Gemini horoscope woman erogenous zone. What erogenous zones excite a Taurus woman? Cancer erogenous zones

What does he or she like about sex? What part of the body is best to caress so that your partner gets maximum pleasure, especially when you don't know each other well enough yet?

Nerve endings are especially sensitive in Aries on the head and face. Aries will react to gentle stroking of the forehead or fingering of the hair on the head. You can do this by brushing your hair or gently stroking the crown of your head. Lightly run your fingers along the temple of Aries or through the hair - and you have already achieved the beginning of a sexual friendship. Ear biting will find the desired response from a man, and a woman will simply go berserk if you blow into her ear. Lip biting produces results, and a light kiss of closed eyelids will cause tremors and spasms of pleasure throughout the Aries spine. The kisses of a bearded man lead the Aries woman into great excitement. One touch of the soft hair of a man's beard is like a thousand other sensations that delight her nerve endings. If you don't have a beard, don't be upset. Simply touching her lips with your fingertips will create intense arousal. Lightly slide your fingers over the lips of the Aries man, from edge to edge, using circular motions. The results can be overwhelming - but don't say you weren't warned!

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the throat and neck. Begin with light finger strokes and gentle touches at the base of the head, then the neck. Move on to neck kisses and Taurus will soon feel aroused. The possibilities for this kind of “accidental” touch are endless. For example, when straightening a man's tie, caress his throat or lightly slide your nails over it. You will be surprised by his quick response. On the beach, lightly touching or shaking off the sand on a naked neck will make a Taurus woman tremble with pleasure. The neck and throat should be targeted. Passionate kisses and light love bites on the back of the neck especially inflame Taurus. But remember - he likes things to happen calmly and slowly, your approach must be carefully prepared, do not try to force events.

The palms and arms up to the shoulders are the most sensitive areas of their body. Gemini women are responsive to hand kisses. Male twins love it when they slowly, one at a time, kiss their fingers. Try to lightly run your palm over the Gemini's hand. The slightest touch will cause the appearance of "goose bumps", as if the nerve endings were trying to respond with a return touch. Accidental caress of the tips of the fingers of the hand can cause tremors of pleasure throughout the spine. A kiss on the inside of Gemini's hands will bring them special pleasure. For an interesting (and provocative) experiment, brush your lips and tongue lightly from elbow to armpit. You will immediately feel the desire flared up in response.

One of the strongest stimulating techniques for both sexes born under the sign of Cancer is the “French kiss”, long, with maximum use of the tongue and teeth. There are cases when Cancers, kissing, have an orgasm! However, the most sensitive area of ​​the body is the chest. Both sexes will respond to oral and manual nipple stimulation. Fondling the underside of the breast with a pad and the tip of a finger produces intense sexual sensations. Cancers also like the "rolling" motion, where the nipple is held between thumb and forefinger and "winds" like a clock. Even at the end of the pre-game, lightly tugging on the breasts or nipples will add extra pleasure. A little trick for a woman making love to a Cancer man: run your hand over his chest, barely touching his skin. The body hair will rise as if to touch your fingers. If you continue this, he will become extremely excited!

So, suppose you have lured Leo into an appropriate regal setting. Where does the action start? Start with the bathroom. Try rubbing Leo with a loofah until the skin turns pink. The back is a particularly sensitive area. Work gently along your spine from top to bottom, then linger a little on your lower back. The lion will purr and will likely invite you to share aquatic foreplay with him. When making love to a Leo man, try lightly scratching his back with your nails. You will excite him for more effort and more confident action. Energize the Leo woman by running the tassels of a shawl (preferably cashmere) from her shoulder to her lower back. Then do the same with the barbed brush used by hairdressers to apply talcum powder. Sweep over the same area, lingering slightly on the sensitive lower back. After that, she will be a passionate lioness. Helpful Hint: During preliminary love play, watch for signs of sexual arousal, manifested by redness of the skin that begins in the stomach area and slowly spreads to the chest, throat and neck. The intensity of the redness will be directly proportional to the level of arousal. When the skin is the right shade, the Leo woman is yours!

When you are looking for particularly sensitive spots to arouse a Virgo, and it has progressed to the point where you can play touch and sensation, do not forget about the belly. In Virgo, the entire area from the perineum to the chest is very responsive to the touch of the tongue, slight lateral movement of the fingers, gentle stroking or the lightest touch of hair. Virgo is excited by washing off the abdomen with a sponge, soap and warm water. Particularly pleasant sensations are caused by the shower jet directed there. Do not forget about this if you are enjoying a water treatment together before a sexual fight. (This is a great idea as Virgo is sensitive to cleanliness.) If the bathroom has a small seat, put the Virgo Woman on her lap and penetrate her from behind at that time; how the shower will caress her belly and breasts. While lying in bed, use a gentle circular massage towards the navel. For climax, bring the tip of your tongue directly to your navel and continue in the same circular motion. The results will exceed all your expectations!

The most sensitive area in Libra is the sacrum and buttocks. Normally, when dancing or even walking, gently place your fingers on Libra's waist. In more intimate moments, place your palms on your bare buttocks and, gently pressing, massage them in a circular motion, and then, going from bottom to top, back along the spine, then return your palms to their original position. The scales will literally climb the wall with pleasure! If we are talking about a Libra man, try to press your nipples against your lower back - and he will not need any other encouragement! For all Libras, the buttocks are a highly active erogenous zone. Libra women love it when this place is stroked, caressed, patted and playfully pinched, which makes them excited. She also really enjoys making love in such positions when she is completely accessible to her lover from behind, such as, for example, during intercourse in the anus. Libra, women and men, also respond positively to more aggressive influences - sharp palm slaps or whipping. By the way, Libra can often be recognized by their well-defined, rounded buttocks.


The most sensitive area in Scorpions is the genitals. Even a light touch of your fingers on the genitals of a Scorpio man will turn him into a volcano of passion. Why not? He gets aroused just by putting on tight swimming trunks over his “home” underpants! A woman of this sign can lead herself into an agitated state by crossing her legs and slightly moving them. Nothing in this world gives a Scorpio man more pleasure than light quick touches of a woman's tongue to the head of his penis. Do I need to add that the Scorpio woman is especially pleased with cunnilingus? When you fondle Scorpio's genitals, your partner is literally in your hands!

The lower back and hips are a special erotic zone for the ninth sign of the zodiac, but for the Sagittarius woman, it is also the hair. Play with them, stroke them, comb, brush over them, pull lightly. She purrs like a kitten. And if you continue the hair exercises long enough, it will be enough to rekindle her dormant passions. The Sagittarius man has an erogenous zone near the genitals. A kiss on the inner thighs or a light touch of the tongue from the knee to the crotch will delight him. Just gently slide your fingers over your thighs. If he is a homosexual, then he likes it when a male lover rubs Vaseline on the inner sides of his thighs. If you then place his penis between his legs tightly squeezed together, where he rubs against his thighs, and it is easy to push his testicles. Sagittarius will experience an orgasm. Try rubbing in warm oil. Apply circular motions on the lower back and vertical strokes on the hips. Use your fingernail to trace the rounded areas very lightly - erotic sensations will instantly rush up the spine of Sagittarius. And don't be surprised if you never have to finish your massage.

The Capricorn man likes it when a woman's nipples slowly slide over his face, chest, stomach and groin. It can drive him crazy. A Capricorn woman's passion will reach hurricane strength if her partner kisses her navel or the crook of her knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin on the back of the knee reacts just as strongly as the inner side of the upper thigh in other women. Both the man and the woman of this sign will respond to the massage, which begins from the lower back with light strokes upward, along the spine on both sides; arousal can be increased by slow circular motions of the tongue around each vertebra. During my tenure as a consultant, I have found an unusually high percentage of Capricorns claiming to be highly agitated by Achilles. This is a type of friction in which the armpit serves as a source of sexual pleasure. You can start from here!

The calves and ankles are most sensitive in Aquarius. Any position that touches these places will significantly stimulate desire. Rub them with the palm of your hand, moving upward. Do it affectionately, almost inadvertently - you will be satisfied with the response of Aquarius. Try making love while standing with the woman pulling her calves behind the man's knees and clasping his ankles and feet around his calves. Natural movement during intercourse will cause friction in these erogenous zones. (Especially effective in the pool.) Any position that provides contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction. Aquarius is only receptive to gentle touch. Otherwise, the opposite effect.

Pisces' feet will respond to gentle massage and caress of the heel and arch of the foot, gentle stroking with a feather, or sucking on each toe. Start at the ankle, using circular motions with your fingertips towards the top of your leg and then down towards your toes. If you put your toes in your mouth, biting gently, you will drive the Fish crazy! The Pisces woman loves to masturbate her lover with her feet. She does this gently, rolling the penis between her feet. The Pisces man receives additional stimulation by inserting a toe into the vagina or rubbing his foot in the woman's crotch. Wetting the feet before sexual exercise makes the Pisces more sensitive.

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin and mucous membranes, the irritation of which at the right time leads to increased sexual arousal. You should pay attention to the expression "at the right moment", because not at any time and not in any sequence, stimulation of the erogenous zone leads to a corresponding reaction.

Erogenous zones include the scalp, eyelids, lips, tongue, oral mucosa, auricle, a place behind the auricle, earlobe, back of the head, hair, lateral surface of the neck; front, neck or throat to the upper edge of the sternum; palm, soft pads of the fingers; mammary glands and nipples; the skin of the lower third of the abdomen; navel; "Cat's place" (the area of ​​the spine between the shoulder blades), lower back; buttocks; anus area; inner thighs; the back of the thighs; heels and soles; crotch; clitoris area; the labia minora, the vestibule of the vagina; the front wall of the vagina (lower half); Cervix.

Every woman naturally has her own erogenous zones. Finding them is the task of both husband and wife. Sexopathologist I. Blokh wrote that touching the skin of a loved one is already half of sexual intercourse. These touches give voluptuous sensations that are transmitted to the genitals.

Feeling in women is thinner and stronger, more closely related to sexuality. Many women in conversation with men have the habit of touching their breasts, arms, and if they are sitting, then their legs. They touch with pencils, fingers, but only to the man they like.

There is also the eroticism of the muscles. Friction, massage with hands and feet were widely used in ancient India, among the Greeks and Romans. With the aim of causing sexual arousal and voluptuous sensations in the East, massage in baths under water, performed mainly by beautiful boys or girls, is still very common.


The mouth certainly belongs to the erogenous zones. However, only 20% of women experienced sharp arousal when kissing on the lips (according to some sexological studies). Many women enjoy kissing. It is believed that the kiss arose from a primitive affection - kissing your child and sucking it on the mother's breast. However, there is a theory of the appearance of a kiss in the search for new taste sensations. After all, the ancient Romans, for example, were good at determining the taste of the kisses of their beloved.

Sometimes bites that do not cause pain are also referred to as kissing. Their favorite place for men is considered the left shoulder and collarbone, and for women - the neck and sides.

The language kiss is sung by many poets of both ancient times and modern times. This is a gentle French kiss, in which the tongue only slightly touches the lips of a partner, and a rough Indian samyana - the rotation of the tongue in the mouth of the other, and the German contact of the tongue with the tongue. It is also called deep, hot. The Indian Kama Sutra by Vatsayan and the Science of Love by Ovid Nazon describe different types of kissing.

Nose and smell

It is widely believed that men and women with large noses are "the most passionate." However, according to sexological research, the nose is by no means an erogenous zone. At the same time, sexologists are aware of the close reflex connection between the turbinates and the female genital organs. The first reports that irritations emanating from the genital area can lead to the onset of diseases of the nasal cavity appeared as early as 1885.

With regard to sexuality, the situation is better with the sense of smell, which for some women is a pronounced erogenous zone. IP Pavlov wrote: "And I think that, perhaps, the main causative agent of the sexual reflex is a special odor stimulus."

Even Hippocrates noted that every man and every woman has their own individual scent. He believed that with age, a person's smell can change. The smell affects men more than women. Some sexologists argue that the glands of the vagina of women emit a specific "female" odor. This odor may worsen during your period. For many men, it is extremely exciting.

Men are often excited by the scent of their beloved woman (the smell of hair, the smell of armpits and scalp, especially the back of the head). Many women have a favorite perfume that turns them on. The most exciting scents include mignonette, heliotrope, jasmine, patchouli, violet, rose and musk. Some women are very excited by the home chestnut flower, the smell of which is similar to the smell of male seed. It is believed that the smell of cloves is one of the most exciting smells for men. Moritz Herzogi writes that Richelieu in his old age lived among the smells of the strongest spirits to stimulate sexual activity. In the East, it is not a labial, and even less lingual, but an olfactory kiss that is widespread, when the nose of one subject comes into contact either with the nose, or with the cheek or hand of another.

Modern sexology notes in many cases the negative role of the smell of vodka and tobacco. The widespread use of alcohol is increasingly the cause of unhappy marriages, leading to divorce. The smell of wine fumes in most women not only discourages kissing, but often completely kills love.


The eyelids themselves are a subtle erogenous zone. In addition to kissing the lips in the eyes, the so-called "kiss of a butterfly", "kiss of a moth" - a double-sided touch with eyelashes is also known. At all times, women adorned, emphasized the eyelids with cosmetics.


No matter how great the importance of hearing in a woman's sexual life, the auditory feeling, in general, manifests its effect after the visually more or less defined positive or negative attitude towards the partner. No wonder two great thinkers - the philosopher Plato and the naturalist Charles Darwin agreed that "beauty is the embodiment of love." Beauty always evokes positive emotions.

However, sexologists note a very ambiguous attitude of women towards the sight of naked men. A large percentage of women are indifferent to the sight of naked husbands, only in some it causes strong arousal.

Ear and hearing

The auricle has been considered one of the strongest erogenous zones since ancient times. In memory of this, women adorned and decorate their ears with earrings and clips. Kissing and sucking on the earlobes or the back of the auricle in some cases causes intense sexual arousal in women. This zone is especially widely used in the countries of the East. In India, there is "davan-banja" - coitus in the auricle.

One of the intimate caresses is whispering in the ear. A woman can be aroused by those affectionate words that she hears during foreplay and during coitus itself. The woman really loves with her ears. It is known that some women can be turned on by this or that music. Since ancient times, the powerful influence of singing and music on emotions has been known. Music can be exciting, but it can also be soothing.

Studies on the influence of music on sex have been conducted abroad for a long time. Researchers have come to the conclusion that of all musical works, the operas of R. Wagner ("Tristan and Isolde", "Ring of the Nibelungen", "Tannhäuser") and operettas by R. Offenbach are especially exciting. In general, Wagner is sometimes called an erotic genius. Contemporary dance music also belongs to the category of exciting. The stimulating sexual effect of the latter is further enhanced by the corresponding body movements.


The neck is a rather pronounced erogenous zone. The history of women's neck jewelry is connected with this. Different parts of a woman's neck are unequal in terms of the degree of erogenousness. Some are more pleasant kisses of the neck in front, others - behind, on the border of the scalp.

"Cat's place"

"The cat's place" (the place on the back between the shoulder blades) is a pronounced erogenous zone in those women who know about its existence. It is called so because males of all types of cats (cats, lynxes, lions, tigers) during intercourse firmly hold the female with their teeth for this place.

Mammary gland

Just like the mouth, the mammary glands are more irritated than other areas. It should be noted that the mammary glands are powerful erogenous zones not only for women. Even manual contact with them has a stimulating effect on men. There is even intercourse between the breasts. In the "Kama Sutra" and "Anam-ganda" this type of coitus - narvasadata - is even recommended for sexual intercourse in those cases when lovers want to avoid pregnancy, believing that at the same time, a mature seed will pour out during ejaculation, and with the next acts it will go immature, incapable of fertilization. With this method, not only a man can bring himself to orgasm, but also a woman.

During the sexual intercourse itself, many women experience engorgement of the mammary glands, sometimes quite significant, the clarity of the venous pattern increases. The nipples and areolas around them in women are one of the most powerful erogenous zones.

Irritation of the nipples is achieved in various ways: with the hands (kneading, stretching), with the mouth (sucking, licking) and finally by touching the penis. The owners of the nipple orgasm claim that with the latter method, it is achieved much easier than with others. Female nipples are extremely sensitive to any sexual stimulation and immediately become erect.

Toes and heels

The tips of the toes are among the most important erogenous zones of a woman. Touching and caressing the toes in some women causes a sharp excitement, in most cases it is just pleasant. The culture of a beautiful heel is now being lost, and women are less concerned about their feet. And in Pushkin's times, a beautiful heel attracted special attention.

Loin, sacrum, buttocks

Almost all erogenous zones of a woman evoke positive emotions mainly during caresses and kisses, buttocks are an exception. Here, pleasant sensations and even excitement are caused not by affection, but by the use of force (sharp squeezing of the buttocks by a man's hand) and even causing pain. This feature has been noted both in domestic and foreign medical literature. The loin and sacrum also belong to the erogenous zones.


The erogenous role of the clitoris is well known. In Russian, he is called "lover". In about 80% of women, according to various sex therapists, the clitoris is a pronounced erogenous zone. He gets irritated in various ways: with his hands and mouth during foreplay and petting, with a male penis during intercourse. Some husbands use mouth irritation of the clitoris as an additional measure if the wife did not have time to reach orgasm during intercourse.

The labia minora, the entrance to the vagina

The most important part of the female reproductive apparatus. Since the corpora cavernosa are also located at the entrance to the vagina in the labia minora, this place is a powerful erogenous zone. Separately, it should be said about such an area as the anterior wall of the vagina, which is very sensitive in many women.


Cervical irritation is very important for some; women. There is even a uterine (cervical) orgasm, which is capable of experiencing about 20% of women. In some cases, the lack of pleasant sensations when touching the cervix is ​​explained by the uncomfortable position of the woman during intercourse, when the penis either passes by the cervix or does not reach it.

Anus (anus)

The area of ​​the perineum and anus has been considered a very strong erogenous zone since ancient times. Many modern sexologists adhere to the same opinion. There are women who have rectal and perineal orgasms.

The widespread use of this erogenous zone is typical mainly for southern and eastern countries. So, in India, very often during sexual intercourse, the husband additionally irritates the anus with his finger or even inserts his finger into the rectum. It is known that on the island of Sifnos (one of the Cyclades islands) in antiquity, both men and women masturbated by inserting a finger into the anus

Zone "S»

Many sex therapists identify the erogenous zone "S" of the vagina as an erogenous zone. What is this mysterious zone? Where is it located?

Yes, such a zone exists. It is also called Grafenberg spot ... Orgasm occurs as a result of stimulating this; zones with the help of deep thrusting of the penis during intercourse.

The diameter of this zone is approximately 2-2.5 cm. It is located on the upper wall of the vagina about 2.5 cm of the vaginal opening, halfway between the posterior pubic bone and the anterior edge of the cervix, near the urethra and just below the bladder. A woman can locate her Grafenberg spot with the help of a partner. To do this, she must, firstly, lie on her back, slightly raise and spread her knees. The partner inserts his index finger into her vagina with the pad up and gropes with it for the pubic bone, which is located just behind the clitoris. Firmly but carefully sliding his finger in the direction of the cervix, he will find a Grafenberg spot on the upper wall of the vagina. The woman will understand that he found it as soon as a man's finger touches this spot. The first sensation that she will experience is a sharp urge to urinate, but then it will quickly be replaced by a feeling of pleasure, especially if the partner gently strokes this spot for a few seconds. As a result, it will begin to swell and become more visible. And then the woman will already feel the vaginal orgasm, which is deeper than the clitoral and which can be repeated using direct stimulation. For this type of orgasm during intercourse, the face-to-face position is most preferred because it allows the penis to rub against the Grafenberg patch.

In connection with this zone, they often talk about female ejaculation. Is it possible?

Indeed, two famous American sexologists John D. Perry and Beverly Whipple in their article “Can a Woman Ejaculate? Yes! ”, Published in Forum magazine, proclaimed that a woman is not only able to have a vaginal orgasm, but can also ejaculate.

Perry and Whipple reported that one in ten women who orgasm when stimulated by a Grafenberg spot ejaculate fluid produced by Skene's glands - mucus glands located in the wall of the urethra. The moisture released from the vagina immediately after orgasm is not urine, as some women think. In terms of its chemical composition, it resembles male ejaculate.

However, despite all these sensational reports, the vast majority of sexologists are skeptical about female ejaculation.

What are accessory erogenous zones?

Many sex therapists distinguish, in addition to the main, additional erogenous zones. These include the elbow, sub-ulnar and popliteal fossa. Additional erogenous zones include the crown and hair on the head. Stretching, curling, fingering hair excites both man and woman. Manipulation of pathological hair (trichotillapsia) has long been given a certain sexual meaning.

Is it possible for a woman's habitual erogenous zone to disappear or shift?

Permanent or temporary shutdown of one or another erogenous zone, as well as a significant decrease in its activity is called ectopia of the erogenous zone. It can be single or multiple. Ectopia is especially common in hysterical women. The transfer of the erogenous zone, its appearance in an unusual place on the surface of a woman's body is called heterotopy of the erogenous zone. Suggestion in a hypnotic state can affect the intensity of a particular erogenous zone, but for a relatively short time. Apparently, self-hypnosis and autogenous training can have a definite effect on the erogenous zones.

It should be noted that the idea that caress is only a physical (mechanical) irritation of erogenous zones is incorrect. In reality, each weasel is a psychophysiological phenomenon. It has its own psychological, personal content, sometimes expressed in symbolic form. In the drawing of affection, in its mechanisms, sociocultural, historical, ethnographic factors, as well as personal values, attitudes and characteristics of a person are reflected.

Do all women have erogenous zones?

There is no doubt that there is no place on the human body that could not act erogenically, and in some people even be the main zone of arousal. Therefore, in the case of sexual coldness, one should persistently seek the location of such zones. Using these areas in the preparatory period can unexpectedly turn coldness into intense excitement and passion.

The first of the twelve zodiac signs, Aries, rules the face and head. People of this sign are characterized by a very attractive, memorable appearance. Aries' erogenous zones are in the head area. As a rule, Aries have regular facial features and beautiful shiny hair. Quite often, people of this fire sign have a mole on their faces. The passionate nature of this sign prompts you to talk about this issue.

Aries erogenous zones - where?

As you know, the head is directly related to perception and thinking, therefore Aries people are very smart and incredibly insightful, think fast enough and, which is also characteristic of them, their mind is distinguished by common sense and directness. They are not at all inclined to make plans for the distant future and to be smart, solve problems very quickly as they arise.

Speaking about the erogenous zones of Aries, it should be said that they completely coincide with the controlled parts of the body of this sign. It is these zones that are most sensitive to stroking and to various kinds of touches. But the most sensitive in Aries are the nerve endings of the face and head. From gentle stroking of the body and hair, people of this fire sign are easily aroused. And what is interesting, both women and men - Aries - respond to such manipulations in the same way.

How to find erogenous zones in an Aries woman

It is worth noting that the fair sex of this sign is frantically delighted when playing with their hair: stroking, combing and "shaggy" them. But men - Aries more like it when their fingers fiddle with their hair, gently massage the scalp or cut.

Aries' erogenous zones also include ears, lips and eyes. Men are extremely pleased if they slightly bite their ear, and from light kisses of the eyelids, they receive a special sexual arousal. But to stroking the lips with fingertips, both representatives of this fire sign react very violently.

Since representatives of this sign are often prone to headaches, a head massage is simply necessary for them. It should be noted that in the process of its implementation, Aries is not only restored, but also tuned in to love. You can gently massage with your fingertips in a circular motion from the crown of the head to the nape of the neck, then gradually massage the entire head thoroughly. It is better to work on the scalp with some effort, but do not overdo it.

How to find erogenous zones in an Aries man

In Aries, nerve endings are especially sensitive on the head and face. Aries responds vividly to gentle stroking of the forehead or fingering the hair on the head. Run your fingers lightly over the temple of Aries or through his hair - and you have already achieved the beginning of a sexual friendship.

Biting the ear will find the desired response in Aries-men, and the woman of this sign will simply go berserk if you blow into her ear. Biting Aries lips also gives encouraging results, and a light kiss from his closed eyelids will echo from him with tremors and spasms of pleasure all over his spine.

Aries woman can be very agitated by the kisses of a bearded man. One touch of the soft hair of a man's beard on her face will replace a thousand other sensations that give her pleasure.

But if you are beardless, do not be sad, even a simple touch with your fingertips to her lips will cause a strong response from the Aries woman. And if you lightly slide your fingers, from edge to edge, over the lips of an Aries-man, using circular motions, the results can generally overwhelm you - be prepared for it ...

Astrologers are convinced that the location of erogenous zones on the body depends on a person's belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac. With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can learn about the most sensitive areas of your partner and, thus, surprise him in the process of love games.


The erogenous zones of the representative of this Zodiac Sign are the face and head. Aries are quickly aroused by gentle touches on the earlobes, back of the head and lips. Biting, light tickling and gentle kisses in these places will give Aries true pleasure.


The erogenous zones of Taurus are the neck and shoulder blades. He just loves relaxing massages in this area of ​​the body. Stimulation of the neck and upper back first has a relaxing effect on the Zodiac sign, and then leads to arousal. Stroking the neck and back, turning into passionate kisses, will drive Taurus crazy.


Gemini's erogenous zone is the hands. According to the erotic horoscope, this is the most sensitive part of the body for this sign of the Zodiac. Caress for Gemini should be necessarily gentle and soft, turning into more confident and passionate.


Cancer's erogenous zone is the breast. He quickly becomes aroused about touching, kissing and stroking in this area. In the process of caressing, Cancer can get indescribable pleasure from any touch in this area.

a lion

Leo's erogenous zone is the lower back. Massage in this area can quickly arouse a representative of this constellation and awaken a real predator in him. The trough of the spine is especially sensitive. It can be included in a love game, for example, by swiping a piece of ice over it.


Virgo's erogenous zone is the belly. The Virgo partner must definitely know that by caressing his lover of this Zodiac Sign the belly, he not only gives him pleasure, but also helps to relax and get rid of stress.


Astrologers do not distinguish certain erogenous zones on the body in the representatives of this Zodiac Sign. According to the Libra sex horoscope, the body of a person born under this constellation is completely covered with sensitive points. All Libra skin is very susceptible to touch and caress, so it is very easy to arouse a partner of this Sign.


Scorpio's erogenous zones are the buttocks and genitals. The sensitivity of these parts of the body in Scorpio is several times higher than the sensitivity in this area of ​​other constellations.


The erogenous zone in Sagittarius is the thighs. The inner thighs are considered a particularly sensitive area. Active stimulation of this part of the body will reveal a passionate and irrepressible lover in Sagittarius.


Erogenous zone of Capricorn - knees and elbow joints. Kissing and caressing on these parts of the body will intensify the desire of the partner of this Zodiac sign and make him lose control over his feelings and emotions.


The erogenous zones of Aquarius are the feet and ankles. Massaging these parts of the body will make Aquarius more sensitive in sex and reveal a passionate lover in him.


The erogenous zone of Pisces is the legs. Stroking and kissing from heels to thighs will awaken real passion and strong desire in Pisces. The only thing you need to know about this erogenous zone of Pisces is that caress should be very gentle and slow.

With the help of a sex horoscope, you can identify your erogenous zones as well as your partner's erogenous zones, which will help you better understand and feel each other in bed. We wish you happiness and do not forget to press and

21.03.2014 13:39

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The erogenous zone is a part of the body that is sensitive to caresses. Knowing male erogenous points, you can easily achieve vivid sexual sensations and win the attention of the opposite sex.

The erogenous zone is an area located on the skin. Fondling in this area on the body causes sexual arousal and, in some cases, even orgasm.

Knowledge of certain erogenous zones will help partners achieve sensuality in sexual relations, give each other a lot of pleasure and attract them to themselves. Women need to know the location of the erogenous zones in their men.

This will help to achieve vivid sensations during sex. In addition, every man will appreciate the attention from this side, since the strong half of humanity is not so stingy with romance and sensuality.

Male erogenous zones

It is safe to say that in general, men have the same sensitive areas as women. But all people are very individual, which means the zones too.

Video: “Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones "

Why do you need stimulation of male erogenous zones?

Stimulation of male erogenous zones gives a special feeling and sometimes even delight. It is always necessary to pay attention to the main erogenous points, so to speak, universal: ears, neck, back of the head, lower back, abdomen. Knowing and special "places" you can please your partner with unforgettable experiences and diversify the usual sexual life.

stimulation of erogenous zones gives vivid sexual sensations

After you fully study the erogenous map of sensitive areas, you need to understand for yourself that there are different ways to stimulate them. This knowledge will help you distinguish between ordinary tickling and real pleasure. If you caress a man correctly, you can bring him to the highest degree of bliss.

Ways to stimulate erogenous zones:

  • gentle touch with the fingertips, very soft, light and barely perceptible
  • scratching sensitive areas with nails, a woman's manicure can cause the most delicate and acute feelings
  • lip touches can be completely different: dry kisses, stroking lips, wet kisses, smacking and even sucking
  • tongue touches soft, hard, massage, circular motions and tickling with the tip
  • touching the erogenous zones of the female breast causes unforgettable sensations in the opposite sex
  • touching female feet can be both completely indifferent, so incredibly exciting, it all depends on individual preferences
  • light blows hot and cold on the erogenous zone cause arousal
  • additional tools: a feather, massage oil, whipped cream, a piece of ice - all in order to fully explore the body of a loved one

Video: “Erogenous zones. Pleasure Map "

Where are the erogenous zones in men according to the sign of the zodiac?

The map of the location of erogenous zones in men in accordance with the signs of the zodiac is completely diverse. The location of the sensitive points is influenced by the character and lifestyle of a man.

If we compare with women, then, unlike them, in men, the nerve endings are not so globally located and are concentrated in "bundles" in different places.

male erogenous zones are not as "global" as female

The most common sensitive areas are:

  • ears: lobes, shells, area behind the ear
  • eyes: eyelids, eyebrow area, eyelash touch
  • mouth: corners of the mouth, lips, nasolabial septum
  • neck: nape, back of neck, collarbone
  • hands: under the elbow fold, fingers, webbing of fingers
  • legs: popliteal cap, feet, areas between toes
  • genital area, buttocks, sacrum
  • chest, nipples, belly, back

What are the most erogenous zones in Libra men?

The most sensitive areas in Libra men are the gluteal muscles and the sacrum area. The very first signs of attention can be given in any setting with gentle touches to the lower back. In more intimate encounters, try rinsing your partner's bare buttocks with your palms in a circular motion. This will give the strongest stimulation and excitement.

Since the sacrum of the scales is very sensitive, breast massage will be an unusually vivid feeling. Gentle nipples touching the female breast to the lower back and back will excite the partner and give affection. If you love the thrill, try spanking your partner's buttocks during intercourse.

erogenous zones in a Libra man

Erogenous zones in male twins, how to influence them?

Gemini men are very sensitive to touching their upper limbs. The most susceptible are the hands, fingers and forearms. This zodiac sign loves stroking and kissing hands. Biting and sucking on follangs gives a special vivid impression.

Kiss your partner on the back of the forearm, draw a thin wet line with your tongue from the hand to the forearm and work your way up to the armpit. Such caresses cause a storm of delight.

erogenous zones of Gemini

The most sensitive erogenous zones in male lions

We can safely say that Lvov's back is the most sensitive place. Petting in the bathroom will be incredibly pleasant and funny, where you can caress the Leo with a washcloth from the neck to the very waist. If you have moved on to more "close" caresses, then stroking Leo on the back or sometimes even thrusting sharp nails into the area of ​​the shoulder blades and buttocks will be relevant.

Try playing with Leo with a feather, ask the man to relax and tickle his body with a feather or brush. You can touch the skin of Leo with the tips of your eyelashes, it is very gentle and sensual. It is not uncommon to notice that the sensitive back turns red - this is a sign of excitement.

erogenous zones in Lviv

The most common erogenous zones in Aries men

  • Strong, determined and sometimes stubborn, Aries have many erogenous zones. Basically, all the sensory points of this sign are located in the head area. Erogenous points capture the face of rams as well. Therefore, women need to know that regular stroking, touching, kissing and tickling the head will give the partner affection and pleasure.
  • Try not to touch the face with strong massage movements: forehead, nose, cheeks, chin. Stroke the ram on the head as often as possible, run your fingers through his hair, or simply comb. Try massaging the most energetic areas: crown, back of head and temples. If you just run your fingertips across the cheek to the temples, any Aries will regard this as sexual attraction.
  • With rams, you can not be shy about biting, so practice not strong biting of your earlobes, lips. Just do not overdo it with the pressure of the teeth, as any caress can develop into pain. Kissing a ram should be very sensual. Slide your fingers along the lip line: from corner to corner and see how much the ram likes it. When kissing the ram on the lips, take the chin with your fingertips.

erogenous zones of Aries

Erogenous zones in male virgins, how to influence them?

Virgo men are extremely susceptible to fondling on the stomach and chest. Therefore, take a long time to have time to heal every inch of his body. Apart from the chest and abdomen, the groin area is incredibly sensitive. Therefore, touching the fingers and lips of the lower abdomen, inner thighs and genitals is the highest degree of pleasure.

In addition, Virgos adore cleanliness. Erotic games with a Virgo man in the shower will be incredibly pleasant. Try to act on sensitive areas with a stream of water from the shower, rub your stomach, chest, thighs, groin with a sponge. Massage of the abdomen with the tongue in circular movements will give Virgo tremendous excitement.

erogenous zones in Virgo

Erogenous zones in male bodies, stimulation of sensitive areas

Taurus has a sensitive neck. This part of the body is almost always open, which means that it can be influenced almost always. Effective will be:

  • gentle stroking of the back of the head with the fingertips
  • nape tickling and hair stirring
  • kisses on the back and side of the neck
  • caressing the area behind the ear

Try to help the Taurus man tie a tie and caress his neck and throat as if on purpose. Biting and blowing in the same area will be gentle and sensual.

erogenous zones in Taurus

Erogenous zones in male cancers, ways to stimulate them

  • The most sensitive place of Cancers is the mouth. Cancer men are incredibly fond of passionate long kisses, in which not only lips are involved. In such kisses, there must be contact and penetration of tongues and often even teeth.
  • But they are no less susceptible to caresses on the chest. Therefore, do not forget to caress the nipples, upper abdomen and collarbone.
  • Women are advised to caress Cancer's breasts during intercourse, you can stroke them with your fingers, touch your nipples and the ends of your hair. Such stimulation will not leave him indifferent and will show him as a confident good lover.

erogenous zones of Cancers

How to caress the erogenous zones in male scorpions?

Scorpio is a strong and confident zodiac sign. The most sensitive area of ​​a scorpion is the genitals. You can touch them with anything: hands, feathers, clothes, sex toys - in any case, the effect of such caresses will be exciting.

This sensitivity does not disappear even if you touch the body through clothing. The most vivid experiences are given by caressing the genitals with the tongue. If a Scorpio man is given such affection on a regular basis, then we can say with confidence that he will be completely in your hands.

erogenous zones of Scorpio

How to caress the erogenous zone in Aquarius men?

Surprisingly enough, the erogenous zones of Aquarius are the legs. You can fondle them everywhere! Try giving your man a sensual massage in which he will touch his fingers and calves to your intimate parts of the body - the effect will be strong and exciting.

Aquarians are sensitive only to gentle and pleasant caresses, so when caressing calves, thighs and ankles, do not forget that your touch should be barely perceptible. Try to play the game "Erotic Dice" with Aquarius. These cubes can be purchased at any sex store. Allow yourself and your partner to touch any part of the skin with absolutely any part of the body.

erogenous zones of Aquarius

Erogenous zones in Pisces men and their stimulation

Fish have sensitive feet. Give your man a massage after a relaxing bath, or play with him right there. Let his feet touch the most intimate parts of your body. After the bath, you can caress the feet and toes of the Pisces man with a feather or brush.

Steaming your feet in the bathroom makes your feet more sensitive. If you don't mind, lick the areas between your toes with your tongue and tickle the instep of your foot. Touching the genitals with your feet can give not only arousal to a man, but also an orgasm.

erogenous zones of Pisces

What are the erogenous zones in male Capricorns?

Capricorn men are very fond of lush female breasts. They are incredibly pleased when a woman touches her face, neck, abdomen, back and genitals with her excited nipples. Strong stimulation is also given by a gentle kiss on the navel and caress under the knee and elbow cups.

A Capricorn man will be turned on by a back massage, especially if done naked. Stroke your back and touch your tongue to the shoulder blades. Massage the inner and outer thighs in a circular motion.

erogenous zones of Capricorns

Sagittarius erogenous zones and their stimulation

Sagittarius is sensitive to touch in the hips and buttocks. Regularly stroking all sides of your thighs will make your Sagittarius man feel intensely aroused. In addition, you can strongly excite a Sagittarius man by pinching his genitals with your hips.

Sagittarius are quite relaxed and therefore do not hesitate to show their sexual fantasies. Rubbing the whole body of Sagittarius with oil and subsequent intercourse will give great pleasure. Put your palms on Sagittarius' shoulders, hug him with your legs - this will allow him to turn on and show himself "from his best side."

erogenous zones of Sagittarius

Video: "Secrets of Sex. Erogenous zones on a man's body "