A pregnant woman applied a retinol cream. Cosmetics for pregnant women: safe products and prohibited ingredients. Synthetic vitamin overdose

Want to hear about retinol? (and retinoic acid). Here, many experts recommend differentialin and its other analogs to everyone in a row ... Without mentioning a word that it is very dangerous for women of childbearing age, fruitful toxic. I use 1/2 times a week a very simple serum containing 1% retinol (retinol palmitate is there) and have noticed striking results in skin smoothing as well as against comedones. This is certainly not as powerful a remedy as pharmacy acne ointments, but is there still a danger in using retinol-containing creams for women planning to someday become pregnant? Or does this only apply to a specific form of retinol? I read that it is definitely impossible to take it inside, it also accumulates in the body in adipose tissues over time. Does this also apply to carotenoids? For example, spirulina is useful for pregnant women ... But it contains elephant doses of beta-carotene .... In general, the question about the dangers of retinol for pregnant / non-pregnant women in cosmetics? I googled this topic and found only conflicting incompetent guesses, like "it's better not to take risks, but suddenly it is."

Doctors Answers

There is a teratogenic effect of retinol. It is not synonymous with toxic. The toxic effect of the drug means that, once it enters the body, it can negatively affect the health of the person who uses it. Teratogenic action is a damaging effect on the fetus in the body of a pregnant woman. taking the drug. It means the possibility of the appearance of malformations of the organs of the embryo or fetus. The fact that retinol has such an effect has been known for a long time. It is not for nothing that the use of retinoids is recommended after receiving a negative pregnancy test on the first day of the next menstruation, that is, when the absence of pregnancy is confirmed. When retinol is taken by mouth, we recommend not planning a pregnancy for at least 1 to 2 months. When applied externally, the concentration of retinol in the body is less predictable. But this does not mean that retinol, which has entered the body through the skin, is less dangerous to the fetus. There are no studies that have clearly and reliably established the pathway of retinol ingested through the skin. I recommend avoiding its use for girls who do not prevent pregnancy and are planning to do so.

Alice I think we need to make a small amendment. There is a fairly large group of medicines called retinoids. This group includes retinol, and its synthetic analogs transretinoic acid, 13 cis transretinoic acid (you may be familiar with such drugs as tretinoin, isotretinoin aka roaccutane) .The retinoid group includes aromatic analogs of tigazone and neotigazone. So in terms of the magnitude of teratogenic action, the most dangerous are synthetic analogs of vitamin A (tretinoin, roaccutane and especially its aromatic analogs. The latter are excreted within 2 years are extremely toxic and, in fact, they are very dangerous for the fetus. In the case of their intake, pregnancy is prohibited about 2-3 With regard to retinoic acid (and this is a well-known roaccutane), when taken orally for its complete elimination, a period of 2 weeks is required. retinol itself, then small amounts of it up to 5-6 thousand IU are permissible for admission during pregnancy (this is usually covered by eating sour cream butter) Large doses of retinol during pregnancy are unacceptable (content in Vit A is up to 50 thousand IU) As for creams, it is necessary to clarify the amount vit A Since it is possible to calculate it in each cream But it is quite troublesome it is easier for the period of pregnancy to abandon the use of cosmetics with retinol.

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Can Fitness Exercise Increase Gravity Ptosis? Can I use retinoid cream during pregnancy? And what is actually put in the samples?
Cosmetologist Tiina Orasmäe-Meder continues to debunk (or, conversely, confirm) the most enduring beauty myths.

Myth No. 1: "I am afraid to do aerobics and jogging, because this deteriorates the oval of the face."

Aerobics is evil! It's more useful to play the pipe, my bird!

Tiina's opinion: “The mechanics of this myth are obvious. Indeed, you are running or jumping, your face is shaking - it seems that this is where gravitational ptosis will overtake you. In fact, things are a little different. On the one hand, this very gravitational ptosis, of course, is directly related to gravity. The more time you spend standing, the more gravity acts on your chin. Pure physics. And the more your weight, the greater the effect on tissues occurs when jumping and running. But there are a lot of "collateral circumstances" here.

For example, a lot depends on the tone of the muscles in the neck and upper back. Therefore, if your body weight is large, then it is worth bringing it back to normal, starting with putting these muscle groups in order. I also noticed: the girls pump the abs, and at the same time their faces are tightened. This is because a good muscle tone of the upper press automatically, reflexively increases the tone of the muscles of the lower jaw. Power loads for the oval of the face are just a wonderful thing.

As for aerobic exercise (in any form - running, swimming, walking) - it is also excellent. After 20 minutes of such exercises, synthesis in the body increases. And after working out for another 20 minutes in the same rhythm, you will strengthen this synthesis for several hours at once! In addition, the synthesis of a special protein, eleidin, which provides such a beautiful pink skin tone, will also increase. That same proverbial radiance. Usually, after 25-27 years, its production in the body slows down. But if you go in for sports, then the process will continue.

What are the disadvantages of doing sports for the face? Where are the main dangers lurking?

First, don't overdo it. For example, set yourself the task of getting a black belt in karate in three years. You may achieve your goals - but you will look 5 years older.

Secondly, do not go on a diet without carbohydrates and fats. Without carbohydrates, nothing will ever be synthesized in the body (especially after 40 years). And there is no need to strive to completely get rid of subcutaneous fat. You will lose the oval of your face. For those who go in for sports, proper nutrition has long been developed. Do not reinvent the wheel and do not combine fitness with other diets - Ducan, salt-free, fruit, wine-cheese and their derivatives like "I'd rather not eat anything at all."

Thirdly, observe your drinking regime - be sure to drink plenty of water. And watch for transepidermal moisture loss. When exercising in the hall, the air should not be too dry. The optimum temperature is from 18 to 24 degrees. When exercising outdoors, I would not recommend running in extreme (-10 or + 30 degrees) temperatures. Olympic skiers, of course, are beauties - but they are young, and by the age of 30, the picture changes. After class, you do not need to go to the sauna or dive headlong into the ice plunge pool. Hamam is not bad. But not a sauna! Women with oily skin and men still somehow can afford it - their skin holds this blow. The rest - not worth it.

Fourth, make sure that the load is not excessive. Sweat is a good indicator. If you sweat too much, the body loses a lot of moisture and is clearly at its limit. What is excessive? .. Two or three times during the workout, they rubbed their face with a towel, they got wet under the armpits and on the back - it's normal. Can't practice without a blindfold because sweat clogs your eyes and change your shirt twice per lesson? This means that the load is too much for you. And watch the condition of your skin. If after 2-3 weeks of training it becomes drier and irritated, it means that you are overdoing it.

Well, to finish the topic "sports and beauty" - please do not go in for makeup! Before class, cleanse your face and apply the simplest moisturizer. After class, wash again and apply a soothing serum and cream. If there is a big difference in temperature in the hall and outside, dust yourself with mineral powder. Use SPF in summer: skin after sports is more sensitive to the sun. Vascular activity is much higher - and the possibility of getting pigmentation, respectively, is also higher. Remember: people playing volleyball on the beach burn out faster, not only because they are in the sun a lot, but also because they are actively moving.

And the biggest risk to the skin is chlorinated pool water. Please apply a thick cream on your face before immersion! "

Myth 2: “I am afraid of creams that contain retinoids. They are said to be unsafe, especially during pregnancy. What if I'm pregnant, but don't know about it yet? "

Tiina's opinion: “This is not entirely a myth. According to research done last year and published on Canadian and American professional sites, today there are 4 cases of birth of children with severe defects, the so-called characteristic "retinoid deformity", registered in the world. Their mothers claim that they used retinoid creams during pregnancy and did not take retinoid medications by mouth. But it is impossible to check whether this is really so. And you need to know that in the same studies, more than 120 women are mentioned who used such creams during pregnancy and gave birth to perfectly healthy children. 4 unconfirmed cases are not an indicator for a total ban on retinoids in any form.

Here it is probably worth recalling what retinoids are. It is generally accepted that this is the active form of vitamin A. This is true, but not entirely. Retinoids are a class of compounds chemically related to retinol and its synthetic derivatives, which differ significantly from the structure of natural vitamin A, although they act in a similar way.

In the composition of creams and ointments (and medicines), retinoids have an anti-comedogenic, sebostatic, anti-inflammatory, kerato- and immunomodulatory effect, activate regeneration processes in the skin, and stimulate collagen synthesis. Retinoids are used not only to treat acne and the manifestations of photoaging (although they are very effective in this), but also to treat psoriasis, hyperpigmentation, and even serious diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma.

How are they different from many other drugs? The fact that they affect not only locally, but also on the whole organism. There are receptors that capture retinoids and react to them, for example, in the brain (which is why taking medications that contain them can cause severe depression) and in the uterus. And getting into the uterus, retinoids can affect the formation of the fetus.

Yes, now in America, a law is being considered that would generally prohibit the prescription of drugs with retinoids to women of childbearing age. But again, we are talking about pills, not about creams. As for the creams, there is no clarity. What concentration of retinoids in the cream can cause the risk of having a sick child? There is no data. How long is this cream unsafe (if unsafe)? There is no data. There are only 4 aforementioned questionable examples.

In such situations, experts say: "Security has not been established." That is, you should not panic. In 99.9% of cases, if you, not knowing that you are pregnant, used a cream with retinoids, nothing will happen. But if you are planning to have a baby and contact me with an acne problem, I will not prescribe these creams for you. Our MederFix mask contained, among other things, retinoloacetate at a concentration of 0.0002. We changed the line-up just in case. Many companies are also replacing retinol with something more peaceful. The SkinCeuticals brand had Retinol o cream, 1%. Effective, of course. But in France it is no longer possible to buy it, I don’t know how in Russia. Pevonia has a drug with an even higher percentage of retinol - for the treatment of purse-string wrinkles. Also very effective. But with him, I would advise you to be careful.

Of course, if we talk about the treatment of acne, everyone is interested in the question: are there any drugs that are comparable to retinoids in terms of effectiveness? Yes. Some biochemicals and some peptides, such as palmitoyl pentapeptide 4 and matrixil, work just as well. But retinoids give results much faster. You start using the cream, and after 3-4 days you notice the effect. Plus - stimulation of collagen synthesis. And an increase in skin elasticity visible to the naked eye. And then - possibly - side effects in the form of hyperpigmentation and increased sensitivity.

In addition to retinoids, there is another drug that has not been identified as being unsafe during pregnancy. This is hydroquinone. All others, including any acids, are absolutely harmless.

Aside from the topic of pregnancy, retinoids are generally not an easy drug. The ideal result from their use is only if the skin has not been depleted or injured. That is, you, for example, did not do anything with yourself for 10 years - you took a cream with retinoids - and blossomed. And if you did chemical peels 2 times a year, injections every two months, and in the intervals - fraxel, and then they decided to "polish" with retinoids - you will get a red face and no effect. This is the best case scenario. At worst, eczema. Do I myself prescribe retinoid medications to patients if pregnancy is ruled out? Yes. With caution, provided that the patient has sufficiently dense, rough skin - and for a limited period. But I'm not a fan of this ingredient.

How to identify retinoids in creams and ointments? The most famous are isotretinoin (retasol, retasoya ointment, isotrexin, renova), tretinoin (retin-A, ayrol, locacid), retinaldehyde (diacneal), tazarotene (zorak, tazorak), motretinide (tasmaderm). Vitamin A is most often used in cosmetics (retinol palmitate, retinol acetate) - retinoids of the first generation, which have the mildest effect in low concentrations. The derivative of naphthoic acid stands apart - adapalene (diferin, deriva), which has the properties of retinoids, but is not chemically related to them. The effective concentrations of retinoids are very low, from 0.025% to 0.1%. Cosmetic preparations containing retinol palmitate and retinol acetate may be more concentrated; however, the concentration of retinoids rarely exceeds 0.5%.

Myth 3: “I always like creams in samplers, but when I buy a whole jar, the effect is not at all the same! Probably the probes are more concentrated in order to "dilute" us all for purchase! "

Tiina's opinion: “A very tenacious myth that has nothing to do with reality. Although, of course, it looks like a worldwide conspiracy of cosmetics manufacturers: to release a series of "enticements" - and then replicate "dummies". But, firstly, according to the legislation, only a drug certified in the same way as the main product can be in the samples. It is very difficult and troublesome to do separate certification for probes, not to mention not profitable. Secondly, technically, the process of making probes is the same everywhere: from one large 200-liter tank, the funds are poured into different cans - and into probes. Establishing a separate production for probes is also unprofitable.

And most importantly, the purpose of probes is not at all to convince you that this is a very effective drug. You will not appreciate any effectiveness for 1-2-3 times of use (2.5 ml for the face and 10 ml for the body - the maximum size of probes). You need a probe to a) make sure that the product (smell, texture, etc.) does not cause you active dislike and b) make sure that you do not have an immediate, immediate allergy. Accumulative allergy, by the way, can still be - and the probe will not save you here.

In general, the importance of probes as a sales tool is now undergoing a major revision. According to surveys, 90% of probes end up in the trash can unopened. They are almost never used.

And why does it seem to people that in a small package the product is more effective than in a large one? .. I don’t know. People generally think a lot. By the way, some people think that it is more effective in a large package. And some - what's in green. Others are convinced that they are wearing red. I myself have said more than once: at Meder we have products that, both in the professional and in the home line, have the same composition and concentration of active ingredients. We simply pour them from one tank into different packages. But some cosmetologists (!) Working for Meder buy professional banks for themselves. And they say: "But it still seems to me that this is better!" Well, what can you say? .. If it seems, let them use it. "

Dear ones, we remind you that the first part of the series "Tiina Orasmäe-Meder against beauty myths" can be read, the second -. We are very grateful to you for all the comments and myths for the next issues of the column. We will certainly analyze all of them. Write new ones - just, please, first read the ones that have already been proposed, so as not to repeat yourself.

The European Medicines Agency's Pharmacological Survey (PRAC) introduces new guidelines for the use of retinoids.

Retinoids are often used as an oral form, cream, and gel to treat acne, psoriasis, and certain cancers.

  • In July 2016, PRAC launched an investigation into the safety of retinoids in relation to an increased risk of neuropsychiatric disease. The analysis showed that the use of oral retinoids during pregnancy is fraught with negative consequences for the fetus. In this regard, the use of acitretin, alitretinoin and isotretinoin should be prohibited in women of childbearing age.
  • With regard to tropical retinoids, the amount of absorbed substance is very small and is unlikely to harm the development of the fetus. However, repeated use of high-dose drugs can increase absorption, so the use of topical forms is also not recommended during pregnancy or in women planning.

The risk of developing neuropsychiatric diseases

Despite the fact that warnings about the possible development of depression and mood changes are already included in the instructions for oral retinoids, a review of the available data shows that the scale of side effects is underestimated.

  • Of course, it cannot be denied that patients with severe skin conditions themselves have an increased risk of depression and anxiety. However, European pharmacovigilance insists on the need for more detailed indication of symptoms and signs of mood and behavior changes in the instructions for drugs. This will help patients and their families to be more attentive to the changes that are taking place.

A source: EMA. PRAC recommends updating measures for pregnancy prevention during retinoid use. 9 February 2018.

Retinol, like most of the minerals and vitamins that enter our body, is invaluable in maintaining its functioning at the proper level. But during pregnancy, there are strict restrictions on the intake of retinol. It turns out there are two kinds. While one is most beneficial to the fetus, the other is deadly. Want to learn to distinguish between good and bad retinol? Then immediately start reading the article.

What is retinol?

Thanks to the research of two groups of independent scientists, retinol was discovered in 1913. In accordance with the alphabetical nomenclature, the vitamin was assigned the letter designation A. In the body, retinol is synthesized from carotenoids, but it is quite capable of entering together with products of plant and animal origin.

Attention: in its pure form, vitamin A is quite unstable, easily oxidized and loses its valuable properties in the process of decomposition.

That is why its modified form is used in cosmetology:

  • retinoic acid;
  • palmitate;
  • retinol acetate.

Important: during pregnancy, a cream with retinol, as well as other cosmetic preparations, and even more so procedures involving the use of this antioxidant, are strictly contraindicated.

Creams and ointments for the treatment of acne, acne are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. Postpone skin cleansing treatments or use alternative, gentle methods.

Retinol functions

We found out that retinol is found in food. However, if necessary, it is appropriate to take it as part of vitamin complexes, in a dosage form in the form of capsules.

Correctly selected retinol dosage:

  • activates the protective functions of the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • maintains youth, beauty of the skin;
  • stimulates collagen production;
  • reduces manifestation;
  • prevents a number of cancers;
  • provides good vision.

For retinol to work for good and not harm during pregnancy, it is important to take precautions. We will definitely discuss them a little later, but for now we propose to figure out which types of retinol are most common.

Vitamin A classification

There are two main types of retinol:

  • fat-soluble vitamin A or readymade retinol;
  • water-soluble provitamin A is a carotenoid.

Significant differences were found between these two types of retinol, which are extremely important to consider during pregnancy.

Fat-soluble vitamin A enters the human body with animal products. It does not require additional processing and is immediately absorbed by the body, performing its functions.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in carotenoids. But unlike ready-made retinol, carotenoids, in particular beta-carotene, undergo a processing stage, as a result, turning into useful vitamin A.

Provitamin A does not cause side reactions and is not dangerous in case of accidental overdose, which cannot be said about ready-made retinol.

The importance of vitamin A in fetal development

Along with the beneficial effect of vitamin A on the general health of a woman, retinol in small doses is also useful for an unborn child.

Important: retinol rapidly accumulates in tissues and organs, in particular, the liver, therefore, during pregnancy, special attention should be paid to its dosage.

Vitamin A is involved in the production of red blood cells. Blood cells are carriers of oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the fetus receives all the necessary trace elements in full.

In addition, vitamin A contributes to the correct formation and development of the most important systems and organs of the child:

  • cardiovascular;
  • circulatory;
  • respiratory organs;
  • brain, spinal cord;
  • organs of vision;
  • skeletal system;
  • kidneys.

The benefits of retinol for the expectant mother

Retinol supports a woman's immune system during pregnancy by protecting against pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Due to its ability to restore skin cells and tissues, retinol is of decisive importance in the recovery period after childbirth.

Attention: three to four weeks before planning pregnancy, it is necessary to stop taking retinol, vitamin complexes with its content, in order to eliminate the risk of premature aging of the placenta and pathologies in the development of the fetus.

Teratogenic effects of retinol during pregnancy

Everything is good in moderation. This statement can be safely applied to the use of retinol during pregnancy.

Attention: if the doctor prescribed vitamin A intake during pregnancy, strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and duration of treatment.

An excess of the dose of retinol poses a threat of the teratogenic effect of the vitamin on the development of the fetus. First of all, they suffer:

  • limbs of the fetus;
  • central nervous system;
  • kidneys;
  • heart;
  • genitals.

Active use of retinol reduces the effect of vitamin D and contributes to the development of its deficiency.

Important: the simultaneous intake of vitamin complexes containing retinol and separately vitamin A in tablets, capsules during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

Otherwise, instead of the expected favorable result, the woman will receive:

  • dysfunction of the liver;
  • fragility of the nail plate;
  • brittle hair;

Vitamin A deficiency, symptoms

However, you should not go to extremes and limit yourself to very small doses of retinol during pregnancy. Vitamin A deficiency causes:

  • placental insufficiency;
  • frequent respiratory illnesses;
  • the risk of tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • deterioration of vision.

Fortunately, due to the sufficient vitamin A content in food, retinol deficiency is extremely rare in pregnant women. As a rule, the shortage is due to the development of serious diseases.

The optimal dose of retinol for pregnant women

What is the ideal vitamin A dosage for a pregnant woman? In answering this question, we suggest focusing on the international unit - ME. The daily portion of the vitamin that enters your body during pregnancy both with food and as a result of taking vitamin complexes is 2500-3200 IU.

To find the most useful dosage of retinol during pregnancy, you can focus on:

  • woman's age;
  • the estimated duration of breastfeeding;
  • starting indicators of vitamin A in the body.

It is better to replenish vitamin stores before pregnancy and after pregnancy only maintain balance with safe provitamin A. Approximately a month before the expected date of birth, it is advisable to slightly increase the dose of retinol to help the body recover after the birth of the baby.

Foods containing vitamin A

It is a proven fact that most vitamins and minerals are best obtained from food.

Retinol is contained in a sufficient amount during pregnancy in food products that are widely represented in our country.

A real inexhaustible storehouse of fat-soluble vitamin A is dairy products, liver and fish oil, eggs.

Attention: be careful, the liver of pregnant women can be consumed in very limited portions, and in the first trimester it is generally better to exclude it from the menu.

Provitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables colored with red, green, and yellow colors. Try to include tomatoes and peppers, carrots, various types of cabbage, legumes, pumpkin in your daily diet. Fruits - peaches, melons, apples, apricots, watermelons can be eaten without any processing or made into juices and fresh juices.

Important: food processing improves the absorption of provitamin A.

Don't forget about herbs. Mint, sorrel, fennel, oats must be present in your diet.

It is important to take retinol correctly during pregnancy. We hope our article helped you understand why vitamin A is not always beneficial during pregnancy. Focus on a varied, balanced diet and get the most of vitamin A for you and your baby.

Women are often advised to take as much as possible, but remember that everything is good in moderation. This is especially true of retinol - vitamin A, with its effect on it will be beneficial only if the recommended dose is observed, this will be discussed in this article.

Effects of vitamin A on pregnancy

In the human body, retinol regulates:

  • Metabolism- protein synthesis, formation, bone, adipose tissue.
  • Immunity- enhances the ability to resist infections and stress.
  • Vision- regulates the natural hydration of the eyes and the functioning of the retina.
  • UV protection- the amino acid is responsible for the formation.

Did you know? Retinol was one of the first amino acids discovered by scientists about 100 years ago.

Vitamin A during pregnancy provides:
  • Normal development of the placenta.
  • Formation of internal organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Daily rate

The recommended dose is 0.8 mg or 2600 IU, the maximum allowable dose is 3 mg, or 6000-10,000 IU.

Deficiency symptoms

The occurrence of hypovitaminosis is possible with prolonged malnutrition, refusal of fats, vegetarianism and a raw food diet.

With a normal diet, it is quite rare:

  • Animal products contain quite a lot of retinol, and vegetables contain beta-carotene.
  • Vitamin A is stored in the body, which helps maintain the required level of this amino acid.

The risk of vitamin A deficiency increases due to, appetite disorders, impaired liver and gallbladder function.


  • Fall in visual acuity, especially in low light, impaired color perception.
  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes, frequent conjunctivitis.
  • Decreased appetite, frequent colds, enamel sensitivity.
  • Dandruff, flaky skin, poor wound healing, loss of elasticity.

Did you know? Retinol increases cell activity even when applied externally, so it is often added to cosmetics.

Food Sources of Retinol

The main amount should come with regular food. They are rich in cod liver, fatty varieties, egg yolks, natural butter.

Different foods will have different amino acid content:

  • liver- 4-13 mg per 100 g;
  • - 19 mg per 100 g;
  • butter- 2 mg per 100 g;
  • sour cream- 0.01 mg per 100 grams.
Carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables contain beta-carotene - a substance that is converted in the body into vitamin A. The main differences - the body will absorb a maximum of 30% beta-carotene in combination with fats, 1 dose of retinol is equal to 6-9 doses of beta-carotene.
An overdose of beta-carotene will cause yellowing of the skin and will not harm the development of the fetus.

How about pharmacy supplements

Taking into account the fact that retinol enters the body from regular food and accumulates in the liver, taking multivitamins can exceed its daily dose.
The complexes of multivitamins for pregnant women contain a high amount of retinol, in order to prevent overdose, carefully read the composition of the drug, take such funds only if prescribed by a doctor.

Important! During pregnancy, before taking any vitamin preparations and dietary supplements, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

With what it is better absorbed

For optimal absorption of retinol, the body also needs.