PDD classes in the middle group, the topic "Young pedestrian. A summary of traffic rules in the middle group

Olga Generalova
A summary of the clause on traffic rules in the middle group "Play, road rules are studying"

Olga Generalova

A summary of traffic rules in the middle group« Played, road traffic rules».

purpose: Formation of knowledge about road traffic rules.


1. Fix in children an idea of road signs, traffic light, sidewalk and other attributes associated with road traffic.

2. Teach children rules Safe behavior on road, orientation when using layout.

3. Develop a culture of communication, enrich the dictionary.

4. Rail a conscious position of pedestrian and security road.

5. Correct the main cognitive processes of children (small and general motor skills, memory, attention, etc.)

Equipment: City street layout, tree with signs, traffic light layout, small traffic lights, medals.

Travel course:

Children enter B. group, the educator shows them a city street layout (without road signsThe machines created emergencies on road).

Educator: - In one distant fabulous country there is a small toy city. Lived - the inhabitants of this town did not exist. They were in great friendship with road signs, performed everything move Rules, respected and listened to the main traffic light. Therefore, in this city always reigned order and peace on the streets. But one day an evil and mighty hurricane flew to the city and all road Signs in a dense forest. See what happened in the city. (Children view layout, discuss emergency situation: not road signs, crashing machines, disappeared traffic lights).

Educator: - Yes, guys, in the city is not order. Signs must be reset and return to the place. That's just how to do it? (Children speak).

Educator: - Let's help the residents of a fabulous country, let's go in the dense forest to cut out road signs. The path is distant, but to get out of the city, we need to remember traffic Laws.

Educator: - Tell me what street is? (Children's responses).

Educator: Each street has a driving part. What do you think for what is she needed? (children's responses).

Educator: - Right, driving part is needed for transport movements. On both sides of the carriageway there are special tracks. What are their names?

Children: - Sidewalks.

Educator: - Why do you need sidewalks? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Completely true for people. Adults and children walk on the sidewalk on foot. So they are called?

Children: - Pedestrians.

Educator: - And if you need to go driving part? Where can this be done? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Yes, guys, road It is necessary to move in special places that are called pedestrian transitions. And how do you know this place? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Right! Standing sign "Crosswalk" And painted white stripes. Who knows how correct the road? (Children's responses).

Educator: - First look to the left, reaching the middle, look right. Wonderful! You know well traffic Laws And you can safely with you go On a journey through an unfamiliar city. Let's in transport let's go on the road. What would you like to go? (Children call and choose the type of transport).

Game - warm-up"Cars"

Educator: - On our street, cars go cars, cars. (Children go in a circle, stop).

Educator: - Machines - Baby. (Children sit down).

Educator: - Large cars. (Children get up and raise hands up).

Educator: - Hey, cars! Full move! (Children quickly go in a circle).

Educator: - Hold on the wheel, look forward! Soon there will be a turn! (The educator shows a sign, children go to the other side).

Educator: - Stop, cars! Stop, motors! Brand all the chauffery! (Children stop).

Educator: - Well done that everyone observed move Rules! Therefore, so quickly and without accidents got to the forest. (Children remove transport).

And here and missing signs. (The tutor exists a tree on which they hang signs: "Crosswalk", "No entry", "Telephone", "Caution, children!", "Turn"). (Children explain signs).

Educator: - What do you think these road signs are needed in the forest? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Why? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Right, guys! Road Signs in the forest are not needed, because there are no streets and transport. They must be returned to the city and put in place.

Educator: - Guys, see what happened to the main traffic light?

Children: - Broken.

Educator: - Yes, guys, color lights at the traffic light crashed and need to be collected.

The game"Cutting traffic light"

Educator: - What are the well done! Made a good deed - repaired traffic lights! Why do you need a traffic light? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Right, guys! The traffic light helps adjust traffic, sets order on the streets. And now check if you know what every light of the traffic light means?

Educator: - Red light!

Children: Stop, dangerous! The way is closed!

Educator: - Yellow.

Children: - A warning! Wait for the signal for movement!

Educator: Light green says?

Children: - Pedestrians are open!

Educator: - Go through the road is always on the street

And help and prompt these bright colors!

What is this sign? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Yes, guys! These broken traffic lights from our city and the lights lie. So what's now?

Children: - Consider!

Educator: - Right! We must replace them. But you need to hurry. How can we quickly return to kindergarten? (Children offer).

Educator: - Yes, we will fly on airplanes. (Children imitate aircraft). So we flew to kindergarten.

Educator: - Guys, what needs to be done to fix traffic lights?

Children: Glit!

Educator: - And you remember, in what order are they located? (Children's responses).

Educator: - Right! Red, yellow, green. Getting to repair traffic lights. (Children take mugs, apply glue and fit the tutor, which sticks all sides of the traffic lights).

Educator: - Traffic lights repaired! Let's break all the signs in the city in our place. Now, in the fabulous town, the order has come and all residents are rejoiced. (Children sit on chairs).

Educator: - For the fact that you are so kind, responsive, attentive and know well traffic Lawsyou are awarded medals "Honorary Pedestrian"! (Handing medals).

Publications on the topic:

After reviewing Materials on traffic rules on this site, we decided to create a layout on the study of the rules of the road and in their group.

The set of target walk "We study the rules of the road" Target Walk "We study the rules of the road" Tasks: clarify and systematize the submission of children on the rules of the road;

Abstract of direct educational activities in the middle group "Road Rules" Software tasks: Teach children sustainable skills safe behavior on the road; Relieve feeling from preschoolers.

An abstract of educational activities on the basis of the rules of the road "Rules of Road" The abstract of educational activities on the basics of the road rules in the older group: "Road Rules" Tasks: - Secure.

An abstract of classes according to the rules of the road in the middle group "Rules these remember always" Tasks: educate attention, orientation skills in space. Teach children Street Transition Rules. Secure the presentation of children about the appointment.

A summary of the conversation with the children of the middle group "Caution, winter road! "

Purpose: Formation of the basics of safe behavior on the winter road.

  • Tell your children about the dangers that lie on the winter road. Learn safe behavior on the road during walks.
  • Fasten the knowledge of the knowledge of the rules of behavior on the roadway, knowledge of road signs, about the island of security.
  • Develop the speech of children, logical thinking, dexterity, attention.

Equipment: Road signs - pictures, chicken, a layout of a pedestrian crossing, d \\ and "red, yellow, green"


Guys, today I want to tell you one story about the chicken:

Overtook chicken where the street got

And now she is hard, tears pour a poor thing.

- What do you think, why does chicken cry, what happened to her?

Responses of children.

That's right, the chicken overwhelmed the street, without observing the rules of the road. Let's teach her rules of behavior on the road?

Responses of children.

We will play the game "Road Roads". I will throw you a ball and ask the rules of behavior on the roadway, and you will answer me:

1) Where drive cars?

2) what is the name of this part of the road?

3) Where should pedestrians go?

4) What is the name of this part of the road?

5) What items on the road help us and drivers?

6) Where can I go around the street? And also? And also?

7) What should I do if you started moving along a pedestrian crossing, but a green traffic light caught fire for cars and did they start moving?

8) What is the name of this place at the pedestrian crossing?

You know well the rules of the road, but do you know the signs? I suggest you play the game "call a sign", you must call the sign and explain why it is needed on the road.

Game "Name Sign"

- You have remembered the signs, the chicken has learned a lot, but now let's show it on the example, how to move through the road.

Game Situation "Island Security" (Children play the game, in compliance with the rules of behavior on the roadway: Some children - pedestrians, alone - drivers, one child - traffic lights)

"Guys, we taught a lot with a chicken, but I want to remind you about the time of the year: now we have winter, winter roads make a lot of dangers. What?

Responses of children.

- That's right, the road is very slippery, and you need to walk on it carefully. Here in the pictures show examples of correctly and wrong behavior on the road. Let's look at and discuss them:

  • Ice on the sidewalk
  • River and ice, children games
  • Clothes in winter
  • Pedestrians and drivers, how to behave on a slippery road.

- Guys, the chicken tells you thank you, she will now comply with the rules of behavior on the road, and she advises you to be attentive on a winter slippery road.

Name: Abstract Claiming on traffic rules in the middle group "Caution Winter Road"
Nomination: kindergarten, abstracts of classes, OOD, traffic rules, medium group

Position: Educator of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: MDOU Kindergarten №5 "Star" City of Nei
Location: Kostroma region, Kostroma region

Project on traffic rules for the middle group

"In the country of the road rules."

Project type: Cognitive - game.

Duration of the project: short.

Base for project implementation: Medium group

Project participants : Children, parents and educators of the middle group.

Each project participant is important to remember that the project implementation contributes not only to the formation of the fundamentals of safe behavior on the street, but also the development of a child as a person (his thinking, speech, emotional sphere, sensory skills, physical development).

Project implementation period: three weeks.

Subject of study:

The process of forming the foundation of the safety culture on traffic rules in educational and educational activities in children of middle preschool age.

Estimated result:

* Children are able to navigate emergency situations, find ways to solve and exit them.

* Able to behave in an unfamiliar and leaving place.

* Know: the purpose of the traffic light and each of its color; rules of behavior on the roadway, in transport; how to move the street; who are they


Hypothesis: If children from an early age will understand and dreamed the rules of the road

movements, they will be able to avoid dangerous situations and save their lives.

Possible risks of the project : The assimilation of the material depends on the individual characteristics of children.

The main direction of the project: Children's Room Warning -

transport injuries. Events are held in the time free of educational activities in the form of conversations of the cognitive cycle, observations of transport movement, reading fiction, guessing mysteries, educational, educational and mobile games; Replenishment of a corner according to the rules of the road.

Relevance of the topic : The project is devoted to an urgent problem - learning children of preschool age to traffic rules. We all live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior in the road transport situation are observed. Often the culprits of road accidents are the children who play near the roads, pass the street in the wrong places, incorrectly enter the vehicles and they come out. The elementary ignorance of the rules of the road and the indifference attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the carriage part is leading to this. Child has no protective psychological response to the road situation, which is characteristic of adults. They still do not know how to properly manage their behavior.

The desire to constantly open something new, the immediacy often put them in front of real dangers in a rapidly changing road atmosphere. That is why from the very early age it is necessary to teach children to safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport and road rules. Parents and pre-school institutions should be taken to participate.

Purpose: Formation of preschool children the basics of safe

behavior on the road, on the street and in transport. Secure the presentation of children that the rules prescribed to pedestrians, passengers and drivers must clearly know and follow.



Introduce children with the rules of the road, the structure of the street, road signs;

Form ideas about the purpose of the traffic light and its signals;

To teach children to foresee a dangerous event, be able to avoid it, if necessary, to act.


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and care on the road;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communicative skills.


Promote the development of the speech of children, replenish the active and passive dictionary of children in the process of work on the project;

Develop a coherent speech.


Educate personal safety and self-preservation skills

Problem issues:

1. Why should I form knowledge of traffic traffic rules in children?

2. What is the role of the game in the study of traffic rules?

3. What role do parents perform in the formation of rules of behavior on the street?

4. How to teach the child the resulting theoretical knowledge to skip through productive activities, and then implement in games and everyday life?

5. What a danger may occur on the street. If the child does not know how

correct the situation.

Hypothesis Research:

Positive efficacy in children of middle preschool age on the formation of safe-behavior skills on the street can be achieved if in different activities (independent, jointly directly educational) will include information on traffic safety, on the rules of road traffic, on possible situations on the road and options Avoiding such situations.

Expected results:

Ensuring conditions for the organization of the activities of the MBDOU on the protection and safety of the child's life;

Strengthening the joint cooperation of MBDOU and traffic police for

prevention of child road traffic injuries;

Development of a short-term work plan with the children of the Central Group and

their parents as part of familiarizing the child with the rules of the road


Formation in children of the right understanding of the importance of rules

road traffic, its place as a road participant,

the development of the skills and skills necessary for this.

Research methods:

1. Directly educational activities:

2. Artistic creativity.

4. Reading fiction.

5. Target walks and excursions through the streets of the city.

7. Experimental and search engagement. Gaming activity: didactic, plot role-playing, mobile games.

9. Conducting a quiz on the topic of the project.

10. Place the situation, the use of the resulting theoretical knowledge on


11. Thematic immersion on the topic of the project.

12. Work with parents.

13. The use of audio and video materials on the problem of traffic rules.

Stages of the project:

1 stage (problem statement):

Decide the problem in front of children "For what you need to know

traffic Laws?";

Determine the product product:

a) knowledge of the rules of the road;

b) Conducting game training on the topic of the project.

2 Stage (discussion of problem, task acceptance):

Bring to children the importance of this problem: "ignorance of rules

road traffic can lead to trouble! ";

Pick up fiction, audio and video materials

prepare a visual illustrated material on the topic of the project;

Make a promising project work plan;

Examine methodical literature.

Conduct conversations with children on the topic: "Attention, road signs!",

"How to behave outside and in transport?", "What are the rules of the road

do you know movements? "," Who drives the road? ";

Replenish the object and developing environment;

Conduct questioning with parents, testing.

3 Stage (project work):

Organize work to solve project tasks through:

1. Directly educational activities:

- "Road signs are always";

- "On the work of the traffic police";

- "Caution, road!";

- "Rules for passengers";

- "Transport on the streets of the city."

2. Artistic creativity:

Drawing: "Come up with a new road sign," "Streets of the city";

Lrak: "Cheerful traffic light", "Post";

Applique: "Road Sign", "Noisy Crossroads".

3. Situational imitation modeling.

4. Reading fiction: Barlev O. "ABC of Safety", Verevka V. "Learning to move the road", Volkova S. "about the rules of the road", Domokhovsky A. "Wonderful Islet", Vyatkov B. "Lights", Irishin in . "Walk around the city", Klimenko V. "Incidents with toys", Kozhevnikov V. "Lights", Konchalovskaya N. "Scooter", Migunov I. "Friendphone friend", Mikhalkov S. "Uncle Stepa", "My Street" , "Three wonderful colors", "bad story"; Swiggles to the "Lightoforik", Tarutin O. "For what we are a traffic light," Khursmank D. "Crossroads" and others.

5. Target walks and excursions through the streets of the city, observations of pedestrians in the conditions of the street; Collapse of each situation.

6. Consider illustrations, pictures.

7. Viewing learning cartoons on traffic rules: "Smeshariki:" ABC security "," Tetushka's lessons owls. Cartoons about traffic rules for children ", etc.

8. Experimental and search engagement.

9. Didactic Games: "Be attentive", "Types of Crossroads",

"Challenge Liplot", "Our Street", "put a road sign", "Specify the right", "traffic light", "Guess-ka", "find out the description", "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends!" .

9. Mobile Games: "Road signs and cars", "Pedestrians and cars", "Traffic light" and others. 10. Plot-role-playing games: "Bus trip", "Travel around the city".

11. Gaying mysteries.

12. Conducting quiz "Pedestrian on the street".

13. Situation analysis: "How to go through the road?", "What

signs help pedestrian on the way? "," What should not be? "," What do you need to know if you are on the street one? ".

14. Thematic dives on the topic of the project - meetings with DPS inspectors, visiting adjustable intersections, excursion to the traffic police department.

15. Holding with parents:

Consultation: "How to teach a child to comply with the rules of the road


Workshop "What to do in this situation?"

Placing information in the parental corner: "Memo according to the rules of the road", "You need to know."

4 Stage (Presentation):

Conduct the game training "Who knows the best rules of the road";

Submit a project product - street layout.


The conditions for organizing the activities of the MBDOU on the protection and security of the child's life of the child were assessed by a positive and pedagogical team, and traffic police inspectors, and parents;

The developed short-term work plan with the children of the Central Group and their parents as part of familiarizing the child with the rules of the road was successfully completed, the goals were achieved, the new goal of the pedagogical project was set;

According to the results of the pedagogical diagnosis at the end of the project, most children appeared and continued to form a correct understanding of the significance of the rules of the road for their life and health. With children who showed the average results of the development of the material, the individual development routes on the topic of the project were outlined, tentative conversations with their parents were made.

During the project, a previously advanced hypothesis relative to the dynamics of the effectiveness of the formation of skills and skills of behavior on

street in middle-aged children was fully confirmed. It is due to the coverage of information on traffic rules from different sides and the inclusion of this information in different kinds The activities of children were achieved directly proportional to the positive dynamics after the project.

Of particular importance, based on the characteristics of the age of children, for the project had games activity, where, with the help of modeling, distribution of roles, delegation of certain powers, theoretical knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road, in transport, on the road were enshrined.

List of references and sources:

Methodical literature:

1. Avdeeva N.N., Sterkina R.B., Knyazeva O.L. "Security basics

preschool children ";

2. White K.Yu. "How to ensure the safety of preschoolers";

3. Dobryakov V.A. "Three traffic lights";

4. Kiryanov V.N. "Prevention of children's road transport

injuries ";

5. Kogan M.S. "Road rules to know each it is necessary"; 6. Rublak V.E. "Traffic Laws";

7. Smeushevich E.S., Yakupov A.Ya. "We go down the street";

8. Stepankova E.Ya. "Preschoolers - about the rules of road


Card files of poems and works on traffic rules.

Methodical literature:

1. Saulin T. F. Three traffic lights: familiarization of preschoolers with road rules: to work with children 3-7 years. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010. - 112c. : Col. Incl

2. Avdeeva, N. N. Security on the streets / N. N. Avdeev. M.: LLC "Publishing AST-LTD", 2003

3. E. Ya. Stepanenkova, M. F. Filenko "Preschoolers about road rules."

4. Boguslavaya Z. M. Developing games for children of junior preschool age / Z. M. Boguslavkaya, E. O. Smirnova. M.: Enlightenment, 2003

5. Poddubnaya L. "Road Rules for the Central Group"

6. Klimenko, V. R. Take a preschooler with the rules of movement / V. R. Klimenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 2007.

7. Dorokhov, A. A. Green, Yellow, Red / A. A. Dorokhov. - M.: Children's literature, 2002


A summary of the clause on traffic rules in the middle group "Country of Rules of Road"

(middle group)

Software tasks:

$ 1 · consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic lights, about his signals;

$ 1 · systematize the knowledge of children about road signs, about their meaning;

$ 1 · consolidate knowledge of ground and air transport;

$ 1 · develop observation, visual memory;

$ 1 · develop the ability to respond full answer.


$ 1 · picture depicting streets and various situations on the road;

$ 1 · pictures with image of road signs;

Preliminary work:

$ 1 · problem conversation: "Our Friends on the Road";

$ 1 · consider paintings on road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Travel course:

Educator: Hello, guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country "Rules of Road".

Educator: Let's imagine that we are walking through this unusual country. In this big beautiful country a lot of streets. There are a lot of passenger and cargo vehicles, buses and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and stringent rules for drivers of cars and pedestrians. To keep your health and life, we must strictly follow the rules of the road. And we will help us to remember our today's friend who invited us to this country. (Show pictures "Traffic light") But for a start, you need to guess the riddle.

Three multicolored circles

Flashing with each other.

Glow, blink -

People help.

Children: traffic lights

Educator: Why do you need guys?

Children: To regulate traffic

Educator: The traffic light has three lights of the light:


Red Light is the most strict, stand! Droga no, the path is closed for everyone!;

Yellow Light is a warning, wait for the signal to move;

Greenlight - says "pass, the way is open!"

Educator: Children, on what traffic signal can you move the road?

Children: on green light.

Educator: Well done guys! Let's play the game with you?


Educator: It is called "Collect the right light." I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(One child comes out)

Educator: Guys, Your task is to properly arrange in order all the colors of the traffic light. So, start!

(the child puts the mugs in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did it correctly?

Children: Yes

Educator: Right, sit down! And the traffic light prepared for all the riddles. He has helpers, they are called road signs. Have you heard about them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Stripped black and white

Pedestrian walks Selo

Which of you guys knows

What warns about?

Give a car quiet move -

Children: Pedestrian Transition


Educator: Guys, look, our road sign "Pedestrian Transition" is missing. I need an assistant who helps him find.

(the child comes out and chooses the corresponding sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why do you need this sign?

Children: He shows us where you can move the road

2. Go here alone cars

Grozno them flashes tires

Do you have a bike?

So stop! Drochi no!

Children: Bicycle Movement is prohibited

Educator: Look, the sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited" is not enough! Who will help him find?

(4, the child comes)

Educator: Correctly guys, look? And what does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that it is very dangerous to ride the bikes

3. In a white triangle

With a giano, red

Schoolchildren men

Very safe

This sign is road

Know everything in the world

Be careful,

On the road -

Children: Children (5)

Educator: Guys, who will help you find it? (One child comes out)

And what does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign denotes "Caution, children." The driver from afar sees this sign and slows the speed, because in this place the road can go.

Educator: And where do you usually put such signs?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many helpers on the road at the traffic light! And now we will imagine that we are drivers. Do you know who it is?

Children: those who sit behind the wheel of the car?

Fizminutka "We - Chauffs":

(children should show movement)

Kachu, Ice

At full speed

(children walk)

I am a chauffe

(mimic steering control)

And myself - motor

(circular movements shoulders)

Click on the pedal

(bend the leg in the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running on the spot)

Educator: Guys, what kinds of transport do you know?

Children: ground, air, water.

Educator: What transport belongs to the ground mind?

Children: passenger car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What transport refers to the air mind?

Children: airplane, helicopter.

Educator: What transport is a water mind?

Children: Ship, steamer, motor ship

Educator: Well done! Let us play the game "What picture is missing?". (6) Who will help me?

(Child comes out)

Educator: Look, correctly guys? What is the type of transport? Where does he go?

Children: on the roads

(7, the child comes)

Children: in the sky

Educator: I need another helper. It also lacks pictures too.

(8, the child comes out)

Educator: Look, guys, everything is right? What is the type of transport? Where can we meet him?

Children: Water

Educator: Correctly guys.

Educator: Well, guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about the rules of the road. Did you like our journey? What did you like most?

An abstract classes. (by traffic rules)

"Walk on the street of the city" (middle group) Educator: Sat A.V.

Purpose: Fastening the skills of compliance with traffic rules. Skills to act across the signal.

Fastening road signs.

Registration : Notify the pedestrian crossing, pharmacy, shop and stop.

Travel course:

Educator: Guys! We are already learning the rules of the road. We know the traffic lights and some road signs. And today we once again recall the rules of behavior on the streets. When we go for a walk with your loved ones.

Imagine. That we are not in kindergarten, but on the streets of our city. In our city, as in the present, there are schools, kindergartens, hospitals and alleys. The streets of our city will move transport.

And in our city there is a policeman who monitors the order on the roads. Now all close your eyes and imagine that you are on the streets of our city. I think up to five, I can not up to ten: once, two, three, four, five - open the eyes again! (Children close their eyes, and at that time a policeman comes into the hall)

Policeman: Hello guys! My name is Kuular Nazyn Viktorovich. Today we will repeat the rules of the road, road signs and take a walk along the streets of our city. You are ready?

1 child: 2 child:

Our friend is a traffic light if a sign with a striped red

Red, yellow and green, do not go, is dangerous here

He looks at all. No Pedestrians!

Crossroads lively,

Elegenated traffic lights. 3 child:

Old men go and children here are ground transition

Do not run and do not rush. Walks all day people

Traffic light for everyone you, the driver, do not be sad,

A true friend and brother. Pedestrian skip!

On the traffic light signal;

Through the street go. 4 child:

And nod to us the chaufferes: in the middle of the road

"Pass, wait." We are always responsible for them.

On the red light - no road, so as not to cry their parent,

On the yellow - wait. Be careful, the driver.

When burning green shine,

Have a good trip.

And now we will see, whether you learned this rule. We will celebrate the game "Traffic light". ("Policeman" shows the mugs of three colors. Green color - to stupid legs, depicting walking. Yellow color - clap in your hands. Red color - sit quietly without movement).

What are you all well done! Guys, what do they call the inspector that regulates traffic? (Adjuster)What is the controller signals do you know and what are you denoted? ("The adjustor shows a rod signal, raises the right hand with a rod up - it matches the yellow light signal - clap into your hands. The adjustor stands face or back to the movement - it corresponds to a red signal - sit in silence. Rotated sideways - you can go like green Light of traffic lights - to the legs.)

The game "Act at the controller signal".

Policeman: Well done! Played, now we can go for a walk through our city. But before we go for a walk, let's remember the rules of behavior on the street. I have a few questions about the rules of the road:

Which part of the street should pedestrians go? (On the sidewalk.)

Where and how are pedestrians obliged to move the street? (On a pedestrian crossing, calm step.)

Why can the road be translated only on the green light of the traffic light? (On red and yellow dangerously walk for life and the other.)

Why can not play the roadway? (It's dangerous for life)

Is it possible to ride the roadway and why? (No one can not. Answers children.)

Where do you need to wait for the bus? (At the stop)

What are you great, you know how to behave on the street! I am satisfied with you! Now get up for two each other, we go for a walk on our city.

We walk around the city and streets

On the way we meet different buildings

Here is a pharmacy on the way

But how to pass through the street,

To keep the rules?

After all, we are not even a traffic light?

(On a pedestrian crossing.)

And there is a lot of toys

Wouldn't look at the store!

And here cars on the way

Where would you go through the road?

And we decided to approach the transition sign!

On the way, we met the zoo!

But there is no traffic light and no transition

Only sideways to us

Stand or go to us?

(Go - green light light)

1 child: 2 child:

The road so turns: the car on the side of the road,

First, I will see the van to the left, the snowdrift is big

And, if there is no car, interfere with seeing very me:

I go to the middle what is there on the pavement?

Then I look carefully to be rushing here now

To the right necessarily - on the terrible speed "KAMAZ"!

And, if there is no movement, the road is here, it is clear to me

Forward! Without delay! Get danger!

(Suitable for stop, weighs a bus stop sign ) And here is the bus.(The bus is built from chairs in advance ) Let's choose with the help of the driver and conductor readers (the driver is given, and the conductor is a bag with tickets or a cap). Here they chose, and now all occupy their places and go on the road. While we go to guess those my riddles. Here is a road riddle:

How is the horse,

What fell on the transitions,

Where are pedestrians? (Zebra)

The house on the street goes,

To work all calls

Not on the courier legs

And in rubber boots (bus)

Policeman : And now, tell me about the rules of behavior in public transport.

Is it possible to touch the doors with the hands while driving? Why? (You need to wait when the driver opens them, he has a special button)

Can you talk while driving with the driver? Why(It is impossible, the driver is distracted)

Can you hang out from the window? Why (It is impossible dangerous)

Is it possible to speak loud on the bus? Why (No, it interferes with other passengers)

2 child:

And for passengers too

There are a lot of rules of any.

Observe them each should

And do not ride, as fell!

Need to go ahead

Do not delay the people

Near the door do not stand,

Leaving do not interfere

And for the handrails hold.

Stand straight, not curly

Senior place to give up -

Senior need to respect.

Well done! You are good passengers. Know yourself to lead, and no one will make you comments on the bus.

Quiet, calmly leave the bus and becoming pedestrians.

Well done boys! You can sit down. Thank you for being attentive and observed all the rules of the road. And in memory of the journey, I want to give you to the tokens confirming that you are excellent pedestrians! (I hand all tokens - traffic lights )

Now it is time to go back to kindergarten, where your teacher is waiting for you. Close your eyes and count to five.

(Children cover their eyes and the teacher removes his cap).

Educator: (sums up ) Open your eyes! Well, here you have returned to our kindergarten. Where did you visit? Who met there? Now you remember all the rules? Now never forget how to behave on the streets of the city and in transport. Well done!