Healthy lifestyle and day mode for pregnant woman. Mode of day of a pregnant woman: food and memo, lifestyle and routine of the day, recommendations in the first trimester

Each person needs a full-fledged sleep, pregnancy repeatedly strengthens the need for rest, so for future mothers it is especially important. But the physiological changes occurring after conception, accompanied by breast disease, the growth of the abdomen, pain in the back and limbs, do not always allow you to sleep as it should.

In a new position, the woman often faces insomnia, and the selection of suitable postures is converted to a real problem. Consider the peculiarities of a pregnant rest in each of the trimesters, as well as the problems associated with it and the ways to solve them.

Pregnancy and sleep are inextricably linked, because without a fullest rest it is impossible to normal intrauterine development of the baby and good health of the mother. French scientists came to the conclusion that women suffering from insomnia during the period of the baby tooling, often face complications in childbirth (a prolonged waiting period, slow opening of the cervix). In addition, the absence of a normal sleep increases the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A healthy long sleep allows the future mother to get rid of the accumulated experiences associated with the expectation of the child and the upcoming births. Therefore, in order not to experience constant stress and nervousness, you need to rest always when this desire appears.

Sleep during pregnancy is especially important, because the female organism begins to spend energy more than in the usual condition. Also, the decline is due to the natural decrease in immunity and blood pressure in the future mother. It causes apathy and weakness. The best and only way to get rid of them is to give the body to relax the last time.

How much do you need to sleep?

To ensure new needs of the body, sleep should become longer. On the usual period, the optimal duration of the night recreation is 8-9 hours. But the woman "in the position" requires more time to restore forces - on average from 9 to 11 hours.

In the first trimester, the future mother is experiencing strong drowsiness associated with enhanced progesterone production, starting toxicosis and other physiological changes. In this regard, the sleep during pregnancy in the early deadlines includes even extra time for day rest. If desire, it is recommended to devote to him at least 1.5 hours.

In the second trimester, the state of the woman stabilizes and the weakness retreats. The need for day sleep may disappear, but the night rest should remain quite long - 9 hours and more. It is also important to comply with the day of the day - to go to bed and get up at about the same time. The best moment for waste to sleep is 11 o'clock in the evening, and for lifting - 8-9 in the morning.

What poses better sleep?

In thought about how to combine sleep and pregnancy, stomach, increasing day by day, makes its own adjustments. Due to the rapid growth of the child and, accordingly, the uterus, the problem creates a choice of a convenient for a woman and safe for the baby.

Many future mothers have a question: is the sleep on the stomach during pregnancy or not? Let's try to figure out how long it is acceptable and which postures for sleep are more suitable for pregnant.

In early terms

The correctly selected position guarantees strong sleep and good well-being. In the first trimester, the choice is practically unlimited. The uterus has not yet managed to increase and reliably protected by pubic bones, so sleep during pregnancy on the stomach during this period is allowed.

But often women have to choose another position to sleep already in the earliest. The reason for this becomes an increase and pain of the mammary glands. In such a situation, you can sleep on the back or on my side, the main thing is that the position is comfortable.

In later terms

Starting from the second trimester, the choice of permissible poses is reduced. In order not to deliver discomfort to the baby and save pregnancy, the sleep on the stomach will have to cancel. To rest during this period is better lying on my side, as if curled up the caulatory around the baby.

Since the weight of the child and the size of the uterus is still small, sleep on the back during pregnancy on this period is allowed. But after the 27th week, this posture also needs to be refused. If the pregnancy is multiply, the fruit is large or diagnosed by a low one, then do it will have to.

In the third trimester, the most suitable position for sleep is lying on the left side. If the baby is inside the uterus in cross-preview, then it is better to go to the other side with which his head is located. It encourages the child to take the right position.

So that the dream was more comfortable, licking on the left side, the right leg must be bent in the knee and put the pillow under it. You can use the usual pillow of a suitable size or specially designed for pregnant women.

In such a posture, blood circulation in the placenta is improved, the optimal conditions for the work of the mother's cardiovascular system are created. In addition, excessive load on the spine, kidneys and other internal organs.

Sleep on one side all night is difficult, so if discomfort appears, doctors recommend changing the pose, licking on the opposite direction. It is desirable to do it 3-5 times per night.

Sleep on the back during pregnancy in the third trimester is undesirable. At this time, this creates an excessive load on the spine, intestines, and, most importantly, leads to the religion of the field of veins.

As a result, the well-being of the future mother worsens, the following symptoms may appear:

  • labored breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, sometimes fainting.

The child is experiencing intrauterine oxygen fasting, which is negatively affecting its development. Often, if a woman in a dream turns onto the back, the baby begins to pushed hard, feeding the signals that he is uncomfortable. But it is worth a future mom to turn on the side, as the situation is normalized.

Sleeping on the stomach in late terms is also strictly prohibited. Although the child is protected by oily water, but the risk of injury to it still exists.

What to do when sleeping?

Sleepiness is a natural condition for pregnant, but there are exceptions from any rule. Some women during the child's rings are faced with insomnia. There are many reasons for this, difficulties with a choice of comfortable poses for rest, pain in the back, spasms and cramps in the legs, anxiety for the future baby or fear of the upcoming births.

Bad sleep during pregnancy is not the norm. The lack of a full-fledged rest depletes the body of the future mother, leading to the decline of forces, headaches and the exacerbation of chronic diseases. You can cope with sleep violations by following several simple rules.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the state of your body and the day of the day. Fill will be easier if:

  1. Go to bed every day at the same time. It is advisable to do this no later than 23:00. The lifting should also be too late, for a full-fledged rest, a pregnant woman is enough for 9-10 hours.
  2. Practicing daylight, not to do it too long. If you relax in the afternoon for more than 2 hours, the mode will break and fall asleep at night it will be problematic.
  3. Do not drink a lot of fluid overnight, otherwise the urination is to urinate, and without that frequent due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, they will not be allowed to relax.
  4. During the day, ensure a reasonable physical activity. If there are no contraindications, it is necessary to walk in the fresh air daily at least 2 hours, attend yoga or aquaaerobics for pregnant women. It is better if physical exertion will be on the first half of the day.
  5. Do not overeat overnight. With too dense dinner, everything eaten will cause unpleasant gravity in the abdomen and make it difficult to breathe that it does not contribute to healthy and strong sleep.
  6. To air the room before bedtime. The air in the bedroom should be fresh, but not too cold and dry.
  7. Wear comfortable underwear from natural fabrics. Sleep clothing should not be cramped and hot. If the house is cool, it is better to hide a warm blanket, but be easily dressed.
  8. Take a warm shower before bedtime. It will relax muscles and speed up.
  9. Use aromatherapy. Essential oils (ylang-ylang, sandalwood, lavender, neroli) helps calm down, remove the nervous tension and tune in to sleep. They can be applied to the fabric, put into a special pendant or evaporate with the help of aromalamps. But you need to remember that oils can provoke allergies.
  10. Re-equip the place to sleep, acquiring a pleasant body bedding, a comfortable pillow for pregnant women, if necessary, an orthopedic mattress.

If the listed tips did not help get rid of insomnia, you must consult with your doctor. With persistent sleep disorders, herbal teas or light sedatives from natural components - Valerian, a dying machine, etc. can be pregnant with pregnant drugs, etc. Any sleeping pills to future mothers are contraindicated, because they adversely affect the development of the baby, causing failures in the work of the liver and the kidney of a woman.

Electroson during pregnancy

Electroson during pregnancy is one of the few permitted medical methods to combat insomnia. This procedure is carried out in the physiotherapy office and is submitted to the brain of low-frequency pulse currents using a special apparatus.

Such an impact restores cerebral circulation, normalizes nervous activity, facilitates falling asleep. In addition, the electroscone improves the metabolism and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the pressure, removes spasms and reduces pain syndrome. The procedure is shown pregnant not only in nervousness and sleep disorders, but also with pronounced toxicosis in the second trimester.

Treatment has contraindications (epilepsy, dermatitis of the skin of the face, eye disease, oncological processes) and is carried out only by appointment of a doctor.

Full rest during the waiting period of the child is possible. Stable day mode and creating favorable conditions for falling asleep will allow forever to forget about poor sleep during pregnancy. But, if, despite this, you continue to experience difficulties and discomfort, you should not slow. Timely appeal for medical care will help get rid of insomnia and start receiving from his position only pleasure.

Useful video about a dream during pregnancy

You will need to carefully treat your food regime, the usefulness of your holiday, to provide sufficient physical activity, and you still need to work and pay attention to loved ones!


Now it is very long enough for you a fairly long-fastened sleep. In the first months of pregnancy, you can feel enhanced drowsiness, even after you have slept well, experience a desire to lie down in the middle of the day.

Try to secure yourself fully rest. Your body is rebuilt, and you should help him cope with this load!

I sleep at night at least 8 hours, and if you lack this - then more. The morning awakening time, as a rule, is dictated to us by the mode of work, but nothing prevents you from going to bed early in the evening. After you go on a maternity leave, you can afford to me soaring in bed for so long as you want to want it. Use the ability to pamper yourself - very soon the time of your awakening will choose your baby.

Waking up, do not rise immediately. Restore, relax every muscle, slowly take 10 deep breaths and exhale. After that, smoothly get up from the bed. However, if you are tormented by the attacks of morning nausea, then you are best to have breakfast in bed.

In the morning, in any case, rising from bed, make some simple exercises - squats, slopes to the sides and pulling, mahu hands will help you feel cheerful.


After morning hygienic procedures, breakfast time comes. Not all people can eat a full-fledged portion of food in the morning hours, but you should at least have a cup of tea with a sandwich. Juice, kefir, banana or an apple with crackers, a little muesli or flakes will also become a good option for the first breakfast.


If you are still working, then after breakfast you will go on your workplace.

If you are sitting at home, then the morning is the time to do homework, the hike in the clinic or for a walk. Remember that fresh air and the sun are now needed to you more than ever, so use any opportunity to go walk!

Physical activity and a change in the situation are now very significant for you. Even if you are quickly taking place, do not refuse exits to the street - it is better two or three walks a day for 15 minutes than full imprisonment in four walls. You should not force yourself to walk in bad weather or in ice, the latter can even be dangerous for the future mother.

If bad weather makes you sit at home, do not forget to speed the rooms more often!


Two hours after the first breakfast, you can eat again. Your menu will be determined by which dishes were on your desk during the first breakfast. If the first morning meal was rather dense - porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream, eggs and sandwiches, then the second breakfast should be made lighter - fruit, yogurt and a piece of cheese, juice or a glass of kefir.

However, if early in the morning you are not ready for receiving calorie food, now it's time to catch up - welcome porridge, prepare omelet, drink a cup of tea with milk.

Remember that you should have enough strength!


Depending on the term of pregnancy and your condition, after meals, you may want to get out another walk, and maybe, on the contrary, it will want to lie down. Listen to your body.

If you are already tired - relax, sit for a while with a book or needlework, look at a good movie or talk on the phone with a friend.

It is more difficult at this time to those who should be at work, however, remember that in most cases management goes to meet its employees in position, and provides them with easier work with the opportunity to relax from time to time.

If you have to spend a lot of time in the same position during the working time, for example, sitting at the table, then every hour, arrange a five-minute rest: stand up, walk around the office or corridor, lose your socks several times.

After an hour and a half after the second breakfast, you can perform a set of exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool or classes in preparing for childbirth.


In the middle of the day there comes lunch time. Of course, all the recommendations relating to the number and time of food receptions are quite common, and you can develop for yourself the time of the day that is most convenient for you. However, do not neglect the tips on the regularity of the nutrition - the best if you will eat small portions, but often, more often than you ate before pregnancy! This will allow food to be used in the best possible way, and you - feel much better.

So, lunch is the main meal, in the menu of which, as a rule, turn on three dishes. Most likely, by this time you have already been hungry enough: walks, exercise and general activity significantly increase appetite.

Do not forget about drinks - now you need to drink pretty much liquid!


The afternoon rest of the greater or less duration is usually needed to all future mothers.

If you are in the workplace, use for recreation part of the lunch break.

At home try to lie, perhaps you even sleep 1-2 hours. If there is no such possibility, then find a comfortable chair for yourself, sit down, close your eyes and relax. Generally now is the time to perform several exercises for general relaxation.

At later deadlines you can disturb the heartburn, so immediately after eating do not lie down. Rest sitting or half-sidia, the upper part of the body must be raised.

It will help you reduce the unpleasant feeling. If you are full of strength in the afternoon, then gymnastics, swimming and classes on courses You should plan exactly at1 this time - between dinner and afternooner or between afternooner and dinner.

In any case, there should be at least 1-2 hours between meals and exercise - depending on how abundant it was!

Afternoon person

The afternoon is needed so that you do not feel hunger between lunch and dinner. Fruits, milk or yogurt, sandwich or some cookies - it will be quite enough to eat.

Your pastime in the evening depends only on your personal preferences. Someone is experiencing a tide in this watch and is very active, someone wants to rest. However, in any case, try to highlight some time on the evening walk before or after dinner. It will contribute to a stronger and deep sleep - you remember how important a full vacation is important for you now!


Dinner is worth not later than 2-3 hours before sleep, using lightweight writing. In this case, you will create the most favorable conditions for digestion and reduce the likelihood of heartburn.

Most likely, now you do not attract late exits from the house to visit or in the movies, you taste a calmer lifestyle. Spend the evening with a book, needlework or in conversations with your loved ones.


Before bedtime, take a shower and spark well. If the changed figure makes you look for a more convenient position for sleep, stock up sufficient pillows that will help you lie down comfortably.

Before bedtime, dedicate a little time to perform exercises for relaxation, the development of proper breathing and autotransigue. You will not notice how to fall asleep.

The main thing that should be absent in the mode of the pregnant woman's day, this is overwork and fatigue. Cut out more outdoor time, walk and exercise what you like most.

In the morning there are several light exercise.

It is very important to protect yourself, and consequently, and your baby from external adverse factors. Minimize communication with patients or simply unpleasant people to you, use the subjects of household chemicals as little as possible. We are surrounded by quite a lot of chemicals that may adversely affect health. These are all sorts of impregnations of materials used for the manufacture of sofas and chairs, polyters and varnishes for cabinets, walls and other furniture, air fresheners and much more.

Very often we just do not notice around themselves what causes us harm. Of course, we cannot provide complete environmental sterility, but it is desirable to minimize the level of danger.

Special attention should be paid to clothes. It should be not only comfortable and comfortable, but also made of natural materials. Synthetic has a lot of negative properties. It does not pass the air to the body, hesitated from high temperature and cool down at low. Even if you have never been allergic before pregnancy, it may appear during pregnancy, and synthetic fabrics are often the cause of its occurrence.

Try to make your underwear from natural materials. The bra must be somewhat larger, because the chest of a pregnant woman increases from the very beginning of pregnancy and should not be crammed. In addition to unpleasant sensations, a woman can develop mastitis - seals in lactic glands.

There is one detail that each pregnant woman should know. Approximately from the second half of pregnancy, when the stomach begins to increase, it is recommended to purchase a bandage - a special belt that keeps the child in the right position and does not allow the muscles of the abdomen overly stretch. Bandage is worn under the upper clothes, it is practically not visible and helps to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Buying a new dress must be taken into account that the stomach will quickly increase. In no case can not be touched by a growing belly. Due to the violation of blood circulation, the fetus may begin oxygen fasting, and due to the lack of space for movement, various pathologies may develop. If you are accustomed to dress bright and throw, do not need to refuse yourself. Do not hide a spreading figure, most men admire pregnant women and belong to women more gently and carefully.

Simultaneously with the compliance of the requirements of fashion, the clothes must be comfortable. Nowadays in the markets and stores are offered a lot of diverse clothes capable of satisfying any tastes and requirements. The most popular clothing today are denim sundresses and overalls. They are considered an optimal option for pregnant women, because, firstly, denim tissue is made of natural material, and secondly, there is a way to increase the size of such clothes.

It is better to refuse the trouser. They, albeit comfortable in the sock, but they quickly become small. Skirts are better not to acquire, the most suitable option is a sundress. He will not push the stomach and will not fall at the most inopportune moment.

Feel free to enjoy the benefits of your position. Ask you to give you a place in public transport. First of all, this is a concern for your child, because sharp braking strongly shakes you and can provoke a miscarriage, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

With no less attention to the choice of shoes. Here fashion is inappropriate. From the first days of pregnancy, high heel should be abandoned. Wearing shoes on heels can cause the appearance of pain in the back, and in the last months of pregnancy they increase the danger of falling, as the center of gravity is shifted forward. The optimal option is a stable heel to 5 centimeters high.

Sports shoes or sneakers are very comfortable, and some pregnant prefer their other shoes.

In winter and spring shoes should be even more stable. On the soles should stick or nail a special audit, which increase friction. Naturally, there should be no high heels.

Further yourself from infectious diseases. In the first months of pregnancy, they are able to cause miscarriage or give impetus to the wrong development of the fetus. In addition, under the influence of intoxication caused by the infectious disease, the accumulative water is almost always mututed, which also adversely affects the development of the child. It is necessary to remember that during pregnancy you can not take most of the drugs that you easily cured the cold before. Now it will do much more difficult.

All young mothers are afraid of such an operation as a cesarean section. This is understandable: what woman wants to spoil your stomach with an ugly scar? Yes, and for a child, this operation does not pass without negative consequences. However, modern doctors are increasingly and more often to resort to Cesarean section. Therefore, it should be remembered that observing all the requirements and adhering to a certain regime and diet, the woman will most likely be able to avoid complications that are usually caused by cesarean section.

If someone from your home fell ill, ask him to wear a gauze mask. At least, you at least somehow secure yourself from the cold.

Try not to exclude minimal exercise from your regime. Be sure to make gymnastics designed for pregnant women, walk more, go on foot. However, it is necessary to listen to themselves and guided primarily common sense. Some pregnant women prefer not to pay attention to emerging fatigue. Do not like them. If you are overwhelmed, leave all things, throw cleaning, washing, cooking, go back from the walk, care from work. Allow yourself rest.

Visiting a dentist should be a rule for a pregnant woman. A lot of calcium requires a developing organism in you, and it will take it from your body. Patients teeth among other things are the place of penetration into the body of various infections.

It is advisable to listen to classical music if you don't like it, then put your favorite CD or audio cassette, only rock music, which is simply contraindicated to your child. Scientists have established that under the influence of such music, the child is compressed in a lump, he has a heart matter, that is, the kid is simply scared. Go to theaters, movies, museums, read good, smart books and children's fairy tales. Fill yourself with the best: communication with loved ones and native people, with nature. All you like and brings pleasant sensations and emotions should surround you from the first to the last day of pregnancy.

If you are a young woman who is coming the first childbirth, then you should pay special attention to the condition of your body.

Carefully and very carefully treat yourself. Sometimes after miscarriage, a young woman cannot understand the reason for what happened. However, there may be many. Do not overcome! This is one of the most important causes of possible miscarriage.

Before pregnant, go through a full medical examination. If you are not in order with your health, it will be necessary for a course of treatment. Remember that even sick teeth can cause trouble. In the first trimester, you need to listen particularly sensitive to your feelings.

It is impossible not to pay attention to malaise. If your fatigue does not pass, you need to tell your gynecologist about it. And even more so do not postpone the hike in the female consultation, if you have pain in the lower back or abdomen. Do not wait until bleeding opens. The most important thing for a pregnant woman is to trust your inner voice - then everything will be fine.

Pregnancy is beautiful, but at the same time a complex and responsible period of the life of the future mother. From the moment of conception, she needs to reconsider his lifestyle, eliminate adverse factors, observe the mode of the day of a pregnant woman, reconsider food. All these factors directly affect the development of the kid.

Power supply during pregnancy: revise the diet

One of the main factors affecting the health of the mother and the future kid is a balanced nutrition. In the first trimester it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day with daily consumption of at least 2000 kcal. The composition must contain proteins of at least 120 gr., Carbohydrates up to 350 gr., And fats 75 gr. Attention should pay for animals proteins: meat, bird and fish. From the first months of pregnancy, a sufficient amount of calcium is included in its diet, which is contained in fermented milk products.

It is necessary to avoid useless carbohydrates leading to a weight set. A large number of them in bread, pastries, confectionery. Proper carbohydrates can be obtained from croup, vegetables and fruits.

An important element in nutrition is an iron that transports oxygen to the fabrics of the mother and the fetus.

Its largest is contained in:

  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Meat;
  • Currant.

In the second trimester, you need to increase meals to 6-7 times, but reduce the size of the portions. The snacks make fresh vegetables, fruits and milk products.

Balanced food of a pregnant woman: Memo of food use

In addition to balanced nutrition, it is necessary to take folic acid, which affects the development of the fetus organs and the central nervous system. It is rich in rice, oranges, grapes, broccoli, spinach. You can additionally take medication.

Power memo during pregnancy:

  1. Frequent nutrition in small portions.
  2. Between meals allowed lightweight vegetable or fruit.
  3. Up to 2 liters in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy should be used, then the volume is reduced slightly. Preference to give pure water, compotes and plates. To eliminate the use of highly carbonated and sweet drinks. The cranberry and currant morse are especially useful, which will allow you to remove edema and gently affects the urinary system.
  4. Swamp dishes, bake or cook for a couple.
  5. Include in the diet as many greens of greenery and fruits growing in the region.
  6. In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to eliminate the sharp, salty and fried, due to the increased load on the liver, kidney and stomach.

Balanced nutrition will allow to smoothly gain weight and provide a child and mom with all the necessary vitamins. It should be remembered that the weight gain by the end of pregnancy should not exceed 10-12 kg. Overweight is the birth of a large baby, and as a result, a complication for childbirth.

What should be the mode of the day of pregnant

Woman waiting for a child must observe a certain routine of the day. Strong sleep, timely meal, walking in the fresh air and small exercise - the guarantee of the child's health and wonderful self-election Mom.

  1. Healthy sleep. A woman in the position needs a little longer to restore forces. The optimal will be 9-11 hours of night rest and day hour. It is recommended to wake up at 7-9 in the morning, depending on biological rhythms and availability. Fall asleep no later than 11 pm.
  2. Physical exercises.After sleep, it is necessary to light up slightly, activating physiological processes and increasing blood circulation. In the afternoon, special exercises for pregnant women should be repeated.
  3. Water procedures. Cool souls will help wake up and cheered. We recommend swimming 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime. Hot bathroom and visiting the bath will have to postpone for a while, as it can provoke a miscarriage.
  4. Food. It is advisable to take food by clock, small portions 5 -7 times a day. Breakfast is very important for women in position. To avoid nausea, you must eat after 30 - 50 minutes after sleep.
  5. Stay in the fresh air. During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by 30%, so it is necessary to perform 2 - 3 hour walks every day. If a woman visits work, the optimal option will be 20-40 minutes of leisurely walking to the labor place and evening promenade after the working day.

No observance of the routine of the day, messy nutrition, latitating and limited oxygen access worsen the well-being of the future mother and can lead to gestosis of the fetus.

Do I need to change the lifestyle of a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman should not only adhere to the routine of the day, but also change the usual way of life.

It is necessary to abandon all bad habits. Alcohol and Nicotine negatively affect the development of the embryo, especially in the early periods of pregnancy.

Working women need to avoid long-staying on the legs or seats. It is necessary to change the position more often and make a 10-minute break. From 4 months, the future mother must exclude night shifts and severe physical work. By law, the employer is obliged to translate a woman to easier work. The labor table should be not more than 30 hours a week. If the work implies light labor and is not related to psychological loads, a pregnant woman can continue to work before childbirth.

During the child tooling, it is necessary to refrain from flights, it is better to use land transport.

Physical exertion is necessary for future mothers. One should only limit the intensity and duration of classes. However, not all sports are suitable for a woman in position.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • Lifting weights: rods, dumbbells;
  • Cycling, horse riding and skiing. These loads are able to provoke the miscarriage.
  • Any kind of martial arts;
  • Intensive classes on simulators.

Moderate physical exertion is allowed. It is best for swimming, pilates, yoga, dancing.

Necessary rules or memo for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a new stage in the life of a woman to whom it is necessary to approach with full responsibility. Good well-being of the future mother will have a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

Memo to pregnant women:

  • It is necessary to abandon bad habits;
  • Diversify nutrition by natural products;
  • Observe the meal and routine of the day;
  • Monitor your own hygiene;
  • Avoid severe physical exertion and stressful situations;
  • Facilitate working conditions;
  • Use any opportunity for staying in the fresh air;
  • Provide the body with a full-fledged one at least 10 hours a day;
  • Avoid the use of drugs, except for folic acid up to 4 mg per day;
  • During the field of influenza exacerbation is not in places of cluster of people;
  • Engage in light physical exertion.

A woman needs to register with the gynecologist in the early periods of pregnancy and to pass all the tests in a timely manner. In the period from 12 to 13 week, the first screening is made, which will determine the location of the organs, the length of the fetus, the circle of the head and measure the thickness of the cervical fold. All parameters allow you to make a picture of the development of the child.

The right mode of the day of the pregnant woman (video)

A pregnant woman needs to create safe comfort and comfort, lead a healthy lifestyle and prepare for the appearance of a baby.

Many women do not even think how a healthy lifestyle they lead. But, premensenev, it is this question that becomes primary even for them. Therefore, in this article, passing this long path personally, I would like to discuss with you the right day of the day and the healthy lifestyle of a pregnant woman, its nutrition, hygiene, and so on. After all, the right regime is of great importance for the correct development of the future child, its health is already health and, accordingly, your further happiness and tranquility.

Proper nutrition for pregnant women

Quite often from lush women you can hear that "additional places for kisses" they acquired precisely in connection with pregnancy. And indeed, the doctors concluded that excessive appetite, manifested in some women during pregnancy, it becomes the reason for consumption of a large amount of food, thus becoming the cause of excess weight.

There is only one means to combat excess weight in pregnant women! Proper nutrition and regular weight control.

Food of a pregnant woman must comply with the following basic requirements:

  • divert
  • has a nutritional value of about 2800 calories per day;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be presented in the right relation;
  • contains a sufficient amount of vitamins (more vegetables and fruits);
  • should not contain a large number of spices;
  • should not cause bloating (Exclude from the diet of fresh baked products from yeast dough, fresh bread, fresh cabbage, legumes, sauer cucumbers).

What is useful to eat pregnant women?

It is very useful during pregnancy to eat milk, as it contains useful for the fetus of calcium, proteins and vitamins.

In the first half of pregnancy, drink about ½ liters of milk, in the second half - ¾ liter. Of course, there are women who do not carry milk. In this case, it is necessary to eat dairy products - cottage cheese, yogurt, ryazhenka, etc.

What is harmful to pregnancy?

From some products will have, of course, refuse. For example, during pregnancy, it is harmful to eat and drink the following products - black coffee, as it contains caffeine, which has an adverse effect on blood pressure.

If you can't give up coffee at all, then doctors recommend drinking no more than one cup of weak coffee per day. In another case, you can replace it with chicory or non-permanent coffee. These drinks can be drunk in an unlimited quantity.

Also, during pregnancy, abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. It is proved that alcohol is harmful to the nervous system of the fetus.

But nicotine does the greatest harm to the fetus. If you smoked before pregnancy, I advise you to immediately throw this bad habit. Avoid not only smoking cigarettes directly, but also smokers. After all, we all know that passive smoking also harms our health.

An example of a menu for pregnant on trimesters day

1st trimester

Breakfast:dairy porridge.

Lunch:sandwich with butter.

Dinner:fish soup.

Afternoon person:cottberry.

Dinner:makaroni with liver.

Second dinner:vegetable salad with sea cabbage.

The second dinner is advisable to eat three hours before sleep. In the first trimester, the body of a pregnant woman should receive a large amount of folates and vitamin B6.

2nd trimester

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman is better to follow this menu:

Breakfast:cheesery with raisins and sour cream, herbal tea.

Lunch:handful of almonds or walnuts.

Dinner:chicken soup, fresh greenery salad.

Afternoon person:apple or pear.

Dinner:chicken baked with tomato, rice boiled, kefir.

Second dinner:bioogurt.

During this period, a woman is very important to eat food rich vitamin D, calcium and iron. In the second trimester, do not abuse allergens, eat them rarely and small portions.

3rd trimester

Breakfast:cottage cheese with jam or overhead berries.

Lunch:orange juice.

Dinner:roast beef with vegetables, herbal tea.

Afternoon person:peach or other seasonal fruit.

Dinner:beef cutlet with stewed vegetables.

Second dinner:kefir.

In the third trimester, pregnant mommies need to reduce water consumption - no more than one liter per day to avoid swelling.

Also reduce the use of salt, as it delays water in the body. Do not forget that in the last three months of pregnancy your body, as before, very much needs calcium.

Suitable dying during pregnancy

Learning about your position, do not hurry to run to the store for clothes for pregnant women. In the first trimester, the belly is almost impaired and you can wear ordinary things for you.

In the second trimester, your stomach can increase dramatically. Like any woman, you want to look beautiful and elegant, then you should think about changing the wardrobe.

But do not rush to chase the fashion, in your position, first of all, it is necessary to think about convenience and practicality. Therefore, things for pregnant women must meet the following requirements: were free, light, passed air and corresponded to the weather. Choosing an outfit, you must remember that things should not cause supercooling or overheating.

During pregnancy, a change in the hormonal background occurs, therefore, the temperature of your body may change throughout the day. Take care that in your wardrobe there were things that, if necessary it was easy to remove or throw something on top.

Do not forget to take care of the underwear. Since the breast has increased during pregnancy, do not hurry to buy brass bras. When choosing a new bra for pregnant, remember that it should be free, not to squeeze the chest, but keep it in a normal position.

You should also take care of the shoes. The most suitable shoes are considered to be shoes on an extended heel with a height of about 3 centimeters. Watch shoes without laces or lipukek to wear without flexing.

Body hygiene during pregnancy

Hygiene as such is important in any period of life of a woman, and during the period of pregnancy so much more. During pregnancy, it is recommended in the morning and in the evening to wash the whole body with water.

In the morning - a little hot water, in the evening - using more warm water. With hot water during this period, it is worth limping. Also give preference to the soul, not a bathroom, since in the soul dirty water immediately flows into stock. But when taking a bath, you will be already in the water polluting all the time.

Very often pregnant women are advised to walk on swimming. In this case, you must understand all the responsibility of this venture. If you live in the city with natural reservoirs and pregnancy fell on the summer season, you still have to adhere to some rules.

First, no swimming throughout the first trimester. Secondly, it is possible to swim only under whose observation. Thirdly, choose not the hot time of the day and are not under the right sunny rays. If you prefer to visit the pool, it is best to choose not an individual visit, but a group, especially for pregnant women.

Physical education and physical exertion for a pregnant woman

Pregnancy is not a disease! That is why it is not necessary to refuse or avoid any physical exertion, it will be enough to simply limit them. Can be engaged in physical education for pregnant women can be home independently, but you can sign up for a group for pregnant women.

The most important thing is to remember that the load should change as the deadline flows. That is why we will look at the exercises that can be done in every trimester of pregnancy.

1st trimester

This period is considered the most dangerous, since there is a big risk of interrupting pregnancy due to physical exertion and an improper lifestyle. That is why in the period up to 12 weeks, all exercise must be minimized. Your physical education should include breathing exercises and several warm-up movements.

Exercise 1

At inhalation, raise your hands on the shoulder level, parallel to the floor, we lower in the exhalation at the starting position. Repeat exercise 8 times.

Exercise 2

Right position: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the seam.

On the breath, raise your hands up the palms, pull them out full length parallel to each other, omit in the exhalation at the starting position. Repeat exercise 8 times.

Exercise 3.

Right position: legs together, hands laid down, in the elbows are connected in front of the face, the head is omitted.

On the breath of removing the elbows back, on the exhale, move the elbows ahead and at the same time tilt the head (with a strong exhalation). Repeat exercise 8 times.

2nd trimester

The second trimester is considered to be most favorable for exercise. Toxicosis at this time, many women retreats, the embryo becomes stronger and firmly attached to the wall of the uterus. But during this period, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, the posture changes. Therefore, the exercises are necessary for the overall state of a pregnant woman.

Exercise 1

Right position: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the seam.

Head slopes forward, back, left, right. At the same time, watch the breath, do not make sharp movements so that there are no dizziness.

Exercise 2

Right position: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands stretched up parallel to each other.

The slopes of the housing forward, back, left, right. On the breath we make a tilt, we return to the initial position on the exhalation. Do not burn too deeply, make smooth movements, do not allow pain.

Exercise 3.

Source position: legs together, hands on the belt.

At inhalation, we raise my right leg in a bent position and we assign it to the right, put the leg at the exhale at the starting position. Repeat exercise 8 times. Then go to the left foot.

Exercise 4.

Source position: standing on the knees to dilute legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the seam.

On the exhalation, they quit between the heels, they return to the initial position on the breath. Repeat exercise 8 times.

3rd trimester. Is it possible to play sports?

In the third period, pregnant women's sports and load intensity should be reduced to a minimum. The belly is very noticeable, the fatigue increases, back pain, the severity in the legs appear.

In the third trimester, it is best to walk more in the fresh air, to visit the pool. If swimming causes your discomfort, you can just walk along the bottom of the pool, to engage in aqua aerobics for pregnant women. Also, special attention should be paid to respiratory exercises, proper breathing during childbirth will provide you with natural anesthesia during childbirth.

Of course, pregnancy every woman proceeds in different ways. There are conditions and diseases in which sport classes are categorically contraindicated. That is why when you are registered in the female consultation, be sure to consult this bill with your doctor. He must say whether activity is admissible in a particular case, and also help determine the choice of a suitable exercise complex.

Pregnancy is one of the most remarkable stages of the woman's life, especially if you comply with all our tips on a healthy lifestyle and a day for pregnant women.

Plus many other interesting and useful for you and your children.