to speak the baptismal water. After all, this can be done only once a year.

Conspiracy-charm Read at night on a glass of Epiphany water. After that, you need to drink water and go to bed. Christ came from heaven, carrying the creative cross, was baptized with the cross, the cross was reflected, and sprinkled with frequent stars. Whoever knows this prayer will not forget the Lord.

A conspiracy from various misfortunes and illnesses Read in the evening over water, which then needs to be washed. I get up, the servant of God (s) (name), blessing myself, crossing myself, washing myself with a saint in a shroud, I will pray to the Lord God. I will go out from door to door, from gate to gate under the dawn of Mary, under the dawn of Maremyanu, to the ocean to the sea. On the okey-sea, the golden stone does not sink and does not whine, the servant of God did not have a rear, it did not ache, there would not be all the tracts, all the gullies, there would not be all 12 birthplaces, it would have dried up, so it would have disappeared from the slave (s ) God his (her) (name), would not be in the bones, or in the joints, or in a violent head, or in a ruddy face, or in clear eyes, or in black eyebrows and from all his body, and from all member. Morning dawn Mary, evening dawn of Maremyan, as you soon calmed down, calmed down, so would the servant (s) of God (her) (name) subside, all sorrows and pains subside, birthplaces, dry up the tracts, disappear all 12 birthplaces. Be, my words, strong and molded, stronger than a stone, faster than a violent wind. Till the end of time. Amen.

Conspiracy to health Read over a glass of Epiphany water. Sky-father, water-mother, heaven-father, earth-mother, holy water was taken by me, the servant (oh) of God (her) (name) for the great health of God, for a sound sleep , for rapid growth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, after that you have to drink the water.

The conspiracy for wealth The conspiracy must be written on a piece of paper, read it over the baptismal water, then burn the piece of paper, put the ashes in the water and stir, and drink the water. from two yards in the door, from gate to gate, under the eastern side, into an open field, to the ocean-sea, to God's holy island. On this island lies Ala tyr-stone, and on the stone stands the Most Pure Mother of God, asking and praying incessantly the Lord Jesus Christ for us sinners. I ask and pray, Most Pure Mother of God, intercede about me, the servant of God (her) (name). Drive away poverty, misery beyond the distant lands, into the thirty empty kingdom, drive away and take away from me, God's man (name). The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth.

In this article:

The conspiracy to love is done by the weak, not by the loving.

A conspiracy for love seems to most ordinary people a harmless act, even a game that should not be taken seriously. However, experience proves that not everything is so good in conspiracies, or rather, they have a lot of bad, dangerous and even terrible things.

Of course, during the ritual, the heavens will not open up above you, but it will certainly have negative consequences, and first of all for its customer or author, if it is one and the same person. Big problems arise from even the most harmless conspiracies, not endowed with special power. Why? Because it is all magic.

Reading rules

  • The words are read very quietly, almost in a whisper.
  • The rite of passage for love has a strong energy, therefore, the same effect on a guy and a girl, on those who believe in magic, and not.
  • Efficiency can be increased by the author's faith in what he is doing and a clear presentation of the result.
  • Words should be read not once, but 3,6,9,12 and so on times, in the absence of clear instructions on the number of readings, if only this number is divisible by 3.
  • If the conditions for reading are not indicated in the conspiracy, then it should be performed as follows. Get up at dawn. Do not eat or drink anything. Wash yourself 4 times with dew or spring water (you can use church water). Bow towards the north, then west, south and east. Turn your face towards the sunrise and read the prayer: “Nikolai the Pleasant, God's helper. You are in the field, in the house, on the way, on the road, in heaven, on earth - everywhere. Stand up for me, save me from all evil. " After that, you can read the conspiracy.
  • Daytime and morning spells are read to the east, evening and night spells to the west.
  • A preliminary prayer to the angel of the day on which you read the conspiracy can increase strength.
  • In the room in which you are going to read the words, there should be three images: the Savior, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas (can be replaced by the healer Panteleimon).
  • In the absence of special instructions, the conspiracy for a woman should be read on women's day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and for a man on a "men's" day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  • In no case do you read the rituals on Sunday - this is a church day.
  • After completing the reading of the conspiracy, pour the water, if any in the ritual, into the ground, where no one will step on it. The rest of the items used in the ritual, rinse with running water, saying:

    “Not my ladle (glass, basin, vase), but the servant of God (name) from diseases, ailments, commotion, fears, troubles, ghost, and evil talk, let it be clean. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Then wash your hands to the elbows, clean the room, ventilate it and say a prayer of thanks.

These ways of working have a beneficial effect on the general background of a woman.

First rite

This conspiracy of love is read at dawn, on the growing moon. If you cannot get a girl or a guy, he will help you to attract the attention of the person of interest. Ideally, reading the plot is better on the street, but if you live in a huge metropolis, you can do it in a room by an open window.

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name), just as Fire, Air and Water are with the Earth, so that the thoughts of (the name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And may the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of the object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name). "

Repeat the plot 12 times, 12 days in a row. After a short period of time, after you read the conspiracy on the twelfth day, the object of your sympathy will start thinking about you, paying attention to you, wanting to be near you.


This conspiracy for the love of a man is very strong. The rules for reading the conspiracy are similar to the previous case. The main thing is that it is better to read the plot from memory, but it is also possible from a sheet of paper where the text is not printed, but written by hand. In no case, do not read the conspiracies from the monitor! The words should be pronounced clearly, quickly, without mistakes - this is important.
In the morning, in an empty room, with the phone turned off and other distracting mechanisms and devices, say:

"Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so God's servant (name) cannot live either day or night, without God's servant (name) of his other half."

Reading the conspiracy from memory is always preferable.

Third (photo)

If you have a photo of the person you are interested in, you can make a fairly effective love conspiracy.

The positive aspect of the ritual is the absence of the need to concentrate on the image of the person on whom the conspiracy is being made, because you have it in the form of a photograph.

When reading a conspiracy, fill your words with love, desire, the power of positive emotions.

Let them penetrate the image and thoughts of the object of your affection, causing reciprocal feelings.

“I call love in my heart (name), I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in your heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flash with a hot fire, to me (name), to reach for me and strive to unite with me, with all your heart, with all your soul. I want it and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

This conspiracy is read in the evening or at night in front of a photo of a guy, placed between two lighted candles, preferably lit in a church. The plot is read nine times in a row for seven days on the waxing moon.